LOL Surprise Dolls Lil Sisters Vending Machine + Confetti Pop

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one two three what's going on here this clue means we could either get little can do baby look last or not or little PhD baby who do you think it will be put your guts in the comments are you playing hide-n-seek I go see your toes and now your bottoms and guys I think we're uh hey guys yeah what's wrong Oh where are all the little sisters well what do you mean aren't they right in their strollers oh no their strollers are empty huh Oh No we've been sitting here chatting and they must have run off we gotta find them maybe they're right behind you huh what are you what oh my so the little sisters have gotten into the vending machine this is terrible look at all the little sisters and some of brothers that are locked up in the vending machine do you know all of their names if so put them in the comments I'll say it's not just little sisters little punk boys in there - well how do we get them out whoa it's a vending machine I guess we put coins in and press the button for them coins huh let me grab my bag would you like to see what's inside of the vending machine if so hit the thumbs up button here we go hopefully this will be enough oh thank goodness you have all of that yeah you never know when you might need extra change looks like everybody's in there oh my i think locally astronauts in there okay what's the problem I mean other than she might be trapped in a vending machine well glams sure not isn't here who's gonna get her out okay okay why don't you try first let's see if this even works go ahead and see if you can get little clamps turn on out hum all right all right let's see think I just need one penny here we go one penny going in okay they'll clam sure not is here number six my goodness my goodness my goodness it work hey hello Elsa price little sister in there hmm what else we have here cut down what Oh see you you are a little glam shrah it did work how did you ever get in there I don't know I'm so glad you're back yeah the CJS surprises okay let's check out these surprises that came along with glam stir not hmm this isn't a regular donut uh-huh no it does kind of look yummy looks like something opens here it does it's a lip gloss look at how pretty and pink that is mmm perfect for lip smacking you better close it up so it stays nice then what else do we have lol surprise of a sister series 3 wave 2 awesome time to get this open OOP secret message is always a ShowMe let's get the wrapper off though the secret message is bookworm this clue means we could either get look and ooh baby look laughter not or little PhD baby who do you think it will be put your guts in the comments here we go more inside suffice like our sticker that reveals that this will be a color changer off with this final layer off you go we want to see what's inside of here these fun surprises let's get these open what do we have woo really cool white glasses love those and in here Oh a bag black and white stripes how sophisticated whoa what's this huh they're elements from the periodic table Oh for oxygen mg for magnesium what little sister did we get are you playing hide-and-seek I go see your toes and now your bottoms and look who it is is its little PhD baby how cute did you guess that we would get little PhD baby if so say I got it in the comments we really want to see your change colors how about we wait till the end and we can hopefully see all the little brothers and sisters change colors now that I know it works I'm ready to get a little punk boy out of there let's see five cents on it's gonna be one nickel got it right here alright let's make this happen hmm punk boy coming up in number four yeah yeah yeah all right I see you little punk boy you better get out of there I'm coming I'm coming what were you doing in there anyway you're supposed to stay in your stroller oh just trying to have some fun come on look I brought some surprises back well all right I guess we could check them out yes I'd like to do that too what do we have here mMmmm yummy ice cream cone maybe not I think there's something more to this ice cream the top of it twists off and we have a lip gloss wand here you can see inside how pretty pink and sparkly it is perfect for fancy lips and then you just put it back in and store it up to save for later there's still another surprise in here don't you go oh my it's a little hatch a mold egg huh wonder how that got in there well better let him out so I'll warm up the heart rub rub till it turns pink it's getting there okay let's try it now I think it's pretty pink I'm gonna push down the egg has been cracked and I'll just peel away this top hmm what could this be purple and green how cute is this I don't know it almost looks like a little possum or a little aardvark group something it's pretty cute little silver wings purple and green oh can we keep them can we keep him I guess so but you better be responsible okay who's going next girls I think I'd like to go and get my sleepy bones out of there in order to give them my little sleepy bones I'm gonna need ten cents ten pennies now two nickels Oh a dime not what I need let's put this diamond Kate should work Oh little sleepy bones is here at the number one oh my those may be bones oh excuse me uh what is that hey you Dave Mike wants I'm alone you uh uh huh you were supposed to stay in your stroller oh yeah I just went with everybody else no ma'am you stay in your stroller okay I got this lip gloss lip gloss looks like a Pepsi can to me hmm wild cherry flavored oh it is lip balm how do you open something like this um oh oh there we go it twists and you can pop it off huh looks dark like it's Pepsi but no definitely lip balm all right you let's go no didn't you see something else is in there come on it's a good one oh there is something else there let's see if we can get it out whoa oh man so much bigger than I thought Disney Tsun Tsun mystery pack oh who could we get kooky boogie Evil Queen Dori ugly duckling fauna Gus hey hey lumpy mater Carl mrs. Potts or Cinderella all great items let's go ahead and see who we have out of the package look at this I want to get all the pieces out do you see who it is she's crying it's the ugly duckling it says I'm lost Oh No wow you're not lost anymore you've got us all right now I say back to our stroller I think you're up next unicorn