Bleaching the Color Out of Sidewalk Chalk

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in today's video we are taking a look at sidewalk chalk how do you make it what is it made of and what are the most creative ways we can find to destroy it [Music] [Applause] guys we've got a great announcement for you we're going to be at CVX live September 20th through 21st that's in Provo Utah it should be really good time CVX is a creators oh thank you its creators and youtubers convention I've been to a couple of they're a lot of fun come meet us say hi we'll be doing stuff on both days definitely worth checking out come on down 20th 21st we want to see you there we've got a box of sidewalk chalk here just your standard 128 piece set standard on heroin okay I guess I've never gotten box this size now but Amazon is a thing at this point in street and I was kind of surprised how it ships just in this box this was it this is the box how it arrived here's the basic idea we have a lot of commercially made sidewalk chalk and we have some of our own homemade sidewalk chalk we want to see how this stuff reacts to being boiled dipped in acid and put in our foundry lots of things we want to try let's get down to it we've got a pot of water boiling on our desktop already so I think we should grab a piece of chalk thrown in boiling water and see what it does alright this is hot but it just needs to get back up to a full boil before we put the chalk in I think [Music] so we were actually planning on you know working today unfortunately for us we forgot that we like to draw and we suddenly have a very large canvas available one piece of yellowy orange maybe goldenrod chalk into boiling water he goes seems to absorb the water pretty quickly [Applause] [Music] you have framed your beautiful Bob Ross mm-hmm our boiling chalk is still going I think we should just probably leave it in there for a bit it is getting very soft just by hitting with my fingernail there I could feel but I think maybe while we're continuing to let that go and now that our table is so nicely decorated we should maybe try out a couple other things do we want to do acids muriatic acid this is stuff that is used for cleaning concrete we're just gonna try pouring some of this off a [Music] little bit of bubbling might be about the same as if it were in water might be more ha our chalk is squishy that's quite soft well here I've got some liquid nitrogen what do you think I think it's gonna make it cold I think that's about the end of it probably well it's soaked it up that's the only part I'm really curious about it does yeah it'll be cold obviously soaks it up and then it boils away very quickly but yes it is soaking it up that's really cool you drop a shock from hip height and it's gone so there you go it's fragile stuff but I'm very curious to know if it's gonna break differently after being in liquid nitrogen 3 2 1 okay well it's not all the way through it isn't interesting it did not soak it all the way through yet we're gonna go and put those back in for a little bit longer all right and there is one other thing that I want to test you might take a little time this is a crucible we put it in our foundry we're gonna see what happens if we just cook a lot of chalk [Music] as our truck is heating up it's starting to lose some of its color the color is not heatproof Alex need actually that explodes out and carries little bits of chalk dust with it oh that's really cool okay now compared to a regular head it's very similar yeah it's just got liquid nitrogen in it remain cold Chuck all right so we've got chalk in liquid nitrogen in acid boiling in water and in our foundry so while we're destroying it we're also gonna show you how easy it is to make this if you ever just want some sidewalk chalk to play with at home you can see that we made a mess of our workbench in just a couple of minutes just playing with it it's fun stuff to have for the summer it's very easy all you need is some plaster of Paris tempera paint and water like that's really it guys the recipe is so simple it's 1/3 cups water 2/3 cups plaster Pearson about 2 tablespoons of whatever color tempera paint you're using so I've got about 1/3 cup of water in each one of these little paper cups I'm gonna mix in about 2 tablespoons of tempera paint and then mix in about 2/3 cups of plaster of Paris it's gonna harden very very quickly we're gonna put them in some molds pop them out it'll be ready to use in about 10 minutes it's very nice our water has boiled away completely so now we just have this piece of chocolate I'm just gonna tip it out onto the table because I suspect it's way too hot there we go before and after [Music] smush ow [Music] yep it's very hot cuz you know for boiling water smoosh a bowl Chuck [Music] this is also interesting our chalk in the muriatic acid has just absorbed the acid all the way up the stick of chalk up to the very top there's more of this chalk out of the acid than in it but it still just managed to travel really well [Music] are there cleaner ways to do this yes I chose not to do them [Music] more plasters better than less the longest horrible truck that's been soaking in acid which is diluted hydrochloric acid it's not really much more fragile or compressible than the chalk that was in the boiling water he was about the same it's softer but really only in the same way that wet chalk is softer and it did seem to react a little bit with the stuff that was actually in the acid but not violently not a lot not a huge change has happened this is the stuff that was in the nitric acid we're getting the same result it's a little bit softer as a result of being wet but the acid doesn't seem to have eaten it very much I think this has been cooking for long enough I think I see some glowing orange chalk in their glowing chalk now that is cool well it's so warm that some of it's actually just broken so it's just falling into the bottom of the fountain yeah but look at it down there it's glowing orange that's super cool [Music] that's just glowing Chuck I tried to pull a stick out and I just pulled the top right off of that hey that one saw some color in it it has gray in it I think they all have gray in them yeah it doesn't work so well I'm gonna get a cup of water and drop a hot piece of chalk into it go on this is basically what happens to investment plaster when you're casting metal in plaster it gets cooked and then it gets to the point where you put it in water and it just dissolves away leaving behind the metal this truck could also be made out of a type of plaster ours is oh I suspected this cool effect if you want something to look like acid very very violent acid oh my gosh that wasn't the piece I saw that just drilling right through it as it reacts with water it's been a couple of days we even let our truck here as much as we think is necessary and probably a little bit more so we've got the sidewalk chalk that we made from plaster and paint and we also have the chalk that we cooked in a foundry which is now cooled down a bit we can see if it still works at all I think you might be able to draw something but I also think that it's so soft and weak fit it's gonna mostly crumble the business yeah not just up it's like it weighs nothing it's amazing but I mean I'm sure you can still draw your triangle a little and yet breaking okay yep did Oh oh you have to draw very very very lightly this is how basically drawing with ash falls apart so much blue lego man chalk look at blue lego man oh he turned out nice oh that that works great it feels exactly the same like the texture as it's scratching away sounds right sounds just really I want so my two favorites that I had here were Yoda and r2d2 let's see how those turned out well no no don't cry I hear it all the way through no yeah well it's a silicone mold normally when you're making this you put it in just like maybe a toilet paper tube or something that's cardboard it dries out even the lego guy like you can sort of see that the back is completely cured and the front I think had just a little bit too much moisture and it could be that the paint sort of settled down and where there's too much paint it was holding a lot of moisture so and you made your so this is the one that Nate made it mine were more of like a slurry Nate's was pretty much a pace when he added his in so yours definitely turned out but it set up that gives me hope for my r2d2 lots of bubbles lots of bubbles because it was so dry you can still tell what he is Darth Vader turned out nice stormtrooper orange oh there's a good r2d2 haha oh that's nice yeah the rendering work pretty well yeah still you'd still see where he's drying ideally yeah we should give these a little bit more time to cure out of the mold so guys that's not all you know we've always got more for you to see hit that box up at the top for a most recent video and we'll see you the next one back to you then [Music]
Channel: TKOR
Views: 3,049,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make sidewalk chalk, diy sidewalk chalk, make your own toys, summer activities for kids, random experiments, fun experiments for kids, liquid nitrogen, boiling random things, chalk in a metal foundry, what is chalk made of, how to make colored chalk, side walk chalk, chalk art, random happens, thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, summer crafts for kids, king of random experiments
Id: iksYmkSTzmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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