Super Stellar Finds to Finish the Year- Mudlarking the River Thames - Which one is your favourite?

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hi everyone it's a chilly gray afternoon on the river TS and I've just popped down here to see if I can find any little pieces of History the for Shore is nice and clean so we can see what's going on I've got 2 hours before it's low tide and I've got high hoops so let's go see what the tide is going to leave out for us today rather amazingly I've just seen what looks like a stoneware buffle over here just sitting here looks like the mud it's waiting look at this completely in one piece now that must have evaded out of the mud very recently wow this is there's no markings on there that I can see possibly a ginger beer buffle now just over there I can see what looks like a really nice piece of slipware you can see some really nice glaze there see it yeah looks a little bit like Stager slipware look at that isn't it beautiful almost looks like a biscuit with nice icing on it now that looks as if it could be 17th century possibly 16th 17th century slipware I shall of course consult my temp's Potter book by Richard hemry from someone's kitchen a lot long long time ago now I want to show you something that I've Just Seen down here it's really Peak to my curiosity it looks as if it could be a silver coin or a Slither of shell but do you know what I think that could be maybe a hammered coin pretty worn but actually look look you can see something stamped on there that looks like HB or something like that HR HB wow that is so so interesting I've never seen anything like that before is it silver or is it a really worn hammered coin that somebody stamped their initials into that is going to need further investigation I'm going to take a photo of it and see if any of my mud loocking Pals might be able to help and actually I've just seen here sometimes you see these round things like that and you think they're coins and then further investigation reveals them to be um Pebbles stones these kind of half Stones really are good at looking like coins now oh oh is there going to be a bowl yes there is look another one another 1700's pipe Bowl looks like we're in a little Georgian spot here W look at this that's just popped out of the mud it is a very nice padlock look at that I love finding padlocks because you often get a name this one looks in pretty good condition look at that mud perfectly oh it's not mud actually the bottom of it is a bit broken but still let's rinse it off and see what we've got it doesn't look too covered in uh crustiness so it might not be too hard to reveal a name if there is one let's go and give it a rinse let go down there get this on wash okay yeah it looks like a 19th century padlock little bit of damage there at the bottom but I have high hopes that we might be able to find a name on there yes yes definitely we're going to build it oh I can see one what's that stron or something that looks like Strutton great it's something to research when I get home into the bag it goes lovely old barge P woohoo what stories will it unlock there's a stem down here let's try this one let's try this one oh well there is a bit of resistance there you know there's a bit of resistance does that mean there's a bow on the end do right come on there's definitely some resistance there maybe we're going to be lucky this time maybe not oh yes yes yes there's a lovely bowl look at that that's a beauty nice Victorian one here comes the tide to take a look and of course I'll leave the the mud in there in case there's a little Dole of tobacco at the bottom there could be well pipe lovers you might get lucky again here you know there's another pipe stem poking out here and I can tell it's an older one because the circumference is a lot bigger it's a lot thicker now I have given it a little tug there is some resistance which indicates to me that there must be a Bowl come on out little bowl yes there we go look at that coming out of its muddy little home where it's been all snug for years and years now this one dates to the 1700s early 1700s like 1740s is whereas the other one which I pulled out a moment ago is Victorian here we go it's so black isn't it shiny shiny and black and it will of course fade until it's all that color there that ivory color now do you know I've seen something really rather special down here I think I recognize it thanks to my previous outings and lessons with Richard hemry who is a complete genius when it comes to Pottery so Pottery isn't isn't something that I'm brilliant at I'm getting better at it particularly since I now have a copy of Richard's latest book called sh which is about all the pottery you can possibly find here but look at this now this I'm pretty certain I recognize this as a I think I think it's called a TIG I could be wrong but I think it's a TIG which was a drinking vessel now in terms of age I think it could be 16th maybe even earlier Century so let's get it out and take a look I'm just going to detach my TR from the cord because it's making a horrible noise and then I will be back right that's better so now I just have to be careful that I don't actually leave this on the foreshore and forget about it which is uh something