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have you ever wondered what dry out Geometry Dash's fourth easiest level would look like if it was an extreme demon no well too bad because in this video I'm going to show you how I turn dry out from this into this featuring crazy challenges upside downness and straight fly yes ladies and gentlemen it is finally time that we super buff dry out so dry out is an interesting level one thing I've noticed is that the gameplay is very grounded you're often on the ground it rarely goes high up until like this part but then you go really high because you go upside down so let's just begin here sometimes it's just obvious what you gotta do I'm all the way up it was inevitable and this gotta be buffed a lot not that much that that's impossible so if I just squeeze these four spikes together it should work let's see if that's possible hey it's possible let's go boom chakalaka so for this part I decided that I would make a fake block that's just fake you've been deceived you've been lied to it's fake but that way you can jump in between the structure and then you jump out over all these spikes which is a really far hard jump and then you click a little bit late and you hit this orange pad right here or red I don't know what color it is which slams you all the way up to the ceiling of spikes in which you immediately die in like a millisecond however this black orb is conveniently placed that he could hit it right away and just safely smack back down in this block and jump perfect do you guys like my singing I should make a music video one day you know I've actually considered that I want to make a geometry Dasher app I know some producers and I know some people I think I can make it happen bloodbath coming straight to you from the underground I'm gonna add a little pink orb inside of this block We'll add some of these bad boys and this just to make it even more hard because that's the beauty of this series we just get to make everything hard and yeah I don't know why I added that that was just impulse but I guess I'm gonna leave it there because it looks kind of nice actually no because if you jump too late you're gonna hit it why not add that I'm getting rid of that I have to stop being impulsive and I'm just gonna leave this one Spike I'm not even gonna add like a bunch I'm gonna move it right there so you have to time it like perfect to land in between this Gap if it's even possible we'll see yeah I might have made it too hard what a surprise definitely did not see that coming of course I made it too hard so I'll just move this out like a little bit remember earlier when I was talking about how we impulsively put like this little structure right here I think it was a good thing because I realized if you come out of this jump and just hold you just jump over and it becomes super easy which kind of defeats a purpose so I think it's actually necessary I add a little structure here so my impulsive decision was actually a good thing that's why you should always trust your gut guys and then I'll make it so you have to jump like super soon yeah feeling Sinister I mean that's awfully easy I'm just gonna copy these and just put them right here yes my master plan is working by the way fun fact for those of you don't know if you go to this little chain Tab and like go all the way over here these little blocks have different grids so like if I use this one it'll be like super tiny you only move a fourth of a block and this one's half of a block that's something really useful and I think if you're on a mobile if you place like two of these and then select them and then select whatever else you want to move it'll just automatically have the small grid so really useful tip if you want to move stuff without like eyeballing with these would you see that why'd he just like levitate for a second I don't know why I'm calling my icon he oh that's a tough jump if it's possible I'm keeping it yes I'm keeping that it's awesome let's gnarly man y'all ever watch the movie Cars I love that movie no context I just wanted to say that oh I have a funny idea for this oh I actually have a really funny idea for this so I'm gonna add like a bunch of these little pink orbs with some spikes down here some spikes down under in Australia oh my God this is literally the Australia level if every country had a level Australia's would definitely be dry out because like the whole gimmick of the levels it goes upside down this is the official Australia level ha I'm just calling tried I don't even know if he's like awake because I don't know what time it is in Australia but I hope he picks up because I have a very important question to ask him oh crap he didn't pick up five minutes later all right alert alert stride responded I think he's actually alive yes he's gonna call me back I can ask him the most important question he's here hello hello so you're Australian if any of the main Geometry Dash levels could represent Australia which one would you pick uh so the main 21 levels What level represents Australia look I'm gonna have to go with dry out yes oh my that is the right answer it's not like half of it is upside down so that's the right answer oh my gosh thank you I was gonna have to hang up if not okay perfect so I'm just gonna rotate these wait not that way this way actually now that looks weird the blocks are like sideways now let me just rebuild