Italian Grandma Makes Stuffed Mushrooms

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[Music] hello a Magina today I'm again in the kitchen because all the time I want to make I want to keep a busy I want to make a summer thing and today I decided to make stuffed mushroom they say stop on mushroom look how nice this I clean already decide clean but when you clean the other to do like this you take the paper tower make wet and you clean to the mushroom like this say hey you clean and nice you take make a shoe you take all the dust over then and you put over here when you find a summer like this you see it's opener this is lolled not yet when you've got to start you you check that the one is so nice like this so this is it's a nice nice and but this is open it so at all but today I just take one of a surely you and then I you got clean hey all right now I finish the clean and I can't do something else I don't like this when I'm like I'll take this off but first of all you see Liljegren it's a little old look like a little of old another little Iran just you you take it rough food a knife I like it this you take just a little thing I say just a little time thing easy time and then you take this and you put over here and this is all ready for fill er up you see this is a careful filling up you take this one like this you come like this we pour over them and this soda you can put separate I like it a separate app or separate little bit take a like this and probably this is you can find a more big I know find a bigger than this but there was there was more bigger like this solo the same was a bear but some I find like this it's a little small but it's a better one it's a big good right yeah we got makes tough emotion room everybody like my daughter and my daughter the young wanna she loved when she shared some my save of me my come tomorrow I may come I'm able to do something for my children but my children my life it's all what kind of say alright I clean this it is I clean oh really nah I like the ball a couple of minutes in the water they be alright some people donated they Philly rapper like this but I like it I like the boiler first of all I gotta make a little further boy make a little salt in the water I'm not sure one just a much you want hey I could could you put the Sun I like the cook could separate this one I put him this I put here at this one I put any they they have a little salt when you fill it up at the mushroom they have a certain really just a couple of minutes let's stay here all right just when they believe just two one two minutes and not too much okay because I know they have a cuckoo later this one we got fry this you got make we gotta make a stuffing about this all right and I we can't wait all right look they boiler this this is the ball you the ball a couple minutes nah I'd wrapper the world now they drop the word hey I live in here hey I do the other one okay this this volley of a couple minutes to look the ball a couple minutes and I gotta take it I got a drain at the water I got a drain at war okay shut it off for the water okay come over yeah and now we make another thing now you put a person down they they drip they drop the world in nobody so let me take something you take the mushroom a portal right up epicenter like they add a drag the time we will prepare the something this a drag we are we are the 20 20 22 we have 22 mushroom like I said they little smaller I like a more bigger pie no finer be okay you see the two old the one when I show you the old one a look they open more look that's at all the wonder they all they open more I say they open this was a to open one it a more flat okay not a dry river here they dry okay now make up the stuff I have everything I think I have everything and I I start the with cigarette so this is gonna take her off this now this you take a row and I pull salary accrues onion parsley they put the mushroom I think I gotta chop okay now I started with this one I started this these are gotta use are like that one you color you know the salary of a little nervous you can use of this you take a Dalila narrow see you can use this the little nervous come off all right now I got a chop this very small you got it make a much as model you can all right I finished the salary and I can chop at this just a Peruvian you can't make a small like and you know you gotta make a small I can't you do okay I'm makin Isis more let's see you gotta make us more I make it an Isis more all right that is done okay this isn't done not Revere okay this is done now I can't make a Daniel now I'm yes I make me cry I am able to do I'm examining now karma the smaller to this man carmakers mom pickle in a bikini no pickle a big color okay sign yes is done all right now I gotta make a stuffy I have a little by little I am and at the top of the stove and I make a couple kappa spoon vegetable I mean Oliver Oliver all you couple spoon you make a couple spoon you do earlier I'll get it right like this okay and I waited them they have to know they are less if you put Anya all right I think to ollie so ready first of all I put the onions in this thing you say they fry you can wait at the earliest already and you could this alright hey fry now let them make a little brown a little bit Brown oh hey you put this you put the mushroom let it do little bit all right okay and act with a mushroom yeah now they fry little bit and you put the mushroom let it cook a little bit of the