that is highly possible I really do need to paint it a very very bright color so many of you have suggested that anyway back to business this it does look like the outline of a drinking vessel called a TIG I hope it's called that because if not I'm going to look really silly later on when I get home realize it's not it's like a fig or a Hig or something I think it's a t let's try and get it out it is broken obviously but if we're lucky we might have the entire bottom half of course I don't want to damage it it's pretty well wedged in there oh here we go and out it comes now look ooo it's in great condition for a broken piece of pottery you can see where the handle would have been seems to be two little bits here I can't wait to get home and look in my Pottery books and see what it would looked like in its entirety and I wonder who the last person was that touched that and I wonder if they ate that for dinner and drank some beer out of this well you never know do you that's the beauty of mud loocking it gets your imagination going it's incredible isn't it that these objects they survive for so [Music] long look at that that is very very special it looks like a really good evening for pottery um there's lots of broken shards of pottery here but I just saw this white bit here poking out and extracted it and look what we've got now it has a air of Chinese sort of style about it doesn't it and it looks like some kind of porcelain but look at that that's coming through there we've got a great little scene now it's either a very angry fish or a dragon I'm not quite sure that is really rather nice though gosh you know when you think of how many years it's been since this has seen the light of day well over a 100 years and that is for sure and probably a lot more now I have just seen a bottle or part of a bottle anyway eroding out of this big amound of mud I'm going to see what is going on underneath and let's see how much of this bottle is in there and how old it is this is a kind of a dump area here there's lots and lots of Bones pipe stems um oyer shells everything that would have been on a nice Georgian I think dinner table so maybe this will be a nice uh Georgian bottle or at least part of one anyway let's take a look what I would love is for there to be a bottle in here which might have a a seal on it that would be my dream scenario and there's actually a piece of glass here I wonder if that comes from that bottle I don't think so actually looking at it right come on what's going on underneath here is it part of a mallet bottle yeah look it's got a nice you can tell it's got a nice big kick up there nice big punt well it's looking hopeful so far I wonder if there's the neck on [Music] it is the neck oh do you know what I don't think it is I don't think it is well sadly I can confirm to you that it was not in one piece piece and there is not a bottle seal on it this is what we've got look a nice Georgian bottle but funnily enough when I was uh just prodding around to see if there was any more of the bottle out popped clay pipe so maybe they were smoked and drunk out of by the same person or maybe at least the same dinner party I'm in too reminds us to whether to just wash that bottle anyway and then put a nice candle in it that might look nice what do you think if I get all the mud out it could be like a nice little um candle holder let's try it let's see maybe to go on the Christmas dinner table there we are look it's completely broken but I'm envisaging a candle in there let's see let's see how it looks I think we might get a nice bit of iridescence on this bottle on this glass when it dries and of course I can always display the clay pipe next to it and it will sort of um be reminiscent of georgean dinners from Times Gone by w't it there we are [Music] look what stories they could tell if they could [Music] speak [Music] hi lovely to be here com in [Music] oh fancy seeing you here yes unexpected honor oh it is well here we all are and hello everybody thank you very much for watching my video I hope that you're having a great week and if you're watching this on the day it comes out it is what day Christmas Christmas day Christmas Sunday the 24th of December it's Christmas Eve and that is the day all going well mind you if we managed to get this video done um it's Christmas Eve so if you're watching this said to Mrs Eve what Christmas yes it's Christmas Eve yes so I hope you're having a brilliant Christmas Eve if indeed that's the day that you're watching this video yes and firstly before we start what do you think of this broken bottle it turned into a really nice candle didn't it and uh yeah I'm really pleased with that and I think that it could have been on a Georgian dinner table people could have been sat around that at Christmas time somebody could have smoke that pipe on Christmas day even that is what I always say about mud loocking f everything that we find just just inspires the imagination absolutely but anyway everyone thanks again for watching the first half of this video and as you can see I'm not alone today I have with me some family I have my mother my lovely mom Anita hello and my lovely stepdad Peter hi hello everyone they have come over to spend Christmas with me so we're having a lovely