Garage Door - Air & Bug Sealing

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the build show today coming to you from my garage that's right i'm doing a video today on upgrades for your garage specifically towards air sealing and bug sealing now here's a quick background this is my current house i remodeled this 14 years ago and right over there is actually my house under construction and i've been wanting to have the new house a very airtight garage now i'm insulating over there i'm actually putting a mini split in that garage so that when i'm doing garage projects i've got a little heating or cooling whatever is necessary but if you have an uninsulated garage door and the typically very leaky garage door if you air condition it you're going to lose all that to the outside so in the video today we're going to get into a couple of garage upgrades that i think are going to lead to a much more comfortable garage let's get going [Music] all right guys so these are actually garage doors that are original to my house when i bought it almost 15 years ago and did a remodel but didn't really touch much in the garage and this is pretty typical i think for southern us doors just a stamp metal no insulation standard tracks and if you look at this door you've got a fair amount of play between the door and the weather stripping these rollers have a fair amount of play in the tracks which means that at most houses you've got a lot of light a lot of daylight coming through usually in the bottom corner sometimes at the weather stripping just that little flimsy weather stripping that's the vinyl weatherstripping on the outside and that's what i'm trying to correct on my new house so i'm using my current house as an experiment i've got two garage doors and as i was looking on the web i found this product i have no affiliation with these guys this is not a paid advertisement for them although full disclosure they did give me a set of their tracks for free when i asked about them it's called a thermo track and check this out what a genius idea it sounds like they have some patents coming on this or maybe you already have patented but it's got a serpentine shape this kind of i don't know a little bit of an s shape and what you're doing is you're going to specify this so that it lines up with your rollers let me actually close this garage door uh while we're doing this and you're going to see what's going to happen now is when the door closes when the door's going down that's going to move a little bit and when it gets to its final closed position those serpentines are going to line up right here with the roller and now it's actually pushing that roller so feel that i don't have that play or that slop like i had in the other door that's pretty cool this is really just a standard metal track that you're going to replace your straight track with the serpentine track now one other part of their system though which is pretty genius is they've got a special weather stripping that also goes on the inside of the door now this is the pretty normal looking just a vinyl strip right that's going to lay against the door and that's what i had already but this is the new piece right here this comes from the thermotrack guys and this actually sticks on the backside of the weatherproofing you can see it's kind of an l-shaped bulb right here so that when the door presses on there it actually presses up tight let me grab the sample of this let me show you here this is the sample they actually send which is smart because it's a little uh you know you got to kind of figure out it's not intuitive for somebody who's never done it before necessarily without the sample and this comes in a long strip and robbie my garage door guy all i did was cut these new pieces to length and then this has a double-sided high-strength adhesive on there that gets put on and now when this is on there and that door pushes against there you can see what's happening you've got that double gasket and now it's going to seal and it is sealing much much better than before now i don't know if these guys make any other door bottoms but i had robbie replace my door bottom too i had a door bottom that had looked like a i don't know a rat or a mouse and kind of chewed the side and at night you could see about a two inch air gap coming through my garage this certainly wasn't helpful in fact i did see a rat in my garage at one point a few years ago but this new dual bottom is going to help i might need to at some point though go to a track or a bottom seal here if you know of any good products for that let me know i'm curious and also on my new construction house i'm going to go to an insulated garage door i don't know if you guys have any good success with insulated doors but let me know comment below if you have any okay the next upgrade i wanted to tell you about were these from a company called wirehide and they have a couple of genius products now my house like i said a remodel house i don't have the wire hidden this was a surface mount this is probably done in the 90s or so before i bought the house i didn't take the drywall off in here when i remodeled so i didn't hide the wire but new construction remodel where you're pulling the drywall in the garage you're going to hide this in the wall and then you're typically going to have a low voltage plate right here with the wire coming through you know low voltage box and here's two cool things number one this is from wire height as well i don't know what they call these let's see if there's a name for them sensor shields and you can see on my other garage door opener here's your standard sensor right there there's kind of a clip that mounts it on and over the years my kids have bumped these a bunch the garage doesn't go down remember one time my wife calling me had to drive home from work so i could figure out how to get the garage door down it was just the center had been bumped so what this is this is a pretty beefy piece of metal that actually mounts to the side