Metroid Fusion by JRP2234 in 1:31:46 - SGDQ2017 - Part 123

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I'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna kick it off to a sponsor with twitch please stay tuned and welcome back to summer games done quick 2017 I just wanted to let you guys know that we just got a new incentive a bonus game if you will which will replace the our setup block number four with any percent with kiln skip run of Dark Souls by bubblesdelfuego if you want this bonus game to happen we need $50,000 and right now some people are already donating we have 1700 right now so if you want to see some more Dark Souls go ahead and donate now and we are still not yet with our incentive for fall fancy seven Omni slash Sephiroth where it's $20,000 were at 17,000 so you know if you want spike vegeta to be really awesome and beat Sephiroth is a really cool move let's be honest he's got to go in style donate now I am gonna read a couple of donations that obviously I did not get to go through I apologize we had a lot we actually had a forty five hundred dollar donation from Edward I may be as old as this franchise for Mario games are still amongst my favorite games I will probably miss a run but put this money towards spike giving Sephiroth the omnis of slashes Oh perfect we had 200 dollar donation from King K funk that says this is for my grandma on me she has become a huge gdq fan over the past years so here's to a great cause one hundred dollars from mama kappa says good luck mister cab we love you mama and papa cab $200 from anonymous that says you guys are awesome we have a $1000 donation from sarahfey says Wow I heard grand Pooh Bear has no lakes thank you thank you for the applause but sure loves marbles marbles marbles good luck to Pooh and team Berto and the other runners too I guess donation goes to the naming said a solo queue after his amazing slasher run this morning remember Pooh no spaghetti today who loved we have a 200 dollar donation from Tuxedo Junction that says keep it classy we shall hundred dollars from Turtle freakness I just wanted to show my support during the mario relay good luck to all the teams one hundred dollars from Luke that says I've been looking forward to the Super Mario relay race all week long finally little birdie donates $100 saying this makes my heart happy thank you we have a one thousand dollar donation from Nero seven got another one keep them coming a crate cause great games and amazing runners what an amazing thing to watch 200 dollars from curtain that says you guys Rock $25.00 from anonymous that says shall to Darby and Correa that says you two are part of why I started learning speedrunning we have a 150 dollar donation from Cory 41 that says save the animals you monsters $400 from plate that says I get to support a great cause and the hobby I love cool cool all right guys I am gonna finally take a break thank you guys so much for listening I'm gonna hand it over to my next host but uh they'll have to tell you who they are if they want to gee it sure was nice of gdq to give me another hosting shift hey Luigi I hope they have lots of donations what up gdq it's your boy mic feedback back once again to host this surprise fusion run with JRP I'm covering for a shift so it's great to be back and I am excited as hell to see you all once again so gdq chat great to be back let's go and get down to business though shall we we have a $50 donation from miles 84 that says congratulations to a fantastic super mario relay race by all runners it was a thrill to watch start to finish now I'm looking forward to the Metroid Fusion 0% run here's hoping it doesn't accidentally turn into a 1% run we have a $25 donation from faff guy and Spence that says pulling for this epic comeback to happen by team Berto rally shots in honor of our boy grand Pooh Bear we have a $50 donation from anonymous that says had to donate during the mario relay i've been looking forward to this all week let's get to 1 million go team boom-boom by the way ladies and gentlemen we are just under 33,000 from 1 million dollars and i don't know about you but with the length of this upcoming 0% run i think we can break that big 1 mil so let's make it happen we have a one hundred and fifty dollar donation from anonymous that's his first time watching live and donating super mario world is my favorite game ever and the first one i ever beat love watching you guys destroy it ditch Yoshi but save the animals by the way once again shout outs to both gdq chat the gdq attendees are incredible technical staff all of the runners and everyone who has helped to make games done quick this year an absolute success you guys are the reason that we come back and do this every single year so give yourselves a huge round of applause and nobody claps for themselves the self-deprecation is real we have a two hundred and fifty dollar donation from david 140 that says what do you call a group of physicians who don't have any instructions on what to do doctors without orders donation goes to reader's choice one moment we have a $10 and 79 cent donation from bustin smash that says I just explained the concept of donating to msf to my seven-year-old and he just had to donate every last cent he has so here it is don't worry I think I can reimburse him that's sweet thank you so much bust and smash we have a one hundred and fifty dollar donation from Fonda that says sitting on the couch on a quiet summer evening and very thankful for my wife for putting up with me gasping at the feats of skill by all the runners good luck runners and thank you harmony for letting me watch this big stream we also have another $250 donation from anonymous that says go birdie go burn on a gobo do Gobert oh they didn't win but they did really good we have a $50 donation from Lord licorice that says props to the runners and extra props to the commentators for clearly explaining all the crazy tricks I'll donate another 25 if Arthur blues gives us his best captain Lou Mario impression we have a $250 donation from dr. anonymous I remember my kids playing Super Mario back when they were little they're all grown now but I'll never forget those happy memories as a doctor I have an incredible amount of respect for what MSF does and I couldn't think of a better cause to donate towards but 150 towards saving the animals and 100 towards using honest slash on suffer off final fantasy 7 just wouldn't be the same without that dramatic ending we have a one hundred and fifty dollar donation from anonymous that says my wife and I have loved watching gdq and the runners for the past two years we loved the event and the cause and wish everybody the best be safe and save the animals by the way an update on the kill the animals save the animals incentive currently save the animals leads with nine with ninety five thousand I'm sorry I just changed ninety six thousand dollars to ninety four point eight on kill the animals meaning save the animals leads by eleven hundred dollars [Music] [Applause] we have a 200 dollar donation from anonymous that says I've been away from home all week so I haven't gotten to watch too many of the runs but I still had to donate to my favorite gaming event along with agdq of course thanks to all the staff and the runners we also have a $500 donation from fandom that says hello and good luck to all the runners from fandom had to donate during the super mario relay great to see this dream become a reality this year donation goes to kill the animals because keeping the possibility of setting a record alive makes watching all the more exciting we have a 2000 dollar donation from special circumstances that says I'm proud of everybody involved with this event big shout out to grand Pooh Bear for keeping me entertained over the past 18 months and compelling me to donate to a great cause let's go 1 million dollars which reminder we are $30,000 from 1 million y'all we have two hundred dollars from sylphy that says kill animals to the left of me save them to the right and here I am donating 204 poos save the animals we had a $1000 donation from BK that says this is Google money I work for them and they will match this donation team burrow team boom boom team Reznor we have another $1000 donation from late or does that Layton is that says had to donate during the mario race in honor of my favorite young boy on twitch darby in oh it's pronounced Leibnitz oh i am so sorry i butchered your name feel free to write a complaint to me later i'm sorry we have $150 from i'll gotto that says save the frames kill the hands and the animals with a 250 dollar donation from peter that says we have to get that dark souls bonus game incentive net by the way a quick update on that let me fine that in my notes where are you Dark Souls here we are by the way a reminder Dark Souls with kiln skip is now a $50,000 incentive we are currently at almost 4000 of that so if you want to see bubblesdelfuego with that sick kiln skip dark souls run make sure you get those donations and now we have a $200 don't I misread oh yeah no I got that $200 donation from Gresh that says long time watcher first time donating I must say that I've enjoyed watching all these talented runners celebrating each other's accomplishments while also helping people around the world it is a great thing to witness and now be a part of we have a 1070 dollar donation from Yuna kitten that says a couple months ago my consoles were stolen in a home invasion the speedrunning community came together to help me get everything back as promised I donated what was left of smug athon to Doctors Without Borders so we can help even more people shout outs to the Nala smug pride thank you so much Yuna Kim for that insane generosity and on that same note another one thousand dollar donation from average Guardian that says this week at gdq has been the highlight of my year so many awesome are so awesome to see my favorite streamer and great friend poo running in another gdq event but this towards his choice of incentive and good luck team Berto alright ladies and gentlemen without further ado we are gonna go ahead and flip over to Metroid Fusion 0% with JRP 2 to 3 for JRP take it away alrighty then and go alright let's do this hello everyone welcome to metros regions near % before Easter you a more explain explain the first trick in the Roma just comes up really really quickly so what's this now is me called the climb this here's about 6 volumes in the row and they're pretty tricky to gets in this game yes to the wall jump away from the wall and like in previous Metroid game like Super Metroid let's see thinking doing right here oh okay I'll go for another one okay that trick is very deceptively difficult it's very a very small window for those wall jumps yeah so it seems looks very small platforms there too it's enough to get anyone a bit jumpy about it oh okay so you may have seen at the beginning we started to run talking to this computer and we're gonna be talking to him for a lot of this run he'll be our best friends yeah he's gonna be our best friend best friend throughout the entire thing this game is a game of a lot of frame savers as you'll see really quickly here JP always whenever he doesn't spend them onto the platform he always Amelie shooting afterwards let's get the starter says neutral and start moving a lot faster you'll see that throughout the entire run and it varies from movement just in general in this game yeah it helps to stand up faster and it's just too easy to do and save so much time it's you know pointless not to do it now just like I said before it's a lot of text in this game and on the English is actually more text when they're working as well so you're playing the English version the Japanese version has less text it's takes about three minutes of English have reserve put it supersize is only possible on English you said Japanese um technically it's it's doable in Japanese alright question as well but it's only are they a viable on English yeah the the original 0% skip that was found years ago it's about I want to say it's five