EXCITED Mudlarkers make AMAZING 6,000 year-old discovery!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Si-finds Thames Mudlark
Views: 142,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thames, london, England, uk, River, Mudlarking, mudlarks, archeology, treasure, metal detecting, gold, silver, Simon Bourne, clay pipes, history, seaglass, try, Mudlarking best finds, ancient, magnet fishing, Georgian, Victorian, find, mudlovers, monedas, London Mudlark, river hunters, mud men, tide, lost and found, Lara Maiklem, luck in the muck, 宝藏, mudlarking without permit, wellies, oak island, thames tours 2022, mudlarking locations, drained canal, bronze age, arrow head, neolithic, cave men
Id: ykZGo5i90kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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