Super Best Friends Play Tekken 7 - The Definitive Compilation

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[Music] so how did they become a zaibatsu uh well heihachi was a rich guy and then he said i'm gonna have a company now no no no let's find out okay that's for us that's for us what this is amazing first letter from my son a few years back scribbled on it we're the words i love you is that heihachi i was so happy what is that time [ __ ] who no that's is heihachi when he was young no for some years now i've been invested no okay okay some guys yeah some guy all right someone told me yeah about this there's a lame investigator this is very ace combat yes yes yes it's all framed through the lens of an investigator i'm so disappointed that little drawing oh man i [ __ ] love that why did this scare me oh what a [ __ ] [ __ ] look at him all right here it is all right i got the square button okay i got the uh i got the triangle matt where's her finger matt push our fingers down yeah what an amazing all game should have a child killing i never thought we'd be able to do it but we did it teamwork i hope we get to throw him into the volcano too oh that that's the technological conclusion yeah he's the coolest he looks good in that suit yeah he sent the human race to hell all so he can save it i'm the hero i don't understand his plan if he does how about you stop worrying about that and worry about your abandoned son steve has now evolved he needs your love how about never come under attack that's under attack yeah that sure is i'm sorry it's my first day ma'am we don't understand you you're the god emperor of this world none of us can speak english so what's his plan he catched all the bullets no he's gonna hulk ultimate destruction it what are you gonna do it's gonna earth when god fists those missiles a thousand percent oh no no okay no it's not even worth a long time [Applause] oh man he caught a [ __ ] axe in the anime in his mouth so i guess oh man tekken's so [ __ ] stupid oh yeah [Music] my god oh my god he can do it no that guy this is the tough guy that's he's going to be the one never he's got one he's going to be the guy [ __ ] body's like [ __ ] up the fight you killed that poor man they need a fighting tournament to distract them from the fight just now so he's japanese and now all his guys are telling him in english yeah why not just have their soldiers speak to them in japanese tournament now like because they're the best american soldiers don't worry about the tournament it's so we can have a video game the american soldier this is weird to have these things oh it's so weird and they're all like returned they're pretty shitty yeah it sent shock waves across the globe oh my god i can't believe it six endings like just artwork like this i think you're thinking of five or four not four four head hearts like this yeah maybe that's something you know from what did tekken 6 have do you have it yeah i don't know none of us played tekken 6 enough the picture shed light on the incident that had occurred only a few this is really bad yeah yeah yeah sure is it's really really not great oh [ __ ] shitty ass wait are you telling me the tekken 4 to 7 occur in the span of like two months no no no this is a flashback no it is yeah this is the world war and he says a few months earlier he looks like [ __ ] and adam's good voice that means tekken 6 takes place in like a month so they're weeks apart that means second five takes place in my like you can announce the king of iron fist tournament every week that means there were like three or four king of iron fist tournaments in one year that was that's super stupid oh i have big hopes for this shitty story but yeah this street fighter 5 would ban this stage hell yeah it would no one just did no it would there's cool [ __ ] you did it will you beat all the jacks of story they're telling here like with this newspaper man like it is like treating it seriously really brings to like just how stupid everything in tekken is did you not have an inkling until there's no i never noticed you know we all kind of thought i assumed until people started like whispering at us that like it was all gonna be real in game like movies that float into gameplay which that when given free reign we got giant heihachi mokugen yeah that was cool if a bullet actually hit him i wouldn't be surprised if it bounced off yeah he ate an axe in the anime you got him big one [Applause] i love how simple heihachi says yeah it was me oh my god check out this picture of him turning into a man i am not the but the devil came from my balls check out this picture of jake eating flowers not my balls it's his secret shame i [ __ ] the devil you got a problem with that i think the world has a problem with that heihachi well they should not be judging me based on my love okay clyde so that was part of the team now the serious marksman we beat him up now back to [ __ ] learning about the newspaper it's gonna be newspaperman oh yeah look it's we need to give him a name by the way newspaper cop boring over articles huh why'd you yell that knot in your microphone [Music] yeah that's how you spell it really yes when you say i'm pouring over something that's not p-o-u-r reporter johnny pumped you finally with the power of hair joe finally