Surprising Ray At His Graduation!

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all right y'all this is literally the start to seeing my boy Ray graduate I'm not going to lie clap it up for my boy Ray I usually come on there hype as and and ready to go with energy and stuff but I'm here taking the time to reflect on what's going on like my boy Ray is really graduating and I'm literally taking it upon myself to go all the way to Taiwan Atlanta to Taiwan flight oh mying gosh chat I've been to taiw before but the to Taiwan is literally a 19-hour flight and I never think I would be saying to myself yo you're about to take a 19h hour flight for your friend's graduation but here I am today I met this kid in 7-Eleven at a at a random Alleyway in Japan he was there for a school trip y know the story about Ray we done T it about a thousand times but he was literally on a random school trip and and we're here I'm actually going to his graduation I feel like this is what's supposed to be going on I should be there to support him and I should be there to like see him happy in these moments like this because like you don't got these moments forever you feel what I'm saying and him being from Taiwan and me being from America graduation are two different things in America we go crazy we got the capping gowns we go crazy I said R what do y'all wear to at graduation he said nothing bro what do you mean nothing he said nothing so I took it about myself I got him his graduation gown he going to walk that stage with a graduation gown on there he going to be crazy he going to go there now now listen with some good news there's also some some bad news breaking China is preparing for a large military force to invade Taiwan you might be wondering when this is posted by the time you're seeing this it's been posted it's been days on my time right now this literally was posted yesterday now I'm going to Taiwan I really hope nothing happens in Taiwan while I'm in Taiwan or Taiwan period please bro this is a serious serious matter if you guys don't even know Ray has damn near 90% that he has to go to the military and that's freaking crazy bro like I'm thinking about it like Ray a great friend of mine has to go to the military because of what's going on right now oh my God this is crazy bro look at this bro look at this bro oh my God this is like very serious and I just hope like nothing happen so I'm going to go ahead and put a prayer in real quick I want to put a prayer in real quick for what's going on real quick I don't I'm not educated on too much of the background between Taiwan and China but I want to go ahead and say um I want to bow my head and say our father who are in heaven Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth that is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil amen Lord I come to you today I just want to open up and say thank you for everything that you've done for me thank you for all the blessings that I have received thank you so much for the position that you put me in and in in being able to live life the way I wanted and do what I want I want to say thank you so much for the blessings and thank you so much for me me and Ray and I call upon you today to please um make sure that the innocent are are protected over what's going on between Taiwan and China right now I'm not too educated on it and I pray that I I do educate myself and and I do see things and and and come across things that I can read to be able to educate myself on it but um I want I pray for uh rais family I pray for Ray I pray for um everybody the whole Taiwan and what's what's happening right now I pray that I have a safe flight and I pray that my trip is very safe and everybody who I go with is very safe and we have a safe flight there and you have you send your angels over him over them to be guarded and protected and to any innocent people out there I just want to say thank you so much for making me be able to go to raise graduation and seeing him graduate and that's all I got for right now in Jesus name we pray amen it's time to go to Taiwan let's go ahead and start packing okay I'm not going to lie Nike has sent me some drip already so this is perfect you feel me I got some Nike X Supreme collab so this is actually very perfect for me right now like much much much needed quit fit put together I'm going to go this I'm going to go this I'm going to go red bucket hat and then for the feetza the day I will be going for the pizza of the day I really love these we're going these right here for the Feats we're going this right here and then also I'm going to London I'm going to the UK so I'm going to be packing a whole bunch of stuff I know we got that beta s versus match so I'm going to be packing a whole bunch of stuff I'm doing this I'm doing some other stuff I'm going to pack everything and then yeah we going to get straight to it and get to this