Super Hero Day at the Toy Hotel !!!

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(playful chime) - [Child's Voice] Tic Tac Toy! - Thanks to Warner Brothers for sponsoring this video. Who's excited for superhero day at the toy hotel? - Me! - Me! - I am, too. It's gonna be a fun-filled, action-packed day. - You girls look great in your capes, by the way. - Thank you, I feel very heroic in it. - So, I can't help but notice these DC Superhero Girl dolls at your desk. - I knew you two would spot those quickly. - Of course, we watch the DC Superhero Girls on Netflix and Cartoon Network. - Well, all guests and hotel employees will receive one of these DC Superhero Girls dolls to kick off the festivities today. - I'm a guest! Which one is for me? - Well, Addy, you remind me a lot of Wonder Woman. You're courageous and have a lot of confidence just like she does. - Wow, we do have a lot in common! - What about me, what about me? - Well Maya, with your curious and investigative little mind, you're kind of like our in-house detective. - That does sound like me. - And it also sounds a lot like Batgirl. - Wow, Batgirl is really like me? - Of course she is. - We can't wait to get these opened. But who's gonna get Bumblebee, Zatanna, Green Lantern, and Supergirl? - Well, these ones are for our toy hotel employees. - I'm taking Bumblebee. I like to think I'm a super genius like she is. - Super genius, huh? - Who are you opening, Lucy? - Well, I'm super excited to open Supergirl. - And I'll deliver Zatanna to Chef Pierre and Green Lantern to Housekeeper Natalie. - Aw, bummer. I was kinda hoping there'd be some left over. - Me too, it would be so cool to get the whole collection. - Well they are available at Wal Mart and - I know where we're headed tomorrow, Maya. - Me too! - I'm Wonder Woman and I'm ready to eradicate evil from the world. - I'm with you. And together we'll fight the crime in Metropolis. - [Addy] You got your crime-fighting gadgets ready, Batgirl? - Don't I always? I'd love to try out my new homemade gadgets. - Then let's go. - But let's make it quick. I want to catch a movie with my friends this afternoon. - Oh, of course. I have a sporting event at Metropolis High at 2 o'clock. My team's counting on me. - Off we go! - Oh, girls, I'm so glad I found you. - Is something the matter? You look panicked! - Superhero day may be completely ruined! - Why, what's going on? - Well, I might have to cancel the Netflix streaming party for the DC Superhero Girls. - Oh no! - Oh no! - I know, I can't get the TV to work. - I'm a bit of a tech whiz. Let me see if I can figure this out. - That would be great. Come quickly. - Okay, Addy to the rescue. - See, I keep trying to turn it on, but it's not doing anything. - Okay, give me just a second, Bellhop Jason. Let me just try these buttons. And I'll check the cables now. Okay, let me see here. Okay, this wire should go with this wire, and this wire should go with this wire. - You sure you know what you're doing? - Of course, Bellhop Jason. Okay, that's set, now let me check one more thing. This button and this button. Okay then this button and this button. Okay, now we should be all set. - All right, let's give it a go, then. Whoa, you really did it! - Now make sure you can stream the DC Superhero Girls on Netflix. - Oh, good idea. Wow, you did it! I couldn't have figured that out at all. - Aw, you just needed a little more persistence. - You know, you just used your brainy, mechanically inclined mind just like Bumblebee does. - Hm, you're right. I guess I'm kind of like her in that way. - Of course you are. And since you saved our viewing party, I think you should have this Bumblebee doll. I saw you eyeing her earlier. - Really? Thanks so much! - Okay gals, let's work together. - I got my shrinking suit on, so I can make myself tiny and go investigate. - I'll hack into the computer system and see what I can do. - And I'll get my golden lasso ready. (deep bass thumps) - What's going on? - It's an earthquake! (crash) What was that crash? - I don't know, I'll go check on Lucy. - And I'll go check on Chef Pierre. - Oh no, what happened, Lucy? - Well, it looks like we had ourself a little earthquake, and the desk has fallen on my ankle. - Oh no, are you okay? Are you in pain? - Well, it doesn't hurt too bad, but I can't get the desk off. Can you get Bellhop Jason to help me? - Well let me try. - Oh, no, it's much too heavy for you Maya. Really, there's no sense. - Let me just try. - [Lucy] Thanks to Warner Brothers for sponsoring this video. - Ugh, I got it. - Whoa, Maya, I can't believe you had the strength to do that. Thank you! - Oh, no problem Lucy. - Seriously, though. That was pretty incredible, Maya. It's kind of like you were Supergirl in that moment and had superhuman strength. - Well when a friend's in trouble, I can be fearless and tough just like she can. - You know what? I think you deserve to keep Supergirl. You saved me and I think you're a true superhero. - Really? Thanks, Lucy. We're gonna have so much fun together. - I'm so glad you were able to save Lucy, Maya. - I know, and Chef Pierre was okay? - Yeah, there were a couple fallen plates in the kitchen, but there was no serious damage. - Well then, let's get back to playing then. - Okay. Can you help fasten my indestructible