Metroid by metroidmcfly in 22:49 - AGDQ 2018 - Part 78

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I watched it too, and was very impressed :) I play it on my 3ds every now and then, but I cant finish it because its actually really hard :/

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/rfsk_8 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Shame on the death but it was a pretty entertaining run to watch.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Beetusmon 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
speedruns and nests card did an amazing job and it seems like the donors think so too so here we have a hundred and fifty dollars from Belkin a donation draws near command command command absolutely amazing to see Dragon Warrior run at a gdq it's definitely inspiring me to start running RPGs this year donation goes to runners choice $70 from a good friend on the couch yells wreck nest card here's $10 for every stop spell cast by that drill Magi cheering you on from the second couch $30 from forgotten warrior first of many donations this year come on guys almost there let's get that superman 64 $20 from bass guitar bill I am literally hooting and hollering at this RNG manipulation this game is normally so frustrating and this card is making it look easy $50 from cetera blues had to donate during Ness cardinalities run of Dragon Warrior his randomizers are always such a joy to watch and I'm hyped to finally see him show off his run at agdq good luck dude seems like you didn't need luck cuz I think he manipulated that too all right a $50 anonymous donation asks for my best starfox voice impression high-quality high-quality voice samples in star fox games let me tell you we have $100 from Croton John heinous glad to see you're getting to do your run finally we're all rooting for you back home so keep doing your best which I know you always do PS there's a little surprise waiting for your nest collection when you get home put my money towards Superman 64 because I hate myself $150 from Elizabeth em I lost my monster mother to cancer six months ago she was only 60 years old here's to hoping less families have to cope with the early loss of loved ones $20 from Dostal greetings from Germany $40 from kumari hey long time watcher so I figured it's about slime I donated so glad to see Dragon Quest I mean Dragon Warrior being run good luck on the run take the Dragon Lord on his offer and in an anonymous $30 donation reads that was freaking bonkers if TMR is the god of battletoads the nest cardinality is the god of Dragon Quest just incredible I agree anonymous I absolutely agree this NES block has been so incredible from start to finish been watching all day and it's been amazing dove it's $20 long time watcher first-time donor I want to see someone cry while playing Superman 64 alright ladies and gentlemen the superman 64 incentive just passed $25,000 literally it is sitting at twenty five thousand and one dollars and 87 cents we are almost there this is the home stretch for this incentive and trust me if there has ever been a speedrun you want it to see its superman 64 a $50 anonymous donation reads some amazing brain-melting orangie manipulation in that Dragon Warrior run well done nest cardinality looking forward to some super speedy Samus and kicking cancers but $20 from Erica 27 good evening from Sweden both my grandmother and my grandfather passed away in cancer so this one is for them let's beat cancer once and for all and of course good luck to the runners $20 from Prince Phoenix second donation so far hopefully more to come trying to watch as much of agdq live as I can this year love the event love the cause hate cancer I think we all do mr. Phoenix I think we all do $20 from Pentos hey agdq first time donator and i should have done so sooner it is a wonderful thing you guys are doing here keep it up all right some quick donation incentive updates besides Superman because I think we've heard a lot about that already the metroid suit choice incentive has been decided we will be no suiting the run superman 64 is still slowly creeping up for our enviro bear mm cheese the fifth runner incentive bros Sencha is two hundred and eighty dollars above the next closest competitor authorblues so if you have strong opinions about awful games wat personalities now would be the time to use your wallet to prove it the sylvan tale incentive did get met so when we get there we will be playing in English alright ladies and gentlemen it looks like it is time for us to continue our NES block with Metroid mcfly running Metroid all bosses all bosses all bosses warpless Metroid mcfly take it away all right you got this McFly oh man thanks everybody I believe we were recently no suit was yep no soo I'm gonna go ahead and punch in this password right here that all it really does is a cosmetic change to give us the sprite that is usually used after you beat the game you can do an additional playthrough with this right you may have already seen it from which is pretty popular but that's really all this does this will give us such unique sprites yeah it has it has absolutely no effect on gameplay whatsoever right so just before I press start here I'll introduce the members of the couch today we got badbrakes dragondarch we got lucky and of course Dexter all the way on the right there so but with that I'll go ahead and do a