First Born Rights | Kirby de Lanerolle | 12th February 2019 | WOWLife Church

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do you know your dreams our confluence between what happens during the day and what is going to happen and this is very important because you need to know to distinguish we are looking at your dream what part of it is what happened during the day that caused me to have this dream so just get this we can change the way we dream if we change the way we do a day so your answers in the future can happen in what you listen to and how you express your daily routine so I'm teaching much more on this on synchronized knowledge and synchronized knowledge is specially developed so that you can get the fullness of your prophetic life so join synchronized knowledge it's gonna be really awesome this time [Music] meditation is the whole biblical world but originally used in Genesis 24 when they say that Isaac went into the field to meditate when he was waiting for his bride now the word in Genesis 24 for Medicaid is the word sua and sua means getting into a pensive mood and in precisely thinking about certain things we understand today that when we meditate we need to get down from a beta state of mind into an alpha or a Teta brainwave state so we're getting into a pensive mood and precisely thinking about certain things you also see the word meditate use in someone where they're supposed to meditate on his word day and night and the world meditate there is Daaga which really means that we need to be able to get into a state where we can hear a voice speak to us okay so it's a pensive mood but hearing a guided voice speaking to us now this is very interesting for us Christians as meditation has not been a part of the church culture for the last 300 or 400 years but we see that meditation has been in the Bible throughout time we've designed these meditations with specific focuses it is known now scientifically that when we get into a Teta state of mind that we can reprogram a subconscious mind these meditations will take you deep into the theta state now you have to understand these have been designed specifically for you to identify with the word the word is revealed and your true identity of the word is revealed to each meditation we have specific focuses helped healing long life and prosperity but these meditations have truly blessed me and I'm sure it's going to bless you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] come on come on Jesus what a miracle man that's what we call a documentation miracle a documentation America means that was not supposed to be the strata of what was supposed to happen the it was supposed to come in application supposed to come after an appraisal supposed to come that I mean anyone who works for a company would understand how this thing works but this did not come like that in fact the angel had gone before and changed the document before not after the preserver get get that angel get that angel you just get that okay I mean that's how I've got literally millions of dollars transferred to me literally many many years ago about eight years ago by a miracle like that literally they didn't know didn't know what happened Sonny the whole company was given to me and it was a documentation miracle and it happened in the lawyer's office who did the document he's the one who did the document so he was like what how did that happen because the whole three years or four years of the company we had run on it the other way around I had no sign-in rides I couldn't go to the bank I had no sign rights you understand it but in one day suddenly everything got shifted and it was in the document and it's like how the heck did this happen why did me say before no one knew it's a documentation miracle okay and I was with my driver in reject who is been with me for a long time and he's been experiencing he's a Buddhist guy and he's been experiencing God and just last week he was telling me the same thing he said he said cubby you know my my first my electric he's going on Sunday history's not here on Sunday he will give the testimony for the United meeting he said it was he was not with me for some time he got upset with me and stuff like that and he might mention all that but and he left okay unfortunately and then he came back so when he left me he I think he left back to his old habits of his faith and all that you know when first six and then he came back to me and from the time he's come back he started telling me that all his electricity bills have got paid right in fact the electricity meter guy comes in asking that did you sell your fridge like like how how is it hundred fifty rupees I don't understand you know and it's like crazy bills got paid he's what was that was electricity yeah yeah before in school was something else the TV bills like it's happened to Shaunta while you were watching here you know then your that same thing happen in Shanta the bills got paid remember lost me we're here and people is no one's got paid right yeah local paid yeah there you go loading someone got paid someone's is it a car loan in Seoul a car loan is for I got a video just for you SOI can you believe that because it's so important you do because then you understand this is a strange place and it I mean you make a decision are you a part of the strange people it's a peculiar people that God has called us to be okay so that's exactly what happened and why is God doing it he's doing it not because he wants to I know a lot of people want to maybe you have a miracle like I had and evening.a transferred but I went through hell to get that miracle you might understand that's not the way it was get you know gotta give me hands and legs and a mind to work okay please alright so get to work all right but but if someone cheats you and stuff like that happens this god is a win Decatur and that's exactly what happened to me continuously continuously this kind of stuff happened and this angel is a very particular angel that when we talk about him like this he gets excited yeah they don't understand angels if you see them and you understand how they work they're like kids okay they get excited to hear the testimony of Jesus Christ because the testimony of Jesus Christ revelation says is the spirit of prophecy so every time you start talking about the stories that's why I say talk about the stories and so instead talking about the stories they say hey your prophets I knew understand that I remember when Z came into the building one day you remember XIV when in the first days you came in he stood in the corner there I think we had to organize a meeting this way at that time here and that angel came and paid I mean literally hundreds of phone bills in his house you were here yeah so the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy get that that's that's deep okay so every time you start telling people about the testimonies this angel starts moving like that now I'm going to ask you here just for the last one two weeks how many of you realize that your bills because the last time his angel came into the house okay remember I paid bills how many of you realize that something changed with your bills something shifted now watch this right hand up I'm going to show you this angel well raise your hand right up right up right up something change with your bills right what what did that your bills getting paid your bills getting paid getting payments but you don't know where it's coming from pending payments coming okay what that's awesome what is that bills bills getting paid paid off completely somebody paid whatever you do the fridge yeah your electricity bill half and she didn't sell the fridge yeah what is that ah pending payment just came in okay this is someone back there yeah yeah yeah my bills are not going up here using using you see yeah but it's not going all miracles those are all miracles it's 25% less 25% less all Americas you must understand that's