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right ladies and gentlemen good morning good evening good night good afternoon wherever the [ __ ] you are in the world let me tell you guys something right now something special is about to happen you guys know we don't typically go live at 4:15 in the morning but this is a special occasion my boy Dylan aka the United gamer he Holl sweetie was streaming and he booted up Mario 64 and I was like yo I'll go live right now let's verse each other you can have a five minute head start thank you so much a turkey for becoming a Saiyan my boy damn damn I appreciate you I said you can have a five-minute head start in that time he got two stars okay and he gets to pull up any research he wants on how to get through this game we're gonna be doing a 70 star run we're going at each other it's gonna be lit and now that you guys know what's going on already a hundred people in here I [ __ ] love you guys Jason shell thank you my man for the silent killer $10 bomb I appreciate you we're gonna dive right into this now you guys know before I get into this call with Dylan typically Dylan is more skilled at video games than me I take a lot of pride in being pretty decent at Mario 64 this is my game if there's anything that I'm gonna be Dylan in it's this game now let me say hello to everybody right now we got Ashley Nicole we got Mike Gant's Admiral cab no lives mega are you doing Ren what is going on to sound breaker shade shadow I also saw midnight sky up in the chat thank you so much my boy for being here and thank you too dark shadow for the $10 II said team Vinny we got this [ __ ] let's go my boy we most certainly got this I'm not even gonna put it into the realm of possibility that this man beats me right now another thing that I got going for me as an advantage I don't get tired at this time this is my prime time this is when I am at my best and Dylan is a sleepy boy let's be honest so without further ado let me pull up discord here let me join the call and let's just start [ __ ] talking honestly I am ready for this Thank You shade shadow we say let's go champ you got this my man probably been live for three minutes and it's 4:15 in the morning are you kidding me this man said it's at a London vide I miss you bro love you dude I miss you too red gang donation wearing my red hat I'm not gonna take the tits out just yet but I have a feeling at some point in the stream I will take them out my boy thank you so much for the hundred dollar Bob you are so incredibly generous you are amazing thank you so much my boy get that red gang crab go and get that hashtag thank you midnight you are incredible thank you William for becoming a Saiyan Thank You Jaron Jimmy he said destroy him but also have fun we gonna have fun I feel like it's a sleepover with the boys that's fine bro I can wait my man thank you so much let me reboot this ROM right now by the way because we got to start a new game and challenges man Dillons probably feigning to get this party started thank you and the toss white for the $2 hey Vinny a bit too late for me to watch this right now will it get uploaded to the channel yes it will I'm gonna leave this public cuz this is really this is an event stream if you guys are watching this after the fact click that like button okay you guys are clearly hyped about this and so am I thank you Morgan said for the one hundred and fifty dollar bomb or get set let's go Vinny I know you're pro at this game but I'm not gonna lie would prefer to see you struggle a little listen I'll be honest you there's no way you're gonna see me struggle early on especially that I've played this game literally two times the last month that's not even a joke DS version and this version which by the way this version is much easier than the DS version in my humble opinion yes I have this much energy at 4:20 in the morning I'm a professional youtuber this is what we do Thank You Morgan let's join the call oh really not know and so a is this your stream for the day it is my stream for the day are you asking me yeah yeah for the freakin I'll be honest it might be I don't know cuz here's the thing I can't do anything until I can p.m. tonight so that is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen in my whole youtube career I'm going live before you do well yeah that you go a lot of where I am with Mario that you just finish I gotta tell you though I love the fact that I had this art ready to go and you said you were down to do this dude I got like beyond excited I started literally like fidgeting in my bed I was like oh my god it's gone yeah I've never seen you so excited for something I'm like oh my god this guy you know you know he loves this freaking game I'm fired up right now all right I'm gonna really quickly share my screen with you so we can see where each other are at for competition purpose yeah give me a thank you I'm doing my last showdown yeah no worries in the meantime I'll talk to chat over here nightshade with a few dollars it's 4 a.m. and I really want to watch but I need to sleep nightshade I'll be honest with you you're not gonna want to miss this stay up with the champions all right I mean you know when I miss it ya gonna want to miss it by the way guys it's the audio good is the gameplay good is Ryan and Dylan good by the way what's a bribe right okay imperfect did you get people contacts that yeah I know this game well I explained my everything that's going on yet yeah I haven't played this game since I was like 10 so yeah boy you're in there long yeah that's crazy I played this game a week ago yo Morgan $31 just start a coffee talk in the mornings like Frank get Dylan involved for this dream dude honestly I wouldn't be opposed to doing more stuff like this but I'm only one that's usually up at this time usually they're there they're asleep ready you know what I mean but yeah we're normally a normal sleep schedule but GG Robert I got really lucky with the shell smash and we can do another one in thank you but I'm ready with the $5 said tits at the end of the stream if you smoke this southern illiterate Georgia person absolutely thank you as well to Darth noivern for the $5 I'm totally going to play devil's advocate I think Dylan has it all right so I got a question for both chats you team Vinny our team Dylan let's judge everyone else team vinius here and everyone that's team Dylan's there right it makes sense I am definitely the underdog Ennis which is people are like I like this is different Dylan's the underdog this is so different I explained I was like you know if there's anything that I could remotely beat Dylan in its this so I am really really excited now one quick thing in the event that someone has to go with a bathroom or like a really big bomb gets dropped or something we're just both pause or something yeah bombs bombs dropped anything like that we'll pause so I have my chat and your chat pulled up so I'll know you tell me when you're ready I'm ready hold on wait I gotta pull up the screen share give me one second that time that is 12 Oprah kid all right no I already have two stars on him all right that means nothing when you've played this game a week ago and I haven't played I haven't played this game in 15 years bro I'm not gonna curse on the stream because it's Dylan and I keep things PG when I work with my best buddy lumpy AFC okay with a quick alright so he basically has a three star head start in this run which honestly when it comes down to the later stars that literally means nothing so I'm not literally mean nothing because I don't know what to do really after boys dude it's it's the same thing really honestly you have a better shot at beating me in this than me beating you at Donkey Kong 64 I heard you talk about that might get annoyed not even TK yeah Morgan said how do I say no I can't choose between you two don't make me choose you got to choose I mean this is Jen this is it hey you got a cheese I've never been able to pull up the lucky to skip and I probably not gonna do it now I was going for it in little like test recordings not test for coins but little test runs before I went live and I was like dude I can't pull this off what if I accidentally fall down I'm doing yours you can't wait hey yo he said he prefers dk64 that's my boy let's go yo dk64 is a great game but like it doesn't even compare to mario 64 i mean let's be I love DK 64 so much man it is a really really good game man I've played it so many times all the beginning parts though and by the way thank you goosey for the donation no no I do this I think how do I do this oh I'm so excited right by the way I was literally just so pumped for this because it's literally like we're having a big sleepover time which I love and yeah they've I will I love streams like this that's why I love like lighters are so fun to do where you just sit and play games together I'm just I'm hoping you're gonna go there going in I know normally I would stop hopeful can do a hashtag my boy I gotta beat this man thank you so much for the two on drink I went to the wrong one every vs. needs an umpire and that's why yes thank God he's one of the wrong wrong I literally click save and quit by accident gosh darn it I gotta go back and get on oh there's a song I know you guys I don't know this game guys this is not a tease how do you get up there thank you so much Jacob only I know what to do I can't restream lab once hi guys all this man this man is he is ready you know I've already been Chokin more so than anything else that we're just bonding as friends right now I gotta tell ya we're just bonding as y'all face facts I think you go up here right and then I could she didn't be a part of this all right let's go let's go yeah Ryan you're doing great kid yo thank your dark shadow uh was playing Hyrule warriors an hour ago this is amazing dude this is the best day ever I mean let's be honest me and Dylan doing this right now I mean you can't beat it you literally can smirk does that work yeah isn't it right it's right here BAM gasps y'all wait why don't why aren't you in Balham battlefield anymore you're supposed to you're supposed to come right in here after you get the first star because it simply should have been whipped with the Venus originally that thing you apply honestly just got to get as many freakin stars that I know of facts to be honest that's facts but ya know this definitely makes sense all speedrunners at least most of them they'll go to Bob on battlefield they'll get the Chain Chomp one and then they come over here and then they fight the big flop LT Jackson grab he's smelling if you go like that you can actually go through his body let's go there we go we got something Dylan - by the way I've now played both games not to cut you off Omar 1640s is so much harder than this game literally like oh yeah Basil's awful literally awful yo Alex II said video you definitely should have vine whipped with that Venus or find with with the Venus or is this like three series ago versus uh no with the vine whip from the car chop that's not it either where's bomb on battlefield can you at least tell me that you were just in there was that it yeah you know no bomb on battlefield is the first level that you go into this is table select your table forms George's yeah this is this is fortress is this it yeah exactly yeah okay oh my god this is so much fun right we don't like my baby brother right now this is adorable yeah you're teaching me cuz I don't know this game facts you're gonna learn though yeah sometimes it's better to just like jump right into the fire you know and just get screwed over all right let me try to have you sat on YouTube where one player educates the other one I'm Addie hi Luke how you guys doing yo my dudes I'm trying a little fancy here oh my god I don't know how this game I'm so bad I need Veneto like really choke or something hold up wait Dylan you're in no I left because I really don't know anything else to get it's okay I'm only one star behind don't worry about me bro just focus on you you know if I could just get fifty and you have seventy I'm gonna be so freaking out probably will honestly like in the beginning is when I'm quote-unquote my best and then obviously as the game goes on just gets more and more difficult the thing is though at least definitely I definitely have a better idea on like where to go then horrible idea I love this Brian how you feeling champ I'm not gonna lie Mac you're really tired it's you know this week so be like a weekend this hour I feel all kind of distant Bobby yeah but dude sword and shield babe there we go sort she'll bite show Jim baby okay dude this is so fun oh my god so like how was your stream before I before I showed up and convinced a lot of fun I I learned I really suck at Smash Bros now um so there's that but I had a lot of fun okay I saw you playing with your with your old school main a little little King K rool action which honestly any time I fight a king K rool I immediately just I hate it because I remember all those times used to beat me and it breaks my heart it really does I have been I tried that thing that you told me and I immediately just died so hey I'm by getting v that's sure you do have you do have a head start to some degree you do have a head summer okay baby boys it's bedtime no any bedtime yet kidding me no okay don't as your friend I gotta be honest you're not doing well don't tell you that yo deep thoughts I'm all right it's such a disadvantage thank you dark shadow down there Oh stupid owl mr. owl how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop licks let's find out one a total Ryan I need you to be watching him and scouting and let me know how he got up places because I don't even know how God crap Can I grab our I know that's a problem No thank you dark shadow my man okay we have to grab his talent all right you ready for this you ready for this I don't even I've seen EQ do this so watch this all to be stupid bomb the side jump I think this is the one I just try it took me like five minutes I finally got it though yeah how do you do jack about $5 jacks or on your clothes to be close and thank you dark shadow again for becoming a member my dude by the way guys sorry that I'm not gonna be reading the chat a lot in the stream but good stuff man let's go let's go yo obviously guys I'm not gonna be reading the chat that much so I apologize but like it's do or die right now you know I'm saying it's literally I'm so proud I'm so proud of myself for that one that one that one oh come on what are you worth I have both the Vinny and Dillons chats up so hopefully I can be at least kind of on top okay I don't know how to get start like are you allowed to like to at least tell me like where it is me personally or someone is someone allowed cuz like it says top of a fortress and I have no idea what that means you just literally climb that fortress the whole levels before just or the top Luke Crawford's that you're streaming again Vinny I just saw episode 9 of first dude we don't stop out here the grind literally don't stop all right the cannon is a little bit of the goofy come on dude is so like horse again some believe oh it's this it's so cool seeing you uh play that though cuz you're putting on an emulator right so it like looks like way better oh no I'm sorry I can't read it right now man there's something so nice about that vintage that day huge feel no are you serious with the star right now let's go I backed the three of them like God man this is redonkulous something for interesting Dylan's playing on like a legit n64 controller a USB controller no he's playing on an n64 but like it like you insecure USB I'm literally playing on like these indie finally dude that took way too long I'm actually having a charitable start right now in fairness mmm which is good for you alright blast away the wall yeah buddy wait how do I grab this out what is he doing yet no Craig the talons grab you got a jump and press hold a on his feet oh I got a hold a yellow why right now Mike he's pretty fly for a white guy I can't stay oh I can steer him yes of course you will lead you to VI I thought I thought he just went on a certain path yo Petric just says use the cannon and hit the wall I didn't know that Thank You yo thank you though I need to this star one more time I'm gonna lose it where do I take this one great an hour I'll do my best to like but duck super chance of the help I am oh it's up there how do I get a better idea we're gonna come back to that once I'm not having that idea that idea bad idea bad idea as self-proclaimed team leader of the mario 64 versus that was not a good idea self-proclaimed team leader Patrick though hey Chucky wait wait how like it does I will come back down I honestly I thought he did he does eventually mind just like I didn't know where he was I'm jumping off in and redoing it I was a good strategy killing just so you guys know we currently are at a 5 to 7 Dylan in the lead a ladies and gentlemen what's up Chucky how you doing Emmanuel has asked vide why are you awake right now is anybody surprised dude I mean yeah nice if any one of the three of us is supposed to be awake right now I mean it's yeah bully no venes in his prime right dude I saw the coolest video the other day it was a Ken twitch at beat a level of Mario 64 similar to like twitch plays Pokemon and they literally beat this slide level that I'm doing right now it took like five hours but they did it it was crazy literally like one of those type things I've ever seen damn you got in there easier than I did I'm impressed with that you know I got to tell you you're just naturally good at games it's really cool to watch honestly it's like the one talent I have I'll take it you can't say you're not a gamer without gamer yeah exactly otherwise he would just be United haze follow him on all social media platform see you buddy okay man I miss you are you guys going 70 or what definitely 7120 would take us like well I I've never done that so you never know wait you've never done a 70 or a 120 120 okay yeah 120 we both even easier I beat the game before but it's a long long time ago many moons ago I can't wait to see us do the Bowser fights that's gonna be awesome that's gonna be I actually I'm pretty good at math fights I usually pull at them I literally that's the one thing in this game that like I actually hate is the Bowser fights they are the worst okay bet there we go Vinny I have a question I kind of I'll be honest I clicked off your stream before I actually saw the end of it did you end up beating that level and Mario World no my computer turned off and then I when I came back my save progress was gone so I honestly I told the viewers I was like guys I just I cannot right now I'm not doing this tonight and I'll come back to it dude my Mac literally went turned off like I seriously doubt I was so absurd but it happens ma'am it's technology you know yeah how do you get the owl to go lower my problem right now is this man is just way too high in the sky and it's bothering the crap out of me alright hand-eye coordination is key turn this hey so aggressive I'm actually so proud of how I'm doing on that I just don't I know we go to the second floor that's right I'm not gonna know what to do you got miss Dillon be moving that's why Dillon's doing this all night or livestream character reveal in a couple hours also Luke Crawford with the $2 uber chat I gave two dollars to Vinnie so I need to be firm thank you I appreciate that by the way I mean