countdown three two one go there's so much to know about Metroid so much to see some what to do right off the bat as per usual we'll get the maru mari or more fall but unlike a standard playthrough we're not gonna just kind of go through the rest of brinstar we're gonna immediately jump into a door glitch now the way this works is McFly is going to open the door from whence he came yeah and you'll see that it kind of gets himself stuck in it and then just by repeatedly morphing and on and unmoor f---ing in a particular pattern he's just gonna go up off the screen off to his home planet [Music] he's back so just like that he gets to skip the entire bombs and we're going straight off to Prague now he does that trick by by either by hitting down and and up immediately or you can do it by down in a both Worchester just as fine the problem is if he doesn't unmoor quick enough you will be stuck in the wall that's effectively a soft long yeah and there's a lot of these in this in this realm so it's actually pretty dangerous yeah especially in the beginning and this one is kind of unique in that you're not only going down to the next screen you are actually kind of your so the game thinks he's in the screen below him right now but is it's actually when he tries to go in the door he's about to go into it's putting him into the door that's on the next screen to the right but the way that works out is that he still comes out that door you just saw him and it just is a crazy thing Metroid's crazy it's because the screen wraps infinitely if you from left to right and what what happened there is when he went left he actually touched the screen transition on the right side of the screen when thought he was in the right to wanna push yep coming up one more a screen rack from man I believe we're go we're already at Crate so this isn't any percent all this is all bosses deathless run and we're all going to going to see the first boss braid here and it's one of the more tense moments so the idea behind kraid is that create second spike in his chest actually blocks the shots at kind of your normal height so what McFly is gonna do is he's gonna morph a nun morph report repeatedly that's gonna gave him just a little bit of extra height so that he can spam shots on that's my bad I actually kind of expected to make a mistake there it's not a big deal we respawn here at the beginning of the kraid's lair but that damage boost through the door is actually rather touchy and I just didn't put myself nightspots the way that works actually that damage boost that is kind of required because you saw that you know we've been able to open doors so far usually at this point at by the time you get to create store you've got a ton of missiles just a ton of them unfortunately McFly has zero so when he gets to this missile door where he needs five to open it he can't open it without any missiles so instead he uses a damage boost to just kind of boost his way through it we're kind of lucky that that enemy is there to even boost him through or else he could have to go out of his way to get and this is a little earlier the longest time this route was thought to be tool assistance be run home late but McFly was actually the one who created this and was able to duplicate what the task is doing and to fight crate first this for the longest time was not really possible so back to how the fight works so like I said a crates us a kind of second spike will block most of your shots so McFly's going to morph and on morph gaining my bit of extra height to shoot crate just just above his topmost spike and then once crates so that's gonna be kind of most of the fight it's a two cycle fight sort of the first cycle is gonna be hit him in the forehead and then once he shoots that spike out of his chest McFly is gonna shoot him right in the chest vanish shots first a quick break for energy his energy tank right there whew that was close all right all right now begins the hard work let's go so let's go crave I mean let's go fly against I guess let's go crazy so he's spamming right into crates that kind of knows they're as much as he can he'll he'll shoot into his forehead a little bit but whenever the opportunity prevents himself presents itself he'll be shooting right in the cave crates knows great takes a total of 96 shots to kill yeah this is a very specific pattern he's doing here to jump very difficult to pull off he has one more he takes one more hit he's my man awesome so now that crate is gone McFly has 75 missiles to work with so that can be used to open doors to clear stuff out of his way he is kind of a bit tight on health right now so that just has a concern he'll be using these missiles to great effect to make sure everything dies in one hit I am I have no words he has to climb his way all the way out of crates there this pillar climb is very difficult to do too because it's very easy short jump just trying to jump straight up these things and go hit your head on it and won't let you get any height like that room is incredibly difficult also every enemy in Craig's lair does 20 damage per head it doesn't matter what enemy it is it always does that much damage so he has to be very mindful in what he gets hit by and he needs health for a damage boost coming up that's it that speeds up quite a bit in crates lair so coming up right here he's gonna do a mid-air jump off of a damage