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[Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] just open your mouth and begin to pray as you're coming in please come and pray tonight come on pray with passion pray somebody pray rapunzel [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus somebody coming praying tonight somebody coming lifting your voice tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise god i want to hire some intercessors tonight he calls shadow and some people just begin to pray all over the nations tonight [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i extort your name tonight i'll let your name on high tonight blessings and honor glory to many of their power and praise be unto you tonight you are the king immortal you are the king eternal [Music] oh we worship you tonight we bless your name tonight be glorified tonight oh god be magnified tonight be exalted all over the earth oh god oh let your kingdom come let your will be done in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus somebody just began to give god praise all over the earth somebody just began to give god praise all over the nations somebody just began to let our praise come out of your belly somebody let a shout come out of your mouth thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus wherever you're coming from tonight just come in praise god put your hands lifted and your mouth filled with praise praise god amen as we come into this place tonight we come in expectation we come in anticipation that the spirit of god is going to bless you that the spirit of god is going to move on your behalf that the spirit of god is going to give you revelation and wisdom and knowledge and understanding of all things concerning this time and the time to come somebody just begin to lift your hands and give glory to god tonight thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus as you're coming and coming worshiping to worshiping him tonight father we worship you tonight we worship you tonight thank you jesus hallelujah holy ghost thank you jesus i sing praises to your name oh god [Music] raises to your name for your name is great and greatly to be to be praised hallelujah i sing praises to your name oh [Music] lord most high [Music] for your name is great and greatly to be i sing praises to your name oh [Music] is great [Music] i sing praises [Music] [Music] for your name is [Music] name [Music] is [Music] tonight [Music] all your name is great is [Music] but your name is great just say to him for your name is great for your name is great for your name [Music] i just want to praise you lift my hands and say i love you you are everything to me [Music] somebody clap your hands and give god a praise tonight [Music] come on you can give him a better [Music] with all your strength with all your might god is worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same his name is worthy to be praised so many of you are coming in tonight we welcome you in the name of jesus christ our king of kings and our lord of lords he is the el shaddai he is the adonai he is amen the king of kings and the lord of lords and he reigns forevermore hallelujah praise the name of jehovah praise the name of jehovah thank you jesus so we honor the mighty god tonight can you just clap your hands those of you that are in shooting with me can you clap your hands like fire is in them thank you jesus what a mighty god we serve what a great god we serve tonight praise god amen he is the king and he is the king of kings amen hallelujah and we are so grateful and we are so appreciative of all that god is doing and i mean if you are coming in tonight welcome welcome god bless you wanda praise god amen god bless all of you amen carmen all of you i can see many of you are coming in praise god amen and as you're coming in tonight praise god amen coming with your heart your hands lifted up and your mouth filled with praise praise god amen let there be a resounding praise let there be an unto my praise let there be a celebration of praise let there be an appreciation let there be honor and glory and majesty and dominion and power thank you be unto the lord praise god the lord god he said the lord god omnipotent reign it praise god amen he does not just ring but he ring it which means praise god that he reigns now he reigned in and he will reign forevermore so praise be unto that king tonight and i honor him tonight some of you are joining us amen on our all of our platforms facebook praise god amen hallelujah as you're coming in god bless you tonight hallelujah amen bless you welcome amen those of you that are coming it's good to see you shelley praise god it's so good to see so many of you are coming in tonight lisa god bless you robin praise god larry amen all of you that come in joyce welcome amen sylvia welcome praise goddess talent amen god bless you i hope you're doing great praise god amen hallelujah so many people is coming in praise god and they're coming in like horses tonight praise god everybody is coming in and they're they're all coming in with excitement and so much fire god bless you tonight god bless you amen joanne god bless you laverne god bless you praise god so many people from all over the world praise god amen as you're coming in tonight we are so glad that you're with us we're so glad that you've taken this time to share in what we're calling a prophetic praise god time a prophetic season praise god this is the time where that god spoke of will come and he said in the last days praise god you shall begin to see these things and you shall see you shall have wars and rumors of wars and praise god and he spoke to us about the times and the signs praise god amen that shall come upon the earth and so we are right smack dark in the middle of that timing where the lord said that these will be those last days and these days you shall see amen and know that the man of the lord has spoken praise god amen of the things that shall come upon the earth so amen god bless all of you tonight i welcome you praise god more people are flying in and coming in coming quickly as quick as you can praise god and i want to thank those of you as you're coming in i know that there's so much going on out there in the world tonight in the news even on social media and you have a choice where you click in so if you've clicked in with me tonight welcome god bless you i'm just so happy i believe the people that will be with me in this moment tonight are the people that the spirit of god has or dean praise god to be with us and so you will hear the bible said amen he told john in the book of revelation i believe it was 22. praise god in in revelation chapter 22 he spoke to him and told him amen about the things that will be in this book praise god amen and the time to come amen at one point he told him to seal up the things praise god that will be in the book of revelation and then the next time he said open the seals he said there will come a time when you will open up the seals and you will show the people praise god so that the nations will know praise god amen the timing and the season that the father has spoken to us about i believe beloved shadow of a doubt we have come into that divine season and we have come into that divine timing in god and in the things of god and so if ever you have heard he said he that have an heir let them hear what the spirit is saying to the bride praise god i mean he that have an heir let them hear what the spirit is saying to the church in other words praise god this is an hour that you must have a listening air your heirs must be inclined praise god to the mouth of god and somebody may be asking me tonight amen how does i how does my air become inclined to the mouthpiece of god amen where do i find this mouthpiece where is god speaking that i can listen to him praise god well amen the spirit of god amen the bible said speak it expressly in other words god's mouth amen is a man speaking through his spirit and the spirit of the lord is speaking to his servants the prophets not only is he speaking to his prophets but he's speaking through his word praise god amen he's speaking to his word and then not only is he speaking to his word but he's speaking through the many signs and wonders that you are seeing in the earth praise god so you as a child of god has to now position yourself to hear to discern so this hour that we are in it is going to be raging upon the spirit of discernment the gifts of the sermon the gift of discernment and the ability for you to discern in the spiritual realm praise god that which is true and that which is a lie that which is of god that which is of the devil that which is of the kingdom of light and that which is coming or emanating from the kingdom of darkness so this in order for you then to be abreast or to be in tune or in sync praise god with this hour the spirit of god has to be a man on the inside of you and the spirit of god has to be praise god amen the force praise god amen the force the driving force praise god that is a man enlightening you that is instructing you that is directing you without the spirit of god then everything will be praise god erroneous everything will be a fallacy everything will be false i cannot get any witnesses here so this is an hour of hearing what the lord is saying so god bless you tonight welcome praise god many of you are still coming in tonight as you're coming in praise god i honor god for for my husband amen the apostle amen apostle edison knowledge we appreciate god for him and i honor god tonight for all of our intercessors who i know all over the world tonight you're standing with us and you're praying for us praise god amen remember tonight as the word is going forth the enemy is gonna try to distract you the enemy is going to try praise god to bury you the enemy is going to try to cross your mind amen to begin to go and other things this is a spirit that works amen in them in the environment of prophecy anytime god is about to use a prophet praise god ends in a powerful way one of the things we begin to see is the uprise of the spirit of jezebel we begin to see the spirit of confusion or the spirit praise god amen of destruction comes up when god was getting ready to use the prophet elijah you saw where all the prophets of baal or baal gathered together praise god amen and they amen they gathered together and even jezebel just before that time wanted to kill elijah praise god amen but amen but nevertheless the lord still use him to prophesy and to speak and to say what thus saith the lord so tonight do not be distracted do not allow anything praise god if somebody is trying to call you amen praise god let it go to voicemail if somebody prays go i don't care even if you hungry praise god ain't man praise god i meant eat just chew on air do something but don't you even don't even bring too long tonight because what i'm about your prayers god share with you is going to change your life forever somebody clap your hands and get god it's going to change your life forever now do that which you are supposed to do as an evangelist praise god amen do me a favor send the link out to as many people as you can praise god amen send it out praise god amen somebody say you know well you know who do i send it to send it to people that you know need to hear a word from god send it to people that you know without a doubt praise god is seeking god for direction that is seeking god praise god for wisdom send it to people praise god that you know praise god can use an encouraging word from the spirit of god and as you set it out tonight praise god are you hearing me praise god as you as you take this moment and send this link out somebody prays god is gonna be delivered somebody is going to be set free somebody prays god is going to get their light to the place where they feel encouraged to press on in god and the things of god and they will not turn back even if they are backslidden tonight is the night your loved ones are coming back to god even if they got buried along the way tonight is the night they're going to feel a man praise god as a level of impulsion or they're going to feel compelled by the spirit of god to just come back into the kingdom so i want you to quickly do that as quick as you can tonight praise god get it out there and we want to go to thousands of people tonight amen send it to every chat group you know praise god amen send it to every uh a church you know send it to everybody that you know tonight and tell them praise god these are the last days the end times we're coming into god want to talk to you tonight praise god amen thanks for those of you even as we release the word you will at some point even give into this anointing hallelujah so the god be all the glory and to god be all the praise so let's get into our moment tonight in the interest of time praise god let's get talking let's get cracking amen crack amen pop amen crackle pop something is going to crack snap crackle and pop and here tonight praise god i feel the presence of the lord you know somebody said prophetess you always no matter what you're preaching about you an apostle amen y'all are always happy amen you have something to smile about you have a joke you know i believe amen hallelujah even if medicine tastes bad as a mother i learned when i was uh raising my children amen to smile when i was giving it to them praise god and i don't care if it tastes bad i used to say come on come on come on you know and why because i wanted the child to feel comfortable of taking something that was good for them and that's what it is for me an apostle praise god we don't care what we're preaching about hellfire praise god amen i'm gonna steal a man smile and say you and i and that's the type of people i love in my space when i begin to run people from around me or ask them to excuse me is because what's coming out of their spirit is not conducive to what's in my spirit or what's in my atmosphere and i have the power come on i want to say this to every christian i don't care people if they if they're getting paid to do a job for you and voice if they're getting paid praise god don't allow people to be in your space with a down spirit amen i don't care what they do it can't be that serious that to the point that their spirit is damper or their spirit is depressed jesus said the joy of the lord is your strength now let me say this because i've come to learn that praise god people who cannot change their spirit is because they have an issue in their life and their demons cannot be comfortable in a prophetic environment so if they are in such a place where a prophet is or in an environment they will try their best to pretend or to or to fake as though they are all well when in on the on in the realm of the spirit god is already revealing their spirit so don't allow people to be in your space amen with a any type of strange spirit so i will give i'm giving us as an indication tonight so if i point that means just get out amen hallelujah if i point to you that means hey just leave my space praise god because this is a crucial time and i want to amen i want everyone to stay with the lord tonight so let's go let's go amen let's hear what god is saying tonight i begin to speak this word and as i begin to speak this word i recognize that god amen was doing something beyond that which even i thought that i was speaking at in other words when he first spoke it to me was because he showed me people slipping into hell and i say slipping because it seemed as if in the realm of the spirit when i saw people a lot of people were not intentionally going to hell so these were people that no doubt thought that they was okay and then only to discover they slipped in to hell which means that the devil has done a job in deceiving people into living a hypocritical life or a type of lifestyle amen of deception praise god and not realizing that god is the at the end of the day that all things every work that we do in our life that we're going to be judged whether it's good or evil am i talking tonight so amen so god is saying that it's incumbent upon you as a believer it's incumbent upon you as a christian to live a life that is holy and acceptable unto the lord now the lord spoke to me about this church and when i say this church i'm talking about the church that is in this time that we are in and he began to speak to me out of the book of revelation chapter 2. i'm not going to stay there long tonight because i want to talk about amen the dragon the beast hallelujah thank you jesus i'm the false prophet the dragon the beast and the false prophet praise god amen but the lord shall be revelation amen is not just amen it's not the book of revelations it is the book of revelation which means there's just one revelation that god is after in this book praise god it is not revelations upon revelations and now understanding that everybody that tried to to to to speak out of this book out