Castlevania: Circle of the Moon by darrenville in 28:10 - SGDQ2018

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but thanks neo madam eunuch and toaster repair unit donated $5 saying doctors without dollars not after this event thank you though that's great and now it's time for Castlevania a circle of the moon by Darren Ville oh yeah all right hi everybody I am Darren Ville and we're gonna be running castlevania circle of the moon one of the best castlevanias in my opinion definitely an overlooked gem in the handheld series before we get started here just want to do a quick introduction of the couch you guys can go ahead and go for it hi I'm true shade hi I'm red wave hi I'm numbers right we got some circle the moon boys here as soon as we start this round I'm actually going to throw it back to them and do the majority of the commentary I'm just so I can focus a bit and they're all very knowledgeable in the game so they're gonna do a great job of that I want to take a bit of a back seat so we're gonna put in a file name for magician mode or fighter mode what is the final standing on that that might be due to a donation by torte Elias Wow shoutouts to him geez alright so we're gonna be putting in the filename fireball in this game after you beat the original vampire killer mode you start unlocking bows the first one is magician mode so you have to put in a fire fireball file name to start this stuff so I think we're good to go start it off 5 4 3 2 1 go whoo all right before I throw it back to them actually do at the start here wanted to give a big shout out to garnet Rex garnet Rex really this speedrun wouldn't be the way it is today if it were not for him he's been a longtime speedrunner of this and when I picked up this game a year ago he was like a huge help and like learning all the glitches and all the crazy stuff that's in this run so big shout outs to him a big like a vast majority of the strats I'm gonna be using in this run we're pretty much all his doing so this is his love child it's pretty much yeah yeah yeah so here we go a quick note we used the Japanese version of the game not only because the text is faster but the experience scaling is actually a little bit different in the Japanese version for some reason and so we get a little bit more speed it matters a little bit but not a lot and so then this is lost our first introduction to DSS or the dual setup system which is a system unique castlevania circle the moon mr. basically you have 10 ability cards and 10 attribute cards for a hundred different combinations we use a handful of them this one being invulnerability used with Pluto and unicorn it uses a lot of magic but it's very nice and then this one we use for a lot of our movement Pluto plus Griffin roughly doubles our speed yeah as you can see Darrin just picked up the - boots these are gonna allow him to sprint and using the DSS card combination that we have allows us to sprint really really fast yeah it's like I'm playing megaman x all over again - boots a quick thing to note about the - boots when you double tap it speeds you up obviously - a running speed but if you do a backward slash weird that's right and then left it also gives you that movement speed so we use it a lot just for a little bit faster movement and another thing with magician mode is we start off with very little health 50 at the start so we have to be very careful with how the damage boosts we are taking through this area this is the first boss it was a boss yeah what yeah this is a boss he did can I get frankerz eat rip frankerz he's in Chaffee yeah three-headed dog and then here we get the double jump which is very nice [Music] double jumping allows us to progress further into the game if we don't did double jump we can't get past these mummies coming up yeah very important and then we also grabbed a hill right here and then we're coming up on our first glitch of the game which well we'll let it do its job and then we'll explain it exciting wait we're not playing the game normally yeah we're going back to the beginning but but that's not the right way hey weren't you supposed to go the other way actually I'm a lot we're going to save our friend are we I think so I guess the main that's right Dracula's a big jerk and he took our friend away we're gonna go get him back all right oh that's not what what oh where did you go oh oh okay all right fine okay okay this is all fine oh we made it end of the game okay Dracula oh lucky big bone but we have just entered the bone zone that's the rock that was a fast part yeah anyways alright there's like 46 seconds yep yeah this is a stretch time yeah Darren you want to talk about what just happened there since we got time oh sure yeah so what that was was works and we're gonna see a bunch of them in this run actually we do it by activating a summon at the exact moment that we enter a loading zone so for vertical warps as you saw it was activate the summit at the same time as the loading zone and I guess for some reason the game really doesn't know what to do with Nathan's position quick so it kind of just like shoves him up to like the nearest it it just like puts them on the ceiling of whatever the room that you're warping into I don't know there's a much better technical explanation for that that I'm not a hundred percent one percent able to do but we can also do it horizontally too as you saw with the with the loading zones that are in between horizontal rooms clipping into this room with the warps for some reason disables Dracula's AI pretty convenient he's a very hard fight especially with how little health