boost it's so tight Jack the Ripper right there that is so difficult it's the same so what he did right there first of all we haven't even talked about kind of midair jumps but what you can do if you unmoor f-- in midair then the game puts you in the standing animation and you know if you move left or right then you get out of that standing animation but as long as you're in that standing animation the game thinks you are in fact standing which means you can in fact jump so you can just kind of jump out of that but not only ask does he have to do that in a very very particular way he also has to damage boost off that Ripper very very in a very particular way it's unbelievably difficult so yes and another thing I'd know here is you might have seen me pause just briefly there on one of the platforms there's a lot of enemy manipulation in these areas so in that example like there's a ripper that's going left and right and I wanted to make sure that he was moving to the left so that here in this room those rivers will start moving to the left again and they kind of get out of our way so there's a lot of that kind of stuff here where you may see enemies that we wait to move a certain direction or possibly we kill that enemy or leave them leave them alive and that's all just for planning things include your rooms like right here these yellow grippers here on the left side he wants to make sure they're going and left when they leave the screen because the next one of the spawns is one moving the same direction the previous one was moving if it's moving to the right it's a very tight jump to get over about tanking ahead so we're on our way right now to norfair and then to Ridley's lair the second of the two bosses in an all bosses run just before that we're gonna make a quick stop for an e-tank for just a bit of extra health as well as very important the ice beam which helps us a lot not only in platforming throughout but more importantly later in turian when it comes to Metroid's he's also gonna be forming another screen wrap after he picks up our ice beam it's gonna take him straight to the elevator to norfair much faster than going the long way it's pretty convenient how that lines up like that you guys will see a pretty clearly but it's pretty awesome so yeah under him right now it's actually the ice beam but just before that it's just like right in the next room we have an e-tank just waiting for us saying please pick me up yeah it's right on the path only takes about 30 seconds to grab this ttank usually if you were going for like a world-record round or anything you would skip this e-tank since that obviously would save you time but it'll be very beneficial to us just for safety good cuz keep in mind I mean keys not getting the Barria which is useful bird but kind of soaking up a lot hits Burford taking up a lot of reducing a lot of damage and very a cut all damage in half and all enemies in terraeum do 30 damage per head excluding the Metroid's which do just a lot of damage however long you latched onto you I loved these rooms in classic Metro tubes you come upon them but when the first time you're playing and you just know I'm not get something super sweet yeah those those little guys that spawn in that room can really be a pain sometimes too they don't have a specific spawn or anything so they can appear in the door they can hit you a few times when you're coming through the door actually which is something that happens quite a bit in this game you can be hit up to twice just coming out of that door once in the door then another time coming out of it no fault of your own so just this dragondarch set or normally you'd have to actually come out the way we came and spiral all the way around but just fortunately Thank You Metroid designers after a quick gust green wrap then we find ourselves we find ourselves at the elevator norfair yeah after okay after a couple screen wraps and a terrifying scary that one that one is very easy to softlock in and i thought i had so i actually there's a thing you can do in this game called up a witch is you pause the first player controller and then you can hit up and a on the second player controller to reset where you're at and unfortunately I didn't bring a second controller up here with me and I wouldn't be able to do that if I softlock there so well I do have a second controller just in case hopefully we don't need it we have one more screen wrap coming up and that's gonna be pretty much it for that thankfully this last one is not quite as dangerous as the ones he's been doing norfair is a pretty straightforward since I love this theme of course not it's pretty pretty straightforward with some screen wraps here and there so I guess that we can cut talk a bit about more what this category means exactly because it in case you guys didn't see underneath the screen we've got this is all bosses are deathless kind of big you might also call it all bosses warpless but just to kind of avoid any confusion it's it's better to just kind of think of it as all bosses deathless and that does mean killing kraid and ridley but there's also categories like any percent or any percent deathless and deathless not only the reason deathless is important is because after we killed kraid earlier we had to navigate all the way back through create slayer and back up to brinstar whereas if you just died or if you used