frame perfect jumps across seven frames of error which is like 0.1 three seconds that's a lot of pause buffering and it's very easy to miss it's by far the hardest trick in the run for a longest time yeah I can still do it now but like it's not worth it yeah so we found believers zx497 I believe it was who discovered that if by jumping into a respond bomb block you can get pushed out of bounds and we can do this to skip one item that's otherwise unskipable yeah so to be clear the reason we call it zero percent is the story required items in this game do not count towards completion percentage the completion and it just strictly the optional items like Mitchell thanks e tanks powerbomb tanks along the slides the one previously thought to be unskipable item is a missile tank we'll be meeting him later in the ride his name is Bob reference by the way yep so yeah strangely enough for most of this profusion it's a big departure from a lot of the other Metroid's in that major items don't count for percentage so it's only the missile thanks the energy tanks and the power bomb thanks but we're gonna be sipping all of those because they're just slow and right now it's got the missiles which we're gonna using throughout the entire run only his tenders of the nothing else so he's got all the missiles he's gonna use for the Iranian that's all I need yeah the game is very generous to give him 10 all the energy to as well yeah and the power bombs leader of course you can already feel the energy of the situation he's in that place I was going through a text alert let's go in the truce ourselves so I'm mr. underscore Shasta I am s grunt sometimes with an underscore I am Hercules bench press and that's Jerry of he of course doing the run he's the fast guy here yeah he is probably one of the best fusion players I ever had the pleasure of meeting he's really good at this game it's incredible honestly like everyone like there's a lot of really corona this game but like everyone else he's definitely like Bar None the best good job I'm skipping that missile tank Jerry pay thanks that's the worst one it's very easy when running zero percent to forget that you're running zero percent and grab that missile tank since it's so free start to the first side or the game designers completely random now the worst-looking again I adore is this twelve of these beams here before it opens up that's extremely rare I don't think it ever has ever gotten that I've actually got as a matter of fact the first two doors are the only doors that we see all that we can possibly see all three because we can use most two missiles stacked on top of each other to skip around they can go from zero to four it's more likely to give me one two three but I have had the first two doors give me twelve beams Oh Mike of course yeah I'm so sorry my condolences all right so also we're talking about missiles this is Iraq misse-x yeah responds to the game this usually this is probably the hardest boss in a run and I don't mean that jokingly and any percent you have 50 missiles but he can roll which I mean that's not you'll have 20 missiles and it takes 15 to kill him which isn't so bad it becomes harder with 100% since you have to use a missile before the fight to grab an energy tank so you'll have 19 nothing to fight some was a lot of locust ball too in that if he rolls waste about 4 seconds if he uses fire else waits lost at all time too beside that's not good like you should be a reset for your doing regular attempts and another thing that we saw ERP do was do double double missile where he was able to have two missiles inside of the hitbox with the core ex after the fight was over and do double the damage so after every fight you're gonna see him going for these weird kind of setup strats where he's gonna try to lure the ex into a position where he can hit two missiles on the same side and that'll just effectively skip around and save three seconds every time he's able to pull that off it's the same thing with the IED Wars as well the first two eye doors there are specific places that you can stand then that when you jump shoot a missile spin and shoot another missile you can stack them on top of each other and skip around divide or beams and cut out some of the RNG that's associated with them just keep an eye out for that yeah it's very subtle but it's saves a lot of time it is game alone it's just since there's no like real major glitches other than the one in zero percent it's all based on movement so it's really easy to lose some time to like a boss or something and here's sa X the pain Ville in the game that say so if you shoot the door it was still blow it up for no reason she just really just does not like that door always been mean doors are bad dude I don't blame it really we have a $50 donation from Sanders 306 that says hey JRP Sanders here I'm pulling a dragon things with my donation but with far less cash at the end of the run I will donate another hundred dollars - five dollars every death or missed Bob skip Oh high stakes high sandra's we also have a one hundred and one dollar donation from stulen that says Metroid Fusion is the game I've been waiting for all week go JRP I see a little bit of text here then we're going to set there one such a one you have to be very conservative missiles especially so n'zeer percents because if you get hurt that whatsoever you will actually have less chances actually get missile drop compared to if you get hurt to get health drops then yes so the way this game works is if you're at full health you're guaranteed to get missile drops if you're missing missiles and vice versa so if you have ten missiles and less energy you're guaranteed to get health drops when you have less of each I pretty sure there's a more of a chance to get health than missiles but I still might think it might be 50/50 though it seems to get dropped more health sometimes so these are the stabilizers you have to kill five to you exit sector one and depending what pattern they give you make sure you have to wait at least five seconds leave in the fastest the smoking clear is when the the background is at brightest red this is a space pirate room it's basically like of the space pirates on the right side for knots the works like and gets all five them being on the right but you got to see they're just really good look yeah that was really good luck I took it really safe - I'm pretty sure - pirates is the standard any more than that is really unlucky especially in 0% if that room I was wrong at all and it could possibly kill him I should also mention that this run he's going to be saving quite a bit because this run this game alone it's very volatile yeah this game is very dangerous and you can kind of imagine you're generally not Flint to play with you know I know II tanks and ten missiles it's quite challenging everything in this game does a lot of damage and I mean a lot of damage in Sector two alone the red Zorro's on the ground 245 damage so if you're at home doing quick mental math you can take three hits from those things two hits I'll have nine health left there's any layer on the run to the key Hunter is able to do while you're seven yeah 127 your entire e tank in this case but that's only with the stingers out yeah do that yeah a lot of enemies do a lot of damage in this game and it's a this run is really hard and it's the reason why there's only a handful of people that have a single-segment time here's our next ID or get that I don't think so so you could have saying don't miss only ID over there but it's actually real difficult to pull off Hopper's do do though and it's very things you get that rawness that door especially because you have to have samus on as far as right as possible to where she's barely on the edge and then do the double missiles almost got a double-double there too as well they miss I think the last one yet that first one that he did it was very subtle and he was very easy to miss but he was able to hit two missiles at the same time on that uh on that core and we have the charger beam now which is now both opt weapon interrogating briefly this weapon is ridiculous it's ridiculous the charge beam alone is two parts each part does ten damage and there's a flair every time it's released that does it's a six damage on its own and this thing is used throughout the run no matter what category it's just too good to not use it's also useful for series do you get a two round kill yeah like a usual four round because to put the beam inside upstairs his head and it does half itself yeah once before death fly is like really hard cuz the Boston Carol is around way too much and the reason it's the reason why we said that we only made it a point of the first two doors giving 12 beams is because at this point with the charge beam a fully charged charge right in front of the I like point-blank range will destroy the eye door in one round so the worst you can get is up to four at this point unless you somehow shoot the eye with an uncharged charged shot we have our on the couch yeah we have $150 from Jarrod's go that says had to donate when I heard bubbles was going to do a Dark Souls bonus run first time donating been watching for a while love what you doing keep it up we also have an anonymous $15 donation that says good luck on the fusion run JRP and good luck to the Super Metroid runners later save the frames kill the animals also a quick update we are 13 and a half thousand dollars from 1 million so close we are stone's throw away y'all let's get everyone david cool the end was the next after all we has a 150 dollar donation from warp and Rose says I've been watching gdq for a few years and i've always enjoyed the events got my girlfriend interested and this is the first event we've been able to watch together keep up the awesome work donation would go to majora blindfolded but since we just can't throw my money at it reader's choice no save and kill i'll be putting that towards the dark souls bonus game so I go in the sector to you which is full of a bunch of plants of notes so like at the very beginning this sector there is bunch leaves enemies red enemies like giant larvae are called Zorro's I heard sitter before they just they do about 45 damage which yeah it's three hits on you so he has to be very very careful to avoid them be able to lost rest avoid them coming up see what should be nice I will say though like thinking about this run befell me knowing what's coming up it's actually quite fantastic like the amount of movement to like what we do just to get through these rooms as quickly as possible like you will see JRP like running at almost at every moment that he possibly can without slowing down because they just have found so many ways to get through these rooms as quickly as possible without having to stop and I think I should also mention that running is the fastest thing that you can do for its amis so every I believe every time she jumps it's about 50% of her horizontal speed when she jumps and I believe wall jumping doubles I believe the height of her jump when doing a wall jump but yeah as you can see like through this first room it's just so clean it was a little bit luck to it though it just depends these arose ago towards you know me started she misses at them one party moving yeah these doors are random with their patterns so they can go one of two directions and some are more fortuitous than the other like in the first room if they were both going if the one was going down he wouldn't have had to kill it he could just jump right over it same thing in the second room a JRP we have a fifty dollar donation from C Scotty W that's as high j RP you know that I'm going to ask you to do something dumb to get me to double my money donation so don't worry all I ask is that you get nightmares face boost and i will donate another fifty donation goes to JR peas choice oh man save animals we also have a one hundred ninety dollar donation from reticent that says hey sgdq I'm so glad I could catch most of the stream live this year my friends and I watch every year and all of the