Super Mario Galaxy 2 | The Completionist

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Right there with you Jirard. SMG2 is my favorite of the 3D Mario games. Unless we DO count Paper Mario......

Jirard plz play Paper Mario thx.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Notonreddit117 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2015 🗫︎ replies

I love the rap song playing every time Lubba is on the screen

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/ChoirTeacherRog 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2015 🗫︎ replies

A nice, chill, laid-back episode with Jirard raving about one of his favorite games. When was the last episode like this?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Fehndrix 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

AM I the only one who puts this at the bottom of 3D titles? I just wasn't a fan of how half of it felt like a 2D mario game with the level selection map and side-scrolling levels. I also didn't enjoy the lack of a plot or interesting new world. Plus I didn't enjoy the lack of exploring and just overall depth. I beat this game in about eight hours and then I felt done with it. I just love 64, Sunshine, SMG1, and even 3D World more than this.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LordOfLagiacrus 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2015 🗫︎ replies

This is actually my favorite game. EVER. Just everything is just soooo perfect. I love it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lechzemmer 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2015 🗫︎ replies

Thanks J-Man, been waiting for this one.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MylesMad 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2015 🗫︎ replies

Video put me in the mood to revisit this game. Great video as usual Jirard!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pinedoplan2 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2015 🗫︎ replies

