Christmas Candy Show, 6 Different Recipes

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hi everyone welcome back to Catherine's plates we are going to start off by making chocolate covered cherries now I've scoured the internet to find a recipe and there are so many out there in so many ways shapes and forms but I figured out how to bring this to you simple easy and very delicious so with chocolate covered cherries you've got the cherry and then you've got the dough formation which is kind of a sugar base and then you've got the chocolate so that's it so the first thing we're going to do in a large bowl is we're going to take six tablespoons of softened butter and we're going to beat this on a medium speed until it's nice and fluffy and creamy foreign we're going to add one and a half teaspoons of milk I'm going to add a quarter teaspoon of some vanilla extract and then we're going to add one teaspoon of the juice from our maraschino cherries all right now this is half a teaspoon here so I'm using two of those to get the one teaspoon we're gonna mix that up together foreign okay now we're going to start mixing again as we're incorporating two and a half cups of some powdered sugar [Music] okay we're just going to take our spatula here and roll the dough and see if that's where we want it I think what I'm going to do is add a little more juice to this because we want a dough but we don't want a very thin dough either so I'm going to add about a quarter teaspoon more [Music] okay we have a nice crumb here and then that is perfect that's what we want to have happen we want to smash it together okay this is a really good dough here you see how it's coming together that's why you don't want to put too much liquid in there because you don't want it too wet or it won't form onto our cherries Now using a clean hand we're just going to form a ball with this [Music] okay that's what we're looking at right there so what we're going to do is we're going to just put some wrapping over it some Saran Wrap or some press and seal whatever you have we're just going to place this in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to kind of help it solidify some more and during that time let me show you what we're going to do with the cherries [Music] okay so these are the cherries now these are maraschino cherries now you want to get the ones with the stems on them if you can find those now I found them easily at Walmart and it's just their brand Great Value here it's going to be really easy if you get the stems on them because then you can dunk them in the chocolate if not then you can use forks so don't worry about that so what we're going to do is I'm going to bring a kind of a cutting board over here and I've got some paper towels lined about three deep and what we're going to do is dry these cherries off for the 30 minutes that our dough is in the refrigerator so you can see there's the stems right there so we're going to lay them on the paper towels and then what we're going to do is lay more paper towels on here now be careful when you pull these out of the jar so you don't pull the stems off and don't try to eat them along the way I'm being good I know there's there's they say there's 27 cherries in this jar here so that's what we're going to be making now since we have a few with no stems I'll be able to show you how to do those without the stems I think that's it all right so then what you want to do is grab some more paper towels and lay them on there and then just very carefully just kind of block them you can move them around a little bit we just want to get that excess juice off now as soon as I pull that dough out we're going to come back and we're going to work on that okay so I had pulled the dough out of the refrigerator now I had just moved the ball of dough into a smaller bowl there so I could have room in the refrigerator for it so I'm just using like a melon baller or you can use a spoon and you want about half a teaspoon and so I'm going to roll it in there about that much here and then with your Clean Hands you're going to kind of roll it into a ball and leave it in the palm of your hand and then you're just going to smush it around to thin it out just like that and then we're going to take a cherry the stem side up and then wrap that dough all around your cherry all the way up to the stem and then you can kind of just roll it just a little bit in your hands to get a round shape like that and I'm just going to place it right here which I already have one going right there all right so you're just going to take some of your dough [Music] you're going to roll it into the palm of your hand and then just use your thumb and just kind of Smash out the sides making a circle you're going to take your cherry right into the center stem side up and then bring up the dough then just work with it until you get it all the way up to the stem make sure it's all covered all the way around and then I just kind of roll it to give it a smooth shape being careful of the stem just like that [Music] okay here we go luckily I had two more hands my husband he helped and he also found the other jar of cherries that we had in the refrigerator that I used for the pineapple upside down cookies that I made with cake mix so we had extra cherries and those didn't have the stem so as you can see you can see the ones with the stems and then you can see the ones without the stems I made that one so let's go ahead now and start getting our chocolate ready for the chocolate now I'm going to be melting some semi-sweet chocolate chips for these now you can either melt your chocolate in