it that's too hard but maybe if I put anyways back to Super buffing let's actually talk about the level I'm actively building so my thought is you jump in here and you have to like time the pink orbs right it's kind of like black blizzard if you guys know that level that's kind of cool and then I'm gonna add like a little fake in here again I'll just copy it from right here that's the beauty of copy and paste shout out vipron I'm just gonna add some Indiscreet art this is my modern art piece they represents something very deep but you can't see what it is because it's just some random blocks thrown in a loosely associated pattern that represents this part as a whole that's why I love Modern Art all those guys back then making these normal looking artistic art pieces I prefer modern art that sells for 10 million dollars and then is used as tax write-off so rich people don't have to pay taxes all you have to make is you can jump up here so I'll just put this here put it on group one and I'll go to the beginning of the level put an alpha trigger here so it'll go to group one and then zero opacity which means that this spike is now invisible but it is there so I have a funny idea for this I'm going to put like let's see the hitboxes this little pad right here has to go up alone a little bit that way you like land up here and it'll be like a funny thing yeah I think I still have yeah I still have the fake block pasted let's go so then you like fall in oh I know what I do I was at a black orb in here then you like shoot up and I like a green orb so it's like an extra challenge why is it going up I want to go down and she understand then it's a really weird click keep messing it up gosh darn it bro why can't I do it it's literally not even a block here is there is there like an invisible block I'm not seeing I guess let me just move these over a little bit so you go up and then it doesn't work what the heck what the freak man what the three there we go that's what I've been trying to do this entire time I don't know why that's such an awkward click pattern but whatever just gonna go with it now we're already this far in I completely butchered this part it looks so nice and clean before now it just looks like a freaking mess no it's so funny the cube just flies in the sky so I see Rob's up like had these spikes spaced out kind of like how I buffed them so I just got a one-up Rob top you know me so I'm gonna move this out all the way and I'm gonna get rid of these I'm gonna put like a bunch copy and paste them and boom now it looks like a huge path of spikes you know I'm just gonna put like a really big one in here for no reason I I just think that's funny it's what I call the one up structure this is just a spite robtop [Music] did you see that that was like some Speed Run stuff I turned off the hitboxes and I still hit through the weird click I felt like dream like putting down the boat before he falls off like the Minecraft Cliff so this is the purple part forgot it even turned purple that's a weird structure but I like it I want weird structures it makes it easier to buff because it's like more ideas you know however I'm not sure what I want to do for this part I could make a robot because like doing jumps like this is Cube or easy you just hold when your robot you have to like calculate every jump but it's really annoying you know yeah after the spiteful jump of arthropods it's gonna make it robot my favorite game mode like there's so many possibilities with the robot I just love it like this jump right here I could literally just put these all the way out and it becomes like a super hard robot jump and I love it and then you can just make this one like a super tiny jump which makes it super hard that is the beauty of robot the most underrated game mode in my opinion now this is cool though because if you just hold all the way you'll probably die so you have to like hold just a little bit less than the maximum well you know I had to do to him Fitzgerald has officially been implemented in super buff dry out I had to he has to be in all of my super buff levels it's Destiny it's his Destiny it's my destiny it's our destiny and you could play Destiny 2 for free on Steam right now but let me show you something cool about Fitzgerald's dry out outfit I made it so it like goes up when you jump so you don't die Fitzgerald at its finest now of course I need you all to go in the comments section right now and say hello to Fitzgerald you have to be polite you want to be a nice person right anyways back to building God I love robot such a fantastic game mode there's so many ways to just buff things when it comes to robot I love it man oh no I'm gonna make it so you have to like land in the middle of this structure and this blue in the back is so deep I can barely even see the black and you know what I can buff this even more I think but the big spikes make Everybody's Day harder oh that's easy let me buff that even more another day another buff so to begin I'm gonna put these tiny little spikes in the edges of these blocks so basically you have like a literally a half a block to jump I know you can barely see because it's like dark blue in the background but it's a small Gap trust me you know what now I'm gonna put two here so you have to jump over it like how I did in the green line oh you know what I can do actually instead of doing these little tiny spikes over