of this prophecy has maybe different interpretations of what the book is saying but at the end of the day praise god it's going to all boil down to what god is saying so some people for an example as a as it comes down to the the subject of the rapture and the tribulation some people believe praise god amen that the church is going to go through the tribulation that the church is going to be here when the time of tribulation comes so there are some teachers that teach that they say so they some people say we will go through it after the rapture so the church will still be here that jesus is only coming to rapture a certain group of people but everyone else the church will still be here so uh and that's what some people teach and some people believe amen on the other hand i believe praise god that jesus the next prophetic event is going to be the rapture of the church is going to be the rapture of the church and then there will be what we are what we know as the great tribulation and that seven seven-year period of the great tribulation is everybody hearing me tonight so let's go back now so god is doing something this is what he said now he said what the trump shall sound the trump of the lord shall sound and the dead in christ shall amen rise first and those of us that are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet him in the air so god is is it is a prophetic symbol praise god amen that that god is going to do something and then there's going to be the rapture and that something is very simple that is the blowing of the trumpet now today we are celebrating with israel rosh hashanah praise god the crossing over amen hours ago where amen they have crossed over into what is called the jewish new year praise god rosh hashanah and now we have come into this year praise god amen that we that is called 5782 and i told you amen two weeks ago as we've come into this time of the jewish calendar of the of this new timing this new season this new day praise god in the jewish calendar praise god as we call it today rosh hashanah and this will be a feast over the next even though it happened already and they've crossed over into a new year that where this will this is this time and the season of the coming together of the jews and they're giving glory to god and they're thanking god praise god and these days for a new year now i know our calendar is not going to celebrate a new year until december going into january but if you are a spiritual person you will understand that the hebrew calendar these people are already in a new year are you hearing me tonight and so this year can be viewed for many things i'm not going to get all into it tonight because i already did a short teaching on that a few weeks ago but you're seeing where this is now celebrated as a year of the tabernacle the year of the 10th the year praise god amen of the habitation of the glory of god this is the season now we're declaring that god is coming to dwell with us and we want to dwell with god but the only way god is coming to dwell with us anywhere is if we build him a spiritual application am i talking to anybody tonight if we build him a spiritual habitation that means in your personal life you have to build a place for god in your in your in your in your in your church in your home praise god there's got to be places where we build amen an altar so that the spirit of god can come to where we are and there can be what a habitation so last year in the jewish calendar which was 57 81 it was known as the year praise god of the mount and of the olive and this was now the year where god was speaking profound things prophetic things so that as as god spoke things would happen well in the in the jewish calendar the years don't just die and come to an end so what happens is it builds into the next year and into the next season so what we're now seeing people of god this is now we've come into 57 82 but it is the year of the all of the anointing the year of the oil still the year of the speaking about but it's now where we are in a habitation and a dwelling place where the spirit of god is are you getting me tonight so the church as the bride of god this is why i believe even during the pandemic it will seem as if the war against the church was so upfront and so great why the devil was fighting the church at such a great portion and does not want the church even right now to gather because they the devil already know knew that this new season this new year was the year of god tabernacling with man oh my jesus i wish somebody believe it tonight i wish i had some people that believe it hallelujah so this is the year of and the season and the time i want everyone to just come in the spirit just come in the spirit tonight and just hear me i'm coming to to to the antichrist i'm coming to the dragon i'm coming to the beast but i need you to understand because as a prophet praise god see people are so used to prophets just prophesying to them their personal need and we get excited about somebody telling you you're gonna be blessed tomorrow but if you don't understand what god is saying to his people see the greatest part of prophecy is not that you're gonna get blessed tomorrow but the greatest part of prophecy is you understanding the revelation of jesus christ am i talking to you tonight so god is saying it's time to understand the revelation of jesus christ understanding why jesus is why is he and how he came what what is he saying now and then how is he coming again that is what the book of revelation is all about it's all about how he came how he's coming now come on how he's coming now he's coming to tabernacle with you he's coming to dwell with you now in the tabernacling with you because as rosh hashanah is this now they're celebrating amen amen all of this newness this new season now the voice of god has to be clear because the end time the voice of the prophecy have to be understood prophecy has to be well understood you cannot be in ignorance prophetically anymore come on and this prophecy that i'm talking about is not no joe blow somebody who just come in with the flow shine shoes praise god amen and being able to moonwalk backwards and do some hula hoops praise god amen and tell you three things until you rub the bottle and give you three wishes praise god and then tell you something this is an hour true prophets have to know what god is saying prophetically in this time [Applause] am i talking to somebody so you cannot call yourself a prophet you cannot say you are a prophet and you don't even have an idea of what god is saying through the prophet daniel through the through the prophet ezekiel through the prophet isaiah jeremiah hey you cannot say you are a prophet now somebody may say my prophetess i am a prophet i am prophetic but oh i cannot understand the book of daniel or revelation that's okay but then when god is talking to you about it and crying your air to hear do not just click on and say i'm going to look for somewhere tonight that's talking about prayers called 11 ways to get a blessing so god wants you to now be in a place where you are understanding what his word is said so that you can grow so now 3782 just a year where now god has said i want to build a habitation so i told you the other night if you look at the letter and in the hebrew alphabet even for this year and for this timing praise god it looks like a man it looks like a tent it looks like a man a roof it looks like a floor in other words there's a covering but there's also a positioning are you understanding me there's what a covering but there's also a positioning so the tent itself has to do with a man god covering you but it's not just him covering you him coming in and communing with you god is saying today people of god as we commune i know the pandemic is there i know the virus is there the virus has gone from virus to now strains of viruses amen and all of these variances but i promise you tonight if we can learn how to taper knuckle with god that no matter what devil knock on your front door no matter what sickness come to your window praise god amen god amen is going to give you the way of escape god is going to give you the wisdom the knowledge and the understanding how to overcome that problem somebody should say thank you jesus so you allow the prop you will have the power to overcome it so these are the things that we're talking to you about tonight how to overcome he that overcome it the bible said a man shall inherit all things he that does what overcome it you shall inherit all things so the book of revelation let me help someone tonight it's not about just a man all kind of beasts and monsters and wildebeest and wild beasts and all of these things and scary horror movie the book of revelation is a prophetic alma a fulfillment amen chronicle amen of events that is coming and it's already happening in the earth concerning you the child of god you praise god the people of god is anyone hearing me tonight in the midst of all of this in the midst of all that you can see in the book of revelation amen prophecy is the revealing of christ prophecy i repeat is the revealing of jesus christ why is prophecy given why is prophecy written all through scripture from genesis to revelation it was given to reveal to us the messiah it was given to reveal to us the redeemer oh my god yeshua it was given to us to reveal to us jesus christ the son of the living god and so that is the book of revelation in a nutshell hallelujah now let us go and talk about this because you need to understand now because this is the year of tabernacling this is the beginning of the season and the time and it's not just one year it will continue and continue and continue and it's supposed to prophecy is supposed to now praise god stimulate miracles to happen prophecy is supposed to stimulate creative power creative wisdom are we agreeing tonight so this is now the hour where the prophets cannot be silent the prophets have to open their mouth and speak loud just say the lord with boldness praise god without fear and without any level of intimidation or reservation so please let us stay awake tonight and let us hear what the spirit of god is saying to the church the dragon the beast and the false prophet the dragon the beast and what the false prophet the dragon the beast and the false prophet i i wanted exposed to you tonight and i know so many people want to talk about the rapture tomorrow night we're coming back to the rapture praise god we're coming back to the rapture praise god because but i need you to understand because even when the rapture and when the rapture takes place and rapture happens praise god amen before the rapture happens you need to see the spirit that's working in the earth that's working praise god through the systems of the world praise god that's moving through this one world order praise god you have to be able to see the spirit that is behind amen the scene working because it's not only going to affect you before the rapture praise god it's affecting it's affecting you now but it's going to affect you now and it's going to be trying to affect you after the rapture has taken place so remember now these three spirits the dragon the beast and the false prophet does not want you to make it to the rapture so what is going to happen their intensity their praise god their warfare is going to increase even more now than it will prince god than it has ever in times gone by are we agreeing tonight so because he knows he has what but a short time so now god is saying the spirit of god is saying that if you have an heir hear what the spirit of god is saying concerning these two three spirits i showed you last week that amen that their demon powers that have been released from the earth praise god that has come to cost amen many people to air and we showed you the bible said be not deceived god is not whatsoever a man sow it that shall he also reap if you sow to the flesh you will of the flesh reap corruption but if you sow to the spirit you shall of the spirit reap life eternal so i'm showing you something tonight if you are going after the world and the flesh and the things of the flesh you're going to continue to reap what is called corrupt seed you're gonna you're gonna repress god corruption you're gonna reap sickness you're gonna reap pain you wanna reap disappointment you're gonna reap rejection you're gonna repress god amen oppression because if the sowing means and you keep continuing to give yourself over to things that are of this world to going after things the riches the bible talks about deceitful deceitfulness of riches if you continue to go after to the sinfulness of the riches of this world then you are going to read the world well there's a scripture i think it is it says if you sow to the wind you will reap the world with amen and christianity so now what is he saying if all you are going after in this world is the lust of the eye the lust of the flesh and the pride of life so this is a spirit amen that god is trying to say to you to shun praise god to things of this world that's going to generate less and more lust this is speaking now to your innate desires lust is speaking to praise god your desires it is a part of this human soul that deals with what you desire am i talking to somebody it speaks to what you really want so ain't nobody can tell you what that people can say whatever they want to tell you they can try to sell you what they want to sell you but if you don't really want it you ain't gonna really buy it so lust is speaking praise god to what you really really want so that's why jesus said all that is in the world the lust of the eye what you see the lust of the flesh praise god i mean just talk about this skin and this and this tissue and all of this is the flesh now is talking about the unrejuvenated part of your being that you have not spent time developing spiritually does anybody have me tonight the lust of the flesh is speaking to that part of you that you have failed to a man to to grow to develop and to mature into a spiritual man or a spiritual woman so god is saying now if you have not take time to develop your spiritual desires your spiritual praise god amen amen wants your spiritual well-being all you are going to reap from this world praise god amen is the lust of your eyes the lust of your inner desire your flesh and then you're going to walk in a level in a spirit in a demon that's called the pride of life jesus is anyone agreeing tonight so this is now the bible listen a lot of times people say well that's why i don't like money the bible never said money is evil it says the love of money is the root of all evil whom what many have gone after amen they are pierced themselves through with many sorrows so this is now people who did not take the time out to love god more than they love money god will give you money as long as you keep him and stay in love with him but if you in love with money and all you want is money money money money money praise god amen you will begin to realize that your love for god is going to dwindle your love for god and the things that's why people are out of church that's what everyone talk about the devil take them out of church you know devil take you out of church people are out of church because the bible says paul wrote about a young man named demus and he said praise god he said demons has forsaken me because he loved he did what he loved he did what he loved this present world more than he loved god so the thing that gets people out of god out of the church out of fellowship with god is their lust their own lustfulness their own lasciviousness their own prayers called him an inner desire that they think if they can get rich that they can amen still begin to amen have the world and still pray is gonna have jesus in their back pocket but one thing about the spirits and the demons that come from hell that is controlling this world and this cosmos is these are strong man demons and if you don't know where they are coming from if you don't know what how to identify them they will overpower you and overtake you somebody say help me jesus oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god so now he's talking to us so the lord began to speak us about this at least he showed us 15 spirits that emanated from the gates of hell from amen the kingdom of darkness these are what i call last day demons those of you that want to learn more about them you can go to our session praise god amen on thursday night praise god on friday night where we broke them down praise god for you and i'm going to be teaching on them as we continue to go in this week but tonight amen so i talk about the spirit of egypt the spirit of bible and the spirit praise god amen hallelujah of all of these of mammon i begin to expose all of these the spirit of baal prayer is called the spirit of the python hallelujah the spirit of witchcraft amen i begin to break all of these down for you amen but tonight i want