oh right of course now let's see we've done the penny the nickel dime what's comes next a quarter yay and you go mister quarters okay got it oh here's my little unicorn number two oh my little corn are you okay huh yeah I think so but I hope my surprises are too oh I think they're fine look at that you brought back a unicorn lip balm it's pretty and colorful and there it is a light pink perfect for on those unicorn lips the other surprises stuck way back there oh good it came out pretty easily oh it's from the movie Coco it's a collectible all right oh look at all these different pieces we have to put together hmm I see this dog head it looks very colorful so I'm guessing I need to put a body together I've got fun in back paws here that looks good and so the head would go right up here looks to me like we have some wings there we have it another new friend I'll write to you scoot scoot scoot I'm scooting I'm scooting I really like to go next if you guys don't mind I'm missing my little Madame Queen wait a minute though you've done the penny nickel and dimed what am I supposed to do next guess I could try a penny and a nickel hmm here we go one penny one nickel now where's that little Madame Queen oh here she is hiding out in number five oh thank goodness I rescued you huh yeah what's getting kind of dark in there well you should have never been in there in the first place I didn't want to not have surprises everybody else had them well let's check them out yes let's check out these surprises like french fries wait a minute vanilla vanilla lip balm in a fries container sure enough look at the swirly pattern and you can keep it hidden from others they won't know let's get in here to get out the other surprise Oh something from Barbie Barbie pets how cute oh it's a little white kitten this is Tiger I love her blue bow in her little glittery ball she's furry fuzzy and adorable oh my little shortstop she's the last one which means she's all alone now I better get on um Oh a diamond a quarter and goes my dime whoa and there goes my quarter Hey here she is number three whoa whoa whoa what do we have here okay um you move out of the way just friends whoa whoa whoa what do we have here okay um you move out of the way just for a minute the shortstop is that you I hope so yep yep yep it's me oh thanks for rescuing me you are welcome I'm your big sis I'll always be there for you oh can you get my lip balm you mean this chocolate sauce hehehe well is it chocolate sauce or lip balm it says flavored lip gloss let's twist off the cap and really see it is lip gloss you just squeeze out a little and rub it on your lips and it's chocolatey she also came with this Disney animators collection little hints on the shape of a pencil but what is inside who do we have its hula stitch look at his cool grass skirt he looks like he's ready for a party let's see what happens when I hit one two three what's going on here and how did they all get inside let's see we have here's a little punk girl they're sparkly mohawk and who's this here's little waves how cute I don't even know how she got in there who's up next oh it's wait it looks like a little jitterbug this is a fake Oh a little sister a fake little jitterbug we've also got well angel so cute hey I know that bowtie it's looking too boy let's get out more this is another fake it's a fake bunny on cutie anyone else in here still a bunch another fake fake little surfer babe who's this Oh locks boy oh just a few more that's some interesting hair but I think we've got a little fresh here um a fake little fresh here's one little SPF cutie and finally a fake little DJ did you know all the names of the ones stuck in the vending machine little sleepy bones little unicorn little shortstop little punk boy bill madam Queen and little glam stir not if you knew them all say I got it in the comments oh that's my phone hello oh um could you hang on I really need to use the bathroom this morning this morning okay let me go why why screaming I remembered what did you remember we got all new bathroom but it's not ready yet oh that's right it's not where it's supposed to be is it no oh oh what's wrong I got nobody enough to wake everybody up come on come on come on wake up wake up wake up oh you corn she's always so sleepy come on let's go here hey whoa babe favorite babe please please wake up huh what is it boys what's going on wait God go potty so go no remember the bathrooms not ready oh no that's right Oh Oh No don't have an accent oh hang on whoa hello everybody okay yeah I'm okay the French boy you all right yeah I'm all right how does she sleep through all of that I don't know she's very sleepy all right let's go get the bathroom setups you class go go potty would you like to see our little lol family get a new bathroom if so hit the thumbs up button the boys were right all the bathroom stuff is here but it's in a jumbled mess we've got to get it set up I bet there's some toothbrushes in here what color toothbrush do you think the unicorn will use will it be blue green or orange put your guts in the comments here's what I think we should do let's start with the shower it's got a towel bar and a little showerhead that can come off so you can move it all around you to get nice and clean in there's a rain head shower head on top all right one shower got it here's a nice light to bring in in the here we go we've got it turned on but we don't need it right now next up some shelves we've got some back items that we'll need to go on here and look at this this is nice for a big family a counter with two sinks but we sure are missing a lot of supplies and how about this our toilet this is the most important thing we need right now maybe that can go here in between the light and the shelf I've got a rug to put down in front of the sink here is a towel to hang on this towel bar for when you get out of the shower we've got a scrubber for cleaning the toilets sometimes you need that scrub scrub scrub clean clean clean and when you're done there's a little spot to put it in and so nobody else it touches that spot now to our shelf I'll add this bottle of perfume one cup with a blue toothbrush another cup with an orange toothbrush right there got a little bucket we can put some lotions and Cologne and stuff in there we go and another useful bottle on the bottom whoops get that on there now to put our supplies over here by our sink there's