we have did I miss a thing okay anyways since this is all bosses we're gonna go defeat the rest of the bosses defend Dracula first obviously we get all those levels and that helps us out a lot with being able to think a little bit more damage from enemies while moving through the castle mm-hmm so in English we get I do believe it's 22 level ups there but in the Japanese we get 23 because of that different level table and that lets us actually do a little trick here hopefully it goes well we got under very little amount of HP here but we should be alright I was thinking maybe I should have hit the homie save but go big or go home we got backups in case that's true what's wrong we do have backup saves and here we go down to 4 HP just casually that's fine I'm sweatin okay okay alright and what sir don't get a round of applause so the next boss coming up is the iron golem we're gonna make a quick work of him everyone knows the golems weakness are flowers right yeah except I ever played Pokemon yeah grass beats Rock it's dad how it works I think so and it was here here's all annoyed at you cuz they're killing stuff I don't get it yeah he's a jealous boy so like let me kill stuff I I don't get it did anyways I think this is a good time for a quick donation or two yeah I did a little bit of backtracking chewer well that happens a lush nude sheep are donated $50 saying circle of the moon was my first two GBA game and it's still my favorite in the series go magician mode also a war here from so cold 20:40 for $25 from them and said had to donate during the run of circle of the moon the first castlevania game I played seriously when I was growing up good luck Darren ville and they put that donation for his choice two hundred and thirty five dollars from Pierpont Olympia no comment with that I just wanted to recognize their generosity they're cool so coming up here we're going to be going on to the necromancer not death he looks a little like that but it's not that he's a necromancer it's totally deaf guys you cannot tell me he's not deaf they're probably like cousins or something yeah he just got the lamp hours anyways here we do another warp to the top of the screen for a little bit of a skip here can I take a quick heal nice first choice always nice that one is really difficult because he's so close to the screen he has to buffer the inputs really quickly yeah so we're gonna slide down here so we can get above to where necromancer is [Music] so yeah here it's all like taunting us seeing how like oh we can't do it or whatever oh look at him he's totally dead now that that's definitely not death dude that doesn't have wings you know that's what I'm saying lamer powers so then here we get the tackle upgrade which we use for not much honestly breaking rocks yeah yeah the intended way to go through that room that we warped around is to use the ability and star actually you're supposed to take like a wrap around rude but we just used the clip it's faster alright we're about to enter the corridor it's a good time to explain the phone float glitch huh yes boat floats so essentially you might remember from the very roof room closely begin here they're unaware we killed grass a lot you're Dracula bullying we used bone like skeleton summon yeah we transformed into a skeleton and the skeleton sprite is slightly wider than Nathan's right and so then using a little trick well I'll let the visual explain but basically we lose gravity for a little bit and so it lets us get to the end of the waterway section which you'll see in a minute here which is a lot better than how it used to be oh man the old underground waterway snip yeah we don't talk about someone hollering anymore we summon hovering essentially had to do 15 like roughly summons in a row which is a role plus now that skips going all the way through the blood underground waterway yeah we don't have to walk through the water or anything or flip the switches we're going right to Camila easiest trick of my life which you might remember her from the beginning of the game she looks alright at first but then something happens young she's had a rough day way she looks pretty cute right there yeah yeah you know what's the worst that could happen right that's not different or just becomes a giant skull it's fine big bone yeah so using skeleton on a lot of these boss fights is very risky because skeleton where she at okay she's doing this this is fine yeah big bone you get one shot by anything while you're in big going form and so it's very risky to use and so we don't use it very often that's one of the hardest fights in the game because most stuff Camila throws out will either one or two shot you yeah just supposed to be killing Camilla's but third-to-last boss so she does a ton of damage yes I believe so I can count we're about to get um the best move an item looking best move item we're about to obsolete the double yeah we still use it a little bit but it's good the double is still good for movement but this Nathan can fly it's the next boss will be coming up after a couple more warps it's a dremel act he's a goat that just sits in the center of the screen the greatest of all time yeah anyways we can do a quick donation while we still move them through here's $10 from dr k 11 they say this was the first castlevania game i got into you when i was a kid and seeing the skips done what is this black magic just quickly you may noticed he worked at you two screens there that is because the loading zones are kind of on top of each other so when he's doing that warp it can actually double up it's not everytime it happens yeah