Reviewing Christmas Gifts For Foodies

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(upbeat instrumental music) - [Barry] We are Sorted, a group of mates from London, exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (laughing) We've got chefs, we've got normal, (Bleep) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore but everything we do starts with you. Hello I'm Barry, this is Jamie, and welcome to Sorted. - Now last year, we reviewed a load of foodie gifts for Christmas presents and you loved it so much, we thought we'd do it again but launch the video in time for you to buy the presents. (bell chiming) - Happy Christmas. - Happy Christmas. - Good jumper game everyone. - Well it's important to dress to impress. - That is such an Ebber's Christmas outfit. - It really is. It's like, I could've gone for the whole jumper but I'm just gonna have a slither of Christmas joy. - In case you haven't realized by now, for most of the year, we are all best friends and at Christmas time, we like to buy each other gifts. We have gone and purchased a number of festive gifts for each other. Mike is head elf. Unlike most present giving, we'll also give you the prices. Are you ready Jay? - I'm pumped. - Number one, we've got a bit of a stocking filler for you. There you go. - Thank you. Shall I open? - [Mike] Yeah, please do mate. - Pocket Sriracha! Mini hot sauce keyring. That's amazing! Why I think this is gonna be handy is 'cause sometimes when you go to somebody's house, and it would be nice to have a little bit more sauciness, hotness, a kick. - Slightly awkward if you put it in your back pocket and then you sit on it. - Or on the belt loop? - Yeah, you know, like cowboys quick draw, you could quick draw hot sauce. Just like (whooshes). - [Ben] Oh, I think that's a bit risky having hot sauce that close to your crotch. - [Mike] Mate you look great. - [Jamie] Here I am. - [Mike] It looks good. - That does look good, doesn't it? - Would you like it? - I do like it, yeah. - [Mike] Do you think it's gimmicky? - [Barry] Ooh, that's silly. - [Mike] Is it too novelty? - I think it's good fun. As much as you wouldn't carry that around in your pocket or on your belt loop, you could put it in your bag. It's quite handy. It's massively gimmicky. - Yeah, it's not handy mate, at all. It's a joke. - You're not reviewing it, it's mine. - It's not for you. You don't like spicy things. - What do you think it's priced at? - Five pounds? - It's 6.50. - Six pounds 50. I'd buy that for someone for six pound 50. - All right mate, big question. Are you keeping it or you re-gifting it? - I'm keeping that. That's mine for good. - Happy Christmas Ebbers. - Happy Christmas. - One of my favorite times of the year. - Real grump for the rest of the year. (laughing) - [Ben] The Naked Marshmallow Company. Oh I didn't see the S word. Less of a fan of S'mores. - Why? - [Barry] For a man who loves camping, I'm surprised-- - Hates S'mores. - Doesn't make any sense. - [Ben] It's more generally the quality of the S'more. And I feel like when you make amazing homemade marshmallow and good quality chocolate, and it's the occasion, then it's kinda cool. Madagascan vanilla seed infused. This is the perfect complement for a dreamy cup of cocoa. And I can imagine, if you're sat by a fire, you've got your marshmallow, you've got your sticks, you've got the actual graham cracker biscuits. In theory, you've got delicious, homemade marshmallow and for me, it's very subjective, you spoil it with Hershey's chocolate. I'm gonna get shouted at for doing this wrong by every American who's like, "Of course you don't do it that way". So I presume you do that, and then you get a marshmallow and then you put it. And is it double chocolate? - [Barry] Double chocolate. - [Jamie] Double choc. - [Mike] We can see it oozing, Ebbers. Oh this is it! This is gonna make our Christmases. Do it! - Yes yes yes yes yes. - [Mike] (whispers) It's very good marshmallow. - [Barry] Good. - I do like good marshmallow. - Ooh it's started to melt as well. - It's good fun, that, isn't it. (laughs) That's really convenient. Get yourself an open fire if you can. That's good fun, I like that. - Okay, so, if you were to purchase this... - Lovin' it! - What do you think it sells for? - I think it's more about the experience than the ingredients in it, which does not. I put 30 quid. - Snap it up because it sells for 25 pounds. - I like it. - Are you gonna keep it? Or re-gift it? - Both, in the form of sharing. I'm gonna keep it and share it with people on Christmas Eve. (clapping) - So not now? - No, you can get lost. (laughing) - Ooh. - This is wrapped in a wonderful Christmas scarf. - Well, double gift. - [Barry] Oh wow. - [Mike] That is nice, that is a combo mate. - Fabulous. - Can I look at the other gift now? - What is this? The 12 Curries of Christmas. In an advent calendar? 