an extra towel rolled up I've got another bucket we can put our hair dryer in and set that to the side this basket will hold our comb and brush for doing hair we have a second bucket for toothpaste and perfume let's get that under the other sink very often in the bathroom you might have a scale I'll set that over here and then in this bathroom we also have an exercise bike can do your workout and then get cleaned up oh oh yes it looks great little French boy my last point the bathroom is ready yeah yay when you go so bad okay good luck boy you can go first thank you you think I'll take a shower you guys are using the bathroom oh my thank goodness I can go now huh I like this bathroom okay time to wash my hands Oh my turn my turn that was a close one Hey two things for washing hands hey let's point Hey look we could both wash our hands at the same time No Shh huh I feel so much better now me too what'd we do hmm okay pajamas off let's get in the shower favorite babe what do we do now um can you go wake up blue can you wake up unicorn for me oh yeah tell her to come get ready okay so how we can do this I don't know she sleeps so soundly I've got an idea I'm gonna go on the other side by one year and you stay fight this year and then at the same time we'll say wake up in her ear okay I'll stay here are you ready over there I'm ready one two three wake up unicorn huh you okay sorry oh well you guys got me awake that's not very easy to do I know we have to come up with a clever plan hmm hmm favorite baby shower she says you need to get ready yeah time to get ready oh yeah I'm gonna get on the exercise bike first though I'd like to start my day with exercise okay this day here oh good you're up yeah the boys did a good job waking me up I'm just getting out of the shower now can you get ready yeah mind if I do a little exercise first no I should take a little while anyway thank you all right I'm feeling the burn go unicorn go let me just step over here on the scale for a second excellent now time to get this hair dried hair dryer on a little bit more in the back perfect just need to brush it up a little bit think that brush is in here yes it is brushing those fangs down perfect and getting all the sides and the back everything in place got it time to get dressed here's a look at favorite beads outfit gold and like a teal blue color which i think is really cool and she's got this skirt to go with it also gold with some super fun little accents on it she even has a leg band and an arm band and some gold shoes she must love oh alright I think I'm already time to go check on the boys I'll be there in a minute oh okay enough bike riding time to get cleaned up after a good workout need to get in the shower Shh let me just get this down Shh so I can get cleaned off all over Shh perfect you know I think I'll go ahead and get dressed before I do anything out what is Unicorn gonna be wearing here's her top matches our hair pretty well it is kind of a little tank top or almost like swimsuit top that has a zipper on it let me go on her arm see how cute she's already got these leggings on here is the bottom which you can see kind of like a swimsuit bottom too it's got ruffles going all the way around and she wears a cute pair of sneakers pretty green with gold bows and finally you don't want to forget her unicorn horn super pretty with flowers the ears and the gold horn yes now I feel like I'm getting ready for the day hmm what's next brushing like to eat just need to grab my top and my toothbrush don't want to forget my toothpaste all right a little bit of toothpaste and you're all set [Music] top some items all the way in the back want a nice clean team now it's time to rinse get a little bit of water my cup fresh did you guess that unicorn would use the orange toothbrush if so say I got it in the comments well you know what after all that getting ready I forgot I needed to use the bathroom okay no I think I'm really done getting ready way we ring ring ringing oh my cell phone let's see I think I got it here somewhere oh here it is hahaha okay let me just get it out here oh you oh oh hello oh no it's not working oh yeah I need to find a place for this and watch my hand okay huh what's going on in here I heard screaming pig drop right falling in the toilet yeah yeah I just put it over there for now I don't think it's gonna work anymore whew do you think we go to the store and get me a new sofa huh I guess we're already we might as well go all right let's grab the boys hey boys we need to go the store so I can get a new cell phone are you ready no nuts boy says he's tired again and wants to go to sleep oh my goodness are you tired no oh we can't stay here oh but he needs to sleep if he's tired knock knock knock knock oh who's at the door hi guys come here and pick up low-lux boy well he says he's sleeping and wants to go to sleep we're supposed to know the story and give me a new phone I dropped mine in the toilet you the nuts boy on that toy yeah I'm sleepy come on come with me I'll take you home and we can go to sleep I'm sleepy too aw it really did yeah no problem okay bye guys come on come on I'll take you all right look at this it's time to wake up it's time to get up and play now that's boy the last boy you know Lux it's time to get up and play aren't you excited yeah I'm just gonna stay here for a few minutes oh come on look there's so much to play with we got a teddy bear and a play mat that has stars and Sun and clouds and this rocking chair over here come on come on it's fun complaining it's just like anonymous really for me it's all your stuff what what's wrong what's going on why am i hearing crying it's a lost boy he's sad because all this stuff is my girl stuff if he doesn't have his own stuff in the bedroom oh my well I say that is a problem we do need to get him his own stuff don't we really you will I can get my own boy stuff of course you can hmm I'm afraid we don't have any to that stuff around here though we're gonna need to go shopping for it all right let's go yeah yeah yeah let's get stuff for my brother would you like to see the lux boy get his own bedroom stuff if so hit the thumbs up button here we are you two at the bedroom furniture store Oh looks like they have lots of choices Oh can I get out please please flex tonight I want to see everything all right sure just no running around no no I want to find stuff oh not like