but only sometimes it works but it's awesome when it does save some time we received a two hundred and fifty dollars from anonymous he's a gdq is a favorite event of the year got a donate during the best block here give Hyuga chance our friend Hugh got body did and he still fails we'll show him how a true pro does it yeah just in that corner but the Diana combos send up projectiles let Doucet amounts of damage and so that's why they're really reliable in this mode yeah you should get a win wave with yeah buddy you did just combine the cards believe in the heart of the cards and yeah after I beat this guy she was still salty about yeah mmm I come on bro he's all annoyed cuz we got the hunter web his father just over him because I don't know reasons yeah we're the hero with a protagonist that's why would deserve it right doing a little bit of backtracking to hear this would be a good time for another few donations okay first if you'll forgive me a horrible pun I just want to mention the Dragon Warrior three hero name incentive is going to probably close you know after this run before dw3 starts right now one option has a commanding lead command you wanna change that get your money in now all right back to donations I I apologize out blues after $150 is Doctors Without Borders is a great cause thanks for being such awesome representatives of the gaming community also a travel with 150 dollars that I had to give my donation in while I can been watching every chance I get during downtime while on vacation thanks for everything you guys do all right so we're moving into the underground gallery best music hands down and in a little bit here we'll have some pretty precise movements so this is probably gonna be our first time where we asked for a little bit of silence just so that you can focus and the hallway of doom coming up we use the stopwatch here to slow enemies down but it's still very rough okay we take a few hits [Music] [Music] okay that I that is very pop sure everyone here is died at least a couple times to that room this is a rough one yeah then here we have the zombie dragons which we're gonna abuse a little unintended mechanic to quickly kill them and this is the first summon you'll actually really see that we use yes that is a giant rooster with and some weird appendages coming out of his butt let's see here when wave ought to do it depending on how the Dragons behave sometimes it's a little finicky getting the double kill zombie dragon likes to eat his old brother when he dies should be fine they're by the way real quick explaining what he did when he switched to the other card combination after summoning I you can switch from the summon to either Mars inner corner Mars black dog both of those combinations give you expert image on the summon and then Mars unicorn also give changes it to a holy attack which we use later in the run for a little bit of bonus damage on Dracula a weird thing about this game is all magic attacks besides the Diana stuff is based off of your strength and since we're magician mode we have littles strengths growths so that's why we do use the combos to increase the damage anyway it's probably not a bad time for a quick donation all right we have one extremely confused $25 that's it houses castle sure looks different anyways we're about to move on to the observation tower which has the obligatory a vampire killer track because why not because this is Castlevania yeah it's Simon Belmont not here yeah yeah we just have his cousin Nathan graves Belle graves yeah I guess anyways we use another couple works you just get through part of this and then some more really clutch your movement once we get to the end of the level we hit dark armors and those things will one-shot you nice that one's really hard to do oh boy here we go no a lot of type movement coming up a little bit more focus to be appreciated yeah everything one shots at this point from here on until we get out of the observation tower it's pretty great [Music] okay nice guys it's you know very clutch not quite out of the woods yet still gotta get four big bones let's say Hugh now is being controlled by Dracula to kill us we find out that this has been happening the whole time throughout the entire game sorry he said then that is really nice that is so nice alrighty need more we need four big buttons for this fight in order to kill your flexin there's one that was a really good fight so this is the reason why nathan is the favorite because he can't hit a skeleton yeah try as he might can't quit get me and he whacked your elders you it was here we go ahead and grab with the last key here the Bosque whatever I forget what the technical name is but Lasky yeah that's what you're supposed to use to actually go defeat Dracula which we just completely circumvented in the early game alright and we're out nice we have one more bus to kill before we go and beat Dracula and that is actually death but he it's not quite right then truth be told anyways we're moving to the underground warehouse portion of the run it's mainly just puzzles for the most part and we can choose some of them but it's not very entertaining so we can go ahead and end up a couple donations yeah so here's one that I know you've all been looking forward to $5.00 is from garnet tracks hey guys garni here MQ party there's so much I could say but I'll try not to take up too much time I just wanted to say I'm super hyped to see circle of the moon have its time when the games done quick sorry I couldn't make it out this year but maybe you'll see my face poke out of some corners in the near future a mad proud of