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this is sick welcome surprise over playback but I love you yeah they put my sunglasses on to cover my old face I don't get it find my sunglasses we're gonna have good day today we're gonna go out and get my car instead we're gonna blob a bunch bar bunch is that Bob the bouncer said we're gonna have a good time we're gonna have a good time go Johnny whoo start it up you know favorite is when you said I can see your camera on the floor right now who's reporting and my favorite that's what I get just like a 20 minute clip of footage of this of what's going on right now like it's a fight and maybe part of a door and I wasted the storage space on that we transfer you get and you I like to see like 15 gigs of footage come in I have an hour to have to cut away 55 that's really really funny - the best steaks a sec man you got a got a lot of footage I was like we're going to the car store tonight where my car is broken up getting a new lost a loaner car you sound like you're talking to a five year old we're corner of the car store kids okay now this probably is not gonna be very exciting but you're getting the real me and the real John today and I have to get this loaner car because I've been having Natalie's car you know the Honda Accord I have an accord court this Honda of course yes it's amazing yeah it's a solid car tracks great never breaks down you don't have realized on them what money is the root of all evil and there's no happiness with money just none I've never been so unhappy this year so subscribe awful oh what a mess it's just this year's in such a mess you know it's okay if I scratch your beard like this couple of is that thank you you know this isn't the weirdest thing of bosses of our ass I'm not touching keep your keep your head straight let him scratch my beard oh man this is the quality content you signed up for left-right-left Beyonce that's what I call it is if we pulled up Beyonce we're going to the left we reverse Beyonce's right you know to the left to the left it's just things oh I like that okay when I'm with other people that I like I'm a lot joke here and more friendly what am i when you with people you like I think you've been real jokey you scumbag you've been joking the whole time further recognize this guy has been jokey the minute he walked into my house to come to work today you've been so jokey so don't say that you don't imply that you don't like me that you're just faking it no who've been cracking jokes that you walked in I walked out you were playing the guitar I'm letting you in on some inside jokes that I have between like me and a few other people really I'm letting you into my inner circle of jokes there's always happy just literally always no no okay I don't know why I think it's because we have to go downhill from your house and it's a lot of hills the brake fluid level low light always comes out oh I see so you have a problem going to my house it's on a hill yeah exactly and it's big and fancy it's like it's like the the reserve that goes like this I think you know Blake through it and then when it's like blake fluid i said and then it it levels out when you're fine and then no more beeping it's kind of like your life Jason you think it's when you when your life is going downhill the the sensors go on you're like everything's going right but really it's everything's just on one end of it you know happiness is just it's at the bottom you're saying things aren't so about the sensor you're saying things aren't so bad and it always levels out I was trying to see for other people but ya know for you it could I think we're at two different places on that analogy well today David's doing a karate bit what does that entail I don't know he's not think about you couple go to a karate dojo to learn karate oh if the box bought the vlog squad that's how we saw Scott's show yeah that was that was I'm not kidding it was so so good that's awesome I was like so happy for him I was entertained I was proud of him I was blown away at how good it was like his voice sounds good Bruce like I think brings a lot to it because he's like an experienced musician yeah so he has great energy on stage and Todd like really plays piano like he learned piano in the last two years yeah and and like and they have great energy on stage and they like there's like a lot of thought into the songs where it's like the songs aren't exact aren't as they are on the album exactly like they do like they do they mix it up something like a live version yeah yeah yeah but there's like lots of lots of pivots take a left here 101 West we live in California hey Jason I got you these favorites that meal Porto this is a place there's a place in Chicago pulper til O's and they have one gear oh man this is gonna make the Chipotle he just ordered really awkward before David Joe wants to do his video but I wanted to do a quick video can you get up and walk over here yeah come over here just like that yeah surprise it's right in there I'm so dizzy all right what happened where am I going Wow gave me this idea that's dope once you get beat yes and Joe won in the film a video where I eat chocolate ha ha ha ha Wow surprise over you play it back but I love you yeah now we don't have to go that Mike got three hot dogs there's there's three Italian beats there's now that I got the tenders I got the barbecue sauce Wow look at this holy there it is guys look at this Jason just surprised me with my favorite food Portillo's ribs fries too depended on I'd see you guys just like a young college girl like she'd love to drink a can instead of the freshmen you know what hey nothing like hot dogs huh okay Joe is always trying to keep it trimmed yeah Joe why would you not have this is healthy food here that's not yes it is it's Friday don't eat those what's the hot dogs are really good for you this is it rack of ribs yeah oh wow barbecue sauce with the hot dog huh oh no that's ketchup oh really you Italian these cashews really [Laughter] we make a beef and cheddar croissant so it's like it's an Italian view put on a croissant oh it's got cheese in it Natalie was such a Portillo's fan oh my god I guess it is in Vernon Hills you grew up with it I'm going to have a pickle one time when I was going home from Sonic me and my friends were in the car but we hit a bump and the straw went through the bottom of the styrofoam top I love any story that starts with one time when I was coming home from the Sonic we're gonna have that in Boston we only have one in like South Jersey so it was like a 45-minute trip okay we made an event out of it not much to do there huh you know I'm gonna cut these ribs and what do they know for their ribs hotdog cheese fries I was in Anaheim yesterday and I was like I'm shooting like a food log oh my god Natalie Sikkim boy like a dog