2010: Moby Dick | FULL MOVIE | Adventure, Action

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2010: Moby Dick (2010)

Herman Melville's Classic Tale Retold

That infamous whale is bigger, badder and a whole lot stronger in this sci-fi reimagining of Herman Melville’s classic tale of the battle between man, sea and sea creature starring “Xena” alum Rene O’Connor as the (traditionally male) narrator. But the boat — now a high-tech submarine — is also bigger, and Capt. Ahab is as determined as ever to settle the score and take down the mighty sea mammal that maimed him.

Action | Adventure
Director: Trey Stokes
Actors: Barry Bostwick, Renee O'Connor, Veronika Kurshinskaya
Rating: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 30% with 55 votes
Runtime: 1:27

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/5o7bot 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2022 🗫︎ replies

This may be the least accurate adaption of any novel ever

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/billbotbillbot 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2022 🗫︎ replies

A modern adaptation of the classic novel of the captain of a high-tech submarine and his obsessive quest to destroy the enormous prehistoric whale that maimed him. 2010: Moby Dick

Barry Bostwick, Renee O'Connor, Adam Grimes, Michael Teh Directed by Trey Stokes

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/saddetective87 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2022 🗫︎ replies
foreign foreign take her down Mr Davis Hi Captain hell I had two-thirds left 25 degrees Rudder I had two thirds left 25 degrees Rudder High make your depth at 1 000 feet great for Silent Running we're heading into Soviet Waters sonar Khan said pathometer to automatic sounding every 10 seconds Palmer initiate bottom Contour mapping Boomer under eye sonar Ahab start scanning for low freak prop noises first one to bag a Russian Boomer gets a case of highlight that dude's run [Music] [Music] Khan sonar gained new Broadband contact bearing three two five sonar Khan identify contact contact is unknown setting tracker 2A and calculating Solutions on Sonar below that there's nothing no sir you're wrong there's definitely contact now bearing two two five what's going on Bill nothing sir semen I have just picked up a thermal left no sir that's not what it was give me a headshot contact now angling down so I'm not hearing anything it's not really a sound sir it's more of an emptiness like a hole in the water give me continuous range reports on closer board contact sir you don't even God what is it sir I didn't hear a damn thing Doug but what if it's one of those new yankee-class boats and Joe's been chattering about the Reds may have solved their noise problem [Music] may have solved their depth problem Khan sonar we're getting bottom contacts still diving what the hell is going on it's the licky deep it's going into the trench depth is one seven zero zero in Horizon we're done this can be level at one seven zero do you remember to get one seven zero zero high but sir he's still down there not driving my boat into a tunnel after an imaginary bogey semen Ahab will take pictures and send your tape to Norfolk maybe the spoof's can figure out what the hell you saw a periscope swings around to the mouth of the trench nice and slow all right captain these foreign [Music] foreign get up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] da da stop call me Michelle right sorry Michelle they're here did you get fired I didn't get fired I'm on a sabbatical what's up with this broke ass boat the institution had some doubts about the validity of my research because you talk to whales if you say it like that then I do sound crazy am I gonna get paid I don't know it depends on if you get that end fixed please is she eating whale song generator we've got Birds that's a good sign I've got a signal initiating sample hb12a this is the mating call of the large male humpback whale we're using 160 decibels and since the speed of sound is four times faster underwater we expect to attract females from hundreds of miles away just like me actually the other purpose of the whale song generator is to warn whales to stay away from hazardous areas for example Navy sonar which is so powerful that it's irritating it's even harmful to the whale's natural lips my behavior is completely modified to avoid potentially look look it worked yeah we did it oh my God okay um uh a sample 30 31 32. 30 there look they're reacting here comes another one me [Music] oh I can't believe it where they all going some of us to school where are they going turn it off turn it off turn it off there's something down there maybe we should get out of here oh my God Dr Michelle Herman I'm Lieutenant Commander Starbuck ussp quad I need you to come aboard man why everything will be explained once we're underway no I'm not getting on that thing I'm afraid I must insist man oh okay look okay look I'm not the captain I'm the executive officer Ethan can I speak to your Superior Captain Ahab is not feeling well but I have orders to commandeer your equipment and your services accordance with the suspension Clause article one section 9 of the United States Constitution I will order these gentlemen to compel you to cooperate call the institution and ask the future my lawyer's name is mihan I'm afraid Mr Pippin will be joining us take the equipment below what about my boat stowed on board oh and man would you mind covering up we've been deployed for five and a half months and well the men brilliant oh there's a few days this is Mr stubb the chief of the boat where do you want to put her sir that's a good question what about the captain's bed what good idea Mr Q about a week after