this wait I wanna help I want to help the lux will have a surprise toy gift for little box boy later what do you think it will be will it be a basketball a skateboard or a car put your guess in the comments hello over there oh so glad to see some customers this morning oh hello there yes what can I help you with something pretty in pink for your little girl well actually it's little a boy that would like something for his bedroom Oh My yes I'm home afraid we don't have a lot because mostly we see little sisters here but I'm sure we can find something mm what did you think about the chair it's pink and polka-dots and ruffles it is pretty isn't it no oh I see what's happening we don't want those things do we no thank you all right we'll good get this thing out of here now if you look right behind you over there that's not bad it's not a really much pink we could change the blanket see it it's white and has numbers on there and then there's this little crib and it's not too pink yeah I know you can change the blanket but there's pink here and it's just I wish there was blue or green or hundred some other fun colors you know it's just white and Bazin blah I got you I got you all right those things are out oh oh look here this is it this is it oh yeah it does look nice look let's put it behind you hmm oh I see green and blue wow I like it there is a little bit of pink it even has this dresser that goes with it let me see more green blue yellow there's some pink listen well look inside these flowers everywhere I don't really want flowers oh I thought this was gonna be the one eat let's look around and just see what we can see the let's point it might be the best thing they have it's not bad but I wish it were better Oh look at this beautiful pink big-girl bed on this cabinet with the heart it's so beautiful it's no fair how come see us to find something so easy that she wants yes but low-lux we're not shopping for you today we're shopping for the lux boy I just wish I could find something for myself let's not give up yet we haven't seen everything come on let's keep looking Oh can I stay here on this fun pink bed please you promised to stay here yes this oh maybe I can have your fun to play with already there you go now no going anywhere else we're gonna look around okay oh yeah I like this game oh go go come come here come here come look what I found what what is it what is it whoa this is amazing yes I guess it's been tucked away in the back because we'd never have little brothers come in but now we do what do you think Lola what do you think when I like this blue color and look at this it's a castle I can play inside of here and what's this ladder for this is my bed up here right next to this knight in shining armor what an awesome bed and then I can come down here and play at my blue table and put my toys on the shelves Lux Lux I love it are you sure this is what you want yes yes please then we'll take it yeah all right oh I really have to go potty oh but Lux is over there with no luck boy I don't want disturb them but sister don't go anywhere but this is an emergency let me see if I can find it oh it's just right here it's perfect hmm tell me the phone out here maybe I can play while I go party let's see does Mia open the door oh oh wait how am I gonna get what I'm wait a second I got a yo yo yo blah so months and everything okay you weren't at the battery you're supposed to be I went to try to find the potty oh okay we should ask me um it's something worse what do you mean I accidentally dropped your phone in swear this what oh what am I gonna do with the phone that's been a toilet little lies you shouldn't take it to the bathroom with you I know I just like to play while I was sitting there oh how will I ever clean it up have you gone potty yet what no I need to go still what do I do with this bum now okay I'm listening I just wash up hey did you find anything for the next point yes yes we did find something for him we got him this set whoa so cool nothing at home let's do it I'd say we've got some work to do to get this room in order mo bucks you're gonna have to get rid of some of your things I think that's okay let's help take this bedroom from just a little ex bedroom to low-lux yeah a little luxe boy bed first we'll need to get rid of this pink bed that he was sleeping in and we might have to find somewhere else for this play mat we'll move up the rocking chair over to the other side now we can bring in the lux voice bed we have a red ladder that goes on the side it's such a cool bed because it looks like a castle it has a knight up here you go up the ladder and lay it the bed on top he also got a shelf to keep some of his toys and things and here is a little blue table with a couple chairs that he and low-lux can sit in as they play we'll put some books on his bookshelf how about a little alarm clock here to wake them up when it's time to get up here's a basket to keep some of his toys we've got a glove and ball and I think we'll add a frisbee in there and slide that into one of our shelves I've got another basket with a soccer ball and we'll put in a little paper airplane that can go down here on the bottom and he's not a little tablet to use that can go on the table what does everyone think about this little left and the lux boy bedroom I think it's just right yes it's perfect for both of us I've got another surprise for you really what is it stay here oh it's a skateboard it sure is your very own skateboard I want you to have your toys too that's fun maybe we could both play with it yeah I'll push you out did you guess at low-lux would get low-lux boy a skateboard if so say I got it in the comments hi spies hi those spies hi I'm going to see the new bedroom when you think on my castle bed it looks great can I try it sure there's a ladder over there oh wow huh this bed is cozy hmm I think she might be a little sleepy maybe we need to go home to our own bed come on little spice yeah I am sleepy let's go home and sleep I've got school tomorrow okay bye guys what's that noise what's that what's Ponyo oh she's gonna miss the bus the bus is here please the bus the bus you shall wake up wake up so sleepy go back to bed no no no it's the first come on oh stop stop I'm trying to sleep the bus Cynthia the bus huh what did you say huh the bus is here but but I'm not ready for school um wait for me wait I just whoa oh you tripping on your