I'm so happy you did Mario Galaxy 2. I've been waiting for this day since I watched your 3D World review.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kenrocks1253 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2015 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] yes you happy Black Friday everyone and welcome back to another brand new episode of the completionist while the world ends with everyone going out and killing each other for deals I like to sit down and play my absolute favorite 3d Mario game all day long yes I said it Super Mario Galaxy 2 is my favorite 3d Mario game hot on the trails of the massive success of the original super mario galaxy Super Mario galaxy's 2 development started almost immediately after its predecessors concluded according to Shigeru Miyamoto although the new game would include many of the original assets around 95% of Mario Galaxy 2 would feature brand new elements the Super Mario Galaxy series is one of my favorite Mario franchises and it is still one of the best gaming experiences on the original Wii console I've got fond memories of playing both the original and Mario Galaxy 2 and seeing as how I've already covered the first one all in the show it's time to tackle the sequel this is the only 3d Mario game that we haven't completed here on the show yet so completing this one it's gonna be a little bittersweet I mean wait do you guys you guys count you know they don't count Paper Mario right or like the ds1 and verification from the Council of people who watch me record voiceovers Super Mario Galaxy 2 story begins almost exactly like that of the original Super Mario Galaxy the Mushroom Kingdom is once again celebrating the star festival which only happens once every century wait does that mean that this game takes place a whole 100 years after the last one is this some sort of alternate universe thing something doesn't add up here yeah but who cares about all that when there's cake to be had at Princess Peach's castle gotta love them cake booty calls booty letters and booty booty letters booty booty booty booty rockin soon after arriving Mario stumbles across a little baby luma that looks like it's been abandoned by the rest of its litter the dazed and confused luma who seems capable of communicating only in PlayStation symbols quickly takes up residence underneath Mario's cap which also gives Mario access to his patent and spin move that's called symbiosis kids not the symbionts suit those are two different things Mario finds the entire area under attacked by Bowser yet again only this time Bowser's freaking huge and raining death from the skies man way to step up your game Bowser boasts that the power of the stars is already in his possession along with poor Princess Peach he also claims that since he's such a big shot now the tired old Mushroom Kingdom no longer holds his interest bowser desires the Galactic Empire that's more befitting of his newfound buff boy status setting off for the center of the universe Bowser Hulk jumps into warp speed leaving nothing but destruction and broken promises of cake in his wake cake wakes with the help of a few friendly Lumas Mario blasts off in pursuit leading him to a galaxy where he proceeds to deliver a spanking to peewee piranha after collecting his first of many power stars Mario finds himself on a strange planet toyed that's inhabited by a group of Lumas and their super chill leader lova in my mind this guy looks like he would sound just like Biggie Smalls [Music] my man lover explains that the planetoid is actually his spaceship but since Bowser recently jacked all of his cruise power stars the ship has basically been dead in the water thankfully the baby luma helps to initiate a partnership between Luva and mario the mission reclaim the power stars and retrieve Princess Peach with his magic big boy luma powers Luva transforms his ship into a replica of Mario's head that looks like something out of a Lionel Richie video it's one this is how I see you with Mario at the helm the crew sets off to defeat Bowser once and for all again for the final time again the story in Mario Galaxy 2 may be a bit cliche but it's storybook conceit is extremely endearing sure it's a little disappointing that the plot is almost an exact recreation of the first games but that never stopped franchises like Legend of Zelda from delivering quality games time and time again the narrative may be simple but Mario has never needed a much of a story to do what it does best the game tells you just what you need to know and then gets out of the way for fun move the hell over a narrative the fun train is coming on through all aboard the fun train next out of nowhere cuz this tray don't stop and stop this train nothing a checker check my uh Galaxy two presents a pristine package of fun variety and creativity to the player there aren't many other games out there that attempt to marry the delightful cartoony style often found in mario games with the gorgeous vistas and epic scale that come with space-based adventures this outerspace theme is once again utilized in mario galaxy 2 to provide an utterly unique experience with mechanics like fluid gravity and wild camera angles the first Mario Galaxy admittedly had its fair share of spots where these varied mechanics resulted in a headache or two or three or 10 and while they're not perfect in the sequel most of the bugs have definitely been ironed out it's a huge improvement you guys Mario Galaxy 2 also provides a lot of variety across as many worlds and planets just when you've had enough of the snowy slopes of an ice theme level the game throws a spooky haunted house your way the range in tone across these levels is just as impressive you've got cute safe feeling areas like the honey bloom galaxy as well as the foreboding fortresses that appear at the end of every world surprising the player by throwing Mario into a one-off world full of giants goes a long way toward keeping the player delighted as they play one of the big differences between galaxies and galaxy 2 is the mechanic of the world map in the first game the observatory was the main hub in which you'd visit certain parts of the ship and play all the levels in that galaxy in Mario Galaxy 2 however it's been switched now to a 2d map which although is not nearly as