time aren't we we certainly are and they don't get it away with not doing anything whilst they're here so I have asked them to choose something from today's outing to then tell you about so um who's going to go first I think Mom you go first what have you chosen to talk about well I have chosen this piece of pottery which when I look at it I think very interesting but what is it well I believe because Nicola tells me she found it on the banks of the river T that this is a TIG mug T YG pronounced TIG and this is an English Pottery mug and it would have had at least three handles it might have even had up to nine handles but it might certainly had more than one handle and this was because in Tuda times and right up until the middle of the 17th century uh people who visited taverns could go in and a group of them maybe nine people or or perhaps less or even more but they would have this it would be really tall filled right up to the very top it could have been hot liquid so by having a handle one person held it had a swig out of it and the next person would take it by their handle and it would go all the way around and also it was quite a um quite a good idea for cleanliness because everybody had their own section of the rim to drink from um and it was mainly found well almost always exclusively found in taverns or in tap rooms and it was a very social thing um and I imagine that as tudas celebrated Christmas absolutely over the top they loved meat and they at every type of meat that was going including Swan and beef and pork they celebrated from The 12 Days of Christmas so unlike us who actually at minced pies yesterday well a few days days ago um before it was actually Christmas day in t times it was absolutely strictly forbidden you didn't celebrate Christmas until Christmas Day on was for 12 days up until the 6th of January oh well not from Christmas Eve it was from Christmas day was well I think Christmas Eve well they were sort of preparing for it getting themselves ready because there was lots of music and dancing they even sang carols and you know we think that Carols is a modern thing but it wasn't it's carols have been sung for hundreds of years and so they would have sung carols and danced and sang um and act enormous amount of meat and things including minced meat pies which aren't like our minced pies cuz they have minced mutton in them but together with fruit so it must have been quite interesting eating a pie like that and it was a big pie and apparently Henry V so loved minced meat pie that when it was his coronation he actually provided Ed everybody with minced meat pies which was really rather nice but also there would have been a lot of drinking so I'm sure that these TIG mugs would have come in very useful in the taverns and the ale houses and the public houses all around London and probably all around the country so cheers happy Christmas Happy Christmas to you too happy Christmas thank you very much Mom I'm really impressed with your research about this Tig I wonder who threw it away I wonder and who last drank out of it or maybe which two people were the last people to drink out of it the two handles that would have been here yeah well that's the tig now Peter what have you chosen to talk to us about what I've chosen is this familiar looking object which is well I think it is anyway a ginger beer uh canister I don't know what the real term would be but anyway probably looking at it it doesn't seem to be any Marcus names on it I've had a look at it all around so it's probably late Victorian something like that and uh they were very very commonly made in those days in fact I read somewhere that there was a Potter in Bristol of all places who over his 10year period made a million of these alone a million a million go in his 10y year um little episode of making that's a lot that's a lot yeah but this does remind me of a story that I knew well from really from my my parents when they were young in 1928 there was a famous court case it was called the snail and the ginger beer well what happened was there were two young ladies one was called may I can't remember her other name but they lived in Paisley in Scotland and uh it was a very hot day uh that day and so they decided to go to Cafe and have a drink and may her name was actually may Donahue um she asked her friends could she have a ginger beer and so her friend ordered something for herself and a ginger beer for May well it was so hot that when the ginger beer came May took the top off took a swig straight away lovely Big Gulp then grabbing not a TIG cup but a cup or a glass and poured the rest of the cider of not the side of the J beer into the tig why not I mean yes it might have been cider nice glass CER anyway much to her horror looking in in the glass what did she see but well it's the slimy remains of a decomposing snail oh which just the look of it and thought of it that she's taken a big Swig of this already she suddenly feel came over feeling very sick indeed almost fainted on the spot anyway she had to go to hospital and they found that she had gastroenteritis L later in in the day and spent a few days recuperating in bed and it became a court case and she um the aid of her lawyer uh sued the company who made it but it was thrown