you serve that fattening that's not like bread no no I don't care about Manning I'm just like I'm not a big meat on bone first okay Joe I'm okay holy cow oh my god wow wow oh my god I don't remember being that good try one I'm okay Joe meat is not that everyone the barbecue sauce is one of Hawaii said yeah you ready boy yeah good I just have one I'll look that would mean you look guys when you move on my age it takes a little longer for you to rinse well I'll tell you you don't know I'm three times your age and I don't have a chicken another one yeah wow that's a nice one Thanks do they have like a cult following crappy right in the middle what is it like comparable to there's not that many they're like a five guys that I can in now kind of there no no it's like it's kind of sad really cool like it's like like it's very old tiny and then you wait in line and you can see all the meats being made and hmm like always Famous Dave's your famous tapes yeah BBQ Famous Dave's reminds me of like chi-ji Fridays no really no they're like so much more mom-and-pop I don't know if it was good I mean like the same car no not this I may be down at my job when I was there I think that was my job and I was there to grab napkin go Joe let me see what barbecue sauce Joe that's so much more unhealthy and then one red no don't get no you like my visa all right don't you watch my videos yeah yeah just maybe missed that part oh this is fun break me down I really like that band har okay here's what I'm gonna get into taking this pickle take it oh wow oh my god the hots so good what is it this is hot what is hots I don't know it's like you know girls it's just everything and here's really hot this looks like a good time a little bit of a hot dog red do you only eat phallic APIs what's really z' don't expose me what's your method this is my best surprise ever it was David's idea but I asked for a chicago-style hot dog and you just gave me a plain hot dogs I'm trying to make who you should just get a bunch upload so much ketchup um no I said some let's catch up in some Chicago style oh she I don't know what your tribal style is come over here can you aim toward the light when you take a bite you want this I don't know how you feel about this bike it will do profile No yo you want like a little hot dog I'm okay not like a uh Nate I'm okay wait I'm okay extrapolate coming do you yeah oh we booked it well I do second lunch and then we'll do the mukbang and then josh is coming over we'll do another mukbang okay just try again okay I'm sure it's good just try it here do you want anything on it no try it like where it's the most wet this is perfectly backlit everyone always reacts when they try they go is just Brad and me it's kind of just too wet no it's so good wise delicious okay they're not in love with it you're an idiot you don't know what taste is I know it's I eat subway all the time it's the same thing what do you think Brendan hell it sounds like amazing work in Chicago is better I feel like that maybe you just like 100 I know when we went for a VidCon and I was eating the cheese fries the cheese fries it didn't taste like the actual cheese fries it tasted like nacho cheese from the movie theater which is not this Jesus Jesus better toast you are you mad like I simulate the restaurant like family Suzie wait let me watch your hands why do you want an Italian beef yeah I'm not picky would you rather have that or this it's got relish and mustard on is that good night yeah okay it's wrong or chill O's I've never heard that that's really good yeah mm-hmm yeah I was I was pretty impressed with it and doesn't realize the relish is me French yeah that's that it's that neon relish it's really good mm-hmm know that that's a Chicago thing neon relish in Boston the relatives in bright green neon just meant it was like artificial it is artificial but the color of it is neon that they don't in Boston you don't get that you get more like um no that's a Chicago thing I'm pretty sure like a neon relish I don't they don't have that in New York don't [ __ ] Boston that's really good-looking relish it's definitely from scratch - do you want to try the Italian beef someone I want to wash it down with a cold coke did you like I'm about to prank you you like coca-cola is this here in like LA where did you bring it from Chicago just I just got off the United flight really from LA at night it's in Buena Park oh wow it's kind of fun right but do they make it the same way that they make it in like Chicago same change they have this in their hometown in Vernon Hills so when we go when I've been to Vernon tilted David and Natalie they always go to this place and I mean it is good I think this is the place that they were talking about they want to go when everyone in the Kinnear no it's not those part about Simon yeah David had most of them think natalie natalie was hoping you'd crack into that so she could have something really all right may not feel either look at that I love this so much it's just Tomatoes I know why you love Tomatoes but like this is what you gotta do let me show you oh well they had onions the whole time damn it you get this these guys hate onions I don't get it and they're like funky or like gritty taste like what about onion rings oh my god you gave me this big monologue about onions the other day and then you said you like onion rings that's crazy yeah that's crazy talk oh my god that's great those are really hot by the way it's fine I love spicy okay I'll take really hot okay you have to either like this right no are you eating at Chipotle you didn't eat this no why I'm going away okay my bikini buddy ready you just shaved your head they won't look good on the beach it's really growing back that's yeah Tom gets is good isn't that so spicy mm-hmm you don't think so mm-hmm oh my god it's not about Wow all right well thanks for joining her Chicago eating show you for bringing me food sure you're eating like someone who's been holding you captive and you have like two minutes to eat and they're going to put you back in the cage wait Joe what do you think that you want to lose weight you're already sent what do I say [Music] we'll be all right
Channel: Jason Nash
Views: 1,430,559
Rating: 4.9138517 out of 5
Keywords: david, faze podcast, faze rug girlfriend, rugfaze, molly eskam, faze rug haunted tunnel, faze rug vlogs, faze rug prank, cod sniping, fazecast, faze rug lambo, faze rug lamborghini, faze rugs girlfriend, faze rug molly eskam, faze rug, rug, fazerug, high school, old high school, best friend, faze rug brother, faze rug song, faze rug friend, 장승조, sm, sj, super junior, kim jimin, tak jaehoon, jang seungjo, 탁재훈, david dobrik, portillo's, chicago, hot dogs, beef sandwhich
Id: Bu4C7kMID1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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