Surprise Birthday Party For Kelly LIVE Feat. Reba McEntire, Ian Somerhalder & More!

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[Music] happy birthday [Applause] look at this yeah it's so nice wait okay wait wait let me follow you with the little okay i like your dress oh thank you yeah i like the disco ball all right i like the wine called chandler and bennett dr strange is my favorite can you does it look good you can adjust oh i think it looks fine um this is amazing y'all are so nice i have no idea oh that was really good i was like and then i just saw him doing something but i thought that was for her oh she wasn't wearing your shield yeah um this is so nice hi meryl i've been in a okay great birthday these are all the people that spotted my copic birthday all right so for the first part of your birthday celebration okay wow got some birthday messages that oh if you want to play here you go oh how do i oh on here yeah oh this is so fun oh this is so fun i thought you know like the crew or like oh kelly clarkson or even mcintyre here happy birthday girl when you get a minute let's go celebrate love you happy birthday i love you happy birthday kel wish we were there i hope you have a great day and i can't wait to spend time with you this summer and we love you happy birthday hey kelly it's scott and i just wanted to say happy birthday to you happy birthday we love you so much have the best day ever happy birthday kelly we love you so much happy birthday kelly we love you oh my god i love you happy birthday kelly you are one of the kindest human beings i've ever met in my life you're so sweet so down to her i hope you have the best birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you okay i won't sing the whole song kelly but happy birthday um you know out of all the people in my life who have impacted me you are easily at the top um you've just been such an incredible friend and help you know not only on the show but after the show you've just been incredible you know whenever i need help you know i'm able to reach out to you and that says a lot to who you are um and one moment that read that always comes to mind when i think you know about how great you are is when right before the finale you approached me and asked me um if you could fly my entire family out for the finale and that will always stick with me for as long as i live how how incredibly generous and kind that was and so i hope your birthday is great here's to 150 more but happy birthday kelly yeah it's in summer holidays in your massive complex universal here that you have that you now have because you are just such a powerhouse and such a success but furthermore who cares about being powerful and successful you are an amazing human being everyone that comes in contact with you everyone that works here so grateful and proud to be here and that is just a testament to who you are and obviously you know that but i just want to remind you that that is who you are in love with mickey mouse from a louisiana boy to a texas girl who went out and done good with that insane voice and that amazing personality thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you for having me on this show thank you for being so kind and compassionate to everyone well everyone's so nice happy fifties oh my god that was amazing 50th this ain't even my 40th yeah boy but i don't care i'm ready for 42. this makes a lot of noise thank you yeah thank you everybody oh my god i'm sweating is it unbelievably hot yeah oh okay okay i was like is this the change when i am turning 15 what's happening now we're gonna play conversation jenga which is literally a lot of people are by themselves for the birthdays this year because okay so all you have to do is just write jenga and then every time you pull out one there'll be a number on it and then it has a question okay can i hand you this so i can pull this close to me yes okay that was so nice um okay here we go so i just put poke it out right yeah i have a giant set of this in my 41 41 yeah your idea of a seriously good time is well to keep it family i will think of another one um [Laughter] um a seriously good time okay everything that's coming across my brain is not appropriate what does that mean um it's inappropriate um [Music] you know what a seriously good time is this is this is pg um it is is literally i think forever this can sound like such a mom thing but just to have like a girls night like okay for instance i was just surprised um because i happen to not have my kiddos this weekend they were with my ex-husband and so my friends surprised me and took me to vegas and we just had a girls name it was just like the four of us and four girls was hanging out and um and it was fun the most fun part was they they planned it perfectly i keep telling trisha this but it was perfectly planned out and not too planned you know there was freedom in the schedule but there was also like really cool things like topgolf which was awesome um and also will of fortune slot machines and well many we did megabooks we did monopoly we did many um and then that weird new one the patriotic one that i kept winning at anyway um and and yeah glory glorious i don't know what it was but anyway they played like patriarchy the whole time um and then i won a lot i'm on that one and then lost um and then anyway it was just kind of fun and and i went to dinner and you know got a dress and a cute hat and it was really fun and i got to just hang out with girl i think you know if you're a parent you don't get those moments of time so that was a really long answer um okay this one's 17. don't you wish you could hear my real ones yes what was your most memorable birthday um well that one was really cool especially in my mom years that was probably one of the most memorable ones um i don't know i've had a lot of good birthdays i've had a lot of great ones i mean i guess i'll say you know it's been kind of a hard year so this one is kind of really awesome i think in a completely different way and i think when you do become a parent and you know you love your kids we love our kids with all our hearts but to have that alone time to kind of refuel our tanks um that was pretty special so and the best part is they were like we're flying you private with like 25 of your closest friends and it was amazing but it was just funny because they were like look uh and i was like i don't care and it was amazing the whole thing was amazing and because my friends are funny and loving and just funny yeah all right so probably this oh that's me okay oh that one was easy that was easy hit the button 18. we're gonna go in a row name a song you'd never sing for fear of ruining it oh cry cry cry by judith hill if you listen