here I'll put one of these and yeah I know what you're thinking four trucks that's impossible but let me show you a little something called show hitboxes so the red is what kills you so like that takes up like 10 of the block you still have all this that you could jump on and not die now it's a very hard timing but it's absolutely possible I think I'm going to have it so you can jump off this block and then you like make your way over to this block and you just skip this one so I'm gonna add a big boy right there big spike Meek Spike boy and you know what I have a little idea actually let me try a little something here so I'm gonna replicate this block right quick so I have the outline there and then I'll just get this and boom now it looks like perfectly real block and then I'm gonna put this h block which allows you to hit your head as cube or robot then I'm gonna add invisible blocks which I'm gonna add to group one like I did earlier for the alpha trigger put those here so if you try to go down you die but this is here so you could like technically land on it so according to my calculations if you jump in there and hit that yes it works oh my God you could even get the coin if you really wanted that's right I completely forgot there's coins in this level I don't know how I'm gonna buff this one but yeah so if you hit your head as a robot on an h block you kind of just like hover on the Block until your Boost runs out so you get to just you know land on it now that's some true fake work actually you know there's one more thing I have to do I can't believe I almost forgot I think you put this here the fake spike boom it looks pretty much real and yep yep yep it works let's go you wouldn't even know it was fake there now you look at this and you're like bruh how the heck do I get past that and unless you watch this video you might never figure it out because in normal mode this just looks like a mumble jumble mess of spikes and blocks and chains I think it would be funny and get this fake spike again and put it on this as if it's just like a regular structure but you actually have to jump on it like this yeah so if you jump late you can land on this I think I hope it's gonna be really hard but hey that's what people love me for right my really difficult robot gameplay I guess I'll just put these here again and then you have to jump like all the way over if that's even possible let me check so boom you land there and then you land deer and then there and yes you can make it let's go that is quite a jump it's like the freaking long jump competitions and I gotta do it again I'm getting rid of this and I'm getting the other fake one I made and I'm putting it here yeah I like that it's the whole point I did all that fake nonsense is so you could jump on top and you just don't even go down here at all so I think that's funny it's not like a rose bike so you just look at it and you're like how that could go further I think if I put another Spike there it is possible will it be a nightmare for anybody actually trying to beat this yeah but is it funny also yeah I just thought of something this coin route I think I could actually make it work with doing absolutely nothing so if you guys remember from my super buffing polargeist video there's a glitch where if you're in the robot game mode and there's a jump pad if you hit the jump pad like perfectly on the edge you do a super jump and I just got a first try let's go because otherwise we just hit a normal you just boom died but this could be used for secret ways and a bunch of weird gameplay mechanics which I think is very exciting so I'm just like I don't even have to super buff this down here because since you're in the robot game mode it's already harder so you're like down here oh there we go there you go oh my God that's a tall jump that's way higher than I thought I just had the best idea I've ever had ever I think so after some trial Endeavor I developed this amazing coin just watch this why are you running it's amazing so the coin literally bounces away from you as you're trying to get it and the only way you could get it is if you hit this yellow pad perfectly hold and then you zoom all the way up and you collect the coin right around here but to ensure you can't get it in the normal route I made these two triggers and on these triggers I enabled the touch triggered option which means that they're only activated if you physically touch them so the alpha trigger makes it like fade away and go invisible and then once that runs out the toggle trigger comes in play which you'll also hit in the same jump and this completely removes it from the level once you touch it so that way you can't collect the coin even when it's invisible but this is definitely my favorite coin I've ever made I love it I've just released my new Geometry Dash clothing line and it's pretty darn epic these t-shirt designs allow you to represent Geometry Dash without feeling embarrassed in public and they cost only 19.99 which is the cheapest YouTuber merchandise you will ever see my personal favorite is the double-sided icon Matrix hoodie I wear this just about everywhere I go I love it the link to my shop is down below if you want to check it out and maybe buy some sweet designs if you do buy anything be sure to let me know and send some pictures of me I'll be replying to everyone because I love you guys and I absolutely cannot wait