up an a in the second controller it would send you back to the entrance of great Slayer and that's a valid category as well it's just a separate one it saves a lot of time in terms of that track I mean the disadvantage of uh paying or dying for that matters you always respond with only 38 genes which actually still a very dangerous category but the time savings are just too much to ignore now in Ridley's lair here everything does 24 damage per head and he's gonna want to try and eliminate a lot of these enemies here not just not just to prevent from taking hits but also the roof reduce lag those owls as Kirby mastah likes to call them cause a lot of lag if you let them if you let them stay on the screen too long along with these wasps [Music] believe it or not we're not too far away from Ridley Ridley so I don't know McFly do you want to talk a bit about what makes Ridley so special in this game uh-huh well I mean do we want to spoil it or no but Ridley's Ridley special he's yeah he's uh he's a little bit different I guess maybe let's talk about it afterwards I mean if you think he's quite a threat maybe this is why we got that second eat anger all right it's coming up shortly which gives us one last hallway here a lot of fires in this room this is one of the few rooms though that lag is almost beneficial because it kind of makes it a little easier to do some of this platforming especially when trying to deal with not getting hit by any of these violas the fire enemies there and trying to land on a platform without going into the lava so here is Ridley I'm not sure I can watch so I'm gonna close my eyes you tell me when it's okay oops I paused by mistake just just thought we'd get an extra terrifying look at the guy but yeah Ridley in this game if you have ice beam even with this pattern of his fireballs is really pretty easy to deal with and that's pretty much it Ridley has two separate fireball patterns one more he'll fire really close like what he had there or one where he fires were really far and be it if you get the far pattern he is literally not even remotely a threat because you can just stand next to me these fireballs will never get you quite a bit different from other Metroid games so the important thing to keep in mind here I think is that so what does he have he has two energy tanks the morph ball the ice beam and the missiles so that means he's left out the Varia the high jump the bombs he never touched the wave beam to attack so he skipped a lot of stuff and long beam that long being yeah very important yeah so it's like you think and mitchw mitchww manias are normally like you need to collect as much as possible especially something like the high jump or something like the bombs that just help you to get places but nope not in this game not even for the very first Metroid game ever so this is the kind of example where something like you know up an a or dying would save time but this is deathless so not allowed yes very traditional way to play I mean it's very similar to other Metroid games you may see where death wouldn't benefit you [Music] that would actually be a great time for donations if we haven't it Oh trust me we have tons over here sick guy double-oh-seven donates $200 this is the run I needed to see at agdq this year go mcfly up [Applause] [Music] sixty dollars from the fam hey Metroid McFly it's the fan back home good luck on this metroid run from all of us $200 from the wonderful a bloody candy this nest block has been amazing so far I've had to donate during this vlog and during proto as a host good luck to the runners and this goes towards Superman 64 it it has to happen for awful block [Music] $500 from Daniel Colin oh we're heading for my guy that's really McFly good luck on the run and a big shout-out to the Metroid community donation goes to McFly's choice thank you very much Daniel Jenner now we still got a bit of backtracking to do it this is uh we need to get back to the beginning of norfair that brings us to brim-star and we got a travel tutorial and in the meantime there's all sorts of obviously optimizations you can do but oh that was actually bad you're not supposed to be able to jump through that that was a morph and uh none more to get through it I love that little touch you wouldn't even think it but right you can actually clip there any platform in this game as long as there's two two blocks of space above it for Samus to fit through and it's only one block correct yep what it is he would he morphs and then hits up to unmoor and jumps on the same frame that he he gets the unmoor gets him just enough height that he can jump straight through the block as long as he's like frame perfect so as we get a closer to Tori er he's actually keeping in mind that he needs 93 missiles total to entering terraeum and I mean he can he doesn't need it he can farm them off Metroid's and most likely it's most likely he will do that but um it's interesting to me that you kind of always have to juggle this missile count because missile luck is a huge thing in this game especially as we get towards the end of the game just because a mother brain herself needs I think 63 73 73 yeah 73 thank you with commenting and go back for that take extra 5 yeah between Zuppa types and then the mother brain casing herself she need and mother brainer so she it needs a 70 73 right you said yes it is 8 for Zefat I provided