runners have been doing a fantastic this donation goes out to killing the animals save those frames all right so you just got bombs right there unlike in previous metric means can't she's gone jump in this game the bombs come out way too slowly adieu so you can't however like Hydra policy get so you like gets it more full and then like jump off her like that's but you will get much high off of that really there are little tiny things that he's doing that I can point out like every when he fell down that hole there the reason why he didn't stay in morph ball is because if you fall from a great place especially right there as well where he own morphed the reason he did that was because if he fell from a good enough distance to where when he hit the ground he would have bounced and it's faster for him to unmoor Fionn morph against that way he can just hit the ground to keep going without having to do the little bouncing animation yeah it's all about frame say reasons little stuff alike following its to the ball right there as well to you this all saves frames it really adds up yeah you're gonna be seeing him do a lot of things that charge meme I hope you enjoy the sound of that charge being being charged because that thing is gonna be charged the whole way through there's no reason for him to keep that thing uncharged Justin Myers personally yeah please my music to my ears is beeping shreds this is ooh there's nothing better we have a two hundred dollar donation from our Ken that says hey just got paid today made some good tip money and I'm in a great mood I've been trying to save up for a new guitar this seems like a more worthy cause I have enough of them as it is we also have another two hundred dollar donation from Kevin $1.99 that says if only the announcer could read out gifts but I'll have him describe it to you it's that shot from Starship Troopers where the soldier looks to the camera and says I'm doing my part oh no ouch missile you got when we're trying to J or you got it I believe in the spike missile yeah all right so this is Asif II there are tend to be some other names for this boss very few of them flattering very few of them fly yeah so this gimmick is it wastes jumps before it opens up so the first round I can waste between zero to three jumps before opening up like it just did the second round will be one four and then two to five so the minimum amount of jump so you can possibly get is three and the maximum is 12 that turkeys not gain the best slug gets you in the first round and four in this last one so he's at six let's didn't get five right here oh yeah that's like thing eight jumps not bad I'm upset right now unfortunately eight jumps is pretty much average we should just sad to say yeah we want to see anywhere between three to five but we only seem to get like it's somewhere between six that like nine which was awful ladies and gentlemen we have broken $1,000,000 to 2017 sorry STD but a million dollars it's just too awesome not to make that mistake I love all of you you're amazing oh my god I wonder what question is over so something that JRP was able to do that's very very subtle is when he killed the corex there was when it's spawned in the the power-up spawned and he was able to grab it immediately and maybe if you play too casually you would know that when you kill it it has to go to like a weird spot in the room each powerup that from the cortex pawns in a certain area of the room so it will always so yeah it will always spawn in that area so if you can kill it on that spot it'll spawn immediately without having to fly around and like land on that specific area say C's cocoons right here once again we go back to basically every single second game we visit at least one more time and on the way back here I was QB hatch which is really cool and I love that so much but for real though it's off wheelers please please but but yeah ever finish this game I don't know what's become more powerful in these and they're really really cool so stick around for that too this is my reminder for JRPGs Eve in the next sector I did forget the save in 360 if I saved anyone x8 I'll be reminding you throughout that run constantly to save we have a two hundred dollar donation from gluttony one of seven that says let's make it to a million and save the animals we also have a one hundred fifty dollar donation from anonymous that says thanks for all everyone does hundred dollars from imprisoned animal that says save me well save you later don't worry yeah so welcome to sector four if you're wondering what happened the second sector three don't worry we go back there later that's this is the what's is there any sector you enter going left instead of right yeah that's way I've never understood why that this was the only sector that it goes left instead of right either by like the other ones around this part of the shape like that was there was right cell left this is his left for some reason I feel like there was just a designer who just was like okay we go to right every time we gotta have something it was a ginger yeah that's the other was this one is just the intern ear he flipped the room just to be different it's it's artsy that's what it is yeah I just didn't want any level to be left behind uh-huh why do you do this to us because he likes watching you suffer so if you haven't noticed already each sector has its own sort of theme this is the aquatic one so there's gonna be a lot of water here if you haven't been able to figure it out over the waters electrify it so we need to go turn it off yeah we don't do that for the boss though so we gotta go face serious coming up soon hey guys I don't mean to interrupt but we have a $10,000 donation from the Yeti [Music] that simply says 360noscope 1 million high and on top of that we have a three thousand dollar donation from dandy that says I'll be asleep before the Super Metroid run begins so I'll try to be brief Super Metroid was my first game as a paramedic I admire MSF's work worldwide and it's a travesty that nobody seems to consider the Metroid canon for these things save the Canon save the animals' for once at happy gdq everyone so coming up as Sarris I feel like we should talk about him a little bit before he's on screen because he won't be on screen for very long yeah so Cyrus has 50 health and I know there's I've seen a lot of casual players who have myself included when I played this casually only Joel very nice what are we gonna top that line for ball jumping I have to distract myself that is a very hard trick to pull off it's possible to jump up there but it's a very tight wall jump win so Jerry Peter is gonna be close to edge alive over here and shooting beam science there's luckily doing half itself let's go for a good parent here that's bad no please stay in our rhythm bye in the first place get bad luck unfortunately oh you dirty paws ball way right calm down there wait for me go in the front of you this what is this pattern what's a really bad time here okay so okay okay I have never seen they want that what the power goes in between the platforms I've run this one right here I've run this game for years I've never seen that many troll patterns I've seen that haven't you like eight times roll okay so I should explain that he doesn't always do that he has three different patterns that he can do going from left to right he can either snake across and then to a big arc around he can sneak through the platforms and then do a big arc around or he can do the pattern we saw about eight times where I'll just do an arc with no setup and preferably we want one of the other two where he snakes through the platforms where it goes across them because he at that point it's predictable where he's gonna be so we can line up the to hit and Sara's only has 50 health and since our beam with the Flair of both parts does 26 you can get up close and personal with them and hit him point-blank and do 26 each diamond to hit him which is much faster than using missiles since pretty sure it takes five missiles from the current power that the missiles are up piano now that we have we've beaten him we've gotten speed booster now which is the going fast item we gotta go fast fast gotta go fast they're gonna be seeing him do something something's here that he's gonna do all over the run which is storing that shot that speed booster charge so long shinespark yeah so he can shine spark like this and I'm like in Super Metroid it doesn't take any energy away from you yeah note that with that control panel he just has your intended to go below afterwards but if you do if you store a science mark right there you can just spark right back out the way you came in good low light it's got something called low Herot there so if you if you uh you're saying neutral you shooting your beam as soon as at the ground right there that's correct I'm after a few speed mister after that I can get a a shots burger it's lower than where you supposed to get there long ago on your platforms like what you say right there is my five seconds that instance though yeah usually when you use the shinespark Samus jumps up off the ground and then does the spark by unmoor think we're in midair at a certain area and pressing a you can just skip the startup animation where she jumps and just shines spark from where you're at which is really helpful but you're only gonna see it I believe once or twice in the wrong one now and one at the very end which is freely tight to get yelling the escape unless there's not really a said for it either because we have not a lot of time for that last one yeah it's it's really difficult to get sometimes when going down because it's a long fall and you got a it's if ever great timing on it yeah impeccable if you will JRP please save at the beginning of sector three cool like I said earlier this is a really tough run and well I mainly to save because of Bob skip coming up it's yeah yeah yeah it's a so I should probably start talking about this now yeah we can close through it so Bob skip was discovered last April by z-axis this method in particular in this method in particular as yet it's only doable in the English version so if you have a Japanese cartridge it won't work it's been fixed basically what you do is you're gonna go from underneath Bob and you're gonna see him like stand and facing to the left and then right as the it's a one frame trick so as the bomb blocks spawns he's gonna jump and spin jump to the right while spin jumping low enough to where he won't pick up the missile tank and he'll be pushed out of bounds to the left I believe at that point he'll we he will jump twice look left jump again it'll be pushed back in bounds on the other side of Bob at which point he'll use a bomb jump I'm pretty sure unless he's a madman it goes for the jump over the tank which is a much tighter window to get over Bob and skip the missile entirely and it's important to note that once we skip Bob and we pick up super missiles Bob disappears from the game bob is tied to the room state that it's in and after you pick up super missiles the state of that room changes and since the developers don't intend for you to skip that missile it's just removed completely so by doing this you can pretty much lock yourself out of doing completing 100% if you don't pick it up and get super missiles and continue on which is a little funny thankful have to worry about that all throughout the run even like if a kegger the infamous parts you never go through room again that I release and I'm pretty this is the only like useful thing to do with this trick to it which is pretty incredible there's another one in Sector six where you can do it but it's it's TAS only because you need to press a like you need a frame perfect' on morph and jumps and like remorse or something like that oh good story alright I was really good save a few frames there'd actually story shines for oh no you should be fine now yeah isn't kill you're right there all right yeah yeah add a few frames there's a storage shinespark on these features to plot they actually broke all right