of the garage let me pull one out so you can see it what a genius idea by wire hide again no affiliation with these guys this is not a paid advertisement they did ship me one of these for free though so what you're going to do is mount this screw this to the wall and then your sensor is actually going to go inside on this little foam thing and kind of be protected and set up in there that's really cool i like that now you can hit this all you want with your bike coming in with your car door whatever it happens to be and that's not going to go anywhere pretty cool now the last thing which i did not install is this they actually make a plate that has a kind of a tube gasket and some kind of a vinyl tubing they sell it in either black or white and so now if i had a low voltage plate or standard electrical plate i could have that wire poking through here and then i can hide it with the tube and then this would mount right here so that all this would get hidden i'm definitely going to use this on my new construction house couldn't really retrofit it here but i wanted to show you that that's a pretty nice little upgrade i think i'm going to use that on the new house as well and then lastly lift master now again no affiliation with these guys but they did give me a garage door opener for this project and they've got some pretty sweet features on these liftmasters i'll tell you about real fast one of my favorite features is right here though see that there's a garage door camera and what this does of course you can hide it if you don't want to use a garage door camera if you're worried about security or privacy from your network but the idea with this is with your myq app you can use the amazon key and now amazon can do in garage delivery for you the driver comes up presses a button on his phone or his device from amazon it opens your garage door the camera turns on it videos the driver placing a package in the garage closing the door verifying it's closed and walking away and now your deliveries are safe in there all through that app but actually the myq app i have it on my chamberlain garage door over here so i've had it for about six or nine months now my favorite feature of it is that you can schedule events and my event that i've scheduled and has saved me a bunch of times is that at 10 pm i've got it set up that at 10 o'clock it's going to check the garage door and if the garage door is in the open position it's going to automatically close it this happens to me all the time my kids are in and out at night i forget to go check if the garage door is open they put their bike away they forgot to close the garage door now that app is automatically closing my garage door every night at 10 pm good job by liftmaster and chamberlain on that myq app very very cool app and last thing i'll mention about these garage doors and also something you could think about for your garage is consider getting a battery backup i've never had one of these before and if you've ever come home and the power's out you know that that garage door is dead check this out this one has a little uh 12-volt battery in there and see that little red light mine's still charging so it's not fully charged but check it out i can still close the garage door even though we're totally unplugged now it's going to close slower you're not going to get all the features you know your camera is not going to work some of those other things aren't going to work but in an emergency you're going to be able to close it and it says on the website or in the brochure that basically your garage door is going to work for at least 24 hours without power that's pretty cool a bunch of other manufacturers make that as well i'd highly recommend that feature if you're considering a new garage door opener anyways guys kind of fun to think about my new garage at the house and whether some of these features work let's actually close the video by going check out my new garage i'm going to show you one more thing i'm going to do over there all right guys it's been a minute since we've been back to my new house under construction i'm excited about this garage space as i said earlier i'm going to be insulating this garage and i'm going to be using some of those air sealing techniques on the garage door itself here but this garage door is a lot bigger than my old one this is an eight foot compared to my seven foot and i'm 16 feet wide rather than those two single eight foot doors it's going to be a great garage i've got a mitsubishi mini split head that's going to be right over here in the corner that will provide heating or cooling whenever i need it but i've got something here in this new construction house that i wanted to show you about that i didn't want to retrofit in my current house although i probably should but you notice in my current house i don't pull any cars in and i also am really cautious about not storing gasoline in my garage in this garage my wife wants to pull her suburban in so i'm going to be putting in one of these this is a garage specific exhaust fan now you could use another setup but tamrac makes this garage ventilator that's a really nice all-in-one now this is their six-inch model but they make an eight-inch model as well and what's going to happen is this guy will mount on the outside of the house there's my intake right there it's got a blower fan on there and then on the inside this is gonna come through the wall and i'll have a grill right here and i'm gonna have it set on a motion sensor so that what will happen is when the car pulls in this will turn on with the motion sensor and it's going to suck out it's going to exhaust all the fumes from my garage you've all heard stories especially during hurricane season about someone that was running a generator in their garage somebody left their car running in there and somebody got carbon monoxide poisoning that's real real bad you don't want those paint fumes those pesticides all that junk you're storing in the garage to get into your house so by