the microwave or you can do a double boiler which is what I'm gonna do today to kind of keep the chocolate nice and smooth and liquidy okay and that way it doesn't just kind of Clump all together so I'm bringing a big pot of water to a boil and I've only filled it up about one third of the way and then once that comes to a boil I'm going to put a glass of Bowl that's you know heat resistant over the pot and let it hang there and then we're going to start with the chocolate chips okay we have a nice simmer going on what I'm going to do is go ahead and place my bowl onto the pot we're going to add our chocolate chips now this is a 10 ounce bag go ahead and add that while the bowl is getting nice and warmed up now to get a nice smooth consistency with our chocolate and to get a nice shine on it we're going to be using some Crisco shortening and I'm probably going to put about we're going to start off with one tablespoon and see how that works this should do it right here and then you're just going to use a spatula and start moving the chocolate chips around until it's nice and melted and smooth oh I'm gonna have fun trying to find that chocolate chip you're gonna have fun I guess I'm gonna have fun I'm trying to find your chips before Oh I hope it doesn't melt down in there oh I'm sure it will it will now I like the double boiler way because it keeps your chocolate nice and warm so you don't lose that smoothness of it so once we get this to a nice smooth consistency we're going to turn our burner down to a low that way it keeps it nice and warm now what you want to do also is start preparing a pan with some wax paper some parchment paper or you can use like these little cups right here which I'm going to use so as I'm dunking the cherries they're going to go right into this these are one and a half inch paper cups that you can use for like Christmas candy which we're going to be using okay now we have a nice smooth consistency now I did add just some extra Crisco shortening to this this is the what we're looking for right here nice and smooth we're going to turn this down to a low and I'm going to start taking our cherries and we're just going to kind of swirl it around going sideways to sideways like that drip off any excess and then my husband's gonna hold the cup over here and I'm going to place it right in there just like that all right we kind of got an assembly line going on here so I thought I was just being nice to one time one time oh no once you start something there you go okay I'm gonna complete the ones with the stems and then we'll work on the ones without the stems and just make sure you shake off any excess I was shaking with you all right that was hot we're going to show you what this looks like there you go right there and these are going to set up in these little cups right there okay so I found a really good way to do this with the cherries that don't have these stems on them I'm going to use a toothpick here and just to poke the Cherry and then I'm going to run it into the chocolate here pick it up we're going to take some of that excess chocolate off and then we're going to drop it into the cup just like that all right there is my chocolate covered Cherry I'm going to go ahead and cut this open for you so you can see what the inside looks like foreign right there this is the solid Mass right here now if you want it to be really liquidy what you would do is you would make these and then you would hold on to these for a couple of weeks and what happens is the inside sugar will kind of loosen up and become liquid and that's why when you cut into it it'll just pour out kind of like the chocolate covered cherries do so there you go right here I like them like this they taste really good I'm gonna try one for you okay so I've got my mom's chocolate covered cherries boxed up in this pretty container here don't those look nice you can just box these up and then send them out to anybody okay and I showed you cutting this one up right here so I'm gonna try it um there's the holidays on a plate right here what a delicious treat to make with your family your kids get your friends to come over and help you those are so delicious all right we are starting the holidays off really good Buckeye pretzel peanut butter bites okay we're gonna start by making the peanut butter filling now in a large bowl I have one cup of peanut butter any flavor that you want now I'm just using this right here now to that we're going to add half a cup of softened butter we're going to add one teaspoon of vanilla now this is optional if you don't want that extra vanilla flavor in there then you don't have to put it in there but we're gonna do it because we like it like that and then we're going to add one and a half cups of some powdered sugar that's what's going to sweeten this up and then what we're going to do is we're going to take our electric hand mixer that I have right over here and we're going to blend this on low speed until we get the the powdered sugar kind of mixed in and then what we're going to do is just wrap it up to a medium speed and get it nice and creamy okay so we're going to start by using these tiny twist pretzels and they look like this like you know little bows this is what we're gonna be using you're going to need about 72 of these and these will make this one it'll make about 36 treats with this batch right here so what you're going to do is you're going to first off have you a pan ready with some parchment or some wax paper or anything like that that will hold your little pretzels right here and then you're going to use a one inch cookie scoop or you can