Builder’s own INSANELY Efficient House!

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the build show today is a fan request we are back at a job that we visited a year ago we made a really popular video about why you might consider two by eight wall framing and i often get in the comments hey go back and check out this house when it's done and that's exactly what we're doing on today's video this happens to be the personal house of my friend jake burton who's a builder here in columbia missouri we've got a really good video today not just on efficiency and a really well built house but also in craftsmanship i told jake earlier when i toured this i think this house should be in dwell magazine there's some really cool modern details but he built it on i think a pretty good budget so this video from columbia missouri visiting again let's get going [Music] jake man this house turned out beautiful i love your front facade looks like some hearty out there maybe some western red cedar beautiful front but man there's a great story to be told on this house shake i think the craftsmanship and the efficiency i liken this to a ferrari in terms of looks but the prius performance walk me through from your perspective uh the house and then actually i've got a surprise for you later in the video i've got steve basic the architect who designed your house who's going to walk through and show you from his perspective get us started jake show me some of the cool things you did here so i think the the conversation does start with steve and with us working as a team uh we really work well together we have a great collaborative effort where we challenge each other constantly for every house to be better and this is the culmination of building a couple houses together that helps definitely helps we have uh fully insulated slab underfoot insulation under the slab while we have concrete it is as warm as concrete as you're going to get without actually running heating through it uh we have a 2 8 thick wall so that's this thickness here you can see it on this wall two by eight thick that's pretty darn thick wall right there so all your exterior walls are two by eight two bay advanced frame 24 inches on center deleting headers anywhere that they're non-essential uh and then just trying to be really deliberate with our envelope uh we have a zip r so we have zip r six continuous installation on the outside so one inch of foam on the outside of the framing and what you do inside your two by eights uh and then we flash sprayed with two inches of closed cell through everything rim stud bays headers everything and then uh cellulose fill after that so what's the r value as well r42 thereabouts dang our 42 walls yes so we're trying to you know we're also in a busy neighborhood and we're close to busy streets and so we also wanted the house to be quiet and that's an added benefit of superficial walls you know that higher value wall knocks down the noise how does that compare to code for here is that double code yeah that is double code r21 would be a standard code wall yep and then what's the story in your windows we looked at those last time we're here yeah the window packages from shuco we got them from european architectural supply in boston it's a contact that steve has brought to us that are fantastic they are r9 r10 glass somewhere in there uh their tilt turn so they really lock into place and they really seal very well and they're an integral part of the envelope here the envelope here tested at uh .07 ach 50 so so a you know a tenth of what passive house allows for damn now that is a cheating number we were 0.3 ach 50 half of passivhaus and then we used arrow barrier because we're trying to figure out what arrow barrier means for the the world and that's just a they pressurize the house they uh aerosolize a sealant and then it it basically finds every little hole in the envelope okay so that you know we took it from half of passivhaus to a tenth of passive house and that point seven number point zero seven is you know that's the blower door leaking that's not the envelope but what i love about this house jake is that there's not just a performance story here but i think the craftsmanship and some of the details you did you mind if we show off your kitchen here first off i mean this kitchen is gorgeous jake talk to me about what you did here so we have a great cabinet shop here in town uh andy with stickman productions and his his uh lead carpenter pete they are fantastic and they essentially will do anything i ask now they might shrug their shoulders and go really is that what you want to do uh but you know we asked for box joints on the drawers uh the layout is completely equal there's five sets of drawers they're all the same and uh you know we're able to do oh that'll really see you grab it on the bottom yep my new details where like on this drawer all of them are like this because we wanted that that reveal line up front we have a little swoop at the end of the at the end of the drawer that then hides the hardware that's it looks like you forgot to put the face frames on and it does and put the drawer fronts on is my first thought when i first looked at and then i realized no you're showing off the craftsmanship of the cabinet maker and these are all solid hardwood boxes and yep i don't know if that's a veneer or solid but it looks amazing they're three-quarter plied they're glued and screwed there's no mdf there's no quarter inch ply gorgeous they really do a great job and they're this is actually like the beginning of the conversation of uh what we're calling like the hierarchy of architecture so if you look at houses that were built 150 years ago the nice stuff would be out