so here's Bob hi Bob hi Bob say for a second nice oh there yeah good job there p0 presenter on ladies and gents yes we do yeah run it home let's hang one though we have a $500 donation from Rachel that says hi sgdq this is such a fun event and thank you all so much for making this happen 1.5 million hi we also we also have a is it that just saw it now if you have a twenty dollar donation from faizon night that says hey JRP that is on I had to donate to your 0% run all of the fusion community wishes you good luck and hope you beat the hardest boss of the game Magoo I Faison hey doing buddy oh by the way can we get him a GU in chat for JRP but you so anybody who doesn't know Magoo is his last birth yeah this is box right here there's actually a bit of a quickly grew on him and let's say guys that was really good if you don't hit don't hit Fox there it's it's like right in the wall you'll actually keep moving towards very left wall and just bunk against it ya know so waste a lot of time go start a jumping pattern as well which wastes a lot of time but boxes it usually takes 10 missiles to kill also there's side hoppers do quite a bit of damage so it's he's taking his time here and rightfully so because I believe two hits from their side hoppers can kill him at this point but you know box usually takes 10 missiles to kill and in any percent you usually have I believe 30 missiles by this point or 25 so usually it's not a problem so you just pump 10 missiles into them however 10 is all of the missiles you have here so if you end up taking a missile you might be a little bit off and you're gonna have to use some charge shots however the way you started it the way he started the fight he jumped up and shot a charge beam into a box and shot a missile as well the reason he did that was not only to do some damage before the fight but it was also to do some damage to him because it starts once he gets down and she started a a pattern that sees pretty much set in to where he won't because if unless he's damaged he'll just run all the way to the left once he gets damaged don't start hopping around also very nice for him perfect elevator that was good that was really good very clean also I've know really quick as well with JP left sector 3 there with four missiles but she got the M gay enough drops for that if he net four missiles he could have either done give either farm some enemies and sectors safe the for en good get three missiles because he's three missiles for a civic barrier or get through it however however is also a speed booster trick or a chance for you will he could ignition damage stress yeah are you sick nice mice rats I mean Joel you want to do shred that's why she watched show it off I could try it let's go yeah you have a little bit of a frame window it's Ashley Soros fee mister it gets through then the otherwise required missile blog or I guess barrier wave call it's a big purple thing that's why our stupidness it's a break so yeah this is it's a backup strat it's about the same time it only loses about a second to do but it looks really cool they've done it anyway just shines the the things that we do with shinesparks in this game in general is just really cool and really interesting sometimes and there's several places especially if once you get a space jump you can do something called space boost thing where you can just use speed booster and space jump through several rooms I believe there was a donation I really talked about a nightmare space boost and that's there's a space shinespark in this game that's the longest spark in the game all Metroid games have it and it just goes for I believe like five or six rooms and it's variable looking's say that requires two missiles a break normally just be business or all of them yeah we have a one thousand dollar donation from anonymous safe says there are only four animals to save but 2,100 frames the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few we also have a 512 dollar donation from missing number 199 that says wild missing missing number appeared save the animals incremented by 255 it's super effective kill the animals incremented by 255 critical hit Majora's Mask Gary incremented by 2 dollars it's not very effective many props to all the runners staff and announcers so that you think right there is very tempting like yeah because again every single category is right there and doesn't waste time reset you didn't get a good pattern unacceptable so the sector 6 it's the Dark Sector the blue X that were floating around you can only stun them at the time because he doesn't have area suit yet so the blue X what they the way they designed that is very interesting after he picks up the various suit they show intelligence which i think is a very nice touch I love it so much also Joel Knight good good job remembering to save thank you but ya know if they if he picks one of those up by accident they do I believe 82 damage or 84 damage I think if they do it's somewhere in the 80s it's really high and it's just devastating to pick one of those up especially in this run and like we said earlier everything does a lot of damage in this run that it's just it's scary any watches fossil says law Davis chief not done that correctly basically this is a giant core X and this rapper is boss is actually going siphon to do damage to charge beam every ton of you know of of beams or enough health to you all the do all the beam shots you have to do a few them and then just stay away afterwards okay and just do pot shots and I will say this is the first part in the run that's actually a major threat is this fight this is where a lot of zero percent runs tend to end sometimes for when you're going for a single segment as well as some bosses later on and believe it or not there are a lot of things in this run that will kill you and it's not always the bosses that are the real of wrong endures but it's at this point where if things just become a lot more difficult and the threat of dying is elevated so yeah not mention everything that's flowing around dark barracks as well take and just steal one of your shots and just like eat it's and you're her cousin it's let's even do it again yeah we have a fifty dollar donation from JRP two two three four eight eight that says hi JRP doing well mate mom dad Jake and Magoo from Down Under LC LC LC o oi oi go blue oh no it should be fine for us this should be good so no as well to gain till this is on this core X is in particularly very hard because it's not only ball walls you can jump off them which is usually I get set for them the best we can do is restart neutral in midair and fight and just like flow just a little bit by pressing am view never again it's just kind of for a little bits in order to get you set for a double missile it's still a little difficult been out but now I forget the various suits just like Hurst earlier all the all the instances are now just me running away from you they don't realize it in this room but in the next dream I see them all just run away i perfer they're trying to kill you by going inside of you and if you notice now I love that details so much if you notice now all of the enemies in the sector have spawned so getting out of here is a lot more dangerous than it was to get in because not only does because you no longer have to worry about the blue X you have to worry about all of these random patterns from the enemies and it's awful the worst of which being the puffers that you see floating around here they have four different directions that they can go in and all of them are awful like none of those patterns are good but this one has been this leaving has been very very good we have a $1000 donation from stray virus what sauce Trey Trey says JRP awesome Bob skip good luck on the rest of the run kill the saves frame the animals am I doing this right we also have a $256 an 8-cent donation from ingenious clown 42 that says I'm never not excited to see a GDQ happen and always hyped to see the 2d Metroid games broken let this go to the bonus dark souls run they also have a one hundred fifty dollar donation from dude Nan's that says it wouldn't be right to not donate during two of my favorite games after a long day at work this is just what I wanted to come home to also save the animals because I've always wanted one of those cute Etta Coons as a pet honestly the same debris cute we have a 75 donation or a $75 donation from Steph 85 that says save the animals if it weren't for them we never would have learned how to pull off wall jumps and shinesparks we have a one hundred fifty dollar donation from candy cat that says frames be overrated save the animals my daughter will thank you of note by the way this last set we have not visit yet sector five is the artwork sector and everything is frozen over so if you hadn't if you know if what's here before hands after you got the in lots of level two doors there you have actually just frozen over and tippy in a hurry once get the ice session on this place we have a five hundred dollar donation from Eurex that says super metroid hype god i've i just love you guys thank you so much we've a two hundred dollar donation from isaac one one one with no comment we also have a one hundred fifty dollar donation from anonymous that says keep it up you're all doing beautiful work 50 dollars from anonymous that says just in case someone is in world-record pace kill the animals Center five is a lot of movement stuff to in particular that's well a lot of well the schema gentleman wanted in general but like there's about five minutes of straight move of that say this entire area just after you get the super missiles and yeah alright supposed to rather excuse me there is a point to where there is a bit of a thing that he can do where he could just completely forget to grab the ice missiles I just go back and forget to activate emergency yes there is so someone by the name of secret key who ran this game was made famous for he's famous for doing it so every time someone ends up grabbing or unlocking the yellow doors and just leaving the sector after that without grabbing ice missiles we call a secret key which coincidentally during our anypercent tournament that we had I believe it was one of the top eight runners Ross ooh who was going against it was going against the eagle and was having a really good run when he forgot to grab the ice missiles and kind of buried him at that point which is unfortunate the famous that's the difficult that's so easy to forget as well too is I go through this entire session about three times start the run basically the same way yeah like it's really easy to forget especially since from running the game so much that like you go in one loop and it's like okay cool and then you have to do another loop and then you have to leave but it's so easy to just forget from doing so many runs it's like okay I did the loop now I can leave and it's just like oh oops yeah well it's kind of understandable it's enough to drive anyone loopy why you why ice cream please okay now we have the ice missiles and the ice missiles allow us to freeze enemies and I don't think that they're very useful other than in a few places that we're gonna use them so you know they're kind of like just an added effect to just let us progress through the game a little bit more they add a little bit more damage and pretty sure actually I take that back I believe they don't add any more damage and JRP you can correct me if I'm wrong on this because I'm pretty sure they keep the same damage value they just have a nice okay because I know that there are some missile upgrades that do more damage and then there's some that don't so I you know but you know we have ice missiles now we can freeze enemies which make things a little bit harder because like before you shoot missiles get through them nephew's a lot more charge with you so yeah that's the other thing - now charge beam is like the main weapon because ice missiles will freeze the enemy and then kill it on the next hit whereas listen barrier as well to see if like jump over it and