exactly what happened in the Bible with the oil you remember the Prophet was asked he said go and fill the place with oil the cups with oil and you'll never run out okay so constantly in a prophetic culture you start seeing these things happening right now like while I'm talking right now look at I'm telling you PV bills telephone bills okay if you can check on a phone check around check now check non-bank installments loans for cars loan installments for your loan it is five hundred thousand two hundred thousand one hundred thousand it doesn't matter 1 million check now because it's a spirit of prophecy okay it's a spirit of prophecy our angel but here's the interesting thing it happens when you check because God loves faith he loves faith faith means you believe and you do according to what you believe so that's why you need to check keep checking keep checking keep checking he's doing it right now in Jesus name in Jesus name right now right now right now right now right now and as you see it I want you right now just just to make a point he's doing it right now I'm seeing right now telephone bills someone's bill someone getting estimates now now now with your phone at me maybe a phone at me baby a phone at me wave a phone baby a phone baby phone at me baby phone at me baby a phone at me right now in Jesus name I just released this angel right now to pay these bills off right now right now right now right now I take authority right now right now let the SMSs start coming in now now now now now now now even a batteries recharged now now now now now thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus now now now now now now check now check now check now check no cheek no cheek no cheek no cheek no cheek now check now check now check now check no cheek no cheek no cheek no you rubbish rubish under Robuchon come on who has something right now right now someone has something right now right now check check check check check check is important before we go into the media will activate these realms so important so important someone got something now I saw one right now and one just before they came for the meeting like something got paid off what was that what is that I just saw it now check check check check check check check check check check who that what did that yeah get him get him the mic as you see you start seeing people not testify and see the rest coming in keep looking it's happening now when I came I was expecting a message yeah like check for 10 times there was nothing yeah just now I checked yeah it's time is 729 now yeah but it says the message came at 717 yeah but I checked in times there was no message right I got a order double order double just now order double she just doubled the order wendy has doubled the order I had signed an agreement for ten containers yeah the guy just made it 20 I want you understand is it these are Millions these are millions of rupees just coming in now now they're coming now is it trust me on this you check you get yeah you said something happened before we came yes I wrote a mail this morning yeah and it was in regard to a payment yes and they paid us less than they were supposed to yeah and I wrote to them and said we would like this particular amount which is what was agreed upon yeah without any negotiation they agreed to pay the amount that they initially promised without any reduction now watch this is a very important these things are very very important what should we get the same favor can come upon you the same favor can come upon you roscha tae-won prophesy over you touch our erosion just stand up right now y'all are just about to come into a breakthrough that is going to be very big okay in fact when I came in I was going to prophesy over you and he walked in first to put the seed into the into the offering you know and surely RJ gets there first those days but this time you got there okay and it it means something prophetic that God is about to do something that will cause you to receive the firstfruits just remember I said that the firstfruits of something big is gonna happen in your business so about to walk into something great when I was talking to Roshan there was someone else sorry yeah that's right tell you I'm just I'm getting it right now yeah there was this particular advance payment that was supposed to come to me and the client negotiated to a particular amount and I did not agree to it yeah but he stayed stayed put with his amount yeah but just now about five minutes ago just now I got the amount that just now just now while I was talking which I yeah while I was talking about happening right yes yeah I want to show you okay is happening now now now there was even there was even there's even someone who's Folliard come on yeah I'll tell you again I'm seeing it right now when I'm talking yeah actually yeah this was I was negotiate my salary yes and before just before yeah they're transferring the transfer it and it's double the same testimony the same testimony this is the first time that it happened you negotiated aside the first time it happened first time it has happened right now that angel and then again now come on I'm going to show you more gonna show you more come on yeah yeah yeah [Music] just now just now she's negotiated on a price I might say don't make a mistake this is not happening one hour ago this is happening while I'm talking the angel is moving she just now got it just now she got it just confirm the order now just right now she said she cannot negotiate on the price but she just stood firm the order now right now right now I'm just trying to say I know what skepticism looks like and I don't have to be a prophet I can see from faces okay however I just want you to know if you believe it can come to pass God hears my prayers you need to trust me on that okay so as I'm saying this even now you that was even I'm phone battery charge it was like five percent or two Center someone like that I was too small if someone said oh it's just so small I don't want to test if something like that you saw it now and someone said it's very small I wanted like hundred percent something like but that was a sign to you that God is starting small and increasing who was that it was like a small phone battery charge it charge just I just saw it right now while I'm talking it was like two percent of five percent your battery went up yeah that's right okay yeah it's five percent 8287 five percent yeah I just saw it now I saw it now 83 to 85 83 to 87 that's it five percent right did I tell you five percent come on five percent but if it's a sign everything is a sign it's a sign give me a minute I'll come okay it's a sign that God is starting small with you but it's going to end up fully fully fully charged you're gonna have a fully charged life watch it he starts small he starts with a seed what is that fully charged it wasn't charged before now it's fully charged it wasn't charged before it was dead you're sure yes because if a look at his face look at his face come on who else what else what else yeah yeah yeah because yeah come on I'm trying to show you Goshen the people of Israel went into a line call Egypt please understand that and they went into Egypt means they went into bondage hear me out they went into Egypt means they went into bondage but the people of Israel was given in the place of bondage in the land of bondage they were given a place called Goshen and in Goshen if it was raining in Egypt it did not rain in Goshen you understand if Sun was shining very strong in Goshen it was raining in Egypt you understand it if it was darkness in Egypt it was like in Goshen come on you understand it he was the people of God were in such a place called wow that wind sickness outside but ineptly can't stay inside if you are in involve there is no attack they if you're involved then the appointments come the authorities come I'm telling you right now the investments come it's it just matters whether you are