to show you praise god amen and don't miss tomorrow night whatever you do praise god but i want to show you this spirit as the lord spoken to me of praise god the dragon praise god the beast and the false prophet hallelujah and so watch this now to try let me read a scripture for you amen and out of revelation 16 i read this on last week i'll read it again revelation 16 and verse number 13 praise god and said and i saw praise god three unclean spirits like frogs praise god come out of the mouth praise god of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth praise god amen of the false prophet amen revelation 16 and 13 somebody can put it there in the chat so that people can have it and see it and i saw three unclean spirits amen like what like frogs came out of the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the beast out of the mouth of the false prophet the spirits that came out of their mouths look like what frogs these unclean spirits and the bible says specifically it is an unclean spirit the unclean spirit is representing a demon spirit the bible specifically calls it an unclean spirit that came out of the mouth of the dragon the the beast and the false prophet and he said they looked like frogs are you hearing me they look like what france and the bible said praise god amen for they are the spirit of devils now it said the spirit of devils it did not just say it was the spirit of a demon it is saying it is the spirit of one devil now we know throughout scripture devils demons is yours praise god say synonymously praise god but i asked i began to ask the holy ghost i said why did you specifically say they looked like devils amen amen and they look like devils that were working miracles i wanted i want you all to circle like tonight the first thing is they were like frogs like frogs circle like frogs then go in your bible circle or write it there they looked like devils these are spirits that came out of the mouth of the dragon that came out of the mouth of the false the beast and then it came out of the mouth of the false prophet amen no i want you to see the like frogs as they came and watches now good so watch us now as it came out of the mouth of the dragon and the false prophet and the beast the bible said they were the spirits they are the spirit of devils working miracles amen which go forth amen unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world okay okay so come back to me now so these are spirits like devils working miracles which go forth into what go forth unto the kings of the earth the leaders of the whole earth these spirits that came out of the mouth of the dragon the beast and the false prophet are the spirit that goes now to influence amen to influence praise god the lives of governments of leaders of kings of rulers of every capacity all right onto the whole earth right to gather them amen to the great battle amen to get him to the bottom of that great day for the almighty god okay so jesus said behold i'm coming like a thief in the night okay blessed are he that watch it and keep it as common lest you walk amen and naked and amen you see your shame so the first thing i want to i want to show you tonight is the spirit of these frogs that the enemy now is releasing and the bible says that as he release these spirits praise god amen into amen coming out of the mouth of it i want to show you now because i told you the dragon represents the devil himself the dragon represents what the devil himself the beast is representing the antichrist okay you got that praise god amen the dragon represents the devil the beast represents who the antichrist okay and then number three the false prophet amen is now representing amen a a religious or a spiritual leader of sort that is going to rise up praise god as the correspondent or the amen amen amen a part of the confederation but that will be what is called amen the informant or will rather be amen the mouthpiece that will be here praise god to represent and to present praise god amen the antichrist and the dragon are we understanding so far so now these three are going to work together they're going to do what they're going to work together but the dragon is the one of the greatest mystery because the dragon is not trying to be revealed right now even though he is at work and he is working behind the scenes he is not the one he wants to be a showcase the next thing i want to show you people of god is that this is a demonic trinity remember now god the father god the son god the holy spirit please is everybody remembering that god the father the son holy spirit the trinity tree in one so satan everything he does he wants to do what he wants to represe he wants to emulate the trinity of god he wants to everything he saw in heaven he wants to reproduce that on earth so this is what is called a demonic trinity praise god amen amen imitating praise god the father the son and the holy ghost so now the satan now he doesn't want to be revealed too early but he is going to be at work in each of these participants the false prophet and the beast which is the antichrist you are going to see this you already seen it in these hours in this hour praise god where he is now co has set up his kingdom he has set up an hierarchy and the bible said that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but we wrestle against in the book of ephesians chapter 6 it says it's very clear against prince apologies powers rulers of the darkness of this world spiritual wickedness and high places so what is god showing us now please come i want to show you this amen so i want you to stay on the focus with me tonight he's showing you now praise god that i i'm going i'm doing something but you need to also know what the kingdom of darkness is doing so you will know how to shove the very appearance of evil so that you will also know praise god how to overcome the presence of evil so that you can shun the the appearance of evil and you can overcome the presence of evil what you don't know beloved is what can kill you your ignorance and you cannot change we can sing we can jump and we give amen cha cha cha amen and do the electric slide amen yes even in church but if you don't know the devil that's fighting against you that's fighting against your family that's fighting against your marriage i dare to say you are dead already am i talking to somebody so it's time now for knowledge for you to get known the world is increasing in knowledge but you as a christian you don't even know what is happening in the world i talked to you smoking last week about afghanistan i spoke about all these things in prophecy that you need to understand all of the sickness the disease the pestilence the plagues that are in the book of matthew 24 the lord said amen that these things will happen amen you shall you shall help your pestilence and you shall have wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes and diverse places and amen he says people are going man's heart is going to fail them for fear of what is to come on the earth well he ain't talking to us christians we are not the ones that are supposed to move and fail we are not the ones praise god that are supposed to get in scale and ready to break off running we are the ones that should know god this is the time for every christian to get yourself up off of some of these chat groups and up off of some of these gossip networks and up off of some of these foolishness that you are wasting time with all night long even while some of you laying down you got your phone on the light off but you are into all kind of stupidness and then when you backslide or you are falling into sin you are looking for somebody to blame no the spirit of god is saying it's time now praise god to seek the lord while he may be found and while he is now hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus can i continue going tonight can i continue going praise god amen please praise god i mean let's continue to go some people need to get some more people they still have a chance and it's still early they still have an opportunity to hear so praise god amen tell your cousins them to wake up praise god amen tell them amen it's time to hear what god is saying cheryl good to see you sophia more people are just coming in that's what i'm talking about president i don't know what's happening on facebook praise god amen but i can tell you that i know without a doubt that people are there and they are coming in praise god amen by the masses because amen this is the time to hear what god is saying praise god to his people so i'm welcoming all of you tonight god bless you and thank you for more of you that is coming in to hear the whole counsel of the lord so this hour let me tell you something else people are gone if you're a christian and you're trying to fall asleep right now something is wrong with you your flesh is in too much control of you because this is an hour you should be saying wait a minute i gotta wake up i need to finally understand what my christian faith is all about and right now i have a group of young children these children are young like between the ages of 7 9 8 9 10 11 12 these are children i can promise you praise god amen when i come off of this thing tonight they are going to be texting me but all their notes would they gathered from tonight are you people hearing me because these children are hungry this is a generation he said this is the generation of them that will seek thy face o jacob so this is an hour and a time where you now as a christian have to become so desperate for god and so thirsty for god that you are prepared to do whatever it takes praise god amen to get again and greater understanding of what god is saying so let's continue shall we tonight so the spirit of god what is he saying now it's time to grow it's time to develop going back now so the spirit of this dragon the spirit of this beast and the spirit of the antichrist is already moving in the earth it's already praise god taking over people's minds taking over people our lives and it's now what's deep in what is called a spirit of deception and why is it doing that because it wants people to not just aim and you're talking about praise god make it to the rapture and don't want nobody to talk about making it in the tribulation they don't even want you to live to see the next day so the spirit that is attacking people is a spirit that is trying to take people out in their minds the vex people in their minds wanting them to do what to give up and to walk away from god and the things of god so now this spirit the dragon amen the bible said the spirit of the dragon and the spirit frogs amen unclean spirits like frogs came out of the mouth of the dragon the beast and the antichrist so now let's look at the frog then amen let's look at what this frog is all about so i begin to amen interpret so some of you say prophetess i've been dreaming about frogs somebody said i dream about a frog before i dream about snake i dream about these things in a dream so okay you've dreamt about this but if you ever had a dream about frog and you wanted to know what did that frog represent in your dream let me just give you a few little analogies tonight for an example if you are dreaming about a frog a frog can represent a man a spirit of lust a spirit of lust a spirit of lust okay remember i started out with the scripture all that's in the world the lust of the eye the lust of the flesh the pride of life so somebody said they dropped like a frog jumped on them i was doing a meeting a service the other day and a lady said prophetess i dreamt like out of nowhere a frog jumped on me in the dream and she said um after i woke up out of the dream i don't know i felt like a spirit of stream spirit was on me praise god and i didn't understand what that dream meant and the lord said tell her amen that spirit that jumped on her was a demon spirit that came from the marine kingdom to release honor a perverse spirit a spirit of lust oh my god oh jesus what is this tonight and the woman began to cry she said providence you so right she said all of a sudden but i had that dream every man that i see past me every she don't care the man was married she began to look at the man i said to say oh my god he could be a good husband he could be a good husband she didn't care if the man had 50 children she still said oh i really a woman i need to get his number she said i don't know that spirit came on me but the spirit amen came after me and that spirit began to cause me to look at men different so the spirit in a dream if you dream about frogs it has many different symbolism but one of them is as i taught you in the training for reading praise god amen of course it's coming up on the 18th praise god so you don't want to miss it but one of the things i taught you about was that amen this spirit amen indicates a spirit of lust being given to you amen from the demonic ramp frogs can also amen represent a a demon that comes to a man to lure you amen because every time you hear a frog ribbit ribbit you want to go and see where that sound is coming from so it tends to want to lure you or alert you or draw you into where it is amen frogs amen i i've noticed about frogs if you if you don't know anything frogs are cursed represent a curse amen i don't know if they call it an animal it is an amphibian but amen frogs are known to be what is called curse why in the bible is can frogs are considered to be a cursed animal or an uh animal i guess it's because amen amen the the one egypt had a lot of gods all right each about a lot of gods each a lot of gods and deities and one of their gods small god was the symbol of a frog and so praise god amen this was cursed and now how do you notice because remember when moses went to pharaoh to say let my people go amen one of the things moses did was amen stretches roared and he made let me turn water into blood then lice keep up with them one of the things he did as a plague was frogs and the bible said the frogs covered the entire egypt but right after he did that what did the magicians in egypt did they boys are laughing they say you gotta be joking do you know who you are playing with here and they stretch their roads out and the bible said when the magicians of egypt stretched their robs out frogs came from everywhere even more than the frogs that moses had just released are you understanding but god amen saw it as a symbol of a curse because now frogs amen were considered to be evil in that day to the israelites watch this now if you see frogs in the dream especially uh frogs that are mammoth in size amen frogs that are huge and humongous this can also represent occultism are you hearing me it can represent occultism or occult activities believe it or not if you see an army of fraud if you see a bunch of frogs together in a dream this is a demonic invasion some type of demonic army coming up against you as a child of god am i talking to some people tonight so then i want to show you something quickly now let me give you some other attributes of frogs frogs are amphibians i'm i'm doing this because i'm going somewhere praise god i want to show you why did john the divine revelator saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon the beast and the false prophet why did he excuse me why did he see frogs coming out he saw frogs coming out because frogs is a symbol of deception frogs is a symbol of what deception frogs is a is a symbol of perversion frogs is a symbol of lasciviousness oh god help me jesus frogs is a symbol of deception it is a symbol of perversion it is a symbol of lasciviousness it is the symbol of something that can kill you if you don't even realize that now some people just don't understand that frogs praise god amen can be deadly and false can be dangerous are some frogs that are so poisonous that if they strike you with their tongue you will swell up and die are you hurting me there are certain species of frogs that if they smite you there are some species of frogs if you touch their skin amen you will swell up and die what a lot of people don't know you will get poison a lot of people don't know that frogs don't really drink water to their mouth frogs drink water to their skin are you hurting me a frog like to stay in moist places a frog like to stay in what moist places praise god why because they don't necessarily drink the water through the mouth they drink the water through their skin because why this is now how they nourish themselves if a frog cannot get to water even though he lives on land at some point he has to find where there's moisture and water because once the skin dries out the frog can die are we agreeing here when they have their babies where do they have their babies in water i'm going to show you a marine spirit tonight that's where i'm going praise god because the beast the bible said in the book of revelation i believe chapter 13 that the beast came out of the water are you people listening to me