SKYBOUND Full Movie | Disaster Movies | The Midnight Screening

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[Music] [Music] above the clouds everything's pure beautiful sometimes I wonder why would anyone ever want to return to the [Music] ground [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all of the love and what about the things that we said in one of all places we' been and can I be honest with you m sure thing Le so go ahead you know I was expecting you to ask me on a date ever since med school started you took your time until tonight actually I was only waiting for a special occasion but if you're trying to impress me with this expensive car then I think you might just have the the wrong girl Lisa I'm not seriously this was the only car left at home I'm sorry I think it would just be better if you take me back home oh come on Lisa I had no choice about the car my mom is going to kill me when she finds out I took it for this 3-day vacation Lisa damn it I'm just messing with you I'm sorry about it's just this car prob custom more than the house I grew up in I seriously doubt that oh look my dad's calling from Toronto maybe you want to ask him hey Dad just a few hours since I left you already miss me oh honey you know I always do but right now I need to know if by any chance you left some cash here some cash I'm afraid I ordered some drugs for my asthma but now I can't pay the delivery boy because cuz I didn't make it to the ATM today unfortunately the neighbors are out too but anyway I only need like 10 bucks look Mr Murphy I got to be on my way just order again when you can't afford it Dad Dad let me talk to this guy maybe there few dollars in my bedroom drawer all right here my daughter for you great Lisa Murphy David David spencor is that you wow we haven't talked since you broke up with Katie shame uh listen David can't I pay this online I've got this banking app thing on my phone it should only take a few minutes uh nope can't do that Murphy you know what you sound almost as desperate as Kenny always did funny David desperate is just what I thought when I saw that video of you you know the one where you're drunk and naked and tried to do it with Katie's German Shepherd I mean thank God the poor animal managed to get away in time you uh you still got that video now I remember you weren't totally naked you're wearing those yellow neon tennis socks she get a few clicks on YouTube what oh um Lisa don't do that um Mr Murphy just forget about the money okay Merry Christmas to you sir Lisa what did you tell him everything's fine dad just remember to refer your medication okay talk to you on New Year's Eve take care of yourself you too d i mind be able to take you [Music] off hey do we just ENT an airport maybe but I thought we meeting Roxy and UT Your Country House don't worry Lisa it's weird somebody's supposed to be here by now Matt what's going on look truth is my parents don't own a Country House in the state of New York however we do own a beach house in Los Angeles Malibu to be Pres SCE Malibu what's wrong certifi baller Odin are you out of your [ __ ] mind Diamond easy Parker you deserve it kept us waiting for like 30 minutes Lisa did we really scare you please you have to forgive us it's good to see you to Roxy now please don't tell me that we're flying to California Baby Woo guys I can just well you did pack for 3 Days didn't you so what's the difference of course it'll be a little warmer on the west coast and a friend of mine is going to take us all to Vin Diesel's movie premier tomorrow night and this is how we'll be getting there a freedom xj1 with over 6,000 M of range and speeds of up to 700 mph but adds private plane he made me get my pilot's license after my 18th birthday so I could use it for special [Music] occasions well what are we waiting for my thoughts exactly come help me with my stuff would you you have to tell me everything have you two already kissed he hasn't tried unfortunately there Isa I hope speeding doesn't run in the family you should see us fly is this your brother Kyle but he's not coming with us is he no he's just here for the handoff he piloted the plane from Paris today where our parents spent Christmas hey little brother Where Have You Been people have been waiting sorry I uh arrived a little early so I took the bike for a spin hi Lisa hello Kyle Kyle what's up Rosario come on Lisa Heaven awaits us this way ladies OMG this is awesome hav really was the right word look at this this Baby's got everything TV stereo a b and it's well stock too I have a vodka on the Rock coming right up my lady let me just get my CES Ground Control this is FJ 2244 request permission for takeoff ground control to FJ 2244 thanks for submitting your flight plan Mr Parker however the name of your co-pilot seems to be missing I'm sorry please repeat name of my co-pilot as you know since December 1st the co-pilot has required for all aircrafts of your type departing the state of New York new regulation since December 1st requiring a co-pilot what you talking about I have no idea I landed alone Mr Parker please let me speak to your co-pilot hello Mr Parker hold on Ground Control what now I mean you could talk to him now but he's going to ask again once we're in the air I know Mr Parker I'm afraid we have to deny your request for takeoff if you do not Ground Control this is Kyle Parker speaking cop of this flight screw it fly with you I was going to come out to the West Coast in 3 days anyway thank you FJ 2244 you are cleared for departure proceed to text me God man how can I say thank you this would have ruined everything hey you know this this thing with human and Le said's over right I mean it was nothing serious anyway are you kidding seriously it was nothing besides I'll be out of your hair as soon as we hit that hey bro Merry