truck a person that can look match lars's anime dudes with these extra anime versions of their outfits oh yeah like james especially lars is the worst all right oh and oh yeah yeah okay shooting what you always wanted woolly this is fighting game second mode you can aim the gun again if you hit both punches really yeah go back to gun mode there's no reason to fight it's a whole roll system i want this multiplayer roll shoot yeah yeah it's there's so much gap oh he knocked me out of it we'll go right back in before the next guy jumps in oh no what if i open him up and then gonna juggle him to gun oh man that's unstoppable that's the counter hit into gun everyone's [ __ ] flew when it happened that's the real tech look at all these bad parents hanging out in one room oh man oh wow you're super right this is guys look like bargain basement [ __ ] soldiers oh man this story much way worse than i thought it was gonna be like i bet you if the camera panned down they'd be typing with the guns in their hands oh yeah you're so [ __ ] that was a whole chapter that was a system of hatred wait great we're all ready to the schlock damned alisa i do like the characters that come in with attacks yeah yeah that is that is cool she's the worst oh you like chainsaws or okay i guess but also her generic like waifu character design that's also [ __ ] so bad but she's boss connor that's his greatest creation no yoshimitsu is don't get it twisted [ __ ] game will probably tell you otherwise oh i hate that i hate yoshimitsu was hanging out with dr b working on [ __ ] together well it depends if you want to say that yoshimitsu from uh [ __ ] soul caliburs and this one is the same guy you know what dr b is way sicker than we thought if that's the case yeah yeah no he would be then your robot came from the past violet systems looks like the [ __ ] steam logo so if you have thoughts this is supposed to be the start to finish explanation of the entire tekken storyline but like we missed one i missed one game and i'm already completely baffled but like this thing is failing super hard at getting new players up today yeah cause i guess after that first intro i expected us to go through john kazama i expected us to go through tekken 2. in in devil and angel and ogres i thought it was good mk9 but we jumped right to the future yep and we're barely flashing back and someone said yeah kazi is evil fly away oh now now you're away from this this is where instead of saving you yeah instead of saving him from the gas by flying away that attack being one of the default story mode things [ __ ] blows me away where she throws her head around like holy [ __ ] across the character doesn't it it's the [ __ ] ugliest stupidest [ __ ] i hate at least so much and it's one of the moves you're gonna get if you fight against an alisa main constantly oh seriously yeah it's one of her good ones oh that's the worst that's the best everything's the worst that's the worst i'm designed by dr viscano that's the worst did you train underneath away oh yeah this is a high quality story mode so weird why put bodies at all like i know it's it's weird there's like production value somewhere and then other times it's [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] that like i don't know why they thought it was a good idea god damn it this [ __ ] feet just flying at the [ __ ] screen oh my god how could you evidently last one it is it's so bad that's so bad i'm waiting for that big retcon pissed off you hear about that i'm sure it's coming all along yeah he was he was being possessed by an evil spirit had nothing to do with the double gene at all there you go i was telling the truth it wasn't his blood man [ __ ] that's so stupid it was her blood yeah because they should this is the part they showed a little bit yeah yeah yep hey kuma i'm important to them and wifey yeah well this should be easy for you i heard you played those street fighters oh who were they [ __ ] kidding akuma's name is [ __ ] blacked out and so is his art yeah it is again yeah really yeah really always that's how you end a fight in a stalemate we have to have an experience you don't want it you don't want a winner jacks have to interrupt there's jack sixties and coons like this is stupid this [ __ ] i gotta get out of here akuma is the kind of character i expect to literally walk through these jacks and then fly apart as he looks at them yeah like it's a joke i decided to do it but like 20 years too late the entirety of street fighter takes place in those 20 years [Music] [Applause] that was good i like that big could heihachi hang with the strongest character in all street fighter cannon cody no no way there's absolutely like are you kidding me cody would throw like a cloth of dirt at him and he would just die so if kazumi's asking like yeah can you tell these guys that it's gonna be bad later if you don't hey man you know how many people i've killed probably euro yeah we have it on record it's actually zero i don't think anyone ever actually beat him once he became like [ __ ] master of the fist or whatever the [ __ ] jeez he can just take it holy [ __ ] this looks super hard it seems to be getting harder actually oh you have to cinematic loss raging demon oh hey hashi has sin in his heart tons i like tons of [ __ ] i like