to see you guys rock on these awesome designs [Music] thank you so much to the amazing artist Goldie who made all these designs and my profile picture fun fact be sure to go show him some love too back to Super buffing we are at the infamous most popular most epic upside down part for this I'm actually going to go back to cube because it just feels more proper that way we've had enough robot for now and something cool I've noticed like if you like like if you just fall down you just go there yeah yeah but if you time it right like you like jump into it you could like jump off this little thing right here so I'm actually going to implement that into it so you have to time that right none of that just easy stuff just following the portal no clicking allowed now we're making a little bit of a challenge at least I could even make it two click to actually have to click laid off it yeah then we just put a bunch of spikes there I've always felt like this was too easy like when you're upside down there's a there's two of those wow wow things and you don't click at all so I'm gonna fix that so there just has to be like a really difficult jump here I think I'll even be funny this will be funny I think yeah so it looks like oh it's just a two spikes but now they're spaced apart really far so it's really hard oh you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take more inspiration from black blizzard I'm gonna put these here I'm gonna put these like right up against the ceiling yeah that's a little inconsistent I think I'll try something new something I've never seen before I'm just gonna add a bunch of these angled like directly upwards and then I'll put these down here again so basically you have to like do a bunch of micro clicks that's interesting let me try a normal speed to make sure it's not like super impossible I mean I messed that up bad but like I feel like it's possible I might make these ones smaller just so it's easier to get onto this because it's a really tight thing I mean I know I'm super buffing the level I probably shouldn't be nerfing it but like I want you guys at least be able to play this and have a little bit of fun like the most fun possible you know and I'll just put this yeah that's my explanation for that listen to this you hear that wow wow wow wow I feel like that just deserves a wave part real quick I think I could just toss it in real quick you need something unexpected so a little recap of what we got going on here late jump big jump late jumps early jump and then wave because why not so after this wave you have this little Cube section let me think of how I can I have a better idea so I'm gonna put this here so the reason I'm picking the pink one is the pink Dash orb flips your gravity and since we're on upside down It'll like put me in normal gravity but I'm gonna put this blue orb here I think this might be interesting yeah that's actually really cool I've never seen that done at any level before yeah let's go vortrax unique idea oh I have a fun idea I'm gonna bring out the square orb again otherwise known as the trigger orb so according to my calculations if I hit this yes so the square orb makes the spike fall down and rotate and look like it's falling like a little stalagmite or something or still appetite whichever One's On The Roof [Music] or since this is upside down is this technically the floor that is a scientific question I'll leave you guys to argue about in the comments but anyways my whole point in doing that was if you don't hit it and you just fall the spike is there and you die but if you hit it the spike does fall down but the challenge is you have to time it so you're just hitting this orb because if you hold just a little bit too long you jump off this block and that's no good because then you just jump and fall here I think it's a really interesting challenge there we go you did like a micro click I actually really like how this part's coming along there's like a lot of fun gimmicks for like the climax of the level like it's fitting I like this even though it's really hard but I didn't get to this part yet so it's still physically impossible I think I have an idea so if you just like hold right away you kind of like fall down there well pretty much any click that's not late like that will make you just fall into this one well look between the red and the green it's like Olive which crazy man 50 or caramel thinks is the worst color and I'd have to disagree I think Olive is a fine color I think it looked quite Dapper in Olive anyways I'm putting a spike here enough about that Olive talk we're super buffing that's the intent of this I'll put one here just I don't know I don't have any explanation I'm just putting a spike there I'm sorry that way you have to hit it like super late that way you can hit the edge of this block and then jump over everything otherwise you just die and that actually works out perfect I can just leave those spikes here uh I think I'm gonna move it over just a little bit actually so that way like you're not like you know what I'm saying I'm bad at explaining things sometimes like I like to think of myself as a good explainer of things but sometimes it just doesn't come out right but like as you can see I like wait a little bit before you jump now and that's what I was trying to go for thank you for coming to my TED Talk I'm gonna use this part to advertise by the merch and I'll