tonight please i need to go to social media because i need to find out if anybody in my group tonight on social media is understanding what i'm saying i want to make sure that i and that i'm reaching somebody tonight because if you are an intercessor or a prayer warrior you may say prophet is what frogs got to do with me praise god i'm only the deacon in the church what i mean i'm in the choir what frogs got to do with me it's not the frog i am talking to you about tonight i'm trying to reveal to some of you people that life is spiritual everything that happens in this world in the natural it has happened in the spirit before it ever happened in the nature oh jesus holy ghost somebody said holy ghost everything that happens in the natural in your life it is it happens because something happened in the spirit reality and people of god if you don't get to the place where you begin to recognize that life is a spiritual platform that your whole god bring into man and now the king but whatever you put in the solicitor part of you is going to determine whether you are a carnal person or a spiritual person this why now you cannot be a dry christian you cannot afford to live in this hour praise god on the threshold of dryness and deadness depending on your spouse to pray you out of every valley dependent on your mother to come and rescue you from every warfare your church you better rise up and pray you're gonna depend on the church nowadays to talk about amen i'm gonna wait till i'm passing truth and then i'm gonna call amen the praying sisters of the church the praises of the church need prayers for themselves am i talking to anybody because the spirit of the dragon is releasing out of his mouth spirit like frog how many babies does a frog have anybody ever count fat frogs don't have one tadpole they are you will never see tadpole pull singular you are going to see poles and you can tell because they are floating on the water in swarms they are floating on the river in swarms and the frog don't really mind once she has delivered her hundreds and thousands of babies she she abandons them she's not like a chicken she's not like an eagle that's gonna sit around on any nest to try to aim and warm them up and wait for them to hatch and wait for them to become property the frog owned it was such an interesting character that all it does is it releases his egg and takes off are you all here and it's not a nurturing it is not nurturing at all i got pregnant i had a million tadpoles i'm out of here my job is finished are we understanding here so it's incumbent now for you to know the spirit that is releasing the earth as a prophet one of my managers to deliver god's people i'm preaching the gospel yes but it's to deliver god's people that's why so many people are sick because the spirit let me go to do deliverance and i said i kill every demonic egg in your life in your body am i talking to you tonight it is not just and i say the egg of the snake the egg of the serpent every amphibian spirit every reptilian spirit i'm talking about these demons the bible says in revelation chapter 16 came out of the mouth of the dragon the beast and the false prophet was a demon like frogs so frog now is a demon spirit that is showing you tonight frogs eat things like flies frog eat things like other insects and frogs will even eat reptilians amen frogs are dangerous they will eat baby snakes baby worms they will eat it people of god you may not see them eating and all you know what i'm to say is a rip it but they will eat it are you hearing me praise god amen so they croak because they're calling to other frogs they're croaking they're croaking is calling to other frogs there's a kingdom they have their own kingdom their own world and so what am i trying to say to you tonight amen is that these uh so this spirit of the frog that one of their their um one of their delicacies is flies a fly is a nasty little creature a nasty every time they land they drop something they poop on everything everything they blow on it they smell it then they poop are you understanding me and there you go with your juicy burger amen amen you're talking about sanitizing your hand praise god but now i know you ain't gonna put no sanitizer on that burger are we agreeing tonight so the fly is so nasty but the fly the frog enjoys the fly as a delicacy and they will slip that tunnel and they will grab that fly and crunch that pride swallow that fly now the fly is a bouncer bomb spirit a lying spirit a spirit of deception so when the bible says amen that the dragon the beast and the false prophet emits out of its mouth vomits out of his mouth spit out of his mouth demons look like flies this is speaking now to a time that we have come to where the spirit because the dragon is not the dragon he is not revealing himself as a dragon today the antichrist or the beast has not yet announced his arrival but we agree his spirit is here yeah and we agree so watch what is happening now when they open their mouth they have emitted in the spirit realm come on a demon power like a miss that covers the whole earth the bible say it does what it covers the whole earth praise god amen it covers the whole earth with its lies with its deception with it's amen last season so let's look price at the dragon the dragon as we know is going to be the devil himself amen you can go to revelation number 12 we don't have much time tonight i'm in a hurry but revelation of the twelve the bible said he gives seven names to describe amen the devil himself am i correct i mean in the book of revelation of the twelve and verse twelve the bible said there was war in heaven michael and his angels fought praise god amen michael and his angels praise god i mean he starts out by saying woe to the inhabitants amen of the earth but he said rejoice oh heaven woe to the inhabitants of the earth out so we living on earth but we need to be concerned about what's coming out of the sea oh jesus have mercy i'm gonna tell you people watch us now because you heard me teaching about marine spirits you heard me teaching about spiritual husbands and spiritual wives so people who just living in the earth they don't care about what coming out of the they ain't care but they say i don't believe there's such a thing as marine spirits i don't believe in their thing as you know the spiritual husband thing and these amen this is suck about this distance the demons that are coming to attack you in this hour it's not just demons coming from the gates of hell it's not just coming praise god from sheol upon the grave these are spirits that are also in the waters that's coming out of the waters that's coming up from out of the waters so jesus now is telling us in revelation 12 and 12 the heavens can be happy but as it relates to us on this earth and on the sea he says woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for what happened the devil has come down unto you having great rap oh my god what that means satan is angry right now am i talking to somebody the devil is upset right now satan has come down to you having what great wrath satan has come down having great right the devil ain't happy when god trying to bless you you're definitely happy but you go in the church the devil ain't happy with your marriage and attack he wants to bring chaos in your house he wants somebody start acting out that's right he wants somebody to stop doubting he wants somebody to stop feeling whole this don't make no sense this don't make no sense this ain't working out fair god is man how are we gonna make you start acting like a fool and you don't know how you start acting like a fool the devil has come down having what great ride because he knows how much time he has a short time now isn't that amazing the devil knows he have a show attack but church people acting like we have plenty that we have all the time in the world just take your time anytime and the devil knows based on the science he is seeing happening around the world time is short are we agreeing now look like verse 13 revelation 12 13. when and when he says that when the dry god when the what everybody shout dragon dragon when the dragon saw that he was cast into the earth what did he do he persecuted the woman which bought for the man child now let me just explain this to you and i'm going to give you the spiritual revelation of it there are many revelations of it but i want to give you one of the spiritual revelation that i believe that god is saying about this verse that when amen the devil sees amen okay he was cast on sword and he was cast onto the earth some people say there's a past event some people say this event to come amen but you got to know the devil already in the earth he's walking up and down in the earth the bible says seeking whom he may devour so i don't believe this is an event to come only i believe that this is an event there was already a warfare in heaven praise god and michael and his angels fought against the devil and his angels and the bible said and his place was found no more go back up to voice seven for me praise god his place was found no more are you people still here somebody type no more no sorry type no more so michael and his angels fought against and then there was war in heaven and michael and his angels fought against what the dragon and the dragon fought back yeah the dragon fought back yeah they thought there was a fight going on in heaven like this everything was happening and then the bible said the michael and a group of angels fought the devil or the dragon also fight them back and his angels was fighting against the angels of god but in verse 8 what happened he prevailed not he prevailed not neither was their place found anymore in heaven okay so look at verse nine now let's look at these several names that god gave to the devil it was says verse nine revelation 12 and nine if you're just coming and god bless you tonight amen this is prophetess dramatic knowledge and god has given me this assignment to help you to understand these last days and to help you to understand the end times we are living and these are some evil days praise god amen that we are living in but praise god those that are righteous god said these will be your blessed days hallelujah thank you jesus you don't need to fear what is happening in the world right now so i'm just preaching and teaching the good news praise god because jesus is getting ready to come again let's look at let's read verse 9 together revelation 12 and verse 9 all my students what does it say and the great dragon was cast out okay that's number one the white great dragon second of all he was also called what the old serpent okay what else he was calling number three the devil what else he was calling number four satan which deceived the whole world okay any more names there for him amen amen he and his angels was cast into the earth so as you go on down to verse 10 amen go to verse 10 you will recognize now that amen that when he was cast out the lord began to say now has come salvation strength to the kingdom of god but there are more names to the devil he was also called what the accuser of the brethren right he was cast down amen amen amen which accused them day and night satan is the one that is trying to cause you to fall like he fell satan is the wicked one that's trying to cause you as a christian to become discouraged and to backslide like he backs light somebody said that devil is a liar so he is an accuser what does that accuse him somebody was bringing accusation against you now they can bring a true accusation or they can bring a false accusation satan will bring a railing accusation against you this is when he went before god and he say oh i know you got that little boy down there named j.o.b job but i promise you if you took everything away from him he'll cuss you to your face and the bible said god said really you know god said have you really considered him and he said yeah i i i've been checking job out which means satan was snarling all around job house all up in your business listening to him and his wife every night looking at all his children trying to possess them but he couldn't get to them because the bible said god had a goat a hedge built a wrong job am i talking to somebody god have a hedge built around you tonight people of god and the only way the devil can touch some of you is if god permit him to touch you thank you i should encourage somebody the only way to dab the devil after you because god said he already the bible said god asks the devil have you considered my servant job because there's none like him and he when god can boast on you people that means you are saying something am i talking to you hey man you say you know god but does god know you i wonder come on somebody that's why some people ought to rejoice and be exceedingly glad when the people trying to persecute you and many people trying to say a man of evil against you praise god falsely he said rejoice and be exceedingly glad then god could could boast about you when god can amen uh amen praise god put you out there like that and say go on amen make my day it means that god has already tried and tested and you've been proven faithful to him don't let the devil get in your head i'm talking to somebody right now don't let the devil get in your head satan is nothing else but a liar thank you jesus thank you jesus somebody just type it and say the devil is a liar and not only is he a liar but he is a lie and the bible said he's the father of lies his belts above the lord of lies so don't believe if the devil ever comes and tell you anything hear my voice tonight don't believe him and don't receive it don't believe it and don't receive it praise god amen cast it out so let's go and i already gave you six names of the devil all of these things the dragon the old serpent amen all of these things i gave you the devil praise god amen the accuser of the brethren amen so satan like to accuse you he is also called the serpent yeah the serpent he's an abending serpent so this serpent is the serpent that wants to wrap itself around you to suffocate you satan wants to suffocate people he wants to choke you and he wants you to asphyxiate on your own saliva so this why the frog out of the mouth of the dragon came a frog out of the mouth of the beast came what frog out of the mouth of the false prophet came right frog people are you all understanding this tonight so satan is a deceiver he's an accuser he's a serpent he's a belzer bob he's the father of lies he's all of the above so now can we go back to all of these things so the bible said now you can rejoice in verse 12. amen you the earth rejoice whatever the heavens could rejoice those who dwell in it but those of us that dwell on the earth god has given us a warning he's saying woe unto you amen that on the earth and also in the sea so the spirit came now in revelation chapter 13 a beast came up out of the water having seven heads and ten horns i don't have time to go there tonight i don't even wanna bore you all tonight am i boring y'all i hope i'm helping y'all let me get i just [Applause] i want some honest people out y'all get let me go to my let me go to my church out there all of my sons and daughters let me see if they're getting it amen jawanda on facebook are you getting it tonight amen natasha on facebook are you getting it tonight praise god amen hallelujah i want to know if you're getting a taji are you getting rustling are you all getting it i need to know if people are getting it diana hey man somebody just blew up a bunch of trumpets just now they say i'm getting it i need to be convinced praise god from some people shelly amen amen teresa amen amen are you walking let me go to youtube amen is this youtube or is this facebook where's facebook praise god hey man this is facebook amen i don't think so because the same thing i'm saying on on everywhere praise god amen i don't know who's working with me tonight or for me praise god amen but if you're on faith if you're on youtube praise god amen let me see if you're getting it tonight because if you're getting it and that means that god is speaking something to you amen and i want i don't just want to be a preacher all night i want to make sure amen in the realm of the spirit that people are gaining an understanding of what god is saying because amen that's my whole purpose that's my whole goal as a teacher of the world to make sure that people are gaining a great understanding of what god is saying and doing in the earth so that's why i want to ask them tonight erica let me know if you're getting it tonight pauline let me know if you're getting it amen in the name of jesus praise god amen mr engineer behind me put a smile on your face before i don't amen amen eject you from behind me amen hallelujah if you if you sleepy you better suck a candy if you have gas you better suck a lemon praise god amen but i need you to be awake praise god behind me tonight hallelujah amen i want to