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okay we're at the mall Trish has a big shoot tomorrow good morning welcome to the vlog wanted to get some Trish time in big music video and a big song coming from us gonna film something with fire you're pretty fire you know don't get hit by the car behind you I love you I'm gonna go over do some vlogging today I don't have anything planned for you guys quite honestly I've been in like get in these ways were like I can't do anything I don't know what that is and like some days you just don't feel like picking up the camera at all and you need to like rejuvenate yesterday I almost made a vlog where I was gonna tell you guys that I'm having a really bad day and then I I made it and then I was like oh they don't need to know I'm having a bad day because everyone has a bad day yeah we went to a concert last night we went to see the alter ego fest for why it's birthday we saw The Killers Weezer 21 pilots and Muse and that was pretty sick you went across okay not allowed to film it uh-huh cuz my kids aren't allowed on internet there have been taken off the internet again they go on they go off they go on they go off okay we're going to the market the outdoor market David wants to get some tchotchkes Jeff's his interior designer David doesn't know what he wants man now figure it out so go to those tents no I know those tents look cool we've never been there would be a fun setting I know where you going thank you and I know where you've been thank you again I'm saying then I want to meet some like-minded individuals who also like mine hipster clothing you need records this is all they have here yeah I would love that next Records I want to be the first one to take a picture in front of this new wall a big carnival fan that's crazy that's the artists are so talented Jeff are you okay today doing great worked out you know if you ever have a problem you come to me I appreciate that I mean it say you have to tell David about it that's David old he's gonna exploit you in everyone right there that could have been a spot but I'm a real friend I'm sure they're spot right there we're just despot back there back there is a woman leaving nuts on a stick we're going to the flea market I guess that poor see that portion where Oh David how am I gonna get in there that's not a spot this is great you know comes here every Sunday so okay okay does she really I'm we bump in or a David might be very happy he's gonna get some juicy stuff I should just give her a ring hon just try to phone with that yeah yeah keep her around bring her into the crew they do okay we're at the swap meet we're gonna buy some stuff this is all cashier no absolutely not no I've seen good sunglasses on your face like the Gucci ones look great but the little I don't like little eyes like a mouse how you carry that it's so heavy everybody all right this is like a Fairfax watney I don't know what's going on it's actually kind of upscale we get some ball flour we got this looks like stuff that would be in Zane's house Jeff or your fanny pack guy didn't put a pair on for my blog please damn Jeff can make anything look good look at this guy he can make anything look good now now look at him on me no it won't no way they looked it up these are awful you love round circular ones like that you always pick those out I think they look bad it's all about the small sunglass again everything looks good on Jeff how long do you think my car can be there hey it's been 15 I agree I don't ever wear this again sorry this woman just stopped me I know you get worried about me if I leave your side thank you so much I texted you 70 times the boys are upset if Jeff isn't around he wasn't around after 7:00 last night boys were all upset about it I took a nap man codependent yeah yeah let's do it Dawg she's she's getting ready for a music video tomorrow we do spend time apart so I know you guys think we're broken up if we're not attached at the hip no I'll send her your love give her your best I know big Tricia fans always turn your fingers green or no I don't know what that is you know when your jewelry on me like this Julie that you wouldn't want on your finger yeah yeah it's fine oh my finger looking for wheels stopping me shopping here it feels like impossible yeah like you're looking for here what would you find here get it the fun of like coming to a thing like this how do you how do you buy stuff you chop it up buy it online or you go a little you know sometimes I'm in the mood to go out most of the time it's online the trick is if you want to get some nice clothes just get a couple of MIL followers on Instagram people send you great no one sends me anything I guess I haven't hit two million but still that's gonna cut my hair tonight guys do you have any just very confident he's very confident I've known this a long time I mean I think this is a tough job right here I've caught all types of hair here bring my mom I just got some jokes planned Justin Bieber once you like me and you should do your cut David he likes going to wrong with you the cheap cuts you love a $18.00 cut how is that cheap that's $18 I'm going to cut hair off your body I think your hair could look better mom could look better psych no she can't she's beautiful it was very nice day yeah David's talking about surprising Jeff for the car Jeff I love your audition now go ahead I can you audition we don't know what the reaction would be like and we're gonna audition you for a surprise here we go here's your Brandon all right guys we're surprising Jeff with a new car he doesn't know yet all right Jeff open your eyes new car you kidding me never mind it's yours you can't no way yeah are you kidding me man no me oh my god I'm gonna cry thank you of course thank you you're not getting a new car can you at least shut the damn door David I sent my mom to get we're gonna make boneless wings [Music] oh so sweet in the door because I know like your problems around here sure I said here's the clicker to the garage no I found the clicker I saw that there were two clickers I had to figure out which was right when I figured it out and I said I'll go all through the garage door because and I'll leave the laundry room door open but what I didn't realize was the mantra door locks automatically oh it does I guess because when I came back in I couldn't get in like just dance ain't poza I'm good yeah and yeah with all the fun those oh wow I got everything you wanted me to get and plus a little extra dog because you never know when you might need a little snack cooking perfect and knowing you even running your butt off all day wrong and you have anything you're right nothing I don't so let me show you what I got I spoke to the guys I spoke to the guy that does the meat yeah at Gelson's got three different Avenue sauces over weightless my little snapper later with Charlie it would be Italian right and then minute I asked the two guys and they both said to me you told him you wanted to make boneless