even use like a tablespoon and we're just going to pull some of the mixture here we're going to place it right in the center of our pretzel and then we're going to take another pretzel and then we're going to kind of push it down just a little bit until it kind of comes out of the holes of your pretzels on the top and the bottom and I'm going to show you a close-up here in just a second and then you just want to lay these on your sheet pan like that okay we got our pretzel scoop some of that mixture out put it right in the center if you push it onto the pretzel it'll help pull the mixture out of your scoop there all right get your other Pretzel Place it on top and just squish just a little bit just like that and then just lay it on your sheet pan [Music] okay I'm gonna place these in my refrigerator or freezer just until we get the chocolate melted and ready to dip these into so I'll be right back okay now I'm going to be doing the double boiler method to melt my chocolate chips here now I'm using a white morsels here now I'm bringing a large pot of water and it's about one third of the way full to a boil and then I just put in a glass bowl that will kind of fit the pot in here and let it get nice and warm I'm going to go ahead and add my chips and this is about a 10 ounce size now to that I'm going to add about one tablespoon of some Crisco shortening here now what this will do is give it a nice Sheen and also allow it to be nice and smooth and silky all right and then what you want to do is just continually stir this you can see it's starting to melt down there at the bottom so as soon as this is nice and smooth I'm gonna bring it back okay we're almost getting there now if you don't want to do the double boiler you can certainly put these in the microwave and melt them there just don't have a really good track record with that to overcook it or it just doesn't come out right but when I do have the double boiler and add some Crisco shortening that's what I get right there and it's really nice so I'm just going to continue this until we get it nice and smooth which will work I think we're almost there we're gonna start dunking okay so now I've dropped the heat on my burner to a low to kind of keep it all nice and warm and keeping it nice and smooth just like that here and I'm just going to take one of my pretzels right here and take the double end here and then just kind of push it into the chocolate on the front and the back make sure you get all the excess chocolate off and then what we're going to do is lay it on the pan here now I've got two colors of holiday cheer here some green and red sprinkles that I'm just going to lightly sprinkle on the top there we go all right we're going to take our pretzel at the small end there and we're going to dip the double end to the front and just kind of push it Forward push it to the back be very careful with your fingers get all the excess off and then we're going to sprinkle which I'm going to have my husband do I'm going to Chocolate these things and then my husband's gonna sprinkle you just don't want me eating eating chocolate keep them busy okay as soon as we get these all done I'll bring you back okay so we have them all covered in the chocolate right here now at some point I did add another tablespoon of some Crisco just to keep it at that consistency that we were looking for and I kept it on the low heating just to keep it nice and warm as we were doing this so the chocolate wouldn't kind of seize up and get cold all right I got my taster here and he's going to try one for you [Music] okay so we just pulled these out of the freezer and I placed these on our serving platters now if you leave them in the freezer after you dunk them in the chocolate it will help solidify the chocolate like that and that peanut butter mixture it'll be really easy for people to pick these up look how nice these look all right we're gonna try one of these for you treat um not good they're good Buckeye pretzel peanut butter bites welcome back everyone happy holidays we have a special treat for you today we are making his all-time favorite Christmas candy this comes back from my childhood my grandmother bless her soul used to make this and I absolutely loved it peanut brittle y'all ready it's an easy seven ingredient recipe and it happens all in one pot so nothing too complicated with this recipe nope now the trick is there's just one trick and that is to get all of your ingredients ready to go before you even start putting anything in the pot here okay it moves pretty quickly and you got to have your ingredients ready so we're going to bring you over here show you everything and get started you want to make sure that you go ahead and prepare your sheet pan with either some parchment paper or a sill mat the size pan that we're using is a 17 by 13. and it has a big lip going all the way around it and you're going to need something to spread your peanut brittle once it comes out of the pot so make sure that you have this ready to go you're going to need a large pot now you can use a saucepan but the larger saucepan that you can find the better this is a five quart pot that we're using right here and also to help us get that mixture to the temperature that we need we're using a candy thermometer and it just attaches to your pot it's a very cheap tool to use for your kitchen so we will link it down below in the description box if you want to check it out so it adjusts to fit any size pot that you have okay we've got the first three ingredients that we're going to be working with here before we turn the burner on we're going to go ahead and add