really how many can you tell me like how many stars it is to get the Bowser I'm pretty sure this game it's eight so yeah we both can do Bowser already also what the hell is in no way did you guys hear that it was that on my end I heard this like I need 10 coins I was gonna say I heard apparently tomorrow the Smash Bros character is like Kingdom Hearts so I'm probably not even gonna go live for it it don't even say that because that will that's I'll cry and I think it's time my cried Dante everyone's like it's Sora are you excited I'm like no I know what that is Sora I'll cry cry there's been if you guys have any predictions in the chat by the way leave them but Nintendo has been very close to Microsoft lately I hope it's Master Chief I think I'd be crazy Master Chief is remind me again I know that as I'm drawing a blank right now halo-halo that's right like Master Chief is like the mascot of Xbox like that'd be huge yeah Master Chief I support this I'm really nice i totes mcgoats dude wait where's where's the second Bowser Goku second Bowser's in the basement okay yo shut up Goku honestly Bo sorry Flynn stop Flynn that is Walter juniors name or his Nick so if you went back to bomb on battlefield what's the point in leaving there in the first place when you got a run all the way back cuz I what people do is they'll go they'll go to Bowser after they get eight look you don't need to get the eight in Bob on battlefield it's just like a speedrun strat like a lot of people I appreciate they don't even do the fight with this guy just cuz it does take some actually they take longer I just don't know how to go on with like the most familiar and then working my way from that's what I'm doing good I have the later levels I'm not gonna know when I'm at 11 right now yeah oh you're doing really good and I'm doing really bad but uh I'm really not stressing because oh Jesus kreski throws me off that's kind of annoying I'm not stressing because later on I know for a fact I'll be able to make some solid progress it could be Crash Bandicoot I saw a lot of people saying that as well actually it could be but I still doubt it I know let's head up from saurons expansion Oh 100% man and I'm so happy about these like this DLC type stuff it's really exciting it's definitely gonna new the wave now brings it back to life too you know I actually kind of prefer this to like the third like sequel game you know agree yeah pretty all 100% all right there yes so as far as like any Sony character that could be like in this match I think crashes the most Sony yep and no other Sony characters up until this point and there's a lot of Sony isn't Metal Gear no I mean like in the actual game orbit Metal Gear right you saw anything snake McCloud technically yeah cloud spider-man for smash that'd be so cool yeah I wanted to add all the Avengers like that would be freaking that would be rad I was doing that I did that review people would go nuts I would literally crap my pants if they discussed with the two gyro donation I hope you soar above Vinnie in this versus Bank I love y'all good man bro love the name pun that's beautiful dude what is that he's that are you guys hearing that static noise and chat my dudes I don't know what the hell that is yeah I don't I don't hear any kind of go yo Naruto's my whole car gay for being honest right I know you're probably not supposed to do this but I don't know later part so I gotta do stuff like this what are you doing the penguin part yeah cuz I just know it's not it's long but like there's not much else I can do later so I need to get as many that I know well there's gonna be so interesting as we keep going I'm so happy with this right now I love that it's close this lid yeah you're gonna blow away into the future that's what I was like I need to practice again I would love to do this again with you when I when I really know the game he absolutely absolutely positively I love the noises that he makes in this game they're freakin iconic oh yeah I love that alright that my god let's go you stupid channel you'll snow your stupid channel dope doing I know you said it like in your stream before when you went live the worlds that you're most familiar with her I was balling battlefield swamp fortress then the snow world what's your plan after you get all the stars that you know he's gonna have to just improvise yo Thank You Bobby for the 2:30 I appreciate you man I can't believe there's people awake right now let alone sending in super Chad's at 4:50 in the morning yeah dude this is these are so crazy man like what like it's been a really amazing stream but ran away at 4:00 a.m. like $300 bomb drops I'm crazy you guys stream literally spent 25 minutes we have a $200 bomb a 160 and a hundred like you guys are insane yeah thank you see for the $2 vide who was right about the triple jump you are Luke it was me like all this man I knew wait what's triple jump so when you beat the game and you get 120 stars and you complete it then when you go to the top of the castle Yoshi gives you on a box and you get an extra bounce to your triple jump so you can actually jump higher and I also found this out when doing research apparently then lava doesn't hurt you anymore I don't know if that's one percent true but that's what I heard online which is really freaking cool man great oh yeah I just realized from playing the DS version of the scan that like I don't like it'll never know doing so good was that your first blunder I've had literally like six blunders I'm so disappointed in this run right now but it's okay it is okay after this when I don't think I know any more star starts to go to the Bowser world you can get through there that's true yeah I know the Bowser world but in like two dollars that we are out here we are up out here in New York let's go yo New York boys we got stick together baby so - real baby so when she'll bite you don't she don't sleep okay gap whole team from something says nobody so what do you guys planning on visiting Joe boy when is this happening after packs after packs like when like soon after packs or like you know I ain't late March maybe oh I'm ready for that baby kidding me sword and shield baby how call was it at like Morgan freezing March is not that bad what happened what happened what happened what everybody didn't go check out Kyle said video Dylan lmao what are you guys doing up dude we're attacking each other right now and my favorite childhood game 225 Bob great for am streams baby red gay baby what's up baby oh my god Kyle dude thank you so much kinda Bam Bam you are crazy my dude I hate saving quiet - we both in the same on dude I got so mad when I did that I talk such a big game and I did like all these blunders dude when we do finally get the CD Statue of Liberty yes we have to yo lock let's join Dillon's channel today but you're still my og that's my boy Thank You Jacob he said a Steven universe for smash I don't know who that is but yes at the car soon it's not you hearing static I'm hearing it every now and then you aren't going crazy hopefully there's not move your phone away it might be that picking up New York late March is pretty nice especially if the weather is way it's been ok sounds good man thank you so much car to fax hi purple fire there is no static that doesn't sound anything like you now I don't know why the hell I give you southern accent my bad you know so Dylan while we were in Frankie wanted more than anything to get to see the Statue of Liberty and thank you so much we did try like we literally did solid attempt by a dude that's facts the problem was we just ran a time that last day we really did you know we did make it to the city and we wanted to actually get like get to the monument for Frank play it wasn't gonna be possible dude I literally can't believe how many red games you guys so much holy crap you guys are amazing hmm I'm pretty sure you'll race the penguin right now right after you beat her the first or rather go through and you just said Mario for smash to be honest I don't know if in the center would put a character like that in Smash Bros for a second I really thought about that I'm like kind of tired like you know not tired but like I'm obviously usually not operating at full capacity right now when you said Mario about the beginning when you were like being starcast about Mario I was like what anymore Brian what the hell it I'm not thank you that was all Maddie yo honestly oh my no this Penguins fast AF oh you're strong but I don't even get that I hate this penguin frickin race and always gives me so much anxiety where you got this of course I do oh my god no he's covered it hot yes right I'll beat you no you know it's funny if you use the shortcut in the DS version and you beat the penguin he literally comes down the slide with an angry face Bobby say can't do red but I can't do pink love you guys yeah we love you too Jared thank you so much my man you know it's a wall of hearts for everybody who's been so generous tonight y'all are killing it with a support literally you guys are insane I got our two half drive to work I got a bounce have a good day all yolk I'll see you later Jaron Jim you are the stream boss hey thank you so much buddy excuse me dude I'm having so much fun I love you guys we do stuff like this more often will do Donkey Kong next and Dylan can just like okay blow blow by me giggity all right Peck horse go at Friday's I'm just sayin yo Cole for coming at you laughs wait literally yeah that's what we talked about we can do like this kind of stuff like and call it core for Friday's and just do like where we all spring stream our perspectives and can we have fun for a second though Frank is not gonna show up to anything like he literally doesn't even talk in our group chats that much like what's wrong with this I want to see you right I mean he started streaming persona and then dude he just he thinks he's superior to us in every way shape or form and that's just not the case Franklin oh my god the hammer this game is so much better than the DS version I'm shook I am literally shook right now why's it like we why is the DES camera like what dude I'll put it this way I was in the lava level Ryan I literally got trapped behind the wall and couldn't move it and I died like I you want how about Vinnie rage I almost lost my mind my god literally almost lost my mind I brought your baby home give me a star all right well hmm this is the first time here we go this way let's go baby soul shield baby my cats are in shape might get so focused I've never heard you not die I know I'm literally I'm gonna I'm getting the Red Coins in the Bowser level Oh bold move that's a tough fly - oh babe I got them yeah gotta get at the end now 14 Neal 14 Oh as long as I can get to the end and not choke this not going well you know III because I've done shows for you like I beat you by like a half an hour ah I don't know I really I don't know what to expect from this cuz I really once we get further I just don't know what - Oh Dylan almost made an oopsie damn it I looked at your screen and choked this let's see if I can still I don't think I can yeah AHA 15 let's go baby Dark Souls versus yes walk out onto the ring yellow just Gosling for the $1 hey B just want to say I love your content this year so far your banter is second to none here see you smashing the grind this year buddy thank you so much thank you thank you Lachlan said you've never seen a versus quite like this that's a fact [Music] he said feel like it's been forever house therapy all King nas it's such a long story my man I'm still looking for the right therapist the original thought I thought it was ain't a throw not be ya knows be the original therapist I had King nas by the way thank you so much for the hundred dollar bomb you freaking animal the original third person ended up being too too booked so I had to try to find a new key so then the second lady that I found was also two books now I'm on the hunt for the third lady waiting to hear back from her email but once I'm there I'm definitely gonna give you guys updates thank you by the way to Auckland as well King nah so you guys are a big thank you with a $50 bomb yo it's hard right Dillon the Bowser fights the good thing now the first two you'll have to hit them once so that's nice yeah fun fact King Naza was Vinnie's Mewtwo in the goal the randomizer knows look I don't remember it being this bad I'm just playing really bad looking today I know Patrick thank you so much man oh you got that you're right there oh yes the timing is so weird yeah it's hard it's actually that's one thing in the TS version that is easier in my opinion at least I took a four-hour nap yeah let's go reaper do you guys have this problem with controllers were particularly these freakin USB Nintendo 64 they're you know the a button always gets stuck for me when I use them a lot it's so frustrating like when you press in I guess it gets sticky from just like sweat getting in it and stuff yeah if any for smash I'd be great in smash you kidding me thank you a turkey let's go baby well at least the first one to get the first Bowser Khoi come on it's all tied up at 15 mmm I gotta get my lead Lord and feel they sword shield my swords yelling who's winning me yo this is no Jacob give me tips please all equinox don't you dare don't cheat haven't played this game in 15 years no dude I'm starting to phone a friend the only tip this guy's gonna get is a tip on my foot in his colon you know what I'm saying yuck earlier tonight mean Frank I don't know if any saying that reminded me of this me and Frank watched the episode of that 70 show the prank episode and oh my god I love that freaking show man so good there you go buddy go I got you I got you fam yo tilting my god that's so hard yeah is the word hammer is good morning time to get a white bag util to drop oh my god I'm so it's actually so nice knowing that I've dreamed for the day like going to bed you know I mean like this is yeah this is live do this more often bro yeah my half too bro so what'd it feel like oh I have no idea what happened while Shuman over you let's go Kimmy Naza I'm so focused no shouting Naza and Vinnie takes the lead soju maybe let's go sword shield Mike thank you so much man I appreciate let's go that's the reason I won that right there yeah let's go babe let's put your amp sound like thank you buddy for the 15 know that your morning to you too good morning sir how are you what happened back-to-back hundred dollar bombs my dude I just get off working what do you mean this party poopers it was pretty yes we both of 16 stars thank you so this is you this is very very my god yo thank you guys so much what's the red switch do I missed the red switch what does that do I would love to tell you but like a lot closer than I thought we were gonna be so I can he got that head start so vide you've actually caught up quite well I think I Brian I'm gonna be off see I'm just saying this I've had this is like one of my worst starts to this I think it's just the pressure honestly cuz usually I would have been probably way thank you so much thank you thank you thank you sword and shield baby Naza is the best in YouTube oh my god ace thank you so much man but yeah we're doing a random freaking versus I don't I don't know I when it's rain win this I won this is probably no joke one of my like least favorite levels but when it comes to music oh my god this level with them you too I bless yo what what we say the thing actually I know the music here is like one of the best in the entire game literally is it yes I do remember that from like wow I have such a memory right dude I always remember that I have no idea how it's amazing no mr. Takata that's why I said don't give up on your mental health or find someone to help if anyone can't afford help ask local colleges if they have training programs or free though they're very cheap thanks for speaking about your mental health issues fellas dude always I we always talk about this behind closed doors as well as on stream it's just you know if we can talk about how arisia's and help somebody else that's the most important thing ever you know what I mean thank you so much mr. Duquette I appreciate it and yeah I'm not giving up I just finding the right therapist and and one when you go online like looking for them trying to figure out who'll probably the best friend game it's a hard process you know but I am uh I am I am still actively looking and we're gonna figure it out my dude I'll keep you guys posted for sure alright so he's doing that yeah so you still got to do that though um it's time for bubble that was a time see I don't know other levels what does this guy's where you do the key that yeah you have the key already so you can go down there now I am like amazed at how much better than what happened whatever oh my god first of all where have you been my friend Emily Demetrius it's up fam out you're doing my guy I'm gonna try to not die and read this always miss you Benny I'm seven months UI to you and a Dylan did you like your birthday tweet my dude I loved it thank you so much for the love and support he said you and Dylan mean the most to me do we appreciate you man you're literally are always coming through with that loan with that generosity thank you oh my god I respect are you guys serious right now what the hell is this how do I get this dang freakin Bunney bro I honestly if I were you doing I wouldn't even do that right now okay so long if you don't know how to exactly get him like actual what I know he's a star so I gotta get his money so that I know his name squad his name is myths whoa he's technically not a bunny he's a creature called a myth he thank you I guess I'm going in this level I totally was doing accidentally enter the wall that was it's pretty rad it's pretty rad don't like this level King Naza with the $200 after dimitris $100 you eyes serious I'm dumping in here by the way the quicksand kills you I know I was coming out to get the rabbit or the nips thank you so much guys holy crap like not only is this stream so insane right now but it's so much fun at least I'm having like the time of my I'm having a blast sorrentine delay hey my boy Thank You Sauron you've done so much on the channel man he's so real freaking - I can't believe you're so determined to get more tips after my advice he said I don't know I got against me I'm jumping right through him bro yo I hate this so much come on oh the fight itself the first two fights oh my god are so easy but hitting him is the tough part like he can't even hurt you yeah holy crap I was so close maybe jump know this man Dmitri goes who's trying to battle brah oh you got GG yep talk to me what are you doing took the lead again imagine so even if I don't get another sort of the rest of this game I'm so proud of myself it was great man you're doing great Oh what's up day lover dude thank you again - King Naza you are incredible by the way guys tonight bad boys 3 comes out which I am definitely gonna see and I am beyond excited about it ok what the Freak is this oh no Dylan that's like the oh my god I was never mind I'll say I was gonna say that's like the easiest star in the game but then you died well I already I already like was in the middle of like the jumping over that stream boss thank you so much man dude we we need to do something I know we've like talked about this like a lot obviously but we need to do more like collaborative streams like this even if it's not even like a vs. setting it's just so