Fantastic mudlarking with Nicola White & Mud Bagger.

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so good morning to you I have a guest today hi Nicholas hi hello everyone so we're going to have some fantastic Ming try not to find uh to fight over the fin as if uh pick up a marble or two maybe more and have some real mud loocking fun it's fantastic to be here it's a bit windy today it's a bit gray and we going to have some rain but uh uh well we're here that's all that counts okay it does it does oh I see a mble yes hang on hang on so together we do some serious mlking and try to put a marble or two here's number one and you know what Nichol had a fair first where is it it's here look oh yeah see it yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I see another one just there look oh T wow fastic marbleous marbles yeah fantastic there you go this is really marbleous country and uh well carry on o niolo behind you you've seen this Flur the Le oh my goodness no I didn't see it I'm so busy looking for marbles I'll pick it up for you fish dead what a great find is that something to do with the scouts do you think yeah scouting Catholic scouting group is most likely and of course it got all the fit things for fitting it to a textile or a leather it's the first fantastic find of today yes how about that so now we're going to do some uh marble hunting I guess uh that's the screwdriver finish oh and I he the woodpecker so the boot packer is in the neighborhood somewhere backing wood probably is what they do so where are the marbles that's a bead tiny insulator I see yeah hang [Music] on I see want to is this glass okay Nicola oh yes please okay it's yours it's yours I'll trade it for a marble that's a nice piece of uranium there as well sure and I see a pork pork P yeah I'll be there I'll be there oh I see oh ho which one you want to see first I'm coming I tried to slow down otherwise you make all the people uh see this dizzy you tell me pass your camera over that area uh there's a blue one yeah terrific you want me to pick it up yes please do right there's that one now there is also a really nice one down here yep yep yep see it yeah that really pretty so oh where's number three number that's your feet a red one so there is that's number four I guess you have to get your marble eye in oh yeah so there's that one and then there's one down there a green one showed them isn't that amazing amazing BL M likeing yeah you don't want them no no no you keep them I'll swap it I'll swap them for that nice piece of glass apprciate it thank you so four marbles it must be marble country Marble Town oh that oh I see a little Broach thing I think down in between those rocks I wonder what that is let's see very intriguing oh it's interesting isn't it some kind of little clip or something yeah yeah fantastic could it be a hair clip could rather small it could be it's got a piece of wire stuck in it there so fantastic or it could be part of a a belt or something some but whatever it is some other really Grand treasure pretty what amazing you certainly have the ice well so do you so do you I have this nice Blue Marble nope it's glass but that's a closed lipstick so take that one Splash that's [Music] the [Music] this greenish like thing oh some plastic uh Toy probably this is interesting some piece of strench tubing we take it like a surrounds of old mirror or something quite pretty isn't it probably different is metal or pot I no it's like pottery with with um little bits of mirror oh I see a marble yeah oh you just saw it yeah let me get it get it for you there you go H oh I see another one yeah D oh there me thinking I was so good this is uh it's missing a part can you use it oh I can use that for an eye for a fish ey can you yes take it please thank you amazing marbl marble marles someone lost their Mar definitely it wasn't me I believe [Music] me you seen this area niola yeah and it's all very rough at the moment yeah and I tried a dozen times to pick up some rocks and look under it and I really never find something special no that's most amazing for I know most on Surface yeah yeah yeah but down under here should be at least as many terrific points yeah I never find [Music] anything yes that's no problem it's uh buttons everywhere oh that one sh this looks like a keramic button yep quite rare these keramic [Music] buttons so underneath this shoe could be a marble but it's never is that's a strange [Music] bottle [Music] a a CO can you make anything on it you're so good in the languages scof I don't know what that means strange thing yeah I don't need it we'll place it back down there and the glass is okay for you um yes you work and pin yeah okay and that is that's red look like a razor and that's a small ink a cork top ink bottle love it take it that's beautiful glass as well so I'll definitely be taking that sure [Music] sure and uh my next trips I will try to collect that kind of class for you and I know many of my subscribers will sleep better Oh They'll be relieved and I promise seriously promise to collect more glass for you oh such a grand colle so