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my Dodge Demon here she's lived quite the  eventful life a while back it had a little   fire and by a little fire I mean it burnt  completely to the ground then I bought it   from the Salvage Auction spent a year restoring  it despite a brief period where it was on fire   again things went pretty well except for  the fact that it doesn't start Run Drive or   you know do anything else a car is supposed to  do you see when I got the bright idea to run a   manual transmission on this build I had no clue  how hard that was going to be to accomplish to make a   long story short I had to rip the car completely  back apart and rewire it from the ground up with   the electrical system out of a manual 2018 hellcat  the good news though it worked YES ah sh there we   go it cranks which means it should start at least  once we put the rest of the car back together now   there are still a few issues we have to work  out this whole wiring swap fixed our biggest   problem but it created a few others inside our  fuel tank we have a dual fuel pump setup which   is standard on the red eyes and demons but the  regular old Hellcat we took this wiring setup out   of uses a single fuel pump meaning we have to get  creative to power the second pump this conversion   harness though should allow us to do exactly that  generally these are used to power aftermarket fuel   pump setups and really big horsepower cars but  I'm thinking with a little modification we can   get it to work on the factory setup too now this  isn't going to be quite as straightforward as I   was originally hoping it was going to be and I'll  explain why once we get this out try to make some   sense of it on our Factory dual fuel pump setup  here we have a total of six wires coming in a   gray and black for one pump a red and yellow for  another pump and then we have the level sender   wires this ball of copper was the rede harness  that was in the car previously and this is our   fuel pump connector on said fuel pump connector  there's six wires power and ground for one pump   power and ground for another level Cinder the mass  mathing perfectly fine until we get over here to   the single fuel pump wiring harness we have in  the car currently there's also six wires I don't   understand why sure enough if we ke an ignition  both those pumps fire and it really does doesn't   make any sense what I at least think that means  is if we were able to get proper voltage to all   these wires we should be able to run dual fuel  pumps with a factory on modified harness but   getting that proper voltage I think that's where  the whole problem comes in this little black box   in the trunk is the driver that controls the fuel  pump and on a single fuel pump car we have one   I'm sure you see where this is going on our red  eyee harness here we've got a pair of them I'm   assuming that it idle yeah sure maybe a single  driver can power both fuel pumps but when it's   game time and we need a lot of fuel we're going  to need two of these so what this harness is   going to do it's going to take the signal that was  going to this one fuel pump driver and duplicate it now we're going to give this new module  the power and ground so it has some extra   juice to put to the pumps our power is  going to loop around here to the fuse box there we are is it ready yet does it look  ready nothing about this looks ready we got our   power we got our controller now we just need to  get it to the pump and I'm thinking the cleanest   way we can do this just depend our extra fuel  pump connector the last piece of our fuel puzzle   here hopefully at least is getting our Newfound  power two one of these pumps in the tank what I   did was ran a continuity test on this Factory  Top Hat to see where the wires come through   on the backside you can tell by the very crudely  done diagram there what I'm thinking we're going   to do is use that auxiliary harness to power what  I'm calling pump two there's our ground and our positive we're pinned correctly I uh suppose  we'll find out if it's actually right and about   a second just to make sure we have this right I  unplugged our new harness so when Fernando leans   over hits the start switch we should hear  one pump and one pump only turn on go for it all right I believe only this  pump fired now the real test all   right cross your fingers guys let's see  if both of these fire up I think you can   kind of see these black hoses move  when they do hit it Fernando oh yeah   it's spraying fuel that's firing fire it  up well not yet but we'll get there in a second [Music] sure you guys are  probably wondering why Cool's   coming out of a bucket not a  proper sealed container well   been spending a little bit of money  lately we got to cut cost where we can like I said I'm just crossing my fingers  that everything goes move because this is   finally the day finally yeah the whole  going smooth thing that's another story   but the