much fun man that's literally when I was talking bout with the color for thing like that I remember like we used to when we didn't order uh Smash Bros that's fast by the way we've been like for 42 minutes right my dad's gonna wake up for work and be like what the [ __ ] oh sorry went to work dad oh yeah I don't even notice it because it's you wait wait how do I go to that level I just want to do it I like that round down the ghost in the courtyard okay okay this is a little bit didi did before Dillon but I know Vinny remembers in like 2017 we used to always hop into each other's discord calls all the time dark shadows say capitalism my point I think the same thing over here yeah I love some capitalism it's so cool out in the D I know I keep reading the DS version a lot but it's cool to me that I just played it so I can like give you guys little tidbits of knowledge and stuff in the dance version when you're in the ghost level they allow you to unlock Luigi there which is a really cool Easter egg obviously the Luigi's Mansion which is just so freakin awesome good night Luke yo see you later Lukey take care of my boy have you killed him really quick Dylan you're good hey I got twenty very impressed my my boy first time I was like a bit unfamiliar in this game you actually are doing fantastic right facts thank you I feel like you're good under pressure to from like the Call of Duty days like I've actually competed yeah III compete it all the time like with people watching me and stuff so like I'm just used to it it's awesome I'm a very competitive person facts there we go all right I love the noise is when you want lock things up redcorn yeah I'm trying my best to help what I'm a very like Ryan I'm so happy you're here with us like doing this right now my boy yeah I'm very tired better wake up get some G fuel it's a P fuel in your code United you and nodded dude I've never neglected my chat so much but like they have to understand this is business yeah sorry I really have missed stream labs too I can only really read super chats I'm trying to read my try my best to read both chats for you guys so you can focus on the baby okay I'm trying to give easy ones that I can do right from the jewel oh it's like little improvements to like with the with the boo level back here in the original version hold on can we pause can we pause can we by yes sure more in your shop [Music] I just heard my song go off and I was like [Music] Morgaine he said it just because gonna get a huge bomb I love you please beat Vinnie and make mine I might try my bet is that Morgan sin oh you're right I'm guessing that's who that is I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm just kidding it's all good this is really hard this three bullies boom there they gang up on you man that's the worst okay I got one of them Morgan I don't want to get your hopes up well after once I don't know how to get stars that's what's gonna get me the issue and then he may be solemnized oh man Frank stay awake for two games I don't think you can stay awake tonight yeah I do it was from my god Morgan ranked Wheatley things that was he alive today its man's m.i.a oh I got a I got a beat this too yeah there's a there's a giant one that spawns after you kill those I did you need oh my boy for the $5 this man said was hoping I could stay up and watch the whole thing but already watching Dillon and this version was amazing have a great amazing surprise have a great night it would take care man have a question so much again Morgan oh my god Morgan thank you for supporting both of us honestly you're freaking again Thank You King 9:21 Thank You Dimitri thank you all so much and Sorenson Ryan how in the world without you I'm sorry I I think I said the exact same thing when I when I when you got that red hot log rolling what is this that one I would wait to do until you can use the flying you use the flying cap turn around yeah Oh actually I'm sorry I wouldn't I wouldn't use that for I you might be able to do it it's easier in the DES version because there's a brick that you can spin jump off of to get there that one's pretty tough actually crates off yo I live I love the merry-go-round star yes dark me too it's a very lovely star I know you I know they're stars in the middle right here somebody do that yeah the volcano is do be like that okay I just heard myself y'all what's up tetra dude the grind dont stop my guy the grind literally never stops especially when i'm with my boys Elliot alright BAM guys don't say have a little bit yeah I only know a little bit Ryan and I'm ready for a sandwich you don't see me going to eat it you know what I'm saying yo Thank You Flynn yeah I love how people are gonna pull channels right now you guys are crazy yeah nothing his voice ain't annoying he want that cloud also Jacko's arm yo Ryan you want that cloud my boy oh I'm trying to hit 50k by change oh yeah that's interesting there's like little things they changed I don't know why they changed them I'm like what the hell hashtag tired gang yo think he's always required fam you ain't tired fam you know I I'm Dylan have you ever seen the videos of like four speed runners going at it against this game no it is crazy not like they're all so good they all have specific skill sets on what they want to do it's actually madness yo my man when do you host Sunday sauced when are you gonna pull Sonny songs on Spotify we're already on Spotify Apple music Google Music thrown everything my dude what if I iTunes you know yeah buddy oh I do not know this world at all toxic level I love that level so much holy crap it's so much fun I don't know it at all you got this I know you got to go to I know you got to go to Dori in this one can you read the new tonight one oh you mean laparis yeah you don't and I'm Dylan side of things all of you guys have said the same thing and I'm still in disbelief how much you guys still think alike it's really cheesy but thank you oh thank you for being here we appreciate you know I seriously love is you owe your ass more I hosted I use um buzzsprout I believe it's called which I did a bunch of research one night from like three to like 6:00 in the morning it's apparently the powder five dollar super chaton vide side says just saying you're gonna lose to Luke in the vs um no not with all due respect sauce over it ain't gonna happen chief it ain't going to happen where am I going okay I'm leaving this level III don't know that level at all okay it's time to go to the ghost level I know that one song I'm still up right now I'm so happy let's go I mean I'm getting a lot of they're like tedious ones out of the way because I don't want to leave them if it's close later because then I'll just literally crumble under pressure yo thank you - uh how do you say this I always mess up your name dude Kazu cazzo just saying you're gonna lose to Luke like on just what you just read Ryan my bed and then NFL Caleb with a dude a $1 my boy thank you so much appreciate right in the middle inside I have Vinny up on my TV and listening in that and I have you here on my phone oh dude you had me the first half Mitchell Paul Madison the first half I go la mm-hmm I go la you have you percept oh you have me in the first half coach hey brah you do whatever you want to do can you go wake up Frank so we have another umpire in here that'd be pretty lame and I need people reading $1.00 said you're just lucky libs is just Opie for once hey listen all of you guys thinking I'm gonna lose to Luke I gonna spoil nothing good morning guys yo see you later right Briz i am i busy do you not a frame can - kids love you guys thanks for supporting my dudes you keep doing it because they deserve it oh yes sir I can't wait to see bad boys later I'm so excited I guess oh no this is it we're hitting that peak where I don't remember my childhood that much anymore and I don't know what to do you got this just dig deep you will find no don't I got like hates them ghosts in here or something the merry-go-round yeah you gotta kill all of them and then the Big Daddy will pop up be like why aren't they coming out they go to the other side they should all you have to do I think of to do the first one first I don't know what the first one even is like the main mansion not in the oh dear God during the main mansion not the basement how do I get back up there's like a there should be like a little conveyor belt thing that takes you up yo stop I hate the damn police they're such bullies do them yeah but you're playing together having fun I know in your battles what you're about to start pulling ahead I don't know I don't know what I don't want to get more smaller you think this is when the stallion leaves the stable if you will what dude if I seen it this is more 22 stars pretty much being on par that entire time like that's that's no joke man yeah I just don't know the rest of the game that's why I was like well I want to do a like a live let's play and do a 100% run so I can know the game once I know it well I feel lost now honestly like obviously we'll keep the competition going but now you'll like learn the game just like through intense pressure of the muses type of stuffs is this gonna be awesome I'm excited for this so I just got to kill these ghosts in this mansion right here that's it yeah you got to find all of them and then kill all of them and then the big one will be like yeah yeah yeah and the main floor my my favorite item is ground pounds you can kill them any different ways though all right where is the vulture how many are there do you know Dylan read the words under the star one I think there's five there might be more than there might be six do this one right from the jump I don't think you can like I said my goal is to get 50 tonight when you get 70 I'd be I'd be happy with that we'll be able to do that honestly I've never beaten this game in one stream so this is like a bucket list thing for me to oh really that's really cold Jesus okay I really hope I don't okay that was actually all complete lock um I'm gonna lie I'll take it I will take it there's five ghosts all right bet cetera are you doing by the way man yeah yeah a sigh no it's just what it okay so like it tells you what star it is but I don't know what age from the caves okay oh [Music] thank you I I don't have much of a voice right now do you guys are amazing they're like how many drops involves like yeah bomb cuz I I don't have my thing pulled up that I can see how many viewers how many people are here guys tell me in the chat you have 320 I have 323 we're literally bad even makes hundred people or in the morning now what happens if we're not done by the time the direct starts because I'm not I'll be honest I don't care about this direct we're getting some weird Kingdom Hearts character I know you like the hell I can I can't I know that I know that's your nutty for me I think you think I was gonna stay asleep I'll be honest with you guys you Europeans are here hell yeah no way where's another ghost Oh what there's two here Oh how's that supposed to know that fine you missed a star there we go oh now you gotta fight the big Daddy now you gotta fight the big Daddy EU gang go let's go dude commentating with someone else on stream makes it go so much quicker especially that we're doing like a vs. type thing yeah I like something that we is it's just different that we get do dis enjoy you know dude I'm putting the stream public this one's gonna stay on the channel man hey let's go everyone's gonna be like I need to make sure I have a bad sleep schedule so I can make streams like this literally anyhow the Frick that I get up here all the stairs are gonna rise soon yeah there he goes delayed but dude I gotta tell you man yo Jason shell with a $5 thank you yeah awesome over here the five he didn't say anything for me so I doubted you for you the killer do this I don't care what anybody sexually no everyone to tell their opinion but I just played both these games fairly like recently to each other this version has leaps and bounds better just for like other than that yes oh yeah it is technical stamp hey kiddo what's up man yo Keegan ADA dude that guy's been going ham ear streams yeah dude he's free he's so insane thank you so much in the old chance that you don't know who we are talking on each other streams right now my name is Minnie that's Dylan subscribe yes of us United gamer an original 151 dude what the hell why is the star not work hard under the basement I'm so confused right now is there something else I have to do first can i phone off down here yeah same frostbite I think is same but you never know 64 controls way better than DS dude literally no kidding that's why most versions so much better my favorite thing is that now that I have my n64 thing this HD thing I can just play I have my Institute on my desk and I just have all the games I just switch them out oh yeah to play almost all right I am gonna be the laser beam well obviously could do an emulator but it's just kind of cool like I get to play like so my original TV for you yeah exactly yo whoever sent then that super chat thank you so much but the stars are really hard so I'm gonna try to get it my first attempts oh I'm out of control right now yes oh my god I'm so happy well there's my second attempt technically we got power VG in this bi TCH yes this is literally Mario and Luigi by the way I love it alright alright now we're starting to widen the gap guys with actually you know what's cool about doing this is I'll be able to see my personal best for a 70 star run which is really bad like exciting to me to try to figure out how long it would take me no Soren said have you seen some of the gameplay Dragon Ball Z Kakarot do dollars come out today oh we might have to stream that oh we may have to stream that after what what is that is like a fighter it's the new Dragon Ball Z like main series game and it looks it looks like literally Dylan like as beautiful as the anime like you know Joey that thing it's that's crazy I don't get the notification all charvak I'm sorry to hear that man this is why you guys definitely got to enable those notifications on Twitter okay you're coming over here just man but I love that like Jacob eight came over here freaking nozzle yeah King Naza knowing Aikido good to see you here thank you so much for the $50.00 bomb are you kidding me Tyranno rage of the $26 bomb sets we thank you man love you dad keep up the good work so much dude it's so crazy to it like we're both live right now and both streams are getting an absurd amount of support like what I definitely want to do this more often this is and this is just so much fun and like I would love to do this with like Mario 64 and do some DK 64 and stuff like just horrible bags hard facts and I think a lot of people would even enjoy it too because like even when there's massive bombs we're still playing you know and yeah dude relax I think that people really like other people were like yo I can still like watching like see them play the game there's a lot of gameplay to car - I'm Michael live at midnight this is probably gonna be my stream for the day cuz like obviously it's today you know what I mean um but I'm gonna just probably sleep for majority of the day control you know see a movie when I get home probably stream some Kakarot I would assume so yo thank you so much Mountain mix for the $5 mount mix said lurker here keep up the grind guys love all the content you know thank you so much how do you make these things rise well Terry don't - in there I think mmm yeah Mamma Mia is right chief stop dying hey goosy thank you for becoming a member my boy already pre-ordered a no work on Friday all night or DBZ dude that sounds also have a good time I need more one more right going I have no idea where it is dude what the hell he falling no jack Lando welcome back to the same squad I only have one more life anybody know where this is so I could like get them get the wall behind the piano yeah yeah I got that one guy yeah that one wall ago by accident there's one behind the piano there is one or if there one on top of the roof did you get the one with like there's a trapdoor that's probably the one you're missing no yeah I got that one or you did get though I'm trying to think of the other ones I don't know actually it's a good question I'm sweating like a Vinny in church morgenson yes you have the stream Kakarot don't do me I'm doubly going to stream it I just don't know I'm doing it today I got a phone no mate by the way first of all guys please let's get a hashtag Thank You Morgan and Laurie game think we can keep going now um dude I don't even know what to say to you right now are you kidding me my guy I'm literally I'm flabbergasted dude what what is this fan like literally honestly so insane man I don't even know like how to formulate sentences right now oh dang it hmm oh my god I gotta do this I guess don't I oh by the way guys I'm doing a sleep lock on the 20 orders of 26th I forgot the actual day but it's gonna be in Georgia with these guys and I'm very excited for it it's gonna be where's the last right sorry I I want to know what this last red coin is in there it's not it's not outside the mansion if it in so it's in the main floor some way yes it's it's either at the bottom or the top oh they're on top of the books do you check both bookshelves yeah I got both bookshelves hell I don't even know which one yeah the 25th 25th at in Georgia working I'm sorry I'm like my brains is operating in like 15 oh wait there might be two Dylan there's Chu in the in the chests there's another one cast oh no there's one right across there did you get that one ready yeah yeah yeah I can't go back to the ones with the coffins wherever the hell that is and yeah already already I already have two under the coffins I honestly don't even know what the hell there's three enter the coffins all you say bruh correct if this is three he corrected I haven't been in here yet I don't think I've been in here I'm coming this way what is this dude I can't believe this man I can't believe all of them right do this look this is the craziest dream I think I've done this year and it's at 5:00 in the morning dude it's what happens when you put the Kanto kids mean on afem together man 4:00 in the morning thank you tetra bride gaming most like random like we didn't even we literally didn't even plan this it just kind of organically happen you know yeah yeah we little well you were just in my chat and I was and I like you open a check this out and I had too much this morning like yo bet vs. right now is there anything in this floor I mean I haven't not a red coin but there is a star if you can complete the puzzle which is pretty simple I mean there's only three different I'll do that later no that's a star though do i room i dude I'm kind of busy right now but after the stream I'm in I got you don't worry I highly doubt anyone's even up right now talking in there I got you my man I got you cage lock when we probably will do something else before cage lock comes back at least it's what we're cutting out on for right now um but we'll let you guys know we'll definitely you guys know no immediate plans but we obviously have 4-way starting which I'm gonna wear it legs this thing I'll be honest I'm really not even like trying to not help you I just don't know which ones you've gotten already I'm trying to think of all that um just a one bite there's the to buy the lot by knockout right there there's the one by the piano there's the ones underneath