wings this means I showed them the wings and everything great and they everybody said the stuff sucks yeah but then I thought afterwards if you want to like like we don't want to do this study you could just kind of dip a mineral honey vinaigrette Wolfgang Puck's honey mustard yeah correct so we got that these are the chicken drumettes they didn't have them no you just get you just get you just get white meat chicken oh I got that okay good perfect I got that too buddy perfect I think this video on the bone no no it's that's it's gotta be bold that's what they eat they eat the bonus one okay promise okay perfect what can we do the mom yeah we do a mom yeah to myself you because written my glasses short read just one for you too oh my god you need the lemon butter cuz I looked online lemon pepper lemon pepper yeah but that's a different wing right no that's the wing barbecue what's the main wing stop we stop said flour and lemon then lemon pepper lemon pepper okay never gonna use this I'll make some with this too but or you can use this just afterwards great okay should we start mommy did so good and we have flour all right so do they go in a pan we need egg right you egg it or no it didn't say ink it not in this recipe oh wow that looks really good oh wow those look really good my god that's if you bring that out to the boys they're gonna just eat everything so this goes in the oven now this goes in the oven we put the sauce on it okay in the trace the trace and we put it in the oven I don't know is the sauce is your sauce oh I mean it doesn't look like there's a lot of sauce out there give you a little there's some sauce and then you get to dip so you're making some lemon pepper from Rosine yeah look Jay I can't be well I gotta be working oh there's more I thought that was it oh this is the lemon pepper batch watching this figure okay I'm lazy i'm using this looks so good should we pour well you want something dipping so let's trying to be conservative you know what I mean right and then you can force them over it and then you put them in the oven right right I've never made these before I've never eaten them doing all this blindly so I mean kind of unfair because they trust me they taste so good already really yeah I don't think you can screw these up you've done a good job huh I think at this point I know they're gonna be fabulous okay these need a flip flip these are keep them yeah well those are so go ahead save a little extra dip for David I don't want it all right guys we all know your love wing stop if someone move their hair a boo okay just put them down right there all right guys this is barbecue enjoy who's cheating who's eating it sticker on its home playing it's great little amendment Thank You Todd you're wait stop only die Thank You Jay thank you everyone likes it except David sock you traveled the world let's see yes is as good as they do in Greece I mean - in her defense she's never even had the wing stop she doesn't even know I just said go make wings so she just looked it up online oh it's pretty good it's good helps qualms you got a big shoot tomorrow one of those modeling things like that seeing you the big shoot you can't have too many either it is fried tell me no what do you mean cuz I know I know it's crunchy when you text him it's like kind of crunchy no I know yeah I know what you mean he's like dissolve in your mom maybe I tried the wrong one it's got a little lemon pepper in there sauce it's Arbortech been doing so pretty yeah anyway and I mean yeah it feels like my mom made and she was like eat this there's so much more happening it does feel like the healthy version but it looks like everyone like them oh wow you can say they're not they're better or worse knowing stuff is when stocks not here didn't end it so what you doing no I didn't want to do that because yeah I knew you'd pick Wingstop I don't know like they are they are like yeah they're better for a modeling shoot for sure great saying come on they liked it thank you mrs. okay we have special special same dish only for Zane yeah only for saying there we go [Laughter] mmm good pad having some now I think these came out really good actually I didn't expect to like these so much okay one more round okay guys got another round right here these are not fried these are baked for you you not do not want to be on camera because every time I put the camera on you give me we're not vibing at all but it could because I'm 50 how do I say no but how should I say it how should I say my language is the worst my mom also say hook ups but like meaning hang out I have a girlfriend so forget it okay alright who wants to try me or what no they're just Barbic with them not fry they're like the healthy version not actually when I tasted Zayn's they were more flavorful than the brisket juicier yeah damn I was like a nice oh wow good now I'm making you keep the juices in yeah yeah yeah those are not fried those are baked did your favorite that's BBQ [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] I'm still hungry this guy's knows Danes kidding right all his jokes he's kidding he's a really nice person he helped my mom with the groceries [Music] Todd is out here doing some beat poetry Joe's behind the scenes it works best when your left hands on my shoulder so you can guide me back and then you're getting my behind-the-scenes okay because I'm grabbing behind the scenes of Oscar okay cool so behind the scenes do you want to get Natalie out here to grab my behind the scenes RIA yeah everything Oscar says I'll say it and then you say good job Todd she was good so good news amazing and now I see like twenty fives they chose to go first but like they were why did they do that probably because they respect I think they respect maybe they want to get out of there were they respecting the other bands cuz The Killers views and Weezer I'm gonna lose your plate I got like my childhood came back yeah yeah we were in the car we were like Todd it must be smoking crack there's no way 20 pots going first and then and we just made it did you make it well I had to pee really bad I held my pee for their whole set and we're like five minutes late for me no we saw them opening but we're like there's like 7:35 yeah they're good their spear they're the best yeah they were the best at everybody the cui all concept
Channel: Jason Nash
Views: 2,080,710
Rating: 4.9458141 out of 5
Keywords: jason nash, vine, jason nash vine, best vines, funny vines, compilation, vine compilation, jason nash vine compilation, David Dobrik, Zane Hijazi, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Scotty Sire, Carly and Erin, Josh Peck, Matt King, Heath Hussar, Durte Dom, Alex Ernst, Caught, First Time, Trisa Paytas, vlog squad, dare, surprise, prank, wingstop, buffalo wild wings, asmr eating, extreme foodie, asmr eating sounds, lemon pepper, food show, grubbing, smacking
Id: Xrh3nk0ZFeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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