in the covenant people whether you're in the culture we have a covenant culture a covenant people covenant culture we are a special peculiar people who believe in strange peculiar things we believe in a peculiar and strange God a strange God not the God of the other believers I'm sorry we believe in a strange God his name is Yahweh Jehovah he came as Jesus Christ he turned water into wine He healed the sick he raised the dead he gave that authority to his people we believe in that God with all our hearts same thing with sickness same thing with disease same thing there are angels who do these things come on you heard the miracles of the miracles of miracles that are happening in this place now when I was talking like this here I just yeah what happens it yes yes yes and my friend in Canada has just contacted me Bob say thank you for the introduction Wow I know I know something big is going to happen oh I'm sure if anything is gonna happen something is gonna happen I'm Terry I've got a word for you and again but I'm telling you about this word I'm telling you this because I'm just bringing in something that if you identify do the way Jesus works is he's the word it's not indifferent to other gods you must understand you can't come and just mark the card here if you come to mark the card I know if some people used to religion you know like the Christian religions they go mark the card they go to temple or mosque or very bad in a mock the card it doesn't work let here this God is a word God and so he comes to be understood you can't engage him by eating us but by understanding do you understand it the way you engage him is by understanding him okay and that understanding of him okay is what we call a revelation and have you notice that we all say revelation revelation revelation and we love revelation when we say we love revelation is because we love understanding who this God is and the understanding of him keeps changing and keep changing and he's changing it doesn't mean for 60 old he means it's such growing on you and the more you understand him the more those things happen to you okay someone says how does this guy do the things he does it's just out of it's just out of understanding it's just the understanding comes into revelation and then because I understand him like that I can now operate in that every time you understand him you go into a new realm of authority you just get that okay so as much as you might have been coming in for many years and listening because maybe you've been going to another charismatic church or maybe an odd denomination and it's all about just coming and all just it's just a word but this is not like that here okay if you don't understand it's useless okay so but but how much you understand the Bible says it's 30 60 hundred some people get 100 so I'm a good 30s and we will get 60 it doesn't matter okay at different revelations people will understand differently you understand that one one type of Revelation people will understand someone will get 100 some will get 30 a next season I'm do another not a series someone will get a 60 and someone will get 100 you don't you might not get 100 all the time do you understand that but that's okay whatever you get it bears fruit as you get it this God works like this as you see him you can have him you understand he works lad as you can see him you are able to have him is that okay yeah so you ready to see him okay so that is why we go into the world man I'll tell you this is gonna be so cool because the teaching is called the manifest sons because in Romans eight and this is really pretty the whole church into a new dimension in Romans 8 there's a a wonderful concept that is coming along in Romans 8 it's like I don't know what the sound is yeah that's like an echo or it's like a buzz like when you don't fight the program you get a buzz like that that buzz is there yeah I can you can you can you can you hear that yeah that's not supernatural there's something wrong with the sound Romans 8 okay Sarah Bakura Bashir ABBA I'm telling you God is taking us to a phenomenal place great if you're not in Romans 8 Romans 8 oh man thank god you're so good god you're so good Juan Jesus god you're so good you're so good do it's awesome it's awesome okay the whole of Romans 8 you got to read it it's it's it's really powerful but it's teaching about that that you can summon up saying the whole creation like you saw just now what you saw with the creation respond okay like money coming in people's accounts businesses that were not there started coming in orders that may not confirm what is that it means the whole creation is responding you just get that okay so the Bible talks about that the whole creation responds to whom to whom I can hear you romans 8 says the creation responsive sons of God who is a big revival in the in the 2000s when they got this like oh my god the creation is not responding to Jesus Christ coming it's not waiting for Jesus Christ to come the creation is responding to the sons of God okay and that was a big revelation and people rode that wave and deciding the still riding the babe me me riding the wave as well but I'm bringing you upgrade in understanding this the creation is not responding for Jesus to come you know waiting for Jesus can respond it's waiting to get out of its bondage that means the whole creation is in bondage it's a it's breaking its the dilip at Delap the tip come on help me man with my English really dilapidated yeah it's dilapidating the creation is dilapidating is that good yeah yeah and it's it's it's falling apart okay it's the scientists call it I think it's the second law of entropy you understand it's going to entropy in going to chaos all right but it says but the creation is waiting eagerly groaning dilapidating okay falling apart groaning in bondage waiting for the sons of God to come on the scene okay as the sons of God comes suddenly what was chaos becomes organized do you just get that okay so the law of entropy says if you can Ripper these pages apart you know the law of thermodynamics a you rip these pages apart you throw it up if you'll never come back organize this book okay it's not available the world works but that's not what Jesus says okay the Bible says that it will come back like that if you are a son of God so everything that is around you in chaos gets organized for those who are sons of God okay now so that was a huge revelation into taught in the 2000s and people been crazy over that one and we started teaching on a manifest sons and my mentor prophet Kobus okay he he he he thought a lot about this and we really would bless really blessed by the revival now we stood on those words but I just want to bring in an upgrade are you ready and I want you to see it because what determines a son of God and the word son of God there they featured it so well okay and it featured it saying it was the son of God was the word who yours yeah we heard of that and I said who use means oh it doesn't mean the rest creations you'll respond to a immature son the creation responds to a mature son so you can't be a tick non you can't be like us like a son who who has not grown maturely like who can do these miracles Kirby can okay but I'm telling anyone else come on right yeah I'm challenging Church come on try and do come and do what I do okay okay don't get upset don't get upset I have good news for you I'm good means good news for you why is it good news for you because I'm about to show you that all it takes because otherwise it's left in the air go we can do it but maybe because he's the mature son maybe he's who loves and maybe I'm not who yours maybe I'm just taken on maybe I have to mature to the place I mean what will it take me to maturity repairs and that's the problem no one tells you what it takes you to mature okay so everyone say you have to read the word you got to pray much but do it is to go do that any like oh my god this sword should do okay to get