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- This is an ad for Moose toys. Addy's going to be sharing the sparkle with Blingle bands! You're going to teach Annabelle and Maya how to make this right? - Yes. (upbeat music) - Maya, this is your new bracelet. - Mm hmm - And this is me. - And this is Annabelle. Hey everyone, we are getting ready to host a sleepover party at our house, a small one. Who else coming Addy? - Me, Maya, and a neighbor Annabelle. - That's right. And at every sleepover we have, there has to be lots of fun activities. And today we're starting with one that Addy has been super into lately. - Yes. (upbeat music) - Show me those bracelets girl. Woo! Addy is going to be sharing the sparkle with Blingle bands. - Yay! - You're going to teach Annabelle and Maya how to make those right? - Yes. - Now Blingle bands are the latest, fashionable, friendship bracelet braids. And these are three gorgeous ones that you've made already, right girly? - Yes. With the deluxe studio ultimate maker station. - Yes and we have one right here. This is the one that Maya and Annabelle are going to use. Now Addy already has one put together that she uses regularly. So she's going to get this one all set up for us. So when Maya and Annabelle get home from camp, they will be blown away by our sleepover setup and our fun, Blingle band activity. - Look at all these pretty gems! - So many colors. - Now I need to get my deluxe studio all set up. And first I need to put my gem hoppers in. (clicks) These are going to be where I store all my beautiful gem colors for my bracelet making. (upbeat music) And this is the silicone rubber, which is very important while making Blingle bands. Right here. - Her deluxe studio is looking really good, but there's a few more components we have to add to it. So they'll be all ready to go. - This is the Blingle pen and there's a place to store it right here. - One of my favorite features are the gem drawers and the gem hoppers. Wanna show how that works? - Yes. To fill the drawers, you push down on the hoppers. And now we open the drawer, and there's plenty of gems. And the last part of the deluxe studio is the bracelet making part right here. And you'll have to wait until Annabelle and Maya get here for me to show you that. - Maya and Annabelle are home from camp now. Are you girls excited for a sleep over party? - Yes! - Annabelle and Maya have not seen the setup we have ready for the sleepover. So I'm about to reveal that to them. (upbeat music) (screaming) - I'm going to pick the middle. I want the middle. - I want this one. - You girls love it? - Yeah! - Who's ready for a sleepover party? - Me! - I am. - I'm probably going to see what it's like in there. - It's pretty cool inside there. (screaming) (upbeat music) - Miss Maya. I noticed you and Annabelle made something at camp today. What did you make? - Friendship bracelets. - Let me see. Friendship bracelets. Well today- - She made this one, I made this one. - We're going to be making the ultimate, friendship bracelets. (squealing) These are Blingle bands. What do you girls think about of them? - Wow. - Would you girls like to learn how to make them? - Yes, yes. - Addy's a Blingle band expert. Not only will Addy be teaching Maya and Annabelle how to make their own Blingle bands, but she'll be teaching you at home as well. So you can participate in the fashion craze and create your own. (upbeat music) Now the deluxe studio comes with everything you need to create eight Blingle bands. There are six designed templates and two create your own. Addie studio here and our new one here so that you each have your own studio to work on. What kind of templates did you girls choose? Annabelle went with the design template and what about you? You too Maya? So no one's doing create their own ones right now. - So the first thing you guys have to do is take two of each color ribbon. - Addy's attaching the strings to both sides up to band. After you've attached strings to both ends of your band, you're going to secure it, using the snap lock feature now. - Now comes the fun part. We're going to dip, dot and bling. - Are you ready to dip dot and bling? - Yes. - What about you Annabelle? - Yes. - Dip your bling pen into the wax, then you dot a gem on your Blingle pen. - And here all of your gems inside your drawers. Now girls, the thing to remember here is that since you girls chose templates, there's a certain color pattern you're going to need to use. And it will tell you what gem to select. - And this guide will help you know exactly where to place each color. - We've done the dip and we're about to do the dots. (upbeat music) And then what do you do next Addy? - You got to bring your gem on the band. - Maya you got a whole row of pinks going there. - Yes. - Looks good, girl. Dip, dot, and bling. I love it because there is no glue, which means there's no mess. (upbeat music) Annabelle, do you know what you do if you're running out of gems in your drawers? - You do this? - Yup, you pop it. Pop, pop, pop! And when you're dotting your gem, you want to make sure you dot it with the facet side up. And sometimes they're all faced upside down. Maya do you know what you do when they're all upside down? I love this part of it. - You shake it? - You shake it. (upbeat music) - Addy, how are they doing? - They're doing really good. I'm surprised. - They look very hard at work. You guys put your concentrating really hard. And now while the girls are busy making their bracelets, I thought we could y'all play a fun sleepover game called two truths and a lie. Now here's how it works. We're each going to take a turn, making three statements about ourselves. Two of them are going to be true. One of them is going to be a lie and we're going to see if people