ask these somebody amen khali say i'm getting it prophetess praise god valder is saying prophetess we are getting it amen somebody help me tonight tell me what they're saying yes you gotta speak so they can hear you this is amazing lin is saying amen hallelujah fire fire oh yeah i am getting it confidence raquel is saying i'm getting it she's all the way in jamaica i'm getting a prophet we have khalees who said i'm getting it valde is saying we are getting it prophetess praise god alvin is saying i'm getting it pauline lavonne sophia prophetess they're all getting it mula barbie she's getting it too prophetess and callers say keep going keep on going puffiness agreement saying the same thing keep going prophetess this is good annalise keep going prophetess prophetess the comments are coming so quickly oh my god unbreakable me say i love you prophetess maddy hallelujah with the love of god beloved is saying getting it because i need it oh my god a place of healing saying i'm getting in i mean so many people are thanking you prophetess and they're telling you please continue chevy is saying yes i get it prophetess i get it i get it i get it keisha is saying no way professors please continue please keep going please please oh my gosh shauna can you say yes prophetess we are getting it i mean they are the comments are zooming in oh my god dionne is saying love you lord lords prophetess i am getting it i'm getting opal is saying i'm getting it angela i'm getting it thank you prophetess i bless you thank you hallelujah tracy amen all of these people are being blessed by the teaching tonight and those of you that are in ministry any type any level of ministry a part of your local church this church a part of evangelism you're gonna need this knowledge oh yeah you're gonna need this information you're gonna need to know praise god because you're going to witness to some atheistic people some people that are agnostics some people that are into all manner of let me tell you some if you begin to talk right now even about the frog to somebody who is a hindu or a buddhist they will know right off the bat when you begin to quote the scripture because in all of their cultures there is some type of deity that is represented by the dragon or by the frog are you understanding me so i'm trying to show you tonight that this is something that i'm teaching you it is not here to see it's not something that is a fragment of somebody's imagination are you hearing me this is god now why would god show all of this information to daniel the prophet or to even join the divine revelator because he wanted you to understand that's why earlier he said seal up the book and then he came back in revelation 22. he said don't seal it no more open it up so that everybody who is reading this thing can understand what they are reading people of god hear what i'm saying tonight ignorance is a dangerous spirit ignorance will kill you praise god if you are ignorant amen you can be standing in one foot of water and could swim but until you become a man knowledgeable and say let me put my foot down you will drown in one foot of water and when the caretakers come to carry you they say you mean this pillsbury door is right here he's gonna swim if only and flap his hand forget slapping the hat if you only just put your foot down you would have stood up are you getting me tonight so it's nothing praise god that you understand that god is trying to show you something god is trying to do what show you something he's trying to prepare you for something he's trying to reveal you something so all of these things were sealed like in a vault until now knowledge has come yes wisdom has come come on and now you must get what understanding somebody clap your hands one more time and keep going you talk to me about my friends on youtube are there anyone on facebook yes amen that's getting it i'm not leaving until i'm not moving until i at least find seven people on my facebook they're the same prophetess i am getting this and they better be telling me keep going oh yes profit is definitely on facebook as well margaret was dressed up saying prophetess keep going i'm getting it coffee coffee says yes puffles i am listening to you for sure oh my god patrice is saying oh my god i am getting you tonight holy ghost i'm kidding you oh my god hallelujah we also have donna who is saying keep going prophetess let me understand that person by the name of richard says look as if melissa and my richards or somebody she's saying something about i have not gotten the word broken down like this simple and explainable amen ever before and she said i finally i'm finally getting a full understanding wow that is powerful that is powerful as richards you god bless you man you're breaking it down for so many people and she's not the only one testifying of that prophetess they're being blessed marlene from jamaica she's being blessed hallelujah margaret she said she's listening prophetess and she's learning so much she's learning and learning and learning and she's grateful hallelujah nadia is saying keep on going prophetess keep going never give up says keep going i'm learning prophetess i love you hallelujah i love you too johnny is saying prophetess please keep going i am learning so much red ruby said keep going mama you're on fire thank you keep going i'm getting it thank you jesus god bless you yes yes oh my god this is so amazing and i'm praying for you because you know even out there on social media like i said on a night like tonight amen so many people are just they came home from work and they're just like you know i'm just want to take a shower and just lay down and go to sleep but and god has taken an occasion to speak to you you can't how can you sleep in a time like this this is why he said awake doubt that sleepers and arise from the dead and christ will give you life this in the pandemic in this time you know the world want to just put you up with bad news you go to channel 7 bad news channel 10 bad news channel 12 but every channel is bad news every child you turn to i tell you how much people just died come on somebody and then another one bites the dust and they're just telling you about all this debt and god is saying to the church i'm here to tell you you can have eternal life oh my god has anybody heard me i'm here to tell you you can have what eternal life you can live forever and you can have life more abundantly praise god and even if you die he is saying if you die in the lord come on you are not going to stay dead in that grave but he is going to resurrect you out of the grave oh yeah and then you are going to be with him in heaven am i talking to somebody tonight oh thank you jesus thank you so so many of them are checking in with us tonight so that's in ephesians 5 and 14 says awake you that are sleeping and arise from the dead christ will give you life so that's the thing that we're here to present to you tonight the life of jesus christ praise god every christian should be happy tonight i should be seeing every christian console tonight your life should be so loud you should be happy come on somebody knock the person on the side of you and say get some joy up in your dry of life never seen a bunch of giant scary christians before my god prophet you know it's like all of a sudden so the people are scared of the devil but yet they living for the devil scared of the devil and sleeping with the devil you know i be i'll never forget years ago i began to cast out demons many many years ago but when i began to literally really cast out demons in the church you know i remember praise god amen casting out demons i remember going to preach to somebody church and as i began to cast out demons i'm looking for all the people who are supposed to be my alma bearers i'm looking for all the people who are supposed to be capturing the people and i say right hallelujah where's the people who's supposed to be catching here they are gone then finally think i can come come come we have to deliver these people i see the people who supposed to be big time armor bearers pushing the other people forward so they are like they are catching the catcher can you imagine they are standing behind the one who is catching the person who's being delivered but they behind the catcher who catching the catcher i say what is this people are afraid of the devil when the devil praise god we are power over demons come on can i continue tonight so let's go quickly tonight more people are coming in thank you welcome as you're coming in welcome amen this is the lord speaking to you tonight just through me as a servant prophet is dr mary norwich amen a prophet is a mouthpiece in the earth so i'm going to show you right now why came out of the mouth frogs of the of the dragon the false prophet amen and then the beast i'm going to show you tonight why came out of the mouth amen of these three groups of people the dragon represents a spirit of immorality the the dragon is the spirit of the devil but it represents everything that is immorality everything that is what immorality is what not of god it's immoral it has not the devil the dragon and the antichrist or the beast are lawless spirits there is no respect of you or your god or anything for you to do with god it is immoral it is immoral meaning praise god there is no standard it will not stop it will go beyond anything to get you to destroy you it has no boundaries satan has no boundaries the dragon is an immoral spirit it is steeped in immorality that's why listen to me carefully i'm coming there are some people you look at them and you say that person like they will be on beyond there are some people that say i will never sleep with this me the type of person i will never sleep or something like that are you understanding me and then you see them there all hooked up and connected like two which are called stray dogs and no matter how you beat them with a stick and y'all have never seen this before hey you try rock and depth they stay hooked up you show a man water on them they are emu they are still dragging the other dog they're dragging the other dog oh you people laughing like this it's true tell them people that hook up with dogs and they'll just like that show you this is an immoral spirit uh dog stray dogs don't care they don't care they do it anytime any place anywhere and if they cannot find another dog they will be there to the lamp hole knocking at the lamp hole oh my god you all have never seen this are you understanding an immoral spirit a provost spirit a lowdown spirit this is how the devil is and this is how his agencies work so the spirit of the dragon represents also a perverse spirit that is a man grounded and steeped in lasciviousness oh my god that's a big way but i tell you people of god it is lewd and extreme lust and it is intention is to make you to be a man to fall from the things of god lust is do something to entice you lust is to learn you it is to draw you away from your divine place in god satan enticed he is such a lascivious being this dude was able to draw a third of god's angels and convince them in their minds to follow him oh my jesus oh my god are you all hearing me satan is so lewd in his lust and his power that he was able to get holy angels convince holy angels that was bowing before god he was able to entice them to learn them to say don't worship god no more come worship me and he was successful in drawing over a third one third if there were trillions of trillions of angels he took one third of them and they began to in one day fight against the kingdom of god fight against michael and his angels and their place was found no more am i talking to somebody so watch what god is saying now he's trying to tell you tonight amen that you have to be careful because now the spirit of the dragon is the spirit of the dragon is the spirit of immorality the spirit of lasciviousness are you getting me tonight so the dragon is not going to show himself off until the beast has done his work and the false prophet has done his work but out of all of their mouth is coming the spirit of the fraud the spirit of poison the spirit of lies the spirit of deception that is going to happen but can i tell you tonight the spirit of the dragon is already in the eight the spirit of the beast is already functioning the spirit of the false prophet it is functioning am i correct yeah so the false prophet will now let's go to the beast then the beast now is going to represent what the beast is going to represent the spirit of the antichrist antichrist simply means anti means against and christ is amen a whole spirit that is against christ against god against amen everything that christ represents there are some churches they say we worship god they all worship god they all worship god but when you begin to talk about jesus christ come on they say we don't want to have that up in here right we don't believe in jesus christ we don't believe that salvation comes through jesus christ they just want to worship god or they even go to the extent where they worship mary they say hail mary full of grace they can give honor to mary but they don't want to give honor to jesus christ they just say that he is the holy child born of the virgin but they don't want to give glory and honor that this jesus christ is the son of the living god that came in the flesh and die anywhere you go and people are not ready to acknowledge and to admit that jesus christ amen came to at least the son of the living god came to earth born of a woman amen amen uh uh praise god bled dead died and rose again on the third day anybody who just wished to do that is not a man a christian anyone who does not wish to do that is not a child of god because amen he said you must be able to confess this so the antichrist the spirit of the beast is the antichrist am i talking to you still so this beast now is the one that has established a system the antichrist is going to be a human a human not yet revealed he will be revealed but his spirit is already working he has put his spirit release his spirit his power his information okay his influence just remember that word he has released his what influence type it in your chat quickly quickly hurry up i get to go we're almost out of time tonight oh my god where did the time go oh my god we're running out of time right here somebody okay so let me go quickly that amen what i don't for this tonight i'll see what happens tomorrow i'll finish tomorrow night but let me just show you this now quickly you have to get this quickly so the antichrist antichrist is going to be a man a human he's already born he's already in the world he already knows who he is i promise you he already knows who he is so but now what he has done he has released a spirit of influence into systems i showed you last week the one world order and the whole way it's going to be established and how it's being broken down and how it's being amen disseminated so you have these organizations that all of a sudden is influencing [Laughter] [Music] what in fluence influencing the entire world just remember that word influence hey man i wish i could have turned my tablet around and write for you but it's influencing the whole world right so just type influence there on the screen for me whoever's typing there even the word influence amen hey so watch this now and it's there to influence the spirit of the antichrist amen there is the antichrist the man he has not revealed himself yet but amen he's the beast but watch us now he is influenced and he came out of the water and he's doing what influencing hey man he has seven heads ten horns we will speak about this more in time to come seven heads one two three four five six seven heads and then out of the seven heads he has horns coming out now remember in the book of daniel chapter seven the devil don't you don't have to turn that but it's there i promise you the devil is described by many names the beast is described the antichrist story is described by many names one of them is a little horn a little horn are you all remembering this but on the head of this beast that came out of the water is the scribe of having seven heads and ten arms now where was i going tonight let me show you so the antichrist or the beast now his whole system the whole system of the devil is based on influence people are now being influenced so unbelievably right now that it is crazy people mind is overtaken you have some people and before they even hear the voice have got to believe god they so busy trying to be mesmerized by all the planets they mesmerized by stars and they say you see that star right there oh my god watch watch watch keep looking at it see that see the star went like this in the start they are just so moved by some i mean to the point where they are overtaken and star struck by the stars or they are mesmerized by things moving like man you didn't see that just now what that was hey will you just please come and knock your coconut