Parkour Experts REACT to Dying Light 2 | Experts React

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it's funny because as soon as you add a roll in and a slide all of it gets more realistic oh that was sick that was a new addition from the previous game that i don't think we saw dropkick has made it from dying light one to dying light too [Music] hey guys what is up my name is omar zaki i've been doing parkour for 10 years now done things like music videos promos commercials and even been on national television and today we are reacting to dying light 2 parkour scenes hi guys i'm sydney olson i'm a professional parkour and fairing athlete and stunt woman and actress and today we are going to be reviewing some parkour scenes from dying light 2. we did dying light 1 together reacting to those and we weren't super impressed with the parkour in it so hopefully this one has more impressive parkour yes let's get started there's a lot of them down man all right here we are we are really high up and there's a lot of zombies down there yeah what's gonna happen yeah like sydney said we weren't super impressed with the dying light one parkour so we're anxious to see what has changed i don't know maybe they like fix the camera angle and you'll be able to actually see their feet or actually do more moves or like a parkour roll once in a while well so far no same landing animation hey put his hand down that's good you did a superhero good that's much better than the last one you actually use his hands to help catch him on the fall which is what you're supposed to do yeah exactly it's a little unrealistic that would hurt your knees a lot right hold on frank okay let's chase the truck and see what consequences that brings this does look really nice yeah it does especially looking at the reflections in like the windows and there was a puddle of water on the ground oh that was sick okay cool cool this is definitely a big improvement from the first game i think the jump animation might still be the same it looks honestly the same but he did grab the rope which was nice that was a new addition from the previous game that i don't think we saw i would love to try that challenge you can change by your actions and decisions we're actually getting the hands involved that's great all right that jump was a little ridiculous oh i thought he was just immediately gonna go and jump off right to some garbage that's what i was hoping for a lot of birds a lot of parrots it's kind of weird to get a zip line into some action or something i don't know cut scenes are rough sometimes to sit through how do you know you don't play video games i watch them i've watched people it's like being there and like playing yourself just not as skilled i like this little like distance calculator thing that this guy has oh he's going to jump oh is that a rope that was no it came out of nowhere wait what what is going are you flying oh it's like a hang glider i think yeah he's got something like that he just jumped and then did it i'm not sure why he doesn't like set it up and then jump okay hey he did a roll thank you so much they heard our comments from last video if i ever make a parkour video game i'm going to be a big stickler on making people roll and they're good obviously not that is a great idea still got the drop kick though can't get rid of the drop kick i like that he jumped and landed on that rail that's like that's something that we would do a lot but not you know necessarily that high up but it's realistic to parkour that was cool that little the sidewall run he just did i am still seeing a lot of jumps where he's making jumps that are too high he shouldn't actually be making them he shouldn't be able to get his feet up onto certain platforms that was good that was good but the thing is though that was accurate is it still weird because like when you're jumping and stuff you would still be looking to where your feet are going like especially on something that thin absolutely you know you wouldn't be like i just tackled a zombie uh two stories down that's awesome i think he's trying to get to this truck oh please roll yay it's funny because as soon as you add a roll in and a slide all of it gets more realistic that was sweet that was that was a really nice last shade so last year's gonna be where you grab usually a bar and swing off of it to something else whether it's to the ground or to another bar i feel like they added a lot more into it see i like these like wall right that was sweet that was kind of like titanfall have you heard of the game titanfall that's they've got some really really cool like parkour esque movements oh yeah i'd have to see it i like these yeah these jumps and like swinging with the rope and stuff yeah because that would just be something hey and they fell through broken materials which is very accurate oh my gosh she's falling again oh and then hangs on there that's cool yeah this is good this yep very realistic if you don't check your surroundings they might break that's so true oh gosh he's surrounded now i wonder if how many drop kicks he's gonna do actually he's got a weapon that's nice oh i like that yeah the climb ups look good they they seem a little fast but yeah that's all right oh that was cool then