Addy and Maya Turn Into TROLLS !!!

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(playful xylophone music) - [Child] Tic Tac Toy! - This is a paid advertisement for Zuru. Watch out, guys! - No! (logo boinging) - Well, the movie's over, Maya. Watch it again? - Were you girls watching that new Trolls movie again? - Yeah, we love it, but we've watched it so many times now. We need to find something else to do. - Yeah, with all the time we're spending at home, we're getting kind of bored. We need a real adventure, Mom. - Well, I have a feeling your boredom is about to come to an end. - (gasps) What do you mean? - What if I told you we have some Bunch O Balloons? (girls screaming) (logo boinging) - One hundred water balloons in sixty seconds? And I don't have to tie them? Backyard fun can't get any easier. (cheerful music) (faucet squeaking) (cheerful music) Looks good. (water splashing) One batch more. (cheerful music) And with this new TerraCycle program, all parts of the product can be recycled and repurposed into other products, pretty cool! (cheerful music) Almost there. (balloons detaching) (hose spraying) Ready for battle. (logo boinging) - Wow, the new Bunch O Balloons Crazies are the wackiest and the most colorful balloons yet! - Well, then you girls can head outside and get ready for the craziest, most colorful backyard family water balloon fight in history. - Oh, I'm so down for that. - Your dad and I will join you in just a few minutes, you girls go ahead and get a head start. - [Both] Yeah! (upbeat music) Woo hoo! (mysterious whirring) - Whoa, what just happened? You're a troll. - What? You're a troll, too. - I am? I am. - I think we watched that movie one too many times, Addy. (playful music) - And look, it's Poppy. - Oh, new troll friends, so exciting, but we have to run. - Run, why? - Oh, there's the new chef for the Bergens and he wants to make troll soup for dinner. - Troll soup! That is so not cool. - I will not be dinner, sounds like we need a battle. - Let's go to the back yard, this calls for some Bunch O Balloons action. - Supertastic plan, come on. (upbeat music) - Where did that peppy pink troll disappear to now? Do I smell two mini trolls as well? The Bergens are going to be thrilled. (logo boinging) (upbeat music) - Ready? Go! (screaming) (laughing) - You go next, Poppy! - Okay! - Come on, Poppy! (screaming) - Wowzers, I've gotta get one of these. - Nice one, Poppy! - [Both] Come on Maya, come on! (yelling) (logo boinging) - Aha, the trolls, come to Chef, my tasty little treats! It's time to get in my soup! (mischievous music) (balloons shaking) (water dripping) - Totally colortastic, these water balloons are as bright and colorful as trolls! - I totally agree Poppy, but right now we got to focus on him. (dramatic music) (gasps) - Take that! - (grunts) What in the world was that? - Here comes some more! - Hmmm? - Hey, if you think a few water balloons are going to stop me from feeding the Bergens, well, then you're mistaken. - Oh, we will not be the main course tonight. Come on, girls! (funky, upbeat music) (water balloons exploding) (water splashing) (water balloons exploding) (Chef grunting) - Here comes some more! (water balloon exploding) (groans) - Ooh! (water balloons exploding) (water splashing) - Here comes some more! - Ah! Ah! Ah! - It's working, it's working! - We're pushing him back! (water balloons jostling) - Ooh! (peppy music) (water balloons squeaking) - Yes, yes! I got him! - Ah haha! Ugh! - Oh why can't I just buy frozen trolls from the market! Fresh trolls are too much work, I'll be back with my own water weapon. (funky, upbeat music) (logo boinging) - And left, and right, and left, and right, And left, and right-- - What on earth are you doing? - Stretching, I'm taking this family water ballon battle very seriously. - (laughs) I guess so, so did you already set up the water slide for the girls? - Yep, sure did, and there's are a few X-Shot Fast-Fills out there too! - Okay, great! I have a few more things for us to battle with. - Oh looks like it, what do you got there? - Well, I've got the Bunch O Balloons launcher, a few more water balloons packs, and check this out! The X-Shot Fast-Fill, the X-Shot Micro Fast-Fill, and the Epic Fast-Fill. - Nice variety, looks great! I should be ready for battle in a few more minutes. - Good, because those poor girls