Survival Expert REACTS to ARK: Survival Evolved | Experts React

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Anthropologist and Survival expert, Kinga Philipps, reacts to ARK

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/maldofcf 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
now we have some kind of a creature that i have not seen before it's bleeding it bleeds if it bleeds you can probably eat it oh yeah he had a condom look at that wow safe dude there's this woman or she a doll i can't tell she's missing an arm she kind of looks like my barbies after i was done with them and tossed them in the backyard hi i'm king of phillips i have a background in journalism anthropology and i'm a survival expert in the sense that i probably won't die first unless you kill me because i make bad jokes and today i am going to be reviewing ark survival evolved and i've heard some really cool things about this game so i'm excited to get to it oh we start out by punching a cactus now from my experience that's not a good way to go a little painful not just the big needles but you also have these little tiny ones called glow kids that get into your skin it's happened to me before to get that out actually a great thing is duct tape if you have that with you if not you're just gonna be hurting for a little while okay so we have very buff man he could do laundry on his abs which incidentally in survival it is not always that guy that survives i actually obsess over survival stories and there are so many out there where the big tough ripped dude you can do laundry on the swashboard abs he drops dead in about a day and the 80 year old grandma survives so so much of survival is up here it's always a good reminder there he isn't a skivvies okay lots of cacti around so we have kind of a desert landscape here so obviously the first concern would be exposure to heat you're probably going to want to get out of the sun because realistically that is going to suck the energy out of you it's going to suck the water out of you water is going to be another concern so especially in an environment like this you're going to be looking at greenery gravity and ground so where you see a lot of greenery chances are there's water underneath gravity meaning that water is gonna run from upper levels to lower levels so if there's some sort of a ravine you have a much better chance of finding water there and then kind of the last resort is ground you're gonna be digging for that water so regardless of where you find that water you're going to want to purify it oh good okay so he has a hatchet he's obviously made there this is good it looks like he's got some kind of a rock it could be flint it could be quartz you can whittle that down on another rock you could break it apart make it sharp and then he's bound it to a stick kind of done a little cross section split it open put the rock in there and then bound it really really tightly and you have a tool you have a defensive and offensive a chopping tool it's really good quite smart he came out of the gate with that so in survival pretty much the first things you want to look at is you want to assess your situation see where you are the last thing you want to do is go running blindly and in a panic this panic is going to kill you faster than anything pon scum let's talk about that so stagnant water like that is not going to do you any favors the best way to filter water is obviously if you have a filtration device but usually in a situation like this you won't so you're going to want to purify it which would mean that you need to start a fire and you're going to have to boil that water pond scum is a bad sign because stagnant water has all kinds of funkies in it that are not going to do your digestive tract any favors so he is cutting down some wood oh whoa he just felt a tree all right well maybe he wants to make a leap to maybe he wants to make a shelter maybe probably don't need a debris hut in this environment although at night the desert gets really cold people are like oh the desert is so hot all the time it's actually not at night it's probably gonna get really cold a campfire this is good he's got a standard campfire there that's a must if you don't have matches and a lighter which you should but you know sometimes you just get outside and you don't have one of those there are actually easier ways if you have glasses you can use that as magnification you can also use ice if you are in a frozen environment because that also magnifies and concentrates it now here's a trick for you dudes you can actually use a condom pull it out fill it with water if you have water obviously you can also do this with a balloon and that's going to act as a magnifier and you can start a piece of paper or tinder with that so gentlemen keep those condoms on you they are safety in more ways than one now we have some kind of a creature that i have not seen before that looks like an armadillo but it's got a club tail kind of looks prehistoric so maybe we've gone back in time here maybe we're on another planet it's bleeding it bleeds if it bleeds you can probably eat it although it looks like it just killed you oh fresh water this is good oh water is great you've got plants you can use these plants for so many things for fiber you can use them for sun protection probably don't need to punch them with your hand preserve yourself know a little bit of first aid don't no compound fractures please all right he is bashing that rock it's either aggression issues or he is trying to make himself some more tools that actually does look like fresh water so that's a good thing and there's a campfire so if he can get that started he can get some of that fresh water and if he has something to boil it in he can boil it and clean it up so you want to boil that for a couple minutes three five minutes and you should be able to purify it from parasites and bacteria he's looking at his inventory what's that a cinnamon stick i don't know fire is so important in the wilderness by the way no matter what the temperature is outside of fire is always a good thing one it's gonna keep your body warm two if you have wet clothing on it's gonna dry your clothing three you're gonna cook your food you're gonna purify your water that's number four you're gonna be able to signal with it and there's also again going back to the mental element of survival there's something about a fire that's just to make you feel a lot safer it's going to keep predators away there's a coziness to a fire oh look we've got tools we've got all kinds of berries and food berries and food are a good thing to address now in survival situations especially here where you have a lot of plants that's a great thing plants are not something that you want to just shove in your pie hole if you don't know what they are because they're a lot that are poisonous but you might