front the nice stuff would be in the entryway or the parlor where you entertain and the further away from that you get the less quality things might be and i don't mean less quality i mean we make different choices so the cabinets in this pantry are white oak but they're plywood and they have the same look and feel aesthetically to start out but then you realize that they're not solid wood they're not dovetailed but it's just a slightly more private space so and you'll see this hierarchy throughout the house is the further away we get this is where we're standing when we were looking at your two bag walls i think right and there's uh there's all that uh i think we were plumbed for your ice maker at that point uh i like how you're integrating your fridges and turning a more standard fridge into an integrated fridge look that's kind of cool and this mini split that i'm seeing here uh is that your only heating and cooling for this first level here that is the only hvac system on this entire elevation so there's eleven hundred square feet on this floor one minute takes care of it yeah and actually there's uh there's three more systems upstairs the house in total is 4 300 square feet uh but on this elevation when we uh commissioned the system it was august and we they were all ready to go and i said we're just turning this one on for now because i want to see what's going to happen and from here to the furthest into the house there was a six degree temperature difference wow just one mini split and 4 300 square footage that's the story of a really well insulated envelope and also a really airtight envelope right there that one mini split head is doing this entire first floor now we haven't shown it yet jake but this is spectacular talk to me about this staircase this is you know we give stickman productions credit for the cabinets and like they knock it out of the ballpark and it comes down to this is a team it's steve it's stickman and it's uh emmett with russell built this literally came to fruition because my wife said i want this staircase and showed him a picture and he said okay and then literally built the staircase from the picture you showed me that picture earlier it looks just like the staircase people would think that it's the same staircase and he was flexible enough with us because we wanted it to look very dainty we wanted it to look like there wasn't much structure to it we built the whole thing and played with it and then decided that we needed to add some pieces it's amazing very open to our process and helping us uh it looks like it's folded steel but these are probably bent plates that are welded to each other is that right yep so they're just welded on the innermost point of the toe kick and then he had we had the steel shot just make that bend for us on a break of some sort for that is that quarter inch plate or what is that quarter inch it is and then these are solid rods that are welded top and bottom and then he did this really nice curve on your rail and then the green paint job i mean it's spectacular jake i love it he really knocks it out of the park for us like we're we're really happy with the work that he does love it let's go upstairs man now jake that first floor is that a polished concrete that we were just walking on it's a it's regular concrete with a trisec finish it's a 3m uh sanding system basically so it's a kind of almost like a scotch guard finish on it so it's not a traditional polish where they grind gotcha now this floor is gorgeous i'm a more traditional guy i like this we were looking for something more inviting than the concrete floors on the second level uh and we really were interested in wide plank and we were really interested in matte finish or low luster finish that is really matte finish uh white oak so this is a french white oak finished with gorgeous basically rubio's mono coat and this comes from delta works in austin austin yeah those got shipped nationwide so they should all the way to missouri here and actually that process was pretty cool because it one carrier you know basically two guys in a delivery truck straight from them to us no chain of handling that was a problem or anything like that it actually worked really well it was deliberately straight to your job and was this pre-finished with ruby or did you yes it's pre-finished and i think it's fantastic because the other thing about the rubio monaco is we we can just repair it yeah it's not like a poly where we'd have to sand everything it actually kind of soaks in and it's important i think they call it a burnable finish so it burns itself back into the layer underneath that's beautiful man i love it so dimensionally stable because it's engineered oh okay this is an engineer so talk to me about that well so not a solid 8-inch plank so people panic when you say engineered or they think that you're going to cheap out in some way the you know traditional hardwood floor it's three-quarter inch thick and it's wood and it's one piece of wood two and a quarter uh white oak i've used a ton of it over the years and the reason that it doesn't get much wider than two and a quarter is because you get stability issues when you get fluctuations and humidity the water you get the more it wants to do this so we would never dare do a seven and a half inch wide floor like this in solid wood uh if we wanted to we'd make everybody involved sign a waiver that it's not our fault but this has a plywood core and plywood stable uh you know and clients are like oh well but it's not real wood well it is still real wood the possibility of damage is exactly equal to hardwood and that wear layer on the top is pretty thick and sandable so we have a refinishable floor around a