gang like run over it oh yeah it's also I should everybody in the chat it's required that you spam emergency and frankly for this part emergency in I can't quite hear what the woman is saying I what does she sign the emergency in frankerz II told maybe get main McGee explosion Lee Adam tell us what's wrong with them emergency in Sector 3 death what okay we have 6 minutes everyone this honestly to me is the most probably the best part of any run because it's just so movement heavy and there's just so many like they just subtle movement things that you can do to just move quickly through each room using ice missiles it's really off it's like an eloquent dance we moved by this sequence that was really easy they yeah I'm calling out that one don't worry I'll turn up the heat on this Internet okay okay yeah high five everyone that wait there go you are so quick-witted in like the worst way sometimes I love it though it is the best we have an anonymous $1000 donation with no comment and in addition to that we have a second $1000 donation from chap 21 that says just chipping in so there is a song actually I don't know if you too know it but I know it a good guy Jagger G who runs the mainly the low person categories of this game 1% and 0% my team raced out of kirbymastah and biospark appreciate you yeah he's very good at this it's at the low percent categories he doesn't run any like a hundred percent I don't think he runs any percent or he did I think he did but I just stopped because he didn't enjoy it or something but ya know he is very big into the the nobody called Z the low percent runs for fusion but he made a little song actually to go with the background music that plays during the emergency area but really quickly you see missiles through the doorway cuz it because the LeMat eclis shoot reads that last one there the friends the last stretchy in order to get through there and they'll freeze them sing jump up to sue the I door and get to the lane boiling room forget the friend Josie look I see speaking of speaking of frankerz e we have a $160 donation from P at riot that says my puppy will be sad if I don't save viana the animals good luck to JRP for the 0% also emergencies over any ban anybody who posed spammers eat their gonzo the onion-ring beam that's what I like to call this so yeah as as fun as it was to get in here he still has to get back out which is just as difficult with low health ear so it's it's pretty interesting Oh a lot of other thoughts and therefore hurts you it is very very hot so place is like an open basically known as the white beam and it doesn't really it I think that's more damaged right it does do more damage okay so the interesting thing here is wide beam which is surprising because you never see it in any other Metroid game I think it goes by another name but it's less important we notice the spacer in Super Metroid yeah the the wide beam does 15 damage per hit and since it has three can do up to 45 which is really interesting because there's a boss later by nightmare after we get plasma beam which it would be faster to fight him if we still had the white beam once you pick up plasma beam your damage goes down significantly so a full charge charge shot with three particles for the wide beam will do 45 damage but with the plasma beam it'll through 27 per frame and since nightmares face is only like is very shallow and it can only be in him for one frame you're only doing 27 damage so it's gonna be it's gonna be a bit of a long fight especially in this category if you've seen curry masters 100% sgdq 2013 run he did a nightmare with 1% rats and it's gonna be the same run however or the same fight however except he's gonna have 5 less missiles so he'll do rely solely on the charge beam for the most part to do the the make up damage for that the 5 missiles would do how much the fat they has only 1 to health everything what do you think so I mean he could have one health if he wants to up the space let's do it the scary part about that though and this is very I'd say what 30 minutes now or so from from this point yeah okay about that is is kill the animals ahead currently kill the animals is trailing by $3,300 good good because we're about to go save those animals all right so yeah it's not an option in this game you have to save the animals it's required there also you literally can't complete the game these animals are the worst though as as lovable and as cute as they are they can lose you so much time and you have no way of manipulating it it's completely luck although if there is a way to manipulate it we have no idea how which if someone finds a way please let us know that would make it would save for a lot of a lot of annoyance a lot of heartbreak yeah because these animals they can either leave their their habitat area very quickly or they can go really really slowly but 10 second difference right it's it's a lot it's a long time and ten seconds in a speedrun it's an eternity especially like this for like you want say as many frames as you can use about the methods to do so so it really adds up uh what actually I do want to make a comment on that that's shining boot that shine break that he got so before what we used to do is we run a little bit further the right and we try to get off a lot goodbye we'll see you soon this is an example of bad animals there so what we would do is we would go to the right off like that little like access panel and then we'd run and try to do a frame perfect or semi frame perfect I think there's like a few frames a few rays you would store it on there and then you would fall down and then use it however if you go a little bit further to the left and start from the left you can run over the block while still breaking it at the start of the shinespark and then have a few more frames to store it so it's a little bit more consistent and it's actually it's very consistent once you learn it and it's not that difficult to learn also I encourage anybody to run this game this is a fun it's a very very fun it's a fun run though it will steal your soul with you the more you play it it's good like once again a decent time it's like ah but could that's like a 49 to something one day with you for night it's like I haven't 47 I think this like keeps going back and forth you over and over like that I will say putting like a solid week of practice into this run like doing segments to practice like going from major item to major item saver in the favor room yeah you can probably get a sub 50 time pretty quickly I'm pretty sure like when I was running the game and I know when JRP was running it he both got to like sub 50 rather quickly at a certain point we got solve our and once we hit sub our we just kept shaving off just minutes of the time and it's I really encourage everyone to do it cuz it's not that hard of a run and it's all moved in the face there's no hard tricks you got to learn it's it's a really fun run ultimately it is hard there at least yeah this is a game that really requires a lot of optimization and a lot of care and like and those of the games you'd like to save just shave off a lot of time in general yeah so right now JRP is going back to wow we're already halfway through the game yeah we are like God he's going back to sector 5 to go get the power bombs and the power bombs in this game they give you way too many I will say and that is not an exaggeration they give you more than you will ever need yes 34 is 74 yeah that's with all of the power bomb expansion tanks and I'm pretty sure with the super missiles it's to 55 to 58 yeah it is it I think it's 250 or 255 either way it's a fun and then you have 20 II tanks so at the end of the run if you're doing 100% you were just way way overpowered that's just because like is literally 100 of each tanks rights are to me if there's 100 expansion tanks yes say yes move it since they'd off each one since they don't do major items another thing that Jeremy didn't do here because he's saved you can usually get a shinespark going into that room and store it and then jump over some of the shots that not get sniped by the enemies there and you can use it through the room to just save like a it's probably only like three seconds but I things like one second it's it's okay really short time say it's very minut but it's like it looks really cool it looks really cool and there's a layer though oh yeah there's a lot of things you can do on this run that just they might not save a lot of time but they look really cool like there's a two second time saving sector sexy could have done where he stores a shinespark and then uses it from the recharge room all the way back to the nav room it's kind of ridiculous alright so coming up here actually now that there's no Super K go he's just gonna roll into this room and she's gonna lay a power bomb I think I heard a shot I don't know what that was about let's bet that's the music changed Oh someone's shooting at him that's weird that's weird I don't know I was very weird so for that that's a designated as IX chase the problem is you never get to see I say X on the screen because you're just moving too quickly or too fast yeah so I'm very smoother by the way yeah there's that's the alternate way to do that room the second time through its yeah but I'm not going through a last room there he actually like over his chart theme on like walls inside the blowing stone for the door and I'll shoot the charge being on the first frame Agha's door in that case let me go hit that barrier and lockets immediately yeah we forgot very much a lot what this game is so dense that we might forget some things yeah there's a lot there's a lot of stuff in here that it's just it running it for so long you just tend to forget some things sometimes because it's just so ingrained we think people already know it's just like it's just how this game is so now they don't have to grab the ice missiles yeah I'm gonna say because I'm there's a the room called the spitter room oh yes guys on the ceiling that spit at you and they do like 80 something damage and they're pretty hard to avoid so it's pretty much playing the lottery at this point not only do they have spitters there's about eight spitters in that room or six there are enemies on the ground that will close up that are covered in spikes that will hit you while you're trying to get a speed boost through that room it's it's weird it is one of the worst rooms in the game and we're hitting we've hit right now like the halfway point of the run where there's gonna be a lot of a lot of automation a lot of like boss fights that are gonna be happening and they're gonna be like very back to back very quick it's a it's a boss very off it's like a boss calm it's like the end of a Mega Man game pretty much where you're just fighting like free fighting all the bosses except it's just in a row I really yeah I really I would I really like to ask that during these fights no donations are read so he can focus because these are very tough fights yeah I had a little bit of miss face in there because of the first fairy hanging em that's making this Phoebus for often time yeah they're calling the same in that case well alright let's try it again time to do this again any time the atom hex is on the screen go ahead and read some donations there's not a lot going on then we have a two hundred dollar donation from Poland Taurus that says plate fusion a ton when I was a kid so it's great to see such a crazy run thanks for the awesome event we have a hundred dollar donation from say and oh four that says save the speedrun kill the animals we have $150 from anonymous that says save the frames kill the animals we have a 200 dollar donation from anonymous that says one of the family is a surgeon who generously donates her time to travel abroad and help out those less fortunate in her honor I make this donation as I really can't understand the struggle doctors can go through by traveling abroad and offering their services MSF is a true-blue charity and deserves such amazing swag strats through all of everyone's childhood games also