two cups of white granulated sugar we've got a half measuring cup here and we're going to go four times into the sugar and then we're just going to place that into our large saucepan and then to that we're going to add half a cup of water we're going to stir this up until the sugar is combined with the water now this is a great candy to make it will store for six to eight weeks in an airtight container so you can put it in one of those fancy Christmas containers you can send these off as Christmas gifts bring them to Christmas parties really fun now that we've got that all Blended together we've got some corn syrup this is a light corn syrup we're going to add one cup into the sugar and water and then stir that up all right and then we're going to combine that together if you don't have light corn syrup you can also substitute honey cup per cup and then you can also do a light molasses at this point we have attached our candy thermometer to our pot you want to make sure that it doesn't hit the bottom of the pan so it's not reading the temperature of the pan it's reading the temperature of the sugar water here we're going to turn our burner onto a medium Heat we're going to stir this occasionally we want to bring the sugar water to a light boil and then we're going to take a look at the temperature at that time now this takes a little bit of time to get to the 250 degrees that we need to reach at this stage you're going to have a light boil and that's what we're looking for so you want to stir occasionally and also you can take your pastry brush and go around the outside of the pan on the edge there and take some of that Sugar off most important thing is be patient with this step right here you don't want to turn your burner up trying to get to that temperature or you might burn the sugar so just relax on this stage give it some time and some patience and you'll get there we're going to get our peanuts ready now you want to use the salted peanuts and I say that because peanut brittle is like a sweet and salty treat so you want that salt but if you don't want the salt in there you can do the lightly salted or the no salted peanuts but that's sweet and salty just makes it doesn't it it does so I've already measured out two cups of peanuts and we'll be putting that in as soon as we reach that 250 degree temperature okay we're at the softball stage now we need 10 more degrees to get to the hard ball stage so you can see how thick it's getting and how foamy and bubbly it's getting that's what you're looking for okay I'm gonna bring you back when we get to the hard ball stage okay so we're at the 250 Hardball stage we're going to go ahead and add two cups of our dry roasted salted peanuts we're going to stir this up until all the peanuts are coated and we want to get to 300 degrees we're going to add two tablespoons of butter we're going to add in one and a half teaspoons of vanilla extract we're going to continue stirring that until we reach the 300 degrees man that smelled good that's not good yeah God that was a pure head of vanilla um smells like candy sure does now this will take another five minutes or so to get to that 300. you know all good things take a little time kind of like um kneading dough from some yeasty biscuits [Music] it's very important that you get to these temperatures that way you have nice hard candy and I'm gonna call it oh you can see the color of this you guys changing I'm going to call it 300 right now all right we're on we're at 300 degrees we're gonna turn off the heat remove the thermometer we're done with it while he's stirring we're going to add one and a half teaspoons of baking soda make sure you get your pan ready because once we get that mixed up y'all look at the foam in action right here that's what you want look at that what we're going to do now is take it and we're going to pour it onto our sheet pan and start in the center and then we're going to start spreading it and you want to spread it very thin you've got to work fast with it because it will harden very quickly the thinner you get it the harder the candy will be as you can see that it is getting very thick and be very careful you don't want to touch the candy right now because it is hot keep smoothing it out until you can't smooth it out even anymore does that look good that's what we got right there that is the batch we're working with okay it's very important that you allow this to cool completely now it should take about 30 minutes and it should be nice and hard and you're able to break it into pieces which we're going to do here in a little bit so we'll meet you on the other side of 30 minutes it's been 30 minutes y'all ready we're gonna start breaking up some peanut brittle yeah oop I might have done it on the floor and it's very hard there it is oh look at that look at that and these are hard pieces so what we're going to do is place them in our fun little Christmas bucket you can hear that it don't want to go you can break them all up and then put them then you can have a piece so he's gonna have fun breaking this up foreign [Laughter] just kidding how many people want to see that happen yeah no I'd be sickering a dog look at this y'all give that as a gift look at the bottom yeah shiny on top um [Applause] my grandma would be proud she would be she's smiling from Heaven save me some y'all give us some ideas down below for Christmas candy ideas easy ideas all right this one's mine where's yours right here all right we're gonna go try it for you this made a lot you guys it was a 13 by 17 sheet pan it was almost filled up okay here we go oh my God that's good It's A Hard