to think that's another movie if you do it to the punisher nothing happens [Music] oh no oh here you go wolves oh that's a nice cover yeah it looks like uh so i want to point out uh he literally says sponsor in english why would they call it advocate [Music] how did you not know that was lee you don't know that coat when you see it and the white hair [ __ ] weird anime wait you pulled a gun on lee without recognizing elise yeah [ __ ] make out no it's still stupid because he's a big monster and it would have scared a lot of folks killed millions of people to wake up and kill a monster that was asleep and doing nothing but he would have gotten up and done yeah okay now it's time for grunts to fight grunts finally fight them grunts fight them fight them you [ __ ] idiots oh god it's come to our attention that we don't actually know what happened in tekken 6 and that there's a summary right here in the gallery so let's do that shall we watch the summer right now this is great for all of you out there that didn't play enough tekken 6 which was everybody okay that doesn't answer my biggest question about tekken 6 [Music] give it give it give it a second sentence you've caught up mankind forgot about it oh blow her up yeah no yeah just like hey she just falls acquire the target [ __ ] you elisa you're a weirdo [ __ ] i hate you chin is like a goddamn [ __ ] mcguffin right now yeah i like that lee is the real hero it's still the worst jin causes a world war in order to awaken an evil that wouldn't awaken if he didn't start a world war oh yeah that's cool make your angsty your angsty pretty boy hero the worst piece of [ __ ] ever to save human like it's like [ __ ] in castlevania too simon gets bought dracula's body parts to resurrect him so he can kill him again yeah that one's really weird god oh man dude back to more jack attacks when you beat the story do you unlock the ability to get a get ready for the next battle no no willie willie if you beat the story mode the game says we'll allow you to patch one character out who do you pick lucky chloe here's the thing what could kazumi have possibly had on akuma to make him promise guess what i'll answer your question nothing they're never the promise of a good fight yeah this is such like [ __ ] such a mess i think this might actually be the most like ridiculous of all of them oh yeah of all the fighting game story modes this might be the absolute most nonsense it makes fighter 5 look like mk oh my god 5 looks so coherent it makes sense because it's tekken and tekken is weird but tekken always had like a it had a pretty like straightforward thing with a tinge of silly and the silly got dialed up over each number but like i felt like the story mode would be like oh they're probably going to nail it down and like give a nice cohesive story and it's like not that at all so now there's no tournament i love tekken and tekken's story i'm looking to should freak out if you try skyscrapers no man he chops mountains dudes true but why don't you just kill jim wouldn't that stop that's what he that's what he's saying right now then why'd they save jhin use his power to stop the fighting that he started all i could do is not an excuse uh he actually just has a mustache but on the main screen he has a full [ __ ] beard because that's a more detailed model that we're not allowed to have here square five or four they're like we rebuilt them obviously oh [ __ ] shut up look she saved his life that's all you need to know okay akuma actually has a debt of gratitude to someone ever i think that's [ __ ] akuma should be like oh i should have killed myself then if i was so weak i'd die so yeah you're not wrong but yet here we are yeah here we are i can't believe akuma is such a main focus of the [ __ ] stuff i love it i love it it's neat but i can't believe it i'm super happy with it he's integral to the mishimas like he's going to be in the tekken storyline forever now he's important oh without ripping his clothes it's like he has full control of it yeah god sasuke is the worst hey hachi's got a helicopter flying by and taking pictures of kasia turning into the devil and go look at everybody he's a big devil he's the devil uh sir it looks like cheap halloween makeup don't be fooled it's super real you guys do that next session oh oh look that's [ __ ] cool wow that was super neat looking and he was listing something oh look at this [ __ ] that's gonna try a new kakuma and akuma's gonna be like no he just punches the laser back oh that's not man takuma would deflect that [ __ ] yeah look then see they did get footage of devil man desperately trying to verify going to guy presents devil kazoo man i didn't realize him and you guys were saying it before but that is just straight up the steam logo that was that's something much leaders are like i'm concerned [Music] [Music] what kind of side step attacks do you think the world leaders have splits talking about the devil gene if you do a wolf blitzers while rising one two what happens i have i have many questions and the number one question is kazu was known prior did no one think to ask about his giant glowing eyeball oh so the war was over because you blew up the one building now now you won now you own all the countries yeah all of them see i like encapsulated in its own