I'd normally donate to save kill the animals a bonus game by bubbles must donate money to that bonus Dark Souls game there we go by the way if you didn't get that there's actually mistaking that last room there that's real hard to avoid and if you don't this beamster going to our last room you can't have two very trickily avoid that that's that's impossible the yeah there's a missile tank where if you lay a power bomb you can get through it but the face it the most consistent ways there was speed boosters underneath it it I'm pretty sure it's nearly impossible to skip that and if so it's a super tight window - yeah it's like - it's like two blocks basically yeah it'll it's like the same as trying to jump over Bob say by the way yeah oh wait that Jerry did you save you savor it up okay for the text again yeah yeah yeah so it's important to note that like he saved after because if he had saved before and then he was the dot if hopefully he doesn't but if he were to die at yahooza he would have - he would be spawned at the ship but the conversation he had with adam would not have happened so this area would not be accessible yet and this I'm pretty sure is what we call the rock as a gauntlet because it's just awful so kinda yeah it's really cool and it looks really cool and done correctly though all right here comes the first boss yeah the first Aereo nope that's the first boss yes nice good job it was very quiet for a minute I still got a you thing right there yeah it's that eats I'm pretty sure it's like a four frame window I'm pretty sure - well to skip that some of that it's really tight you got that if I haven't liked struggle whatsoever like even stop or anything you straight win for it I mean that jump is pretty much free let's be honest oh yeah alright so coming up is gonna be Yakuza eye man one of the biggest luck babe bosses the entire game yeah I'm gonna there yes I'm gonna stop talking so you can concentrate yeah yeah looks good afterwards whoops I will say now this part has complete look and you Mike uses that to immediately open up and start shooting flames on you but you got the worst luck you got the 4 roundyakuza no it's a purple he's pulling once he gets the purple like this he wants to give a half way it's health about half way done which we'll get to the second phase to the head spinning all around the room basically what charity I didn't use polish more strats all right here we go this parts hard not everyone the flag Powerball okay you know well the power bomb he lays the power of on there so that the X will fly to it to a predictable spot so we can grab them so then I'm flying all over the room trying to check I figured he's going for the sweet spot maybe not say Yakuza's almost was most difficult bosses casually and he bethought one each a contender yeah I will say the the second phase of that fight the second phase is really difficult however with the charge beam it's the the charge is so perfectly timed with when you hit him and when he jumps and becomes vulnerable again so where you can just stay under him and firing up into them and recharging the charge of you immediately and you'll be able to hit him consistently every time it's not as bad as it looks but it's pretty difficult when he gives you some pretty bad patterns they're a lot actually did happen during that fight and there's a lot that's gonna happen coming up too so the beginning of the fight you saw him jump up and shoot charged beams and missiles at yahooza or at the ceiling because once you hit the ground that's when yeah cos actually spawns like his sprite actually spawns so you can jump up and damage him before he starts crawling around the room he also duh can crawl around between 1 & 2 4 times the first time being the first initial one when he climbs down from the room and then three more times where he can climb down to once and then set himself and then open up usually in any percent we would have a lot of he would have a lot more e-tanks where he can just jump into it's like his little claws or whatever his legs and you can like shimmy out of it and essentially skip around but with one eats and with 99 energy it's it's a little dangerous to do that because I'm pretty sure for each second it's like four or five damage so it happens to be a lot of damage we just did a sex chase that he got away from usually you'd have to go all the way to the left wait for sex that come in the room leave and then continue on but you can just shoot the block and run away coming up is Natori the golden statue boss so this one is actually I don't think he should hat needs serious time for this boss but I'm gonna go ahead and start explaining anyway so when you get into this room there are some samus leaders on the grounds and he's gonna have a few platforms he's gonna lay up some power bombs to not only clean clear the room of the pollen and he can see he's standing on the far right side so that left plant doesn't shoot if he's if samus is standing in a specific spot that plant went fire so that way he Santa's can just fire as many times as possible without getting hit and having to wear a hit you can also stand right next to it yes all right very precise so for you can see him laying power bombs and this is the only boss in the game that actually is damaged by power bombs so it's every time he does it he's dealing damage and this this boss is pretty easy it's you know just read and react for the most part there's not a whole lot of like setup that has to be done here so it's about the looks is not the student whistles so this one takes five missiles to kill and you can see he's doing he's jumping up and then shooting downwards he's doing downward double strats which are pretty easy well they're a little tricky they're a little tricky yeah which we got them perfectly okay now that the pot is you know that's JRP I would like to congratulate you and your downgrade and beam looks so cool that sounds amazing it's I mean this at this point his beam is broken oh wow the really hard strat okay so that's frame perfect pretty much where you can get knocked the left and getting bunked out of your shinespark saying it saves time for the honking animation which is a few seconds careful careful all right all right that key hunter right there your entire eating of damage if you were on a deathless run and he comes at you stinger first he will deal 127 damage and it's almost impossible to react to him yeah that would really sting yeah he and said what he has ended more runs than you would think and it's at a certain point you would think like we would learn to like deal with it but sometimes you just forget yeah or whole just play not so nice sorry JP remember space please yeah do not in their space please do it I could try nightmare space boost is pretty difficult because you'll have to go through like six rooms with broken doors and broken doors are really bizarre unless you're going unless you have upward momentum going through them and you're at the top of them it will just put you on the ground for the next room and you won't even consider your jump it's ridiculous so doing that through six rooms is really difficult though there's a runner by the name of Paul's Moore who goes for it consistently and can get it and what's even more impressive as that he has I believe e46 and he plays on keyboard yeah which wasn't emulator which blows my mind agreed I I could never play this game with keyboard neither can i but if I were both on both I guess also I feel like we should yeah serious time for this oh yeah time for donations after this after it's yeah we're in need for this for time your space boots yeah you said you got the whole whole build up but yeah it's got do it now yeah he didn't go back for the charge so yeah okay oh I'll see you doing very good clothes so if you did a regular shinespark through there you actually fly through about five rooms bunk is this wall right here oh god no how JRP please give me a heart attack over here I was at a sink so I feel like I should give a shout-out to the pretty much the only other person that runs 0% who would wanted to be here but couldn't be uh that's J c89 ever since it last April since we found the Bob's get me and him have been pretty much the only two runners for 0% though these any two active runners until JRP picked it up picked up 0% and we're a very very small group of runners for this because it's just so hard and so daunting of a test to run this category they'd say okay thank you for saving Jeff yeah thank you need that are you gonna do one without the the cheese strats I will yeah okay so there's two ways you can fight nightmare you can do the cheese strike which is just make it go around in circles for like three or four minutes or you can just keep shooting at it and making it stop and move towards you but it's really easy to get hit yeah so I'm gonna go for the the fast rap yeah so no first finance policy Amelia skipped the first phase by shoeing a charge beam into numbers quarter unless that doesn't do that three percent look like it's not that serious your percent we do something completely different because it's the health is the most important thing that we need for this fight make sense so basically he just won okay so what he's doing is he's luring them up to the top of the room to kill him as high as possible so that way when he's got gravity starts he can fire charging shots up while nightmare glides down and I'm gonna stop talking for this final phase it's really hard [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay I bring it back good whoa what Brandis dead he's got this yeah it's easy mean now he's fine it'll be fine no he's not oh no oh no that is the worst pattern to get because he can fly him right into you this boss is really tough it's got a lot of health this is the boss earlier when I was talking about it'd be much much easier to fight him with wide beam because you would do more damage with your charge shot because now he's only doing 27 but since the plasma beam does 27 per frame it would be helpful if a nightmarish hitbox was you know a little bit bigger and could do more than one frame of damage but for now I'm pretty sure he's just gonna go for the cheese strats where he's gonna walk he's gonna walk through the trap he's not lock him into an endless loop and it would just fly around in circles and just shoot him in the face every single time he doesn't pass by so I feel like I should mention here it's impossible really to manipulate nightmare in his third mode it is third phase except we lock unless we lock him into the sleep nightmares a lot like the mega X 4 where he will just try to chase Samus but after when he's done this movement here where he's flying to the left he take a random just a random pattern like you don't know where he's gonna fly until he leaves and that reason that we can never predict until like where he's gonna be after he's done moving from slowly to the left is because before he focuses on Samus he focuses on an invisible dot that's in the room that's in every room that there's an X so the X when they are flying around and they just seemingly are just flying randomly they're usually just following this little point that's flying around a room that you know they congregate - the same goes for a nightmare once he starts to move he'll start following this dot orig originally and then he'll readjust and focus on Samus though when he's focused on Samus you can lock him into this pattern that you're seeing right now where you can keep jumping over them and shooting them as he swoops back down I'm getting it's really consistent it's really slow when you're going for a good time but it's pretty safe to do really quick just to interrupt you really quick we have a $1400 donation from German one to eight that just says winky face we have $100 donation from Eden surgeon that says placing an order right now for my favorite dish dr. oz with a triple side of edit Koons deep-fried in an exploding planet menu price hundred dollars high in protein low in frames we have a hundred dollar donation from