CATACLYSM, but 1 Death = 1 Nerf

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what's popping party people today we're gonna be playing cataclysm but with a Twist every time I die I Nerf the level so without further Ado let's just get right into it from what I remember this beginning part's not too bad so hopefully I could like get a decent run to begin you know okay oh my God I'm actually doing it all right hey ten percent first run that's really good oh my God way better than I did on the first attempt in bloodbath so I'm fairly certain it was this structure right here so we're just gonna move this bad boy up I'm also going to move these up just so it looks pretty because I don't want to completely butcher the level in the process of nerfing it I want to make it at least look like normal cataclysm you know but yeah let's do attempt number two let's do this let's not die in this beginning part how am I oh my God how am I actually doing this did I like turn into a God today what the heck so attempt number three let's do this okay that was I don't even know what I died to I'm gonna be honest here I don't I think I just didn't jump off of this and I hit this with my Cube I don't know I'm just gonna put a tiny slope there I guess so I have to slide up because I don't know that was a weird death let's do this again hopefully I can unleash my god mode again and just get to 100 and then this video is like two minutes I did it I forgot to click but the slope didn't work why anyways as I was saying I hope I could unleash god mode get to 100 this attempt and then the video's over one minute long video that's all you guys get I figured that would happen okay let's do this I am heavy weapons guy oh my God that really man I don't know how that guy does it try some more and I died to the floor gonna be honest I think I was just too busy talking but I'll get rid of the saw blade why do I keep dying there I actually don't know why I think I have a theory I have a theory so using this handy d block you can put it on a block and it will allow the wave to actually slide on it so you can't hit it and die I don't know why it's a d you think it would be like a W for wave but oh you know what actually just hit me it's D for Dart because that was actually the original game mode name for the wave it was called the dart but then he changed it to the wave for whatever reason little fun trivia fact for the day [Music] little fun death for the day so I've already moved this structure up but now I gotta move this boy down because I'm bad attempt number I don't know I lost count okay that was just me being foolish but I could use another one of these funky blocks to fix that actually so the J block if you put that on a block it'll make it so that if you hold after hitting an orb you won't jump because normally if you click an orb and then hold and you hit a block it'll just automatically jump but this will just cancel that so you have to let go and then jump again if you really wanted to and why it's called J I really don't know I don't have any trivia fact for that that is a robotop mystery wow that's getting a lot easier but not easy enough clearly and I think I'm realizing the problem so with all these I moved a lot of these structures like up and down but the thing is even though moving it up and down it's still like a tight Gap to make as the mini wave so I think a solution is to just get rid of them wouldn't even notice it's gone so let's give this another try bro how am I dying to dumb stuff like literally I was all the way up here and then I just went all the way down to the floor and I just decided I don't feel like clicking you know playing is a lot harder when you talk like I noticed that like whenever I stream a hard level on my channel like I want to talk the whole time and like be fun you know because like people are watching but when I stop talking just focus I end up like actually beating the level I think a lot of really good players do that too like they'll have like streams where they just don't talk and then those are the ones they end up eating it I mean it makes sense because when you're talking you're like focusing on two things at once and our brains are pretty bad at that usually like if you're watching this video while doing homework you're probably not doing your homework at all noise new record and I only got that record because I freaking nerfed the heck out of this dude extreme demons just baffle my mind sometimes like look how tight this Gap is and this is like considered an easy extreme demon people are psychos like I just don't have the patience to try to beat a level this hard I'd rather make videos of me nerfing it which is why you find me here today it was that was bound to happen I was surprised I didn't die here sooner to be honest that was a quick and easy Nerf so let's just get back into it yeah how about that ah I was hoping I would get to the drop at least but that's fine too ugly ah structure [Music] what a nice attempt really got some damage into the drop huh but bro I'm not even gonna lie this drop gameplay is actually just terrible because if I remember correctly there's like a bunch of yeah there's invisible portals and you never put invisible portals in a level there's a completely invisible full-size portal here or mini I don't even know which one and then down here there's more portals yeah there's a gravity portal which is like you really want to see that to know when you go back up especially when it's in a one block Gap and then there's another invisible portal right here until this ship part is literally just gonna be empty by the time I'm done with it I don't do well with bad gameplay like that wow we got to the drop again all right there's gonna be a lot of deaths around there I think I'm gonna get rid of that entirely I don't even want to look at it stupid Spike all right nice 21 21 oh my gosh man there's so many spikes It's just sad man I just want to play the level gosh darn it [Music] see ah these invisible portals man because I thought it was a little earlier so I was like preparing to click and it just no it just didn't no I'm getting to the drop pretty consistently now though I I mean I did like Nerf this to Oblivion but that's okay that is besides the point [Music] wow I got to the portal at least [Music] dang it so I got rid of the big ones I'm just gonna put the little boys here I love little boys I forgot was even it appears we have a wave part you could barely even see jeez so I'm just gonna like fill in all the blank spaces that way it's easier to see because I don't even know what's going on much better now you could actually see what's going on Mr spot oh yes let's do this Brutus is that a catchphrase you guys say let's do this Brutus so I remember one time I said that and somebody was like what because apparently it's not like a common phrase so like you guys say let's do this Brutus I need to know I need to know yeah yeah dang it there's literally one Spike there and I somehow hit it now look it's just a blank platform dang it see it you know what I know what I'm gonna do I know what I have to do because I'm tired of this where's that darn portal group one no you're becoming visible same