12 spice blends and recipes to make fantastic curries from around the world. Nice, I really like this new trend of having funky advent calendars. Right, number one. - [Barry] Oh wait a minute, it's just spice? - Yeah mate, there's no curry in there. (laughing) - Not even a little bit of chicken? - You're an idiot! - Ah, man. - Is the recipe in the door? - Yeah, so what I've got is a butter chicken blend, like, spice blend and I've got a recipe to follow. Inside there's a picture of what it should look like once you've cooked it. The butter chicken first, now a Thai massaman. - Why are they in order? Part of the game is finding the day as well. - [Jamie] Why do you hate it so much? - [Barry] I just don't get it. - Vindaloo, we're building up, I feel. Number 12, oh I can't read that one. Indonesian Opor Ayam. I've never heard of that before. - Would you actually use it? Or do you just like receiving it as a gift? - I think I would actually use it because-- - (laughs) He's just wearing that scarf like that, sorry. - This I feel would expand my curry horizons. There's at least four there that I haven't heard of before. And there's probably another three or four that I wouldn't generally make at home. - How much would you be willing to spend on it? - 12 pounds 99. - Just shy of 30, 30 pounds. - Oh okay, that's quite enough money isn't it? - It turns it from a fun present to a bit more like a main-ish present? - It does, and I also don't really know, if you gifted that to somebody, would they appreciate that you spent 30 pounds on it? - That is the predicament at Christmases. Does this present I'm giving them appear as expensive as it really was? Or do they think I'm being tight? - I think, yeah, it's a bit expensive. - Keep it or re-gift it? - I'm going to re-gift it, I really like it but just not for that much money. (bells tolling) - Another sack! Ooh, no clues from the box. Now, now we're talking. Straight away, it's from Hotel Chocolat. What is this though? A Velvetiser? Podcups. For barista grade hot chocolate as served in our cafes. Simple one press function melts and velvetises real chocolate flakes into dairy, plant, milk. So in here you've got, like, 10 single serve hot chocolate drinks. - [Mike] Yeah, not whining now are you, you little (bleep). - Thank you, guys. This fits nice on top. It feels very good quality. Step one is to pour 220 into your Velvetiser. - [Mike] Oh, I'm excited. - Sprinkle the contents of your single serve. That's just pure chocolate going in. It feels like a lot of chocolate! Press the button, and let the Velvetiser work its magic. - [Jamie] You've gone for 70% classic? - [Barry] Yep. - [Jamie] I'm looking for something deep and meaningful, perfectly balanced, neither too sweet nor too bitter. Award winning in London and Copenhagen and the go to first taste for everybody. - That sounds like my Tinder profile. (laughing) - The light's gone off after about two minutes, I reckon. And, oh! - [Mike] Ah, you can smell that instantly, even from here. - Here we go. (group exclaiming) - [Ben] It looks velvety. - That was very satisfying. - Do you know what I'm really hoping? You know the first sip of hot chocolate sometimes scalds your tongue? I reckon, that's a good drinking temperature. - [Mike] Here we go mate, moment of truth. Happy Christmas. - It's weird you guys watch me do this. It feels quite intimate. Straight away, it didn't burn my tongue. Secondly, it coats your mouth beautifully. It feels like I'm jumping into Willy Wonka's jacuzzi. It works, it will look good in the kitchen, it would encourage me to drink more hot chocolate, which is not a bad thing. - How much do you think that full set is? - [Barry] You're paying for a beautiful gadget and some cups. You're looking at 100 quid. - 99 pounds 99. - Yes! - Bang on. So you think that's good value? - A good coffee machine's a lot more than that. So for the best hot chocolate you can get, that