the coffins one I am one by the window I know this isn't it by the window oh that wasn't one you're missing yeah I just didn't go I got it last time I was here and so I just wasn't thinking about it no marks I am hopefully going to become you eyeing a legend this year my man we both cannot wait to welcome you with open arms a NFL game well thank you somewhat thank you I tetra Caleb's Caleb's my boy I love that dude names Caleb okay now I know no tetris names not caleb NFL Kayla Oh name's Caleb oh sorry Thank You Annabelle Caleb yo cables my boy Oh Ted's name is Kim nose and Larry's I got a mashes button-down because of something wrong with my controller and it released me last time freaking matching this right now alright one thing I need to get better at video games is like learning from my mistakes oh [ __ ] him if I die doing a certain thing I got to train my brain to not do it again you know what I'm saying cuz I yeah it's gonna worse with that I am listening it back gap now five star gap yeah I know it's gonna get it's probably get bigger from here but literally dude from it when it comes from look at it this way I clearly have more knowledge of the game but from a skill perspective with the five and a head start you were literally doing better so I mean we know where to go you're gonna be a very very very good opponent for me to face in this game for sure yeah I think it'll be definitely really fair in the future when I like play the game and like know where things are I know people make fun of me a lot for playing this repeatedly but honestly I'm gonna start streaming it once a week to try to get my personal bests better and better so I'm excited to see what I get tonight and then from there I'll just try to like beat that that score every time I scream it like similar what equal yeah yeah yeah because I mean another 30 stars like it's like the perfect game to do this though cuz it so you could beat this game really fast when you get good and there's the replay value is insane like literally insane and it's cool to it there's gonna be up on our channels for people to watch like whatever you know yeah yeah big facts okay so here why am i sort of breath oh my god I gotta order a new controller after this I can't believe this one's done already man frustrating okay by the way guys is the gameplay volume good for you guys should I turn it up a little bit this level lags so hard my eyes even the hounds did you unlock yet go through the door how long will last help to do that level again last videos I want to know when you need to this level deal when you get the 30 stars and you can unlock this room I want you to tell me if it lags in this room cuz it lags on emulators I'm curious if it lags on the original game - wait what what level is low the next Bowser right before the next Bowser fight this level lags like crazy on emulators I think it's the original game queue actually I could be wrong though I'm interested to see when you get here big boobs bout okay I know maybe this one I feel like I'll start playing better believe it or not now that there's a gap because I don't like feel like pressure yet I really thank you so much sore instead look at this way - on you and Vinnie versus in Dark Souls or jak and daxter I love the place I'd love to do parcels with you though I love that game do and I can like help you - I'm having a lot of you during my mario world stream today like I almost broke my controller I don't know if I would even be able to like yeah the Dark Souls Mario world's arguably not even a hard game like heaven Marina was saying to me tonight he's like dude Mario 64 is way harder than Mario World I'm like dude it's not it's it's two different games it's a platformer and a side school or so like it's really different looks like games are subjective in other words I could be really good at Mario 64 but terrible at you know Mario World or Pokemon or whatever you know I'm saying yeah yeah yeah like one of us in this game just cuz I'm really good at four rather if I'm really good at when game doesn't have to be really good at all games I'm saying you could say Pokemon is an easy game but like I am a lot better at like Call of Duty and reaction time things it's just it's just how it is facts yo Morgan with a Bordeaux you should both play fallen order yo Dylan did play that actually yep like I haven't recently % I love that games I'm sure people would be down dude you guys are literally down to watching anything we play and we are so lucky and blessed like literally I know that's cliche for people to say that but like we are literally just so blessed that you guys are down yeah anything we want to play it's at 4:00 and we were talking about it earlier and I was just literally like guys honestly just thank you guys so much cuz I was like you know YouTube went and like went hard and like bought all these streamers and brought them over here and stuff and I was like yeah it's like yeah we don't have the 10,000 viewer account and stuff but I was like the amount of love that's shown in these streams it it doesn't make any sense you guys are just so above and beyond every single day and we can't say it enough just thank you for like changing our lives no legit and that's that's that's a to tell us laying in bed an hour ago literally prepared to go to sleep had no no idea to stream tonight literally we had idiot let's go live let's all rather you were already alive I was like yeah let's I'll go live with you and literally this just turn into like literally probably for at least for me the craziest dream I've had this year this is insane yeah this isn't this is so insane you know it'll be the kitten the nail in the coffin we need to get Vinnie to 11 did it get infinity 1000 members that would be so hype that'd be so you're like right below right honey member trade at 5 a.m. no tell me that can't happen that can boil at 1100 let's get you to a legends just let's get yeah just 1150 slimy 50 go here go a my and you'll run stars I don't know the expression something like that aim for do shoot for the no shoot for the stars you land on the moon is that it something like I have no idea okay all right this is good dude are you you god bless it I'm gonna keep sucking oh Jesus yeah thank you Jim for becoming a member in the Tim shieff Tim shieff yeah and Jay told that we would watch him play solitaire by himself same goes for you yo that could be pretty riveting I'm not gonna lie that could be pretty riveting my bullies oh wait you can only do it from the side by the way I literally think I'm just gonna use this heart whenever I want to play this game because it's so nice demo made it or made a demo so good dude he's incredible then Fenton from DRAM don't them ok avoid that thing yes dude this is so much easier than the DS I'm literally shook at this right now oh I should have spoke too soon lock up said yeah Dylan eight eleven hundred I was the 11-hundred yo let's go let's go imagine a solitaire versus you'll not be lit honestly that'd be so funny I can you imagine it's going live with a solitaire versus just to see like hi are people gonna show up dude people would come hundred percent you're still mad I am that I was just doing so good I was like oh yeah so much eternally s version that I died classic can't you run up this oh yeah aren't you supposed to ground pound these Kevin said what the WTF is this a chai tea hi dilly yo welcome to the Martha four versus freakin look I'm only three served behind still I'm really good I'm just I'm very very fun know you're you actually like good at this game thanks man appreciate that you're really gonna do the one thing about this game is like when you get to the top when you get to that's right call the castle the star so I wouldn't say that they're like crazy hard but they're like really tedious and annoying and like the rage will happen later only for sure I'm so ready for it honestly I would try my best to beat this within two and a half hours that's my goal for myself right now so have an hour and a half well I think it's definitely reasonable especially I start steamer a little bit the good thing is I just know where every star is I mean that's my issue cuz I have like I have like I guess you could say the like I could do it but like ah dang it that it you can't jump right there I did do it but oh I think it's game over yeah it is yeah game over in this game aren't a big deal you just literally just start outside the castle it's like so for game overs yeah I don't mean anything I was the one game that was like they realize game over for pointless now so like they just took out lives in the game I think that was Mario honestly bro I don't mean his lives in Margaret's real world if you get a game over it's actually detrimental they make you replay levels Oh any other like the only Mario Bros didn't you and Mario Bros you restart the world yeah dude Mario world's just like that - it's ridiculous at least in this game you just go outside the but can you imagine it to redo the paintings that I Tobin yeah if you didn't have them done or something that though is that is that our friend told me myself fam yeah he's I I that's enough I'm gone I'll work I'm gonna die yeah he's been American my freakin boy love to see it okay I just like there's something about this like I wouldn't love to actually like I would say I'm good at this game I'm not great I would love to get to the point where like I can actually speedrun and people be like holy crap any like how what are you doing that right now you know what I mean like that yeah that like to won't like those tricksters that do it that are like absolutely insane like I would love to be able to do the Bob on glitch the lakitu skip at the beginning there's a lot of really cool stuff that you can do in this game okay got the star there bet the switch stars are really cool that they added in in the 64 DS version yo Thank You Claude for becoming an ass and welcome to the same guys too right that's two that's two yeah we get to a thousand members tonight I literally will lose my mind I'm not even joking that'd be so hype how many money mean but 2015 18 more that would be the most epic member train ever to 1820 plus members in one day be crazy oh my god I'm so dude honestly playing the DS version before this was like Heaven Sent because this just this is just so much easier with the camera turning I'm amazing yeah yeah hey I put this on my Instagram so I'm hoping some some sexy honey's that follow me came through and they're like oh my god what you do that's so cool like can I come on the street I'll be like yeah baby anytime you like like baby something she'll baby oh my god it's no business right now go that makes me happy there's a boss yeah alright I'll tell you this much you have to hit him in the eyes and they alternate so go I think it's left first then right then left and right you have to punch him in the eye oh it's right first it's right first sorry they're fine see what his hand opens that's when you hit him yeah you're gonna just mollis that boss who's naturally just so blessed its man so good at games I hate this boss so much yeah I finally got good at it like this year cuz he used to just like throw you off the frickin thing it was so frustrating man thank my dude Morgan sin oh my god he's crazy he's literally crazy John Queen thank you perfect guys thank you for all these memberships thank you so much man me and dill have really just been saying thank you well celebrating getting a star every like five minutes you guys are incredible alright the stars kind of a pain in the butt but I'm gonna go I love the underwater music it's so good you ready Bowser yeah I beat him really quick I was actually shocked at first first throw first attempt this Wednesday thank you guys holy crap oh let me read yo doing when you finish and falling on water also is your sleepwalk the one you have the custom lon also there's just also is your sleep about the one where you have the custom on set and also I thought I would add my last name just so you know for sure the same person all right yeah so what I'm doing is uh Vinnie has his sleepwalk next weekend right yeah so probably sometime in like February they they put them custom ons like 50 more custom ons in that game that was on our sleep like we're just doing a regular live let's play of it and we're going through because they viewers submitted all these different uh different Pokemon and so it's gonna be completely custom made for the game so it's kinda like it's not probably as obviously as much 8-bit bros but it's similar to that style yo thank you mr. topper taught by the way we're becoming like we're saying my man you now get videos early and thank you to key for the $10 you offer to a 2v2 with a speedrunner mario 64 i would love to do anything with my friends and mario 64 i keep choking thank you though more again thank you thank you thank you money so that's all the members no green I'm growing on Vinnie's Channel thank you first of all Dylan for like inspiring this you are amazing thank you guys so much by long I can't talk I love being over the hump it's freaking so awesome so thank you guys yeah seriously yeah what's up more you know you go right are you gonna really go to the gym Morgan's a bodybuilder she's a beast absolutely beast yeah shoutout to you I think she's actually waking up to probably go train yeah she's definitely gonna go train action yeah patterns came in our stream like at like 3 a.m. so like 8 a.m. this time he's like good morning I was like what's up batters he's like what I was like what you doing he gets go in the gym I'm like god I envy your adult miss literally waking up early and like doing a productive thing yeah hey fire up thank you ever been a member over here my dude girl let's go finally got this it's all day I just closed thing I can quit again do that Chloe early on I actually wanted to punch myself in the face I'm not even joking I was so pissed are you serious right now I just caught back up again a bridge gap 2 2 now I'm gonna take on Bowser to come good stuff yoga am I saying that right thank you so much let's go baby someone say Oh baby I'm like I might cry tonight like this is my favorite game with my best bud and all this is st. support like what are you guys kidding me it gets so much Kevin I'm away cuz I'm a freaking beast I mean what don't you people understand right now done yeah I feel fine my voice is just I'm losing it it's good I coughed all the time last night I don't think I'm gonna stream or anything that I am just gonna rest it early morning like smash reacts are like Nintendo directs or whatever I usually don't screen the rest of the day cuz like they're an early-morning stream and it's it's actually can that's an interest yeah head like this 7 hour stream tonight too which is I like started at 11:55 because Lex wanted me to see her a little bit and stuff so I pretty much is the next day's stream like yeah like you're giving right now I think what I might do moving forward I want to have at least for one day I don't know if I'm gonna like make this a strict thing but oh yeah is your game lagging right now it's like it's a little slower you get to the big ship tell me if it lags cuz I'm curious if this is an emulation thing or if it's the original game yeah no I think I think I think it's the same thing you're talking about it's it's slow and makes you're tougher tougher time oh my god I can't speak it's 5:30 in the morning thank you so much for becoming a member over here my dude I miss it's avatar know if I give you so much I know this is like wishful thinking but if I can beat this game under the two-hour mark I'll actually like be so happy that would be crazy how long wait how long have we been doing this cuz I my 20 minutes we probably started at the honestly you probably started at the hour like in other words we probably had like 20 minutes of talking and then the intro and everything maybe 10 no more get with another 30 brought what the hell this freaking guy crazy thank you so much man then yeah it's lagging pretty bad all right last don't know I I can't leave you having more than the next so you both get 350 on stream Labs bro you're insane Morgan thank you so much I hope I made you proud at least with doing decent and really good hey where are you at steamroll you where am i I'm at the top of the castle now oh you doin Aussie I don't I don't know any of those levels yeah these these up here they get a little like I don't I know I know one the one that with the pick the water and the things they eat you all aka the Franks I hate those so much because of the Frank dude they're the freakin spite it's the bloody little spiders one fact both me and Vinny as Frank the new solo series in the main just like man dude you just he's a savage these days oh you know that you know that spongebob episode is like yeah I really feel like it that is literally Franklin I love I don't know what it is you know you don't want to see what it was I think we had that like bromance the other night on my birthday actually we had like a long face on after all of our streams are done and it really just I don't know what it was about it but like I think we all got so much closer like oh yeah already were I don't know what it was just kind of like right place at the right time type of stuff but yeah yeah yeah it was it was beautiful yo Thank You chef shadow for the $3 buddy Benny thank you so much that I'm following my dream and I'm going to Atlanta for my first modeling and acting job please pray for me psychic EA that's so you don't need no prairies chase your dream yeah don't you see my dreams don't let your memes be dreams don't let you memes be dream to us what the frig are you even saying it's 5:00 in the morning row both of mine are morganson broke legend I got Jacob H for my top super chat and then I got Morgan soon as the top donation absolutely Legend bro thank you so much yeah you guys are I don't know how many times you guys are amazing oh no I'm looking over and you're at 37 Bray this is honestly I feel like there's a lot of stars at the top here that are arguably like better for me than the ones on the book I don't know like there's a lot of really there's a lot of these that I know like how to get pretty quickly just because I this is like when you're trying to beat the game and yo Tommy thank you dollar also I forgot to say this she said Mario 64 hype Tony thank you so much um one day a week I want to do ashram that's like 6 hours+ every week yeah I've actually thought the same thing about I like wanted to do a title for it for like going like like Saturday or something but I couldn't think of anything like Saturday slammin Saturdays BAM no honestly I'll actually use your advice unlike Frank when you made him that thumb though I can't believe he just disrespected me like that seriously that is so freakin funny ro he was so funny about it too I literally was like so proud of that thumbnail like I actually I didn't even make it like a meme like I made it it was freaking awesome Franklin wrote about actual Bowser level is lagging is it yeah like bad Wow [Music] damnit I really hope I didn't miss a red coin I got7 I know you're good there's one more over there okay no damn it stupid icicle glacier thing okay get up there Mario dude they got to remake this game like Odyssey was fantastic but like come on Nintendo we want a full-fledged mod I was thinking more remake wait how do I get that stare we go how do I even get that get that go in