Candy but let me tell you it melts in your mouth it's delicious crunchy that is awesome make your own this takes a little patience and a candy thermometer yep and make your own make them in batches um to get up to temperature about 20 minutes 20. yeah probably about 20 30. give us a thumbs up on this one don't forget to let us know down in the comments what other kind of candy you want to try and if you're going to try peanut brittle um that's his Merry Christmas you mean happy birthness I forgot the bow that's what we do around here you get a Christmas and a birthday gift in one no okay if you're new to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button down below and that Bell notification that way you'll always know when our shows are posted we'll see you on the next episode we have a dog looking at us right now because she likes peanuts born into our soul I bring at us hi she's always underfoot when I make something happy holidays everyone from Catherine's plates to your house today I'm going to show you how to make Christmas bark when you have kids that work and they have Christmas parties coming up and they need something let me tell you what go in your pantry and you pull out all of your fun ingredients that you still have left after making all your cookies and make this one it's so easy but oh my gosh it is a delight you all ready let's go ahead and put this one together now when I say go in your pantry and pull everything out I'm not kidding you can pull out cereal now a really good one for this holiday season is like Chex cereal so I have rice right here pretzels you can have you know if you have sticks if you have the round ones The Twist these are The Buttery squares they're really cute I just broke these up and then what marshmallows I have some marshmallows in there so why not and we've got some M M's now I use the M M's to make the bugles the other day so y'all go check that one out if you haven't seen that if you love bugles you're gonna love those little treats oops here we go crushed pecans I think I forgot to tell you all about those what's great about that is you can use walnuts you can use peanuts is a really good one especially around this time of year so any kind of nut will do and if you have other kinds of candy you can chop them up into little tiny pieces and use that I've got five things here about one cup of each now I've got more of the M M's because they're red and green and it'll just make a really pretty color so about one and a half cups of M items I'm going to put that into my large bowl one cup of mini marshmallows one cup of crushed pretzels now I just put these kind of like into bite-sized pieces check cereal and pecans so you want about five to six cups of whatever you're going to put in there we're going to mix this all up that looks good just in itself doesn't it you can get really creative with this all right we're going to set this aside and we're going to talk about how we're going to get this to stick together found a checks you can use chocolate chips or you can use like white morsels I'm going to be using an almond bark and it has vanilla flavoring in it I used this also when I was making my bugle candy treats for Christmas so if you haven't seen that one I will link it down below so you can see those you know those bugles or those nice crispy salty treats yeah go check that one out this package is 24 ounces and we've already used six ounces in it for another recipe that I just told you all about so I have let's see 18 ounces of that almond bark in here you can either do that or you can put 18 ounces of chocolate chips and melt those so what I'm going to do is just place this in the microwave since this is the almond bark and the directions say put it in for one minute and 30 seconds and then we're going to give it a stir put it in every 15 seconds afterwards until we get it nice and smooth now while that's melting this is what the package looks like right here or you can use the semi-sweet milk chocolate or the dark chocolate morsels or you can do the white chocolate chips whichever one you want now before the almond bark is melted you're going to want to prepare your baking sheet I have a 13 by 17 baking sheet it's got a nice lip on the edge edging here now I've just laid down a silmat Silpat whatever you want to call it or you can put some wax paper or even some parchment paper and fill up your pan here okay let me go check on my bark which is beeping right now see how that's doing oh nice and creamy there still got a little bit more to go another 15 seconds we still got a few lumps there okay we have a nice smooth glossy fart here what I'm going to do is bring my sheet pan over here we go I'm gonna pour this all into the sheet pan here that's prepared now at this point you got to work pretty fast because it'll start setting up on you but we want to get every last drop out of there because we got a lot of stuff to put in here we're doing it this way because it's easier just take your spatula smooth it out all over your pan you don't want to go too thin with it okay I'm quiet in here didn't it all right I'm going to turn it sideways here bring my candy over and all the good stuff in that bowl and we're going to sprinkle it all over you're going to want to Pat it down good you want to get it into that bark my husband's like if y'all know Thomas he's like that's going where I'm like my kids work so you know I'm gonna be hiding him a piece so he has a piece all right hold on a minute I'm gonna go wash my hands really quick I'm just gonna use my offset spatula these are great because they don't stick to anything