and come to it okay understand me there is astronomy right and then there's astrology but astronomy god placed the constellation of stars there but when you become overtaken and mesmerized and they begin to now influence your whole life you are in trouble so with the people who are mesmerized by all of this foolishness they will they will beat you down to tell you they are gemini they will kill you to tell you they are sagittarius they will cast you to tell you hey i am i am capricorn and i cannot marry sagittarius are you people having this thing they believe more in their astrological sign they live on their horoscope they don't leave their house until they are gone and here this is your horoscope they are hooked onto it to the degree that amen they run their whole life chanting and so when does this thing become demonic when you choose it to chat your whole life or channel your whole life are you getting me tonight so let me stay on track tonight so the beast now represents the spirit of the antichrist and he is now going to deal with the economics with economics with the market yeah with the buy or the cell with politics the beast or the antichrist is here the fraud coming out of his mouth is to influence also the kings of the earth governments to people go into politics they don't know what they're getting into some of them they go in one way and they come out another way are you understanding me there was a good husband before they went in and then they gave him something telling him they need seven wives are you getting what i'm saying oh lord jesus probably to stay here tonight i'm just showing you that the spirit of the frog it will come out of the mouth of these people so now the beast or the antichrist is a spirit that deals with this world domination of economic power influence that's why the world is becoming a cashless society this why because everyone has to quickly get online everyone have to do what get online you have to get online your money is going to become valueless you have to get online you have to own a plastic you have to be in the system somewhere there's not going to be no more tellers in the bank the banks are gonna be operated by robots by machines so and so that that look like humans but you understanding me because that's why now you can go anywhere in the world and they can find you they can say she just used a credit card right there she just used a credit card in in ohio amen that's where we gonna track her she's in ohio right now are you getting what i'm saying your phone has also become a device a smart device a robot that's why you can ask siri anything you want to ask her you can ask alexis anything you want to ask her add siri any question in the world you want to ask her and she will have an answer except if you ask her who is god alexa go and ask her who is god siri am i talking there they they cannot tell you the robot cannot tell you who is god god god god god i do not understand what you are saying repeat yourself you'll be repeating your question a hundred times siri who is alexis who is god god i do not understand your question uh re-face free face tell me when she said rephrase seven times recalibrating recalibrating they never answer you i'm just trying to tell you people of god this is the evil wicked world we are living in why because the people that are multi-multi-billionaires think that they are god oh come on are we understanding here the people that big tycoons amen they believe they are the ones that are gone so that's why i told you on yesterday these people you know amen mr musk and them that are building these smart cars these teslas and all these things they are now billing shuttles to go to space and now they are building robots that looks exactly like humans so you better watch a bit yellow squinty eye blinking at somebody nowadays because you could just be blinking and six seconds i'm talking about you could be blinking at a robot are you adding me they are building robots because now they want to keep their life going on forever they are doing things to conjure up demon spirits to keep going on forever i'm running out of time yeah i'm a sorry people of god so now they are dead they're steeped in their world system they're steeped in their world order they're steeped in all of these things so the beast deals with economics he deals with political power he's this is now the economic system of the world he wants the world to become cashless quickly the quicker the world becomes cashless the more influence he can have and he can be able to scope everything everything is online track everything know where you are where you are what you are worth how much you are spending so if you have billions and millions of dollars they already know who the millionaires and billionaires are they know how to invite you to their tea party if you are broke busted and disgusted they have no use for you we must eliminate this one from the planet so it's now press god a work of convincing and influencing and what multiplying and increasing and you understand me to hand the rock the cradle is the hand that rules the world so they want to rule the world the beast out of his mouth is going to come a frog the frog is now going to be amen releasing this lie and deception last but by no means least the third frog coming out of the mouth will be out of the mouth of the false prophets is anyone hearing me tonight the false prophet is believe is going to be a world leader but a religious one somebody that's going to rise up with so-called quote and quote spiritual or religious power religious affiliation okay amen tied to the church in some sense amen amen this false prophet is going to be voted into power wow so it's not just going to say i am the false prophet he the word of my words he is going to be what voted into power which means now that it is going to be by a consensus of people or countries or churches and organizations that say we want this man to be our religious leader so the false prophet will represent religious power but false religious power oh my god can i say that again the false prophet is going to represent what i call false religious power he is coming now as what is called a spiritual advisor to the anti-christ are you hearing me a spiritual advisor which means the false prophet is going to be the one to give the antichrist the antichrist is going to be giving him information but he is going to now be the the predecessor the one that is announcing and amen influencing amen the world to now amen respect and honor the antichrist and worship the antichrist because he was going to begin to convince the church and all the churches of the world to follow what he is saying that's right is anyone hearing me is anyone still there knock knock is anyone still there the false prophet is going to be persuasive in nature because notice now let's watch this word this is an oxymoron oh this is a double negative watch this false prophet so remember what i told you last week he is going to do what is going to be called the one world prophet yes the one world prophet or the prophet of all nations did you all hear that the prophet of all nations but he's going to represent a false prophet so now you must first of all know who is a true prophet so he's going to be the prophet or the leader the the leader of the one world church oh my god come on he's going to preach an emerging gospel when he first come out he's coming sorry to tell the world about acceptance and accepting everyone and loving everyone and peace love harmony and unity are you hearing the people of god he's coming to preach and to say one for all and all for one accept people just as they are to not preach this harsh gospel of going to hell god is love this is how the false prophet is coming isn't god love though isn't that the message of the gospel so if i i did that intentionally because i want people to understand everything the false prophet is coming in the beginning to preach to you is going to be true yeah lace with fallacies and lies are you hearing me and this is what is going to frog coming out of the mouth is what's going to deceive people into believing the lie more than they believe the truth because by the time they'll believe what he said and they see the light they can say that ain't that it oh that's okay he he speak truth earlier so the falseness now false means is not real so france the prophet is supposed to be a real voice a vocal a trumpet and oracle of god that is what a true prophet is i told you already last week a prophet of god is to do what comes into your life or comes amen amen in your sphere or in your reach what is a prophet a prophet is a servant of god that god has raised up to speak truth and to speak for the mind and the will and the counsel of god am i talking to somebody a false prophet a true prophet is somebody that god has called and raise up and given the spirit of truth praise god amen to bring enlightenment to bring praise god amen revelation to unfold the mysteries of god to speak for the council of god the wisdom of god to give praise god instruction to give direction to give comfort and even consolation please am i talking to you tonight so by his fruit you will know him a true prophet of god you know them by their fruit you know them by their life living you know them by their spiritual integrity so somebody said well how are we gonna know the difference between the false prophet and the true prophet because if the first one to come and speaking some things that are true amen now here goes what is going to separate a true prophet from a false prophet is because if the false mother of the psychic telling you the same thing what the prophet telling you i see where there's something a man amen happening in your in your left leg and i see where the psychic can also tell you that so amen prophecy is for telling it is advanced information praise god that comes from the spirit of god so amen uh what is happening now the prophet is giving you advanced information a psychic or a witch doctor can also give you information because their information is also coming from the spirit realm but it's coming from a demon the difference between a witch doctor and a false prophet and a true prophet is that the witch doctor or the false prophet is getting their information inspired from the realm of darkness from a demonic spirit that has been conjured up or that is their informant the true prophet is getting his instruction from the holy ghost [Music] are we understanding so the true prophet gets the information from god the false prophet gets the information from the influence of a demon or from the devil are we getting it tonight so that's why in first john 4 1 i think it is it says beloved believe not every spirit right first john four and one do not believe every spirit but try the spirit and see whether they are of god because many false prophets are gone out into the world so what is this saying to you tonight there are many people out there that are of being amen used by the devil some of them start out good and some of them begin to pick up what is called an erroneous spirit or a spirit of error or the bible said they crossed over or they went after they began to mix the gift of god that god give them with different fierce powers or different things to try to give them more no riot notoriety or more things so as a prophet of god we should do only what god tells us to do and for the time period he tells us to do it amen god gave moses a road he gave joshua assault so there are times god will give a prophet tools to work with tools to use in a certain season and dispensation of time are you agreeing with me tonight the same road amen amen when moses smited on the water it caused the red sea to open up a week erect tonight when he got to egypt he spied it on the ground and amen lice came out in the billions but also the pharaohs also carried a rod are you getting what i'm saying so what happened the bible said that when moses got in front of pharaoh he the magicians threw their rods down and they became snakes but the bible said when moses saw it and when he threw his rod down his rod also became a snake who is the false prophet there you will know at the end of the day because moses snake ate up all the snakes of the magicians am i talking to somebody tonight so you have to begin to learn christ from now begin to discern the spirit of the prophet who is prophesying to you begin to learn when god is really speaking to you or it is the devil talking to you through somebody else so the false prophet he's not going to be able to stay amen fake forever lies deception is coming out of his mouth filth is going to come out eventually so what am i saying to you tonight so now the false prophet is a wicked man in heart he has the face like a sheep so do you remember the scripture do you all remember this where the bible said they are coming like wolves in sheep clothing so this is how you can always even tell a false prophet whatever's on the inside of them is eventually going to come out you understand what i'm saying so they are like wolves but they're coming in sheep's clothing which means a man on the outside they are going to look like hey this is truly a prophet but you will know because what's coming out of them is going to be the spirit of a frog a lying spirit a lascivious spirit a poisonous spirit oh my god a lascivious spirit an immoral spirit oh jesus i love you tonight somebody just say thank you jesus somebody say thank you jesus somebody lift your voice and say thank you so i'll give you one more scripture matthew 7 and 15 matthew 7 and 15 matthew 7 and 15 matthew 7 and 15 amen god wants you to be aware of these spirits it's already in the world people people if you're looking for it it's already here you're waiting on this false property it's going to emerge soon but his spirit is already moving they're putting it in order there are certain organizations that are already meeting these they're sending communications out to different nations and different churches to begin to conform this why in this hour what is called a pandemic amen where a virus is up and about what is this a virus and different strains of the virus there are leaders world leaders are using this and even political and spiritual leaders are using this to their advantage to lock down lock up praise god amen put amen on unbelievable rules and laws in place that is not even constitutional but because amen they're using this hour as a test baby as a test baby because it is a practice a stage to see that we can lock everything down and now this is possible we have influenced them we can show you that we have used our influence and our control and everybody come on obey everyone so matthew 7 is matthew 7 and 15. what does it say matthew 7 and 15 put that scripture there in your chat group what it says beware of her [Music] false prophets what which come to you and watch in sheep's clothing but inwardly they're ravening worlds so a false prophet is somebody that will come to you a man trying to use sweet words trying to use even the word of god that's right and say you know the lord told me amen amen to say this or to do this and the lord is so let me tell you why i'm going in tonight i'm going to show you this quickly because what is never ever in the history of the church have we seen in the last several years the rise of more false prophets than we've ever seen in any dispensation of time amen because now a false prophet amen is somebody who does not get information from the spirit of god they get information from a divining spirit from divination correct they get information from other sources outside of god a true prophet is going to get their information from the spirit of god are we agreeing tonight they're going to get that information from the holy ghost and then they will say to you that says the lord or the lord has spoken to me so a false prophet received information from other sources besides the spirit of god and then they tap a label on it and say god said so are you understanding me tonight so this is the hour now where it will be the battle of the true and the false prophet i want to leave you with this last piece of information tonight notice in the book of revelation chapter 16 i don't remember which voice it was but it says how after the frogs came out of the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the beast out of the mother false prophet then they influenced the kings of the earth how by working miracles did y'all see this tonight by doing what performing miracles now this is what gone masculine people are listen to me this one's gonna mess many people up it is going to mess a lot of people up because people are going to be right now okay right now in this hour the true prophets of god are saying believe god for your miracle right believe god for your healing believe god for your breakthrough believe god to remove cancer from your body believe god they hear you