Superbook - Road to Damascus - Season 1 Episode 12 - Full Episode (HD Version)

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[Music] hmm that's strange yeah your mom never leaves the door open mom dad get out of my way Chris the alarm was not turned on and set out of my way looks like it's on now the security lockdown [Music] while standing I know I'm not alone a shining light that brings life to me we look with wonder what mystery is this what adventure can this be a flash of light and the journey begin through the ages no Bayless pulled miss Chris reveal the spirit within the pages [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] what are you looking at we are looking at a criminal and you will certainly pay for you don't know me you know anything about me which family robot toy high-tech lab at your expensive house you know the thing about Who I am where I come from [Music] who are you hungry joy talk to him is that why you broke in will you Jew my name's joy but yours what are you doing you must be scared I know I am but maybe this was just a mistake right coming into this house maybe there's a way to explain I'm in mint who's just someone turn off that alarm don't anybody move [Music] I'm just glad everyone's okay yes perhaps we should all try to forget this ever happened I know I'm gonna spend the rest of my life trying professor let's go inside for your statement and a damage report officer what's going to happen to that boy his name's Jason Dunning and he's been in trouble before so if you press charges it's serious grace did you hear that we have to tell your parents he's not a real criminal what are you talking about he came into the house he stole food from the kitchen he tied me up and who knows what he would have taken if you hadn't arrived Chris it was more than my circuits are programmed to take yes I mean it there's something about him I think if he was given a chance he could change he's a thief joy and he deserves whatever happens Superbook [Music] please I'll add myself just let me stay behind this one [Music] I am taking you to witness the miraculous change in the most dangerous man [Music] okay I've seen enough let's go back kids do it in full scan and find out where we are this time according to my geo sensors we are definitely not in Kansas anymore it appears we have landed in the ancient city of Jerusalem and the year is okay [Music] who's that chasing us Seoul horses I want these followers of Jesus caught and Kate tonight search every house of you must yeah oh good danger excitement had no shoes [Music] [Music] I'm Taylor and there is no need to worry Ananias is here keep a lookout [Music] why are you all hiding from this guy salt we are followers of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and because of that our temple leaders think we have abandoned God we have not but there is none more relentless to see our light extinguished than Saul of Tarsus it is a good thing you did not catch us tonight Saul was there when the crowd killed Stephen who is Stephen Stephen was a very special man he loved God with all his heart and was so excited about the message Jesus brought about salvation Stephen explained Jesus was the one promised of God the perfect sacrifice far better than the sheep and bulls our people use in their services but every remark of love only made his accusers more angry he forgave his enemies even while they stoned him look I see the heavens opened and Jesus standing at the right hand of God [Applause] [Applause] [Music] for what they do [Applause] and so was there encouraging them to stone Steven soon he would try to stop any parties of Jesus he went from house to house arresting people dragging off to prison anyone including women who believed in Jesus Ananias the guards sol may be with them all must go to my home in Damascus you'll be safe there [Music] I [Applause] [Music] this is one of their hideouts gone keep searching they can't be far [Music] I believe they are trying to escape they travel out of Judea through Samaria and Galilee all the way to Syria there is a stronghold of these disciples of Jesus living here in Damascus I require a personal letter from you the high priest to the leaders of the synagogues in Damascus asking their support that I may end this infection once and for all these followers of Jesus disregard the law of Moses you shall have the letter and with it I shall clean up the Mascis within the week [Music] I sure hope Kristen ananias got away safely I have been monitoring my scanners tracing all processed phosphorous crystals within a 100-mile radius uh maybe I was absent the day they explained phosphorus crystals what's that got to do with finding Chris his wristwatch contains processed phosphorus crystals the likes of which would not be found in this region or time Wow so dropped the watch's crystals and you're tracking Chris it appears Chris and his watch have arrived in Damascus Ananias must have gotten horses and cut across the desert the driver is going on to Nazareth but we must continue north for a few more days or sooner if we can catch another ride [Music] so Saul why do you persecute me you are only hurting yourself by fighting me who are you lord I am Jesus whom you are persecuting I have appeared to you for this purpose to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet revealed to you I will deliver you from your people as well as from the Gentiles to whom I now send you to open their eyes in order to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in me saw are you alright I I cannot see I am blind take me to Damascus Jesus spoke to me and I will obey he commands me to speak to my own people and show them his way muster hit his head hard you take him to Damascus as he commands I shall return to Jerusalem the high priest will not be amused [Music] ananias will be amazed when he hears about this and a nice I'm worried about Caleb and my friends it's been three days now trust Chris God watches over us and he will not sleep as they journey to us [Music] the time anomaly of Ananias I am paranoid arise and go to the street which is called straight and ask in Judas house for the one called Saul of Tarsus for he prays and has seen a vision of you coming in and putting your hand on him that he might receive his sight Lord I know how much evil this man has done to the believers in Jerusalem go he is chosen by me to bring my name to the world you made it where have you been Chris you won't believe what happened it was slow you ran into Saul he's here in Damascus and it is Chris he's a changed man Ananias Saul follow this year yes I'm going to see him now what are you talking about the Lord has told me Saul's heart has changed and he has had a vision he awaits my arrival but this is impossible knowing that bad just changes like that nothing is impossible with God [Music] [Music] it's someone there saw the Lord Jesus who appeared to on the road has sent me that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit [Music] Laure Toby would come to me and do this very thing and now why are you waiting arise and be baptized and wash away your sins calling on the name of the Lord [Music] has changed I once spoke evil insulted and persecuted but God has granted me mercy because I did not know him and did those things in ignorance you were a part of the group that killed Stephen my friend yes I was there and I encourage those who stoned him but Stephens dying words have haunted me over and over though I forgive them for what they do [Music] now I seek that same forgiveness from all who my purse acuity I forgive [Music] [Music] that not saul of tarsus he speaks of Jesus now last year he arrested my family in Jerusalem do not listen to him he is a fake please you do not understand Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief however for this reason I obtained mercy that in me first Jesus Christ might show all long-suffering as an example to those who are going to believe in him for everlasting life there are soldiers coming through the city gate after saw the city gates are being locked they will search house-to-house ananias I have a plan who's with me [Music] the guards are mostly searching on the west side of the city go and become a great messenger to the Gentiles as you spread the word of our Lord [Music] will he be safe I believe God has a very special job for him to do prepare your own heart King God has great work for you to do as you grow up too you must be ready when your time comes [Music] it is so good to be back home Chris look the boy who broke into the lab isn't in the police car he must have escaped while we were gone I have had enough chases for one night leave it to the police to find him Chris joy oh there you are mom the boy who broke in well I think you should just come into the lab a minute mom I was wrong before about what what I said about him everyone deserves another chance I can forgive a mom funny that's what he just asked us if we could do then he's on his way on his way to what may be a special job he doesn't even know he's being picked out to do Chris quantum sometimes you really do surprise me where do you come up with answers like that [Music] you
Channel: Superbook
Views: 3,008,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ogDArF83p8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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