Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: All Codec Conversations (Easter Egg)

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I honesty think that they could do better if they voiced new lines

Just look at the fan made calls on youtube

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SpatsaEater πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"No one truly fights alone. not even me."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

A couple of notes (some carried over from Brawl):

  • As some have pointed out, this is recycled dialogue from Smash Bros. Brawl.
  • Though dialogue by other characters could be used instead, the Japanese version is missing Colonel Campbell's VA Takeshi Aono due to his passing in 2012.
  • Snake having an instinctive dislike for Sonic has been interpreted as Sega/Konami rivalry in some gaming circles, though I personally think it is more of a Japanese VA joke. Namely Snake's VA Akio Otsuka's father Chikao Otsuka (who also voiced old Big Boss) being the voice of Dr. Eggman up until his passing in early 2015.
  • In addition to otaku fun time, Otacon shouting Falcon Kick can be interpreted as another VA Joke, as his JP VA Hideyuki Tanaka voices Captain Falcon in the Falcon Legend TV series.
  • The dialogue for Pit has some loss in translation; the JP dialogue has Snake imitate Pit's "Yarare-chatta" (I'm Finished!) dialogue, in which Otacon says "What, you knew all that already?" as if he wasted his time explaining.
  • Sonic's dialogue still has "here in Brawl", though this is absent in the JP version as Otacon just says "People are really excited that he's in Smash, you know!" thus future-proofing it for this instance. (Well spotted, /u/MidOce!)
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hecheff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well, here's hoping they might record new Codecs eventually. In the meantime, got any fanmade ones to share?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BronzeHeart92 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

These are all just Smash Bros codecs. That's disappointing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/XxAndrew01xX πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] snake you know who that is you're kidding right it's Mario Mario made his first appearance in 1981 and since then he's become a worldwide phenomenon there's probably not a single person who doesn't know Mario he's that famous huh good thing I survived long enough to meet him on the field of battle huh this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance snake now get out there and show him what you're made of no regrets got it Otacon there's a gorilla wearing a tie here he's huge that's Donkey Kong as you can tell he's got strength to spare he may be king of the jungle but he lives in a house just like you or me and he seems pretty smart well for an ape anyway the Donkey Kong who fought that epic battle with Mario was this guy's grandfather that was a long time ago what about this Donkey Kong does he get along with Mario nope they're still at it seems like they're always competing in something kart racing sports you name it a chip off the old block Otacon who's the guy with the sword that's link he's the hero of Hyrule that blade in his hand is called the Master Sword also known as the blade of Evil's Bane he also has a whole arsenal of items at his disposal bombs and arrows a shield a boomerang he's a force to be reckoned with gear is only useful when it's used at the right time and place just lugging a ton of it around doesn't do you any good I I wouldn't be talking if I were you snake what's that supposed to mean you tell me mr. utility belt Hey Otacon I got a woman here in a power suit huh how did you know she was a woman yeah that'd be Samus Aran the most renowned bounty hunter in the galaxy her arm cannon packs quite a wallop if you get hit with a charged shot from that thing you can kiss your butt goodbye hmm sounds like my kind of woman yeah well just don't get too close snake Samus is deadly after space pirates killed her parents she was raised by the chozo and trained in the fighting arts she's been places and seen things that people like you and me can't even begin to imagine uh-huh but underneath that cold mental exterior beats the heart of a woman Otacon what's this lizard thing that's a Yoshi it's a dinosaur from Yoshi's Island watch out for its long chameleon-like tongue if it gets you you'll be swallowed whole it lays eggs and throws them right then it must be female actually it's a he at least that's what it says it talks yes it talks well kind of now you've got me curious how about I capture one so we can see what they taste like Oh snake snake watch out for what that pink marshmallow that's Kirby also known as Kirby from Dream Land he's from another planet in other words an extraterrestrial he's got a powerful stomach that lets him swallow and digest anything and he also has a copy ability that allows him to mimic opponents steal their moves and use those moves against them on top of that he has the power to fly around the stage so once he's got you in his sights there's no place to run huh yeah got it Oh keep an eye out colonel that Fox is fast you're fighting Fox a snake his full name is Fox McCloud he's the leader of the commando for a higher unit Star Fox they're mostly active in a galaxy known as the lylat system Fox and his comrades pilot all-terrain fighter crafts