hardly so I'm going to start just smashing down more so I just melted some white morsels just so I can kind of dribble a little bit over the top here because what we're going to do now and we got that going if you have sprinkles y'all sprinkle them on right now doesn't that look nice okay we're not done yet we need to put this in the freezer for about two to three hours to help set up and solidify everything together or you can place this in your refrigerator I would just leave it in there longer or you can just leave this on your countertop for a while until it's nice and solid okay I'll be back we gotta finish this off okay it's been several hours I'm ready to break this up [Music] all right look at these [Music] perfect for a Christmas party decorating the tree putting them into a little container giving them out as gifts foreign [Music] the crunchiness of those pretzels all the way through this the M MS it's definitely sweet and salty um all right y'all today I'm doing another famous recipe of mine during the holidays and that is fudge we cannot have Christmas without fudge ask my husband he's like where's the fudge all right so in my famous fudge recipe I have I use many marshmallows we're gonna have some sugar semi-sweet chocolate chips evaporated milk some butter vanilla and a salt all right y'all let's just build this thing all right y'all to get started now I'm using an eight by eight baking dish and I sprayed the inside of it so I can lay some parchment paper down inside of it so I can pull this out now that's totally up to you if you want to do that or you can just spray it and then pop it out from there all right so we got that situated now I'm going to use a medium saucepan and in there I'm going to add one and a half cups of sugar 2 3 cup of my evaporated milk two tablespoons of butter and one quarter teaspoon of salt all right y'all so I have my saucepan now on my burner on high and what you want to do is Stir this constantly for four to five minutes it's going to come to a rolling boil all right y'all as you can see I've got a rolling boil now so I'm going to keep stirring this for four to five minutes foreign y'all look at this consistency look at that if y'all can see it y'all see that all right I'm going to go ahead now and add two cups of mini marshmallows and we're gonna add one and a half cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips all right y'all get busy in there just keep stirring vigorously you don't want it stuck down on the bottom for about one minute we want those marshmallows to melt we need to get a nice smooth consistency all right this stage go ahead and add your one teaspoon of vanilla and then mix away it's gonna get stiff so you want to just keep working it all right at this stage I'm going to go ahead now and turn off our heat look at that all right we're gonna go ahead now and put this in our baking dish now we're gonna go ahead pour it all into our baking dish spread out our fudge all right now at this stage before it gets really solid you want to go ahead and you can put your toppings on if you want to put nuts on it or marshmallows we're going to put marshmallows on here and then what you want to do is just kind of smush them in all right y'all there we go I'm going to go ahead and put this in the refrigerator for two hours so that it can get solid now you want to cover that before you put it in the refrigerator you can use a lid to your dish or you can use Saran Wrap or a tin foil whatever just cover it up all right y'all I'm gonna put this in the refrigerator and I will see you back here in two hours to unveil our fudge all right so I've pulled my fudge out of the refrigerator it was in there for well I'll say three hours so because I use the parchment paper you can see just how easy that comes out of here all right look at that y'all doesn't that look good all right we're gonna take the parchment paper off and then we're going to cut these into little squares there we go all right so I'm finishing cutting up my fudge into chunks here to put into a nice tin foreign this piece right here we're going to leave right here because my husband wants that right now he's behind the camera so you have to be nice to the camera person all right y'all look at look at how thick that is can you see how the marshmallows just hung right in there look at that oh yeah all right now you see my tin that's where I'm putting them all do they steal it I think he did all right all right y'all look at that do you see what that did oh my gosh what a nice gift for people right put it in a nice tin and then you're gonna put your little lid on it oh and then you're going to take that to your favorite friend work Church camera person camera person it's not good at all all right y'all I want to thank you so much for coming to my show today the cameraman already tried the chocolate fudge my Shava said yes he wants more so that's our answer to that happy holidays everyone welcome back to Catherine's plates where today I'm going to show you how to make extra special treats for Christmas using my favorite treat bugles now these are light and salty treats that'll be perfect for these sweet and salty treats because as you can see mine are already open um if you all know what these are you know what I'm talking about if you don't you're going to love these these have a corn flavor to them so y'all ready grab you a bag of bugles and let's make these we can start making our bugle Bells so what you're going to need is just a small bowl of the bugles now they look like this and they have a round circle and they come up to the tip these are corn flavored