be is that a dodo all right well dodos have been extinct for a couple hundred years but apparently not here he just beat the living crap out of it you're gonna have some good meat there those were big birds they were yay big like a couple feet tall actually if you take one of those guys out you're gonna be eating pretty on the deserted island maybe that's what this is or some kind of a desert landscape food obviously isn't going to preserve very long look dude he's dead you want to preserve that meat or you want to like make mashed potatoes out of him and there's a woman this guy is so stoked right now i found myself a lady friend it's like i gotta get the fire going i gotta set the mood before she wakes up it's always good to have companionship out there probably survive a lot longer just from the mental space alone just kind of left her there though he's like oh god not my type she was blonde uh look for somebody else maybe there's a brunette or red hat around all right so he still hasn't lit the fire it's just kind of sitting there again buddy you got that condom you can light the fire just saying oh yeah he had a condom look at that wow safe dude cattails that is actually a great thing to have that is kind of like the smorgasbord of survival you can use a lot of that and eat it i see some palm trees there probably coconuts that is going to give you uh fluid and food there's this woman or she a doll i can't tell she's missing an arm she kind of looks like my barbies after i was done with them and tossed them in the backyard chop down that tree you can build yourself a little shelter if it's really hot you want to be in the shade also if you have your fire you can use some of that greenery to create smoke signals in most survival situations the reality is that someone knows where you are and if you don't show up they're probably going to send a search party right if you went off into the wilderness and you didn't tell anyone where you're going that is an epic fail so you always want to let people know where you're going and especially when you're going to be back because then if you don't show up they can call someone and they can come looking for you okay so maybe he's going to go after this creature that creature looks like it might be aggressive looks like he made himself some kind of a bed there boom chicka bow wow he's like wake up lady i built us a bed that's actually a great thing to get off the ground in any situation also he's close to a water source there that's a good thing but you do want to make sure with shelters it's location location location don't want to build it too close to water because what if the tide comes up what if it's a river and suddenly there's a flash flood it sounds like a really bad way to wake up drowning it's nice that looks cozy warm just keeps adding to it it's like ah i like myself a california king-sized bed maybe he's building himself a foundation for a house there getting it off the ground oh yeah cause he's got doors simple wall mount okay he's going out gonna build himself maybe some walls i'm not sure if that's a palm or bamboo bamboo actually is is really cool because the ridges of it collect water so that's a cool way to get some morning dew to get some rain water oh he is building himself a very nice place very fancy look at that so it looks like he's using maybe bamboo palm fronds tying it together lashing it all he is fancy this guy's done this before you don't just go out into a survival situation for the first time and build yourself a house like this this ain't your first rodeo is it buddy keeps going back to fire keeps letting his fire die our friend here is building himself a house with a view which is actually really nice because you know realistically again in a survival situation you want to have a positive mental attitude some of the best survival stories talk about how someone thought they were near death but managed to notice how beautiful the stars looked or how gorgeous the sunrise or the sunset was and that actually carries you a lot further than you would think so having this lovely view of that mountain i think it's really gonna help him out got his water source there it looks like there's a tortoise on the other side tortoises and turtles are actually really good food in survival situations and then you can use their shell for a lot of things to collect water to cook in you can drink their blood if you're into that sort of thing and you will be in a survival situation and he's got his door frames he's got his foundation down really impressed with his latchwork there actually it looks like rope if you have rope that's a score looks like slingshot in there slingshot is a good way to take down small game i mean ideally you've got all that water there so there's probably some fish it's a foreign planet i have no idea what kind of fish you have but fish are a good source of protein easy to get a lot easier than running down game now that he's done with this house he can rest oh he's been there for a while look at that it's more than a five o'clock shadow he's got a full beard he's all about this house he's like i don't care about food i don't care about water i don't care about fire i just want my house this woman will wake up and see what i built reptiles the other white meat reptiles are mostly all edible their eggs are edible even snakes are edible even poisonous snakes are edible you want to cut off their head and a couple inches back because their venom sacks are are close to their head you want to skin them you want to gut them snakes are really mild in flavor if you ate it cooked and you didn't know what it was you honestly probably wouldn't be like whoa what is that you would just go oh well that's interesting tasting chicken well ark's revival evolved was a lot of fun that dude was pretty badass i would say really took building a shelter to the extreme even made a friend found a dodo it was pretty awesome so guys gals thank you so much for joining us and if you want to check out more gameology videos go to facebook and youtube we'll see you there you guys do what you do and i'll just talk yes okay you guys are like oh we kind of need that one all right i'll i'll back it up it's actually true you
Channel: Gamology
Views: 881,050
Rating: 4.9040236 out of 5
Keywords: survival expert, ark survival evolved, making primitive tools, primitive shelter, reaction, video game, survival games, gameplay, action adventure survival game, dinosaurs, prehistoric animals, first-person, third-person, open world enviroment, mythical creatures, wooly mammoth, saber-toothed tigers, bushcraft, starting fires, edible wild plants, multiplayer, pc gaming, taming wild animals, unreal engine, studio wildcard, single-player, gamology, experts react, GAMERXS3E049
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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