Super Fast Chocolate Pots | Jamie Oliver 😍😍😍

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hello you lovely people okay so it's not long now until Valentine's Day and the question is is have you done enough are you prepped are you ready to give beautiful things to the person that you love maybe you could do more okay so let let me give you a little gift this is the incredible chocolate pots book - right being with my missus for 25 years she loves it proper romantic a chocolate pot is like dense it's incredible it's rich it's like the best expression of chocolate ever and you can dip stuff in it it's love it it's just what you need in your life because you want to get lucky so let's do that have you got four minutes for someone you love have you got four minutes okay so come forth we've got half a pint of gorgeous single cream organic then we need 2 packs 2 packs 200 grams of gorgeous chocolate none of that bile rubbish 70% cocoa solids right give it a spank so things are already looking up right give it a good old spank and that's gonna break the chocolate and then if you do do that then you can kind of come over here so we don't want to boil this cream because chocolate is very delicate so as it comes up to temperature it will start to melt beautifully smells amazing already the second lock goes in and smashing it really makes all the difference and then with love and respect we're just going to kind of move this up can you see it melting already look at that the color starts to change all right smells amazing but as that comes up we want to make it more rich so 20 grams of beautiful butter goes in then I'm gonna take a little bit of booze take the booze of your choice so I'm using a little bit of a you know brandy so that's from France very nice if you're from Scotland you can have a little bit of quality whisky if you're from Brazil Casa if you're from this week another country Mexico good tequila oh yes if you're from Essex a snowball that's a cocktail that don't count okay look come in you can see now we've brought it off the heat super super quick right and then the butter is melting and that's really enriching it and then there's one last thing I want to do other than this lovely little bit of brandy that I'm putting about three tablespoons two or three just to give it a nice little kick right and then we're gonna go in some egg yolks two egg yolks that's gonna give it the most incredible silky texture so then we can go to a whisk and really mix that in so the point of a chocolate pot it's not a mousse no bubbles like it's silkiness it's delicate it's super super sort of decadent really really good so once you've done that actually one last thing really really important a pinch of salt it's really really weird I know but salt opens up the taste buds it allows you to taste the chocolate even better so that is now done get a nice little spatula and just put it into these cups like so try not to make too much mess but literally two tablespoons is all you need because it's really intense and luxurious so that is the chocolate pop so look you could have it warm absolutely joy right or just give it a little shake and pop it in the fridge for about two hours it's gonna be really kind of anxious and sort of dense but really sort of spoonful so I've got some here that I made earlier so then the question is how to eat right so just picture this candles lit curtains drawn a little bit of sharda all right I mean you don't even have to cook a dinner just go for this right because this is this is gonna be the trick right the big question is how to eat it now we could use a spoon too big could be a teaspoon or oh yeah we could dunk so we could go nice little a jammie Dodger heart in the middle romantic yeah imagine dunking that in there in there happy days or to keep on the kind of really romantic theme hobnob right you know what I'm talking about HobNob take the whole thing or do you want to take to your choice so you know you could take the humble kind of little biscuit like that and then have a little a little fare it around look at that that is what I'm talking about and when that [Music] that is beautiful so ladies gentlemen wherever the love is in your life do a chocolate pop make something for someone you love put some nice music on have a lovely night I wish you all the best bet some love man is too much hatred in the world this this could fix anything good luck and I really really hope you get a bunk up that's enough
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 402,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, chock, pot, chocolate, love, sensual, pleasure, biscuits, bunk up, sexy, sexy times, essex, booze, valentines, valentines day, love hearts, valentine meal, valentine desert
Id: VYIDN-cuatQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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