the circle food community for sticking together being a tight family proud of Darrin for being out here repping this awesome game and for stealing my world record take up too much more time shout outs to the couch number red wave and true shade shadows the man himself Darren and shoutouts to our caster prolix shame but I didn't get to see you but I love you all can I get up from the audience thank you so much going yeah this run would be nowhere near where it is right now if it wasn't for him so all the shoutouts them a couple shorter ones here a case faced with $10 that had a good have a good run Bearville your favorite fur babies are cheering you on from home love Lena come and toast ah ligustrum in the game by the way just a quick little explanation of this room it's laggy because there are actually enemies probably spawn behind those boxes and they won't appear in this room until we've either completely puzzle or have gone out that right door so we're moving on to death question mark really not a very hype fight he just kind if there's sickle as that year so I guess he lives up to the name but he's not he's got sickles but he's not dead alright let's let's see if this still gets to one shot it might not oh that's some pretty good damage might be might be might be Oh Oh close alright good thing I took that save I was thinking that might happen Ariel there we go so yeah this is the first one we use the Mars unicorn on because it's only and death is dark so it does deal more damage like death is not an early-morning riser yeah and then we actually don't grab the key item here just gonna need it it's the cleansing for the water way that you're supposed to do best item guys man we don't really need it to be Dracula those we're just gonna skip it but how are we gonna cleanse his soul we'll just use the power of friendship I guess the power of big bone yeah so I'm actually gonna take the one only save that I've taken so far and that's because Dracula one shots pretty much you know whatever health that you have so just in case I'm so for Dracula we pretty much have to use big bones for the first face just as there's no other really good way and so it's very risky and so we will want some focus and then we'll go ahead and call out time but it'll be when Dracula fades out of a second form and into the center of the screen rather than decides yeah there's a bit of a new strat for this so I'm gonna do two wind waves at the beginning and that's this sets me up for the three bones the one powered up and then for second phase I actually don't have two big bone thankfully I can just use two Thunderbirds summons if I remember what that car combination is there we go so Dracula has three attacks in the first phase its meteors lasers and bubbles we ideally would want lasers bubbles than meteors but we work with what we get yeah still zero it happens sometimes [Music] we're the bones that dude they're coming oh of course so another minor thing after those three attacks he will go back and randomize ooh that's nice oh all right so I got three the last one I have to power up actually it does double damage when it's powered up but fast anticipate the last one do it usually because you're going from a dark element to a neutral element it's good to know that the extra damage does also go into the second phases while I believe yeah cuz this fight Dracula has 3000 health ideal for almost more than half for him to go to the second phase all right time is gonna be on the second Thunderbird summon kind of towards the end of it we're gonna get a couple charges but as soon as this eyeball comes out we're gonna do some summons we'll say well yeah there it is good orangey this is the patented true shade strats because I was bad at big bones trying to come for me there fortunately you are in vulnerable during summons all right let's do this this is gonna be it yeah part of the reason why that estimate is so generous is as you can see the big bone lock I got a pretty favorable luck on both first phase track and the hue fight not so favorable on the final fight but it happens you know it's a one out of ten chance for each one of those big bones so they're still really great yeah so again thank you everybody for watching I'm really glad that this game got in again should I ask you guys for being here on commentary shouts or garnet tracks hopefully we'll see some more of it in the future we got a really great category called thief mode completionist that gets all the items gets all the upgrades it's basically like the more like real complete run of this game all bosses is kind of a more definitive run things that it's like more the popular and popular run for sure but um yeah with that you know Hugh and Nathan they settle their differences they're good friends now so I'm gonna sign out thank you guys [Applause] plenty of donation love for Castlevania coming in still Ken McDowell timed in again I read one of their two nations earlier $20 and said handheld castlevanias are some of the best ones here's another $20 good games good fun good cause keep up the work and give circle of the moon much-needed love Kevin Jolie honest donate $50 says shout outs to my son Desmond he loves Metroidvania sand circle of the Moon is one he and I are currently playing through that's awesome forgotten saves donated $200 said loved the castlevania block so glad i get to watch it live this year take my $25 25 sons 25 ons 25 uncle's 25 nieces 25 nephews 25 dogs and 25 km toward saving the animals will do a Nemo jiggy donated $75 saying I've been watching every gdq since 2013 and I've donated every time Doctors