Ben Tries To Make Homemade Beer... An Experiment!!! | Sorted Food

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[Music] welcome to my pub and today for an experiment longest experiment ever done it's sorted it's taken me ten weeks to get this far I have brewed my own beer with the help of some yeast count honor is off the tab and you guys have helped name at my new one sprig of hot and I've got three punters to kind of try it really I don't like the fact that this is an experiment and this could just burn all of our insides now the thing is caveat is up front this is the first time I've ever done homebrew I've did very much a starter kit like dummies guide to brewing but I think we've ended up with something that's all right it's an American IPA okay okay good start Pacific got any fizz Wow now that people don't taste it yet we'll get a few more on the go when you pour homebrew you're supposed to do it in one go because you don't want to disturb the sediment in the bottom it's got good head on it good head a good bubble I was being sarcastic baby that's not half bad that's really not bad that's really good somebody didn't have too many bubbles in it what my it's got a feeling it has got fit on the tongue give it so does mold it so I would say tasting it it doesn't taste too strong sort of alcoholic way do you know what percentages ah so there's a very very simple way of identifying if something is or the alcohol percentage I'm not sure they normally use of ours the best thing I can you lemons alright okay you need to take the specific gravity and then work a calculation out so basically it bounces up and down the problem is you need to do that before you ferment it and after and I started this ten weeks ago but forgot the first bit so I have no idea how strong this is because all I can take is the specific gravitation now of the finish light through but in science week and at least you know the science in theory you just didn't apply it practically I didn't do my research ten weeks ago when I started but it's pretty simple to make I literally just followed a step-by-step guide and it looks something like this given the beer has been made for centuries I'm amazed that I need to sterilize everything because I can't imagine they ever did but I'm gonna follow instructions [Music] this up the mortar now by using basically this cheaters start a brewing pack it means I haven't had to worry about the grain and football about this just becomes when it's diluted with water the warmth that the equal then feed ox it's got all the sugar in it it smells incredible if you like Marmite II grainy brewery very kind of flavor I do friar tich most brilliant one water pig and brew sugar dissolved and then top and solicit [Music] I mean there's no line it's not Safari apparently two minutes of vigorous bell rings ap8 oxidizing ship oxygenating two relations oxygenating when the temperature is below 25 degrees and that's important so it'll kill it then we stir and you secure the lid fit the airlock and fill with water I'll probably a lot of water easy Matt goes out saying that it's going to spot it I have to [Music] only for music studios going to stay at a pretty level temperature at the moment 321 degrees and once I complete there I then had to mix up and keep it stashed away at a pretty constant temperature about 20 degrees Celsius for two weeks which is why if you remember there was two weeks a while back when I was running around the studio turning off radiators and opening windows I felt it was more important to look off my yeast than it was your own productivity in the studio so it turns out trying to keep a secret in this place it's possible but not very and towards the end of the brewing segment most people in the office were fully aware of it it's been underneath there it's been under hidden away and I would do tend to it when you guys are gone home you like in the back there anything and always here with this is where I go to reproduce very fast as you can see it's got a lovely little bottle on this we all eyebrows I'm already add what I like about doing ice has got to decide after three days we have some progress lots of bubbles go now that reading was there which according to this looks good okay we've had a weekend I need to check the gravity again if it's the same as 48 hours ago all for fall weekend will give to the next stage 100 grams of hot pellet say okay pin yes apparently we don't stir it just leave it then I have to run out the obviously tap it all off into the bottles and then they've been in the at room temperature for another couple of weeks it's incredibly cloudy what it does is it settles and the use carry on a second cement with a little bit of sugar in the bottom second ferment that carbonates it but it also sort of filters it makes it clear and then another week or so in the fridge a much cooler or cellar and a much cooler temperature and now we've got about three months in this what you're left with a nice clear beer but the sediments in the bottom so the most important ingredient in beer I think is yeast without it you just have multi poppy water which is called wort and walk is not very nice words add yeast you end up with if there is a much nicer word what we use do is then they start each to all the sugars we had in the more syrup eat they convert it into energy to keep them alive but the kind of glide product is alcohol ethanol and that is what also gives it kind of its alcohol content and that's what makes you mind a little bit funny because it's the poisons of toxic toxins toxins in them it's a toxin and it also gives off some carbon dioxide and that's what gives it the gas and the the carbonation which you can feel fizzing on your tongue there are well over 320 yeast naturally occurring in all sorts of play on fruit in the air that's what makes our dough so good on your body and particularly sort of moist places that's what youth likes you have useful parts and sometimes you can get treatment for that they are Nestle is it however brewers yeast is a domesticated G's and it particularly domesticated and formed both its function and so its flavor was a crazy I cannot get my head round in fact five gallons there were hundreds of billions of living yeast cells undertaking literally trillions of reaction every second get your head around that then can we bring some of your business and wipers go ahead when you're doing a big night in Jimmy on Sunday I like the idea of that yeah yeah you know what guys what I'm gonna do this what crowning point yeah Wow I was not to agree it was Tony the longest video I'm thank you yeah I chopped with the results I'm gonna say this is quite strong because that has it's making my left eye huh click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music]
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 557,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade beer, brewing beer, brew beer, making beer at home, beer recipe, vlog, ben ebbrell vlog, sortedfood vlog, brew beer at home, homemade beer equipment, how to make beer, how is beer made, DIY beer, do it yourself beer, beer kit, beer brewing kit
Id: EUZWBaKvd-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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