Christmas you too bathroom doors to the back right what is this supposed to mean Lisa I didn't want you to see that just just forget about it okay no Kyle you'll tell me why you never answered any my calls right now I have a right to know tell me you told me you had no idea who I was right I mean when we first met at that party you said you had no idea my family owned Parker Industries yeah I suppose so that's not what your friend Becca told me so after a weekend of feeling closer than I ever felt to any girl I had to find out that Becca told you in advance who was going to that party that kind of thing just happened too often in my life what are you trying to say that you knew who I was when we met I didn't Becca Meed so many people who were coming to that party by the time I arrived I didn't know anyone fine if you really think I was with you just because you're rich you're an even bigger [ __ ] than I thought he sir but hasn't the world in general become a much safer place since the end of the Cold War just remember those massive forces the Russians and the Americans but do you really feel better with those massive weapons repeatedly showing up on the black market sounds there but wrong input yeah I can hear that in this world terrible things can happen any day you're damn right honey which is why we should party as long as [Music] [Music] we om every [Music] night you [Music] [Music] cry [Music] he wants to talk to you hey hey want to take a seat yeah how are you good thanks I yeah just a little tired well if you can keep your eyes open a little longer something you might want to see right over there so beautiful put your hands on the Yol excuse me the stick the controls oh no no um really I am come on it's easy I am nothing do it I push it Forward just a little bit try moving a little to the right this is like a tree [Music] what's up with him autop Pilot's running now thank you so much honestly I've never seen anything as beautiful as this me neither what's wrong I'm sorry Matt really is just I guess I'll just feel a lot better when we get rid of your brother in La [ __ ] I'm I'm sorry I really please don't take this the wrong way I no it's it's fine I totally understand you know and in a few hours we'll be on our own again yeah thank you um I'll go get some rest look I can see the sun again you're right how's that possible we're chasing the sunset cuz we're heading west oh man this one fast airplane I think I'm going to take flying lessons too Odin isn't that the name of a God it is it's the name of a powerful African god actually God I agree but African he thought he was European no no no it's African I know it for sure my parents told me no now I remember on is a major God in Norse mythology he's Swedish what Swedish you mean like those blonde guys okay Lisa you almost got me not bad but please don't make fun of that [Music] no way now I'mma Google that [ __ ] right now man it's not even funny s man someone's friends got something wrong what happened Kyle What's happen speed he are unchanged REM navigation alarm's coming from the radar looks like it's offline so's Tass great now we can't locate other planes around us who wait but they can still locate us right I I mean before they hit us right right it's nothing to worry about Ground Control this is FJ 2244 do you copy ground it's dead can't even change channels cell's dead too's still working but there's no signal same here what does that mean well I don't know what's happened to the phones that actually seems kind of random but as far as the plane's concerned it might just be a short circuit in our main Electric System get back to your seats we're going to land no wait let me check the CC first if I can't locate the problem then we land Matt don't you think it's safer to sit down and figure it out on the ground well if it's just a short circuit I can switch to secondary immediately and there's no problem and since navigation is not affected we're in no immediate danger right what is this tcast you were talking about uh it stands for a traffic alert and collision avoidance system every plane sends out a signal but the other planes receive letting them know when they get too close to each other that way you avoid midair collisions but we're not sending that signal anymore right but uh we should still appear on the other plan's radar systems so everything all right down there yeah just remove the casing guys take a look at this impressive looks like quite a thunderstorm going on down there oh that might explain the random failure of our electrical devices really how's that lightning can cause a sudden change in magnetic fields creating an electromagnetic pulse and these can overcharge sensitive Electro equipment you doing see that works please I mean no harm Odin get down [Music] there what's going on Matt [Music] Odin [Applause] [Music] check the instruments [Music] work now we're back online looks like it's damaged tcast and radio still completely dead what have you done to our play [ __ ] pleas I didn't s T anything believe me how did you get aboard I got on right after he landed I was looking for some food then the jet was suddenly locked from the outside and soon after that you all entered and we started please can I introduce myself my name is Eric Eric Harris come on guys go easy on him where's he going to going to go please can I have something to drink the air down there is really bad looking for food can not have been the only reason to enter an airport area you were trying to board a plane right it's true I have some problems with the authorities back in New York but uh can you just let me go once we arrive in Los Angeles and you'll never see me again look even if I wanted to help you without radio and tcast there's no alternative to Landing immediately Kyle where's it close to airport should be