scoop hover yeah I know okay I think they'll wait I just need to get ready Oh slow down slow down I know but I don't wanna be late for school I know but you just keep falling okay okay you just have to get ready for school remember let's do this one thing at a time the girls are gonna need to get a stroller today what will come in the stroller a pet a water bottle or a hat put your guests in the comments okay okay what do you need to do first um who did the bathroom love Wait Wait get those off huh I need to go whoops too far come on toilet seat up up up I've gotta go thank goodness I made it alright I actually don't feel like I'm in such a rush anymore I need to wash my hands though alright so hopefully they're waiting for me just washing my hands I guess if I'm at the sink and muscle brush my teeth let's see everything should be in here yeah chlorine teeth gonna make this quick shhh alright let's get these things put away oh I was really working and sweating a lot outside let me see yeah I think I might need a backhoe I just don't know if I have time for it huh but I can't go to school smelling stinky all right just a quick one jammies off and let's get in the tub get some soap in there you know just scrub scrub scrub watch my face hair need to dry myself off huh oh it definitely smells better hmm coconutty I think okay I think I have a brush and a hand dryer down here there we go let's try to get our hair dryer and brush all the frizziness down make everything nice and smooth get my ponytail back here okay not bad I think I'm just about ready to go let's buddy so spice are you ready those place I think I'm just about ready what don't tell me she fell asleep no just kidding I'm awake okay think I'm ready to go Yesi yeah what's the problem you need to get dressed ah I sure do good thing this is quick and easy to put on but does not your school clothes oh this day is not exactly out on a good start it's gonna be fine the bus is still waiting well that's really so nice of them okay I better get dressed quick putting on my shirt my school shirt of course my school uniform and my dress my skirt here all right my school uniform looks good just need to get my shoes and socks on one foot and the other all right ready to say goodbye to me no remember today this special day what are you talking about I really need to run out remember it's take the sister to school day oh that's right how am I gonna get you to school I don't think you'll fit my backpack yeah I can go in the backpack well we're gonna have to try you think you can hop in there sure see I fit perfect well and I have to do I'm dressed and ready to go Oh my tummy's growling oh now that you say that - to think we have time for breakfast I hope so let's hurry okay I got the plates anything in there not much but uh maybe something what do you say we have some bunny bread without fill us up yeah but that's plain bread let's it we put some stuff on it oh you're right that will be better I like strawberry okay I'll take the orange marmalade pretty to eat fast huh that stuff is good all done huh it doesn't feel good to eat so fast I know it really doesn't I think I could take a nap you still have to go to school ah hey grab my backpack wait for me all right I've got it let me give you a kiss goodbye no no no not goodbye what do you mean not goodbye I have to go to school remember that's why I've been getting ready the bus is waiting I have to go no no take little sister's school day oh that's right uh how am I gonna get you to school you can't go on the bus uh-huh oh this is a disaster huh I better go tell the bus that can leave go ahead without me I have to take my little sister sorry am I gonna do how can I get you to school I see and your backpack my backpack can you fit yeah see perfect fit I guess so you don't have to do for now he is fun back here are you okay is everything fine yeah woah stop spinning alright alright alright oh my goodness you're so happy how am I gonna carry you all the way to school uh uh I really wish I had something to push you in is it just you in there how am I gonna make it all the way to school you're so heavy but I can't walk there Oh neither can i oh I just can't go any further I think I need sand take a rest oh maybe I can put you down hey looks dizzy what what is it well I think it's a stroller store wait a stroller store that gets on my problem yeah I could get you into a stroller and push you the way to school that would be so much easier I gotta get this backpack off all right let's find one quickly and go ooh a stroller for me I like it hmm let's didn't we choose something quickly I've got to get to school hey can I help you guys with something yes I just need a stroller because I can't carry my little sister in my backpack anymore in your backpack Oh Maya that must have been difficult yeah she was so heavy well we've got so many choices here what do you think you want um this pink one looks good right little spice let's take it what pink no no no okay okay the blue one then um I'm just not sure about that either what you can't be so picky we really got to get going ooh look at that one over there which one let me see yeah just one wow I can see forever are you kidding me I can't even wait to the handle this is way too big no not this we can do the pink or blue ah help me help me help me I kick it out okay okay okay I gotcha don't worry okay there you are okay maybe I don't like that one I don't want the pink or blue and either I don't like those hmm this one has lots of space for me yeah I think that's too much space we don't need one that big all right this one is smaller let's see to space but whoa no no I can't have you falling out all the time outs down my head please please don't you have anything else well not really whoo hey who are these strollers for they're beautiful they're the same as the pink and blue ones just different colors well I like that better oh yeah these are custom designs specially made this one's for Lux and her family and this one's Rabanne finds family hmm custom painting huh does it take very long oh no super speedy quick I do like the sound of speedy quick if I got a custom one would you write in it yes I would let's do it let's take one of these strollers and custom paint okay what kind of paint color do you think you'd like but we both definitely like the kind of pink and black look let's try something like that