bracelet, Supergirl? - Not a problem. - Whoa, Supergirl, you don't know your own strength! - [Maya] Oops, I guess not. - [Chef Pierre] It's a disaster, an utter disaster! - Did you hear that? - Was that Chef Pierre? - I think so. I'll be right back. - Well, I guess it's time to save the day. - Chef Pierre, what's wrong? Maya and I can hear you crying all the way from the other side of the toy hotel. - Oh it is terrible. - What is? - I'm just about ready for this evening's DC Superhero Girls party, the dinner is in the oven, the cupcakes are made, and all the decorations are out in the dining room. - So what's wrong then? - I hired a singer for this evening to keep everybody entertained and she just called and canceled. And it's just too late to find a replacement. - Oh I wish I could help but I can't carry a tune if my life depended on it. - What about Maya? - I'm afraid not. - Oh, I might as well cancel the whole evening. - Hold on just a second. Does it have to be a singer? - I suppose not. I just need some sort of entertainment that's mesmerizing and magnificent. - Like a magician? - Do you know any magicians? - Well, Chef Pierre, why don't you blow some of these bubbles for me? - Well, okay. - Just go along with me. - Okay, then. - They seem to be ordinary bubbles, right Chef? - Yes, I suppose so. - Well, I'm about to change that. Abra cadabra. Try blowing some more, Chef. - Very well. - Voila! - What? - They aren't ordinary bubbles anymore. - It's magic! Can you do other tricks? - Oh, I've got hundreds up my sleeves. - Wowzers! - And that's only the beginning. - Oh, this is absolutely wonderful. And you're willing to perform at the party? - I'm always happy to help, Chef. - Hey, did you know that Zatanna is a magician's daughter? And quite a performer herself. You are just like her. - Yeah, I suppose you're right. - And since you're saving the evening, I think there's only one way to show my appreciation. - Really? Thanks so much, Chef, I can't wait to add her to our collection. Oh, do I go on a mission or take the stage for a mesmerizing performance? - Uh, I think you're being a bit dramatic, Zatanna. You can get in the spotlight after you rescue Metropolis. - Will we have time for some fun pranks, too? - Oh, Supergirl, you always got a rebellious side, don't you? - [Lucy] Aaaah, help! - What was that? - It sounds like Housekeeper Natalie. I'll go investigate. - So, exactly what kind of pranks did you have in mind, Supergirl? - Aaaah! - Housekeeper Natalie, what's going on? - Oh, I'm so sorry to scare you Maya, but I was dusting here, getting ready for the party, when I saw that scary thing on the ground! - What is it? - Oh, it's a horribly scary bug! - Let me investigate. It looks like an innocent praying mantis. - Ew, would you please squish it and get it out of here? - Squish it, no way! I'll take it back out in nature where it belongs. - [Lucy] Oh, okay. At least it's out of here now. - Here you go sweet little thing. - [Lucy] Thanks to Warner Brothers for sponsoring this video. - [Maya] She's safe and sound. - Oh, thank you for rescuing me, Maya. I would have been up here all day if you hadn't've come in. - No problem, I was happy to help you. And I was happy to help that poor praying mantis get back home. - Aw Maya, you have such a massive heart and would never hurt a flea. I admire that about you. - Aw, thanks Housekeeper Natalie. - In fact, you kind of remind me of Green Lantern, also known as Jessica Cruz. - Really, how so? - Well, Green Lantern's always driven by compassion and courage to protect the innocent. - Wow, she really is like me! - And you know what? As a thank you for saving me, and that praying mantis, you can have my Green Lantern doll. - Wow, thanks so much Housekeeper Natalie! Power ring, give me a shield! - Do you even know how to control that, Green Lantern? - [Maya] Of course I do. - Like the last time you tried to create a shield but made a toaster instead? - Okay, so I'm still learning. - Wow girls, your collection of DC Superhero Girl dolls has sure grown. - Yeah, I got Wonder Woman, Bumblebee, and Zatanna. They're just like me! - And I got Batgirl, Green Lantern, and Supergirl. And they're just like me! - Wow, that is an impressive collection, girls. - And the girls sure did earn those. They used their own real-world superpowers to save our very own superhero day. - It looks like there's a superhero inside each of you girls. - I think there's a superhero inside all of us. - Hi parents! The DC Superhero Girls are now available at Wal Mart and For more information, check the description box below. And the DC Superhero Girls series is streaming now on Netflix in the US. We hope you love them as much as we do. - And remember, there's a superhero in all of us. - [Lucy] Thanks to Warner Brothers for sponsoring this video.
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 4,394,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy hotel, pretend toy hotel, super hero, super hero day, DC Super Hero Girls, dolls, pretend, silly, silly kids, Addy, Maya, Lucy, Addy and Maya, Jason, silly hotel, Bellhop Jason, silly hotel owner, hotel owner Lucy, Chef Pierre, Housekeeper Natalie
Id: UxB_W1Fmbp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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