ascetically pleasing it's much more efficient as you can start playing the levels much faster it would take you quite a while to run from the back of the observatory every time you completed a stage to play a new level this game's soundtrack is worthy of awards oh it was nominated for an award well good because it's gorgeous it's fully orchestrated and it offers more genres than you can shake a wiimote app you've got country Tracks sci-fi sounding tracks and even stuff that sounds straight out of a 70s adventure film the game may have a bunch of brand new music but it also features plenty of returning favorites from the original Mario Galaxy soundtrack as well as tracks from throughout Mario's history the sound design also impresses with its adaptability toward how you play the game for example the music often becomes a bit more understated and serene when fully submerged in water this kind of attention to detail demonstrates the care that went to Mario Galaxy sound design the game's presentation is a celebration of all things Mario I mean come on playing an almost exact recreation of tall tall mountain is the stuff dreams are made of Mario Galaxy 2 without a doubt honors the past while also improving upon older concepts and introducing new ideas but real talk if Nintendo just remade Super Mario 64 with the current date HD graphics I'd be all over that like a hungry luma on star bits give me that gimme the game playing Mario Galaxy 2 is for the most part rip straight out of the first one but make no mistake this is a case up if it ain't broke don't fix it Mario can still perform his signature series of leaps and jumps and things too the baby luma living inside of his scalp he still got access to his spin attack and Mario is gonna need all those abilities since platforming is still the meat and potatoes of this Mario experience thankfully the controls are still just as responsive as you'd expect from a Mario title except for a few instances where the cameras a bit stubborn or when the game forces you to use the Wii mote in unique ways it's always a bit disappointing whenever the game takes the controller out of your hand and then shoves it back into your fists in an uncomfortable position I'm looking at you balance ball levels and bird levels but these Wii mode focus areas are blissfully small in number and Mario Galaxy 2 manages to feel great the rest of the time it's a very big improvement when comparing it to the first game as in the first game they're everywhere they're freaking everywhere there are 6 worlds to explore each with 7 galaxies and those galaxies each contain a few stages that reward you with the power star upon their completion that's a whole lot of Mario to get done right there while some sages are readily available many are only accessible after meeting a certain criteria within the galaxy and actually beating them will require a few different tactics sometimes that means successfully platforming to an out of reach power star facing a boss or collecting a set amount of items before you can complete the stage you have collectibles Mario Galaxy 2 introduces comet medals which appear once in every galaxy and when collected gradually summon prankster comments throughout the game's worlds you remember it prankster comets don't you you know the especially difficult stages that get added to galaxies that you've already visited in the original Mario Galaxy pranks your comments were where the real challenge of the game came from and they're no different in the sequel you can expect things like time trials collecting purple coins and completing stages without any hit points in classic Mario fashion many stages also include little hidden areas that contain potential prizes sometimes they involve minigames or special arenas that were Ward's with one ups if you defeat all the enemies in time of course the star bits the currency of the Mario Galaxy universe make their return and they can still be used as ammo to stun enemies by both single-player or by a body in two-player mode plenty of classic Mario power-ups make their return such as the fire flower the rainbow star or star man the B mushroom and the spring mushroom but there's a group of all new toys to play with in Mario Galaxy 2 the spin drill allows Mario to dig straight through certain types of terrain to come out on the other side the cloud flower lets him create up to three platforms at any time the rock mushroom transforms him into a rolling ball of death and the boom mushroom grants Mario the ability to flow and face right through certain obstacles now that I think about it maybe the boom mushroom is just the poisonous mushroom and it kills Mario Mario Galaxy 2 features a ton of returning enemies from the original Mario Galaxy as well as old foes from throughout Mario history goombas check boomerang bros check big-ass bullet pills double check but of course there are some new baddies too like fizz lids who are normally little purple gelatinous blob but will become flattened and electrified if threatened one of the coolest new enemies in the game is undoubtedly the cosmic clone now these are in fact a bit different than the comet stars from the first game where you had to race a cosmic clone these dudes will trail you like lemmings through an area and if they touch you you're gonna get hurt you know continually spawn so they get harder and harder to avoid kind of like a game of snake this new addition isn't an ingenious way to force the player to keep moving without relying on the cliche methods of auto-scrolling and time limits bosses are still easy and predictable as ever but they're also still imaginative and fun the boss battles against the Bowser and his son Bowser jr. are a little tougher but not by much they are more complex and they might take some more time to complete but there's nothing to really worry about [Music] sorry little man you've got to try a little bit harder than this lots of Mario's friends are here to lend a hand too occasionally you'll run into Luigi throughout the galaxies and when you do you'll be able to temporarily switch places with him he's a bit faster and he seems to jump a little bit higher but he also seems to have a lot less traction when coming to a stop if you manage to complete a stage as Luigi you can then replay it as Mario while