Superbook - The First Christmas - Season 1 Episode 8 - Full Episode (HD Version)

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[Music] hurry up kiss we gotta get down to the mega mall it's almost time for the annual christmas eve scramble up price peak my word if that stone cipher guy across the street puts one more cartoon cut out on his lawn i just may have to break out the inflatable mistletoe reindeer [Music] chris i have your ice pitons to help you climb price peak that's one messed up reindeer what in the world is going on crispin oh mom we're headed off for the christmasy scramble up price peak that is correct mrs quantum chris could win a jaw-dropping array of valuable toys and prizes that every child is thinking about this christmas uh chris before you go can you set up the nativity but i already put out the santa and the elves and the snowmen not to mention 300 yards of christmas lights and a partridge in a pear tree and well there isn't a lot of room left anywhere for that besides it's no big deal the major scene's just another decoration see you mom is [Music] [Music] last one to the mall is a frozen blizzard with slush on top i for one certainly am not a blizzard [Music] keep that up christopher quantum and you'll be asking for a new robot for christmas [Applause] mom look at all the cool stuff i want to get the guitar for toby and oh i want to get the blender for aunt darcy and that jeffy port for jeffy i don't know it's i think it might just have to be a smaller christmas this year those things are very expensive i'm sorry honey [Music] hey who's the blizzard burp now [Music] attention all you mega mall christmas shoppers if icicle the snowman chooses your lucky number you'll get a chance to climb prize peak if you make it to the top before the candy cane stopwatch strikes zero you'll win every one of the fabulous christmas gifts inside the golden christmas card [Applause] [Music] and the winning ticket is two three four six three i won joy gizmo all those gifts are mine this is what christmas is all about hey my winning ticket super bowl i can't go now [Music] i am taking you to witness the most important gift the world has ever received [Music] yes where are we in the land of very hard floors better try to blend in until we know what's what blend in with what the buffet table you servants bring the dinner platters into king herod hurry you honor us with your hospitality king herod and you honor me with your presence three wise men traveling over such a great distance remarkable what do you seek here in jerusalem where is he who has been born king of the jews for we have seen his star in the east and have come to worship him [Music] perhaps my priests can assist you yes uh there is a prophecy a ruler arising in bethlehem bethlehem is a town approximately 10 kilometers southwest of here bethlehem how interesting my friends you are certain to be weary from your journey but once you've rested and have enjoyed a savory meal go search for the young child and when you've found him bring back word to me that i may also come and worship him a king of the jews never if they don't find this infant i'll have my men search for him even if it means rounding up every boy child born within the last two years no infant born in my realm shall grow up to challenge my reign [Music] what are we going to do what can we do joy it looks like super book has an idea of his own where are we now excuse me could you please assist us my wife is with child we must find shelter from this storm my geo sensors indicate there is a small cave just beyond that rock formation i shall lead the way i'm joy this is chris and our fearless leader up ahead is gizmo no stick just a stick false alarm yes on gizmo is a curious one where are all these people traveling did you not hear all have been called to return to the places of their birth caesar augustus the leader of rome has decreed that all the world should be registered what do you mean registered he has called for census so that they know who everyone is and where their families come from do you think i don't know that they could be the ones who are having the baby king herod was talking about mary joseph and the baby jesus oh the real ones the ones you know from the nativity scene my mom wanted me to set up back home i can't believe it's them chris do you think they have any idea people will remember them more than 2 000 years from now [Music] we should reach bethlehem tomorrow that would be most advisable my medi scan indicates mary is almost ready to have her baby put away your toy gizmo so mary you must have been pretty excited when you found out you were well you know gonna be a mom the most joyous news i could have ever imagined was first told to me by an angel an angel i was at my parents home and there came a light brighter than any i had ever seen brighter than the sun do not be afraid mary for you have found favor with god and behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son and shall call his name jesus he will be great and will be called the son of the highest and the lord god will give him the throne of his father david and he will reign over the house of jacob forever and of his kingdom there will be no end how can this happen for i am a virgin the holy spirit will come upon you the power of the highest will overshadow you therefore also that holy one who is to be born will be called the son of god that's something you don't hear every day at first i was upset to learn mary was pregnant because we were not yet married but an angel came to me in a