add a little smiley face for good marketing just looking through all these trying to think of something funny I think I have it so I'm gonna put this here this here and this here so just looking at it that probably looks completely impossible but what I'll do is I'll put this here a little blue pad so it's very hard to do but I imagine with some practice it won't be too bad I mean I'm doing a half speed and I'm struggling so I don't know oh there we go I did it I did it perfect by the merch yeah I like that that is some interesting gameplay right there and I really like it I'm feeling creative today yeah I think I'll actually put an extra Spike there if I can make it harder I will do it because why not it's like Murphy's law except the vortrox's law if it could be made harder it will I realized something really cool about this part right here just watch the sink look at that sink was that not beautiful that literally synced perfectly to the song and I love it anyways we just got the rest of this red part to go and then we're at the ship which I'm excited for I think I have a fun little idea for this I don't know why I'm doing this I just kind of feel like it that's why I do a lot of things so we have a scary biblically accurate Angel looking orb Circle so I think for this part I'm just gonna add a lot of fakes to confuse the heck out of everybody so you have all this memorization to do right before you get to the ship part which I'm obviously gonna super buff and make very difficult because you already know me [Music] this section's really fun to me because when you look at it you just look at it you're like bruh but those of you who watch this video will know and everybody else will just be left under dust and be like bruh now that all this is done that means we are officially at the awesome ship Park which actually isn't that long but there's like two halves that's good like I have like two different ideas first things first with this whole ship part I'm Gonna Make It full size again because we've been mini for quite a while now man it feels good to be big again I'm so happy to be in the ship part so now I gotta think how do I super buff it yeah so I'm gonna Begin by just focusing on like this just blocky section I feel like this part's very Wiggly see you hear that right so I think I'm gonna use these Wiggly things the wiggly Spikes all right so I added those Wiggly Spike things all of the wait I forgot this one let's just move that boom shakalaka raka Baka Baka I keep getting off topic Jesus super buffing is just so much work sometimes but it's all worth it in the end because you guys enjoy it and I enjoy it so like it's a win-win situation there if you ask me seriously I absolutely love making these videos and I think it's good like practice for my brain to be creative because like y'all don't know how much creativity it takes to super buff a bunch of 1.0 levels that are just cube in like 10 seconds of it takes a lot but in the end it's worth it I just I really enjoy it so thank you all for watching seriously yeah there we go now they're bigger which will make them a lot harder by default maybe even too hard that works but it's just not hard enough for something missing from this I think I know what to do I'm gonna make it so some of these you like go through or you know what I can just change up the structuring so this one what is this nine I'm gonna make it to the nine like it barely moves down so you're like kind of locked into doing a really tight straight fly that's more like you look how tight this is yeah and then this structure what I want to do is get rid of this little middle section oh this is turning out nice let me see so you like slam up and then you get to go in there oh yes there's one issue you could just go above this part and skip it and this part actually what I'm gonna do is just edit the structures a little bit make them taller let me test that out yeah now look he's a super big forehead I just came up with an idea oh my Lord oh my Lord just wait for this we got a skull emoji the dry out Skull emoji oh gosh what do we name him I'm gonna say we're gonna name him clungus clungus II I need everybody watching this point of the video to comment hello clungus II and if you are watching this far into the video thank you you are awesome and I just realized I don't know why I named him colungus II when the second one's gonna be over here so I guess this one is just gonna be klungus the normal this guy's regular clungus then this is klunga's second which doesn't really make sense but that's okay colungus has no eyes he's blind anyway that's enough for the Columbus Family Tree on to the next part so for the second half of the ship part I basically just like elongated these structures so now they're weird looking caterpillar thingies so you like have to go up and then let go and go down and then up again perfectly and if you go up there's like a super hard straight fly with a coin or if you decide to go down it's easier straight fly but you don't get a coin then just regular straight fly to end it it's really challenging to get in between these gaps without hitting these black spikes and then this straight from is seriously so impossible well I shouldn't say seriously because it is possible but it's just really hard that's what I'm trying to say this level has been like Dash orb gimmicks we got that one this one the original one and