racing against a ghost of Luigi hooray for sibling rivalry making his Mario Galaxy debut is Yoshi and he's an absolute monster in this game no joke when playing with Yoshi you're basically untouchable since he can easily reach out with his tongue from a distance and quickly eat any enemy that would normally pose a threat to you his flutter ability really helps out on some of the more difficult platforming sections and even has his own set of power-ups to his - pepper makes him sprint madly at high speeds the blimp fruit allows him to float high into the air and the bull berry makes Yoshi glow bright as a light bulb while back on board the starship Mario you've got a few buddies to keep you company of course there's lubba who will occasionally remind you of real-life dangers like remembering to take breaks every once in a while we're looking out big guy then there's the helpful Bank toad who will store your excess star bits as well as a male toad will occasionally deliver letters that contain 1ups bonus star bits and challenges from NPCs one of those NPCs is the chimp who will occasionally call Mario out by challenging him to a game of skill just look at this guy he's like Alex Fosse on a spirit animal the gameplay in Mario Galaxy 2 may be mostly familiar but I'm not complaining about that it retains the greatest elements of the previous game while also adding new and interesting stuff on top of it the only thing missing is the parappa the rapper style minigame that features lava and the chimp going in on each other with some freestyle rapping place your bets baby I'm gonna go I'm gonna go with love up because hes the esa's notorious he's the notorious lu bee ba [Music] as mario and his crew arrive at Bowser's galaxy generator they noticed the stronghold is drawing power from a mysterious comet in addition to the power stars nevertheless they steel themselves for the final battle and charged straight forward on entering the fortress you'll be met with the fiercest opposition yet you'll have to utilize your many abilities and power-ups as well as your trusty companion Yoshi just to make it to Bowser's personal chambers once there Bowser makes it clear that he's sick and tired of Mario always messing up his dastardly plants so he jumps right off his throne and brings the fight straight to our hero this boss spot is very much like Mario Galaxy two's other Bowser boss fights Bowser will attempt to punch a hole right through Mario but with some quick movement he'll end up hitting the ground when he does so he creates vertical travelling shock waves that are tricky to avoid eventually some meteorites fall to the surface of your tiny planet and embed themselves into it once Bowser's lens is fisted to it again the meteorites will pop up allowing you to take aim and bud slam onto them into the tyrants face this is the only way to damage him so most of the fight is about avoiding hazards while you wait for the right conditions to nail him down after you hit him twice Bowser will get pissed and decided to bring some classic fire breath into the mix which makes things even harder to avoid but if you managed to hit him down two more times he'll finally shrink back down to size and leave the grand star up for grabs like he's back for more Bowser eats the grand star and grows even larger than ever he roars sending Mario tumbling through space and begins to close in on you looking to punch your lights out once and for all the only way to keep him back and damage him is to make your way to the nearby meteorites and but slam them his way it can be really hard to aim when he's far away but if you pick your shots and wait till he gets up close he's an easy target after a few shots Bowser finally admits defeat and sinks into the void soon after Princess Peach comes flying out of the same void carrying the grand star she along with Mario and the little baby luma returned to love a ship just in time to witness the comet that Bowser had been sobbing power from transformed back into Rosalina's Observatory The Hub the first Mario Galaxy it turns out that she was imprisoned this whole time but now that she's been released and her little luma has been returned to her she's free to roam the cosmos once more the baby luma flies towards its home but not before jacking Mario's hat and who can blame it nothing's got to be worth like what a couple hundred thousand star bits on space eBay once the Observatory departs Mario peach and the crew of the starship mario depart for home where they all lived happily ever after until Bowser shows up again during the next star festival right I mean every every century everybody's got that day marked down their calendars right peach you get a lunch prepare for one they never will happens to you again ok Mario have you ordered your replacement hat yet Rosalina we'll see you when we see you good game guys that's good teamwork teamwork [Music] boy does this game have a lot of things to unlock and collect firstly after beating the game for the first time you'll be able to switch freely between Mario and Luigi what if you somehow collect 9999 coins then there will automatically be Luigi ghosts on every single level without having to beat them as Luigi first and if you've ever played a 3d Mario game before then you know that there are bound to be more power stars besides the one you've collected on your first playthrough Mario Galaxy 2 has a total of 120 power stars and many of them can be found in the bonus world known as world s that's unlocked when you beat the game world s is a fully functioning world complete with its own galaxies secret stars prankster comets and more what you didn't think we were done did you beating the game again with all 120 power stars collected will earn you a nifty silver crown icon on your game safe and it will also reward you with the post-credits scene featuring Rosalina who's finishing reading the story of mario galaxy 2 to her luma children but once maybe lumen returns complete with Mario stolen cap Rosalina begins to tell the story of the green stars that's right there's even more stars to collect and there aren't just three green stars like it was in the last game there's a full 120 green stars to find once these green stars are unlocked they'll swarm the worlds in the game and can be found in every one