there oh you have to get I would go to the right side now or you could do that to wall jump and then you can just long jump across to it oh man I'm actually I feel like for an hour and a half I'm doing pretty good as far as like P being like personal best this is yeah this is pretty solid right now Morgan said what can I say I love seeing my name at the bottom of your screen Morgan you are the oh you stupid ice bully you fall oh do that happy oh my god you survived oh my god I literally don't know how I did bad I have no idea how I managed to do that I hate the lava so much you have no idea can't stand it I just poop thought you should know yo thanks make sure you clean your butthole I just got the most lucky break of my career that you're gonna make that I just Clem 8/8 apart dang it dang it Bobby let's go team Vinnie Bobby Boucher she not too devil she the most beautiful woman in the world freaking right miles their time buffalo Bowser Tom yeah I'd be careful because he does some new tricks at this point and you only have to make it like shake or whatever anything shaken I'm pretty sure you can teleport now this man just teleports across map and it makes the coolest noise it goes yeah I can't wait though what'd you do wait till his fire turns into coins if you want to like helium oh you got him ready you're good okay 41 teen Vinny we looking good family looking good right yeah was hoping he would pull through for Vinny but I couldn't stop her all the excuses Frank had for losing Frank Frank usually isn't an excuses guy at least from our wait does he just warped what the friggin teleport and he goes yeah that's the most random thing every did that when I was a kid I almost started crying I was like why can't this I don't remember this at all yeah dude in the last fight it's brutal he could like do seismic quakes wait how am I suppose like into his tail um like when he does that yeah there you go oh damn it I'm running into this freaking flower dude okay bet don't all right here we go here we go then you throw the penguin off the ledge oh come on we will see it's always fascinating to meet you at the game I had groupies oh god that's poufy the game developers decided oh it puts the first one the first one you uh you only got him once the second one for some reason you'll I gotta hit him once then the third one you got it him three times it's like why didn't they do it one two three you know I wasn't yeah really weird yo Thank You Mitchie Paul he said gosh I love this community gosh we love you wait man okay come on penguin now in the DS version you can't stand on his head cuz it's like a smaller penguin and I don't like that go you silly go your silly scallywag that's my boy that's my freakin boy right there got it okay every time GG you get you you'll beat him really quickly I like that man I'm impressed Thank You Man I aim to please give it here hi I know I got it it's so hot I'm burning oh dude you're frying her adorable freaking adorable Dylan got him Logan this man at the Schad's done this man's been hitting that it's a go baby Japan's been hittin that testosterone over here all right I'm out you guys have fun love y'all yo see you later Jaron Jimmy thank you so much for the support bud appreciate you see you Jen - Jenna - do - doodle doo doot doot doot doot grab that one up yeah buddy okay so now we go to we go you know the main floor again no you can go all the way up now not all the way up but to the to the upper floor and then when you get 50 stars and you can go to the very very top all right bad okay see I remember the world you right now I actually know those but like when you get up to like the clock and stuff that's where I'm holy crap I can't believe I did that my first try let's go I don't know why you just bed I jump from the log all the way to the frickin UH all the way to the mushroom to get a star that was crazy yo team Vinnie we got some hype for that I was like kind of kind of shaky on that but I was like let's go all right that was height dude you're pushing me to become better honestly let's go y'all you're using lifetime out with most things in life I got to tell you that that's one quality that I love about our friendship I mean one of many but uh literally like makes me want to work more it's like we have a great sense of competition amongst the two of us that's like a healthy competition you know yeah I mean I don't know I know you haven't seen this obviously but I don't know if any viewers have seen black clover but it's kind of like these they're two brothers in the very beginning and they're like they're like they're they're telling each other they're gonna be each other's rivals as their life like but they're like but they're like best friends that's cool but they're like that he's like if you're gonna work this or don't work this over our fists heartily just keep pushing similar way like sometimes like maybe if you want to take the day off in like you see I went live like you know I'm gonna yeah I'm like or like if I can't be a baby all right Dylan let's go alive dude honestly there's a hot chick on my that I follow on Instagram that watches black clothes and I want to like talk to her about it but I don't know anything about it Sam just talk about hasta screaming say me to she'll think you watch it Vinny is Austin because he is short and way worse at video games that's mad sweet of you dude that's amazing I mean he's the main character I'll take it I do like I do like main character stuff he is short and he's very loud yo that's perfect for me dude I am short I'm kinda quiet though you know like a little bit it's not really like you know sorry that accurate I'll take it I'll take it oh my God look at us both in the wet and the dry world I don't even know where to get a story I'm just kind of going up welcome to the level with a bunch of Franks welcome to the level with a bunch of Franks I feel like in this oh my god in doubt you do indeed just like go up yeah is there sorry yeah buddy they are close dented intent I love I love do you know fun fact a speedrun trap that will actually help you a lot in this I haven't even been doing it when you get a star you should ground pound because when you ground pound in the game and you grab a star it like clips the animation so it actually makes you hit the ground faster and it goes by quicker so if you do a speed run you do that every single star it actually saves you a little it's crazy that's not a world yo thank you so much the last two worlds are absolutely worse in this game I gotta be honest with you I don't really mind I don't really mind the rainbow level encore it's not that bad I've kind of like a bubble yeah it's a magic carpet rainbow level I don't even know you're talking about so yeah it's the top level on the right side and the left side they're all these clouds the clock tower is not bad actually tick tock clock I remember like I remember the clock town I don't know I don't know what the other world is will pop up this early morning work entertainment yo we got you fam me and Dylan are gonna stream at this time every day from now on all right guys so you Europeans you're welcome we got your fam we got you sure sure sure yeah yeah definitely yes'm 7b great microphone gotta tell you it's a great it is a great I remember when you were like so you were like do I get it doing do I get it I dude if you got you know you've probably heard us say this before guys going back and listening to my old Mike oh my god but I don't know how anyone subscribed to me it was so bad it's literally a horrible just I don't know like you're just peeking the whole time no dude it was unbearable just remember y'all Dylan ain't tall either I mean he's average height right you're five nine five eight five nine I'm not yet savage height for a guy I'm pretty sure I'm not tall though yeah I'm promised all you know dude I met this girl you know family is I met this girl at the bar a couple weeks ago we started talking and I was like I forgot how the conversation came up but I was like how tall you just like five six and then I don't know how the conversation came Q like her guessing my height but she was like oh yeah you're 5/8 right I was like do you remember meeting me like five eight yeah if I'm in still uh yeah yeah yeah thinking of the wrong guy if I had a pogo stick I'll be 5/8 Jesus Christmas I'm four with might with my airmax though I'm like five six they give me like an extra inch and on top of like the regular shoes oh yeah stop it Frank god I hate when Frank does this to me why you gotta be like that oh my god where am I okay Frank got you Frank okay five isn't starlight 10 is average for a guy no way it might be installed I'm 510 with shoes yeah look I don't know whether it's here's the thing with happen what happened come on let's go with $100 bomb said found out yesterday while it worked at my cousin passed away so when I woke up this morning I was so close to calling out of work but being able to see you in Dillon live turn my day around so thank you for giving me the boost dude you do not have to thank first of all thank you for being here second of all I'm so so sorry for your loss buddy and I can't even imagine what you're going through right now just hang in there keep moving forward if we can get some hearts for Matt up in the chat guys that would be um over here as well fam do work Matt for you um god bless you buddy and it will get better man time heals all wounds and yeah I hope you're gonna be okay man I know you're gonna be okay thank you so much for this yeah and you can have all this community always here fam you know when it you want to like just feel like at home yeah keep those hearts going keep the hearts going and Dylan's chat to my dudes yes yeah god bless you man we're all here for you buddy and so happy we could help you in some way today yeah it's always like honors me you know it's a blessing like I'm so like thankful that you're that comfortable with this community in this family you know to share something and you know feel comfort in it it just it inspires me you know also Morgan think about the wine I'll read it right after this after I died still going are you kidding holy crap Morgan your honestly you need to be cut off pound yeah you need to go on your you need to go on a hiatus or something chief this is unreal you're insane bro he's insane in the membrane insane dude music Monday has opened my eyes to so many amazing songs by the way I got us a big amazing I have you so been consistent with twitch yeah I was gonna ask you what are you just like kind of taking it taking it taking it easy with the whole twitch I haven't even live like a month actually with it right ya know cuz I kept gettin busy with everything with the holidays and then like Luke was here and I don't want to work over work with him here I went for a little bit and then I got sick literally tell people all the time and everyone knows this even the hardcore twitch supporters it's like you know twitch for me will always be like my side girl like you choose my wife you know I always go live on YouTube every day but twitch is like you know when we have some extra time and I'm feeling good we'll go over there you know what I mean and thank you fallen for the for the membership my dude I appreciate you but yeah like if there's a day like tonight for example I was like not feeling 100% after my mario stream I was like guys no no no stream signed on Twitch I was just chilling in my bed you know what I mean yeah but uh but I love twitch i it's it's it's fun it's also really comforting knowing that the people are down to go over there and watch us over there you know what I mean like that's freaking so rad so all you big facts man I'm trying where did you get all these stars where did you like what world dude let my love open the door you know you know you're you're ten ahead of me like we're um a bunch of them I've actually haven't left the top of the I hate this world hey I might try to actually oh my god this man Morgan just drop another bomb no Matt that just dropped over on yours man oh my this is so gone Matt just beef some love or Deveny had to give something you also I appreciate everything that you do for the two of you that do oh my god I can't read you guys it's so like I appreciate everything that the two of you do to get us years of the day we all can't say thank you enough even the roughest times watch you guys seem to make everything seem better dude thank you so much [Music] thank you yeah III picked a random old one I was like guys guess which one this is to mix it up and it was a black and white thank you so much Matt god bless you man I know you got for those I feel bags I know there's people here they're here every day someone just sent this to me yeah thank you whoever that was you guys are nuts I was gonna say like I feel so bad for the people that here every day that have to hear me say this but like like words literally don't do it justice of how lucky we are to be doing this I don't even understand it I still to this sometime like like when I go back my hometown and something I kind of like where like I hang out with like someone like high school or not really high school friends were like friends from church and whatnot and I was like man it's crazy like this is so out of the norm but it's I'm normal it's normal to me because I've been doing it for so long and and all my my closest friends do it now you know like you Frank and Ryan and everyone like everyone every one of us does this but like it's crazy how like it did it doesn't even feel real that I'm actually doing this now I know like full-time and stuff it's just I'm blown away thank you this especially when I am there by the way he hates my music I sent in that's can you guess what that is Kevin Moran 100% yep dude it says on the screamo metal like no disrespect but I don't want to hear that for two hours straight I love oh my god please spare me right now Jesus I remember sending Vinny and screamo song once and he said this is scaring me right now like it's just not my cup of tea and like the whole point of the music monday stream is like so I can find new songs that I like and like share new songs with with the put the viewers as well like if it's just if it's just metal after metal after metal I'm like guys come on give me something give me something that it's not I brother I would rather a whole country scream then ah I can't do it I cannot freakin do it [Music] oh man that is not screamo what bands have you seen him I'm curious if I know any Kevin he says one really good song called blind and frozen it was amazing it was like gonna live yo hot bonsai pot pot from the hog one is blind and frozen and I live with the pain every night every day as I read those he's about to back up oh you got through as you read those letters you wrote me great song great track oh my god almost fell off yes it was beautiful as Meg wait what are you doing I am going back to get some easy stars over here there are a little bit time-consuming but are necessary to beat the game at least for me and oh I'm sorry I'm sorry Morgan it's hitting that like peak of time of tiredness you say you're only 5 9 Daniel he said I thought you were taller I also thought the average height for a guy was 6 1 I'm 6 4 it's like you know it's not what is the line for a woman am I the average woman height 5 4 I feel like that's average for a girl time or yeah it is hell yeah bro just likes his 5 - she's shorter but I'm sorry Morgan but yeah that's so great we have a lot of you that are tall like Morris it's like 6 7 yeah that's great I can't wait to meet that man one day I know I'm so we could there's someone else that 6:11 inspired Yeti that's why I was freaking Christ I think he's at 611 it's something big like that I used to be 611 yeah back in my day yeah dude facts like in the heyday I'm having so much fun right now yeah that same bro I literally was so happy when you were down and when you booted it up like I was shaking I was like let's go it's about to go down it's also fun I like to do this while like bursting somebody it's like it's it's dope I don't do that I don't do this ever that's great the Frick is this it's a puzzle um kind of go like where yeah go there and then backflips well you should be able to yeah there you go mom let's go I'm under 10 again let's go as long as I don't like really choke I'm pretty confident that I will win now no yo no one I always knew you looks I did it's just it's more I just I don't even know what to do is that still with the bull I don't know what to do with this I don't know where a bully is he's the big ice bully in the center where is he you'll see like the arena as you keep going straight have you ever played a Diddy Kong Racing I yeah with my cousin Joe actually a bunch of times I just don't really have like that many memories of it like I remember I feel like I remember some of the music from it I love love love that game still going at 6:00 a.m. you freaking mad lad yo Mike dance we are out here my guy but yeah if you guys are just tuning in and you're just waking up first of all good morning me and Dillon right now are doing a 70 star run versus of Mario 64 and if you guys are excited hit the like button I don't know there's a star honey mommy likes we're out right now how many likes guys here we go yo chubby palma what's up man this made this man chubby said are you doing a vs. or 120 star versus 70 star versus so whoever can beat the game face Tony yes yes it is it's so good I love Diddy Kong Racing I love Tony's name I tell her all the time I'm like taunt I hope the bad yo Mitchie Paul said so baby is doing may what's your opinion on these names Landon Logan I'ma be honest I can't read that first one Luke Luke and Luke in I like them all I like name to start with Elle I say if you want my vote I say Logan that would be my vote um but they're all beautiful I like them yes okay where is the last one actually don't remember where this last one is I know it's on the island in the sky in the island in the sky Lachlan said you should check out bliss and E so Vinnie they're an Aussie hip-hop duo they have a song called hi and it's pretty upbeat reverences DBZ dude I always tell you guys whenever it first of all bring that to music Monday if you want actually but also my dude definitely send me your suggestions for songs on Twitter I I'll it early love just going in my mentions and watching all the suggestions come in from like videos and TV shows and music and stuff like that it's always a good time so thank you I legit can't find this bully okay damn it I really mess it up you really can't East gigantic oh I found him various there's my believe completely forgot I'm going for a hundred stars in this or a hundred coins in this round okay I get back up there let's go back to seven stars there you go buddy there you go Gigi Gigi okay done all right we're at 40 so you said 50s when we go to the top fifty you can go to the top yep buddy this man said okay I'm going to bed have a great stream you too can't wait to watch this later hashtag team Vinny my man shade thank you buddy thank you so very much why am I missing so many points I also can't remember where I gotta go oh come on yeah the water hurts you by the lakes it's SuperDuper cold no one was trillion they're not a hip hop group of the band that I like is uh [Applause] danten danten in it man that song is the best so freakin catchy it's literally called less I know the better and I love it dear oh wow hey man