flight all right y'all see you soon oh this is awkward oh my [Music] God bro everything literally went left like bro I I was having a great day I woke up on time I got a am shoot done today and then after we I came straight to my flight on time the flight got delayed I came to the airport in Atlanta right by the way I'm in [ __ ] Canada right now bro I don't know how the [ __ ] I even got here this [ __ ] annoying as [ __ ] bro I wake up in Atlanta go to the airport in Atlanta when I got to the airport in Atlanta I was checking in doing my thing checked in my bag they said [ __ ] pick up your your bag in Taiwan I'm like all right bet cool feel me having a great day taking pictures eating swell I'm eating in the Delta Sky Club and [ __ ] like that I get on the flight first of all the flight is delaying 2 hours I supposed to take off at 9:00 we didn't take off until 12 a.m. then they said it was going to be a 2hour flight right we took off at 12:00 a.m. we landed here at 1:30 right so I'm like you know what we might actually make it so boom we land Gates finally open I got my duffel back I'm running I run to the connecting side I see a Canadian [ __ ] he looking at me he like yeah this side is closed bro the [ __ ] literally says connecting they said go down you got to go out and [ __ ] like that I run out I go back out I'm asking him yo bro how do you get to the the connecting side they're like oh yeah you basically got to go all around so [ __ ] I'm basically running around this [ __ ] circles I get to my gate everything closed come back at 3:00 a.m. [ __ ] it is 2:10 and guess where I am I'm in Canada guess where my [ __ ] bags are with Ray and Taiwan my [ __ ] how [ __ ] if if my [ __ ] is not on this flight I'm going to flip oh my God bro my [ __ ] is literally on that flight bro it was supposed to go from Atlanta to Canada swiftly go to Taiwan no instead this [ __ ] delays and overlaps flight and now I'm [ __ ] bro all jokes aside bro we got to get on a flight ASAP before we like [ __ ] Miss graduation like literally his graduation is on the line my [ __ ] wait I'm in Canada hey can I call Drake think if I call Drake to work the cellular number you have called is not assigned please check the number and try to call again yeah we're [ __ ] oh my goodness we'll talk to them real quick how you doing lady uh ma'am um yes uh I miss my flight maybe some come here but right now it's Clos 3:00 yeah 3:00 oh my God gosh bro new game plan bro we had to literally go get my bags hopefully I got my bags in the airport and then get a hotel I got to go get a hotel then I got to sleep there then I literally have to go from the hotel back to we have to restart the whole day basically we got to respawn this is the game plan we get up tomorrow morning we hop on a flight it's going to have a layover in San Francisco for 2 hours 2 hours ain't bad switch to another flight that goes straight to Taiwan Lord I pray that we get through this bro please please I'm having a long day right now it's a bad day open what color your gray hard shell the handle is like black and hard too I got I got drip in there I got to I need that back I'm going to try I'm going to give me a to try all right all right thank you so much [Music] [Music] thank you so much and all for good to go guys thank you so much appreciate it take care okay oh we got our bags back we actually got our bags back I thought my Shir was going to be in Taiwan bro we got to recheck in our bags and then after we got to go to it tell all right few hours later ladies and gentlemen we got new tickets okay so we just respawned yo bro I'm not even trying listen to me I am exhausted I am tired bro I'm not even going to lie bro I just want to hop on a flight and just take off my socks and run my feet together you know when you like you know when you hop in the bed and you just take up your socks you rub your feet like that [ __ ] be F to do good oh [ __ ] I go this way where we going I don't know [ __ ] I'm following you I'm following you how how you foll me how does that make sense but we got our new tickets everything's looking good so far bro hopefully we get on the Right Flight and stuff and we do what we got to [Music] do all right y'all guess who is one flight away from Taiwan bro it is currently 12: at noon I'm in San Francisco right now bro this has bro this whole flight experience bro we like it's like we made zero progress bro can you believe that we spent all this time still trying to get to taiwana we're not even on the flight to Taiwan but hey look I ain't complaining you feel what I'm saying I'm just happy that we made it this far and we about to get into the plane and then literally land and then after after this plane we literally get there so we got like what 11 hours like probably like 11 hours left and then yeah and then we there but I'm tired of [ __ ] my body hurt and all that so hopefully hopefully