called are wings his skills in combat can turn the tide of any battle you seem to have a thing with foxes don't you snake oh don't remind me first Fox hound and now this guy I'm sick of foxes you and foxes have a long history together you ought to be proud you oh how cute what the yellow thing that's Pikachu it's a Pokemon they're popular all over the world you know it may look cute but be careful it can store up large amounts of electricity and those adorable little cheeks it'll try to pepper you with electric shocks couldn't be much worse than ocelots old torture device oh and snake what I was wondering could you maybe try and catch Pikachu for me please mmm give me a break what do I look like a pokemon trainer fine sorry I asked that guy with the moustache ah you mean the king of second bananas hey that's Luigi showing a little respect look at that pale skin he's been living in his brother's shadow for too long that's a low blow colonel ah face it snake once a kid brother always a kid brother carnal what's gotten into you Lally Lou lay low Lally Lou lay low Holly Lou lay low colonel snap out of it colonel that kid isn't that ness ness he may look like a mere boy but don't let that fool you he has PSI abilities that defy all scientific explanation hmm just like Psycho Mantis exactly he can use teleportation levitation pyrokinesis and psychokinesis yeah but the question is can he read minds not to my knowledge no good then I won't have to worry about him predicting my every move even if he had telepathic powers I don't think he'd use him to mess with you like that I hear he's a good kid hey that's Captain Falcon isn't it good eye snake he's f-zero pilot number 7 you know seen Captain Falcon here reminds me we should do that thing we've always wanted to try oh yeah that thing good idea ok ready go aah there's a big eyeball walking around here that's just Jigglypuff Jigglypuff that's some kind of marshmallow Jigglypuff is a balloon shaped Pokemon it may be light and puffy and full of air but its sleep ability is devastating sleep what's so devastating about it going to sleep the instant it falls asleep there's a huge buildup of energy in its center of gravity if it hits you it's lights out for sure so it puts a lot of energy into sleeping sounds pretty irresponsible if you ask me takes all kinds nake especially here in Brawl mei-ling tell me what you know about peach Princess Peach is the beloved ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom she's been kidnapped numerous times by Bowser sounds pretty serious yes but every time it happens Mario ends up saving her sure he may not look like your ideal knight in shining armor a little on the short side I'd say but still don't you think it's romantic I mean to have a guy who's always there for you if he were smart he'd tell her to stop getting kidnapped you don't get a lot of dates do you snake careful snake that's the great and terrible Bowser Bowser looks like a cheap movie monster hardly Bowser leads an entire army of monsters but I'd worry more about his claws and fire if I were you doesn't look that tough to me seems kind of slow actually well he is the king of Koopas it's only natural he'd be slow but that's only because he's the heaviest fighter here by far he's a powerhouse of destruction careful he doesn't flatten you so those two are the ice climbers huh snake have you ever heard of a blood bond sure it refers to a bond between two people that's so strong they die for each other the ice climbers have conquered frozen glaciers and dangerous mountaintops together I think they've formed a bond that we can't even fathom no no no it seems to me they get in each other's way fighting to see who gets to the top first snake in China they say though brothers may quarrel at home outside they defend each other from slight been really a Chinese proverb even though they may get in each other's way occasionally they'll pull together in times of need they're an inseparable team snake don't underestimate them what's going on here what happened to Selda snake princess zelda transformed into chic I can understand the clothes but to change your skin and eye color that must take some powerful magic magic come on snake don't get all grumpy and start talking about how unscientific it is science is basically just another form of magic that makes our lives easier I never thought I'd hear that coming from you Mei Ling don't you think talking to someone halfway around the world is a kind of magic or flying across entire continents no I think this is completely different snake I see you're fighting Zelda yeah I guess doesn't feel right fighting someone in a dress though don't underestimate her just because she's a woman Zelda's attacks are backed by powerful magic her hand-to-hand combat may look weak but her magic makes it cut to the bone so Miss Rose has thorns interesting this is no time for pickup lime snake don't worry I know from experience that it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for this is snake a snake this is slippy what who is this what are you some kind of frog easy there buddy just thought I'd hop on the wireless and give you a holler don't get mad act right into my channel huh but I'm not here to mess nothing up don't worry mm-hmm just so you know falco uses a blaster and reflector that i designed just like fox does but falco will kick his reflector and send it flying around just showing off if you ask me no reason a weapon can't have more than one use in