all right I'll have my painter whip something up well I'm excited I'd be more excited if it was ready right now guess what guys it's ready what do you think whoa also it comes with one's crazy kitty I thought you might like that yeah Meryl oh my no I've got a spicy Kitty yeah hmm let's take a look at this stroller that's been custom made for spice pink wheels black basket whoo look at the stripes oh no little horns there's even a little tail back here how special is that it's perfect for them all right spicy kitty you're not going in my backpack I hope you can walk yum yum yum the spice in you go yay thanks again throwing your help my backpack is so much lighter now and I think little spice is happy too did you guess that they would get a pet in their stroller if so say I got it in the comment hey did you guys hear that yeah it sounded like it was coming from the house maybe he's some little sister screaming that can't be good somebody should probably go check it out oh I'm never gonna get to school all right let's see what's going on at the house Hilly's sign on to carry you in my backpack oh I haven't been able to sleep all night I'm just too excited about going trick-or-treating I even have a sleeve on my costume Oh looks like this Sun has come up now it must be morning yay the princess bell rings it's trick-or-treat big wake up alright I could barely sleep at all last night I know me too wait a minute you look funny yeah you look funny too that's cuz I'm in my costume and now I'm in my costume too I don't know why you look funny nuts my why you look for me wait wait wait what are you talking about you have spots on your face but you have spots on your face too hmm I feel though it key yeah me too it's in in Tibet Tibet well maybe we should take these costumes off they're making us it see ya okay girls girls girls what's with all the screaming oh no I don't believe it do you think it could be I think it is why why what is it well you've got red itchy spots all over you right yeah looks like chickenpox tikkun what I didn't see a chicken no no no it's not from chickens it's just caught chickenpox I don't want chicken pox oh no I'm afraid you bros aren't gonna be able to go to her treating today why no that makes me so sad oh don't touch anybody else we don't want to spread it Oh better just hop back in bed we want to go trick-or-treating I know I know maybe we could do it some other time No oh I feel so bad for them do we still get to go trick-or-treating well yeah I suppose you can we'll have to get somebody to watch the little girls while we take you out though you might need to ask very nicely if you can borrow be bebop little Baby Bop and love pranksters costumes though okay with a baby Bob um could I borrow your costume please yeah I guess so how about I bring back some candy for you okay that might help me feel better sure the priest uh can I use your costume I'll bring back handy for you yes please I really like wall-e pops okay looks like they're okay with it all right you girls get into the costumes we've got something else to show you come on let's go grab them right behind you I wonder what they're getting I don't know I'm really exciting to get the costume on me too what don't say too loud I don't want to make the other sisters upset yeah me neither I feel so sad for them it's you I'm just gonna slip into this ghost costume wait wait I can't see anything I can see here let me help you okay how's that Oh much better thank you I can see now I'm gonna get my witch's costume on I like it because it also just looks like a pretty dress are you a good witch or a bad witch I'm a good witch of course oh thank goodness well curious cutie ya know Princeton here I couldn't wear this hat on my hand but you probably can oh thank you hmm let's see maybe it will fit right on my little fun yeah does fit all right we're super ready we just have to wait for Big Sisters little go-go girl we'll get a star lollipop when she goes trick-or-treating who do you think she'll give it to little pranksta or a little baby Bop put your guests in the comments oh look at how cute you are in the costumes thank you here's what we brought you we got to eat a trick or treat basket oh wow it's for putting all of your treats in as you go around trick-or-treating I like it it's a ghost yeah and the pumpkin they meant our costumes and that's why we got them wait aren't you guys gonna get into costumes oh no we don't need costumes no you guys are the ones doing the trick-or-treating oh come on have some fun yeah we want you in costumes too hmm well I do have an idea for one yeah me too something I've been wanting to do oh here we can use the curtain to get changed great idea my guess I'll go ahead and go first I'm just gonna sneak around back here and mean I'm just a second okay a little bit and oh this is tough to get on oh I think you guys are really gonna like this ready or not here I come well are you oh excuse me whoa better watch the tail tail y'all Oh sending your beautiful beautiful unicorn you guys like it I've been wanting to dress this up and use this costume for a while now that's so good okay now I really can't wait to get dressed up in my costume all right go for it okay let me find my way back here and let's just try this on and then I'll put this on okay hang on wait I'm almost ready okay guys I'm ready here I come huh man Han just wait and see tada Suzy Suzy you look like you work out McDonald's yeah that's what I was going for you know I love to eat there so I thought I'd dress up like it too mmm-hmm I guess we can't have fun dressing up yeah yeah yeah it's me treasurer oh come on in treasurer hey guys you look amazing I'd say you're gonna have some fun trick-or-treating yeah it's thanks again for coming over on such short notice to watch the two little girls no problem I've already had chickenpox so I'm not worried about getting it and they'll probably just be sleeping I'll try not to let it Mitch too much thanks again treasurer okay come on little girls let's head out front okay come on let's go wait wait wait we actually have another surprise for you more prizes yes do you want to go get it no you go okay I'll go get it get what just wait here it is huh what's this it's a little pumpkin wagon so you ride around in hmm oh this is so fun it's really a little pumpkin wagon for us to ride in don't forget your bucket so you guys like it we love it