quarter inch or so yeah yeah and so you know it there's really no downside there's just upside to we get better possibilities we get better stability and you know it's gorgeous it's a 100-year floor yeah and then there's no carpet too and then the other nice thing about engineered is there's less wood involved right these these oak trees are a precious commodity but if you're going to last for 100 years we're using that commodity well but we only need a third of it and if you're gonna steal seven and a half inch wide boards you really have to use as much as you possibly can yeah out of that board oh i like seeing this what do we have here this is uh the most energy efficient water heater on the planet from what i understand dang this is the sandin senko 2 uh 83 gallon it has a so this actually what we're looking at is not the water heater really this is a stainless steel tank that's insulated that's okay so there's no mechanism no mechanism for heating right here so our outdoor cassette that looks just like our mini split cassette from our from our hvac it's an outdoor air source heat pump so the water lines run from here to outside the heating takes place out there and then it comes back in which for us this thing was an easy sell my master bedrooms on the other side of that wall so i didn't want to hear a water heater in a really quiet house there's no noise from here yeah you hear everything uh we wanted no combustion in the house so we're looking at electric water heaters and that means heat pump and if you do an interior heat pump where the air source heat pumps in here you have to couple that to like 700 cubic feet of space plus it's blowing cold in the winter time which is not great summertime it could be helpful but not in the winter a louvered door so you have to hear it yeah like and it just does it didn't make sense and we were really trying to problem solve it and we came to the sand and and it's really interesting that they get like 500 energy efficiency ratings with their outdoor unit they're heating to higher temperatures than other water heaters because they get a better efficiency and then it's a co2 is the refrigerant so the global warming potential if you have a refrigerant leak is zero nothing yeah nothing you know that's really we're breathing we're exhausting co2 every time we take a breath yep for sure that is really cool jake anything i missed that you wanted to show off i'm going to bring steve in too and have a architect's perspective on your head around the corner real quick let's do it all right jake where are we entering now this is the master bedroom and while the house is decent size we still have modest rooms we don't need a ton of space in the master bedroom uh but i think the really interesting thing here is the master bath we're still doing some assembly so you got to bear with us i'm still in construction yeah we're waiting on a toilet in the shower door uh we have schluter's dietrich heat under the tile ooh ditra hey nice warm coat i'm really interested to see how it operates with the fact that the house doesn't dissipate heat and like how low we're gonna have to turn it from making the the room hot too hot yeah uh same cabinets so that hierarchy we're the master bedroom so we get the nice cabinets man kids hall bath is the same cabinets as the pantry that's great joining office has another step down man i love these lighted mirrors what are these these are from kohler still has the plastic on it this one's unwrapped though uh these are from kohler and they're not a medicine cabinet they're just a mirror and they really do put off i look way more i know it's not really possible but i look more handsome in there here on the wall yeah i love a lighted mirror because your face like when you're shaving just gives you great light when i go to a hotel i need to think about something like this for my house well done kohler we also had another conversation that the tile was mail order is that right the towel came from online it came from a company called zia tile is that your drain in the center by the way i'm sorry i cut you off on your thumb there uh i just noticed how sleek that looks is it so we have uh two single slope pans from schluter they're high density foam a lot of people panic when you say foam pan they're like well that's going to crush that's 300 psi that's more than porcelain tile so it's not crushing any time even if i'm walking around in high heels i'm not going to not going to break that pan comes with the waterproofing on it and then we use their stainless steel drain assembly so literally from ceiling to where it connects to the schedule 40 pvc pipe under the ground is all one warranty one manufacturer that's all that kerdi system right yep and that's in that drain body you tile into is that right yep so it comes with a drain cover uh i don't think i can get it out without there there we go i can it comes with a tool to pull that out oh that's cool channel body comes with that stainless steel cap and then we're just able to tile so if you needed to pull a plug of hair out of there someday you can just pop it right exactly yeah it even has a little uh hair catcher down in there that let's select right now that's like i'm a big fan i'm a big fan of the ship litter system too this tile is neat man weird that we're ending up in the master shower together guys if you don't know jake go follow him on instagram fantastic builder he's shooting videos every single week for build show network dot com gorgeous house man thanks for having me back our first video uh killed it i mean it's like a million views just about on two bay construction but to see the finish house and not just the performance but the craftsmanship i love