Chicago come on there is nothing wrong with our navigation system is there sorry man looks like you got on the wrong plane haven't I seen you before somewhere hey oh [Music] [ __ ] what your name son my name's Matt Matt this plane stays skybound you will not alter course nor altitude is that understood look since we don't know the cause of the malfunction it'll be far too dangerous to continue this flight don't worry about it as long as navigation Works everything is fine Lisa I'm scared sit down you [Music] [Music] bastard it stop the bleeding immediately don't think the bu organ but we got to get to hospital as soon as possible I'll take the course from Chicago right away stay calm you're going to be okay you Lo attack this is for your pain wait a minute but how can we land without radio radar and all that it's okay soon as we appear on their radar being unreachable By Radio Ground Control will withdraw the land in permissions for all the other planes what's going on we're not Landing are we yes we are landing and you're going to be locked up for what you did to my friend holy [ __ ] oh Matt what's going on some plane almost crashed into [Music] us look at that must us on their radar for quite some time if all those ples to stand up for [Music] us I've never seen anything like this look those two who just got really close is that normal do you think it's because of the holiday traffic Kyle God damn it you can't move around get back and sit down something's wrong here we should have appeared on that plane's position exist they must have simply overlooked us happen in crowded airspace like this kle come back here look they're all flying way too close to each other I mean this just doesn't look like supervised airspace what are you trying to say I really hope I'm wrong what if we're not the only ones with malfunction inion [Music] ofo but that's impossible the failure of Positioning Systems on multiple planes at the same time maybe some of the planes were affected by the electromagnetic Bu from the FR stream too I mean you could us to pass through it right holy [ __ ] mat I don't know what's going on but let's get out of here now he's right we should climb trying to land here is nuts I'll set a course with the closest airport it can't be far but no wait that's probably where most of the others will be heading too we should aim father a field okay just let me get out of here first all [Music] right so just let everyone know I've set a course for Kansas City we'll be landing in an hour and there's a hospital there too awesome try to get some rest before we land I think your temperature's elevated see what the news says about what's happening in Chicago good idea damn there's no signal anywhere leave it on maybe I'll come back guys I've been thinking what if all those planes didn't actually want to land like if there was an emergency down in Chicago airport right I keep some terrorists just got caught I heard they shut down the entire airport then oh what and all the Positioning Systems on all the planes fail at the same time I mean that's a bit of a coincidence don't you think I Sage those too shut the [ __ ] up all right Kyle [Music] we have to go back and land but why the bullet it must have caused an infection if it's not removed right away it could go setic and he could die I can't land in Chicago it's far to dangerous is there really no other way no there isn't but can't you take the bullet out yourself Lisa I mean if we go back we could all die right she's right going back would be suicide foxy in my third semester medicine I'm not a [Music] surgeon I'm sorry man we can't turn around you know that are you out of your mind you want to put us all in danger can't you at least try Lisa I've never done anything like this [Music] before [Music] he's my brother for my's sake man calm down calm down you do the same in my position so now it's all down to Lisa I trust you Lisa you can do it right per space in the [Music] back else there's vages and this pair of buting tweezers and alcohol sterilization the plane still M I'm trying this is have blow out this one right okay it's work from that this is going to swing a little you can see the bullet I'm going to start now okay py Ro H me will [Music] you for free okay got it me the knife this [Music] the your fever's dropped so how' I do you're going to be okay I knew you could do it now you can call yourself a real doctor Kyle there hasn't really been a chance for me to say you thank you for saving my life looks like you just returned the [Music] favor Lisa I want to apologize for the way I was last year I was all wrong about you I see that now funny for a moment there I thought she just your girl you guys better get ready be landing in a few minutes Matt wait don't you think it's safer if I sit in the co-pilot seat for landing well God well you need to get some rest I know it's just given our situation I think it'd be safer to have the second pilot in place just in case anything unexpected happen he's right I'll carry him through wow weather is getting rougher so how's things with you and Lisa what do you mean I say an old flame Never Dies right excuse me were you talking leis is here with you I'm fully aware of it on St what's going on really so what is going [Music] on you're being ridiculous let's just say I would appreciate it if you stay away from Lisa for the rest of this journey man take a look at that it's way too warm for this altitude isn't it this play must be malfunctioning as well temperature still Rising it's not reaching 30° hey can we talk I need to tell you something it's important OD in accompany him what do you have to say I've been thinking what if something actually has happen on the ground I mean something big like natural disaster volcanic eruption for example [ __ ] you have seen that in Chicago temperature