Katharine McPhee And Kelly Bond Over Early ‘American Idol’ Days!

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- And our next guest is a fellow "American Idol" alum. She's gone on to great success in both music and acting. Her new show is called "Country Comfort," and it's on Netflix, you got to check it out. Please say hello to Katherine McPhee Foster. (upbeat music) (audience cheering) - Wow. (indistinct crosstalk) (music fades) - [Kelly] How are you? - I'm good. - [Kelly] Yeah? - This is so cool to be- - We're out. - I know- - We're out. - And there's people here, sort of, you know, they're with us- - [Kelly] They're live, they're live. - [Katherine] Oh, it's so cute to see them breathing. - Yeah, it's nice to see you. - It's so nice to see you. - It's kind of a weird... like even if we all don't know each other well, we run into each other and it's like, (Kelly gasps) "We were all in camp together." - We're all in camp together. We're all in high school together. We're like a performing art school together. It feels like that. - And it was kind of like... I feel like it was just a very... I don't know, I feel like I'll never experience anything like it. It was just such a hard thing like right off the bat and everything was thrown at you. And it's like if you survived that gauntlet, you've got it. - I think, especially back then too I feel like they made it so... Now I see them with in-ears, like they have a special monitor, I'm like, "What?! We never had that." - I remember they were like... I was like, "I can't hear..." All of us, we were like, "We can't hear." They were like, well, it ruined the stage to put the floor monitors on the- - [Katherine] Remember how you couldn't hear? - [Kelly] So they buried them under the stage. So you're listening for your pitch and it's under the stage- - I just always blamed my attitude singing on that. - Yes, I do too. - Of course, yes. (both chuckle) - So you just became a mom, congratua- - [Katherine] I did- - You don't look like you just became a mom, well done. - Thank you. It's been four weeks. He's like four weeks and a day today. - Wow. - Yeah, he's- - Oh my God, are you tired? - [Katherine] I'm a li... No, I'm so happy to be here, are you kidding me? - [Kelly] You want me to say I'm tired. (Kelly chuckles) - I'm a little bit tired here and there, but I find times to nap and he's such a good little baby and I'm so in love. I mean, you're a mom. It's the greatest... It's my greatest job I'll ever have. - And it will be... I know it's so cliche, but it will be the hardest, because you... the hardest thing for me is when they're so freaking cute and you love them so much, but they're doing something that's naughty and you're like, "Nope, well not twist me around your finger." - [Katherine] Someone told me that, my girlfriend was doing my hair today, she was like, "Oh, can you even imagine that you're gonna have to get mad at him one day?" I'm like, "No, he's so sweet right now. I can't imagine." - [Kelly] Trust me, it'll happen. (both chuckle) It'll happen and you'll go. "Whose child are you?" - [Katherine] Exactly, yeah. - [Kelly] But congrats on the new show. - Thank you. - [Kelly] So what does "Country Comfort" about? - Thank you. It's about a girl named Bailey who is a aspiring country artist. She is in a band with her boyfriend. They've been together for nine years. They still haven't made it. And he decides one day, he's going to inform her that she's being replaced by a younger blonder, sexier lead singer, and he thinks that he can still maintain a relationship with her and she's like, "Heck no, to heck with you." And she gets in her car and starts driving and her car breaks down, things are not going well for her. And she knocks on a door to get a phone, her phone has died as well, and the door opens and it's a house full of five children who think that she's the new nanny. They've gone through about six different nannies, and they think that she's the new nanny. And she's like, "No, no, I just need to use a phone." And all takes place in the South, in Nashville. And she decides because she has no job now and no place to live that she's going to take this nanny job, and the rest is sort of, you have to watch and see what happens on her little journey. - You actually, I feel like, do you like acting even more than singing? I feel like we're opposite. - We're a little bit... Yeah, we're opposites. And I think I kind of knew that when I was going onto "Idol". I think I knew that I was going to try and go into television and I wanted to sing, but I've been really lucky to find shows that have both the acting and the singing. Like I did "Smash" and now this newest one with music and I, yeah, I think I like hiding behind the guise of somebody else. I mean, I being putting an album out like Katherine McPhee or Kelly Clarkson, there's so much... there's something so vulnerable about that. And not that I'm- - I have never named an album Kelly Clarkson. - Okay. (Katherine chuckles) - There's a reason- - [Katherine] There's a