dream and reassured me i knew then for certain that god wanted us to be husband and wife um would you excuse us for a minute [Music] joy it's definitely them and they're gonna be toast of herod's men find us how is king herod going to track down one little baby in a country this big what do i have to do all the thinking around here joy it's the census his soldiers will know who everyone is who's having babies or had a baby in the last two years mary and joseph will be on that list along with the baby oh no they already know we're here [Music] gizmo initiate a transstructural thermal scan and find out how many more are behind that hill data indicates there are hundreds hundreds see joy hundreds yes chris hundreds of sheep behind that hill and those are shepherds up top as well shepherds most dangerous men alive now that you give it a rest chris hey they could have been soldiers but we gotta be ready superbooks said we were gonna witness the greatest gift the world has ever received and he was talking about her baby if you do not have family in bethlehem move along there's no place to stay here [Music] [Music] joseph aren't you worried you know about mary and the baby with all that's going on god has a plan chris move along i told you there's no place to stay maybe so move along but it's herod's plan that still worries me i beg your pardon uh sorry nothing [Music] joseph what if you're wrong i mean what if god doesn't come through chris you heard he told mary his son would reign over the house of jacob forever and of his kingdom there will be no end [Music] they're not going to listen to us what's the point of even trying chris would you stop being so paranoid and just think for a minute think about what about how incredible this is do you want to talk about a gift look at us super book is giving us front row seats for the very first christmas ever this is what started the whole celebration please you called this a christmas yes where are the parties where's the christmas tree and all the decorations yes and where is santa claus old stone cipher across the street he has more christmas spirit with all those decorations on his front lawn than anything i'm feeling around here guys i think you're missing the point but i'd love santa yeah and rudolph yes we'll just put her christmas all in a crunch exactly [Music] oh comes trouble is this your wife no problem here we're fine all fine [Music] when does she do to have the child soon try the last tent down the road i hear they have room perhaps you can stay the night thank you see now the romans know where she is chris for the last time god is not going to let anything bad happen at the birth of his son how many times do i have to say it my room is taken i shall inform mary oh you how can you send them away they're going to have a baby tonight please i do not mean to be harsh but with all the travelers there's nowhere left to stay all i have is a stable outback for oxen a stable by that cliff you and your family can stay there you want the savior of the world to be born in a stable history's in the making mister you got a chance to really step up here but instead it has walls and a roof do you want it or not do you know who mary and joseph are that baby they're gonna have what am i speaking a foreign language we'll take it [Music] [Music] this is where the son of god is going to be born joy chris oh the baby he's coming oh there are blankets on the back of the donkey we'll need some clean water [Music] [Music] chris where are you going i don't know i'm looking for a stream a lake anything i just don't want to go back to town near that well with the soldiers what is the matter chris isn't this bothering anyone else but me what trying to find water for mary and joseph no i mean all of this i want to help i want to believe but if mary's really giving birth to the son of god why isn't god helping us even a little bit joy [Music] do not be afraid for behold i bring good tidings of great joy for there is born to you this day in the city of david a savior who is christ the lord and this will be the sign to you you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths lying in a manger [Music] glory to god in the highest and on earth peace good will toward men [Music] hi we're back and uh we have company [Music] as do we [Music] jesus has been born come let us adore him [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] joseph was right god's plan did come to be not in the way anyone expected but just the way god meant for it to happen [Music] this is love not that we love god but that he loved us and sent his son for all people again our winning number is two three four six well are you gonna try to climb prize peak [Music] you know what every christmas since i can remember i wanted to win a chance to do this to me this was the ultimate what christmas was all about but it's not [Music] merry christmas one more time that's two three four six three anybody me me i have it i'm finding prize pete [Music] you came back from the mall pretty quickly chris forget something no more like remembered something mom [Music] oh no not my lights again [Music] you
Channel: Superbook
Views: 5,748,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #sb_108_english_youtube_1080p30, hd720, rev_submitted, sbshow, superbookfullepisode, superbookyoutube, yt_unlisted, 5979679295001, Superbook Full Episode, Bible Stories for Children, Animated Bible Stories for Kids, Superbook
Id: 1fl9laM4ViM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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