we'll kind of grab the zombie's leg as he slid under yeah what i still wish we could see more of is more of the feet as he's doing these things because you can't appreciate them jumping to a railing in the middle of nowhere if you're looking straight forward you need to see the feet you need to see the feet accurately and precisely hitting that rail now it's impressive yeah and it's just realistic too because that's where you look when you do a decision like that so you know this person probably could control the camera and just tilt the camera down so it's not necessarily the game's fault maybe just whoever was playing and recording this stuff it's kind of weird because when he does the jump obviously he's looking forward which again you would never do you would jump and like you'd be kind of looking at where you're putting your feet even in a video game how do you know like how far to actually jump if you're not looking at like where you're living yeah exactly like in a third person game you would see your whole body and you would see exactly how you need to adjust your jump in order to land precisely on something but in this first person like is kind of hoping that you land on it without actually ever seeing your feet yeah and i guess that's the interesting thing about parkour too is that like you can have the ability to judge that with your mind and then have your body execute that perfectly and it's so precise it's amazing grab the leg oh it's not even a leg he grabbed like the thing to pull that down so that he can oh because that was holding up the gate that was i think that's someone's femur oh well that's even better that kind of looks like a femur i don't know maybe it is i don't know if it's a femur that would be awesome if you just beat yourself grab another one yeah yeah exactly like this little purple light that they keeps flashing people with these climb ups look good looks like the climates look good yeah they look pretty realistic actually this is cool this looks like that uh that that location the um the abandoned mall yeah yeah it's a very what is it called infamous location yeah yeah yeah don't do parkour with people hanging on your legs or do it that's cool this is like kryptonite or something they're all superman zombies like it's kind of weird though you see him doing like these movements really fast but then he's climbing the ladder all slowly right that was a cool dyno i liked him yeah yeah yeah the climb the climbing is good the climate is definitely very good and again they do do a good job of not making this disorienting again i think it'd be very easy to make a first person game like this where there's so much dynamic movement i think it could be very easy for this to be disorienting but they do a good job of making it stable and clear to see what's going on now what's cool about this is that even a person who doesn't play parkour will start to have to look at the world around them like parkour playground they have to look for the ropes yeah it's so true do you ever find yourself doing that you're like out to dinner and you're just looking always i could jump yeah i'm sure you and i do it constantly yeah maybe this is giving people parkour vision which is what we have we see the world as a playground i like that he slides down that's so cool but then he's able to save himself yeah he falls again but he seems all right like it's so cool that sequence alone just the fact that you know he was falling but he was able to save him yeah slid and then jumped at the bottom of the slide off of some platform over the gap that was nice i like the architecture in this game too it's really like conducive to parkour yeah absolutely parker would not be very exciting in a forest it's like in a desert that's nice he's walking across this yeah it looks a little sketchy and it is just fell down he's like he slid and then he was able to save himself yeah which is amazing yeah yeah so that i guess that that is parkour ukemi so ukemi is a type of parkour training where it's the art of falling where you actually practice falling and saving yourself and parkour kemi is like being able to save yourself in a situation where things don't go as according to plan i don't know how many times i've had to rely on that and it's been crazy like the times that i've been totally fine when i thought i would definitely get hurt one thing i've always wanted to do is i've always wanted to jump onto a moving vehicle because that was cool we just did a massive jump off that bridge on the car actually done that for a job one time where i had to be on top of a moving car that was going 30 miles an hour and i had to kick my legs through the window it was crazy really from the roof down to the that's cool that's really cool yeah so that was really scary actually take me to the castle are you nuts just drive just drive he says all right they're infiltrating the encampment who's encampment we don't know you got to play the game to find out there's like swings and like playground i like the the purple lights that they have at everywhere are like the toward the zombies off because clearly they don't like the color purple oh that makes sense yeah cause he was holding that thing that was just yeah yeah like oh gosh which probably like