all the buttons are there where there are the coins there are the marbles there are the [Music] marbles yes these areas when they start to get Sandy again yeah and all the rubble is washed off yes when Sandy they will be loaded with coins and are there a small metal material there's a coin here you know I'm coming show you show you I need to put my new pads on so there's a coin just here definitely yep yep yeah lovely yep nice yeah these Sandy areas it's incredible rich but at the moment most of it is covered with all these rocks Co that's clip clip I see another coin do you see it do I is it this one no no no o that could be an old silver coin y put it in my bag just in case oh just there not too good anymore but a coin it is and I spoted some kind of a pin and it's waiting down there yeah the pin it is and go Bri oh Ki Bri uh it's a bird of course but it's also a brand of soda so I'll take it this one is a pin of a soda Factory C another nice find just waiting here and while I'm at it I see a little brass plate sticking out no it's not a brass plate it was sticking out and I don't F think it's a nice thing so we go on more mud Ling more marbles never know let's see a strange bottle yeah screwed up unfortunately it has no cap so we leave it and I think there will be another nice bottle today like this uh small ink it's intact take it now will this be course the shore Something Fishy from a jar of a a fish product [Music] some English table wear and a nice small Amber bottle there it is Mr Blue Marble there must have been a song about marbles the wooden handle nope probably [Music] [Music] there hey hey Mr marble where you are you didn't you know I have some waves coming yeah Mar there it is nice that's also quite nice I'll take this one and take it to my workshop first of all disol it take it in my workshop for uh future [Music] use why our to me [Music] [Music] and of course you know the drill when the water will be really empty uh lower empty there will be another b beach pairing with uh toys bubles uh lots of old R cans bucket terrible misery of Po Beach and perhaps one of do nice things as well [Music] o i see a blue [Music] Buckle that's a nice one really a nice one yeah small chip at the food but I take it anyway a blue bottle how about that and there's another milk polish things are washing here definitely some OD Colonia bottle probably yeah under all these stks there will be much more you can't see fruit Stones so that will be for another day another time curtain wheel I may have the biggest collection of curtain wheels in the world by now and that's the soda bu let's find out there's the rain you don't need the rain at all o just sure yes that's a shame it's uh small wine bottle yeah there be no information on it so I leave it never mind that's speed bit molten bottle can't be out that's a brown botle am botle and this will be put more oh yeah marble marous another one oh she too oh man oh man lovely terrific marbles here something can rush it away [Music] there's one that will probably a beat yeah something like it no it have been the handle some kind of a pin not good nice [Music] finded marble and a marble my life my wife will love that one she is very fond of the pinkies the small marbles ah that will be the food of this little figurine of the small peeing boy from Brussels I see a marble um maybe more around there's the marble there it is white yellow green perfect and a military button W yeah okay not much left of [Music] it some copper wire [Music] so now we our left Mar back I will uh go up and collect it see you later then we had a fantastic start this M trip and uh I have this feeling like we always have there will be more around waiting here for us and in this poort it's quite covered incent that's a bit boring but there may be something nice enough weding There She Goes doing her fantastic mlking business yeah so many Treasures to find [Music] definitely so we're closing in on a hot spot for this area when it gets Sandy look for the the tails uh Des signs sorry the lead seals the buttons and other Fantastic Finds like a cross that's a nice cross yeah oh it's a Dutch windmill cross funny [Music] there's a little coin I think one yeah oh sure yep 20 C in probably yep yeah nice a big pipe isn't it bit of a tight bit of a knife here [Music] yeah yeah Co two much the same like yours and another coin and a buckle strange buckle and another coin yeah yes found a cool thing you might want to look at Bathing Beauty isn't that great yeah is a little bit bent but look at their uh swimming gear yeah the swimming suit isn't it great oh fantastic I thought it was a mermaid at first what an incredible thing to find fantastic lovely how you do that well you know fantastic coin again yeah is in coin yeah they don't last very well they yeah I discard these yeah I had two coins here when you were busy with the lady in the swimsuit and there may be another one just saying that's over shaver and of course there may be some gold waiting here too that's a key ring very common find you know it there's a Leo is some wire [Music] there's another figurine