now at 60° what the [ __ ] this is the middle of winter and we're still miles above the ground must be a malfunction what if it's not what if it's not such a good idea to land here oh no man not a second time I am going to land this plane right now no matter what whatever is wrong on the ground what if we're actually flying closer to it instead of away from it maybe we should climb that it's clim the hell was that what's happening are we winding how much light can only come from explosion or Forest flares I have no [ __ ] idea why not some large area natural disaster there are a lot of volcanoes in the United States is that really possible look the turbulence is dying down as soon as we get far enough away from here I'm going to land This Plane wherever I can military airport all parking lot I don't care I really think it's important not to freak out right now so far as long as we've stayed up in the air nothing has happened to us right he's right we need to stay calm after all we filled up for LA right so we're not going to run out of fuel anytime soon for all we know some explosion or forest fire happened in Kansas City or maybe there was a connection with what we saw in Chicago but either way we still have enough fuel to get far away from this whole [Music] area [Music] where's the little ticker thing the screen with all this stock information why aren't reporting on Christmas is over isn't it it [Music] is [ __ ] December 26th and December 27th here right now I guess it's crucial to find out what happened on the ground and since we don't have the net or any televised news maybe we can find some hints in these papers my dad left but they're from yesterday do you think they predicted the future maybe there have been some weather forecasts like tornado warnings or something or military tests or Maneuvers scheduled in the area or a political crisis threatening to break out good point let me help you the fashion part baby we're looking for natural disasters not fashion disasters look at this I'm about to have a nervous break down I need something to calm me [Music] down [Music] [Music] take a look at this did you guys find something nice to meet you Mr Lamar Lamar you said your name was Harris head of religious movement that believes in the apocalypse his real name is Eric Lamar I knew I seen your face before he says the FBI's been after him ever since plans on an assault came to their attention last Wednesday what you piece of [ __ ] you the reason behind all this madness I'm not how could I each time we try to land you try to stop us you wanted to keep this plane in the air at any cost why is it cuz you know we'll die down there what you must be out of your mind you bastards cause an explosion or diffuse a virus or something is that why all those planes didn't want to land back in Chicago you snuck a board because you knew that only up here you'd be safe no you must believe me I I just wanted to make some money with that sick I was good at talking and my followers they kept donating and I myself never believed in that apocalypse [ __ ] at all and we never planned any attack I swear oh right the FBI was just mistaken about that information yes no actually it was all a huge misunderstanding some of the members got it all wrong and they started trash talking online and the FBI was monitoring it there guys I have to tell you something a moment ago I saw Lamar checking his watch right before there was a glow outside the window I mean as if he knew exactly when to expect it man you are dead it's just a pulse watch please I suffer from diabetes it's true a pulse watch it warms me when I get too excited you understand to avoid seizures that's why I looked at it earlier oh what a coincidence it's already started please you know about the condition can I I get some insulin from my back it's still back in that hatch I can die if I don't get it right I'll go with you move thank you very much so what do you think of his story he just might be telling the truth I just don't know what to believe do you think Lamar through this way to hide it from us oh [ __ ] listen to this former sect members claimed that Lamar fed them psychotropic drugs causing massive paranoia and hallucinations in order to impose his will on them upon consumption people believe that they were actually witnessing the end of the world holy [ __ ] give me that we know all about you and your drugs what is this what made us see and believe all those frightening things honey what do you mean he gave hallucinogenic drugs to members of his sect making me think about the end of the world is here look well you must believe me I I swear I didn't give you anything it's true we experimented with Pharmaceuticals LSD stuff like that but I can assure you none of us ever experienced anything like we did during this flight then why would you hide that page guys this could be the explanation it could finally be the explanation for everything I really hope you're right wait hold on how is he supposed to have given us any drugs thank you well he was in the cargo bay area for a long time before he found him down there it's easy to infuse the air cycle machine with any sort of foreign substance but just why would I do that the aircycle machine well planes Crea an artificial pressure and temperature environment otherwise people wouldn't be able to survive at such a high altitude think of the whole cabin as a giant oxygen tank we all wait for it's true I read about similar experiments with hallucinogenic drugs on airplanes I heard enough hey what are you doing that what are you do goddamn drug piece of [ __ ] you just signed my death warrant are you out of your mind don't worry Kyle you won't die what Matt described makes perfect sense these must have been the drugs we read about just how can you be sure of that you might have