fact that we're going to hit that  button and for the first time something's   expected to happen here it's I don't even know  what to say I'm out of words for it let's just   do it this is wild wild it's been over a  year all the trouble we've had with this   car it it's finally time why am I so nervous  like at this point what the worst thing could   happen it burns down again we rebuild it  again I mean okay you want to count it down [Music] Uno clutch why is it not cranking now a what the you can hear like a relay over there yeah  you can hear something hold on it cranked not   that long ago uh say that this is not how  this was supposed to go yeah when I said I   was nervous about this whole thing it was because  of what was going to happen when it starts I did   not think that this was a possibility we haven't  changed anything since it cranked I mean nothing   except this so the only thing I can come up with  it this present moment is that those four wires   powering that one pump that I couldn't make  sense of the factory wiring diagrams which   don't make a ton of sense for the fuel pump do  list this as a reference and a reference for turn it acts as a power and ground though to  the pump so I I don't know this is my best   guess if it's the only thing we changed  it's the only thing that can be wrong right all right we just undid  everything it took us all day   yesterday to do in a matter of like 3  minutes now not even worried I'm just annoyed well it wasn't that for lack of  better terms here we're basically trying   to reset the ECU I don't know if this is  going to fix it but it's possible from the   battery having power dying having power  dying us messing around a little bit back   there maybe something got screwed up maybe  a fresh ECU right is exactly what it needs [Music] oh my God how does this keep happening  with this car and just like that we're back to   square one looking for something anything to  explain why it won't crank we looked for bad   connections broken wires blown fuses there was  just nothing obvious wrong with the car yeah   I know a bad starter would have made way  too much sense at this point we were just   swapping out random parts from other cars hoping  something would do the trick okay clutch in in gear absolutely nothing but then we tried  to bypass the starter relay and power it   directly just to hear something when we  jump the starter from a known good power   source instead of cranking like it should the  inner chor pump comes on this bit of weirdness   we have going on there kind of suggests  a bad ground rather than a lack of power   so we got to thinking what could have possibly  changed from the last time a few days ago when   we cranked this car till now grounding wise  we didn't disconnect anything we didn't cut   any wires but I think we might have figured  it out I looked back at one of the videos I   have from when this car did crank and notice  that this ground was on the engine not the chassis face value that doesn't really  seem like a big deal but when you consider   that this very important very large  grounding strap is not on this car   but rather was in a box up on a shelf yeah  it's probably a big deal it's going to work   I'm confident if it doesn't we're burning  this freaking thing to the ground again 3 two every jump box in the shop  here we got four all right four the things will do to not have to order a  battery this is like the ninth time you guys have   watched me hop in this thing saying it's going  to start but it's really going to start this time [ __ ] right finally finally  oh my God finally happened finally all right we should make  sure nothing's [Music] wrong yeah   she's smoking a little bit [Music] but look at the back holy [Applause] hell [Music] holy crap I can't believe it's  running did you ever think this day   was going to come no everybody's  running away I don't understand why all right we got the whole celebration out of   the way why is it smoking so bad  I don't really have any throttle response what was it uh it's uh the supercharger  belts rubbing on the clamp and the belt it [ __ ]   this shop up but hey it starts it's oh my God  I don't even know what to say it's well over   a year this is awesome I don't care how much  it's smoking I don't care what else we have   to do we got to put that ground strap on for  this to happen on today of all days when full   disclosure I didn't plan on touching this car  I was in here working on something else I just   couldn't keep walking past this and ignored I  ended up messing with it and things snowballed   and well here we are the fact that just randomly  choosing a different ground location for this   jump box is what threw this whole thing out of  whack it's annoying but at this point I don't   even care because it runs now we just have to  make it run well which I'm pretty sure we can   do with a quick change of fuel gas station  battery ground and then let's do it there is   one more thing