reason maybe, yeah. - Yeah, it's a lot of pressure. - [Katherine] I made that mistake the first album. - Oh, I did not do that. I was like, "Can't do it." (Kelly chuckles) - Yeah, but there's something... you know, it's you're selling yourself, right? If you are the instrument, and so, I dunno, I think I just really like standing behind somebody's words and whether I connect to those words or not as a different person. And so, yeah, I've always liked acting but I didn't realize that it would be the thing that I really ended up pursuing. I was already pursuing it before I went on "Idol", but I kind of went... I spent a lot of years auditioning for stuff and not getting them and making relationships, so, yeah, I love it. - [Kelly] I think you're right. I tell people that like artists on "The Voice" that too that are on my team, or even on other teams, I'm like, "Don't look at this as this is your big thing. Look at this and take the next step." Because even after I won, like I was playing like state fairs, nobody... Like it was hard. You still have to keep working like it doesn't get just like overnight... Well, 'cause "Idol" is an amazing... It's like a camp, right, where you're learning stuff, but, I mean, I did not know anything about live performing. I didn't know how to command a stage. I did the same thing. I did state fairs and there was literally, it could have filled 10,000 people and there were 100 people there and I had to really learn, you know, that helped my acting- - [Kelly] To navigate back, humility. (Kelly laughs) - [Katherine] How's everyone doing out there? (Katherine claps slowly) (audience laughs) And I was like, "Okay, I'm going to just..." - [Kelly] I'm just going to nail this for all 12 of you. - [Katherine] All 12 of you. (Kelly laughs) But I had several shows like hundreds of shows like that. - [Kelly] It builds character- - It does, it builds character, and you learn how to just kind of push through it and find a way to enjoy it just for what it is no matter how many people are out there, so it helped both singing and acting, I think. - [Kelly] I love that. I love that. Well, you have a clip from the show. Does it need a set up? It can always use a setup, but I think I'm going to just let it speak for itself. And you know, let's just say, there's a reason why you won first on "American Idol", I came in second. Let's just watch this. - [Kelly] Wait, what? - But then, honey, some kind of miracle happened. I heard this voice calling out to me. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Stand a little taller, something, something, something when I'm alone. And that's what I knew God was trying to send me a message via Kelly Clarkson. And now Cassidy, Kelly Clarkson via me is sending it to you. You gotta be strong. You gotta carry on. You gotta- - Good Lord. - Yay! (audience laughing) - Wait, first of all, I love that that's like how I sound on stage sometimes when I forget lyrics. (Kelly laughs) Ah, yada yada yada. - Yada yada yada... Bailey, the character that I play, you are Bailey's superstar Idol, so... We referenced you a couple of times actually in episode eight, I just watched a little bit of it last night. There's a whole other scene where I'm crying on the bed and the kids come in and they're like, "Don't you remember when you referenced Kelly Clarkson?" And I'm like, "No, no, I'm not as strong as Kelly." It's like a whole... So you are an icon. - [Kelly] I love your accent. - Oh, thanks. - [Kelly] Nicely done. - I try. - [Kelly] Yeah. Yeah. I love it. Well, even though you prefer acting, you're singing with my band next, which I love your voice. - Thank you. - [Kelly] I'm trying to remember my favorite... I think it might've been "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was in "Idol"- - Yeah. - [Kelly] That was one of my favorite ones that anybody's ever done. It was so beautiful and pure. And anyway, I'm excited for you to sing. I know you like acting. - This is a little bit of the country version of myself- - No, I love it. I love country too. You're in the right place. So what song are you doing? What's it called? - It's called "Right Kind of Trouble", and it's actually an original song that they found for this particular episode. I don't remember what episode it's in, but it's a song that my character sings in the show, so I just thought like I would, you know, do something that I sang in the show.
Channel: The Kelly Clarkson Show
Views: 158,509
Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Keywords: Kelly Clarkson, Entertainment, Music, daytime, The Kelly Clarkson Show, NBC, talk show, American Idol, The Voice, singer, musician, NBC TV, Television, Funny, comedic, humor, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, songs, Daytime, Smash, The House Bunny, Shark Night, Book Club, Katharine McPhee Interview, Katharine McPhee on Kelly Clarkson, motherhood, David Foster, Katharine McPhee Foster
Id: a4qhdJqhyF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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