now check your training here we come okay let's go to our first stop right this way we're just about to our first stop you guys ready yeah ready ready come on little Coco crowd get your basket I'm coming I'm coming trick or treat oh my goodness my first trick-or-treaters of the day hello girls I've got a little witch and a little ghost yes I'm a good witch oh thank goodness I think I have special lollipops for you here is a ghost lollipop for my ghost and a witch's hat for the witch all right perfect yay okay let's keep going bye guys have a good night you guys are great - curious cutie and goggle girl love the costumes things mmm-hmm look at these yummy treats we have don't eat them yet Oh me yeah plus let's go get some more anyway okay here we go to our next stop next stop is the clinic ooh I wonder what treat we'll get this time I don't know trick or treat did I hear someone say Trick or Treat I just love to see little girls dressed up in their costumes oh my and big girls - hey guys Hey ooh okay I think I you have some special treats for you here is a moon lollipop for you and the pumpkin lollipop for you thank you we love lollipops yeah Molly pops okay but make sure to brush your teeth afterwards oh honey better head back inside might be more trick-or-treaters coming I was thinking about giving a lollipop to the BB before the rain stopped yeah me too which one you're gonna get them I don't know yet I like these yeah I like mine too this is gonna be tough yeah I do feel bad for them cuz they won't get anything right well let's keep trick-or-treating them good thinking so girls do you think you're ready to head home I'm not this yet okay how about one more stop okay one more all right here we go pumpkins you to train right this way here we go we're coming up on our last stop wait but it's this place it's the police station what you can go trick-or-treating at the police station sure it's safe they won't take us in while they honk course not come on hop out girls okay here it goes trick-or-treat I promise I'm a good girl whoa hello there girls hi officer sorry we said trick-or-treat that's okay that's what you're supposed to say when you're trick-or-treating hey is that your pumpkin wagon yeah sisters got it for us that's super neat so who wants a treat we knew easy well I have this very special heart lollipop for you little witch since you're a good witch and this star lollipop 40 cubes among coasts so you can see at night wow thank you yeah those are the biggest ones we have well enjoy stay safe everyone we will we're headed home now good it is starting to get dark see ya wow that police officer was so so nice sure was I think it's time for us to head home now we really should get back to a little Baby Bop and little pranksta okay we're ready here we are back home you guys had a good time yes come on let's go see the other little sisters I like your thinking hey treasure everything gone okay yes they really just been resting mostly I did put some itch cream on them to keep them from itching their spots thank you so much we really appreciate it no problem hope you guys have a nice time I'm gonna go ahead and head home okay bye what girls I think they might be sleeping we probably shouldn't disturb them oh but we wanted to give them a treat did somebody say treat I'm not sleeping I'm awake me too me too I got this really special big heart lollipop it's for you lip ring stuff wow I love it thank you bee bee bop I got the star lollipop and I am giving it to you cuz you're a special star yeah thank you did you guess that little BB pop would get the star lollipop if so say I got it in the comments well girls I think we better get you out of those costumes now you might need to get to bed you had a busy time yeah plus I think it's making me itchy what did you see edgy Oh oh oh hey guys did not--was dress up day we did some trick-or-treating well neon cutie and I are headed over the pool who wants to go yeah yeah yeah oh no I'm afraid we've got some sick little sisters on our hands we really need to stay home with them oh okay then come on me and cutie ready to go splash around yeah cool here we come Oh neon cutie looks like it's gonna be a great day at the pool yeah looks like the little sisters are already having some fun I'm glad we decided to come here after dance class yes it's fun to dance up in our pretty dresses it sure is but they're not so good for the pool oh hey guys I'm not late am I no we just got here oh good I've been just working out and oh pretty sweaty and tired mm yeah I can kind of smell that from here oh sorry you're not gonna get in the pool like that are you oh no I figured there was probably a place to you know get teens and take a shower here yeah we're gonna need to change too can't go on the pool in our fancy dresses um but wait guys I don't see anywhere to change their or get cleaned up oh man me either what are we gonna do we can't grill in our pool time hey guys I was just overhearing your conversation I think there is a place to change huh give me a minute if you watch the little sisters for me sure one of our dolls will get locked in the changing area who will it be fancy neon cutie or precious put your guests in the comments here we go changing area how's that oh that's gonna do just fine okay glad I could help hope everything's all ready for you come on girls to the changing area looks like we have a few different areas back here so I think a few things are missing we better get put back in place behind her first door is our shower I guess we need to put in a shower we've got a rain head at the top and a handle you can pull down just need to slide that in and it goes and I'm thinking you might need a towel in there so let's hang one on the towel wrap here's a nice changing area it's got a place to hang any wet clothes wash your hands we've also got a bench for you to sit down if you are changing and if you were in the shower and need to get your hair dry we've got a spot for a hair dryer last up is the bathroom we're definitely gonna need to put a toilet in there we've got a seat that lifts up and in case those any little sisters need it we can put this special seat on for them let's go ahead and get that in place on the other side we'll put in this little scrubber for cleaning out the toilet if somebody needs to looks like our changing areas already for the girls okay this looks great um girls I'm gonna