Without Borders is a great charity and I'm happy to donate keep doing awesome everyone summer games done quick 2018 will continue after this brief break [Music] [Music] summer games done 'quick 2018 is proud to have viewsonic as one of our sponsors the sonic gaming monitors we game with you view sonic our monitor experts with 30 years of experience with a leading global provider of visual solution products you can find out more about them viewsonic comm / gaming and thanks for your sponsorship up next at Summer Games done quick we're having Dragon Warrior 3 I see a lot of donations coming in related to that the hero named Ben incentive is is generating a lot of activity let's talk about some castlevania donations just before I get too far from that bard donated $50 and said this was four deaths in turn but since he's no longer working after klaich took him out I think the runners should get to choose where this goes thanks bard hah bow with a 250 dollar donation said here's some daughters to help with the child support for all the adopted children this year I love watching gdq than watching every single event so far keep up the amazing event for this good cause Thank You hobo heavy queue donated $33 said highest gdq today is my birthday so I'm donating $1 for every year old I am and Miss F does fantastic work and I can't think of a better organization to donate money to good luck to all the runners and thank you to everyone who helps make gdq possible year after year and now we're going to be ascending it over to the interview desk for a little tool-assisted speedrun action what's up summer games done quick 2018 my name's proto magical girl and I'm here with a very very special boy and his handler twang go AC so dwango for us today is going to be showing off a tas segment of the castlevania circle of the moon run and breaking down a really really neat trick that you saw on that run Swango yeah and I've got a spot here as our mascot you got to have him here oh I'm just showing the tool-assisted speedrun of this game and so obviously a slightly different category and what you just saw here is him picking up one of the DSS cards and there's the second card there there's something interesting about this game you only actually need two cards total to pull off a pretty interesting glitch which we're gonna see here as soon as it gets back up to just below where the starting what do the cards do they provide different benefits inside the game you have two different cards that can be combined for various effects but so right here we're already going through using one of the card effects but we swapped cards halfway through which triggered a summon in summon glitch and worked at the top of the screen and now we're here now you might have seen this just a few minutes ago in the main run but the tool-assisted speedrun takes it to a slightly different conclusion because we can always get big bones every single time which is pretty awesome but we're gonna back up here I've got savestates inside the simulator so I can at any point go back to a previous state so I meet my audio because when you frame advanced it tends to be kind of a little bit messy sounding so what you can see there at the bottom of the screen is the individual frame inputs so right here in this segment what we did is we have two cards you can see on the left there and we just moved two cards that don't actually exist while it was in the animation of performing the first effect the first action that you should have been able to do the effect is that when you get up here he's gonna turn kind of a gold color right about there and we're now performing a summon we should not have him this is basically setting up for the work glitch but what I really want to point out is that right here is in the lower left corner of the screen you can kind of see the buttons that are being pressed so you're pressing to the right right now a little set a bit right here you're gonna see a shuriken so we're pressing there no professor to the right now we're pressing right and up and then of that little shuriken move is what's actually triggering this work glitch so that allows us to go into this next room up here at the top and as you can see the game kind of doesn't know how to handle it it stays saying enough that you're still you know keeping within the confines of the room the the room is laid out correctly but all the tiles get completely glitched and then suddenly you get warped all the way to the ceremonial room so this is it's pretty crazy how this glitch works it obviously makes the screen look pretty nutty right especially right about here where you see all these get replaced oh my god it's pretty cool that the game manages to keep itself together despite being honestly destroyed so anyway this is just an example of one of the glitches it's not as easy as it looks that Shahrukh and manoeuvre is is pretty difficult I talked to some of the runners ahead of time they said they get I have a technique where they tend to do it while they're jumping and they're already holding right so they can kind of push down and then flip back up but it definitely is not the easiest glitch and I have to give the runners some pretty good credit for being able to pull that off yeah no kidding well that's about all I had to show for today maybe back some other day yeah thank you so much Drago for coming out and showing off this really neat bit of castlevania circle of moon watch Congrats to all of the runners form our castlevania block for their excellent excellent block and all those really really exciting runs and stay tuned for