to the song you'll quickly realize what i won't cover it she has one of the craziest voices on the planet literally that's like the only song like that i mean there's probably other songs that i'd be like i wouldn't really pull that off but like that's the one that like really i one of the songs that i absolutely love but i just am like i'm fine to stay away from it yeah some people just have other worldly voices that you just are like no and there's no way to like make it mine it's just so hers it's crazy it's good look it up oh that's me again next you know what really good at games asked me to play tic-tac-toe 26. i feel like i'm playing racco as well what's a resolution you make every year on your birthday and do you stick to it what do you think it is learn a language learn a language i don't you know who i'm mad at and girl he came on here on the show he knew every rosetta stone language i bought he asked me guys i mean because i said i know a lot of languages right he was like he's like yeah and i was like which one he literally named everyone i've ever wanted to learn and i was like i'd kind of just like you but i'm so impressed anyway i've always wanted to do that but i guess truly i don't because i don't because it's so hard if you're not i'm the type of person i feel like you have to live there or like be around a person speaking it on the daily because i i only get so far in all of them and all my language things 20 years later still just nailing english kind of oh name a musician who is incredibly kind in real life oh i could name a lot of them um i can name no no no i was going through and i literally i just thought of all females but i can name it males as well but i i love um lady gaga was one of the nicest people um that i ran into there's actually the beginning of her career um she was she was really really lovely um adele really not only lovely but hysterical um uh i've met just named people who have met i've met a lot of people i don't know i've met a lot of nice people a lot of country people um that are nice but i i don't know i don't know it's i don't mean it honestly i don't mean to meet a ton of turds or anything and i think when i do i have this thing that my therapist tells me where i just like shut it out like it never happened um like many things somebody's going to the bathroom do you hear the plumbing hope it's going well number one or number two yeah it was awesome they dropped their phone hopefully not in the toilet um but no i haven't i only have like a few like a small handful of like people i've met that are i'm like wow you are you don't have good carbon coming um but for the most part like most people that you see me with i think in general people are nice but you know what it is it's the test i was just talking about this before we walked in here actually it's the test of the people around me that don't they drop something else somebody is just drunk upstairs or something um but no it's the test of the people around you that people the famous people like maybe they come on this show or like come to my show on tour or do something in the voice they don't know how close i am with my people and i'm going to find out who you really are yeah they don't know that i'm close to people so um like i just found out one that i was kind of bummed about but i was like oh secret closet turd okay but like nice to the famous person i don't like that i mean just be if you're going to be a turd be turned to everyone at least be an equal opportunist turd like it's like all right last one okay 48. i'm long-winded you never get many in that sorry it's okay what's one question you want to ask meryl streep [Laughter] do you think i'm crazy [Laughter] i think she thinks i'm nuts i think she probably i think i definitely scared her on the carpet here's the thing i was shocked and i don't hang out at movie things with like actors i'm never around actors now i am but i mean i'm always around musicians so like you know it's just a weird world for me and i happen to be at an award show with actors and i'm pretty sure i scared her but i was just so excited and she's so many of my favorite like she's just such a so many my favorite characters in movies and i i don't even know honest to god if i ever want to meet her i know i met her like on the card but i mean like actually like because i feel like she might be afraid of me and i'm so nice and i just am really inspired and and she probably thinks i'm crazy do you think i'm nuts and you know what that's rhetorical i know the answer but i'm not meryl i'm so lovely um anyway but no i don't really have here's the thing with famous people like i'm not i'm not a person that likes to go and meet people in general that's why i kind of messed it up too because i don't do well i didn't because i don't know what to i don't know what just i don't have any like prolific like things to say i'm just like oh i like what you do like and it seems like not enough like to say that like because that's that upsets underestimates the value of your craft but like i don't yeah i don't really ever know what to say other than like you're you do really awesome at what you do you're so talented like so i don't i don't it makes me nervous to meet people i like but are y'all like that or do you want to meet people i don't know either i get so people think it is snobby it's not snobby like when they're like you want to go backstage i'm like kind of not like kind of not because i i get very nervous um but anyway but i love merrell i mean everybody loves mural that's not like a that's so rare and unique you know everybody all right let's wrap up this guy okay so let's wrap it up we have conquered all these numbers look at this i won uh or lost um anyway i really wish i would know what the 49 was um thank you for hanging out um this is a surprise birthday um party and i was surprised that was well done um and i'm headed to do another show to meet people that are gonna be nice to me but hopefully when i saw my people bye bye barrel [Music]
Channel: The Kelly Clarkson Show
Views: 158,388
Rating: 4.9708786 out of 5
Keywords: kelly clarkson, kelly clarkson show, talk show, daytime, daytime talk, tv, The Kelly Clarkson Show, NBC, American Idol, The Voice, singer, musician, NBC TV, Television, Funny, comedic, jokes, funny video, interview, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, songs, Since U Been Gone, Because Of You, Stronger, Heartbeat Song, Breakaway, My Life Would Suck Without You, Love So Soft, Piece by Piece, Birthday, Reba McEntire, Ian Somerhalder, Surprise Birthday Party, Live Event, Youtube Premiere
Id: 36mL2abRiXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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