seems pretty fair. - And a refill of those for 10 sachets is 12 pounds. - Okay, which is probably about the same as coffee. - Are you keeping it or you're re-gifting it? - I'm really sorry, but I'm definitely keeping this one. - Happy Christmas, mate. - Already, I'm liking the density of this. - [Ben] Think you might like this. - Oh yes, I do like this! "Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat." This is a book that was originally a book and then got turned into a TV series on Netflix and I watched the TV series and then learnt that there was a book about the TV series but it was actually a book in the first place. So Samin is a really great chef who basically says that there's four main areas of food that can change them and each episode of the TV series focused in on one specific bit. It was salt, fat, acid and heat. And I really liked it, and I've always wanted to have the book. So, its great! - It's very much in line with what we've been exploring this year which is how aroma, taste, make up flavor along with texture. And I think this digs in even more so into the taste element and how to maximize the five tastes. - [Jamie] There are some really lovely illustrations in it, like proper nice illustrations. - I mean, this is obviously available in loads of places, but how much do you think we paid for it? - Number one, hardback. Number two, hefty. - It feels like it's got that nice balance between coffee table book and actual useful reference book. - 25? 25 pounds? 25 pounds. - We paid 18 pounds 67. - Really? That's astonishingly cheap. - And also, going back to what we were talking about earlier, when you give it, and people see the retail price, they're gonna think that you've doubled up. - Yeah. - Keeping it or re-gifting it? - I am keeping it. - So Baz, you've just heard the doorbell go. That's because this has just arrived. - Oh, what the, sorry. What is that? I think what I can see here is a selection of donuts? Like, there's an Oreo donut, a pretzel donut. - Baz. - Yeah? - [Jamie] This is a donut bouquet. A beery beautiful arrangement of donuts surrounding a bottle of Corona beer. - [Mike] This is from a company in London called Edible Blooms and they make donut bouquets, so instead of buying flowers for any occasion, you can buy bouquets of donuts and then they deliver them the same day. - Okay, I love the idea of it. That is ridiculous! - It's unnecessary but it's brilliant. - Its so stupid, but. - [Mike] I love it. - Straight off the bat, wicked idea. You're paying for the novelty. Pretzel donut? - [Mike] Pretzel donut it's got to be. - Really good donuts. - [Barry] Again, a novel, silly idea but again, I completely and utterly get it. And I could see myself getting this for somebody. - So how much do you think it is? - For me to make a gesture to somebody as a thank you, or a sorry, or get well soon, or whatever it may be, I'd spend anywhere between 30 and about 35 pounds. - Baz, this is 25 pounds. - For the gesture and the experience you're getting. Like, I could see how excited you guys were about its arrival. I like it and I will keep this one but I will then also do this as a re-gift, multiple times, I think. (bells chiming) - More? - One more. - One more. - You see me on a park bench and just-- (laughing) - There we go, now we get down to business. Christmas pudding spiced gin. - [Barry] Sacred are a great little gin distillery in London. - [Ben] I bet this is amazing. You get the gin, you get the botanicals, you get the juniper, but you get all the other warming spices. - [Mike] Is that good? That might be a sip there. - The way the Victorians used to do it was a sipping gin and for that, I think you kinda want a rounded flavor, like not one botanical (fist thuds) just doing that, but like a nice, comforting, thing. And Christmas pudding gives you that. It's really nice. - Happy with that? - Mhm. - Ah. - Keeping it. - Great, well he's already made the decision. Doesn't even know the price. - 42 pounds? - Christmas has come early, because that is currently priced at 33.99. - Very good. - This is the happiest Ben's been all afternoon. - So happy. - Oh, very good. - Might even loosen my tie. - Whoa, steady on! - Right, thank you very much. - This is an actual surprise. I was expecting just to be doing the giving, not the taking. - Sometimes it's nice to do a bit of both. - Sometimes it is. - Off the bat, there