out of court in those days bear in mind this was 1928 um anyway the lawyer had come across a similar case beforehand so he pursued it again and there was an appeal that was also thrown about but he persisted if he thought you know this is an injustice and the defense was that well she hadn't actually bought the drink so she had no um claim against the company because it was her friend who actually brought the bought the drink and she wasn't complaining and sounds bizarre now I know So eventually the lawyer persisted and it was taken to the House of Lords down in London and there uh Lord atrim I think his name was um he prided over the case he he judged that there was a Bible rule of course that you must love your neighbor and uh so he converted that in you you must not injure your neighbor either and so he found in favor and the company was sued but not only that Lord and decided that the law must be changed and so the whole law in the British ARS was changed that people uh could actually Sue under such circumstances so I'm going to have a little drink um to Cate that and oh no I better not do that I I'll I'll tip it up first to have a look it looks pretty clear well cheers everyone Cheers Cheers so now that leaves me to go through the remaining objects on the table and I'm going to start with this little tiny coin here which is actually called a slap token now what it is it's a very very smooth post medieval coin probably from the reign of William III and these tokens trade some used to stamp their initials in them and this is exactly what's happened here and on this token is an h and a b so it could be Harry Bond yes Horus Brown Horus Brown exactly and then they could be exchanged for goods and services now the initials were usually stamped on them late 18th to early 19th century and there's quite a few on the portable Antiquity scheme actually so this is a really interesting in find and when I first saw it it looked like a tiny Slither of oyster but I'm glad that the initials sort of glinted at me and as always I wonder whose pocket it was in and who HB was yes we never know will we no probably not we will never know so that's that for the slap token and of course there's something else here with a name on and anybody who watches my channel on a regular basis will know how much I love finding things with names and in this case I was very fortunate on this padlock which is still very very muddy actually um is the name c Strutton and C Strutton was Charles Strutton he was a lighterman born in 1812 in Lambeth I found a few of his adverts in the paper from around about 1860 his premises were in Prince's Street in commercial Road and he sometimes hired out um barges and I also looked in the newspaper archives and came across a few interesting stories including one where his poor maid or under maid as she was referred to age 16 wanted to leave because she wasn't very happy in his household he evidently did pretty well because he had quite a lot of servants by the time he died and he died in 1877 when he was 65 years old so quite a lot of history that this padlock has literally unlocked yes fascinating yeah and I might be able to find out something more about it I always like to try and find out if there's any descendants as well when I find something like this so very very something for the new year perhaps yeah for the new year yeah see if I can find out anything more about Charles Strutton and see if he's got any descendants yeah and then this piece of Potter here which is rather lovely it has a a very angry let's get in the right way around angry dragon on it I think you said that was a dragon oh yes it's very Chinese and I think this is Chinese export porcelain I could be wrong um but I think that's what it is possibly also dating to the 18th century so maybe a nice bowl for for rice or or vegetables and then another piece of Potter here and this is staffire slip Weare also from Georgian times the 18th century probably and this particular design is a marbled design yes lovely and it always reminds me of a rather nice chocolate and caramel kind of biscuit biscuit cookie cookie or a biscuit and of course we've got our usual pipes so yeah quite a few things here that would have been on a Georgian table or even a chuda table lots of things to do with food and drink absolutely well it's it's Christmas almost isn't it y it is yes it's so cheers folks happy Christmas to you again yeah oh yes happy Christmas to you again and it does always amaze me how much we find that relates to food and drink on the terms and talking of food and drink I want to introduce you to my sister Joe as it's my Christmas video well you know as you can tell I've I've got my Christmas sparkly top out this always comes out for Christmas um I wanted to involve my family so that's why Mom and Peter are here but my sister Joe she's coming up next week and I wanted to include her in some way on this video and back in the Summer she cooked for us a lovely meal on the beach didn't she it was fantastic and I thought that you might like to come along and see what she cooked for us join the picnic yeah join the picnic [Music] I'm now going to introduce you to my beautiful sister Joe White and her Gourmet al fresco beach dining experience Joe