to who yours okay and then don't we know grace we can get into words because it's not determined I've gone I've searched I've lived okay what am i more mature than someone else who can't do what I do I might more mature than this person or that person or is that person more mature than me how do we know because no way there is no definition there's no explanation of how you get to this maturity but it says the creation will respond to the kuya's the mature sons of God okay we are getting phone battery's began the Angels paying the bills all I can stuff we hope very soon we can have a ritzy partying traffic partying we've had prohibit I'm glad we're really going to see the ground is shaking they're going to see we're gonna see all that believe me okay we're gonna see lightning striking or all that we're gonna see five come from heaven and just kick the offering okb-1 we're gonna see all that okay we're going to see the creation responding trust me okay it does sorry small small huh okay now but how do we get there is true identity and that is why the whole world is now into identity politics yes it's all prophetic when you start getting two identical it takes it means in the natural it means that God is going to reveal himself and that it just takes you identifying because the world is so segregated giving you a box and say now identify and people jump in your box and say I identify and they victimized by their box you've got it so God is giving you a sea not a box okay now called Christ that you need to identify are you ready so I want you to see what you're supposed to identify I'm just going to bring an upgrade to it okay so who is this who your son and gonna help you are you ready so we can you do a bit of reading okay so worse Romans 8 verse 23 not only that listen carefully but we also who have the safest fruits who have the first fruits of the spirit give given be ourselves well then oh you have a fruit baskets today yeah at entrance here Wow that's prophetic I didn't know that okay okay but because all about fresh fruits but we also have have the firstfruits isn't there the first fruit to be sprayed given we ourselves groan within ourselves is there so we being given though the first fruits of the spirit so here's something that you you think about so Adam didn't have the first fruits of the spirit think about that okay only we have so that should know that Adam was nobody but the ones who have Christ has got the first fruits which way is it there okay now watch is given via says drawn within ourselves eagerly waiting for the adoption and redemption of our body okay but we were saved in this hope but a hope that is not seen is not hope for why does one still hope for what we he sees but if we hope for what for what we do not see we eagerly wait for fight with perseverance that means he's saying we have got the first fruit of the Spirit okay something came to us and now this first fruit of the Spirit we're going to see the rest come into play okay so the first fruits of the spirit means that Jesus came and he blew all his disciples and he gave us the first word that Holy Spirit came to us we got the first fraternal spirit okay now why first fruits are important is the Hebrews from that time onwards loved first fruits okay and some of you come up to me and give me the first fruit offerings okay some of you know the traditions do it you know some of you don't know tidying first fruit stuff like they're very important for your finances so recently and even with Rama who came and gave me her first fruits she got something which she yeah she can give me your first fruits you see so for God first fruits are very very important okay now I so don't put onto yourself on a bondage okay I'm just bringing you your understanding of his fruits you're under grace but I'm saying honoring God with first fruits is important okay because it shows that you understand his ways now watch this okay so the first fruits have been given to us and the first fruits are important because throughout the Bible God calls for first fruits he says the one who opens the womb first is mine do you understand and therefore every male that opens the room was his did you know that okay and so the first born of any animal is his and the Hebrews understood this okay so therefore in the Hebrew culture they would sacrifice the firstborn unto God do you understand and the human beings they can't slaughter the human beings but they had the ability okay to give the first fruits of their firstborn and say this boy will be a priest unto you you understand it okay this boy that my firstborn will become a priest unto you I give him to you I dedicate him as a priest to keep your ways you understand it if he was not going to be the priest okay because you remember the time when when when the Israelites were doing an offering I spoke about last time he called a strange fire remember when Aaron's sons gave strange fire out of their own strength they gave the fire when the fire was supposed to come from God remember I preached it right just two weeks ago I preached it okay so they gave strange fire means they gave out of their own effort they were going to fire you understand they were priests they would have firstborn you understand it so now you must understand God shifted it and he said I don't want anymore form the tribe described that if that Aaron is from like that he says from now onward I am going to take the Levites okay the Levites as the firstborn you must understand the tribes of Israel how many how many tribes of Israel twelve tribes of Israel okay the Levites were the third god says in my in my in the Hebrew culture the Levites now will be my priests okay they shall become they shall represent the firstborn so now here's the deal you wanna see the deal in the culture if you have a firstborn you redeem him that means you pay to the priest so that the firstborn doesn't have to be a priest he can be salesman an artist you understand a doctor you understand it so they redeem him and that is why they and and a redemption was they had to give they have to give a lamb hello okay two turtledoves okay and people misunderstand this and watch this I'm going to show you something I which Archer and Sheree were here but they asked me this question they say that Jesus was poor because he gave a certain type of offering of turtledoves and stuff like that okay Jesus gave sorry Jesus's parents gave a certain type of offering and he was born we gave her the firstborn but if you look at the offering he gave and that's why people don't understand it like oh he gave just turtledoves he gave the 40th day offering he did not give the firstfruits offering because he was the land so his parents knew that and never gave the land because he was a lad they gave a traditional 40 day offering which was $30 yeah so because they knew who he was because he was completely going to be a priest they were not were to redeem him did you just get that okay now can we go deep can I go deep here here you need to know who you are so they could redeem the boys by paying silver five shekels of silver lamb and supply Danny could redeem them from being priest you understand that when the Levites were now taking his place is that okay I just want to give down here on sin but everything everything they had from the wine the new wine that's why new wine is important we say new I mean it's the first fruits the God looked upon wine harvest the first fruits of the olive harvest the first fruits of the grain harvest the first fruits of the barley harvest never it's given as an offering to God you just understand it the first land if you have a donkey okay they said if you had a donkey I'm just reading I explained to you that the law if you had a donkey you've got to redeem the donkey because the donkey is the one that carries all the weight and this all work okay but you've got to redeem the donkey by giving a lamb if you're going to keep the donkey you have to