they don't regenerate any health sabotage to regenerate health and I believe it's after a half second I'm not taking any damage if done correctly it'll take eight missiles per Zeva tight and then Mother Brain requires one to open the tank and then 32 to actually kill her so between these two between the two large missile upgrades he got from the bosses plus the PI begun he has a cap of 155 right now so we just east has to keep that missile pack count in mind and especially as he approaches terrain you could think well I could spare one or two here they'd like to feed an enemy like that bad setup instead of several ice cream shots there are a lot of different farming options you have I mean there are those I forget their names the gamers genies dreamers coming out of these pipes but they only drop you know small missile packs when the button when you fill them if they even drop anything at all whereas Metroid's dropped 30 at a time if they drop anything there are of course Metroid require missiles in order to kill those so you need you gotta make you got to make missiles to get mister as the old adage goes I should apologize to Erin on the crowd I know he really wants to see this bridge if that we'd normally do in any percent but not today our script is incredibly dangerous if you don't have fun because if he doesn't get it just right he's stuck in that pan yes so like look he was talking about with missile luck I mean really it's not within our control but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try to just make sure we get a good amount of missiles right here we have a big capacity of 155 now so we're gonna go ahead and just make sure we stock up in this room that way just in case we have the worst luck ever you know we'll still be okay I won't actually have to kill any Metroid's ideally after this room as long as I have enough hell I might I might kill one or two for health but like even here let's just go ahead and get one more pack although I'm kind of scared of that guy that's not where I wanted to put it like so yeah that could have been pretty bad so normally to get out of a metal if you get grabbed by a Metroid you need to bomb he doesn't have those give up getting grabbed by a Metroid is very very this is not how I want to be doing this okay you know what I think that's hot look I got came out nowhere man all right and he will of course have more chances as he kills Metroid spirit that's a nice little trick by the way just to not take damage while we go in through that door a lot of people think that you have to take damage in that door because the wrinkles fly right through it but you can actually position yourself and morph right through it to where you'll go right in between them you have to be high enough for that to work though if you're too close to the ground it's still possible that they'll miss you depending on how fast the initial ones move but it's definitely not guaranteed so in my mind not to pressure or anything but McFly's real specialty is the nether brain that love the last kind of hallway with Mother Brain and everything I just can't wait for you guys to see it it's so scary to me those do a lot if they latch on to and they do a lot of damage in a hurry especially since he doesn't have a ferry on so fortunately he does have 25 missile or 20 missiles spared I'm gonna go ahead and see if we just get one more health drop okay cap it out just in case but here we go all right so there's so much going on while you're shooting down these Sigma tights like drag dart said it's eight if they don't regenerate you have to dodge wrinkles which are freezable as well as watch all the turrets to know when and where they're gonna fire he very successfully uses damage boosts if he needs to he uses mid-air jumps when he needs to in order to kind of make sure that he's always spamming missiles as it gets on you you have to remember that there's lava that you can fall into here he is at Mother Brain be quiet let you guys watch very good mother brain room crazy yeah we just have like now we just have a minute and a half do you come on do it come on yeah I don't know man might not make it I not make you know I this is a romhack now where it's three times as long these gems are incredibly hard yeah they are the pass yeah it's not as bad without a high jump but it is no any it's not oh I missed it man let's get another one we'll miss this one - he's the sorry I'm incredibly nervous man but that was extremely well yeah what was the time by the way 22:49 is that what it was yeah that's I'm perfectly fine with that especially since we missed the screen wraps to create on the first go I'm perfectly happy with that so still well under the estimate but yeah thanks for thanks for watching guys I hope you guys really enjoyed it love to play this here and I'm just so happy to be here so yeah thanks so much for the regular yeah that was incredible give it up for Metroid big fly everyone after that incredible all bosses worthless run and I know y'all here in the house seemed to
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 324,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Awesome Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, AGDQ, GDQ, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: bW8PblvPEzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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