and I suppose now is as good  a time as they need to tell you [Applause] holy [Music] sh residual fuel in the fuel rails something you  should probably watch out for if you're cranking a   car for the first time oh and should probably make  sure it's not in gear as well all solid [Music]   device well it is a brand new day and now that  the high of this thing starting for the very first   time is kind of worn off you know just a little  bit I'm more concerned about why it's smoking   so bad now I'm still pretty positive that it's  the fuel your normal gas 93 octane in the US is   roughly 10% ethanol ethanol is alcohol basically  made from corn E85 is 85% alcohol and only 15%   gas it's great for Boost it makes a lot of power  the downside is you have to use a ton more of it   now why this is relevant in this scenario here the  engine computer it's now calibrated for 85 which   means we're dumping E85 proportions of 93 octane  into the engine which again is 20 or 30% more than   we need it should make sense but I'm still kind  of worried there's ever something's going to burn   this car down it's definitely this right this  terrible Contraption we've just made to siphon   the gas out of the tank it's a professional  method when I know what you're talking about okay look at all that junk down there in the  bottom of the tank see if we can suck that out oh yeah there we go probably destroying that  $5 Amazon fuel pump I think we've officially   got every last drop and I don't know how  you feel about this Fernando uh that call   is kind of suspicious like I don't know still  smells like gas I don't think it's bad bad but   it's definitely pretty disgusting and this  is from that purple red eye that we bought   at least 9 months ago it was sitting for who  knows how long before that I don't know I'm   optimistic this 85 is going to fix it how  do you think it's going to be the mpg with   this thing it's going to be the GPM not the  mpg all right I think we're ready for round   two here and we're going to try to be a little  smarter about it this time if it'll move under   its own power we're going to pull it right  outside so we keep the shot workable this afternoon [Applause] [Music] driving it's driving sort of  I don't know how well it's driving oh it's driving driving it's driving  I should probably take it back I have no clue   stuff's leaking the coolant open yeah let's  take it back holy sh we just just drove the demon thanks [Music] drive everything looks  good it does I feel like I'm ready to jump   in something there's going to be stuff spraying  no everything looks really good I think there's   a way to find it on the dash or on the radio but  here in our vcm scanner 77.7 lbs of oil pressure Gucci I know I just have this stupid  look on my face right now I'm I'm happy if I don't find an intersection to  destroy right now things aren't going to   go well one thing that I did immediately  notice upon driving that mirror that is   definitely locked in place it's not melt  it and place at the right angle I can't see anything I was able to find these gauges on  the screen here the boost pressure that works   the intercooler cool at temperature that  is absurdly high and I don't know if that   means the pump's not working even though  we heard it recently it's got fluid in   there but I don't know that doesn't look  like that fluid's moving this isn't even hot yeah that's cool the heat exchanger cool lines  lukewarm I don't think that pump's turning on and   it makes sense because we have a code here from  invalid data received from charge air coolant   pump I know that's a mouthful the intercooler  pump I put on this car was something I took   off a silver 2015 Hellcat way back when but  after a little bit of research it turns out   though the pumps are physically the same and  even the pinouts are the same the 2015 to 2017   pumps aren't compatible with 2018 and up  wiring systems assuming that information   is correct core pump might pulse it might make a  little noise but it's not going to operate as it should there we are not only is  this thing supposedly the wrong   pump it also doesn't really look that  good the inside of the pins they're   really corroded looking either way not  a problem cuz we got the perfect donor car she's back here to save the day for the  demon once again now if you haven't seen this   car before it means first and foremost  you're not subscribed to my channel and   what better time than now I'll put a link in  the description go watch this video it's one   of the best buys I've had in quite some  time but two and more importantly now   that the demon is almost done we can get  working on this thing and truthfully it's   probably going to be a cooler project than  the demon I have something wild in store for this what I found out in my whole  45 seconds of Googling about this   issue is that the newer versions have  a yellow tag looks yellow to me should work now if this works as it should when I hop