then of course we got this one so I'm gonna make a little bit of a custom game mode if you will pretty easy one I was put a dash orb rotate it up at its special allow multi-activate that way you can hit it multiple times I'll give it a group which is 18 lock to player X then I'll do a follow player y trigger once again group 18 at 178 18 and if I did it correctly it should be good now yes look at that this is what we call the jetpack game mode it's so cursed oh my God this is a little callback to a level called tristed Tranquility which I really like and they had this at one part of the level the jetpack game mode so I'm gonna implement this into my level and this gives me a lot of possibilities actually it's like a really twisted up ship to me it's not Twisted It's Perfectly Normal I have to be very careful you can't bug this out though because if you escape all of this and just go up you can just fly above the entire rest of the level we don't want that and since this is like a weird game mode I'll make it start off not too hard and as it goes I'll make it get harder keep watching it gets harder so like this is pretty challenging you have to go up like just the right amount to fall in between here it might even be too hard we'll see I can even add some weird structures check this one out but I bet you ain't never seen a structure like that before because I feel like all these chains are just too much they're kind of ugly so I'm just gonna combine them and make like some weird looking structures I think it'll be funny for these too if I just put them like that so like normally they'd just be like easy jumps since you're in the jetpack game mode now it's just so much harder like watch you know I want to make it sync actually so I'm going to move these over because listen to this boom boom boom see if it's perfect that might be too hard let me just move it over a smidgen smidgen is a fun word there's so many fun words like who comes up with some of these things smidgen what oh I'm so excited we're almost done with the level I can't wait to show you guys this such a weird little custom game mode I love it alright boys we're in the final stretch this is literally all we have to do now I kind of want to spice it up somehow like in polar guys to add into the ship section at the end and I kind of want to do something like that just switch it up a little bit you know I think all this I'm gonna just switch out I'm not gonna delete it I'm just gonna move it up for now so I remember what's there at least I have an idea oh my gosh okay so I'm gonna put this here not for the reason you think because underneath everything I'm hitting this check mark that way it shows me the lines of like where the border is so I'm gonna make straight fly kind of not not straight fly in the jetpack game mode actually I'm gonna make this a club step monster [Music] scary looking and we're gonna name him sir scariest that's such a Harry Potter looking at her name when since it's the jet pack I could even give it more like vertical movement you know what I mean so I'll copy and paste our boy sir scariest over here and give him a brother or you know what his sister let's be gender inclusive here we now have mysterious oh I know what to do I'm gonna move this one over here and boom mysterious his eyelashes because she's a pretty girl oh this is so epic so you get past our scariest and mysterious and there's a final challenge just to get through that and wow that's difficult I think this part right here is really empty so I think I'm gonna I was thinking I was gonna put like credits I guess there we go some end screen art buff out by four trucks one more thing these got to be changed they're literally just regular boring spikes and we don't do that around here no more it's only right that we turn it into a club step monster come on now you guys know the drill and I'll give him little tiny horns because he's a little demon I'll even give him some extra horns that way he looks like a heavy metal demon [Music] so let's recap we got this fun crazy Cube part fun might be the wrong word but it's a cute part some robot because you know I love robot it's a really hard robot at that with a funny bouncing coin we have the awesome upside down part with a bunch of gimmicks and even a wave part because I don't know I just felt like it okay you remind her to buy the merch because it's super awesome it's super cheap and it's super epic and it super support me biblically accurate or bring this crazy part with clungus and kongus 2 and another really hardship part and finally the jet pack which I'm really excited about let's showcase the scotch Drawing level [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] buffet was now uploaded to my account so go give it a try thank you so much for watching this extra long video let me know if you guys like these longer videos maybe I'll keep them up feel free to like And subscribe as it will help me out a lot and don't forget to check out the merch in the description and the comment section thank you so much for watching and have a fantastic day
Channel: Vortrox
Views: 807,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buff out, stereo extremeness, buff on track, extremegeist, megabuffing, super buffing, vortrox, geometry dash, gd, gmd
Id: m1EmTSC9GH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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