sacrifice a lamb come home okay otherwise they have to break the neck of a donkey in the field you can't have you if it was ripped do you understand it that's to understand the poverty first would he love the first fruit I'm just giving you a background are you ready for this okay I mean know that all things work together is it there now this is the whole creation responding to me the whole creation all things are working together for those who love the Lord is it there that means everything even if you're in a bad situation you're thinking you're thinking are in a bad situation but it will work for your good it's a funny thing with God even the bad situations become good because all things work together for those who love the Lord is it there for a call according to his now what was the prophecy for this year in your purpose is your power if you are watching the bathrooms in this place there's power in your life because you're doing that you understand because all things are working together do you understand that you go minding the door all things are working together because they're called according to his purpose you are now understand this right now watch is so he says for whom he foreknew he also predestined is there he foreknew he predestined to be conformed listen carefully to the image that means you okay for whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to thee to the image of whom of his son is it there that he might be the firstborn among many brothers do you see the word respond there Wow so we are called to be in the image of the Wow but are you the firstborn no he but you is predestined you to be conformed to the image of his son with the firstborn is there is it there so now we understand that the whole creation Romans 8 goes want to say now the whole creation is going to respond to the sons but they say who your sons mean mature sons let me put it to you it's nothing to do with mature sons because mature sons would need to mature to get there okay but the firstborn is he opened the womb and the Bible says opens the meatrix is the word that they use actually okay the one who opens a matrix okay is the first bond who comes in so now you are called to be in the image of the firstborn you can mature there you can only identify there you can't grow into it you can't work at it it's grace upon grace you are called to bear that place come on Jesus you understand so it shifts the whole thing because suddenly you're like oh my god I become the firstborn now we're not replacing Jesus please understand there's no replacement you say I'm not even replacing Israel I'm not a replacement guy okay but I'm an upgraded guy we are upgraded from one position to another position okay so you have to understand now Jesus okay who was the firstborn somehow throughout the Bible you see this thing happening that God switches hands do you understand that okay and he doesn't switch hands with Jesus he's always the firstborn but you are even Jesus that causes you to be the firstborn okay why is it important because the firstborn in the jewish understand Hebrew understanding gets a double potion double double double double double he gets a double of everything he's called to look after the rest he's the firstborn okay so I mean when the Levites were taken as the firstborn or as as the priesthood they were never supposed to even have property why would anyone ever service work properly because it the people's property but suppose to be theirs believe me honestly unashamed I can tell you all the properties I have I never bought I have it and I'm not ashamed but what is that that is my right it's my right because I Know Who I am now wait hold on okay it wasn't just people come in gifting it to me because people started trying to do different things with my businesses and partnerships I would inherit everything to my right to my authority I will do business buildings he's a brilliant businessman no it's my authority I am just exercising my right as the firstborn come on Jesus do you understand that so naturally your authority shifts when you understand who you are in Christ Jesus do you just get that okay so now understanding that let's jump into James and you see the same thing you see the same statement in James Hebrews James is right off that James one are you ready watch this okay if you're new to this place with a prophetic teaching ministry we're not just a magic department okay we know what we're doing I know how we're doing those things okay it's true understanding the word without the word nothing happens okay now watch is it's altered with authority right now watch this again it says it here in James James 1 do not be deceived my beloved brothers in verse 16 every good and every perfect gift is a from above is it there and comes down from the Father of lights is it there where there's no variation or shadow of turning verse 18 of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth that we might be the kind of there you go again so now you have become the firstborn the firstfruits do you just get that so that there is no dispute I'll show you time and time again they says that you are called the body image or if you spawn okay time and time again you New Testament so here me where I'm going with is very very important so understanding that let's just jump into Exodus 34 thank you Jesus Exodus 34 Jeremiah 23 can we do jeremiah 23 yeah do Jeremiah trying to be fast first I saw a Jeremiah yeah come on Jesus come on Jesus come on Jesus Jeremiah 23 if I feel you're getting bored yeah no no sorry Jeremiah - Jeremiah - yeah sure mine - well sure - again what he calls Israel okay ready this is what God calls Israel is it there what is two three Israel was holiness to the Lord is there Israel was holiness to the Lord the firstfruits of his increase do you see that okay I love this that means Easter about the firstfruits that's why I'm not replacement guy because I can't be a replacement guy because I understand there was the firstfruits and I honor firstfruits because God honors firstfruits offering the firstfruits you understand it but a hands shifted we can't ever not honor the firstfruits okay but the hands shifted do you understand what happened okay so Easter I was holiness to the Lord and firstfruits of his increase and if you understand holding and sadly explain holiness because just very briefly one day I'll do a whole whole teaching on holiness but just very briefly holiness has to do in another place in the Bible it says that we are holy because the first lump is holy okay so holiness has to do with set of partners that means you come sit about yourself he has set about you you are not holy by anything you've done it's because Easter all he says Easter I was holiness unto the Lord come on just think about that okay that means never seen as an instructor on you know David was the sinner so but he said these are holy Oh son Oh Lord why does it say Easter his holiness to the Lord just get that because he has decided to set it apart as his first fruits it is first recovering it is first fruit offering so because it is first fruit from the harvest it is holiness so holiness has nothing to do with you trying to do something holiness has to do with the God who sets you apart once you identify that ok I'm holy because he has chosen me as a whistle not because of anything I'm doing it'd be stupid for me to think that I can do something that is holy I can't do jack that is holy no matter how many poojas I gave no matter how many lamps I light there is no way that this thing this natural man can become holy you need that's religion you need a God who chooses you and says now you're holy once you know that your holy holiness has to do with a God sanctifying you and putting a part you understand it now I can now live a holy life you understand according to his standards but even if I fall I still remain holy look at my set apart whistle you just get that so Easter I was holiness to