in   here and turn it on Accessory  we should hear that pump run [Music] I don't hear anything maybe we need to start it you guys are going to have to take my  word for it because I am positive you can't   hear it but if you squeeze the hose you  can feel the vibration I am 99% sure at   least this is running I know this is rare  but we decided to use our brains for once   if you pull the power to it it stops  immediately we're good you got it it's fixed after so long that this car was just  a nightmare and that's probably putting it   lightly to fix stuff and have it work is a very  odd feeling but I'm not complaining I love it [Music] [Applause] I cannot help it I also can't believe this thing's  on a public Street I and I'm not one to really get   sentimental about cars I know this is kind of  a piece of junk it makes no sense whatsoever   to rebuild a chassis that was in this kind of  shape but the fact that if we didn't do something   so stupid this demon would surely be in a scrap  Heap right now it would have never saw the road   again that means something to me and I'm uh I'm  quite proud of it now that's quite enough about   our feelings the goal here wasn't just to make  this thing drive on a public road it was to make   it drive really really well and it does trust me  I was shocked as well suspension from like seven   different cars not an alignment Rack in sight and  it just drives awesome at least from a rolling   down the highway standpoint now now there's a  ton of work we have to do before we can even   think about laying into this before we can do a  burnout or have really any fun at all we data log   this entire trip that way we can take it back to  the shop make the necessary adjustments and then   hopefully have some fun and by fun I mean the  dyo so we can see if this car is actually going   to make any power as long as this hunk of doesn't  break on the way back to the shop which don't get   me wrong is at least fairly likely I'll see you  guys at the dyno all right just crank it over one   time I need to get a part number off this thing  and I don't want to pull the belt until we have   the other one here to replace it again one more  oh yeah there we go well I guess I'd rather the   belt shred now than own the dyno either way  we got to go hunt down some belts Pronto all   right we have ourselves an assortment of belts  here the size that was originally on the car and   a few that're just a bit smaller so we can get  this hunk back on the road and you know what it   look sharp today did it look different too I don't  know what it is looking good this morning is the   probably the gy is already kicking in right it's  got to be okay after thinking over all the reasons   this could have possibly happened I'm thinking  it's because we have all this room left in the   tensioner this is a replacement belt for a stock  siiz upper pulley that left some slack in the   belt the longer the belt the less the tensioner  is tensioning which is probably why it jumped off look at that complete destruction all the  way around that's nasty demon power you know   demon power yes so I'm thinking we're going to  start with the smallest one and if we can fit it   on this should do the job it's almost a half inch  smaller which doesn't sound like a lot but trust   me it is now because of this unexpected failure it  really cut into my time to tell you about the new   special edition if you will demon shirts I made I  was going to give you guys the rundown about how I   made special shirts just because we got the demon  running now I'm not going to be able to do that   I'm not going to be able to tell you guys that  they're for sale at Ley parts.com or that there's   a link in the description I was hoping to tell  you guys how nice and high quality these things   are and hopes you guys will be just as pumped as I  am about them but instead we got stuck here fixing   about which I think we did that tensioner is  much more centered now and I'm thinking if   we have problems with this one too we can even  go a little bit smaller but just for now we're   going to hope this one works go do a little more  data login and hopefully see at the [Applause] [Music] dno well this is the day I've been waiting for  for so long now since we fixed this belt issue   we just been chasing down really minor  but tedious problems with the car we got   it running we got it driving pretty much  flawlessly at this point we even drove it   here today in the rain not going to say that  the drive was fun by any means at this point   I have no clue what the car is going to make  600 horsepower 800 horsepower 900 horsepower I   don't know let's do our first pull see where  we're starting at and go from [Music] there way too loud I can't hear anything holy the first  one's the one we got to be nervous about and it   didn't blow up it looks like it's still intact  there's no holes on anything 89 horsepower now   we should make more than that we're just getting  