I have three stars I could potentially get right now I don't know which ones to go for I don't see which we could drop a bomb tonight but got restocked on G fuel four packs hey let's go baby let's go so one Sheila baby so every time let's go baby is set I automatically think solji oh babe i was so funny so funny but it didn't what in the hell are the points damn wall okay bet I love the sound it makes when you fly with the cap yeah but he literally just goes pointing oh it's on my that's out okay that sounds hilarious too though oh my god how am i racing these how are you this morning I'm doing fantastic right god this is so hard Oh jumping on him I think you have to do it actually from the platform to get that star because I don't know if you'll be able to get the right angle in the water no I saw I already I already got the store and he was nice nice nice I literally hit him and he didn't balance it even made the Boing sound and he's didn't jump a little boy bro I need five more coins I am losing it right now because I know there's a blue coin at the Koopa okay bet my dog this man is out of control control cabin so by the way this on the bidding like was blind and frozen by beast and black listen to I bet you'd like it I have to check it out you're such a good lifting song like actually amazing I get so hyped that yes oh you're supposed to do it from over here now just woke up what's up Valentina oh no damn it yeah you see that oh come on get a little closer come a little closer I got its walk to you I got its its walk see you Dylan gotta sit sit sit it's walk to you dude this is like prime time for me I'm so excited right now oh my god I'm focused imma grab this one first this one's harder beautiful what even am i doing that's not how you do it how the Frick do you get over there is damnit considered a swear I would say no what do you think PG huh I was raised is a swear but like after meeting so many other people a lot of people don't view it is yeah like I wouldn't say it at school guys are like you know in a setting where you're like you know out and about however if you're just like chilling with the boys like Timmy I'm with my bowling with my boys oh my god Wow alright let okay how do i is there another place I can get the the shell thingy I don't think so well I'm surprised oh that I'm surprising I'm surprised you're having that much trouble getting here okay I amaze I must not be figuring out how to get actually get it dude I hate the cannons the canons in this game don't like you have to be over than what you oh my god actually I was not a bad idea you have to be like over where you want to shoot in order to get it it's so frustrating yeah it's that's hard to get it right you know what I did get right though you'll be in my best bud hey super key you main I mean I'm the cutest youtuber I say it all the time how many times I gotta say it ladies and gentlemen until people actually understand they need to grasp the fact that I am the cutest okay so I need to come over here at 6 at 7 where the hell all the chains it's not gonna wear it guys I'm gonna try it you got this I believe in you nope nope doesn't work the most frustrating thing in this game is when I go for a long jump and I ground down you cute because well yeah you guys can put me in your pocket any tall girls out there that want to put me in your pocket I'm with it maybe take me anyway can I climb your legs your legs please hey good morning Xavi 50 holy crap oh I'm not gonna be able to get to our damn it I just run an hour and 50 into this alright yeah you're gonna get been ten minutes bro I believe I mean yo babe realistically I feel like I can get I need another hour I think a 3 hour run dude a 3 hour run to beat an entire game though that's not bad dark said capitalism again my boy thank you so much oh my god dude Vinnie all right look I'm white look of mine scream yeah how shall I get down from there there you go yeah you got it you gotta get on the flat there you go ok I got it you see they kept on running away from me so like I couldn't get to it yet that stores definitely frustrating or rather just getting to that it is this thing run out or can I nope like it well it will run out if you ran into something so just don't hit anything you know no this pressure I'm getting all the hundred coin ones that I need right now no eight oh my god then I get the I hope I didn't Oh turkey thank you so much man he say gonna go get some breakfast we'll be back in a few minutes you'll see you later my man Turk you still going at ham and it's not even Thanksgiving I have no voice they even laugh God dang you know I want to know who the tallest girl this stream is and I wanna know if I can climb you do I have permission hey turkey he's here too it's not turkey hey Turkey thank you so much when ya was a youtuber gonna do to climb a tall girl with flippity-flop you know just got you know I'm believing this level it ain't happening ain't happenin chief it's okay you got this okay Dylan doesn't realize no matter how many times he tries so can't get it to him oh he can't get it to him from computer screens yeah I was I was Tanner than Luke though yeah Luke Luke is a pasty boy that's facts yes because that's on god no cat that's on everything no cat I have not heard you say that ever that's on god no cat oh my god I don't have a voice and I don't even know what you're doing yo thank you so much Matt my boy for the $20 bomb he said listen to Dragon Ball super while driving into work or listen to Vinnie and Dylan no no brainer here my man we got you we got you what do you think of a overhaul or can all dude it's amazing chubby it is amazing I'm chubby how you doing Stevie I feel like you wouldn't like anime if you really actually watched it besides like obviously I know I definitely would I definitely would I just uh man I just don't I gotta be honest I don't like starting new things that much because I know I just my productivity just gets shot like I love like we do I started friends again I finished that in like two weeks it's like 900 episodes also where do I get this is like the first star in this level what do I do so you're gonna Wed I'm not sure which one the first one is it says shocker or something it might be the secret talking arrow lifts Oh raise the water all the way to the top and there's a box on the all the way across from where you are right now yeah there's a prayer right over there there's a box and uh no not that there'll be a box there and then you open that and there's a star I'm just going up I just do Mike said I can honestly say I did not expect to switch over and see Dillon sure let's not complain know what something Mike how you doing handsome devil what do you expect it's so hot in here it's hot in my office - I might have to go shirtless soon I think I'm gonna take a bathroom break after this next star quick bathroom break you have to pee as well and then when I come back shirtless and just full-on steamroll who'd be like that how do you do this isn't aren't you supposed to do this you have to make sure that you get it at the top first though and the thing falls I moved one down that should be good theoretically when it wasn't I'm this oh my god it's kind of a poopy you know it's kind of a poopy snoopy yeah okay and that nice Oh penis sorry huh it's okay I have one of those it's pretty nice too man it's a nice pretty nice nice nice people have you I know I asked you this I think before so have you seen Jumanji with Kevin Hart I saw the original one another wife I've seen the original one and they're the first one technically that they made and then the new one I haven't seen dude Kevin Hart and the new one is so freakin funny dude you gotta watch this Netflix documentary man yeah I'm actually dying to see that because look how you're describing it all right I'm really wings bathroom break right now quick bathroom break and then when we get back we will continue do you have to go to the bathroom I'm just gonna pause night I can just pause alright cool entertain my squad wallah mins I got you and you're who I have no idea where I go at all what is up pimps Kanto kids and United family my voice is shot and it hurts to talk but I am determined to finish this through it would be so cool by the time Vinny gets done with his piss the heat goes back to a thousand members so I need as many of you if you are financially able and you are ever considering it to become a member on Vinny's channel I really think you need to become a member because he is a very a hard-working individual he's a very charming and charismatic person and I love him dearly and you should become a member right now there should be a link in the description and thank you for even considering supporting my boy I cannot talk and I don't even know where I'm going in this oh I'm not suppose we playing am i well I I'm running in circles at this point but I can't even see the Chad so I don't even know if he's getting members but if he gets one I appreciate you do you like ever maybe your Brotherhood better Brotherhood easily sorry if you like fme be an anthem maybe better pertaining said I'm already a member on Vinnie's Channel well then you're still doing the Lord's work thank you for supporting my boy I appreciate it yo I literally was like oh wait I'm not supposed to be playing it's all good you could you can move on taking a pee and shaking my wee-wee you know I'm saying I literally did by the way I heard the adorable things you were saying about me and thank you so much kind sir really appreciate that you're getting here yeah yeah yeah he's such a hard worker he's such a compassionate man I appreciate that Dylan yeah you should also become a member on Dylan's Channel you okay this better be just business there's better be just frickin box yes that's the static one or whatever the hell it was called they're young oh my god I'm getting on fire oh it missed thank God I hate when oh wait I thought possibly move it's okay don't cuz I was running in circles it's like proceeding through the level all right now this is a star that it's like impossible in this game but on the DS version it's like super easy can the eel come out and play for some reason the camera is impossible to time grab that grab that rabbit wow I actually got that oh my god no my button got stuck okay turn around and grab it come on yeah I'm gonna have to do the hundred Coinstar and stuff in the world miss jeren said Dylan's voice sounds a bit of rough yeah that man need some yeah I need some teeth though I'm rested after today I'm resting you get my voice back I'll do the Kaito Terri for this man hello my name is Dylan yeehaw sweet tea and jeans who's winning Vinnie I have taken the doors I'm really um as we say in versus terminology destroying this man yeah Thank You Guzzi he said night night keep crushing it video thank you so much my dude I will indeed keep crushing Dylan I'm actually just surprised how much done remember this game dude 41 stars right now I think it's also like watching people play though like I still like I've seen you play this friggin five times oh my god are you yeah he said be are we gonna go bomb Vinny I love because I knew Dylan I have to nuke you as well much mate also this isn't a stall tactic at all I didn't pause so we're good Thank You Cylon youkai over the hundred man hope all is well buddy thank you so much please get some hype for Kyle up in the chat this man is a freaking sweetheart well thank how's my boy to thank you and now set Vinnie has the lid on the jar now I love that you were just so ready to root for your boy like that's loyalty right there oh that's always now dude now it was like the king of roasting me you not a cheater hey my god not a cheater I've seen him say that so many [ __ ] Savage oh he is he's the wait he's from Australia too right yeah fax I got I got my boy Kyle there we go and Morgan and now we both would like share Morgan Morgan's got all organs both of our son fact yeah and then I have nails my son even though nails way older than me and then you have Kyle Israel I'm Kyle X there's a lot of viewers in this like community that are Australia by Australian you know why it's facts i Smitty Smitty was in here earlier that's from Australia Keegan aiders Australia that's on God no cat honestly yeah I still can't believe you said that matando is still in the area let's go tell the truth right like no cat on being fat I'm spittin facts I'm being factual right now on God no cap oh my it's so what here you say it's a Oh God don't cab me honk I'm okay how you doing am i boy I told Dylan I was team Vinnie at the start yo that's my night precious royal tea right there that's loyalty you'll see loyalty loyalty ah all right hey morning the wine guy oh my god my eye he said I'm good man just going from work hell yeah enjoy your day enjoy the rest of your day Kyle thank you again for the hungry holy crap he wasn't there time period where Kyle would drop a hundred every stream every day he was gonna say I'm not forgive someone else right that's insane now that's Kyle Thompson yep saying how long did that go for like literally probably ten months and 2019 yeah crazy Kyle you reached this man dude I honestly and he's like man every time there's like a red gang like train he's like I feel so bad I can't enjoy it on this I don't know why give him a southern accent when he's Australia I love his accent I can't he's like all right I'll see you later us like I love you see you later Gator haha oh you know it's funny we're literally talking about doing a Mario verse I know like a few days ago yeah let me get some practice in and then we just ran and we at 4:00 a.m. it's like you can do it now dude I will literally always do this like any time of the day I don't care if I'm at the gym at the movies you hit me up and you say Vinny it's time I'm ready it's just a feel-good game like you just it's such an enjoyable game that's all God there we go Morgan you can't say that that's not dead-on I'll see you later I'll see you later my name is some random man from Australia it's every Australian random man every Ozzy in the chat have you ever played the game obviously everyone else can answer to you cuz I love this game have you ever played the game ty the Tasmanian tiger that's the Tasmanian Devil oh he's my dad honestly honestly he is really is I love that game and it's based on Australia you know when you're gonna sleep over with your boys and you start to get really goofy it's kind of bad that we're live right now but I'm getting there Morgan said that's like country Aussie well I mean I'm a country boy so it makes me it's ass facts sleeps with a sister would ya remember do you remember when uh Ryan posted that tweet about a song right and then Lex like that's why I'm married I mean every guy I was like wow he's your cousin I was like what have you done he's your cousin huh yeah I can't wait til this new Kingdom Hearts character gets it down today said no one ever [Music] wait what did you say I can't wait to get this Kingdom Hearts character he said no one ever even if it's Sora I literally will cry you're the only one that cares about this I swear to God that is not true I guarantee you some of the Kanto kids like Kingdom Hearts guys anybody care about Sora like I would much rather why Luigi I mean I'd rather Roxas but Sora's don't imagine it's actually why Luigi and I sleep through this I would be so depressed did you see that um uh I don't know his name but he was holding up the three and people are like you know what if that's w4y Luigi my god don't even put that in my brain right now so you're not watching it probably not I mean realistically we're probably gonna be done with this by said probably about it at the latest 8:00 a.m. I mean I might as well stay up for that at that point I guess but like yeah I don't know I'll probably going to get into go to sleep after this yeah I said I'm so excited for bad boys I have to find a friend to come with me hot ass I would come with you Connie lived in Georgia well that was so sing for me only crap okay wait is there five let's go yeah there's no one that stars in the worst it's five yeah it's annoying that they don't appear until you get close to them too so yeah the render distance is trash oh my god I missed the first one okay or the second one let's do it Kingdom are Kyle said I've got to come to American me you I'm so happy that's that's okay that's why you're on a hiatus Kyle I can't wait to meet you man oh yeah Kyle I actually managed to get beat to be king of Mars to on critical movin the first time hey that's sag that's friggin awesome alright my new goal is to beat the game by the three-hour mark we're at the two-hour mark right now I have an hour to get was 13 stars and beat Bowser hey political Christian I know he's gonna say good morning dodo a did a Wow don't know this man it was some political see alright I beat the first world full of you I just don't besides the hunter going by see one trick I'm sure you realize this but if you didn't um a great thing to do in this game is when you're getting the eight red coins you might as well go for the hundred coins star at the same time yeah yeah III started that but then I was like I don't like to do so what is this I didn't even know this I didn't know where to go I didn't know this was a level oh yeah this is an easy star right here eight Red Coins not the one I'm doing this one's difficult but when you're doing it's really simple yeah we nawa 2020 you're gonna look it up but i think it's the last weekend of october the DS version and this isn't actually i prefer it because they give you a map on where the clouds are I don't know where the hell I'm going right now yeah I just look like a mini freakin sleepwalk I'm instrument for seven hours Elliott dude one of my voice is shot or I got the conversation so Jimmy I got Oh God no cancel chil bong God no care or Dino i'ma get new on god no cab 101 honey no on God ain't no cab in East uh the mario wink at my god ya ain't brilliant I'm literally getting that Commission tomorrow I'm not even joking that's so funny holy crap I love that on God no cameras we're happy to on God no cab yes buddy have you ever watched the gentleman no I have not thank you by the way they'll Morgan for the dough no once again and Matthew said first ever don't know do you like my canto Badgett at yeah dude I'm pretty sure if you're the one that sent one a couple days ago that thing is awesome also thank you so much buddy for your first ever don't know I really appreciate that dude I wanted to get 50 I think I'm gonna be able to do it oh you're definitely well I'm running out of like things I don't know what to do keep undershot in it all crap Oh God Oh Oh God look at that was so out of left field even for you I literally I joke around say it all the time like in regular life now I was like oh this would be so funny to say on stream right now oh god okay yeah [Music] how many more do I need record oh I see you I see you I need this one here wait Donna listen come on Wow perfect shot holy five what the hell pair of the rest apiece where all the rats will moan the Rhett's ain't poor no more encore will ignore this is my time I will actually run it's actually a good flow give this man some credit oh my god the game's tearing what the Frick that looks so trippy I do not know where to go I need two more I think there's two on one cloud I just don't know where that cloud is how do I know in the ship the bottom ship here you have to swim near the eel then