the Lord the firstfruits of his increase is it there I love this one all that devar him will offend God disaster will come upon Dame says the Lord you just see that so he says because the first fruits were only given to the priest so no one is supposed to eat the first fruits so Easter Allah Wow is holiness unto the Lord you understand you are the first fruits you're truly the first fruits of this country no one has seen anything like you the miracles that you have already just see us are today - the first fruits miracles and people say why don't other churches how it I said because they don't honor the first fruits you can't not honor the first fruits and have the miracles you can't have the prophetic like I have it without honoring where it's from I was first fruits of this I was first fruits of a offer winepress called a new wine you were those firstfruits that came to this land and so kill the church honors the first fruit offering we can't have the rest they just understand that this whole thing works so now you are holiness unto the Lord you are a first fruit offering no one can devour you if you understand your first words if someone eats you touches you takes from you it offends God because you are his offering come on Jesus do you understand so you're his first fruits it's a very pure holy offering it's the most precious offering the first ones to come in to Sri Lanka Wow Wow you understand there are special people like him you're on the Senate so their first fruit so once you understand hey I'm for sports do you understand it and understanding it's not only for you but it's for the whole body of Christ but they need to identify they kind of mature into this that you need to identify into it do you just get that okay so now let's jump into Exodus Exodus 34 I'm just showing you convert scriptures okay watch Exodus 34 all let open the boom are mine every male firstborn among your livestock Widow ox or sheep they're mine but a firstborn of a donkey you shall redeem with a lamb and if you will not redeem him then you shall break his neck all the firstborn of your sons you shall redeem is it there I'm just going to show you okay very important to understand is God loves the firstfruits and that is why when he was with Pharaoh in Exodus for very interestingly look at how he defends his firstfruits with Pharaoh look at Exodus Thor already sixes for six this force is hilarious Exodus 4 verse 21 the Lord said to Moses when you go back to Egypt Egypt see that you do all those wonders before Pharaoh which I have put in your hand but I will hardly saw it so that he will not let the people go what can he do then you shall say to Pharaoh thus says the Lord listen carefully Israel is my son is it there my first boy now listen carefully and it is superb okay so I say to you let my son and avoid Sunday City I'm talking about a manifest silence please understand that when you get the manifest son from Romans 8 you have to understand Israel my son what is the context of the son my firstborn so we say the whole creation is even respond to the sons of God it means he's gonna respond to the firstborns not to the ones who's going to work at it try to mature themselves but who identify themselves as the firstborn do you understand now so he says thus say to the says the Lord this is how you talking to Pharaoh you're talking to your Mountain Dew you're talking to a problem you trauma with your financial situation you're talking to your sickness you're talking to the problem in your marriage you're talking to whatever is trying to come before you is it thus says the Lord Wow is my son my firstborn so I say to you let my son go that he may serve me but if you refuse to let him go indeed I will kill your first born the problem why God killed the firstborn of Israel and every donkey every camel every firstborn died is because of the first born first fruit offering you need to understand it did you just get that okay identifying yourself in this is very very important understanding who you are in Christ Jesus is very very important okay because God protects his firstborn that's the way this thing works and that's why I say if you're a firstborn you'll be very very careful if you're a firstborn you know Fiona is the epitome of a very good fastball you understand she's the eldest she opened the womb and then she looks after the others that's your job because you've got double of everything do you understand do you understand a Jacob fought for his firstborn but right you understand it it's like how how we we're not just struggling he likes the struggle with a charismatic and we're saying you know I mean I'm not a replacement guy but some people say no no we're the firstborn no we now Israel I've been replaced that's not good theology but if you're saying that okay if you are saying that God sees your heart because Jacob did the same thing it's a desire that Jacob had to be the firstborn and he fights to get his mother brothers but right see the word but right you have but right come on Jesus okay so if you're the firstborn of a family please know that you carry a mantle that God loves you understand it and it's for the others you love for the earth no matter what your love for the other is very important it depends on your inheritance but God continues him Bible switches hands as he sees the younger one get marginalized goes okay you I've seen this countless amount of times in families people don't understand what happens okay but please notice this is important because for God the firstborn is very very important because he's the one who can look at her he has a mental look of the rest okay so he IDs right there he tells he's got my firstborn you need to let him go if not I won't let go of your son is it there okay and if you jump into we're reviewing we've been waiting Exodus for right yeah going to Genesis 4 for and you'll see why people ask got baffled like why did God take the offering of Abel and not take the offering of Cain hmm same reason he says the offering of Cain he detested the boat gave an offering to God but let's look at the character the offering already Genesis 4 for awesome number okay what is okay Genesis 4 for came and Abel but brothers they were first brothers they gave an offering to God one game of his work in his toil and his labor remember again this is so important going on to this because Romans 8 if you say who your sons and you just leave it like that without defining it was first born then they will go and give offerings of their own strength and label and it'll become strange fire on to God so it's important that I preached this in this season because you can't give an offering of your sweat and your toil because then that's exactly what the firstborn in the prodigal son story told said he said I've been toiling the field having you not seen it but the ring was given to the second born come on that ring means at Orakei you've got the first one in Haley's been like this again come on come on come on come on you just understand it that prodigal son story is very important because it happens right in the middle right in the beginning of Genesis because Cain and Abel okay they were I believe it always happens there were twins but one jumped out first and the other was catching even can enable he was like that very similar okay one was just coming from right after him okay wanting the book right or the firstborn just like you just like me a desire to have his birthright you understand that and so you will see that Abel Cain gave or he was a tiller of the ground and so he gave and here it is in verse two and she bore game and she and this time to brother Abel now Abel was a keeper of sheep is it there you saw keeper of sheep why thousands of years before but Cain was a tiller of the ground and in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering is it there of firstfruits of the ground now he says he he brought firstfruits of the ground awesome okay they understood