of this uh little peing boy from Brussels I collect them and one day I'll have the biggest collection of bish I will quite a nice little qu there yeah very very rich we came here last time with uh Y and as you can see it has been uh changed a lot yeah uh well it didn't end the spot it's still fantastic still plenty around that's nice late a keyhole yeah very late but uh I like it oh we have some rain too and there's a bottle poing out yeah some be bu is that a b no it's Pebble also possible so we had a fantastic uh time couple of days mid with n of Art and uh it's so nice to share a hobby it really is and find nice stuff everywhere I have another clip like you have one yeah so them brilliant oops this that's an old camera oh no no no it's a torch lights pocket lights oh Simon would love this it looks like it's um kind of going not going to last for very long no but I can take it and you take it Sal it yeah sure and I give it to F another time it's probably a patrix Tor light uh the 40s to 50s um Simon did some wonderful upy yes it did with the one from here and this one looks far better than the one he had then so I really must give it to him oh there yeah now it's starting to rain very seriously I'm not amused but what can you do so I pick up this little powder box and go on M loing for a seems to me only the stubborn find the good stuff nothing comes your way you have to go looking for it find it so small disc nothing on it and a small powder box how about [Music] it and well time FES with when you're having fun even in the rain it does doesn't it so for shortly we pack it in go home and uh we'll do some uh sorting and cleaning again my Fantastic Finds of today so can I end this video with a nice marble or a terrific Buton help me [Music] out W well there's a special tole you looking for a marble yeah I am okay Let's uh find one let's put in this tile it's probably Flemish Pottery oh that's nice but uh well somebody will recognize that's Lovely isn't it which city is this yeah sure I won't take it one day there will be one here in a group condition yeah I need a marble or a button to stop this video o that's a thick coaster yeah chip it's a shame very nice glass thick the chips as always almost always okay Nick can I say goodbye to you yes can just uh well thank you for your company we had a wonderful time we did thank you for inviting me yeah it speaks no problem see you another time see you same place another place you never know bye-bye e e so we're here in my garden and that's Nicola white of course F line art she's making glass fish and uh I collect a lot of glass shards and I ask Nicola please can you tell me what can you use what do you like what is useless in your opinion so uh which of all these shs do you like best can you tell us something these pieces of glass are just magnificent and what I'm instantly drawn to are the bright colors I love making colorful fish and so let's have a look at some of these pieces now that for example is just perfect for like a a gill of fish or a little fin um I see that yeah I'm in love with these uranium glass pieces as well because these can be fit in between other pieces of glass that's lovely because that can be on the side of a fish you know just before it's thin on the side the textures also play a large part in it like this texture is so beautiful also if you notice you know it's like a nice thin yeah shape there it's already there when you tell me exactly I'm looking for thin shape so that is perfect that's perfect for a dorsal fin of a blue fish and I love the red particularly like making red fish that will be a till light yes um I tend to put the fish together a bit like a jigsaw and that as well I love that because of the little little knobbly bits there understand um so we're looking for fin shaped pieces tail shaped bits and little pieces which are very special like these colorful yeah like Italiano glass that piece I can see just behind the eye of a fish I can put the eye the IDE there y that will be a uranium glass again the larger pieces are more Awkward to use I mean that's a beautiful piece but it's a little bit harder to to see where to to put it so I tend to not use larger pieces that as well it's too too heavy and too large I understand but the rest I could certainly find a place for probably not not that but the rest okay yeah it just makes me want to make some fish yeah well thank you art that's a terrific story and uh well I keep collecting glass for you until you say oh no please no more thank you very much um yeah the last thing I would want to say is the great thing about making fish out of this glass is that every piece does tell a story obviously some comes off of something a little bit industrial some might come from an ornament or a beautiful jug so it's not just about the fish but it's about all those pieces that come together to tell A really lovely story okay great thank you
Channel: Mud Bagger
Views: 16,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ouk1HieJUzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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