he'll come out and I was doing me but he wasn't coming out just swim like right above him and you'll be good oh wait he did come out aha okay silly you you can't outsmart Dylan the dim organ said I am off to bed I gotta get early to bike around and run yell my man thank you so much again for the support you'll see later Morgan yeah dude you went above and beyond tonight like you always do seriously thank you thank you so much for everything all of you guys man I don't even know this I still can't believe a last minute stream like this was this crazy Maya died I mean I am flabbergasted literally flabbergasted okay absolutely excuse me I think a demon just came out of my esophagus it happens it happens but thank you so much and I hope you have a blessed night sleep my dude oh I found you I found you haha where are the coins little Mon the coins are on the clown a national sub man there it is yeah I'm so glad I was like debating I'm doing this tonight I was like do I really want to do another one because I just I just did want to get sick again I could go yeah yeah I was because it was the sword and shield announcement things go I can't leave it just got that first try that's huge that is HUGE mmm yeah buddy yeah buddy I love Mario man I love I just wanna playing classic games man I'm just so happy and content I know this is like the definition of euphoria for me I gotta tell ya twelve stars to go yeah buddy okay now this level is kinda maybe we should be able to get it done pretty quick that bad does that but bop bop don't how many more members we gotta get before you leave friendly if in the prefinished whatever we're at 987 13 13 13 okay fam 13 that's doable I'm just saying yo Matthew said me plus bro Super Mario would race at night dude literally that's that's what this is these two brothers going at it in Super Mario I love it I like it a lot I thought you were kidding when you were like y'all go live right now be my screen for that I was like there's no way dead serious especially when we started talking about this I was like oh it's kidding me I would I wouldn't pass opportunity up ever this is this open this is sword oh my god I'm not at that start I was the one I was talking that's a nightmare the fact that you can drown the eel can eat you the camera angles are terrible you know yeah I wish I could make that sound right now yo welcome back to the member squad buddy thank you so much coming out I get him out he's not coming out you have to hover right above him yo political Christian with a $10 good-morning Vinny good morning sir ah dammit thank you so much political Christian my boy thank you for cocoa will join the roster one day yeah what if you something beaucoup - we need 11 more what if I slept through Goku all that would be you know what I gotta tell ya like when Frank and Ryan slept through the last one it was super duper hype like I'm Loki scared to oversleep this one but like I smile I see Ike for me it's not even like I like I do love doing the reactions for you it's something it's also for me cuz it's like it's like a it's like a capsule you know I mean of your life where something bigs like happened like I remember I remember when Sly Cooper got announced was life for ya I didn't record it or anything but I remember freaking out in my room and I wish I had that documented you know I wish I could go back and look at that I feel that God this controller is not holding up very well right now folks okay remind me to order new controller tomorrow my guess this is just pissing me off if you are when you come to Georgia there's a retro store and they sell us because let's freaking go I just love playing this game I got it GG dude that starts touching a pain with the camera angles man see what what I did is like if you go close to the wall it glitches so you can see it when the stars gonna come out so I just I pressed a in right when he was right and coming out go 11 more guys I I think I'm actually able to get under three hours and that's that's awesome for me at least that's a good red point on the ship afloat buddy obviously that's kind of a misleading title by the way there's red coins everywhere not just on the ship oh yeah I see one right there on it yo Thank You Starkey and Kyle again for becoming members my dude you guys are freaking awesome I love you guys good action imma getting so I was dealing with the hacks you know I got it I got to do what I got to do you know I'm saying this was very a lot closer than I thought it was gonna be honestly you did really how how did you think Ike how many stars you think I was gonna get no I knew you'd be able to beat him I wasn't when I was uh I just assumed I would beat it with like probably like him I didn't get it might be I thought was gonna win with like a half hour ahead it might be like a half hour possible yeah let's go I think cuz like I think if I were to have to go into the top like it would take me so long so like you would be sitting there for a while like done that makes sense yeah are you gonna are you gonna go till the very end now I'm gonna go get food and then I could I can I still want to do this as a live series I had so much fun than I and I definitely wanna do it as a live series now cuz I've been wanting to do that not now that it's like also I know that this works fully with recording and stuff you that's awesome dude the other day I was literally like I had nothing to do so I just booted up dk64 and I was just so happy I was like this is just no stream to know I just just to play it was so much fun it's I haven't played a game like this is really the only game I feel like I can play like without streaming that just for whatever reason just does it for me man it just freakin does it for me it's like one it's a good game but - it's also nostalgia sick combination I have no idea what the new year when tirana plants while on the where you saw the Piranha Plants kill them while you're small you have to unlock a secret to get that story epic like similar to the switches remember in the in the wet-dry world level with those spiders how you would push like a box and it would put a number at the top of the box no I wet/dry no I don't there's basically a bunch of different secret things you do in this level oh I know remember when I was asking like what stars did you get that like why am i so far behind yeah it's that one world with dory that I didn't know anything I didn't do any I ought to there actually there's a bunch more than oh I Thea Slee you're way ahead of me now cuz you're up top and stuff - yeah right now if you guys want to know the standings I'm at 59 Dylan's at 46 and obviously we're in a 17 star run then you gotta be Bowser ten more stars let's go found I'm trying to get under 30 I think I do so many hours I mean I beat them small is it is there a star there's probably another one cuz the star will pop out once you kill them kill them all run all over there check behind the pipe to check behind the pot chick behind the pot oh no not in the water like behind the big pipe that was on the ground yeah and I already I already jumped right before you said that check the pipe jumps into water oh man oh yeah good morning everybody this is gonna be my stream for the day imagine some people I just waking up like wait what the Frick is this yeah do this devil gonna be so many people that see this in their sub box like I'm like what this may be more out 64 I get three times in a month and a half that's incredible I mean I was I didn't do it yet but like we're gonna beat this site I got this oh yeah definitely that's a woman come on get down there we go absolutely have you ever had a threesome what are these what wait what this rarely ask yo fitty ever ever threesome yeah I wish I could answer that on god no cat but I can't it's too early for these questions fam too early season questions lol going on yo gohan I love when you went in this dick that was pretty freaking cool dude pretty freaking cool no I know what that means you should know what it means son of a beat you all saw that I didn't I need to get back on my grind yeah dude you were killing it for a while yeah then again tonight then I got a sort of attack on Titan and I got addicted so [Music] sometimes I look at sometimes I looked at my webcam and I literally am like I'm like good you're what the heck happened yo man cute my eyes hey I appreciate it a problem chief yo what's so Phillip are you doing my boy god damn it I mean poopy ski bloobity floppity my finger got him all this done buddy Bobby the star will pop up like right yeah there we go is the one behind the the pole there we go I need three more and I completed my task that I wanted somehow definitely hit that hard percent I just don't I don't know anymore man you did really good though very impressed very very impressed with you Linda yo Conor McGregor's fighting in like a week actually this weekend he's fighting who's he fighting this guy named cowboy apparently gonna be a really good fight I'm excited about it you know Danny's name is cowboy wears a cowboy hat that's awesome yeah that's pretty red cowboy cowboy Cavill Oh that that uh that oh my god camera angles what are you doing chief there you this freaking button when I press the a button now it's literally just getting stuck in the controller bro oh those are the words but happens it's like the our mark Dillon sounds super sleepy nah that's just a snack this disguise it's it's my it's my shot voice I'm really not that sleepy I just can't raise my voice that loud well it hurts they're gonna announce Waluigi deals gonna be like yeah I'm honestly at this point I kind of hope it is somebody lame so I can don't have to like kill my voice and gonna be like mr. Game & Watch is why for some wack something like that you know it's gonna be like that all that log is the work how are you not falling okay is that how you do that it's the one that I flipped out like oh my god how do I get that is that how you do it you have the long jump did you long jump yeah yeah yeah you have to just got that proper long jump and then you're good but that was okay sick I'm glad I got that right I thought that was not how you're supposed to do it I think you're originally supposed to get that with a cannon actually but that's like a swimming nude speenrunners are so entertaining to watch on this video it's if you want a guy that's a real guy or a girl that's really good you like it doesn't even seem like a human's playing no it seems like the bottom yeah it's great it's so cool they need the game in like less than an hour hunter percent two glitches in this game we're like you do a jump or like you climb that mountain we'll just a boot kick and all this different stuff it's it's absolutely insane like they kick off the most random stuff it's it's absolute insanity it's so cool what's up Michael Bray hey doing and well good morning everyone I see people I simply were just like tuning in left and right yeah welcome a body Mecca instinct don't extend in the description actually the links in description will be updated yet so go to the community tab early the brand new posts yo thank you so much I appreciate that guys welcome back or rather welcome to UI Mecca thank you thank you thank my god Dylan perfect time to become UI everything reset today actually or yesterday rabbit Thank You soul I can't believe you're gonna be here in a week that's so soon oh my sleep I keep reading of the date 25th it is yeah let me block on the 25th ladies and gentlemen its oriented way in Georgia wait it can we talk about how at the logo can we talk about that oh yeah of course yeah the art literally says blank blank sleep lock underneath in Georgia you know when are you uh telling people the game Oh probably when the arts Donald make like an official part post and announcement and stuff like that wait you always see Kyle Thompson didn't even know yeah he's coming back yeah and we're doing my sleep lock literally I'm gonna be in Dylan's office with the guys it's gonna be absolutely awesome do my beers getting so thick it's gonna look sick four packs I'm like really excited dead end hope we meet again yes oh it's Matt's tips come oh you never got that star no he pops back up you can employ x yep dude I like one of my favorite things while staying up all nights like since I can't ever seem to get myself up before 10:00 a.m. because I work so late I never get to have my chicken egg and cheese biscuit that I love so much so like when I pull these all-nighters I get to go get it because it's so late they're always good morning sweetheart and I'm like good evening good evening so you're not good morning yeah I probably honestly like I always so people I'll probably start doing more streams like this because like honestly I usually don't go to bed till this time anyway so if I can go live and entertain we'll be productive it is nice though like after a long hard work hard working day then I can just like lay in bed and be a potato like that's kind of my meantime you know which I literally love like weed me don't talk yeah that's alright I'll do this as often otherwise it won't be a special when we do do yeah so I really think like something like the core for Friday like will be a really cool idea like like like something like it doesn't even we don't always have to be playing the same game like we can't be like bro talking and playing our own games facts you know I think it'd be such a fun thing dude i I just I love our friend group so much man come on and freaking boulders got really freaking lucky dude we really did like everything just kind of fell in the right place the right time especially like how it all started like I mean rhyme with the thumbnails for you hit him and Frank meeting each other and let the comic section that's facts it's crazy it's freaking I want some speaking of Frank we're about to see Frank guys look at that done I actually really like the way I did this run cuz I got a bunch of the not hard stars but like the tedious ones out of the way and now I can go back and get a lot of the ones that are just sample I haven't got a storm like 20 minutes really I don't know what I'm doing facts yet we do they don't happen it's like you know the knowledge aspect of where to go and which ones to grab it's on yeah we'd run out when I haven't played it you know 15 years so it's just crazy I don't even know why never played it cuz cuz like I've been wanting to wait to play it on stream so like I just kept waiting and waiting and waiting I was so happy when I wanted that red stored and slowly had it I was so freaking happy I got that banjo kazooie in banjo-tooie the cartridge a beautiful yo Killian said Mario 64 is the best game ever can I get an enemy UAV inbound UAV inbound want to make a tradition whenever i donate hope you're well Vinny dude hope you're well as well and that sounds hilarious well so can you entertain my but my little cruel right here too uh and you can obviously keep eating just keep going because Dylan's Jordan Dylan actually I will put Gong so I get some three yeah oh I'm gonna I'm gonna make me some tea sounds good how's everyone doing guys you know I I know obviously I have a lot more experience with this game but it does I'll be honest it does feel good to be doing something I got to tell you it cuz there's not many things I can beat this man and when it comes to video games so I am happy that I will be victorious tonight and I know you're probably thinking well Vinny don't speak too soon I got 63 stars all right I'm beating this at least within 40 minutes I'd say that's that's that's being a little bit modest I could probably beat it before that oh yeah this has been this has been so awesome and I hope you guys have enjoyed it because we have enjoyed it it's been a lot of fun damn it man come on all right BIA thank you guys all so much again for the support on my channel on Dillon's channel it's been crazy by the way make sure you guys some to my boy Dillon become a member on his channel and we are ten members away from a thousand we can get that last minute member tree tonight I'm just saying that'd be pretty freakin lit that would be pretty freakin lit by the way if you guys don't know me I go live on YouTube every day today is my stream for the day unless I go live again later which I might I'll let you guys know but I really want to go to the movies today and see bad boys three I'm probably gonna watch bad boys one and two today just to get a little refresher on it okay go back this way and that there we go and now BAM you know what I didn't unlock yet the how do you get me in this game how do you get the whatchamacallit the invisibility cap Alice I can't remember bad boys for life is amazing yo did you see it and Lowe's I thank you so much with $2 hey yeah here's a tip I appreciate that thank you so much I think I will be able to get under three hours guys which is really honestly I'm really excited about that like I want this to happen okay I gotta go oh damn it always mess that up okay it's out oh yeah you can just jump right in that's right that's right that's right that is facts thank you for that because I know some stars we can get once we have that okay dude what the hell I can't execute execute this long jump imma get it imma get it okay gosh darn it please just do this Vinnie do this okay hold on there we go finally why you Dylan talking he went to go make some tea and I wanted to keep playing because pretty clear that I will be victorious and I want to try to get under three hours till one full British making tea duty is actually very good for your voice very very very good for your voice dude my dad definitely woke up my dad my brother will go for work and they were like what the hell is this kid doing why is he live right now cuz the grond don't stop baby ground oh stop 2020 is all about these these early morning live streams it really is quite the vibe okay easy does it with this nice Wow I can't believe I pulled that off hell yeah yeah what's up Maggie what is going on you stupid frickin bat come on man I was so close that might have some food at this what's up how you doing baby and it's freezing oh yeah do your office is always super duper hot last time you were here I'd tell you why it was like I think you did mention it yeah so like we were running cool overnight and it wasn't working like the a/c we're like why is this not working because even though it was like pretty cold outside we were still wanted a chill inside so what happened was even though it wasn't working it was freezing our a/c units all you tell me that it froze the whole thing dude let's play that was insane how hot it wasn't there it was actually insane it was crazy what you asked but I asked something you did something something like are you not done or are you done something like that oh no I asked I'm far you were or at long ago but goings and I supported Vinnie in the enemy oh you event think you could do it too I would but my voice is literally dying yeah you definitely you definitely have a little bit of a horsey voice I highly doubt we're doing uh free-for-alls today huh yeah okay this is basically gonna be like a day off for me because I already did my street yeah I'm chill I already told Ryan to I was like y'all I'm not because they're supposed to Gore souling tomorrow I told him yesterday I was like no I I'm like I didn't sleep well the night before cuz I keep coughing at least I'm not coughing facts I'll take that okay I must finish watching the livestream yet for all of you