what firstborn offering dizzy right in Genesis come on Jesus is there and says but Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their factor you see the difference that offering so one was out of labor and toil the other one white without of a laid down life of the lamp so right there before the Mosaic law came to pass I mean he started saying you got to give a lamp it was there that's why they gave it like that you understand us so he gave the firstborn of the lamp something died okay to take that offering so that offering was given that came to the lamp and then God took the offering honey but watch what was fight but was for Abel as a broader of the firstborn of his flock and on the effect the Lord respected Abel and his offering but he did not risk Cain and his offering is it there so there's an offering that God accepts and the character did offering has to be firstborn do you understand it and it has to be the firstborn of the lamb okay right from the beginning is foreshadowing and explaining the story now as you understand this let's go - lets go - there you go I'll tell you what let's jump straight to Father we just thank you just thank you Jesus thank you just thank you just thank you John 17 I really blown away okay John 17 okay I was gonna go do something go somewhere else but I'm going to show you this okay this is this it'll blow your way okay all right if you read Bible if you love Bible if you love Bible teachings if you read John 17 it's the Lord's Prayer okay it's when Jesus prays to the Father alright and we're going to see something that is mind-blowing when you understand respond what is John 17 yeah oh boy oh boy oh boy a good one okay but this is so good good I just loved wood because as you go into the word you know I'm some of you were reading how many of you reading acts every day raise your hand oh wow that's awesome come on bless you guys without reading the word you can't notice god this God is in the world you have got excited when the revelations come it means once you see you can have it you asked Philip why he is who he is today is because he got so long ago when we said preaching we started preaching the revelation of the sons of God and he just got the revolution hey man I'm not a servant I'm a son he got it in haters the whole creation starts responding I'm telling you okay and he went on he clipped on that for a couple of years yeah I made a lot of money on just every one revelation just on his I'm a son of God I am a son okay the whole creation was respond to me the son okay but will you get this one like every teaching here you must understand it brings in a resonance from the planet that will witness to you now watch is so john john 17 thank you Jesus so Jesus is now praying okay I want you to see his prayer and we have so misunderstood astre come on so misunderstood this okay and we've gotten a bit new age with this prayer actually truly because we are all about once you know Oh God and I are one we are one we are one we are one were one but is that what he's saying hmm okay oneness is good the curtain has been torn apart I can talk to him but I always said there is something wrong with that oneness like that okay how do you relate with God if you're one who are you praying to the Christian faith is based on duality not based on oneness we wait the two become one we love duality we relate one-on-one face-to-face you understand that the New Age faith and which is now infiltrating the church with all this stuff is all about oneness okay we all know one like like mix like a man loom together and just for ladies okay no the to make one to marriage like me and Fiona are one but we are two different people but we are one how did it happen through marriage you understand it so if that's the type of one is he talking about I'm material but if it's like I'm so mixed up then there's a problem now it's God inside of me yes I my instead of God yes but it's very specific in him I live and move and find my being I'm not mixed up in him I'm living inside of him they know I'm in Christ Jesus okay that oneness is great okay but just watch this word okay so he's praying I ready now he's about to go to the cross and Jesus is praying do ting this prayer is answered I mean Jesus is prayer is gonna be answered right so his brain father gr has come is it there glorify your son is talking of himself that your son also may glorify you have you ever prayed a prayer that you know all the religious stuff not glorify me today it's not the girl for you try those prayers and see what happens you try those prayers they're the real prayers okay we have to fight to say no no no no who trusts me Oh God glorify me today so that I can glorify you my life can go to fight you you understand it it's awesome as you remember we are bearing the image of them remain in the image of their firstborn yeah you see son is good they're going we have been updated ok as you have given him authority there over all flesh that he should give eternal life to as many as you have given him is it there I love this one and this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God Wow he's the only true God is a definite article ok eternal life is to know God every single day to get to know him the word no means intimately entwined in getting to know him it's not religious it's like every day I sit and I get to know this God Lord what are you saying today what are you revealing to me today the intimate knowing of God you get it okay now what is are you ready Hades okay what's 18 as you sent me into the world I also have sent dem intervals so as he was sent we are sent anything different no no watches and for their sake I thank him I am by myself that they also may be sanctified by the truth what's the only one that they all may be Wow one is it there as you Father are in me and I in you that they also may be again one in us that the world may believe that you sent me and the glory which you gave me I given the glory which you gave me the glory that he was given to him what is the glory that was given him the glory of the first born you understand that so what is the glory that we are getting so please note the words okay then the glory which you gave me I have given them that they may be one just as we are one interestingly the one there is not meaning mixed up together the one in the Greek means number one that is what you need to understand when he says the glory that you gave me now make them number one the word one there is preeminence that means give them the same authority that I have and with you you understand so his prayer is that we take his place as the firstborn not replacing but being inside of him now watch again if you don't get it okay watch Colossians some of you don't believe me go into Colossians 1 I'll show you Colossians 1 okay amazing you see the translators can't run away from it they can't run away from the oneness that he's talking down you go and check the one the one the one the one only the Holy Spirit can tell you this okay the Holy Spirit told me so I went to check the one two one two one is the numerical value of 1 which means preeminence it doesn't mean let's mix them together and become new-age Li 1 did you just get that ok so because we don't understand the value here it is my firstborn we can translate it in a certain way but even if you translate like this he says let them be one just like you and I or one and doesn't mean a mixture it means that he is the firstborn among many brothers the father made him one you go into Colossians and he explains the game this is good this is very good watch Colossians okay God is still good so good so good oh man i'm sure i'm ricki some doctrines I'm raking it okay now what just so so good it's so good watch Colossians it came again verse 15 chapter 1 verse 15 he is the image so you understand the glory that he had here's the glory okay I ready he is the image of the invisible God is there here we go again the