is gonna be a bias to this one but this is Mike's first time actually seeing it all as one. - Here it is. - [Barry] This is the Sorted Club Pack's starter kit. This is our product that we put together for Christmas. - [Mike] Okay, oh, wow. - [Ben] We thought you were in most need of it out of the four of us. - Yeah, F U. (laughing) - [Barry] In the box, you've got your "Smart Kitchen Guide" book, smart kitchen sticker set, which you can use to basically label up all of your staple ingredients. A Sorted Club tea towel, a Kitsound BoomBar+ Bluetooth speaker, and you've got an annual membership to the Sorted Club which gets you access to all of our digital books, restaurant recommendations app, and our weekly podcast. - [Jamie] For a whole year? - [Barry] For a whole year. - So every single kit comes with a proper speaker? - We've chosen that speaker because it fits perfectly in the kitchen. They're a wicked British brand and also, it can play all of our audio guides. - We are plugging the absolute S out of all of our stuff. So, what's amazing about this is, obviously I've been a part of putting this all together over the last year plus, but to see it all become one in a proper gift package for the first time is proper cool. This is the "Smart Kitchen Guide" and it's our latest book but it's a guide, more of a recipe book, isn't it? It's just full like, loads of organizational tips, loads of hacks, ways to cook better, smarter. But it comes with a load of recipes and our brand new Packs app basically for midweek that you purchase a list of ingredients at the beginning of the week and by the end of the week, you've cooked amazing meals and used up every single bit of what you've bought. And this is like how to get started, really. And each of the recipes have audio guides, so that if you don't want to be reading a book or written recipe, you just click them on your app and you're led through the recipes step by step by one of us. - Yeah, sorry about that bit. (laughs) - Our voice beyond and into your kitchen. - [Mike] I am going for mediterranean vibes. - [Phone] This one tastes like it's been bubbling for an hour but it's only going to take you half that. Lets go. - As much as this is a shameless plug, I have no problem plugging this because it's brilliant and we worked really hard on it. And I think that if you sign up to the Club and give it a go, or want to purchase this pack and give it as a gift for someone, I think it's a brilliant, brilliant product. And therefore, I'm more than happy to be plugging it whilst this music plays over the top. (laughs) - And, so you can get them from 65 pounds. So you can basically buy that for yourself or you can gift it. - I think it will really make a difference to you if you think that you need that kind of thing. - Comment down below and let us know which one of those gifts you want to be falling down your chimney this year. - And if you want to buy any of the gifts including our Sorted starter kit, all the links and all the information you need is downstairs. - And if you'd like to give us an early Christmas present, why not like the video? Make sure you subscribe to the channel. Click the bell to get a notification. - Otherwise, we'll see you on Sunday, Wednesday, Sunday, Wednesday. Forever more. - [Barry] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos. We've built the Sorted Club where we use the best things we've learnt to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in a few days. - I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away. - This is why you were voted the Bah Humbug of the group. - Excuse me, I might have been voted Bah Humbug, but who rocked up with his own tie this morning? - You gave it away.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 838,371
Rating: 4.9619374 out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, sorted, foodie gifts, best gifts for cooks, cooking gifts, gift guide, kitchen gifts, christmas gift guide, christmas foodie gift ideas, christmas gift ideas, gift guide 2019, christmas gifts, gifts for chefs, sortedfood ben ebbrell, gifts for cooks, sortedfood gift guide, Reviewing Christmas Gifts For Foodies, gadgets, chefs review, pass it on, battles, pretentious ingredients, chefs vs normals, ultimate battles
Id: ixZ-F3JkIyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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