zan Damascus that says Metroid Fusion was hard enough casually doing it fast without pickups is crazy great run so far and good luck in the last stretch we must save some animals so to balance it out let's kill them in Super Metroid we have a $25 donation from Nate to15 that says I've never been really into games done quick but I'm sure that a lot of other people do so here I am you guys work hard if this helps we have a $50 donation from Andrew that says my usual gdq donation my usual gdq request kilby animals we have $125 donation from anonymous that says this space is intentionally left blank we have a $50 donation from abnormal void that says what put this 45 being named Beefaroni we have a $50 donation from the man of Pokemon that says hey everyone I don't typically watch this stream but my friends were interested so here I am I hear one of my favorite streamers behind the donation streaming okay man and because of that and my overwhelming need to donate my money to charity I decided I would this can go to Readers Choice good fight good fight there good fights we have a one hundred and fifty dollar donation from Alex one five six that says happy to be donating to Doctors Without Borders during my favorite Metroid game no triple-double though putting this towards some bonus Dark Souls JRP I am talking points on my spreadsheet for you using cheese strats though and for pause buffering earlier so now is a travesty so yeah then just go through all this water that I went through very slowly to get out the nightmare very quickly now because it's just like regular surface yeah their points are a lot of enemies that do a lot of damage in lower sector four I say in lower sector four there are a lot of enemies that just do a lot of damage period yeah H it just gets worse I don't know if you've noticed there's a very like strange can like like consistency that they just overlooked where in Sector one it took one regular missile to kill you know space pirate but now to kill a space pirate ever since y'all cos a it takes three missiles and your missiles are upgraded so they do more damage so they just up the the hit point value on the space pirates which is I'm gonna die to the fish steep stress no not 1% fish you have a 150 dollar donation from Allen that says got a donate during a metroid run Metroid Fusion is one of my favorite GBA games shout out to the sound crew and everyone behind the scenes who make these gdq events possible we also have $100 donation from blaze that says great run so far breaking some of my favorite games in ways I never knew possible can't think of a better cause for my money than Doctors Without Borders nice what else towards bonus so won't at bonus Dark Souls that was very very safe right there and I'm kind of impressed honestly I mean Joel I'm proud of you for doing beeping strats I have it no other way and the beeping is music to my ears oh goodness Oh poop that's what you need the beeping go away jaw you doing it's not exciting okay maybe I'm wrong now you're free right we have a $100 donation from P Diggity Dog that says I might not make it for Super Metroid so I have to donate now thanks for everyone involved for this great event and thanks Gina for putting up with this twice a year voting to save the animals we have a one hundred fifty dollar donation from Steve twitch that says here's 150 space bucks towards saving those animals the first time my wife watched games done quick she had no idea what dealing with the animals was when she finally saw the animals being saved she said that's it let's prove to her that saving the animals is worth it so what he just did there was he was able to use a speed booster or face boost with speed booster he's able to go through the Super K at the Super K go it's much faster than going but because the the intended way the the game wants you to do is they want you to kill that crab that's on the lower right or Hunter crab or whatever its actual name is I just call it a hermit crab because it looks like one you're supposed to start from that wall and run back to the left oh there's two rooms destroy two speed booster clocks drop down I didn't do seeker message read Dylan it's too late now oh wait Garrett the Harper's this is not a hundred percent what are you doing that did not win the bid war people paid money for this I I will say I want to collect country person oh yeah you can't just point everyone you're locked out of 100% you skipped Bob I will I am I will say I am impressed that it took him that long to actually go back in the 100% mode they like go for an item I got rid of that one I actually got scared for a moment we have a 300 dollar donation from optical Opie that says glad I made it home in time to watch some Metroid runs this event is so amazing thank you to everyone who makes the gdq events happen good luck JRP with a 250 dollar donation from brian 37 that says donating for darksouls bonus glad to support a great event in charity 150 from Greater Stephen that says introduced my girlfriend to gdq this year always a pleasure great cause and good entertainment putting my donation towards Dark Souls my favorite game of the last decade looking forward to the ff7 run my favorite game of the 90s good luck runners we have a 150 dollar donation from cessation that says thanks for everyone here thanks for everything you guys are doing my wife and I have had a blast watching all week save the animals they're not infected with X parasite also sorry about my name I know it's a pain to say we have a hundred dollars from each so2 for that that says let's reach 1 million this donation goes to killing those frames and saving those animals $150 from Forteo 7 that says donated a little earlier but said I would donate more later this week well it's later this week so here's some more money so get to that sweet one mil so there was something that he did when he was going through that first room there I kind of forgot to mention during once he got the charge beam there's something that he can do with a fully charged charge beam and that's called our shooting so if he has missiles and he has a fully charged beam he can do a spin jump and he can press the R button to activate like to open the the missile cannon and he can fire the the chart the charge being forward in other Metroid games to do that I'm pretty sure it just breaks you out of your spin and kills all your momentum however when your spin jet when your space jumping you can just space jump through a room hold B to charge your beam and press R as many times as you want what's it gets charged so also there's no entry without the goo so coming up is a second boss flight which we call Xbox because it's the security robot from earlier it got infected by the X and its name is box we're creative yes but this time he's gonna be a little different he's gonna be firing missiles out of the top of his whatever you would called it I guess his body let's just go up with body yeah body seems good it said well whatever it is I have a thing yeah you know that thing Oh tink it's fighting me very vault on the run because unlike them I like to bring us fire earlier this WHS to speak right yeah like the previous fight earlier we have a very low ceiling on box that wasn't really taken advantage of in the previous fight because it kills so quickly but this fight it's really scaring wait jumps especially because can't get updated if he's right under you yeah and also the wire does damage to you never you fall into it so yeah yeah be careful not to fall either so yeah it's designed specifically to just be a terrible fight and this is the only corex as well after he eventually kills fox 2 or xbox like that you cannot do double missiles on i think it's only gonna take one or two more hits at this point this adds to this game barely it still missiles here by the way yeah it gets a listen to every single core ash this one barely gets its it's there arts a viable though it's it's impossible Joel please don't get hit by the wave beam like I did waving was no you damage by the way yeah so he beat that yeah it does a lot of damage as I remember okay very nice stay with us again Kelly can do the wave goodbye sector 6 by thankfully he won't have to return here and do some horrible tricks to get items in this category yeah you wouldn't hundred percent that makes me so in hundred-percent this is the worst sector to clean up and I mean that matter-of-factly it's not up for debate it's the worst if they do to you really hot space boosts and then we have to do a frame perfect' a press or chroma block genre and you have to do them all first try yeah lose minutes specifically the space boost as well you have to keep you have to do it basically what nightmare space space boost was but you have to do that through three rooms and you have to do that through all bunch of just felt like speakers that have like a ceiling and a floor that's like really tight it's I don't have enough time to escape oh no what are you gonna do how'd you make that crap talked atom-by-atom oh wait that's the wrong game thank dude that's not sector zero so if you Lee another fat forget go after that restricted areas I'll blown up actually left off in Sector one now which we where at the very beginning of the game in our visiting for a second time finally a variant the game yeah well we got to the end pretty quickly yeah this has been a really good run that's why they call the speedrun I we can't debate that one thank you no problem I'm honestly surprised that I just know how difficult this category can be sometimes and they're just I I have no idea what time were at right now but I has it a guest to say that this is somewhere around 49 or 50 maybe even with the deaths I would say 50/50 talking anytime by the way oh yeah that's right yeah we didn't mention this at the start of the run we've missed a lot of things we go the fusion community goes by in game time very unpopular apparently but don't care so we go by in game time specifically because there are a lot of people like this game is very accessible like on Virtual Console and with the Wii U I know an emulator and the timer surprisingly enough is not broken which is weird for a Metroid game I know the timer is very accurate I believe it the only thing it just runs at 64 frames for one second and that's about it whenever samus is on screen the time of the in-game timer is running so whenever you pick up items which she's done none of and whenever you're running around Goodrem they're good these enemies are fun so you so you intended to shoot their backs but the game only checks a few in the pirate are facing each other so you can just shoot turner they would damage him and that's not the same room oh yeah slavery that's a very good point you should probably save right now so yeah going back to the in-game time anytime samus is not on the screen elevator a cutscenes door transitions and Adam text the in game timer doesn't run which is why running English and Japanese really doesn't matter because it only saves time for RTA timing and not in game time since the timer doesn't run when you talk to Adam so what's the point bye wait be sure to every ball in first fight it's a very quiet fights yeah turn off your turn up your volumes you'll thank us later trust me especially you headphone users yes hi Ridley I remember it like you missed the I know he said I'm gonna stop talking actually Joel what are you doing what am i doing yeah what are you doing what we're doing it okay okay do this so he kind of messed up I think if he wins this fight I'll be surprised okay there you know okay so what you're usually supposed to do since for whatever reason Ridley is too big for the room believe it or not he's too big he can't get you if you spin jump in the top-left corner of the room so you can do are shooting down into the down into the right into him while spin jumping in the corner and he just can't get you see and the interesting thing about that is because like usually your first inclination would be to use missiles against Ridley it's a lot faster you do a lot more damage to