more summer games done quick 2018 powered by twitch will continue in a moment as we finish setting up for Dragon Warrior 3 in the meantime I'll be reading some of your donation comments and letting you know about a few upcoming things you know that Dragon Warrior 3 hero name bid war is about to close but let's draw your attention a little further ahead in the marathon how about tomorrow morning where we have a bonus game incentive open we'll be replacing setup block 3 with a run of the Super Monkey Ball to romhack Super Monkey Ball if we raise enough money for that and you you might want to check that out it's a pretty awesome awesome rom AK Jordan with a $10 donation said I love how agdq and sgdq brings so many people together for a great cause and all the runners are simply the best constantly impressing with their skill and dedication thank you for everything you do I also wanted to give a shout out to Tim and Kodiak who are supporting the runners in person Thank You Jordan vendrick donating toward that hero name gave us $50 and said get this good boy to the hero soeul Frio donated $25 during an earlier break when we were playing some game music from ff6 and they said all this ff6 music really get is really getting me excited for the Final Fantasy 6 run later this week I can't wait to see one of my favorite games of all time at gdq our chouno donated $25 and said I like turtles but kill the animals and thanks to one of our sponsors here at Summer Games done quick 2018 wavedash games makers of icons combat arena myself and a lot of people I know very excited about this one it's a new era of platformer fighters and it is available free to play and on PC now they've been advertising an an open beta weekend and you can join up for that right now check out beta icons GG to get your steam key thanks wavedash for your support of this event hope you all enjoy the castlevania block and following Dragon Warrior 3 we'll be having some Sonic games for you after Dragon Warrior 3 up next will be Sonic Adventure DX director's cut that's a Sonic's story category run and following that Sonic Spinball and any % run thereby as Exxon 96 and even more with Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and we're I think we've also yeah already replaced setup block 2 with a run of Sonic and Knuckles 3 speaking of replacing set of blocks though as I mentioned setup block 3 will can be replaced by a run of super monkey ball 2 monkeyball a race between Jeff and yutori we need to raise about $35,000 more toward that incentive before tomorrow morning to make that one a reality alright let's let's read this donation now before i annoy the runner with it Aron jevla donated $25 and said command command command command command 5 infinities later command command command Thank You Aaron I really hope y'all don't make me read too many commands during this but I have a feeling it's fated to be we're just finishing up with setup for Dragon Warrior 3 and here's some more of your donations eita donated $100 left to comment saying watching gdq since almost 5 years always glad to be part of the general effort and support the cause and of course kill the animals so they tell me that we're getting tantalizingly close to having raised 15 million dollars across all games done quick events but specifically a reminder that here at Summer Games done quick 2018 in particular we are raising money for Doctors Without Borders aka MSF and they are a medical humanitarian organization working in more than 60 countries around the world they're a private International Association that provides assistance to populations in distress whether from man-made or natural disasters or the armed conflict and they do so irrespective of race religion creed or political convictions when you go to games done 'quick calm and donate all of the money is donated goes directly to Doctors Without Borders you can find out more about them at Doctors Without Borders org we received a $125 donation from innate conversations thank you appreciate the name here's to that dragon warrior 3 glitch ending and for some command command command Dragon Warrior slash Quest is one of my favorite series and I remember my grandmother was the first to beat it in our family that is impressive that's interesting to hear sin that donated $25 and said donating in honor of my husband troll nor who took time off work to watch this event and is probably listening to this right now as he hums along to the music thank you all for putting on a great event yeah yeah I could see humming along to this one everyone loves that Link to the Past music right I know we have a lot of fans of the of the break music we have available and playing here at the games done quick events real nice feature always awesome to have some chill background noise to hang out with summer games done quick 2018 is sponsored by the Yeti they've been sponsoring our events since 2012 we really appreciate their their long-term support it's always awesome to partner with them and they're our official merchandise sponsor you can get official sgdq t-shirts and even more gear at the Yeti comm and that spelled ye t EE for those who didn't know got some great t-shirt and offerings out there and apparel like that and check them out if you want some sgdq 2018 themed merchandise without further ado
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 194,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: B5hlNjS86yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 21sec (3021 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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