the next clip that y'all see is in Taiwan bro after so much hours of going through stress in the airport you would think we finally have a good Pathway to Taiwan but no I'm looking for my luggage and me and Chris's luggage is not nowhere to be found bro out of everybody on that plane how [ __ ] is gone oh my God I woke up off that plane thinking everything's going smooth but now we got to go over here and ask them what's going on bro hopefully I don't even want to think I'm going just go over there with a smile on my face bro both of your bags are not arriving today oh I've been going through so much bro our bags aren't here bro and we Reed them like right I noce it's not your fault but I got to beat your ass bro like so like me for real like when you think it's coming like like in my experience it took uh two or three days oh my but but maybe the best out of everybody on that plane like this like like literally like you can't make this [ __ ] up bro I lost my luggage you lost your luggage yeah you find it now one day two days send to the hotel yeah that's my nickname yeah yeah my name you're doing rap huh rap rap rap rap oh rap oh yeah yeah yeah I rap R yeah yeah I rap what makes you think I rap the black hey I don't blame you my the dver coming thank you oh my gosh bro today has to be the longest day that I've ever had to deal with traveling bro no cap just got the Taiwan it is currently yall seen me y yall seen what happened at the airport bro y literally just seen what happened at the airport we're in Taiwan now I'm finally in the hotel it's currently 10: p.m. and Ray graduation is the first thing in the morning tomorrow I'm not even going to lie bro I don't even have a suit oh my all my luggage is go I don't got [ __ ] bro so we about to go to a store real quick and and just get a suit real quick just have some fire [ __ ] you know just have a fire suit on so tomorrow when he walked that stage or I don't know how to do it in Taiwan but he told me they don't even walk stages in Taiwan unless they have like a crazy good award and yeah bro we about to go get this I'm so tired and I have to go get this suit bro I'm I'm like I'm literally tired like tired bro we at the oldfashioned please don't be close you can't like this a no [ __ ] way bro Oh Oh I thought I thought y'all was close um yeah sound like this is good okay so so you want to try yeah yeah yeah okay my friend my friend is graduating tomorrow what my friend is graduating tomorrow graduation okay he leaving High School oh high school that he graduating okay tomorrow yeah oh tomorrow yeah so you want suit like look souit yeah yeah yeah yeah I'll take it off the rack at this point you feel me [ __ ] they lost all my luggage [ __ ] I'm rocking the same underwear bro [ __ ] it man about to get this suit real quick you feel what I'm saying might I look real sharp and then go to that graduation I was lit I'm lit bro he even got to measure me bro I'm taking [ __ ] off the rack bro like you guys have hats heads oh look at that Fedor that's nice Fedor right there they got hats or no let me see what you got oh like this ooh yeah yeah it's cool oh yeah I'm on some par the Platypus [ __ ] yeah this is fire some par you know par P plus yes yeah he cool bro [ __ ] it yeah I'm like this oo he's nice yeah oo oo yeah that's good it's good yeah you want small or this is good n this is good so we got the Hat we got the the Blazer the pants the tide the sh D what we missing that's it yeahoo that's good yeah thank you bro no problem he what's your name thank you ice i e ice yeah because I like Ice Cube you like ice CU you know me sorry I I don't know Lola baby yeah thank you see you soon okay see you okay all right we got our GR graduation fit we got the graduation fit and you know I'm about to lay this out like it's the what the [ __ ] okay we good all right we about to lay this out like it's the yo what the [ __ ] all right we about to lay this out like it's the first day of school first things first I got my Fedora right here hats on the bed that's bad luck hold on got my ties real quick ties right here then I got my suit right here lay that down right there oh then I got the not the butter yoinks I call these the Ys I call these the Oink scobs feel me these is these is tough got the shirt it's about to be good day also I lost my luggage okay and I didn't have no drawers or nothing so don't cut my ass I I got some drawers in a tank top from a gas station it works you feel what I'm saying hey it works I I can't complain now about to eat cereal and then get ready for bed well I should have got some sugar they looky at had no sugar on that Sugar you feel what I'm saying No Cap Ray you should be very proud what's about to happen tomorrow bro you really about to go out here you really about to graduate high school and take on life and it and it's a beautiful thing you feel what I'm saying never would I