it i i told these guys earlier i think this house should be in dwell magazine i mean there's some great details and i love that you build it not on some millionaires budget either right yeah um you did things where you spent money wisely but you didn't overspend uh gorgeous house gorgeous house let's go get steve we're gonna do the same walk through from steve's perspective from the architects perspective he he hasn't listened any of this either so he has no idea what jake just talked about i'm interested to hear what he says i am too but you can't listen you gotta watch the video when we publish it on youtube let's go get steve outside all right guys you all have met steve basic before steve beautiful house you designed here for jake and his family what do you want to show us on this house from both a performance perspective and the craftsmanship perspective from your architect's eyes so i think it's really important that you know in in planning the house that you plan houses to be the house but there's also planning that goes in for potential future things and i know you know when you guys were on the front you can go back and you can take a look look at it but we can see it here you see the roof slope up above the blue there where we have a four basically coming into i think that's about a 10 or a 12 that comes into it 12 12 pitch so we have the really steep roof but you see that one that's flatter so basically what i did was i took the ridge and slid it over and the reason for that is is it elongates that one side that faces due south so in the planning of the house we're also planning for this house to potentially be a zero energy house thus the due south so due south and a longer field for the pv array there to take this house to zero right absolutely and then we basically mirrored it so you can see the mirrored version here yeah so this roof also has a similar pitch but in this case it's not for solar it's just matching and we could put solar on the steeper 12 pitch here we could run a whole array down i mean we're probably on an order of about 60 feet there so there's a lot of 20 panels there so and in doing it you notice that it really set up a nice little courtyard in the back here and you know a couple other features out here that you know aside from all the different sidings and stuff is we did a little covered walkway like here and protects that door protects that door from the water and it allows you to open that door in a rainstorm and still kind of get that fresh air that nice rainy day smell in the house or even just let the dog out or letting the dog out so the other thing i want to mention protected oh sorry steve i don't know i was going to say the other thing i want to mention is when you design those roof pitches and that pitch change if that was a hand cut roof that might have been a little bit more difficult or expensive but this is a truss roof right there's a truss roof so we have raised heels in there for energy uh trusses and the the pitch the trust it's it doesn't cost anything it doesn't cost anything and it's crazy because i have a bunch of houses now where we've done a lot of crazy things with the trusses and it's no big deal it's a normal day at the office yeah i like that steve let's go in and we'll see we'll show you some more from the inside about take a look at that let's go through this beautiful uh lift and slide door by eas and shuco those big doors operate really smoothly don't they steve yeah they do these are those european lift and slide doors i know we've done a bunch of videos and we've talked about these but you know a nice pair of 14 foot doors here to make up this corner really opens up this whole space to the backyard both of them go out you know there's covered entries on both sides here so you can leave both doors open here and then basically have the living room here right it's a pretty house man i was i was uh talking to jake about his gorgeous kitchen and his stairs but what from an architect's perspective do you want to point out to us so i i think before we talk specifically about the architecture i think there's one point that i would love to make is that as an architect when you're doing custom houses you know you're not designing it for the masses like a production house right this is a house for a very specific couple that has a very specific idea on how they want to live so we have a pretty extensive design process in that i really try and take you know these thoughts that are out this wide and continually refine them so we can get at the heart of the matter so it's almost like you know you're buying a piece of artwork for you the artwork just happens to be in the form of a house rather than a painting on the wall or a sculpture right so you know i i guess i say that partially in sensitivity to people are saying oh that house isn't for me oh concrete floors i'd never want that but it's not about what you want it's about what the clients want that's right right so i think that's really important and we go through this extensive process so anyways that being said you know we we have a two-story house it's a slab on grade the house is a performance house we have insulation all around but uh you know it's hard to not notice the aesthetics of the concrete floor in here and it's not for everybody but it does whether you like it or not it sets kind of a tone for the house right it gives it that kind of cutting edge industrial um somewhat sterile look right of a modern house it is a little bit but i think that's kind of jake's aesthetic right you know this concrete's modeled and that's the finish i know this is a he was telling me the other day this is a silestone countertop it's got a little bit of veining