from covet believe and now what is fighting us now the devil is saying to people why are we praying over covet why do we need to pray about corbett this is a man-made disease i don't care whether it is a fish made bird made man-made if something is trying to invade your life and kill you shouldn't god be able to deliver us from this at least let us try and pray i have a problem because there's too many people that have been overtaken by this call that that are being i mean wiped out i am talking about doctors lawyers nurses are we agreeing here tonight i'm talking about doctors i'm talking about people all matter of people young and old or police officers are bound dropping down they're dropping down like flies politicians pastors i mean church people who are in church everywhere people are dropping down like and now people are saying we why are we going to pray about covet don't waste your time praying about corbett do you know on social media people don't want you praying about clover they want to pray about everything else do not just do not touch covet i have never seen a virus been so protected in all my days [Music] i mean they did not protect smallpox like this gang fever i don't remember no a war going on like this to to protect the whole world and dude saying you know no when you got sick back in the day you prayed and said oh lord heal me right now deliver me right now but this one this particular one is a protected is a god it is a i mean i'm barracks amen around this one because it does not want anyone to deal with it so here's what i'm trying to say to you people have gone i don't know but the lord is saying tonight this is the hour for the church the people of the church the people of the body of christ to know their god to know who god is and don't wait around for no one to try to convince you of who god is not know who he is right now know who god is have yourself in a position where you understand even if it's just the basic things about god am i talking to somebody tonight will you understand the basic thing that's what i'm i'm telling you i was telling the people the other night that i'm just giving you the basics of eschatology and then the people the people right they say providence they call the calls and they say deceive basic this is deep stuff so so i said well okay i'm trying to give you the basics but they say disney basic this thing is heavy properties and this is good information amen to help us to grow in god and the things of god so as as as i leave you i'm leaving you with this point here stay with me i want to pray with you before i go but this is what i want you to understand the spirit that's coming with this antichrist the beast with this false prophet is going to be the false prophet is like gonna be this the man that says this is the man we should worship him not god this is the son of god here because remember now the beast is going to be wounded and then when he gets wounded okay he's going to be fatally wounded and then he's going to want heal himself see the whole thing about this hour is going to be about to show you miracles but to show you miracles in a false way so i have a concern right now about pastors and christians who no matter what we they see us do in church right they see the person with death and the air open right in the service they say that ain't real they see the leg grow out right in front of them we ain't take the person behind nowhere and then say okay la liga make sure your leg they see the leg grow out right before the eye they say that ain't real it's already the spirit of the antichrist it is anti-god it goes again to cast a demon out right in front of them and they say that's just acting that ain't real no matter what you do there are people that will tell you right to your face haven't anybody seen this before yeah oh yeah have anybody ever heard this before they say this a fake then they begin to call the thing of fake and then they say that prophet is a fake that apostle is the fact that prophet is a fake they begin to and then when what is so astonishing is christians begin to agree with them look at this now look at all these people calling you and they were believing god for miracle monies or miracle bunnies to show up in their account and people are calling by the lords and saying when apostle prayed or when you prayed prophetess all of a sudden i got i checked my bank account there was ten thousand there was thirty thousand a lady said the other day was over two hundred and something thousand dollars that she was believing god what is this now ten people say ah that's not real they are causing demons to bring monies to people account they begin to accuse every miracle that god is working to tie it and say it is witchcraft so this all is a part of the last day conspiracy the last day order of demons where the devil because of the frog that's coming out of the mouth ribbit ribbit ribbit okay it's now emanating lies deception and it's not just trying to take out one mind it's trying to take you out of every mind you have especially the mind to serve jesus christ that's why he said let this mind be in you that also was in christ jesus so god wants you to have his mind he wants you to get so close to him beloved you're listening to me around some of you just coming in and i and i give god praise that you're just coming in because but you're gonna have to go back to the beginning and you're gonna have to hear this teaching and then some of you gonna have to go listen to it again and i know it's coming out like that and i talk fast sometimes so even i myself have to go back and slow down and listen and take notes people of god i hope tonight i have helped you i spoke to you about the dragon the beast and the false prophet and i spoke to you about these three classifications of people they are going to begin to manifest themselves sorry they already began to manifest their spirit they're already at work and there jesus told us there are many anti-christ that is already in the earth so what is he talking about he's talking about the spirit of antichrist is already moving in the earth is already a man manifesting everywhere in every system i already told you the other day this thing about chipping and and giving you putting an rfi chip you know people are opening doors with their eye people are getting into look let me tell you people something you have a smartphone your phone is a smartphone or a dumb phone oh that's a dumb phone hey man if it under i'm not 10 it's dumb okay but let's just go now watch this there's the phone now you're fooling i can tell you right now your phone smile are dumb hey man can you open your phone by just putting it in front of you face recognition ah should i phone in the garbage please turn up one of the garbage if your food if it's not to be able to open with face recognition the phone is not a smart smart smartphone it's semi-smart so watch this now how could a phone do that i'll get a phone recognize you and not me and not the next person the phone has been given a chip and infrastructure and i'm gonna give you another word a software a component an integration last word encryption embedment this is why i told people yesterday we have to brand this generation seal our children in jesus christ before we try to seal them somewhere else i'd rather my child to know god to know all about god to no understand everything about god and the kingdom of god tend to know everything about this world so the phone is now so smart so intelligent that it recognized you and when this other brother tried to pick your phone up and to see your 2.99 on your bank account if the phone will not open the phone also can have a code i or a way you may just label your local to get into it and no matter how people try they will not be able to get into that phone unless they know your code it is a smartphone so these are robots robots these are systems these are things that have been set up as an infrastructure these things even though they are useful and they are good and very necessary am i agreeing they can become your worst enemy they can become your voice enemy so we have become so lazy we have become so you understand so passive so lazy that we are not in aggressive mode anymore you know the biggest joke um one of the kids we were talking about how they were talking about their mother and the mother was downstairs and they were upstairs and the mother scream and say bradley i keep running downstairs running downstairs he thought something happened to the mother and so she was sitting on the couch she said reach me i remote control right there and he's like what reach me the remote right there and because now the remote is right there but we've become so comfortable so lazy uh you know lethargic that we don't even want to get up and go and get anything anymore it's right at our fingertips but if we're not careful come on these things can work against you it is technology it is useful it is convenient but now i want to say the people in all your getting get wisdom get knowledge get understanding of god everything you can ask for in this world you can have it people of god but don't trade it don't trade your soul just to have the things of this world i promise you you can go to heaven without a big body maxima on 22 rims am i talking to somebody you can go to heaven without a lot of things praise god but you cannot go to heaven without jesus christ am i talking to somebody tonight am i talking to you tonight you can go there without all of these other things in fact jesus even said you could go to heaven with one hand and your right hand or friend you cut it off are we agreeing tonight but if you try going to heaven without jesus christ in your life forget it and anger you will not rapture out of here you will not lift out of here you will stay right here until that judgment come you will go to the tribulation you will go through the hardship you will a lot of people are going to take the mark of the beast a lot of people who go to church sad to say it's going to take the mark of the beast in their right hand or in their forehead because why it's going to be convenient for them it's going to be what convenient it's going to be what comfortable it's going to be convenient it's going to be well you know i mean surely nothing can really happen to me because i caught after all i got to eat i mean come on god you you ain't expect me to staff people who go to church are gonna be if they're not careful if the wantedness deceitfulness of riches deceitful desires of this world let me tell you another thing that's going to talk to you tomorrow night about this don't miss tomorrow night people of god whatever you do don't mess about it but you know who else can take the black of the beast weak people who full of greed ask them a tree number four people who go to church but they don't pray they can be the first ones to take them out of the beast you wanna hear me up in this house people who go to church and don't have a prayer life because while you don't you're no god unless you have a prayer life people who don't live a prayer and waste you don't fast so when you in that time of the tribulation and your belly start growling you can say which part of my hand you want to put it you can on you say make sure i put it on the forehead so when hey man they come with them rifles they could see my mark is already there see that's what's gonna happen that's why you have to start knowing god for now people of god you have to start what knowing god from when right now amen how does a young man cleanse his ways by taking heed to the word of god i i am getting ready to pray for you all tonight beloved i want y'all to start taking heed to the word of god i want you to start thinking i want you to get everybody praise god together right about now i'm getting ready to pray praise god i want all of you praise god please come those of you that are on the other platforms praise god if you if you amen come over to youtube if you want to but i want to pray to all of you amen i want to pray for you tonight i want everybody amen to just begin to receive what god is speaking tonight amen and as you've received it i want to seal it by the word of god i want to seal it under the blood of jesus christ i want to see that praise god so that amen that you don't need to worry about missing the rapture again you don't need to worry but prophetess how is it going to happen tomorrow night i'm going to show you because the bible said amen amen amen jesus himself shall descend from heaven with a shout out so it's a prophet is why you always shout jesus is going to descend from heaven and he's coming with the voice of an archangel i wonder how a voice of an archangel sounds tomorrow night he's coming with a shout and then he's coming with a voice of an archangel but let me give you secret about the voice of an archangel john early in the book of revelation said he heard a voice behind him and how did the voice sound like sander and like what like the voice of many warriors oh shaka rabbah he said i heard a voice behind me and the voice sounded like thunder and it sounded like the voice of many waters [Applause] like water roaring roaring so his voice sounded you say that's what i heard behind me [Music] he said like trumpets [Music] he saw he heard something that was unusual blowing behind him and he said i heard this voice from behind me it sounded like thunder it sounded like water the voice of many waters and then he said i tell us dead i fell as what i fell as what i fell as though dead some people ask me they say prophetess why are people being slain or being knocked out in the service are you people knocking these people down no it is the spirit of god that overshadows you and sometimes god has placed this anointing in some of his prophets and some of his apostles are we understanding and when that is released this is why so many people cannot stand up are we agreeing tonight so people it over floods the spirit people drop because now it overshadows them so that's why the holy ghost said to mary are you gonna get pregnant the spirit of the highest shall come upon you and over shadow you this is what happens the spirit of god overshadows you you become impregnated you become full you become as dead yo you cannot even stand up people say it felt like electrical current boots of it shocked them and seen it know many times just passing people when the anointing is so heavy and full in the service or in our time of prayer or ministry i've only passed some people and they say what has happened to me they remember just standing there the next thing they remember somebody taking them off the ground this is those days where the tabernacle of god is with man thank you holy ghost and the spirit of god is coming back to habitat habitation with man again so this is what he said i was in the spirit revelation 1 and verse 10 i was in the spirit of the lord's day huh and i heard behind me a great voice of a trumpet i heard what behind me a great voice of a trumpet and when he heard this voice of a trumpet the voice was saying i am alpha i am omega i am beginner i am the first i am the laster and he says the voice accent whatever you see write in the book and send it to these churches write it in the book yeah then he said in verse 12. he said in verse 12 revelation 1 and 12. he said when i heard this voice speaking like this trumpet i turned to see the voice i changed people of god you have to turn around you have to turn around god is speaking turn around stop what you're doing that's not where you're going turn around the bible said john to the bahama revolution i turn around just to see revelation 1 and voiced me up now to see the voice he didn't say they hear the voice he said what i turned to see the voice that was speaking to me and being turned i saw the seven golden candlesticks revelation illumination but the seven spirits of god man of oh lord jesus the seven spirits of god manifested right before this he said i saw the seven golden candlestick and what were these spirits the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of understanding the spirit of counsel the spirit of might the spirit of the fear of the lord and the spirit of the sovereignty of god when he heard the voice he turned around he saw the seven candlestick the candlestick represents revelation impartation spiritual illumination and then he said what he said in the midst of the seven candlestick was one like it under the son of man and he was clothed with a garment down to his foot oh my jesus and his head was the hairs were like white like wool uh-huh is this true tonight verse 14 as white as snow and his eyes was like a flame of fire somebody say fire somebody say fire somebody say fire his feet was likened unto vine brass and it burned in a furnace as though they burned in the furnace and his voice was like the voice of many waters many waters his eyes his eyes were like what fire his eyes were