mushroom all right I put the salary that's of a salary now let it cook a little bit they cook a lot again now they cook all that again now you pay put a little salt okay put a little salt a little black pit and then you taste it after the way they're done or you taste so they need the motor salt or you put a motor so that's for then down okay let's go ah the partially last one you could put the partially that's of the stopping and then but we gotta put the bread then we gotta put the cheese but now they gotta cook a little bit at this stuff okay this is a cook see this is a coconutty right now I shut it off at the wall hey I come here I gotta put the bread crumb now this is it this is all of the vegetable like the vegetable okay we fill it up at the the mushroom and I gotta make the cheese maybe little by little we put a little bit a time a little cheese a little breadcrumb and we see how much they need when you think then they enough you know poor anymore but you can mix mix makes you think you can mix okay I make another little bitty cheese that this one alone it anymore just another little bit the cheese you see what I think it's all right I don't want to put any more that's okay okay I wanna taste I want to taste what they look like my this can I put a little bit of salt little more shock all right now I gotta fill a rapid everything is all ready now if you let a purpura here and we put the coca okay that's up the trail I gotta you so I put Lily Lily oh you're just a little early on the Barma a little bit just a little bit to make away Dana like this you don't like this right used to make wet let's say this is over okay now we start - we start at the fill area this is a dirty way I pick up another one so small not a regular spoon your Lily's born for making this okay and I started this a little all of this and I got a start so I blessed the stuffing you put over here yeah then more big they come more they're smaller they're not taken too much you know me you gotta press a little bit they were present anyway thank you put me here that's a little bit last week I went to the Canada and then me my sister we put the mushroom a together over there and now I make it here yeah we was enjoyed to put a together we we make we make a forget I say I marry today I make a my house a look today I make mushroom at my house Miami by myself not you we took far away you you were Toronto Canada and me our new Joe's we too far away so I saw everybody everybody nice I enjoyed to stay at the gate although already buddy you have myself such that's a beautiful beautiful yeah think you are the will you have on our Caserta be : Inga nada condom differ fairly laquanda fury Delilah a totally rockets egg a passive on Odile a DJ man ok Bella La Casita Inga not a DJ man ok Bella La Gazzetta another car Maria amélia I'm here you were they there was a nice I spent the four days for there's not too much I spent four days with everybody alrig ho almost AMA Dan look I'm also done haven't had a couple of year it is the stuffing the juice just enough for the stuffing just an officee like I say you can't press they got a stay inside you got press release that's like this okay and you put it here ranked the last one just the we finish make nice right that's it the last one okay then just perfect in here I put a little cheese just a little cheese on the top like this gorilla cheese okay hey Lily all your just a little bit just a little vanilla we live just one drop water up I every one wrap every mushroom okay that's a beta now now we put in the oven at 375 maybe for 20 minutes a four hour we see they can come a little brown on the top and now you can see Lily color just a little bit Lily : okay yeah see later all right okay let's be a is named a flower let me check let me see my day okay let me see yeah they all right they okay look you can see they start the little little brown on the top you see they start the little bra that's they open now let it cool it down a little bit hey I taste one okay it's a cooler done and now I'm a done so now this is a let they look alike not they cool they come a little brown on the top inna is already now I want to taste okay so I think they cool it down anyway so you see this is a when you cut that it's the stuff to stay up a butter side that that's their butter sighs all right okay now I taste some good that's good that's a good that's the gold that the sharp everything is good yeah let's go alright at this is a winner and the other day you want to make a sum equal to this you know okay now maybe tonight my kids ik am i I let it test everybody tester Sam anyway this you can make a day before when it's a holiday you busy to do something gas you can mix then before boarding the fridge I read when it's a time but the next day whatever then you cook when you cook it then UK cover a put on the side when it salary and the table you you put on the table then nice it's a nice dish it's a nice addition or I can say alright hey okay thank you for watching me god bless america hey I love you everybody alright that's why I love you everybody ok bye bye [Music]
Channel: Buon-A-Petitti
Views: 1,013,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gina, italian, petitti, nonna, grandma, cooking, homemade, cook, easy, italy, fresh, old, fashion, stuffed, stuffed mushrooms, mushrooms, vegetable, vegetarian
Id: 5cyfHBmZKpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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