killed the man he might have killed you all I wanted to do was cross the border to make to go just cross the border hey hey don't fall [Music] asleep he's going into a coma can't we give him some sweets or something with sugar in case he didn't lie about his condition no well someone's unconscious things can't be changed anymore here's what we do we exchange our cabin air now before we try to land under the possible influence of drugs to be on the safe side exchange the air That's it man we'd have to release the cabin pressure and open the emergency exit at the same time we'd have to descend significantly for that so the turbulence is gone I mean if there ever was any in the first place Kyle you'll be the pilot Odin and I will open the emergency exit everyone else fasten your seat [Music] belts all right ready when you are okay put it around your waist good see this way won't be sucked out or something right well the saltitude we won anyway we going to be windy very windy okay ladies listen up just try breathing normally okay okay here we go Kyle let's bring it in now why is the snow [Music] hot probably just withdraw s good I experienced something similar [Music] once this is not snow [Music] Dash fing diabatic shocking he might even telling the truth on the long on [Music] [Music] explosion couldn't this still be a hallucination from the [Music] drugs no I don't think so had [Music] War you think the aluminum hle could protect us from radioactivity I don't know maybe what do you mean radioactivity my cousin lives in Denver that's not far from here I want to land right now I want to talk to her I said land land This Plane godamn it I want to talk to my family your cousin's dead Roxy dead along with everyone else within hundreds of miles and we'll die too if we even set foot on the ground how can you be sure you're an expert Matt how can you even be sure it's a nuclear explosion and not a hydrogen bomb or whatever that's a nuclear bomb too it even explains the random failure of our electronic devices doesn't it I mean a blast like that sends out electromagnetic pulses that could burst sensitive equipment right no chance we were too far away what if this isn't the only one that green glow sure looked like what we saw underneath the clouds in Kansas and before even they say that in a nuclear explosion everything inflames like paper within seconds for miles and miles of miles right but there was nothing in flames in Chicago was there no but the radioactivity could have extended there maybe that's why no one wanted to land we're still close enough I'm tired of this mystery I want to find out what's going on on the ground right [Music] now what is that it's my cell I put it back in my bag hello Lisa sweetheart dad oh thank God that you're alive I've been trying to reach you for hours where are you I'm on born plane with some friends I we were on our way to La dad you have to tell us there's been nuclear attacks right I mean we've got almost no information up here yes Lisa they have the continental United States was hit by 11 nuclear missiles in the course of the night millions of people were killed in the explosions alone at the moment everybody is trying to escape from the radioactive contamination I'll probably drive further north in the warning myself dad who who did this what they say is that unknown Rebel forces have taken over a military base in the Russian Outback from which the missiles were launched the execution of that attack must have been highly professional about an hour ago the Russian government claimed they regained control of the facility so the attack is over Lisa Lisa are you still there oh no my batteries though dad dad can you hear me Lisa listen to me listen to me you must stay in the air to avoid the radiation all airplanes are advised not to land but to fly out of the contaminated area since the bombs exploded on the ground even a few minutes of ground explosure is already said to be lethal get away from the mainland as far as possible stay skybound dad stay skybound [Music] Dad I love you so bearing in mind what Lisa's dad said what course should we set with our remaining fuel how far do we have to fly away from let's say our major Mainland cities not to be affected by radiation great nobody here knows anything about radiation or its range about cells radio or at least an internet connection there's no way to find out anything up here you can't land either hey is not inter detainment and education package still on the hard disk of the video system what you mean that kids encyclopedia come on me Dam it tell me Dam it yes what is that it's just a collection of games and movies in case you get bored during the flight it's useless we just need range information right at least just a vague idea there's got to be some kind of entry on the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki you can't be serious it really is for children all right although the explosive forces of today's bombs are about seven times higher the bombings of heroshima and Nagasaki during World War II were devastating enough radiation never reached the us as radiation range exponentially decreases over water in this case the Pacific Ocean great feeling smarter now you're right it's useless well this one seems to be telling some sort of range how do you know that I was always good at math didn't want to study it though too boring honey are you kidding me did you think I was dumb or what so if I give you a fuel range can you make something out of it well let's see that one seems to stand for explosive force which we know is about seven times higher now didn't you just say so Kyle uh yeah I did all right tell me how much fuel is left and uh do we have a map yeah okay bring it to me and a shot of something I need to wake up [Music] [Music] go ahead tear it apart [Music] patience