thought I'd be in [ __ ] Taiwan for a graduation but look that's where we at now you feel what I'm saying and it is what it is and if you watching this bro I want you to know that I'm very proud of you bro from like brother to brother I want you to know that I'm very very proud of you and your mom is proud your dad is proud you know I it's not college or nothing but when you graduate you graduate you feel what I'm saying like high school is Big you feel me and and thank God that you're you're you're blessed enough to where College doesn't have to be an option for you you feel what I'm saying and then you could you could do what you want to do and and and and pursue the dreams that you want you feel what I'm saying to have a little bit more fun on doing what you want and I feel like it was very important for me to be here for your graduation just so you can see like you know we locked in for real bro we locked in so you walk that stage tomorrow bro it's going to be a good sight you feel what I'm saying I'm going to be there you know I'm going be there with Mama Ray Papa Ray we going to be very happy for you and tomorrow we going to have fun tomorrow we going I'm going to try to set up something so fun for us to just to do together and just um have a good time but other than that bro you did it you feel me you did it bro congratulations on um graduating and now it's time to you know put belt to ass and grind I'm very happy for him and by the time y see this y going to see me at the graduation going crazy we going to set up some fun stuff to do for him and his friends if he has any friends that want to pop out and stuff but um yeah today's been a long day let me know if you like the switches between me being like in a personal cam to where it's just me and you and then like being recorded and stuff like that I feel like I feel like the mixture of two is fire we about to go go to sleep and wake up tomorrow and go to the graduation wait did I even show y'all I got him his graduation gear that we were in the us when we graduate apparently in Taiwan they don't wear [ __ ] they only wear their they only wear the uniforms and keep it pushing on some that's that's badass I'm not going to lie that's pretty badass they they wear their uniform and keep it pushing you feel what I'm saying so I had bought him like is Capp gal and I'm trying to get him to wear it but I don't know if he wants to wear it but we gonna see though if he doesn't he doesn't we gonna see what's going to happen I'm tired you're tired we about to go to sleep all right y'all today is the big day today is the big day look day day you feel what I'm saying you know what I'm saying I'm feeling good I'm well rested bro I'm not going to lie bro today my boy Ray graduate you feel what I'm saying and it's going to be a good day he got his graduation he keep trying to argue with me on wearing this [ __ ] Ray you wearing this [ __ ] bro it's all about Ray today about about nobody else but Ray come on bro you going to go downstairs you get what you got to get hold on let me get this [ __ ] bacon real quick ready go now oh my gosh bro this going to be I wonder how much people he got in his class we went to his school but I wonder like how many people from his stuff is since from his class is graduating he class of 2024 like what the [ __ ] that's me yeah just it's just the it's just the Mavs blowing out the the Wolves Bo goddamn 30 God damn come on yes sir ski yes sir ski yes and it's looking like a beautiful day today oh [ __ ] big day today you know you know today's a big a big day right yeah graduation graduation Daye I find out wa you are famous YouTuber oh oh you found out yeah how how you found out the reason is they gave me yeah a white female passenger and when I saw your guys what why and then they change your name and I find out okay come on bro K3 get call me KY3 yeah you know you know who did yeah who did and and and the mafia forever are you busy Ray yeah it's his graduation yeah I know yeah W Ray yeah he lives out here God bless you huh yeah we going we going we going to go pick up his parents yeah God did God did God did Sal what that mean bless you yeah and will say yeah oh he know his Stu look at this though yeah yeah cheers bro cheers bro look at this do bro up bro what the what's good bro now let's C it's not Cowboy drip it's graduation drip bro Cowboy drip no it's not it's graduation drip you ready yeah look I'm ready yeah this my drip oh H I'm not wearing this bro that's your drip put it on right now put it on right now bro they don't wear this since taian hell no they don't now they wear black and white black and white like down go let me come let me get you right let me get you right no bro no no not like that go go go yeah yeah yeah now zip up now zip up zip up zip up real quick hey yo yeah take a picture come take a picture bro come on take a picture bro yeah yeah oh my gosh