we deployed the captain ordered his mattress removed from his quarters said it was too comfortable to sleep on restoring in the torpedo room it's good space in there if you don't mind sharing with six tons of high explosives Chief Queen will escort you down to the control room for degree it's way man watch your head all right welcome aboard the whale tail folks sit right back while we enter whale territory and we'll be cruising at an altitude of approximately zero feet I can already smell the rubber all right now keep an eye out there folks remember it's Peak mating season and we got Grays and humpbacks all up in these Waters around here now we're going to be heading out deep so if it gets a little choppy y'all might want to hold on now you folks all got your cameras rolling right yeah probably don't know what the hell I'm saying here that's all right I get paid just the same anyway all right folks well we're gonna slow this puppy on down here and just slowly shut off and uh well here we are welcome to The Sweet Spot ladies and gentlemen I'll bring my guests out here I'll never miss I'll tell you just keep an eye out there and as a matter of fact uh over there on the right well there you go there she blows right right over there off the starboard bow that's right for you land lovers take a look at that she is beautiful yeah she's definitely a lady females are usually bigger than the males about 50p this one's definitely female I'll be honest with you folks that is the biggest whale I've ever seen so she sounded it looks like oh I think this is gonna be a full breach because she's gone down pretty far now I've been doing this for almost 20 years I've only seen a full breached one she's underwater now she's coming up get your cameras ready I'm a little excited myself something else [Music] foreign take her to test death hi hell Full Speed Ahead death maker eight zero zero feet what's this all about allow me to explain two weeks ago Norwegian fishing trawler capsized in the Chuck Cheese seat five days later an offshore oil rig was sunk just off the coast to Ketchikan Alaska and just two days ago a merchant vessel went down near Port Angeles Washington eyewitness's Reports say that all were attacked by an enormous whale right well that's just ridiculous because this is completely inconsistent with the fighter macrocephalus what are these lines right over there that's a statimeter each Mill represents a meter but no well then how close is the whale in the shot here 50 meters or so but then that would make it what 400 feet more like five okay that's that's just not possible I don't know what this is but it's not a sperm whale we pick up the wrong scientist the largest known spermill is 85 feet in length this is six times the length of that and if you really look at it I mean the size of the the head and then the jawline see whales they don't have the teeth that shut up so what do you think it is I mean there's conjecture that some whale species that are thought to be extinct that they may actually live in the lower depths of the Arctic which is why we need you and your device to track it down yeah well it's not that simple you see because the uh the whale song generator it has this specific auditory algorithm and I don't know the sound of this whale I do captain on Deck I have a signature and clicks here it says 1969. Moby Dick is older than that Moby Dick sir you've heard of him Chief money wanted to spent time at sees heard of Moby Dick captain it's a particularly large and vicious whale his hide covered with thousands of scars and corks good remains of countless harpoons I would say they're swear the Moby Dick is both omnipresent and immoral of course sale is usually drunk but we dick is real I've seen him with my own eyes it was Moby Dick who took my leg in 69 and it's Moby Dick who I mean Define now like revenge on an animal I'd strike the Sun if it insulted me maybe it's nothing animal or not I will find it I read your visitation on biomass estimation and echolocation and I have been following your work in Citation semiotics for years if anyone could track an individual way oh it's you I won't be a part of a Hunting Expedition we just want to stop the theater all right [Music] foreign Captain underv sir thank you Anthony Eddie's Captain have a seat scotch throw 900 sir make it a small one but what can you tell me about Captain Jonah Ahab sir you served with him didn't you twice yes I mean the second time I was Intelligence officer when he was Skipper of the jeroboam good CEO it was a long time ago sir what's this about you know Ahab captains the pequod now new modified Virginia class Modified by Ahab himself the most advanced boat in a fleet Next Generation weapons system reinforced pressure hole top of the line surveillance and counter surveillance equipment what's the problem sir Ahab missed his last radio check-in seven days ago that's not unusual for a fast attack it could be tracking an enemy sub and have Pack set picked him up when he surfaced twice in the last week once off the coast of Alaska and again this morning near nbsd Plus there have been incidents kind of incidents sinkings a Norwegian trawler an oil rig and this morning a whale watching boat off point Magoo for Christ's sake and you think Ahab is responsible that's what I need you to find out yes sir we have every ship in U.S pack I'm searching for the pequod the USS Essex is in the area with orders to engage we cannot have a sub Commander off the reservation with a boatload full of nukes there was a survivor off that whale boat get to the hospital and find out if Ahab was the cause of it am I clear oh yeah sir good hunting captain [Music] it's just completely jammed give me a little tape recorder that's not gonna work