can guess which one is the lie. Have you girls played this game before? - No, but I've seen a few TikToks on it. - Have you? Okay. You wanted to give it a try? - Yes. - I'm going to go first. Here are my three statements you at home trying to figure out which one is a lie. You girls, are you listening? - Okay. I know it's basically everything about you. - Oh, they think they know everything about me. We'll see. Statement number one, I won a doughnut eating contest when I was 16 years old. Statement number two, I've lived in seven states. Statement. Number three, one of my childhood nicknames was blob. (laughter) - I think it was the blob one because I think that your parents called you loose or something. - Okay. - Blob. Cause I don't know how I would think the blog. I would think that the donut one, like you would never think about saying that as a lie. So definitely the blob. - All right Annabelle, what do you think? Which one was the lie? - The blob. - The blob? All right, you at home, which one do you think was the lie? Are you ready for the answer? - Yes. - I never won a doughnut eating contest. - What! Your name was blob? (laughter) - The truth is, most people did not call me blob, but I did have one neighborhood friend who was a little girl, a little bit younger than me. She's my sister's age. And she always called me blob. And I went with it. Maya, we need two truths and a lie. Any order. - So my favorite color is yellow. One of my favorite colors, one of my top three favorite colors is yellow. - Okay that's your first statement. - My favorite animal is a dog. - That's true. - I want to be a veterinarian when I'm older. - I think it's yellow. I think it's yellow because you've talked about animals so much. - I know that she probably doesn't want to be a veterinarian - I hope you know. - I want to be a veterinarian. - All right so what's the lie? You at home, do you know? Addie thinks it's the color yellow is one of the favorites. You think it's the veterinarian. - I'm going to go- - Because she said she wanted to be a song person. - I'm going to go with veterinarian. Which one's the lie? - Okay. So I actually did not want to be a veterinarian. - Yay! (indistinct) - Did you at home get that one right? I did. Quick check-in on the bracelet. Let me see that, Maya. Whoa that's looking amazing girl. - Thank you. - Love the Blingle band. How's yours coming in Annabelle? - Good. - I can't wait to see it. Ooh, that looks great, Annabelle. You're almost halfway done. Oh, what are you doing? - I'm stressed on thinking of my t- I know my lie. I'm just thinking of my two truths because I don't want to make them too obvious. - And you're laying on the floor for that? - Yeah. (upbeat music) - Two truths and a lie. So I've never played football. Some of my best friends go to the barn and I have three second place ribbons. - She's never played football. She has a lot of friends at the barn, her best friends go to the barn and she has three second place ribbons. Do you know what the lie is? What do you think it is Annabelle? - You've never played football. That's probably the lie. - Oh yeah. I know the lie. She has three second place weapons. - So that's your guess. - I'm going to guess the same thing as Maya. - Oh, okay. Changing answers. Okay. I kind of want to go up and look in her room and check out her ribbon situation. - But you can't! - I'm going to go with ribbons and I guess is that, that one is a lie. - You guys all got it correct. I don't have any second place ribbons. I only have first, third, fourth and sixth. - Nice! - I knew 'cause I know you've never played a football and I know that you have friends at the barn. - Yes, I do have friends - So did you guys at home get that one right? It was a tough one. (upbeat music) As you can see, both Maya and Annabelle are working on Blingle bands that have design templates on them. So if you look closely, you can see that it tells you exactly where all the different colors go. But then there are also blank ones like this one that allow you to kind of use your own creativity and place the colors where ever you want. - This is one that I created my own. Without the design template. - So you just came up with that pattern all in your head in your imagination? - Yes. - It looks awesome. Add it to your collection. I want to see them all together. All four. Now that is stylin' Addy. - Thank you. - That is stylin'. Annabelle, yours is done. That looks amazing, girl. - I know. - I love it. - I want to put it on myself so badly. Addy you can tie it. - How do we finish it up? - You use this threader tool to customize the size of your bracelet. - What color of hearts are you choosing, Annabelle? - So I want pink, silver, then blue. - Okay. (upbeat music) - And now the size is fully customized. Small or big and adjust it like so. - Good. My bracelet's ready. - I love it. Annabelle. You liking it girly? - Yeah. - I love it. - It's beautiful. - It looks pretty. - And Maya's is done too! So beautiful. - Thank you. - While Addy is tying off Maya's bracelet, I realized something kind of funny. Annabelle turned around and I thought she was Maya from behind. Like she looked just like Maya from behind. - Here, we'll both turn around. - So, hang on. We're going to, I'm going to put them in matching jackets. I'm going to see if you guys can tell the difference between who is Maya and who's Annabelle from behind. - That's going to be fun. - They looked exactly alike didn't they? - Mm hmm they looked really close. (upbeat music) - Here they are from behind. They look so similar. Like their hair is almost the same color. Do you think this is Maya? Or do you think this is Maya? Okay, don't turn around yet. Which one do you think is Maya? Can you tell? Turn around, oh, it's Maya and