started but how can we be mad at that so what's   your guess now I don't know run them number two  thinking we pick up 20 30 horsepower let's find out what we do less maybe it's hot that  is going to be the number one thing we're   fighting against today the heat soak on  this car cuz remember we want stop cooling system a26 all right so we're getting there now I  think stock demons make something like 720   740 horsepower on the race PCM and 100 octane  but this we already have that covered by a good   bit and yes I'm sure a lot of that has to do with  the fact that we're sending the power through a   manual transmission and not the 8-speed automatic  that was well formerly in this car are we joining   the th000 horsepower club today absolutely not  but it feels so good to have driven this car   here on the street making Dino pool after Dino  pool after Dino pool no issues this is this is   what all this work's been for all the cussing all  the stressing all the problems the parts delays   the constant issues it's worth it it's all worth  it think we might have found our limitation here   we've been Consulting with flying Ryan performance  on the electrical side of this build today and it   looks like fuel pressure up top is dropping off  just a little bit now we have plenty of injectors   but we do still have the stock fuel rails in  those stock fuel pumps we installed earlier and   because of that I think we found the limitation  of How High we can turn it up today at least but   we're going to give it one more run and whatever  number shows up on that screen that's what she [Music] makes 800 22 horsepower so I guess we  technically beat a stock demon by like   100 but at this point I don't care about  the number on the screen we get to drive   this thing out of here it's in one piece the  build's finished success successful call this   yes this is much success you know what's funny  you say I just going to make this thing drive   it's going to go to the dyno and now I know  that you w more horsepower well gave it away   all right so the engine's built the handle a  lot more more horsepower which means clearly   as happy as I am right now we got to go for  it we can remedy the limitations in the fuel   system we can add a desperately needed  ice box in the trunk and then there's nitrous but all that didn't expect  that that's a problem for another   day right now there's a more  important business to attend to oh my God holy hell this thinging rips I  am not going to lie I did not have to expect   the pedate third gear 820 horsepower what's  this thing weight 4500 lb 4,131 lb 150 lbs   lighter than a stock demon and just a really  horrendous weight balance to go along with [Applause] it feel faster than I thought it  doesn't feel less sketchy than what I thought   it feels like good even though when it broke  air straight yes ain't scary at all how is   this car not scary it drives so well yes I don't  I don't get it we still haven't got an alignment   on this thing Believe It or Not point I know  that's stupid you guys definitely shouldn't do   that you build a new car you get an alignment  don't go out beating on it but the thing is   straight as an arrow there's not even any weird  like creaks Grans the roof hasn't popped off   of it yet every light on the the dashboards on  right now we are definitely low on gas but the   thing's just awesome it still works so well how  we mop guys now that's a good question I mean I   do like this thing I don't think I'm really a  guy with a mop bar anymore cuz I'm a guy with   like five M bars at this point there are some  of you guys haven't heard of at all yet one   you'll hear of well today and and uh yeah more  in the works up [ __ ] it apparently flar guys what more can we possibly say about the demon  we did it we brought it back I know it took a   while but the make off for I'm dropping  a brand new demon power field right now   the Links in the description thank you so  much for all the support you show I could   not have gone this without you ask what's  next with the Dem I don't know have me   know what you guys want to see I'm there we  spray the out of it all righty see you next   time you can literally get hit by this car  and your hair won't move an inch no exactly where shirts that I made just to celebrate  the demon get running get running what the   kind of look like a maniac when I said that right  I felt like one too it's like nitrous nit nitrous
Channel: ScrapLife Garage
Views: 763,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copart, salvage, rebuild, salvage rebuiilds, iaa, salvage auction, auction, samcrac, auto auction rebuilds, rich rebuilds, dodge demon, dodge hellcat, hellcat, dodge scat pack, charger hellcat, challenger hellcat, mopar, salvage hellcat, salvage dodge hellcat, leec parts, scraplife garage, legit street cars, trx, hellcat trx
Id: SVnWIdymmJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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