700 Club Canada: October 26, 2020

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[Music] the 700 club canada presents a special episode of superbook jesus feeds the hungry [Music] oh and that one that one but definitely that one oh okay yeah yeah that one that one that one oh no no no not that one really chris ow hey you will not give this book to the sale it has sentimental value the history of cardboard part seven my dad read me parts one through six before i went to kindergarten oh the good old days guys what am i gonna do it's one o'clock and nobody's showing up with anything for the charity sale you can sell these joy chris it's a craft fair to earn money for the local food bank it's not a junk sale this is not junk it just happens to be issue number one of geyser man versus magma yes and geyser man's jet sprays are no match for meg mozilla's fiery logs of living lava oh remember this part where magmozilla went uh oh i hung all the posters joy and i rollerbladed through the neighborhood announcing come on come on to the charity craft fair at the quantum house oh what am i going to do now i pledge that we could make a hundred dollars selling everyone's crafts today [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hey you tried everything you could to get people to come oh why bother trying to help people no one else does [Music] i am taking you to a place where you will see whatever good you do is multiplied in god's hands hey guys sounds like a party guess get a reading of where we are this time look at all that food according to my geo sensors we have landed in a town in ancient galilee more specifically we are in a town hi i'm joy this is chris and he's gizmo hello you are not a giant no i am micah what are you doing out here well we're here to uh that is um you heard about the big wedding our whole town has come they have been feasting for four days already four days yes and it's going to go much longer there's delicious food music music will there be dancing too i will finally have a chance to show my skills at the hawaiian torch dance [Music] no dancing no no sometimes it's best just to ignore him maybe i could do a mexican hat dance instead wait you cannot go into the wedding feast uninvited but there are already so many people would anyone notice my father would notice he is the master of ceremonies ah micah there you are we need excuse me who are you three oh these are my friends father they can help us today you said yourself father with a wedding party this size we can certainly use all the help we can get i do not have plans for an extra boy girl and uh you i am gizmo and i am very helpful plus i do not eat uh much eat much at all it's uh traditional hawaiian well you certainly are fast good trait in the kitchen if you help i can feed you all right so uh when do we eat after clean up do not worry chris at a rate of 52 bowls cleaned per hour we will be done with this stack in only 3.4 hours i do like the way this one thinks come along son we will check on the head servant twos of the traits one for you one for you excuse me have you seen the master of the ceremony oh yes he's over there with some of the servants thank you have we met before i do not believe so child mary are you enjoying the celebration is there something you need thank you i received word my son will be arriving with his guests oh yes jesus and his 12 guests they are definitely on the list thank you i am certain they will be hungry after their travels rest assured there will be food and wine for one and all as long as the celebration may last i hope jesus is coming here joy from superbook your mother fell what your dad went with her in the ambulance get you to the hospital and get all the answers joined you may have trials in life but god will help you through them is mom okay we're still running tests why doesn't god i don't know fix this i know he can help my mother so why hasn't he super booked join the super bowl club and get super superbook paul keeps the faith plus two copies to share with others all for your gift of only 25 you'll also get access to exclusive content from super book academy featuring in-depth teaching videos for each episode plus engaging printable activities that will help your child grow in their walk with the lord who are you he is a good man and a follower of jesus why does any christian have to suffer at all when god can do miracles our worst situations can be turned for the greatest good when we endure them super book club members free streaming for seasons one through five is now available [Music] statistically speaking approximately 10 of those invited to a wedding do not come that is not true of this celebration the groom is very popular and the whole town is here hmm then perhaps if we serve smaller portions the food will last longer yes and perhaps jesus will not bring all 12 of his guests come we will have the servants prepare smaller portions and hope no one notices wow overreact much he is not overreacting chris if we run out of food the groom would be shamed in front of the whole town okay so he might be a little embarrassed he ran out of hummus people understand when there's not enough chips and dips for everyone you do not understand this kind of shame would be talked about all over cana and my father would lose his job wow that's serious huh quick are you sure yes as master of ceremonies he's expected to make the feast feel expensive yet spend the groom's money wisely he is usually very good at this but not today please come quickly more guests are arriving [Music] wow where i come from if you get a valet to park your guest vehicles it's a fancy wedding but washing everyone's feet when they arrive now that is service look it's jesus teacher please sit and let the servants wash the dust from your feet thank you children we have traveled a great distance to celebrate my friend's wedding feast i have reduced the olives by eight percent sliced the figs into six and created diet conscious portions of the fish and lamb according to my calculations we will not run out of food for another two days and by then the wedding will be over i see a bright future for you in the wedding business around galilee this cannot be did this is a big big problem what is a big problem all the wine is gone how can that be oh this is a big problem what's the problem all the wine is gone oh no how did that happen how did what happened the wine is gone no yes yes what the wine it's gone no yes oh no this is a big problem wait wait wait can't you just go out and get more the master of ceremonies bought out the entire town there is not another skin of wine within a day's journey i can fix this chris bring me all the grapes you can find joy i need 50 pounds of sugar and wine yeast