with this portal I don't want any invisible portals I hate invisible portals all right I removed them all from the invisible group now they're here ah yes much better I can actually see what's happening now look at that I got a new record all because I made the portals visible and I'm just gonna get rid of this saw blade because that's like a really tight Gap bruh oh my god did I delete a block that's an oopsy moment how did I not notice that when did that happen I'm just gonna put that I don't even know where I died it got so distracted um it was probably this structure if not whatever I probably would have died there anyways wait there's a coin there I clicked that on accident what there's literally a coin here so if you hit this blue orbit you could get a coin why is there coins and cataclys I don't know I feel like coins and extreme demons are just weird I feel like they don't belong because like it's already an extreme demon I feel like it's weird to add coins for like even more challenge like people just want to beat the extreme demon they don't need the coins from that if people want coins they play two star levels I think that's why my level pocket Infinity has so many downloads because it has three easy coins and it's an easy level you guys should totally play this level by the way it's a pretty darn cool level if I do say so myself back when I used to be a Creator anyways back to nerfing dang it you know I'm surprised I didn't died earlier because that's like literally straight fly and then miraculously have not died there and oh my God man look at this glow spam for those of you who create you would know this is a crime holy crap yo I actually got the ballpark I'm like genuinely surprised I did that wow dude there's so much spam in this level oh this level may have questionable gameplay but I must say the decoration is really good getting rid of this saw blade from existence sorry saw blade rest in peace [Music] see some of the gameplay in this level I don't like like the ship part but this ballpark goes hard yo not to mention the decoration is awesome like these like weird red beam me thingies don't know how I describe them but yeah you know I have a funky idea for this part what if I just get rid of the mini portal this will become like so much easier I love how the mini wave like has a different play style like it goes at a different angle because he could have just made the wave tiny and just had it so it's still zigzagging the same way and that would have been boring but Rob top made it fun which I'm very glad about oh speed changes just really screwed me off for some reason I don't know why but I can't get rid of speed changes at all because it'll like ruin the sink of the level are at the ball again getting pretty consistent here no I'm not now I'm not getting consistent let me just not speak [Music] not gonna lie I just spaced out and forgot to click so I don't really know how I'd Nerf that wait I have an idea there we go I put arrows all around it now there's no way I'll forget to click several Nerf Slater I did it oh my God yeah now this part is just invisible so that's going to be a little bit of a problem yeah this is like impossible to see I have an idea so uh we got all these color triggers here right I'm just gonna add my own this one is gonna be for the background and just it turns it white now there's nothing invisible there's nothing hard right this is more like it this looks so cursed this is not the cataclysm we all know I decided I'm actually gonna make a little bit of a darker gray just so it's not like freaking white space cataclysm that looks a little better and the colors show up more oh yes this is beautiful this is exactly what I wanted okay now it's obvious and um bro I didn't even get one click into this part before I died this part is really hard but it's probably my favorite part of cataclysm it's just so cool man like this is such a cool gameplay like I have to go down like you don't see that in levels often normally it's just like straight fly no disrespect the straight fly course straight fly is awesome but not the most creative of things but uh yeah we're gonna have to do some serious nerfing here [Music] I love this wave part oh my God am I gonna do it holy crap I did it ah why did I die I literally just got through this whole entire wave part and then I die because I hit an orbit it aren't I what so now that I've done most of those nerves except for this part this part literally didn't get nerfed at all uh I guess I'm good to go and I don't know man I I didn't dye the ship while I was at this part so I'm just gonna leave it and I'm deleting all the star positions and I'm gonna play from zero and we're gonna freaking beat this level in one attempt right because I nerfed it I should if you didn't one attempt let's do this Bring It On nerficalism I made you well I didn't really make you but I nerfed you all right that obviously didn't work I got I got a little too cocky there this time I'm gonna beat it in one attempt on the new and improved and nerfed version of cataclysm dude this this wave part is literally so easy now it used to be like super tight foreign that's actually my first time dying at that part all right let's do this one attempts baby if I don't beat it this attempt I'm gonna delete my entire YouTube channel [Music] [Music] what the why'd I do that why was my ball upside down that's okay I'm alive though but now I'm distracted [Music] [Music] all right let's do this baby I'm not deleting my YouTube channel I almost died all right all right let's do this let's do this oh my God the pressure's on the pressure is on even though this is an easy cataclysm my hands are literally sweating right now [Music] holy crap holy crap please please please hey I got the coin please yes I'm not deleting my YouTube channel you guys actually get to watch this oh my God nerficalism complete one attempt like I said oh my God that's ridiculous oh my God how funny is that wait a minute the coins I forgot I can't verify a level without coins crap what do I do about that okay so I made the executive decision that I do not care about the coins I went to the editor and I deleted all the coins but I did not make any other change at all so I consider that verified personally so I'm just gonna upload it and for the difficulty I'm just gonna say Auto password is 57 57 57 share level it is now officially on my profile so feel free to go play it I think it's honestly a really fun version of cataclysm to play it might even be good practice for the actual cataclysm just so you could get a feel for like the flow of the level you know it's a pretty fun little level give it a try unless you're good enough to play the actual cataclysm in which case you should probably just play that you know but yeah thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys have a great day please consider liking and subscribing as it helps me out a lot and have a great day
Channel: Vortrox
Views: 995,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vortox, votrox, nerfclysm, nerfbath, catanerf, superbuffing, nerfing
Id: a75qTH-Apxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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