this is a micro cassette give it to me we only need the first 10 minutes you know I learned how to do this and I could only find a break I wanted on an 8-track all right and here you go in 1969 mixtape you are it's true we're in maintaining them six little feet radio con employee antenna is frankly believe that we don't want to expose ourselves any longer than we have to Sir breeding cavitation from an Ohio class boat identifying now what are they doing in the area better question is who Dolby let me hear it it's pollen hi sir neuroband confirms the target is the USS Essex she's 105 nautical miles south foreign possible Target 225 degrees north is it the Pequot can't tell sir sonar is still trying to identify do you have the target yet negative sir switch to active sonar sir and expose our position ping the son of a [Music] thank you sir the Essex has got an active sonar I'm reading a large biological Mass closing in on the Essex Helm all ahead flank intercept course on the Essex hi Captain I'll hit flames flanks for four hours to reach that distance men are already dead give me continuous reports on the status of the ethic I've got Echo calculating TMA Fire Control flood tubes one and three sir this doesn't look like a suck it's probably one of ahab's trips tubes one and three are flooded and equalized Target is diving 9-0 degrees die 45 degrees bubble down don't lose it 45 degrees down bubble I Target is accelerating sir Carter's going down the bridge sir we're gonna lose our shot sir commence fire in 2-1 torpedo one has started and closing on target 300 meters report 200 meters in closing I've got bottom Echo he's heading for a seamount still no luck sir tell me we got him negative torpedo hit the seamount sir I don't think this is the P quad what the hell is this thing what's it doing now he's just lying there hell I had two thirds close the gap torpedo tube three is ready setup is good for curved fire shoot fire three [Music] feet on this torpedo's still running the target is turning we have Target lock Target is biological that's impossible it's gonna Ram us Fire Control report torpedo still running evasive action all ahead flank left full rudder we're clear no we're not Andrew B are you at the hospital yes sir I'm just arriving at the hospital now Boomer listen it may be nothing but we're getting reports that a marine biologist has disappeared in San Diego a marine biologist we have eyewitness reports that she was abducted by a black submarine all right send me what you got here comes how long before she was picked up no water almost four hours suffering from exposure dehydration and sunburn what did she say happened I don't know she only speaks Russian John the glass about it can you tell me what happened it attacked us go ahead let's see what did it look like was the ship black it was why [Music] I've cleared the tapers and I'm applying the DNR now okay everything's clear except for the source initiating playback I don't hear anything it's not a sound it's it's more like the absence of sound like a hole the water yes it's voice what's that screaming [Music] Captain we've reached the last recorded position of the Essex sonar what have you got no contact sir foreign activate the photonic mask thank you [Music] give me some light patch this through to the ship line system all hands this is your captain look at your screens this could have been you and it still might be the man of the Essex were only doing their Duty and now we must do ours the thing that did this to them is the thing we're after Moby Dick I have orders we are going to chase him from here to the Atlantic we're going to chase him to hell if we have to and when we find him We're not gonna make him pay he's going to feel this sting of our hate and when we're done with him he will spout black and roll in his own we owe this to the men of the Essex we owe this to ourselves and may God hunt us all if we do not hunt Moby Dick to the death are you with me man do you feel Brave yes foreign yes sir I'm gonna help you what's your name son Lance corporal Perth Lance corporal Perth I need a ride do you have parents for that colonel anything else I can do for you sir you can use a driver it's nothing try 227 still not hearing anything out there oh why don't you get some rest about 3 A.M yeah you must miss the sunset come on show you back to your quarters oh no worries I'll just take a nap here Admiral I have Captain Edgar B Boomer what the hell is going on out there I don't know yet I need to find Ahab I have to talk to him no it is too late for that Captain Wallbanger picked up the thermal signature of an s9g reactor a thousand miles east off of Honolulu the Essex was in the area and now she's gone missing CNO has declared Pequot an aggressor I called it a favor from first Marine I can be there in four hours and four hours the pequod will be at the bottom of the ocean good afternoon yeah Captain Brian shoshigo we're heading to Camp that way [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what's going on sonar spotted a biologic Mass 10 miles off our Stern [Music] contact despairing two one five and closing Mark contact heading and calculating firing solution engines at one third sir we went over to catch us Mr Starbuck engines one-third ice on radio esm is picking up an unidentified aircraft 8-0 nautical miles north northwest and closing this is Sierra Victor one Niner come in ah he's bluffing he can't see now sir 50 miles has spent a Target so now report biological Target is five miles of stern and still an intercept the signature's not right the target is 600 feet in organic what else could it be Helm left full Rudder engine stop where they had two thirds Port back full left full Rudder iron and Captain hook my leg I