having a garage ventilator that's going to turn on for a certain period of time like 30 minutes after you pull in now we can exhaust all those nasty things but lastly before we leave this garage let me show you one more thing all right the last thing i want to mention is we want to do a really good job of air sealing between the house and the garage now it's not ideal really to have an attached garage when it comes to ultimate indoor air quality but this is a remodel at an existing slab i kind of had to go with this so let me show you a couple steps that i took here that you might do on your remodels or new construction as well first off i solid sheet the wall between the house and the garage with huber's zip system and then you notice i use their tape this is going to do a really good job of air sealing these walls next on the inside of the house i used wrist sand tape which is by sega between the bottom plate and the concrete and i'm going to do another layer of that out here in the garage on the inside i use the thicker tape out here i'm just going to use the thinner tape and basically i'm going to tape this joint right here stuck to the concrete and stuck to the huber zip so i don't get any airflow whatsoever underneath that bottom plate the next thing that you're going to notice is that my eye joists run continuous from the kitchen all the way through the garage that's supporting my second floor above me here is a boy's bedroom and a bath so what i have the framers do is block out all those before my trades come normally i see those open on a job site meaning that i joists go through you basically have air passing in there we don't want to do that we want to block those off and solid block them now we use the off cuts from the ijoys because that's a perfect fit but you could also put plywood in there whatever you've got for joists solid block that off so that when the trades come they're going to have to drill through with their wires or their pipes or whatever they're going to put through there you want to have them drill through something solid that way we can come back later with either tape or caulking or spray foam or something to air seal that if i let the electricians run a bundle of 20 wires through one of those bays now and that was open there's no way i'd be able to air seal that and we don't want any of this garage air connecting with the house air and lastly when it comes time to insulate this space i'm also probably going to use a little bit of closed cell foam on the bottom of the second floor anytime you have rooms over top of the garage it's really hard to use traditional insulation and get a really really good insulation job so by spray foaming the underside of my advantech subfloor upstairs that's my second floor deck i'll be able to get a really good insulation but i'm also going to get a really good air seal from there all right guys that's really it this was kind of a garage upgrade experiment video i wasn't quite sure how those therma tracks were going to work i thought i was going to like some of those wire hide products but i'd never used them before and of course the the upgrade on the lift master was really cool on this garage i'm probably going to do a side mount rather than a traditional overhead mount that way i can take advantage of the slope ceiling and not have a big motor in the center there sure has been fun building my house i gotta say guys but pay attention to your garages and not just air sealing from the garage itself but air sealing between the house and the garage super super important if you're not currently a build show subscriber hit that subscribe button we've got new content here every tuesday and every friday and oh by the way go check out i'll have a link in the description to sign up for our newsletter actually i have six new videos a week publishing there from job sites around the country guys follow me on twitter instagram otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show okay guys it's been about two weeks since we installed my uh thermo tracks and you can see on the top they've actually come out i think the problem is my garage door installer just nailed it up and we didn't get this piece right there sandwiched very well so i'm gonna go ahead and take this down we're gonna re-staple it and then i'm gonna re-screw it on and i think that'll solve the problem okay i got it down and yes that appears to be the problem that double-sided tape did not uh fully adhere on there and i think because we weren't uh sandwiching the nails very close to where this was going which didn't have enough pressure on there so i'm gonna re-staple this all the way down and then we're gonna screw it on and try and put the screws closer to where this goes and i think that will solve our failing uh weatherstrip problem hey a little update on these thermo tracks these are those tracks that have a bend in them so that pushes my door against the weather strip the weather strip on the jams has worked just fine but the weatherstrip in my head because it was nailed in failed on me uh meaning the weatherstrip kind of came out so i'm reattaching it their double-sided tape didn't quite do it so i've found that my little arrow staple or some real small quarter inch staples i'm going to do a pattern of staples down here and then i'm going to screw this in and i think that'll hold it so stay tuned okay a couple staples later i use my little arrow stapler some quarter inch uh staples and now we're good to go now we're gonna put some screws on this thing and put it back on the track [Music] you
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 944,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build, thermotraks, liftmaster, wirehide, garage door insulation, garage insulation, garage door openers, smart garage door, amazon garage door, amazon garage door opener, myq, amazon key, garage door sensor, sensor sheild
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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