guys that have been here since the beginning you guys are amazing and don't worry next livestream obviously I'm gonna be much much more active in the chat this was obviously like a competition type thing so obviously I want to just you know do the best that I could tonight it's a nice change of pace it's a nice time to say yeah very very nice you know I'll be fine though like something like a game that we both don't really know in the future yeah and we do it live I'm down like I don't really know banjo kazooie that well I mean either one meteor I've only played up until I think the desert the desert course and banjo kazooie I've beat it before but I don't I don't know what to do [Music] yeah [ __ ] and they went way through short with the haircut I think it looks good finally yeah you do I think it it would be better pill just longer on top yeah I saw your tweet that like every time you say I want it long on top I always I always wanted to do that oh my god I did that holy crap guys I just went for it when you go to battle the the boss you can jump quickly and grab the star at the top of the pyramid I got it holy crap hey you know a lot of pretty cool like speedrun things today I'm happy with that last I am ready Pete diems did you say okay done done done today is there any other roads I can do I could probably do more in here I know that I know the bottom like the middle floor really well I am so annoyed that my controller is broken not broken but like doing this sticky button thing like I said like I would just get a couple here at the retro store yeah probably will lay this again before I get down there for my sleep block but then again you never know when I play more you you really never know literally never did you get on a ride again did you ever done no are you sleeping to like 5 p.m. again I'll probably be up by like 3 or 4 honestly this is not this is like normal of any time like usually what I do during this time is like watch podcasts and catch up on YouTube videos and all stuff like that you know yeah by the way Robert Downey jr. was on Joe Rogan it was like such a beautiful and wholesome conversation it's like an hour and 15 minutes long highly recommend you guys check it out very very good installment by the way I have a podcast too if you guys didn't know Sunday sauce Tabasco Sunday sauce they are in double digit god oh thank Christ yeah we are it's crazy yeah it's gonna hit me that's actually really weird because like that means y'all been going for 10 week and week straight man madness actually had actual madness it does not feel like it's been that long I know right it's crazy doesn't this know that's later okay or that's down here I added I remember editing an intro moment in this part of it oh no the coop all you stupid bird he took my cap so when I was a kid I used to think this was really cool because it shows his hair but when you know if your cap you actually take more damage I know if you knew that I didn't I remember losing the cap or whatever in a TS because if you're Yoshi and you wear a cap and turned into Mario and stuff so if you lose a cab think about a Yosh mm a bad dude in that game it's annoying too except they take your cap you can't grab any of the other caps you're stuck I thought this warps you somewhere it does not all the way on the ledge go a little bit yeah go right there perfect okay oh crap I want you to die at Luke crap this is scary I'm missing one red cooling oh my god that was a risk eh wait I think I know where it is absolutely all right this should be the last one right here perfect what am i oh I miss the one the beginning like where the hell is the next one okay I freaking love that we did this today you'll see you later Kyle thank you something man I can't believe how many people went ham with the red gang tonight literally I'm like it was it was support for so long oh my the whole street bro like what it's so incredible man what it literally it's just so blessed literally not no joke man I'm like I'm gonna million battlecast just like he had no cap on god bless I'm gonna lay in bed after this just like in in disbelief like I just put you what you just think about I even for you even more because like this is your favorite gaming you played your favorite game yeah like five in the morning on him listen after playing this literally I beat the game two days ago again and people are still down to watch I love it man I love it it's incredible alright sixty snowman's lot wait what do I do snow means lost his head you have to roll the snowman's head down the entire go to the left oh there you go go left down there talk to him and then you got to follow him and guide him oh I remember this yeah you have to guide him to the oh he hurts me oh go go quick I didn't get beat in front of him I'm pretty sure because then you have to lead him to the the snowman body if you will I always love the fact in this game out each level hat not each level I think there's a couple exceptions but pretty much every level that's a painting it has a hundred Coinstar which I never realized that as a kid I'm pretty sure that like you could do that it hey what's up Lauren Lauren I haven't been to sleep yet what's up what's going on I love it when Lauren comes with my streams have you been on that or I've been up since is that to Lauren I met yes you did actually hi Lauren just sounded really bad but you know out Lauren Lauren is here Lauren the grind don't stop in 2020 new year new me why like we hang out soon it's like I miss you dearly wall cakes will work what the frick does that mean kind of tip is that wall kicks would work with that I have no idea what that is all I know this is IOC have nobody had to explain how to get there but there's like this under there's like this cape you can go to where you have to wall jump to get to the star I'm gonna be honest I don't even know how to fake je but it's it's not a cave it's like a cape like an like then I'll explain this I don't know man I'm just trying to find a tall girl to climb like that's all I'm trying I understand man I mean you think you feels me right you feel I feel you see I try to find a short girl climb me there you go a little bit flipped by understand my song John amen okay Smith taking the sled up take this silly it up real quick I don't know where I'm going and I'm sweating so much holy crap now it's me oh my god I took like four showers today bro okay no no no oh my god when the boss fights I bring it on yo a vampire girl would be great like a tall vampire girl that's what I'm all about Yoda gain Anna is here Z fun but I Charlotte thank you so much I actually feel perfectly fine just my voice I honestly feel like me yelling so often has like given me the ability to like you know like when you constantly workout and you don't really get that so anymore I feel like my words have been trained for like brutal punishment to the point how I can scream pretty often and be okay knock on wood you know screaming I'm pretty much okay now um but the only thing the only reason this has happened cuz I was coughing effortlessly on the $5 a good morning Brown not gonna stick around too long heading to work my man have a great day at work great day at the office Lauren said hi Dylan how are your dogs their coffee is so sweet I can't wait for Vinnie to meet her Oh Lord I'm going to gorge on like a week I forgot to tell you it's gonna be fun I just forgot that like I announced it to the viewers and I was like did I really just ruin the surprise I was like oh yeah we're promoting this right now we got it two down three more to go Tyranno dude I'm like so happy this is the first time I've beaten this game in one sitting this is awesome I mean did have but yet obviously my life let's go I mean you're what three away your summary stars away technically two stars awakes I see in my day though I saved a very easy secret star for the end I'm about as abouted get my goal oh my god oh stop oh how are they taking over Mario I'm a super super strong plumber like get out of here it's so annoying bro hate that once you get one it's easy though haha kinda think of other you know chat what was one of some other games you'd like to see me and Vinnie play even if it's not a versus like a co-op well as some other games you'd like us both to play we could just stream our perspective possibilities are endless I look at the red lava in video games like legitimately it messes up my vision my voice sounds like death like sweet and utter don't come on wow that guy just fell completely by accident I won't take it okay there we go whoa Mario Kart online I'm down that would actually have employed that forever I definitely know I haven't played that's rich like a first came out literally all right I gotta kick this dude's butt alright come on come on actually low-key Borderlands would be so much fun with the core for I think my brother plays out actually I'm pretty beat I love it's such a fun game it's so funny - I know you would like it go punch bro there we go there we go there we go yes I play Prince of Persia sands of time crap Kingdom Hearts I knew some Kingdom Hearts on the deal would be half a day I would I would cry I don't think you would fully enjoy I think it's more Pilate Frank yeah I'm down I mean I do like goofy oh well I actually just I'm starting to get tired now like where it hit me that like wow I haven't slept yet today 7 a.m. she'll be said a subspace subspace Amy Carrie I don't know what that means emissary oh that's probably the word yep that's probably the word thank you though dad that's a Smash Bros Brawl the story mode oh yo Thank You Brazilian Dreyfus Mateo if it's actually Sora and I don't have a voice to react I'm gonna be so mad Sora the princess no swords the main character the boy oh boy okay he's a princess though right yeah sure yeah shout Sora I saw everything fun God on God baby no cap I go to school I kneel Eric I want you to learn a lot of crap today Zelda randomizer world we can do like Ocarina of Time they never play that would be fun yeah but I don't remember if I remember a thing so that'd be fun to co-op I would totally be down because yeah we definitely inverse that people get so pissed at us and puzzles bro I think they might kill us can you not I was literally just about to say I might actually be able to do this in the next 15 minutes I fell from the top of the freakin yo so in a speech I saw some yes or someone ran up with a wart like the lava waterfall to get to the top of the star and it was it was legitimately like the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life yeah it was crazy I i sat there like this holding my phone at 5:00 in the morning like what the hell where is this last freaking which one you know I need one more red coin Hey outcast thank you so much I'm sorry I can't fully react hey Darrin Jimmy yes I already list one second thank you so much man jaren said you know he is an illiterate southern Georgia person that's me that's him I [Music] set these terms yes all right we're about to fight thousand let's go boys hmm well you need 70 yeah there's a tone at the top of the castle gives you a free star oh I just wanna I just want to get 1500 snap no you'll be able to get 50 before Ike beat bowels I need one all I need is one more red coin I don't know where it is it's not up there I know that for I know I went up here for a bulk like a vantage point to like ah scoping out the area guys it let's go good you know what I gotta look back at the begin of the stream though like I said we did the opening and like you know the greeting and everything we're probably right around the 230 mark right now honestly which is really solid plus a couple pause there's pee breaks and stuff facts facts that's on everything oh my god alright they annoyed it I think I know where it is it's right here in it oh you have to slide down there oh [Music] a pain in the butt pain in the booty pain in the booty alright come on talk to me toad there we go and there's 70 stars somewhere around the track everything literally what I wanted a hit is exactly what I'm gonna be able to get good stuff this is the new six so sweet eight let's go alright I'm happy I was able to uh what we came in thinking I was probably gonna win I did and I'm happy about that this was good I didn't show dark so I just went I was looking over your stream to see like where you are in the game and so I someone said Dark Souls would break them I was like huh little do you know have you been dark souls yeah yeah I've done know death runs and Dark Souls what yeah I was a Dark Souls to burn you mean of I beat doors right that's right I always forget about that that period of your of your career I'm actually Popeye you were joking thought I was dead serious yeah I've beat me I can't play monster owner I know that yeah Vinny holy crap when do you freaking sleep I'll sleep when I'm dead which hopefully isn't for a very long time that's a weakness for the weak okay okay guys yeah no cab you'll never catch me wearing a cab except I'm wearing a cap right now no this button is literally pissing me chop me bananas oh that yes hi guys this is gesture hey there Chad imagine like somehow back then I knew and I was like hi guys gesture on God no care possible course my dude thank you so much a turkey say congrats on the waa and ain't over till it's over but thank you turn it over you can get 20 stars in the next five minutes on God okay God this back after the fact can I get a count of how many times I've said that today because I'm that's I'm whole I'm hilarious hilarious I don't even know her to get a star here but I'm here did you go get the two in the volcano there's two in there I did not yeah you can get the two in there if you so please me oh my oh my god oh my god what the Frick okay why is mario such a good pole dancer literally like that's fast talented man all crap don't look at Dylan's screen focus on beating buh-buh-buh Bowser yo fun fact in my DS run of this the other day I beat Bowser on my first run for the first time ever hey that's what's up in the final fight it was crazy I actually got more than I thought I up 51 there you go and you could still get more - I still have to beat this man you have to hit him three times it's not an easy go around yep and I remember as a kid it was the hardest thing ever when he forms the star oh yeah you actually can do it in a way where he doesn't do that if you just grab his tail fast enough once you throw him again as a kid I struggled it took me so long to be there and the stream boss is mine yo you definitely got a dark shadow alright guys if I beat him in the next ten minutes I'm pretty sure it's under a three hour mark which is I'm really proud of that like really proud of that god I hate this part so much I love this game is such a mess to him it's so crazy how good it was for his time though facts like I know it's not just nostalgia talking because like I'm not as nostalgic as you are it's just it's just a good game there we go good stuff now see what you can do is while he's falling here grabbing on my right again and then he won't break the break the fields not free oh it's the person that's cold let's go oh my god [Applause] okay [Music] oh close almost the perfect garage and Dan oh that's sick okay oh my god this man this man just charged me oh hell yeah we got it team Vinny did I get him no damn it foul sir ah cousin yeah out of EE bit above ah this man is jumping I'm just gonna watch you because I want to see you when I did pretty good yes time what are we at let's go let's go oh oh my god I'm drinking tea my voice is coming back yeah duty is amazing did you put some honey in it let's do this i coded this thing in honey dude I can't wait to see exactly what the time is if someone could figure that out and leave it in the comment section let's go James in the chat let's go baby and such a chilling 51 stars at all hey Thank You Man thank you I'm glad we did this was so much for all my god dude I love love love love honestly if we finished a lot earlier than I thought if if there was like an hour till the cement stream I probably would stay alive but I'll be honest you guys I'm probably not gonna stay alive for the smash stream I probably will be up for it so like I'll I'll be tweeting about and stuff I don't think I'm gonna live more this is gonna be my fan today you should start speedrunning this game dude I want to I want to get a lot better cuz clearly I have a lot of clearly have a lot of work to do for sure but I love this cutscene I mean the more you played the more you'll know the more things will discover yeah fax to hours and 50 but it took oh no it's actually shorter than that it's shorter than that because remember we had the opening of the stream 243 is when you clicked a new game - 243 was it really that short in the beginning there's no way that's all the intro was to meant almost three minutes holy crap all right well it was under three hours so I'm happy you got to think I guys are too like there was pee there's pee breaks and stuff which was probably like five minutes there was a couple of bomb breaks from both Morgan yeah true you never know it all adds up but yeah that's still it yeah it feels so really good you're beating it in one stream on a three-hour that's pretty awesome let's go then oh yeah Benny have you seen my mug I wanna show you this my Mugsy oh my god so cute I can't believe I just did this in one stream I'm like really happy thank you about to go yeah dude uh-huh such a fun time thank you all from both streams for hanging out with us we both appreciate so much and it goes without being said thank you all for the support oh my god oh my god I do this literally felt like like a like a pre stream to the sleepwalk crazy yeah the perfect pre stream did asleep lot perfectly like pre shame of you come to Georgia too when you by the way I'll be in Georgia a week from this Saturday for the sleep bloc hope you're all gonna be there it's gonna be freaking awesome thank you to everyone that sent in love in this stream Morgan and King Naza and Jake up and literally there's way too many people to thank in the post stream tweet but dude thank you all so much are you wrapping up right now - yeah I'm wrapping up in I'm gonna be live again in like an hour I just gonna I'm gonna get some food so I'm not cranky when I'm see sore announced in Smash I'm actually gonna do a save stay right here BAM um but yeah I've been alive for seven hours of 15 minutes that's the crime yeah dude this was a really fun stream I hope you guys had a good time um I'm Michael alive again today later I'll let you guys know probably not but I'll let you guys know for sure thank you for everything you guys are incredible and subscribe my boy Dillon subscribe to me a port way coming soon we love you guys and any final words dillweeds thank you guys so much for everything we love you guys we know we sent a whole stream I know you guys heard it but thank you for hanging out with us I'm so it's the best couple ever to be able to play any game that we would love to play and you guys still just enjoy it like anything else thank you guys filling this we love you guys we adore you and that's on god no cap and guys next time god bless man we love you love you guys face piece [Music]
Channel: Original151
Views: 27,099
Rating: 4.9676676 out of 5
Id: ZBqqGG_0M28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 35sec (10415 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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