are probably outside just waiting for us. (upbeat music) (logo boinging) (X-Shot Fast-Fill gurgling) (water splashing) - It's time to up our game with the ultimate water blaster! - The X-Shot Fast-Fill, it fills in just one second! - One second! I'm going to need one of these! How does it work? - It's easy peasy, just dunk it in the water and let its rapid seal technology do the work. - Okay, here goes nothing! (X-Shot Fast-Fill gurgling) (upbeat rock music) - So that's how it's done! - Okay, I'm back, and I'm ready to take these trolls for dinner! And this time, I'm prepared. (upbeat rock music) Take this, you cheerful little bundles of happiness! (upbeat rock music) - He can't be serious, can he? - I think he is. - Oh just wait till he realizes that these babies can blast up to thirty feet. - Fire girls! (upbeat rock music) - Pew, pew! Pew, pew, pew, pew! Hmm this doesn't quite have the reach I was hoping for. (shrieks) This is not okay! Not okay at all! (shrieks) (upbeat rock music) (X-Shot Fast-Fill pumping) (laughing) (groaning) - Take that, Chef! - You will not be making troll soup for dinner tonight, mister! - Oh yeah! (laughs) - The Bergens will just have to have something else for dinner! I'm not getting paid enough for this nonsense. - [All] we did it! Yes! (cheering) (watch beeping) - Ooh, ooh, ooh do you know what this means? It's hug time! Hugs for everyone! Hug time! - You're silly, Poppy! - Oh! I gotta get back to the other trolls! I gotta give Branch a hug, and Biggie a hug and Guy Diamond a hug, and Fuzzbert a hug. Oh, so many hugs to give! (mysterious whirring) - She's gone, Poppy's gone! - And we're no longer trolls, Maya! - You're right! - That was crazy, but so much fun. - Who's ready for the craziest backyard water balloon fight? - [Addy And Maya] Me! (logo boinging) (upbeat music) - All right Mom, turn the water on! (upbeat music) - That's good, Addy! (upbeat music) (water splashing) - I can't believe you two went through all those balloons already, what were you doing out here? - Oh nothing much, just warming up a bit. (upbeat music) - Okay, we're officially ready for battle! (upbeat music) (logo boinging) - Whoa! Amazing! - Watch out, Maya! - Ah! - Are we going after Dad? - Of course! - Come on! (upbeat music) - (grunts) Hey! Addy! - I'm coming for you, Addy! (chuckles) (shrieks) - Oh my goodness! Oh yeah! (upbeat music) - I got you good, Addy! (laughs) - I want in on this! - We're getting you good, Dad! (laughs) (upbeat music) - Score! - Hey watch out, guys! - No! (shrieks) - Oh ho ho ho, time to re-load! - Not again! Missed me! - C'mon, let's go after Mom! (upbeat music) (water splashing) - Here we come, Mom! (yells) - Okay, I'm gonna get you! (yells) - Here comes some more! (upbeat music) (water splashing) - No! (shrieks) - Take this, guys! Ah, I'm out of balloons! (upbeat music) (laughs) (X-Shot Fast-Fill pumping) (yells joyfully) - I'm coming for you! (upbeat music) (Addy yelling) - Score! - Yeah! (water balloon boinging) - Got you! (upbeat music) (groans) (X-Shot Fast-Fill squirting) - Got you good! (logo boinging) - Mmm. Those Bergens are gonna have to settle for this gunky green pea soup instead. (slow acoustic guitar music) Not as tasty as troll soup, I'm sure, but this is much easier to prepare. (logo boinging) - Whew, that was just what we needed after being cooped up in the house for so long! - Totally, 100% agree. - Now there's just one competition left. - What it is? - Well, since all parts of Bunch O Balloons, the balloon pieces, the packaging, the stems, and the caps, can be recycled using the TerraCycle program. We're gonna see how quickly we can pick up the pieces, put 'em in the box, and ship them off for free. I've already got my label printed. - Let's go then! - Come on! (upbeat pop music) - And we're done! (logo boinging) - Well, we wanted a real adventure, Maya, and we sure got one! - [Lucy] This is a paid advertisement for Zuru. (letters whooshing) (letters popping) (peppy music) (logo jingling)
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 3,354,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: addy and maya, addy, maya, silly kids, family fun, bunch o balloons, water balloons, zuru, zuru bunch o balloons, Poppy, Trolls
Id: nZvL2vrs_kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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