and lightly salted very crispy light treat so you want to make sure you have plenty of those you're going to need some M M's now I'm using the Christmas M Ms for the green and the red and then you're just going to need a sheet pan with some silicone matte parchment paper or just lightly spray it I've got some almond bark here let me show you what that looks like it comes in a pack like this and there's three six nine twelve pieces in here I'm just doing three right now there's three ways that you can melt your almond bark for this recipe and you can just follow the directions on the back of the package for that right now I'm just using a medium saucepan it's about a three quart I've got about two-thirds of water in there filled up I've brought it to a boil over high heat I put the bark inside and I'm letting the steam heat up the bowl which is heating up the bark when you do it this way it takes about eight minutes to melt your bark down now just keep stirring it around with a spatula so it'll melt faster now when you keep it over a steam bath like this it'll keep your chocolate nice and warm Once you pull it out of the microwave or the oven it'll start cooling down it'll get thicker and thicker so this way you can lower your temperature keep it on a low to where that steam is always keeping your bark nice and melted and smooth all right I'm going to go ahead now and turn off the burner this is melted sufficiently okay we're gonna take our bugle with the edge side down put it into our melted bark swirl it around until you get a nice Edge on it we're going to take an m m hold it out we're going to turn it over and place it on our bottom of the bugle that's coated with that we're going to place it on our sheet pan here flat and let it cool bugle Edge side down run it through the melted bark give it a nice edging like that here take your m m now you can either insert it about halfway in and just let it sit like that and lay it on your pan [Music] foreign [Music] okay this is how many I made what we're going to do is you want to let these set so you can set these off the side on your countertop or you can place these in the refrigerator to really set up good and then you can take them off and have them as fun Christmas treats you can fill up your cookie boxes with these for extra little snacks foreign [Music] all right let me show you how to make our elf shoes you can still use the almond bark that we made right here if you need to add some more you can just put another Block in and melt it in with this one right here the pot of water is still steaming so our bark is still melted here and nice and smooth which is great you're going to need your bugles you're going to need some sprinkles I have red sprinkles this is the very fine red sprinkles and then I have the very fine green sprinkles right here so what I did was I put some on a plate the red put a green on another plate and then I just kind of mixed the red and the green and again you're just going to need a sheet pan with a still pad on it or parchment paper now I already have one completed there for you so let's go ahead and see how I did that y'all you can't help but eat these along the way let me tell you I ate a few of those bells oh they're so good what a sweet and salty treat for the holidays so we're going to take our bugle and we're going to dip it on both sides so we're going to dip the pointy tip into the melted bark so we just have a tip there and then we're going to run it through the red [Music] that's the tip of the shoe and then what we're going to do is just turn it upside down put it into the melted bark right there now we want to coat his sock so I'm going to run it through the green and the red and then we're just going to place it onto our Silpat that way it can solidify up all right let's go ahead and finish these up now if you watched me make the bells then you saw my instructions on making the almond bark using the double boiler [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign okay what fun to make these for your little gift boxes for Christmas you can put them in with your cookies your brownies whatever you want to give away just insert some of these what fun we're going to let these sit for a while to solidify I'm going to bring you back show you both treats okay if you have some mason jars with some Lids you can pack them in there and give these as treats we'll push them all back in [Music] yeah wouldn't that be fun these are the elf feet and these are the bugle Bells sweet and salty treats these have the m m so it's a nice chocolate treat and then these have the little candies sprinkles on them okay I would give them a try for you [Music] um foreign these are light crispy got a corn flavor to them go get you a bag of bugles which ones are you making both of them get your kids involved get your family involved and have them make these with you little gifts that you can give somebody perfect for the holidays okay guys give me a thumbs up on this one comment down below don't forget to hit that subscribe button down below and that Bell notification that way you'll always know when my shows are posted I'll see you on my next episode
Channel: Catherine's Plates
Views: 588,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christmas candy, catherines plates, peanut brittle, buckeye pretzels, holiday candy, holiday food, christmas food, candy recipes, christmas bark, bugle treats, famous fudge recipe
Id: _oM5rScVY2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 26sec (3446 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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