based upon our remaining Fuel and assuming that either Los Angeles or San Francisco were hit we can't get far enough anymore going north or south and since East is where we're coming from the only safe place we still could reach lies West about 300 Mi before the Hawaiian Islands that's in the water how are we supposed to land there Roxy how should I know can I have another one of these please I sure wouldn't be drunk when I die is there really nowhere else we can go nope contamination everywhere then we are dead only 300 miles away from Hawaii what but can we make that somehow what if we lost weight forget it you would never ever gain that much more range by doing that not by tossing out the suitcases you couldn't but what if we ripped out the entire interior I mean the TVs the seats everything you cannot be serious what if we take everything apart including the bathroom and throw it out then with a little luck maybe come on what have we got to lose okay so my computer should a automatically detect our new weight and calculating if we have enough fuel to reach Hawaii so here goes what just 80 more miles not even a third more see I told you oh that's just great Kyle to have known that in advance that it's really great and so [ __ ] helpful you can shut the [ __ ] up make me guys take it easy come on you're so smart little bro you're the smartest kid I know you know what you can be real proud of yourself Maddie you know why cuz now we can't even get the news broadcast anymore can we stop it both of you it's gotten into you this isn't going to help anyone damn it I'm sorry so what else can we do maybe just fly north or south as far as possible and then land after all roxxy's calculations might be slightly off to our advantage yeah but even if they are off one thing's for for sure the difference between how far we must travel overground and overw is Extreme we've all read the radiation range dramatically decreases over water so if we go north or south we might stay within radiation range no we will for sure [ __ ] last year I was on a passenger plane headed for Buenos Aries and one side's engine failed the pilot managed to land the plane as if nothing had happened happened even during Landing you wouldn't have noticed a thing all smooth what are you saying if we could remove one of the engines we probably lose the necessary weight to make it all the way to Hawaii what remove one of the engines how the hell are we supposed to do that this here is steel that out there is only aluminum you want to walk out onto a wing and cut off one of the engines are you insane Matt that's suicide he's only messing with you anyway I say let's try it what we have to at least try right I mean even I heard of failed engines on passenger planes that still landed safely Odin even if we reduce our speed as much as possible we'd still have to stay above 160 mph otherwise the plane just drops out of the air so you ever stick your head out of your car going that speed then you might know the feeling but look the engine's mounting is right above the wing just like 2 yards away and we still got those belts to hold map from the inside we even have the parachutes belt all right count me out of this one but I can't bro we need someone to level the plane when the engine comes off Dorey the balance whatever I know you still love her Kyle but I love her too I guess that's just too bad isn't it mat please but either way little brother she'll die and we'll die if you you and I don't stop fighting and start working together I know you're smart Kyle way smarter than me it's always like that but sometimes you have to take a chance you must take a risk try the impossible you know if we don't act now we're dead already This Plane it's going to be our tomb either we'll crash because we run out of fuel or we're going to land and die for radiation eventually or we can fight fight our way back into the light we can climb out of this tomb even if we're we're scared and de desperate and the only way to do it sounds insane we can't let our egos get in the way anymore Kyle you and I need to work together as brothers or we will die as [Music] individuals you think it was such a good idea to take the canvas off what would be the point in landing yeah all right well been quite a first dat has it has but you know it's not over yet you promised to take me home remember yeah promise I'll wait for you to do [Music] that okay speed down to 160 let's do this [ __ ] there for a moment it was disconnected from the electricity come on man hold on any [Music] longer it worked the plan's Back in Balance we made it where's that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey thanks Lisa still- 26 mil till we reach our destination what does that mean we're not going to make it no I think we will the computer uses an average wind speed for its calculations and there's a buffer so with a bit of luck everything will be just fine I'm so sorry for you Kyle about Matt he was right sometimes you have to take a chance he was [Music] so [Music] brave you're going to have to live for the both of you now [Music] [Music] [Music] just shut up caution Terin oh [Music] although Millions were killed in yesterday's disastrous attacks people still keep getting out of the contaminated areas reaching Mexico Canada or even Hawaii and that the world stands ready to help the victims of the catastrophe A New Beginning will suddenly [Music] come [Music] l [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Midnight Screening
Views: 320,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, film, hollywood movies, the midnight screening, free movies, movies 2023, best movies 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 7sec (4867 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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