Annabelle. - Which one did you guess was me? - I knew who you were, but I wonder if people at home could tell. Do you think people at home could tell it was you? - Yeah, we are twins. - We have dirty blonde, both of us. - And both in like the same braids today. And Maya, this is your new bracelet. It looks awesome. - And this is me. - And this is Annabelle. (laughter) - Bye bye! - Stylin'. Are we going to add some more bracelets to that wrist? - Probably. Well tonight I'm going to add one more because Addy's starting on my pattern. (upbeat music) - In addition to fun, craft activities and games, you can't have a sleep over without all the delicious treats. You've had taffy. We've had popcorn, yogurt-covered pretzels, and now we're onto petit fours. - It's making my hands sticky. - While the girls are busy snacking away. I'm going to let you in on a secret. Our next activity is going to be a challenge. And one of the girls is going to have a chance to win a Blingle band starter pod. Now the starter pot allows you to make five Blingle bands. And what I love about it is that it's portable. It's perfect for on the go something you can bring to sleepovers. You can take the camp with you. You can take on a trip to grandma or grandpa's house. Let's see who wins our Blingle bands, starter pod. Who wants to win the Blingle band- - Me! - Me! - Okay. Okay. But we have an actual game you have to play to try to win this. Okay? We're going to play a game of never have I ever. Have you girls ever played it before? - No but I've seen videos. - Here's how it's going to work. I'm going to make 15 statements that are going to be something like, never have I ever been to a garage sale or, never have I ever eaten a bug? And whenever it's true and the girls can see, they have never, ever done on those things. They're going to put their finger up. And at the end of the game, we're going to see who has the most fingers up and who has the least amount of fingers up. You at home are playing too. First statement. Never have I ever rode an elephant. So if you've never rode an elephant, you put your finger up. - So have you? - No one here has rode an elephant? - No. - Never have I ever had pizza for breakfast. - I never have pizza pizza for breakfast. - I love pizza for breakfast. Never have I ever eaten sushi. If you've never eaten sushi, put your finger up. Oh, I think we've all had sushi. Never have I ever had surgery. - I never had surgery - I have surgery all the time. - Maya has had a few. - Never have I ever eaten something off of the floor. - Oh, I've never. - I don't think you have. - You've never eaten off the floor? I think I have. You have or haven't? - I have not. - I have. I do like all of that all the time. - All the time? - Seriously? - Never have I ever pretended to be sick. - Oh, I pretended to be sick but I never gotten away with it. One day before school I'm like, I have a sore throat. I tried to skip school. - I didn't fall for it. So you've never pretended to be sick? That's impressive. - So I've never had, so I put my finger up. - You've never pretended to be sick? - No. - Okay. Well put a finger up then. - Never have I ever had a cavity. - Oh, I never had a cavity. - Oh, I have had two cavities. See? - Never have I ever broken a bone. - I've never, - I've never broken a bone. - No one here has never has. - Never have I ever drank milk from the carton. - I've never, never done that. - I've never done that. Never. - Never have I ever put gum under a table. - I've never put gum under. - But I once saw Colin chewing gum and he puts it on one of my metals in my room. - Ew . - It's so gross. - Never have I ever been embarrassed by my parents. - I've never been embarrassed by my parents. - Have I embarrassed you Maya? - I'm trying to think. - Never have I ever cut my own hair. - Oh I've cut my hair. - So I never cut my hair. You would never cut her. - I've cut Maya's hair. - You've never cut hair, you've never cut hair. Addie definitely cut her hair when she was in preschool. - That was embarrassing. - All right. Last one. Never have I ever cried at a movie. - I've never. - I've never cried. - I've cried at many movies. How many fingers do you have up? - 7 - 11 - I can kind of do at 11. - How many fingers is Maya have up? - Eight. - An eight. - I'm going to give the Blingle band starter pod is going to go to the person who had the most fingers up. Ooh. Annabelle. - Yeah! (applause) - Now who you were playing along with us at home, I'm curious how many fingers would you have up at the end? Would you have won in the starter pod? For those of you who are curious what the starter pod actually looks like, Addy's got one open over here and as you can see, it has everything you need to create on the go. And it comes in a nice little compact size so you can open it and close it and transport it wherever you want to go. - Yes. One of my favorite parts about this is that you can be working on two bracelets at a time. (upbeat music) Well, I think that the girls are glued to the Blingle bands. And everybody's working on their second, third, fourth bracelets. I did a few myself. What do you think of these? We know you guys will love making a fashion statement with Blingle bands, just as much as we do by stacking them for an on-trend look. Thanks for watching today. And we'll see you guys next time. - At X O X O. Bye! - Bye! - This is an ad for Moose Toys.
Channel: Tic Tac Toy Family
Views: 1,267,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family vlog, vlog, family, vlogging family, Addy and Maya, Jason, Lucy, Addy, Maya, Colin, parents, moms, mom vlog, parents vlog, creativity, charm bracelets, diy bracelet
Id: 65Chg_TW9Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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