of the games galaxies the problem is is that they're all pretty well hidden sometimes we're in plain sight but many of them are diabolically tucked away like with an enemies or underneath the map itself finding them is like a giant game of hide-and-seek but thankfully the green stars make a distinct twinkling sound when you're near by them so if you're the completionist type you best keep those eyes and ears open if you manage to collect every green star not only will you get a cool gold crown on your game save file but you'll also unlock the Grand Master galaxy that's right guys we're not done this secret bonus galaxy lies at the very end of world s and is a gauntlet that features enemies and themes from throughout the game beating this level will give you your 240 first power star oh but that's not even the end of it remember Bank toad well if you deposit 9999 star bits with him it'll unlock the perfect run a prankster comet version of the Grandmaster galaxy where you can't get hit at all accomplish that feat and Rosalie and herself will reward you with the very last power star for a grand total of 242 stars this will also unlock a platinum crown for your save icon a deathcounter for your entire playthrough and a neat little message from Nintendo thanking you for playing the game there's also a cool picture of every single star you've collected on your journey kind of puts things in perspective when you see them all lined up like that collecting that many star bits will also transform all the coconuts that appear in the game into watermelons just like in the first Mario Galaxy but even collecting every single thing in the game and unlocking everything possible it still doesn't answer the greatest question of all just who are those creepy guys watching and following you in the shiver burn galaxy who the hell are you what do you want from me what are you waiting for [Music] Mario Galaxy 2 isn't the type of game to push you to your limits in fact many times throughout the game it offers hints to help you just in case you need it for example if you continually die on a stage a shadowy version of Rosalina will show up to offer assistance at the end of the day though I'd say that there are only a couple of levels I'd even considered hard and I don't even mean hard in general I mean hard by Mario standards the only frustration that you'll probably feel while playing will come from the brief moments of crappy controls or the fatigue you may have of going in for a complete run thankfully the fun of Mario Galaxy 2 far outweighs the frustration and if you're looking to wander percent this game then pacing yourself will keep things enjoyable [Music] fun is what Super Mario Galaxy 2 is all about from start to finish it's an absolute blast to play and experience it takes the very best from Mario's history and turns into this beautiful game that so we're checking out especially if you have a Wii U no matter your gaming background it's bound to have something that you and your friends will really like and being player 2 is actually quite helpful and fun even though it's not nearly as immersive as playing as player 1 with Mario now for your completionists out there the endgame stuff is a bit tedious however for me I love it all it's challenging it's fun you have the green power stars you have the extra stars Grand Master galaxy you've got a Luigi Yoshi so many fun extra things in this game to make it the perfect 3d Mario experience so with that in mind guys I give this game my completionist rating up finna pleat it today's Black Friday special is brought to in part by the pixel Empire Dylan and his crew must really love us over there at pixel Empire the pixel Empire is an awesome website where you can go get some rad artwork for your wall check out some of their awesome high-res glossy video game and pop culture posters that was a mouthful and with Black Friday here they've got some pretty solid deals going on right now still going on from before in regards to Star Wars from now until December 18th every Millennium Falcon posts are purchased comes the set of eleven by seventeen posters that represent the original Star Wars trilogy and their video game deals are still happening with limited video game prints being on sale until the end of the year there's a pick any three and pick any four prints combo package that are literally 50% or more off and also there are some specialist designs that are marked down specifically for Black Friday and on top of all these sales you can use coupon code completionist upon checkout to get 15% off your entire order Dillon thank you so much man happy holidays brother we appreciate your support here on the show are you still hanging out I got you if that subscribe button right there so you can continue to hang out with us all the time and while you're at it be sure to check out last week's video on the Power Rangers video game the movie the game with special guest Steve Cardenas the red ranger and hey if you want to watch last year's video on Super Mario Galaxy the original give it a click right here that's not to move got for today guys so please as always let us know what you thought about today's episode somewhere on the Internet guys happy Black Friday be good be saved celebrate with family celebrate with friends pour one out for me pull one out for Market bread cuz we're still here on Turkey Day completing games and doing this video for you guys and all that great stuff Happy Holidays now you excuse me let's watch me fail the Grandmaster Galaxy over and over and over again it's some funny music take it away mark you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 1,224,054
Rating: 4.9286141 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Video Game), Super Mario Bros. (Video Game), sper mario, Mario Series (Video Game Series), Video Game (Industry), Super Mario Galaxy (Video Game), Nintendo NX, That One Video Gamer, Jirard Khalil, mario galaxy, mario galaxy 2, Wii U (Video Game Platform), mario black friday, Nintendo (Video Game Developer), Nintendo 3DS (Video Game Platform), completionist mario, thatonevideogamer, completionist, completionist mario galaxy, completionist super mario
Id: J38Vcv91LPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2015
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