fact I'd say it's versatility shows how well you designed it hey maybe so I feel all fuzzy now thanks snake maybe next time we meet you can design me a weapon snake have you heard the saying politics makes strange bedfellows don't tell me that's a Chinese proverb um no it means that when the going gets tough you might need unexpected partnerships in order to succeed Marthe was a prince whose Kingdom was usurped he didn't even have an army to fight with him but as he battled his way forward he found new allies to fight at his side and in the end he was able to reunite the war-torn land of Altea so he built his army from the ranks of his defeated enemies Marthe did his share of fighting too even when he had an army he was always alongside his men in the thick of battle then he was betrayed by one of his most trusted friends I can't even imagine how that feels I can this guy is giving off a murderous vibe even getting close to it makes my skin crawl snake ganondorf is dangerous his ambition is to rule the world and he's got the power to do it it's no wonder they call him king of evil the modern weapons even work against him do I even have a chance take a look around you there are plenty of people fighting with swords or even their bare hands at least you've got firepower count yourself lucky it's not like you to whine snake I was just asking eh no it's back to the mission for me Monica there's a guy walking her out in here and he's only got two dimensions that's mr. Game & Watch he comes from a world where everything is flat Game & Watch was a series of portable games released by Nintendo in 1980 they were powered by large-scale integrated circuits and only had monochrome LCD displays so characters kind of looked like the numbers on a calculator the guy you're looking at now mr. Game & Watch was a character who appeared in these games this is making my head hurt well um he's I mean look just start fighting him and I'm sure everything will make sense mei-ling there's a mysterious masked man flying around here with a sword that's Meta Knight he's a knight from dreamland they say his sword swings can break the sound barrier whatever you do don't get caught in one of his furious barrage attacks he also commands the halberd a flying battleship hmm I've seen it the bow looks like his mask what kind of weirdo puts his face on the bow of a ship anyway um maybe he's a little narcissistic kind of like someone else I know really and who would that be use your imagination Otacon there's a kid with wings out here is he a mutant or is he just into costumes that's pit snake pit is an angel from Angel land he's the captain of palutena's army angels give me a break I don't know maybe he's from a different species but those wings on his back and those mysterious weapons he has are the real deal he may look young but he's a veteran warrior watch yourself he used to be a weakling but countless trials over the years have toughen him up by trials you mean game overs yeah you should know all about that mei-ling samus took her clothes off that's just her in the zero suit snake Oh without that bulky power suit she's gotten a lot more agile you know I bet if I took off all this heavy gear I could catch her uh yeah you wish even without the power suit all that training she did with the chozo has made her a super athlete I don't think a normal human could ever keep up just look at her hmm her loss this guy kind of meena creeps that's Wario snake Wario first appeared as Mario's rival but he really made his name and the Wario Ware games watch out for Wario's bite it's not just damage you take from it what do you mean Colonel Wario loves garlic he eats whole cloves of a day and night so try not to get caught in his mouth once that smell gets on you it'll stick to you for quite a while uh-huh that's a scary thought he also attacks by farting he can fart to fly around too by farting are you kidding me sadly no I am not kidding if his belly starts to bulge watch out Colonel it's me I'm fighting myself snake what's going on out there could it be as the Lay's off alter rebe la project really come this far it's more than that he's got my moves my gear it's like looking in a mirror do you think they collected data on you and created another snake he's got the same bill too creepy but his sneaking suit is a different color and his tactics are slightly different interesting so even if you're evenly matched in power your fighting styles will make a big difference you face tougher odds in the past snake don't let this impostor beat you this swordsman is gonna be tough to beat fighting ike a snake ike is the leader of the grail mercenaries he may look too refined to be a fighter but he has one heck of a sword arm yeah he's swinging that two-handed sword around with only one hand I don't even want to get near him that's the holy blade of regnal it's an extremely powerful sword but don't forget snake you're armed to the teeth yourself to your opponents you might just be their worst nightmare the distance between you and your enemy is a crucial element in battle using that distance can give you an advantage against some enemies yeah I've got the same feeling pokemon trainer that's the guy giving orders behind a Pokemon right right and this pokemon trainer is controlling squirtle Ivysaur and Charizard they represent water grass and fire and they're all powerful so he makes his pokemon fight while he sits back and watches sounds like a good deal if you ask me it's not like