don't intend to give him my ass sir alternative speaker exposed our position permission to interdict permission granted activate gramics let's make sure he knows we're serious activating so right imagine explanation torpedo this is the captain sub rocks one and two what's up Rock basically a nuclear torpedo damage report I designed your Mr Starbuck the hull will hold Target is still bearing two one five and three miles due north sir we have a lock on Moby Dick Captain it's not Moby Dick you may fire when ready Mr Q fire one zombies we are under attack subrocating to Target 100 meters to Target 50 meters of Target what the hell was that sir sonar report Target is destroyed I think you've got Moby Dick sir I'll bring her back around congratulations Duke the school of squid [Music] where there are squid there are whales prepare to launch torpedoes ah my dick is close why were they shooting at us why were they shooting at us time to earn your cake doctor I need to see our order sir our order sir in accordance with Article 5 section one one by Mr Starbuck look at those things those men even now you can see that they are still with me they're still ready to hunt Moby Dick to the end have you forgotten all about the Essex will you let those men's death go on avenge I personally selected you there's not another man tremendous Navy that I would trust my boat to without my EXO thank you it's the startback you have the god thank you [Music] bring that canister over here from the Hall of the Acushnet Moby Dick can only be taken by something that has touched in this this thing that's connected to them thing that's going to kill him did they find him oh they found him he shot down one of Summer Seahawks with a sub Rock sir that doesn't make any sense if you wanted to shoot that aircraft why wouldn't you use one of his tomahawks Captain the man has stolen a 2.8 billion dollar submarine you think he's thinking rationally that may be true everybody isn't stupid I'm within an hour of The Summer's location just give me a chance to talk to AF the only way that's gonna happen is if you get there before anyone else does then sir get me the exact coordinates of that nuclear detonation want to tell me what's going on sir ever hear of Moby Dick captain [Music] it's in it's I don't hear anything he's less than a mile away bearing 125. maintain present course and heading tip rightful Runner come around fast make your heading one two five I sir rightful Rudder heading one two five foreign thank you so they just collided with a cruise ship he's coming back around I think he's gonna hit again why would a whale act like this oh why do babies die in their sleep Mr Q status report still out of effective firing range captain actually when we stand another Direct Hit if he Rams her again she's going down pip I want you to take the signal and put into output give me all the volume [Music] all right I got it Go Go executing b-a-w sample two now foreign it worked he's turning very good doctor where's he heading now my tortoise repair tube one and wait for my command the dollar is ready to fire sir no no not yet not yet Mr Q one kilometer coming right for us wait 700 meters 300 meters 150 meters 100 meters 50 meters [Music] we've lost poor dining plate reports heavy flooding in the DLS he's sounding get ready for a ride All Hands breaks for impact [Music] ful responding our depth is one five zero zero and lowering sure see how deep he can take this one eight zero zero feet how deep can this ship go classified how deep have you been two one zero zero feet this [Music] so we have to disconnect two seven five zero feet we are too deep it'll hold three thousand feet I'm tired three two zero zero feet thank you sure we've lost the tether come take us up and you're still not responding sir we were at 3500 feet and roaring All Hands pray for emergency Bloom foil tags bought him now foreign to the data the detonation was right in this area continue heading west but towards Hawaii that's where he's driving who's driving who's Sir would you call this a normal day no I see Wars every day but I've never experienced anything like that it's the whiteness of the well that freaks me out the most you know what I mean why does for the good guys I have no problem seeing white is even get your testing operational both the bowel plans out of commission you won't be able to go much past Periscope depth thank you chief officer of the deck radio picking up a distress call from the cruise ship Rachel they have Personnel overboard they are requesting assistance report to the Rachel tell them that we will proceed to their location foreign what about the Rachel we're less than 100 miles from Hawaii can you imagine the destruction if that thing makes it into Pearl Harbor I will not put the security of the United States Navy or the safety of a quarter of a million people at risk not when I finally have the chance to stop it the Rachel can pen for herself aye aye sir then clear the deck Mr Starbuck we have a whale to catch God help us all oh hey prepare all torpedo tubes switch to active soda we're not hiding anymore gentlemen housemick all a headphone and don't let him get away from you [Music] Toby where's he at Target is 100 yards north at two five knots sir too close to torpedoes engines two-thirds engines two-thirds icer give us a little bit of Target is maintaining 100 yards sir he knows you give this whale too much credit oh he's not a whale he's a Devil Himself foreign look at this there's no toll with narrow open Reef about two miles north of here as Taipei at all I know if we can force Moby Dick into the Reed caption them again hell I'm all ahead for all ahead full icer how are you the Beast Target's ready stopper it's working we're approaching