15 MINUTE One Pot Pesto Pasta Recipe | Sorted Food

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hello and welcome to another fish camp and this week is gonna be a blue line yes slightly ashamed of this don't do it it happens this happens same catch but before we get on to all of that we need to identify what our theme is that falls in the form of the mystery box literally forms clever here we go again it's time for Miss you boss do you know why it's called the mystery box that's because in that box there's a mystery ingredient that none of these guys know not even James just me what what what why did you what usually would happen next is that Mike would lower the box in this scenario and that will have an ingredient in it or a clue an ingredient which would give us our theme for the week and then we'd ask you guys what we should do so make that the best thing we possibly could but I'm slightly confused what's interesting is it takes James months to get this role right so can you do it in one I don't know yeah also you look too happy sorry better happier James lower the box I'm smooth my case me [Music] yes definitely my clock is that Evers be careful who that Ben do this though is it confectionery week boys it is fast food week I tried Tony Harvard in it long FOP so this isn't fast food as you know it this is all about 14 and a half minute meals so we need to get creative with some recipe and and this week is going to climax with a battle a 14 and a half minute battle between Evers and James you're having a chairperson show head to head that's pretty much it ever there's a brownie point up to you James you're in the way of the brownie point but if you win then you get brownie love from us I don't know what that is I might lose I think we need some help from well I definitely have some you guys know we should have eaten this is going to be a very tense week on there start by saying thank you because I do want to help for you these guys because you have made sure this recipe is not only super fast it's very simple and all done in one pot it's a one pot lazy pasta we did it once before with a tomato base this time you guys said pesto so taking all the pesto flavors and putting it into the pan with the pasta the only thing we need to get ahead on is shallot and garlic one of those one of those fry it off in one of those with one tablespoon of olive oil also very sizzle net [Music] now this is really the only thing we need to precook into this dish we want to soften it slightly to quite a high heat going to put a lid on and we've deliberately chosen a pan with a big bottom and a big bottom means it's got a larger surface area and that that means it's going to cook quicker if I was a pan I see that map while we give that five minutes or so to get ahead we can prep everything else so lots of flavors are going fresh greens a whole bunch of spinach we're just going to run a knife through it I love that flavor I'll release a new green is the best the best lasers yeah I find it quite hard to taste scream I don't think it's part of my color paper yeah strong on heard we've got the spinach we're also going with fresh parsley and a lot of fresh basil and the basil is one of those flavors that comes from the pesto just a clarifier we're not actually making a pesto we're just using keshto flavors to go into a bowl and mingle together to make a pesto and fire it really glad just clarified and clarified that because there are people in a little group shaped country who people are hating on us right now so it's good good thing indeed constructive that for everyone will give the a rough chop that we're going stalks and all but this we want all the fresh basil and we are ready so this is it everything else is going to go into the pan now you mentioned about those who might be offended all no photos of it forget see I'm sorry it's me it happens Wow alright slightly ashamed of that but you know what for this recipe is needed it's all about speed it hasn't going in our excuses speed spinach is going in basil and parsley all going in pine nuts going in asparagus we're literally just going to take off the bases and then cut what's left into three and we've deliberately gone from kind of chunky asparagus it's not going to overcook in this dish pull it it's turn in it pull it pull it pull it whatever you do do it quickly because as soon as soon as your garlic is in there you want to make sure that everything goes around it all the stock and the cream and the milk is weighed out it's the perfect ratio to the amount of pasta for two people once you've weighed out all you have to do is splash it in milk going in whole a cream going in we can see in it to taste later on but a little bit now it's going to help salt and a pinch of pepper then you put a lid onto it bring it up to boil and cook it for nine or ten minutes until that spaghetti is cooked give it a stir once it comes up to temperature just to separate those pasture strands and you've got ten minutes to do whatever you want in the kitchen so long as you find the time to break some part of them anything you want should get is real a steamy bowl of amazing pasta that's just cooked you haven't got to drain that it's self storing now we finish it with the parmesan obviously it's quite salty as well so that might help us with the seasoning if not we can taste it and that's how you check your pastors don't eat it lots of people will say this is not the way to do it backwards I want the way that I do it to be really quick no washing up and delicious that's the thing though with this dish it feels like there are ways you could make it more traditionally it feels like there are ways that you could do it bigger and better but you don't need to you can do that within 15 minutes in one pot easy finish it with a little extra parmesan fresh basil uber fancy why not Andrew it's not time to kill now there we go that is a very lazy one pot pasta [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick easy not Italian let's keep oh you that's what I like that's what I like don't like I don't do the washing-up so I'm sticking it behind really good one thing the Italians would be proud of the pacifist divide anything I can't pull that at all and that's got bit of everything in it you've got your veg you've got a little bit of meat in there if you want it flavor and even those toasted pine nuts just give it a slight richness beyond the cream in the milk mmm that's great job well done did you know what this was just a couple of simple hacks like using a bigger pan keeping the lid on weighing stuff out but if you want more hacks then hang around tomorrow where we teach you how to speed up your kitchen prep and cooking in efficiency and flow there is a short and snappy little world of oils gonna click on to be baking click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music]
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 392,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one pot pasta recipes, one pot pasta tasty, one pot pasta chicken, one pot pasta sorted, one pot pasta pesto, easy one pot pasta, how to make one pot pasta, one pot spaghetti recipe, one pot creamy pasta, pesto pasta, best one pot pasta recipe, easy one pot pasta recipe, homemade one pot pasta, diy, how to, recipe, sortedfood, quick recipe, 15 minute meal
Id: W5j8454nl4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2017
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