micah bring me five months five months to ferment the wine we don't have five months and i can't fix this the groom's family will be shamed they have run out of wine at their son's wedding feast and my father's reputation will be ruined what are you going to do what does your concern have to do with me my hour has not yet come [Applause] whatever he says do it fill them to the top with water [Music] [Music] draw some out now and take it to the master of the feast joy it's water mary said do whatever jesus asks my father is in so much trouble the head waiter is going to tell him he'll serve everyone water [Music] what is this is there a problem father we had a problem with the wine what kind of problem oh why doesn't superbook ever come when we could use a quick getaway [Music] this is wonderful [Music] the best wine is always served first then after the guests have had plenty the other wine is served but you have kept the best wine until last [Music] he turned all the water into wine enough for the whole wedding party [Music] mary said do whatever jesus asks and look what he did it was a miracle the free super book bible app has fun stuff everyone will love it's jam-packed with games and activities plus lots of exciting super book episodes that you can watch for free find answers to your questions watch videos discover biblical heroes and of course read the bible the new super book bible app all the fun of superbook in an app free downloads on itunes google play and amazon [Music] it appears superbook has sent us forward in time and we are north of the sea of galilee near the town of bethsaida and guys we're not the only ones here [Music] according to my heat sensor mode there are well over 5000 people present yes can you zoom in and see what they're all doing here their attention appears to be focused on jesus wow super book took us forward in time but it looks like we're still going to be following jesus come on [Music] gizmo come on this way [Music] master send the crowds away to the nearby villages and farms so they can find food and lodging for the night there's nothing to eat here in this remote place you give them something to eat don't you know that it would take almost a year's wages just to buy only a little bread for each of these people teacher there is a boy here who has five small loaves of barley bread and two fish but what good is that with all these people [Music] make the people sit down hi i'm chris i am nathan have you come to listen to jesus uh yes we saw him in cana and now we're here uh you could say we are becoming followers of jesus excuse me do you still have food in that basket and why may i ask are you interested in this boy's lunch i passed him earlier and saw that he had some loaves and small fishes so i've come to ask in how many school yards in how many countries does this little shakedown play out fully take smaller kids lunch well not on my watch big guy touch even a crumb and i've got don't you worry you bet i've got promotes a plenty i have never we saw him before with jesus oh my mistake nice robe jesus asked me to bring this boy to him along with his basket of loaves and fishes jesus wants to meet me you should have said that come on way to make friends and influence people giz fine last time i step up and be your robo protector robo protector yes you couldn't be a pocket protector why do i even bother foreign my five loaves and two small fish are not enough to feed all these people jesus can do miracles [Music] [Music] please [Music] and so you should love the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind this is the first and most important commandment the second most important commandment is like this wow i don't think i could eat another fish sandwich if i tried jesus fed over 5 000 people today and the disciples have almost collected 12 baskets of leftovers i have never seen or heard of a miracle this great there is nothing jesus cannot do so honor your father and mother they love you and deserve your love in return [Music] joy yeah maybe a super book would let jesus come back with us he could do a miracle and make your craft sale a success super book would never allow jesus to come home with us chris maybe not but i wonder if jesus would help if i asked super book joy you will not get a chance to ask jesus inside every child is a hero [Music] a leader a friend to others someone who helps out who does the right thing who dreams of what they can be but they still need our help what should i do what should i say how should i feel that's where superbook comes in it provides moral and spiritual truths through situations children can relate to teaching god's word to the children you love join the superbook dvd club and receive super books newest episodes as they're available plus two copies to share with others all for your gift of only 25 get superbook today and watch the miracles happen [Music] what did you mean about jesus helping you mary told us whatever he says do it and when we did what he asked he turned simple water into wine at that wedding and when there were more than 5 000 people who were hungry and jesus told his disciples to feed them with only five loaves and two fishes that little bit was more than enough but hey where are you going remember that hundred dollars i promised i'd earned today yeah well i did a little bit organizing this whole craft sale and asking others to pitch in now it's time i started trusting in god's help as well mrs quantum have any people called you about coming to sell their crafts no i'm afraid not joy and it's getting kind of late we'll just have to make do with the little we've got [Music] are you sure you don't want me to get my first edition geyser man versus magmozilla could bring in at least a few dollars let's get to work and trust that god will provide guys look [Music] joy be right there with my sculptures hi joy sorry i'm running late me too you wouldn't believe the traffic wow unbelievable it looks like the little bit i did is being multiplied right before our eyes now may he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your [Music] righteousness [Music] jesus you died upon a cross and forgive me change my [Music] it life jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost forgive me now of all my sin come be my savior change my life and make it new [Music] help me lord to live for you change my life and make it [Music] new [Music] to contact us visit 700.ca [Music] you
Channel: 700 Club Canada
Views: 766,028
Rating: 4.7568297 out of 5
Keywords: 700 Club Canada, 700 Club, CBA, CBN, Christian, Christian TV, Jesus, God, Faith, Brian Warren, Lorie Hartshorn
Id: VmhQOenyPmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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