Ridley better bomb placement when you're shooting charge shots diagonally through him because if you remember each charge shot does 27 damage per flame so if you can keep the charge beam a charge shot 18 Wrigley's hitbox wear as long as possible which is diagonally through him especially if he's moving with it you do just heaps of damage and this goes for any percent 100% and 0% 1% also I should mention when he kills him in a second here his tail is still active so his tail can still damage him very good kill by the way that's very nice that was too quiet yeah it's too quiet y'all know why Mason I want to get developers made really so loud in this game every other games it really loud anyways but like it's way way lardons getting that was a good double so something I should mention as well every time he's got a missile upgrade the double missile timing has gotten a little boo no pacifist taking more points off so every time he gets more missiles the cooldown goes up so it becomes the delay for each missile that he can fire becomes a little bit more making the doubles a little bit harder each time so for diffusion this was the biggest delay that you can get with any missile so getting doubles on the ridley core ex is really really difficult it's possible to triple double him or triple double it but it's really tight timing so yeah at this point we've gotten everything we've beaten Ridley and we're just gonna head and talk to Adam again which if you want to go to the bathroom or something or grab a snack I strongly encourage it because we're gonna be talking to him for I believe 3 or 5 minutes 3 minutes yeah yes quite way of words yeah he is quite the wordsmith in English it's really long I'm pretty sure it's a minute and a half of the Japanese version it's like a mini version yeah it's a little early seems like a mid a half just as I cuts the alone it's ridiculous I should say young the reason we do clean up straight off the ridley instead of talking to Adam he's I'm Adam locks the doors when you if you don't haven't completed the game so if you do clean up before that you can get all the items before he locks the doors well on a completed file that's not a problem but if you have a if you have a file that doesn't have a little Metroid next to it the first time talking to him he will lock the doors yeah and he'll just send you well he won't open the doors back into the secretary there he'll railroad you right to the the what do you call it I guess the control console for a lack of a better term navigation room no that's not it that's we're in now yes I'm in that room so little that I can never remember the actual name of the room this actually is a really good time for donations by the way yes we've got a while all right so we have a two hundred dollar donation from end rhyme that says the metroid games are one of my favorite series of games of all time so of course I had to donate here I'll keep this short and concise just to kill them folks is my favorite line there text in this game it's another way aristocrat heuristic at Joe aristocrat Joe donates $50 it says in the spirit of doctors without borders borders have sanest save the animals we have a $25 donation from alien Sigma that says had to donate during a run of my first and favourite Metroid super hike for Super Metroid donation goes to saving the animals and the Canon we have an anonymous $20 donation that says I absolutely love the Metroid runs they're easily my favorite part of every gdq announcer pick saber kill the animals kill them we have a $50 donation we have a $50 donation from Quetta vey that says thanks to my wife for letting me hog the TV all week to watch sgdq save those frames we have a $25 donation from anonymous let's not forget that gdq is about saving lives let's save those animals we have a twenty five dollar donation from Trey that says Dark Souls would kill those animals we have a 200 dollar donation from Vios that says bubbles must run hi hi hi I don't know why this game is really good with like just for a game it's not a horror game it's really good to have a great atmosphere and this game has a great for atmosphere in general - its but growing up that was the one thing that scared me the most that closed them right there not like the szx chases not like the closeness oh yeah that thing right there I will say yet going on for that they nailed it like the whole life yes isolation feeling and like like the the kind of like horror of being stuck on this thing by yourself with just this thing that's haunting you it's really incredible honestly if you if you're a game designer especially the sound this game is like perfect for that musics against Rachel for this game it's really really good the music just complements this game steaming and everything so well there's the each individual like sector and all that stuff the pests they did the music for this game I think also the Link's Awakening oh yeah it's also really good music for that game as well the road friend last night it's oh yeah yeah nice race I've been today the last say you yeah the last say last one Ralph is the ex right now so what a fancy accident no yeah so it's funny that like all of the bosses leading up to this have been super difficult to fight and then we're just gonna stunlock the last two which I wheelers I wait I wish like yeah now I'm doing it yeah I wish I could say that that wasn't the case but we're we're just gonna use ice missiles and he's gonna freeze s ax in place and shoot charged shots diagonally through with a charm so to keep it frozen in place tough fight I know right this next part don't blink alright it's that [Applause] so if you remember how I said that the wave beam does damage per frame by shooting the charge being directly up when it jumps it just jumps along with the charge beam so the entire time it jumps in the air it's just taking damage from the charge beam and it just is able to kill it in one hit we still gotta make out the mega yeah Mercury's one hit deaf yeah Omega does one new tank of damage every time he swipes you it is very dangerous regulus so you scared I hurt my ribs my buck machines very good me and JC and I think JRP himself has lost a lot of single-segment runs to Omega it's heartbreaking soul-crushing every time [Music] chat would like to know when they can blink again so I don't think it's the time that she escaped so it's gotta be very careful here yeah I believe though are you going for Pogo not with that attitude actually you probably shouldn't with 65 energy yeah so because I'm just missed it that's what summer earlier felow hi back to sector for you that right there to and saves a little bit of time yeah instead of hitting the the ceiling there he would have shined sparked all the way to the right so when I was talking about Pogo here there's a thing that you can do when Omega comes in and he does is scream if you can space jump behind them he will just get super excited and just bounce up and down in places trying so hard to get the sadness but after that it's impossible to do alright just get the stun lock on maybe Metroid see if they can do is I'm gonna slide now yeah [Applause] we did it a few 7/6 for the ship that's time very good run amazing what was the time 1.1 46 that's really good so it's way for a flick spread for the end game times so you have a little bit time until then yeah I will I would like to say currently at the moment me and Jacy are planning a 100% Metroid Fusion tournament so if there's anybody that wants to pick up the game and possibly learn 100% the run is super friendly it's very beginner friendly it's not that hard and we're working to put up a tutorial at the moment to help any new runners we strongly encourage anybody to join us whether you're experienced in experience or I've never played the game before and just when I have some fun we think that we're looking at a start time around August but if you want a link to the tournament discord you just look in I believe my chat or my dashboard JRPGs dashboard and JC's dashboard and we're looking to get banners out for everybody who's in the tournament to spread more awareness and yeah more information out there if you're not 100% sure of it even a lot in general though steam is a very fun game the run and just in general scheme is just incredibly good like it's this game this game the temp straight from the usual formula and metric is where it's more of course in Metroidvania but like this game is a lot more linear and really of what it is it just works extremely well it don't see this it's the time I'm blowing like you mentioned earlier the sound design is incredible in this game and everything has a feeling isolation all over in like all the upgrades are really fun to use there's a loss that's a collide it's really good like if you ever play this game before I just recommend just checking it out it's like it's on Wii U C of course it's all giving advance obviously emulators did an option to I would also recommend not doing 0% as your first run yes don't like that I when I first started running the game I started doing 1% really yes and that was quite the experience did not did not progress as quickly as I did when I started playing any percent but yeah definitely started like just do like a quick run through the game like once or twice get the feel for the controls and then like you know you can do like some segments of practice and then you easily could get a very you go I mean I'm not gonna say a good time because who's to say what a good time is I mean it's all personal preference on what you think a good time is but like you know something that you could be satisfied with you have a careful of all the good time is then because yeah once again a good time this game it's always up one time you want you know he can get but it would work hard yes and 44 is the good time in this game and I don't think JRP is gonna get that 44 or anybody actually so Frozone though the Amos Americans game is just coming in time it's tight actually at 45 in time by Jerry P here and Eagle urine from Denmark Eagle is insanely good at fusion and zero mission and Bailey and Haley yeah he is really good at the 2d metroids I don't know how good he is it super I don't think I don't think he plays Jared I know here and echoes on point to you i dr. project thank you I will say to its using eagle as an example learning one game and going to the other it's very easy to switch between zero mission and fusion because they're relatively like the same kind of game the same kind of control style except in zero mission you can single wall jump while in this one you can't but it's really really like interchangeable the skill set it's pretty much the same run for the most part it's a mission of course again a very very good game if you haven't played that the courts just try itself to definitely won the best of us John role is I guess is on in game time including deaths I'm going 50 to go low I'm gonna say JRP did amazing because I was watching him and he was amazing I'm gonna say it's a 50 I'll split the difference is going to be boy alright I will guess for Ross 110 that's Ross's guy the third time if default it's gonna be everyone let's see let's see that's a good sign already get the best ending JP was correct it's not bad and the collection he actually did click you know why time that JRP you made this wrong that look really really easy is not easy let's just give a round pause again for just completing that run general us crazy this was a very difficult run to do yeah that's it for all of us thanks for watching just your call JP on twitch at JP two two three four yeah and thanks man Magoo for watching and having me be Eastern yeah ok thank you and thank you JRP in couch for that amazing zero percent Ron
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 247,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Summer Games Done Quick 2017, SGDQ2017, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 52sec (6712 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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