that snake those Pokemon wouldn't know what to do if the pokΓ©mon trainer wasn't there giving orders in every battle there's a soldier doing the fighting and a commander telling him what to do by working together as a team they accomplish much more than either could on their own so let's do this together partner yeah whatever you say colonel Otakon there's a chimpanzee here wearing a Nintendo hat that's Diddy Kong he's Donkey Kong's partner not only is he lightweight he can use a wide range of weapons as well he can fly using those barrel Jets on his back and he can shoot nuts with his peanut popgun peanuts as in the ones in the little shells are you serious oh wait here's the best part you see them lying on the ground after he shoots if you pick up some of those peanuts they'll restore your health a little huh edible ammunition huh times sure have changed I see you're fighting Lucas snake Lucas that boy is psi powers which he can use for different kinds of attacks but the poor little guys had such a hard life his mother was killed when he was young and he was separated from his brother after that he faced all kinds of senseless hardships and he slowly grew stronger senseless hardships yeah I had a lot of those too the question is how you translate those hardships into a better future hmm well I hope things turn out okay for him hmm snake what is it something about that Hedgehog rubs me the wrong way oh you mean Sonic the Hedgehog but everyone loves Sonic he's a big star do you have any idea how excited people are that he's here in Brawl yeah I know but there's something about him I just don't like but y-you must have some kind of reason nope just don't like him look at the size of that hammer that's King Dedede you're fighting snake EDD you mean it's not a penguin Colonel he's the king of dreamland well so he says anyway are you sure he's not a penguin one full swing from that hammer can level an entire building it may look like just a big wooden mallet but it's actually outfit it was special mechanical systems like turbo jets and precision bearings to boost its effectiveness I don't think I could even lift that thing and he's swinging it around like it was nothing but he also leaves himself wide open just make sure you avoid the swing snake snake have you ever heard of the ancient Chinese story the vain ocean of wealth and splendor from the zhenjiang gee I've been waiting for the movie basically it's meant to express the impermanence of all things you know like even when captain olimar has lots of pick me with him they could all be gone the next moment those poor little guys they carry they fight they multiply and they get eaten old Omar might have lots of company one minute and be all on the next it's so sad but he can pluck out more Pikmin anytime he wants right well yeah I suppose so no one truly fights alone not even me you're absolutely right snake good luck I'm rooting for you you're fighting Lucario aren't you snake nailiang what's that purple fire coming out of his hands that's his aura aura I guess you could call it his life force Lucario can use his own aura and turn it into power everytime Lucario's damage increases his aura gains strength making his attacks more powerful so don't think you've got him beat just because his health is down ah the cornered rat will bite the cat sounds like trouble hey what did you become so good with proverbs you must have rubbed off on me well come back in one piece and I'll teach you all the Chinese proverbs you can handle so snake you're fighting robot yeah it's a robot although couldn't have come up with a better name actually in the US they called him Rob robot Rob take your pick fine Rob it is then in North America Rob's body was gray like the NES but in Japan he had a white body and red arms the color of the Japanese Famicom ah you sure know your geeky tech stuff Otacon well you know Mayling who's this kid with the cat eyes Oh they call him toon link doesn't he look familiar yeah he looks just like link but you know there have been several people who've gone by that name right they all have certain things in common green clothes a sword a shield but they all came from different lands and lived in different eras and yet the spirit of the hero of the Triforce is timeless it's an essence that transcends history I think I can relate to that huh what do you mean there's been more than one snake - you know turtle there's a guy in here who looks like a wolf you mean the fighter named wolf wolf was a real imaginative name he's the leader of a ragtag team called Star Wolf they're the longtime rivals of Star Fox and a strange for wolf friends isn't it well I don't think he works well with others I suppose they're more like hangers-on than actual comrades but he's a remarkable pilot and his ship the wolfen is no slouch either but this is hand-to-hand combat colonel he's out of his element careful snake those claws of his aren't just for show you
Channel: GameXplain
Views: 2,818,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Smash Bros, Smash, Melee, Brawl, Wii U, 3DS, Ultimate, Nintendo, Switch, Battle, Entrance, Character, Introductions, Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, SImon Belmont, Ridley, Isabelle, Gameplay, Compilation, Codec, Conversations, MGS, Metal Gear Solid, Snake, Solid Snake, Otacon, Colonel, Campbell, Mei Ling, Easter Egg
Id: NqT1-zGWD50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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