like fire and his feet were like they were burned in a furnace of fire his voice his voice was like the voice of thunder and many waters people of god god is speaking to you today out of his voice that's like thunder he's speaking to you today with his eyes like burning fire [Music] he's speaking to you out of his fiery voice out of his thunderous voice out of his eyes like burning fires some of you you're gone your eyes are gonna be like burning fires you're gonna begin to see in the realm of the spirit some of you gonna begin to dream dreams like you've never seen before this is an indication because sometimes when god is beginning to open up your spiritual eyes in the prophetic and the things of the prophetic your eyes even the physical eyes begin to have different experiences am i talking to somebody one of the prophets had eyes that were called the weeping eyes and that prophet weep and weapon weapon weapon wept come on somebody because god was doing something in the eyes this will be the year and the time when we as god's prophetic people will begin to see things with our eyes we begin to see in the realm of the spirit come on somebody the eyes he said in the book of ephesians that the eyes of your understanding will become enlightened i prophesy tonight that the eyes of your understanding will begin to become enlightened that your eyes will begin to open that you will begin to discern to discern things in the spirit to design that which is good from that which is evil that which is right from that which is wrong that you begin to see praise god you begin to see things that god is showing you and you'll be able to make the right choice i prophesy tonight in the name of jesus that the spirit of blindness that will go from every ayah under the song of my voice somebody just lift your hands right where you are in the name of jesus i rebuild this earth blindness i rebuild the spirit of the inability to see in the realm of the spirit [Music] somebody said in the name of jesus say oh lord open my spiritual eyes open my spiritual eyes so that i may see you in the realm of the spirit say oh lord open up my spiritual eyes so i can see you in the realm of the spirit say you spirit of blindness go for my life in the name of jesus christ you spirit of blindness coming to blind my eyes so that i do not understand the things of god so that i do not understand the will of god the word of god the revelation of god i'll rebuke you tonight i'll rebuke you tonight in the name of jesus there's a spirit that does not only blind your physical eye but there's a demon spirit that blinds your understanding am i talking to somebody tonight everybody else seem to understand except you please please identify yourself it takes forever for you to get the understanding of anything simple that is a demon spirit say you spirit that come to blind my mind oh put your hands on your head say you spirit of arrested development you dumb spirit you desperate you blank spirit i rebuke you tonight get out of my life go in the name of jesus i will not be blinded by you you spirit of blindness you spirit of deafness you spirit of darkness you spirit of delay to respond you spirit of arrest of development in the mighty name of jesus i take full authority over you in the mighty name of jesus go for my life right now in the mighty name of jesus go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] say go for my life in the name of jesus every evil spirit fighting my life finding my destiny go for me right now in the mighty name of jesus christ vote for me right now i shall not be blind i refuse to be blind naturally spiritually emotionally in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus i refuse to be blindsided in the mighty name of jesus i command my vision to open i command my eyes to open i command my sight to come in the mighty name of jesus pray pray pray [Music] [Music] power [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you cannot discern anything that's because the eyes of your spirit is close are you understanding have you heard me teach this many times i've told you this is the reason why you have no discernment some of you don't know when to move and when to run when to stay and when to go some of you are moving lethargic some of you are moving am i talking to you some of you don't know when to to get happy to know when to get straight don't know when to pray every time because your eyes in the spirit is closed your eye in the natural is open but your eye in the spirit is closed the bible said the syrians had surrounded the whole mountain where elijah was the prophet was in the mountain the true prophet not the false prophet and the bible say when the sermon went outside he said am i still there are you still having me out there tonight am i still there he said open the eyes of the servant that he may want amen see that there is more with us that are with the enemy people of god the last day spirit is coming out like a frog when a frog pee in your eye or spit in your eye it wants to blind you yet the eyes of the flog has a 360 degree peripheral view that amen they can see all around their body everything around them but yet they want to blind your eyes people of god hear me tonight you must pray this prayer with me before we go you must pray this prayer with power that your eyes will become open in the realm of the spirit somebody say oh lord i need my eyes to open in the realm of the spirit maybe you know you everybody is not going to prophesy but there's god from the an opening in the spirit of discernment as i'm talking about the opening of the eye i'm talking about you being able to discern things spiritually and prophetically that you would know where your blessing is okay okay then the next thing i see as i pray this one people are not even able to remember their dreams their eyes is closed in the dream oh my jesus while they are dreaming it is open when the dream is over the eyes shut down wap they cannot remember what they have dreamed some of your blessings are locked in the corridor of the dream some things that have cursed you and have damned you is in the corner of the dream but if you cannot remember what you saw i only need right now at least a thousand people to say prophet i understand this i understand this if you cannot remember what you saw what you saw or interpret what you saw the devil is going to use that to disadvantage you so now you must pray that the eyes of your understanding become enlightened i want to open some people i know we're getting ready for for training for reading in a couple of weeks and then the dream clinic but i want people to begin to pray now so that you can and your eyes can open the scene the realm of the spirit so that you no longer block so that you're no longer getting up and feeling like a nomad let's pray this one quickly before we go tonight [Music] receive the prayer in the name of jesus christ let your eyes come open up [Music] [Music] somebody clap your hands and give god hallelujah hallelujah come on give them praises tonight [Music] is [Music] that the eyes of your understanding is being enlightened enlightened somebody say yes lord it's being enlightened you're gonna know it's been enlightened because even if you only learn one lesson hey man i wanted to stop from two weeks ago this teaching for whatever i had stopped what have i said this making no sense nobody's listening nobody's responding hey i just have to know by the spirit of god that somebody is learning something in this house and the gospel is free it's just day available to you amen that's why i say come come without money come without price come by of me amen god wants you to be enriched he wants you to be blessed he wants you to be empowered i hope tonight that i've inspired many of you to see god to go on with the lord thank you prophet to god be all the glory hallelujah i'm telling you all the praise just do me a favor amen when you have a moment tomorrow go and watch again just do me a favor send it out to as many people as you can this gospel of the kingdom must be preached to all nations as a witness just do me a favor don't miss the rapture don't miss heaven amen stay lord stay loving him you know you can do it with jesus amen you can do it hallelujah if you're not saved tonight i want to give you that opportunity give your life to jesus right now how do i give my life to god prophetess you just say father i'm a sinner forgive me come into my heart save me i know you died on the cross i know that god raised you from the dead just as easy as that once you've said it jesus is now in your life and now you are his and you he is yours so blessings tonight amen thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus you're born again let us know if you said that prayer we want to hear from you hallelujah we want to help you to grow and go on in the things of god hallelujah those of you that want to give this a good time to give hallelujahs we uh preach the word time to sow it's time to give hallelujah so i want to encourage as many of you tonight and i want you to believe god with me even this week for some of you to sow that seed of 120 dollars overflow overflow goddess overflowing overshadowing amen praise god amen the number of the overflow 120 120 of them was in the upper room waiting on this great power of god and the bible said it came so i'm believing god for many of you to sow again this week amen even as we're sowing sorry into our amen believers faith academy praise god i also want to ask some of you amen amen praise god there are uh we are able to help so many people we've went over over with our scholarships and this already just in this day we were only allotted to do a certain amount and we went over it but i still have a desperation amen of a few students that are in dire need and i want to find some sponsors tonight to help and if i can find even tonight if i can find just three of you that will sow a seed of five thousand dollars i will be able to help uh situations that are dire and urgent intelligent children uh some of them are displaced some of them there they don't know where their parents are some of them are living with other people but they want a good education they want to be a part of the program so if i can find tonight three of my partners that will sow a seed of five thousand dollars you can help that child to go for the whole school year including everything amen that they need so if you're one of them please call me amen please call me call our office and let me know you're one of my partners amen in that regards amen academy started today hallelujah kids came from everywhere amen looking smart as ever but i just found out this evening that they bought to my attention there are some urgent urgent cases and um you know some of them cannot go into the government system for whatever reason i don't want to get in it tonight but some of these kids will get lost in that system and um so tonight i want you to partner with me to help some of them apostle and i we love you and appreciate it we're still pressing to the building we did not go into the building today we're doing orientation in this into the this this building here so we have not occupied the school building as yet there's still some ants to be tied up so even those of you that have promised us so we welcome you to so it is looking beautiful but we're not quite there yet and we want everything to be in order before amen allowing them to enter in there amen so we appreciate you tonight you know i don't like this part of the service amen because i believe i have preached and i believe that we will thank you lori for sewing god bless you so much tonight latoya thank you so much hallelujah laurie thank you praise god elizabeth thank you for your seat tonight praise god people are sewing for their family they believe in god for miracles thank you laura amen carrion thank you praise god so many people are sowing and they believe in god evangelist jermaine good to see you amen good to see you son praise god amen thanks to all of you people are sewing and they're believing god as they sow god will do a work in their lives and in the lives of their families amen charles thank you you're always sewing thank you so much amen what a blessing what a blessing you know you all gonna watch these people amen as they continue to sue you know sometimes you may laugh and say yeah that person always someone yeah but that person knew exactly what they doing he listened to their testimonies millicent amen thank you for sowing on the word tonight amen you're saying prophetess thank you for god using you to open my spiritual eyes to god be the glory mommy i expect your testimony amen thank you so much hallelujah amen so god bless all of you thank you thank you thank you many people are still sewing and i want to see more of you sewing go to maddieknowledge.org and you can give your seat gift there amen marionotch.org that's cash app amen there's cash app so so many of you are sewing on cash up thank you may god bless you for your seed you know the gospel is is free there's no charge amen for the gospel thank you so much anita amen good to see you amen i think you're in new york if i'm not mistaken amen but amen these are all our spiritual daughters and our spiritual sons understand you know people who don't have a relationship as soon as you begin to receive the offering they begin to click off and they say because yeah i didn't get it all all i need to know thank you dorothy and they go but people who understand relationship amen they stay around agnes god bless you tonight all of you that are sowing and they understand that it takes a man amen to run the kingdom it takes amen giving amen sowing and reaping is what our kingdom is about but you guys already know me i don't hang around too long amen when god is finished with me i want to just go and hear and rest and hear what he has to say so those of you that i will give you can even call the call center amen thank you sister lisa call the call center and you can give your gifts there whether you're in the bahamas whether you're in the caribbean faith chambers thank you wherever you are in the world australia even all currencies now are accepted amen in the uk everywhere it is accepted so let's encourage each other by amen doing what the lord tells us to do and so until tomorrow amen amen on behalf of apostle thank you sophia thank you queen be all of you god bless you amen i trust that you are blessed thank you brenda god bless you amen thank you may the lord touch you all and may you have a complete breakthrough in your life may you have complete healing in your life praise god all of you we have so many prayer requests that came in amen tonight and they're all here i know tomorrow night i'm going to call many of them off so please be in tune tomorrow night as we call off many of your prayer requests and even praise reports the praise reports are phenomenal and they're flooding in every single day we appreciate you all so much and we love you well listen amen may god bless you tomorrow night right here 9 00 p.m eastern standard time i'm going to be talking about a lot of stuff amen a little bit about the rapture again amen but i'm going to also help many of you to be able to shun that spirit called apostasy amen so that you're not a part of falling away but you're part of standing strong let's get prepared are you prepared hallelujah are you ready when jesus comes again be also ready for such an hour you think not the son of god the son of man is coming back amen marinasa jesus is coming again amen so on behalf of my husband apostle edison knowledge and all of our prayer worries around the world i love you to spend the powerful miracles that night we are praying for you and don't forget to pray for us may god bless you and i'm gonna see you amen very soon right here back tomorrow night it is [Music] for many years evil spirits have affected and manipulated the lives of people all around [Music] and there was no deliverer because it was far from zidane and they had no business with any man [Music] she is yours but when the children of israel cried unto the lord the lord raised them up for deliverance i'm still in the porter's eye i'm stealing the boy design and the party is still trying to put me back together oh who am i talking i said the porter is still trying to hide somebody the party's still trying to put me back together oh my god say my father my father my father oh lord you are my healer you are my healer you are my healer you are my children deliberate oh take everything out of me take it out of me take everything out enemy jesus i'm talking my life come out come out of it catcher [Music] you
Channel: MattieNottageTV
Views: 29,464
Rating: 4.95996 out of 5
Id: c_lAZQ0kLUU
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Length: 176min 25sec (10585 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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