emits some i hate purple wavelength thing yeah yeah zombie's like i can't stand purple so interestingly enough i feel like europe is just designed for parkour and then the us we have to kind of make do with like different kinds of spots yeah i don't know it's the older architecture that just seems to be so much more conducive to parkour yeah skyscraper the american skyscraper is not at all conducive parkour yeah it's going to be older things bricks concrete not glass not metal college campuses are usually gold mines for parkour spots honestly as bad as it sounds like handicapped ramps are exactly like the things that we look for with parkour athletes because those have tiered levels those have railings and usually walls and cool architecture as well to go along with it so it's not just a boring ramp in the middle of nowhere yeah we we use those spots a lot for our training yeah i feel like as well when you compare europe and the us like you're going to see a lot more free-running athletes in the u.s because you have to get like super creative with the environment where you're going to see more parkour athletes in europe because they have that kind of architecture that's like very point a to point b like get there yeah quickly and stuff and again for those that don't know the difference between parkour and free running is parkour is gonna be your basic movements your fundamentals of movement which are gonna be climbing over things getting down from high obstacles you start doing free running when you start adding flips and like she said creative or acrobatic movements into your parkour so instead of jumping off a building you're now flipping off of the building so that's when you go from parkour to free running another climbing one splinter splinter haven that's what that is definitely is yeah climbing on wood is not gonna be good maybe there you would want gloves was he wearing gloves i don't think so actually i think his left hand yeah so just climb with the left hand is it gonna slide down that rope no see this looks cool like this old like factory or something the dropkick has made it from dying light one to dying light too like i said maybe not the most um useful tactic oh that was water i thought that was concrete i was like this guy's about to break his legs [Music] that guy's head fell off did you notice that no oh that was a good jump that's a tough climb up to be able to do that with no with your feet just hanging in the air to have to do a strict muscle up almost to get into that especially when you don't have like a good like bar or something you're just holding on like here yeah exactly i like the lighting this lighting is really really cool okay these are humans why are the humans fighting i guess they have to fight for supplies almost yeah all right that makes sense i think that's usually what happens in zombie games right yeah all right cool so uh what'd you think sydney i thought i was super impressed with this game it was super accurate too much better big step up from the previous game yeah it was really interesting to see and like i said the only thing that i would say is that i just feel like the unrealistic side of it is not being able to actually see where you're jumping what i really liked was that there was a lot more incorporation of actually using the hands like grabbing things or hanging on ledges a lot more seemed like it seemed like that was happening more often incorporation of the parkour role when actually taking big drops which is absolutely necessary yes when you're taking big drops like that but for me it's still there seemed like too many times where he would go to jump from a lower ledge to a higher ledge and it looked like he should have caught with his hands but just jumped straight up into the window and landed on i mean don't underestimate his hops okay he's probably it just looked a little unnatural you know but uh all in all all in all that was that was way better than the parkour in dying light one so dying light two good job yeah it was great all right guys that was dying light too it was super interesting to see the parkour scenes in that i thought it was really impressive and pretty accurate uh if you guys want to see more games like this make sure you check out the gameologies youtube and facebook page i'm sydney olson this is omar zaki thanks for tuning in it's just more of like i don't understand how you can jump to something but not see where you're landing like even in a video game it seems weird to me like how are you supposed to judge how far to jump yeah just kind of hope that you hit it yeah it's weird all right guys that was parkour scenes from dying oh god
Channel: Gamology
Views: 1,927,321
Rating: 4.9249339 out of 5
Keywords: parkour, free running, parkour experts, acrobatics, athletic, course training, obstacle, react, reaction video, apocalypse, post apocalyptic, horror, game, video game, horror game, horror video game, dying light, dying light 2, zombies, running, climbing, climbing buildings, juming, fighting, combat, pc, pc gaming, playstation, ps5, europe, usa, united states of america, gamology, experts react, GAMEXRS2E098
Id: 0lYwDuz2d9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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