the atoll yeah you can't drive it into him boys come on try the new one nicely Target is 6-0 north northwest sir and just chilling everything you got creeping bottom of these letters right into the shallows he's coming back around he's hitting us again ah you don't give him enough credit doctor fire Torpedoes negative tubes are blocked Collision warning engines back full who's in that place 100 yards from the atoll 50 yards [Music] down he's in he went in deploy search team see if anyone in the hospital survived the crash shot a fire volley into the Lagoon sir no Chief we're going in after him sir the opening is only 12 feet deep we're too tall we'll face them like our ancestors did prepare the zodiacs what the hell is going on now okay enter I know you Captain Boomer oh what a pair we are arm and leg together again it's time to stop Jonah half the Navy is looking for you and when they find you they won't hesitate to destroy you I've waited 40 years and purpose I won't I can't I'm more ridiculous scene to that how how how could you ask me that you of all people Moby Dick took just as much from you as he did for me sit out on watch your arm go gangrenous while we were waiting to be rescued oh God and the months of surgery the years of of Rehabilitation wondering why this happened to you asking yourself what kind of a god and allow such a thing and coming to the conclusion that he was either malicious or different than realizing you don't know which is worse such a thing cannot be allowed to live I think Moby Dick took more from you than from me killing him won't bring back my arm and won't bring back your leg it won't bring any of it back and whether you succeed or fail how many people need to die all of them this whole act has been decreed was rehearsed by us a billion years before the oceans even rolled nothing I can do about I am Fate's lieutenant and I act under Waters save your ammunition Captain you're gonna need it later foreign give us two hours no more so keep the tubes at ready if I fail or if Moby Dick tries to escape I want you to hit him with everything we've got blow him and the island all to help if I don't make it back make sure this gets to the institution you better come back still need to get paid safe good luck Captain I made this from the damaged bow play sir just as you order careful sir now you see it's properly tempered you're coming with us too you know he's completely insane how can anyone endure this and not be [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] s are a little unpredictable sonar do you have a read on target negative con I can't see anything past the Outer Perimeter any side of him stubs nothing sir he must have gone to bottom this Lagoon is deep and now we're at the most he has to breathe he's a damn mammal damn it what you want me to do they're Birds what the birds he's under you he's rightful now [Music] he's under us [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] did anyone make it to shore I don't see how anyone could survive that come on we're over here Moby Dick has dismasted me once again but I am untucked how many lost stubs Simon Guernsey and met who were killed it's a jogger was missing Archie ankenbacher on the other side of Lagoon along with Captain Boomer we were able to keep most of her ammunition at firearm sir well signaling them to move about the perimeter and then we'll meet them in the center hi sir let's go well it seems like we're destined to see this thing through together doctor what is this place Taipei with a leper colony this gets better and better hand me that cross up there that says Maples on it Maples was a priest who tended to the sick till he died of the disease himself in 1851. ah hey you believe in Omens man they say a drowning thing will go down and rise up again twice before going down forever Moby Dick has already been down twice so have you [Music] foreign yeah I guess you're right right as far as I'm concerned we're gonna hunt for whales better to do it from the safety of the land come back feet sailor come on Small Arms fire it's closed come on [Music] moving down tasks me that whale tasks me this is foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign don't move foreign [Music] captain sir the last zodiac is leaving the beach [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for Hate's sake get my last breath [Music] foreign [Music] Target is turning [Applause] foreign [Music] Target is two five zero yards from entrance and closing two zero zero yards foreign [Music] sir torpedo con fire one two three and four [Music] foreign [Music] foreign he won't make it are you giving up no surrendering cannot run a torpedo I could drive [Music] can you read me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] You'll Never Tear my soul apart I thought I think you know now my enmity the stormy sea come to the bow now [Music] yes [Music] you're my it never sleeps it cannot love oh my obsession and memories [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] once [Music] again [Music]
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 3,207,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popcornflix, Full movies English, #popcornflix, moby dick full movie, moby dick 2010, 2010 moby dick, 2010 moby dyck, moby dick, moby dick movie, 2010 moby dick trailer, full movies english action 2022, full movies english horror, popcornflix action movies, action movies free full english, monster movies, action monster movies, moby dick full movie english, full movies english 2021, Barry Bostwick, Renee O'Connor
Id: JqZfAAVHzf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 24sec (5244 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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