firstborn over all creation is it there for by him all things were created that are in heaven and on the earth visible and invisible whether Thrones or dominions principalities or powers all things were created through him and for him is it there and he is before why is he trying to say that he's before he does give him the one come on Jesus he is before all things for the making one just like I am one make him one just like me he's before all things and in him all things consist Israel and he is the head of the body the church who is the beginning wow that's the first harvest the beginning the word in the beginning the Bible starts he has a revelation that word in the beginning the word there means firstborn beginning the word starts the Bible in the beginning it means my first bit of my spirit he values just so much so we are now it's the same word he's the head of the body the church who is the first born the first Brent the first born from the dead come on Bobby come on the church the firstborn is it there now listen carefully that in all things he may have that's one oneness preeminence firstborn status do you just get that okay come on Jesus come on that is the big shout okay okay now watch is Hebrews jump into Hebrews 12 and it explains it further don't worry be doing a whole series on it but I'm just giving you a background okay just to understand because when I start this I want you to be very clear where I'm going okay so many many scriptures for you to understand as people will try and argue the fail but I'll try so but but they can see that I'm systematically bringing it systemically bring it to you yeah hmm I'm saying that we are there there is no postponement okay my prophetic word was very very simple okay remember I was looking at an angel showed me a screen and you on the screen it was old man asleep and he wrote he said Israel will receive the promises and he says and Israel's sons been will see this come to pass and then the angel on instruction of Jesus wins and erases the word seed then and he says and Israel will see these come to pass and then he showed me a whole lot of grapes and the grapes had no seeds and he said this generation needs to live like they have received it all that means your spirit your spirit is the firstborn spirit there is nothing for you to grow up your spirit doesn't have to grow up to anything you need to identify in your spirit okay then the soul the mind and the body will start getting the identity of the firstborn do you understand it there is nothing more to work on there is no more knowledge to get do you understand it there is nothing more to work on it just needs to come into your identity in your soul for either way wow I am that the more you identify with who you are you will transform into that in the flesh your flesh is waiting to be transformed into your true identity but you cannot understand you identity unless you understand who Jesus was and what he gave you he gave you his place throughout the hand switched okay but for us he didn't switch a hand he gave us by a prayer to the Father he says now God let make them one do you understand I give them preeminence just like I got preeminence before the foundation of the world come on Jesus yeah we have seen this grapes at the end of oh that's just crazy okay are you ready so now we understand Hebrews 12 when you get to Hebrews 12 he talks about the one who lost the firstborn inheritance Hebrews 12 and he's talking about the maturity of the sons is it there in Hebrews 12 and so he explains it like this he says man can have you up it says looking carefully verse 13 lest anyone fall short looking carefully as anyone falls short of the grace of God is it there let any root of bitterness spring up big and cause trouble that's what's happening now and by this many become defiled listen carefully lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau who for one morsel of food sold his birthright say but right Wow is it there so the problem in Hebrews 12 the whole context is the fact that people are selling their birth rights seedless grapes seedless grapes they're selling their birth rights you understand it they're waiting for things to happen okay they're working themselves and often offering profane fire without coming here in the word building your faith to identify with who you truly are do you understand it with what God has given you how does this come fate comes by hearing the word that's all it takes faith comes by hearing and as you hear you start believing if you can believe in what I'm telling you the whole world is yours you understand if you can believe in what I'm telling you this is Gaussian the place for each trial is first born that being first born first born first born now you have been chosen as the first born with a more you identify in what Jesus has given you it yours you understand that and that is why it goes on to the rest of Hebrews 12 and see what its explains here look what it says here is what it says verse 20 I was 22 but you have come say I have come let us say that you have to come what does it say that you've already arrived you have already arrived so I have come I have come to Mount Zion I've come to the city of the Living God is it there I've come to see your Living God this is the heavenly Jerusalem to innumerable company of angels did we see a lot of angels here today do you know we had different types of angels do different things are you waiting to get to heaven to get the angels that's what Christian he teaches you that when you get to heaven you get the Angels no we have come to innumerable companies of angels the burnt even evil companies different different different different types of angels guys have charged phone batteries put money into accounts cancelled bills come on Jesus gets appointment brings orders increases containers by tenfold five four two four one hundredfold you understand it put money in people's account makes you rich raise it up you come to uni you arrived to innumerable this is my faith man I've arrived I'm not waiting to arrive I've arrived okay listen carefully the name will come Dylan listen carefully to the General Assembly the General Assembly is it yeah and a church of the world if you don't understand that come on I'm not just come to any church [Music] you know any of those churches that you have been apart you come to the Church of the first ball that's that means going the new that means your your heart the prayer of Jesus make them one let him have preeminence that's the church you come to the Church of the first ball not the Church of the mature sons because mature if you don't know that money can be lit as much or more much a little slightly more mature a little more mature no we are all there we are all come to innumerable angels and a church order respond come on just identify and then he says who is registered in heaven to God the judge of all the streets are just men made perfect to do Jesus the mediator of a new covenant is it there and then a blood that sprinkles a better thing than that one of Abel come on Jesus they know victimization in this church no victims here you are attended there is no second bones here there are no little brothers here there are little brothers you understand it there are first boys because God has now given you mean heretics on the first one come on Jesus posterity also a team I will just warn you up and if you want prayer come up and get prayer the pastors will pray for you and let the others worship God come on he's awesome thank you Jesus [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 5,590
Rating: 4.9692307 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Sons of God, Inheritance, First born, Birth Rights, Duality with GOd, Oneness, Romans 8, Creation, groaning
Id: 7lkzOya4kjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 15sec (4575 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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