thank you for being here today looking absolutely beautiful as always so we're going to have Sea bath and a sort of sticky glaze and we're going to have some nice vegetables balsamic and some sfire with taragan and garlic butter this is Rosa my beautiful niece and Rosa is in charge of collecting the ice cold water from the sea in which we're going to chill our bottle of white [Music] wine how am I supposed to what what Qui going to chop some veg R is going to be the sea [Music] Chef all right so we've chopped our veg we've got some nice cetes tomatoes peppers mushrooms we've got a marinade of um oil and vinegar and honey Italian mixed herbs lemon juice garlic so then we're just going to cover the vadge stick it on the Barbie in this boil container and um get it all shy and nice can go with our sea bass and we can mix it in with a cuscus right the marinade is going on the vge nice yummy garlicky lemony yum [Music] yum so we've got our sea bass for lovely fets this is our marinade this meal's inspired by my best friend Becky cuz I've shared this meal with her many times and every time she cooks it it gets better and better so this is like a sticky glaze and it's um soy sauce honey sesame seeds fresh ginger red chili um soy sauce brown sugar and so we're going to put the Sea bath straight onto the barbecue lots of oil hoping it doesn't stick so then when we've cooked it for a couple of minutes on each side we'll put it back into the boiled dish pour over the yummy sticky glaze pop it back on the barbecue and hopefully this will thicken up and coat the fish and um yeah that's our main for this [Music] evening okay right I'm going to make some sfire parcels so going to get some tin oil so little bit of sfire in the Middle look so and in here we've got some homemade garlic and Tagan butter put B on top there right so we got our parcel that can sit on our barbecue and steam nicely c car sire [Music] come he what I'm doing now is just going to make the cisus our flask of hot water c r l of Ros cheers the cuscus is sitting nicely in the bowl with the lid on we can mix our nice roasted veg in there when it's done oh yeah going to a little steam it's great isn't it me our sfire parle for steaming away steamy and buttery right hi just going to get our veg that's all nice and [Laughter] [Music] coated nice nice BGE sing through the cuscus oh yeah nice good right so our food is ready to be pled up and we're just going to serve it up on this beautiful sunny [Music] evening [Music] okay cheers M this is delicious and I can definitely tell you I am going to be coming back to Joe's al fresco Gourmet Beach experience thanks so much Joe a see you next time cheers [Music] that was such a brilliant meal on the beach thank you very much for that Joe have you ever seen anybody quite So Glam sitting on the beach cooking a gourmet meal I certainly haven't no me neither no it was fantastic absolutely brilliant roll on next summer yeah brilliant memory so thank you very much for that Joe and thank you also to Rosa and there is another member of the family who's going to participate in this video as well but before my mom introduces her I'd like to wish you all a very very happy Christmas and a very blessed New Year we will Echo that we wish you all a very happy Christmas and a very peaceful and healthy 2024 and onwards yep I can second that as well so happy Christmas everybody yeah happy happy Christmas and mom can you please introduce the next um act well many years ago when she when one of my wonderful Treasures of grandchildren called Grace she was only a little girl still in her school uniform and she came home from school and danced around in the lounge singing All I want for Christmas is you and we have persuaded or Rel least her mom my daughter Nicola has persuaded her to come and do another rendition now that she's actually at University and she's much older than she was but she's still absolute treasure and she's still so endearing and so Grace over to you sing for us what you would like for Christmas you don't want you don't mind about the presents under the tree all you want for Christmas is you you and uh just before I go I will just say that you know what she hasn't actually done it yet so I'm hoping she will she'll have to now because we just said she's going to if not we might all have to do it instead the three of us might have to do it yeah okay everyone take care and I'll be back very soon with more adventures in the mud but in the meantime happy happy Christmas bye-bye God bless you all bye-bye over to Grace I don't want a lot for Christmas there is just one I need I don't care about about the present I need the Christmas tree I just want [Music] you make my wish true all want for Christmas I don't want to for Christmas there is just one thing need I don't care about my pres christm tree I just my own know make my wish true all I want for Christmas I [Music] Christmas I need I don't care about the presence underneath the Christmas tree I just want my own holding on to me so TR make my way comes true all I want [Music] Christmas all I want for Christmas [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 180,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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