go ahead and head into the shower so I can't cleaned up I'll just get changed in there too hey fancy you're gonna head into the changing room with me actually I need a restroom first I'm gonna go in here color ring here we go whoo kind of a tight spot time to get ready for my shower I am a bit sweaty smelly we'll just take all these things off and then precious can get all cleaned up to go into the pool I can really get my hair I'll see now okay that's much better let me just grab my towel and I can get all dried off dry dry dry make sure to get everywhere can't wait to get in the pool all right time to get the swimsuit on here's my bottoms and my seashell top all right can't wait for the girls to see my new bathing suit hope they like it I've also got some fun matching sandals to wear until I go into the pool all right guess I'll just wait for the girls outside maybe I could use that hairdryer hmm I just can't wait I want to get chained so I can hop in that cool pool all right oh I've gotta bring my stuff in come on didn't realize my back was so big all right let's shut the door that's good meat you have some privacy let's go in here get my swimsuit out okay got it hang up here just in time ready think first I'll wash up maybe splash my face a little huh okay refreshing it sure is a hot day out there well I like this little bench I can sit down so I can get my shoes off and then just need to get changed since my swimsuit and I'll be all ready all right let's help neon QT get ready for the pool she doesn't want to go in her fancy sparkly outfit so we have to get that off and put her in our swimsuit hers is super cute I love the zipper on it I think it was oh just whoops just around her arms there and I'll grab the bottoms that are hanging got to get those up all right now this is what I'm talking about this is pool gear well better get my stuff cleaned up and put back in my back and I've also got my super cool sunglasses now I am ready okay let me just let's change you don't seem to be able to get out um hey neon cutie it's precious oh you have precious what's going on are you done getting changed I'd like to use the hairdryer yeah I'm just I'm having a little trouble with the door I can't I can't get out precious princess can you help me it's stuck I don't want to be stuck in here I'm gonna miss the pool oh no neon cutie okay I'm trying you're right it does seem to be very very stuck um um okay okay I'm trying oh I've got an idea good idea what is it okay I'm gonna pull as hard as I can and you push all right at the count of three okay one two three almost got it oh whoa okay we did it I'm out I know ha thank goodness I was gonna be stuck in that miss everything oh no we wouldn't let that happen his fancy done in the bathroom yet I'm not sure Oh weren't you gonna dry your hair yeah you mind if I go in there and work on that no not at all if you don't mind I'm not gonna go back in there yeah maybe I won't exactly shut the door all the way good idea all right so oh yes hair dryer right here hmm a lot of hair maybe a little more yeah okay that looks nice wait a minute what am i drying it for I'm about to get in the pool huh silly me all right let's check on fancy well well those guys are getting themselves taken care of I'm just gonna go to the restroom I do not want to have to go while I'm in the pool let's see anyone in there no seems clear okay just a quick stop Oh seems a little tight in here okay maybe with the door closed it's better hmm let's see just need to use the potty first and get the seat up huh all right that's better oh my might they have the sink on the other side okay I'll watch them soon as I can I guess just gonna get changed I need to get a few things out of my bag okay so probably should get my swimsuit first get my shoes off and my beautiful dress that I love to wear but not at the pool you want to stay nice and pretty I'm going to put on my roughly swimsuit today roughly bottoms and a little roughly pop I feel so cute in this ringing ringing ooh my cell phone oh my goodness what should we send so squeezy in here hello hello what do I do fancy fancy is everything okay yeah it's fine oh no no no toilets starting to overflow because oh maybe this little wand will help me oh wait let me see me okay you can get it out maybe I can come on come on oh he's all boned out okay now I can all right it's all clogged now poof oh we sure have made a mess here though my dress and my cell phone are all enjoy that water oh oh I do have a towel Bansi come on I'm coming just a minute I was hoping to lay out on this towel but I guess I have to use it to clean up oh oh come on come on all right I just need to get everything back in my bag and try to enjoy the rest of my day here I come PNC what took so long and why are your clothes all wet um no reason there's nothing huh come on let's go play at the pool all right did you guess that neon cutie would get locked in the changing room if so say I got it in the comments here I go watch out little girls splashdown I think I'll just relax on this chair oh I thought you brought a towel good chance just fine thank you all right pool time so did everything work out okay in the changing room uh yeah it was fine uh-huh okay perfect oh good glad I could get it for you come on let's play I'm coming I'm coming I'm ready for the pool it's been a lot of work just to get here well hey guys guys mind watching the little sisters for me so I can head home no that's fine chicky babe well why you want to leave we just got here I know I've been here for a while I'm afraid I'm not feeling too good maybe it's just too much Sun or something yeah well all right go ahead okay thanks maybe I just need to lay down I hope I'm okay
Channel: Tooy Egg Videos
Views: 11,403,950
Rating: 4.5206852 out of 5
Keywords: vending machine, glitter, police, unicorn, lip gloss, family friendly, play, family, lil can do boi, toy, boy, dolls, playmobil, climb, lol, lol surprise, juguete, playset, doll, surprise, friendly, playing, kid, baby, friend, swirl, for children, set, custom, lil sisters, video, baby sister, funny, little, surprise toys, popular, toys, climbing, kid friendly videos, shopkins, new, for kids, cookie, blind bags, sister, brinquedo, mountain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 17sec (3977 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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