in it so you're not sure if it's a natural material but of that gray and gray kind of go together and then that makes the staircase pop that much more on just a stark white wall with a recessed base yeah and i think you make a good point is that it's a lot of these things play off of each other right that you have that that concrete finish and then you have the nice wood cabinets yeah but notice there's no upper cabinets on the wall that's right there's no other drives over there that's interesting that that kind of offers to the sterility of the house right because you could have very easily came in and even if you want to keep the windows we could have put a cabinet here we could have put a cabinet there but we chose not to because we're trying to keep it kind of that sterile environment so you still have the cabinets but the cabinets are below your you know standard view upward i like it you know beautiful big island i mean we're probably on the order of about 16 feet here seating for probably eight plus yeah so you know jake has a very active family kids kids have friends come over big parties i mean who wouldn't want a kitchen like this i love it i love it talk to me about the performance side you know jake mentioned this mini split head is doing the entire first floors heating and cooling uh did you do those low calculations was that done by someone else yeah we have a hvac contractor down here that you know we'll work through a bunch of stuff but we'll get it in the ballpark and then they'll do some slight refining for us okay and lay out the systems and work with the mechanical contractor but you know the basic idea is is that we build a really good envelope here we have european triple glazed windows made by shuco so they're a really good window teamed up with that building envelope so we we bring that load way down in an effort to put one mini split on the wall to take care of this bottom floor which was probably on the order of final six or seven hundred feet anyway yep maybe even a little bit more so you know it's about building a really good house and then just putting a small amount of heating and cooling at it rather than the alternative of let's just build a crazy house don't care about performance don't care about windows and doors and then we're putting three of them in yeah you know for the same area so anyways you know over here we have a beautiful little dining area this is jake's uh bowling a bowling alley table where it's actually it is a true bowling um alley lane that he took and then put a frame around that's wild and the same gentleman at russell built that built the stairs he's building some steel legs for it okay so it'll have a base out of steel sort of not sources when it's finally done yeah and then one of the other features that i think a lot of people love and appreciate is a good pantry oh man this pantry is killer right and it's it's attached to the kitchen so it becomes a direct extension of the kitchen but we also have this size so that we can park a nice big sliding barn door there wow so when you're having that nice family dinner maybe you close the barn door but when you're having that party with 50 people here you can turn this into a bar slide the barn door open and then that becomes an extension i love that this room and of the kitchen so it ends up working out really well putting on you know second fridge in there you get your ice maker a second sink it all works out really really well and plan and you know you can stand here and look clear across yeah all the way down those you know lift and slide doors and see that beautiful view it's a gorgeous design stage backyard gorgeous design anything else we need to uh talk about it before we wrap it up i mean i don't know if you you take a quick chat about those stairs i mean it's always worth you know throwing some kudos to russell built man we spent some time on those earlier in the video he's he did a great job on this this is a great job so gorgeous design i love it but no i mean i think you know jake and rebecca are going to be super happy here um i love the design you know they've made some really great choices they've been really good clients and uh you know i wish them a long happy life here for sure for sure guys if you're not familiar with steve basic incredibly talented architect he's based out of boston but he really does work all over the country and this is the kind of work that steve's best at really high performance but i love that steve can work across multiple styles we've seen farm houses from him traditional houses this one which is much more the dwell magazine style steve's able to do all those different styles and do them a super high performance envelope and systems behind the walls steve amazing work as always over here go follow steve on instagram and oh by the way steve's shooting videos on i'll have a link in the description to sign up for our newsletter both steve and jake are shooting one new video every single week over at that email list once you get on there i'm gonna send you an email on friday mornings around nine o'clock you're gonna get an email from me that says here what's here's what's new on our site go check out these videos from steve or jake or brent or wade or myself guys if you're not currently a subscriber to the build show we publish every tuesday and every friday click that subscribe button below otherwise follow me on twitter and instagram i'll see you next time on the build show [Music] you
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 448,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build
Id: Ro3Tg9-PqFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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