bro After High School is what military it's official After High School wait it's official yeah bro military next for real yeah bro s for servers you got to go bald yeah let go bald bro oh hell no Mama R what's up you good you're good nice to see you your C your CH your CH your CH your CH Jama Jama today today's the final day bro bro all this bro but it's like but it's like damn it's like it's like you get past the the hard level of school and then boom they put military in front of you like what the [ __ ] it's even harder bro that's what I'm saying my boy about to graduate got that drip on I'm about to see all your classmates what you want to do today what you want to do today bro I don't want to graduate I it I don't want like I got no P I don't want to graduate you just want to graduate oh I said where's the luggage oh it's on the way they found it yo yeah up there they they found my luggage yo somebody in the mafia he worked for the airline found my luggage and Tred to get and get it to me crazy right huh work inine yeah yeah yeah work in Airline yeah oh my yo Taiwan is so hot like big cool big cool big cool man yeah congratulations to Ray yeah it's really nice to meet you yeah nice to meet you too bro I know we've been here before I'm back I might be overdressed you think I'm overdressed I might be overdressed look over there it's crazy dang this is lit dang yo hold on look get my phone out I got my phone out hey [Laughter] yeah let's go congratulations y'all what's up bro I got you I got you I got you broi congratulations bro thanks brother yeah this is nice yeah we don't do this this is nice yeah yeah this is nice right here all right what's up my boy what's up what's good what's up bro I remember you bro what's good congratulations bro congrats I'm not congradulation oh you're not graduating I'm grade two oh next year next year oh next year next year next year next year next year all right bro yeah yeah see you soon all right I remember everybody from the last time I was here for me yes oh thank you yeah thank you oh dang dam look everybody that look nice thank you so much appreciate it damn that's crazy it a nice I ain't graduating today got you congrats you yeah come on come on come on yeah come on come on bro let's go yeah my boy yeah my boy R I know he here somewhere I think I see Ray I think I see Ray I think I see Ray look there there you got to go there he down there me to give right okay I'll give it to him yeah look at my Bo right [Laughter] there look at my boy here my boy yeah of course my Bo hi hi you good you good it's nice to nice to of course of course I could have miss it good day right good day congratulations guys thank yeah of course of yeah bro everybody is ready to get up out of here and graduate my boy Ray got Motion in the school right now I don't understand what nobody's saying but hey man I'm act like I understand you feel what I'm saying so apparently they don't they don't even call the names of each student the people who's like doing good academically that goes crazy old school year they go up there to get their award and sit down and then everybody else they just graduate sounds cool yeah princip principal mad my son's graduation he's finally leaving Ray was here since kindergarten he's finally leaving today that's crazy that's right that's my boy look at my boy Ray let's go Ray That's My Boy R That's my boy right there That's My Boy yes sir ski look at that look at that boy right there look at that boy right there look at that boy right there man look at that boy you look a little nervous upstairs I ain't going Li you look a little nervous [ __ ] [ __ ] look look a little nervous this ain't no diploma award he got an award this year he got an award this year I didn't get [ __ ] in high school he got one another one another one let's go w let's go R oh man that boy going two for two on that ass that boy that boy R looking like Michael Jordan out there let's go oh man look at my boy man he look good up there Bro went two for two in a two Awards he going crazy bro it was hard as hell to get here but he making it worth good stuff right my boy got two Awards he Wilding damn I want the chocolate I think got to get another one maybe but no his name is not Ray Ray let's go Ray woo three for three if for casy three let's go three for three he got three Awards bro three Awards back to back to back I ain't try to brag or nothing but I ain't see anybody else people go up there 3 for three you feel me I I I ain't try to say too much but I think you're the only person in here that went 3 for three no cap he going crazy right now oh damn confetti I ain't get no confetti this is the longest graduation I ever been to my life no no I'm thinking about it if the school never let Ray get on that field trip I would have never met Ray shout out to the school man look at my boy he going up on the stage right now let's go Ray that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about Ray Jaan that's a Japan trip that's a Japan trip if they never went there I would have never met him this is RA this is RA temp time going up on the stage 4 hours later I don't know what the hell is going on anymore never C you that stage look he's on the stage literally again God damn [ __ ] oh shoot got the lights [Music] going yeah [Music] [ __ ] hold might be gunot what the [ __ ] God damn I don't see no balloons popping hey Ray graduated my boy was on stage three times in a row it's me yeah you made it to me yeah oh damn this happened I need the max win yes T key can I have autograph yeah thanks man I love you too bro thank you man thank you man Bo boom thank you right here boom boom yes three time bro you said you was going to go get an award huh you was up there three times yeah bro Dam you got motion I didn't get one award when I was that's not even my name what's her name that's um my classmates cuz she not she's not so you was up there for them yeah I thought you one is my name oh okay okay okay no it was good it was long as [ __ ] it was good though that's good yeah but the way you made it sound like you sounded like it was going to be like like whack that was lit it's whack BR hi yeah it was nice yeah it was nice nice it was good yeah I like I like the whole thing take a break yeah I'm going to take a seat yeah let me see what somebody wrote me somebody somebody gave me something what is this D Kai oh shoot he OTE me a letter d I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your content and how you inspired me you are a living legend and I wish you could release another song anytime you want me to jum jop another song Bust really hit hard my Simmons are a big fan of you so am I I've been a huge fan since the ding dong ditch video you did damn wait he's a OG OG what the heck he's a OG I also hope you you gain 10 million followers soon by the way I really want to create content with you I really hope you can help me I find you hilarious and charitable I really look forward to your reply W man where he at you no that was a real letter right there no B yo they got me in the yearbook what the heck I'm going s right here okay d w school oh oh yeah get one then get my own thank you after R graduated please take care of him when he lives in the USA it's official he got a diploma let's go Ray yo Ray you only got one more level but you got one more level and then you good bro every about to do a little class picture and then we going to hit the road I'll see y'all soon it's your last time walking this bro yes bro I will miss it you going to miss it yeah I miss for real what's your favorite thing about about to school the teacher are nice the teachers oh no I think you going to miss your teacher Amy huh yeah definely yeah bro you got now you got now you got one more step bro all you got is the all you literally have is the military after you get the [ __ ] out of the military you good but that's how you got to go you said like a year right you know GTA 6 come out next year bro Miss just make sure you come out before GTA 6 G today was a good day I'm not even going to lie bro today was a long day I lost my luggage cuz of you but it was you feel what I'm saying cuz I support my mans man my mans my homie he finally got his diploma so nobody could talk no more [ __ ] cuz Ray is done with high school I'm done bro he done with high school I'm grown bro oh yeah you grown now I'm grown you grown now but other than that hopefully you guys enjoyed the video W video right wait we end or should we end later it's up to you right now right now this look Ray is going to decide if we extend the video or do we end the video here what do you want to do right cuz we playing soccer bro oh yeah extend the video yeah all right extend the video W Ray for extending the video let's go we was going to play soccer but my boy Ray he threw a after party for all his classmates and it ended up being popular as hell like Ray got motion like everybody popped out to Ray party and Ray got motion after his graduation party so you feel what I'm saying so we about to be here we about to be eating and stuff like that and we have a early flight tomorrow so we going to cut it here but I ain't going to lie this whole experience is so fun see my boy R graduate it's like seeing like a baby grow into an adult good [ __ ] bro good [ __ ] bro you feel what I'm saying if you guys enjoyed the video make sure you smash the like button the Subscribe button and I'm going see you guys next time I'm I'm I'm H at my say my heart I'm my I'm holl at you my heart it B it B it it B it B like it [Music] Bo y mola baby yeah
Channel: Kai Cenat
Views: 4,789,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kai, cenat
Id: Ap3TgEOT0tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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