of stupidity like the tekken story is fine but when like [ __ ] news broadcasts are like there's a devil it's the moment you have to acknowledge the rest of the world where is he right now oh no japan [Applause] shut up it's plummeting the worst man-made disaster in history shows crazy growth i killed all those people what now the pr has swung back to me i may be the devil but i didn't crash a satellite did it already happen oh streets of rage 4 for the psp i thought yeah yeah look at this amazing pr battle between good and evil yeah it's like [ __ ] quantum break that's the most realistic part of this ever actually i really shouldn't have thrown him off a cliff an entire town those are skyscrapers fighting was inconceivable the atrociousness well at least that gives i see it network the tekken 7 news network [Music] is that shin pachy i don't know i don't think so that's a hatchet no that's yeah oh okay i don't really like that actually no he's [Music] age plus seven that's math [Music] frost there you go look at that little babies he's even got his little [ __ ] vegeta hair even his own kid born receding [Music] about then jeffrey mcwhile kicks down your door goes double shot so am i being led to believe that the hachijo's had the devil gene the whole time and that was just a thing that they had and they don't why isn't the story about them aren't even important though all right okay this better be playable it's gonna be she's in the costume okay and give them children yeah that's a little confusing to spread them around oh [ __ ] cool oh have you not you haven't seen that no yeah that's her in the arcade mode yeah oh is that not playable in the game versus oh that's awesome now we're getting good oh my god oh i assume you're supposed to beat her because her strength is you know yeah yeah yeah those wings are dope yeah it's like amaterasu i guess [Music] oh my god oh nice forgive me oh no oh he had to [ __ ] do it with a rage art the first rage art in the history of tekken yeah [Applause] wow when god fists the [ __ ] i have a sneaking suspicion i i like with that knowledge like okay yeah akuma could have totally like used her help at some point when it was much younger maybe yeah kazumi and any other children that you may have been holding on to inside of you because that was a [ __ ] got targeted if you're saving children for nationals oh [ __ ] whoa this sucks that's rough that's a brutal way to go oh yeah they didn't even go oh my god i had just [ __ ] cry yeah that's weird yeah so he had to get rid of him though it wasn't a crawl back up if you're strong enough he knew it was he was gonna survive wait so if he threw him off the cliff and he said and he died then he was wrong and whoopsie well that's the witch like yeah look it's a steam sale look at this steam salesman look at that look at that picture live of the steam sale in the devil's pit [Music] you'll never believe the location of the next battle battle yeah there we go use your shitty super saiyan [ __ ] i was always disappointed in kazuya whenever he did this because he had to resort to it yeah hey if you had a superpower you're telling me you want to resort to it well it's shameful but oh my god hey hat she's a beast he just took it in the face that killed the satellite so we all want heihachi to win this okay i like kenzie to win just for story purposes though oh almost that looked really cool though oh wait no it's not really yeah but he was in the middle of getting ready to do it that's new level two you seem to be doing okay yeah you seem to be doing great yeah seems pretty dumb here for some reason yeah yeah easy mode it's the way to do all lps and he's got that and that is the end is that it was super lame compared to gins yeah oh wow i'm sure he actually will be just be like that was cute just flies off and throws goes through a mountain again from purple skin and flame wings to that [ __ ] yeah he's just kind of inside really you yeah get up here you evil old man he's not that pathetic actually oh god you have no help you must have to lose this is this no this is this is super real starting off with that amount of health that's right i don't know yeah because no but look how durable heihachi actually is it is a full life bar it's just condensed into that to make you feel like scared for heihachi yeah you're scared for heihachi words i never thought i would say i was holding back on that too is that unblockable might be oh you can still do it oh no let's see what happens if it doesn't say you lose then that is real that is real so it appears oh but if you launch him just [ __ ] his ass up [ __ ] his ass off oh really yeah oh all right he keeps kicking me in the dick why why does he keep kicking me in the deck ah every moment the second rage art ever performed [Music] that was everything that was at all everything you could give you oh you you hit his pants back on that's don't worry about that now give a big hug oh now we're at the end of mgs forward they're just this is straight up what we were doing the whole time yeah yeah very much so greasy greasy japanese men punching each other except kazzy is not doing his hand gestures to signify who he is yeah like he throws in like a gin thing and then eventually the last one is excellent 20 minutes later i want lucky chloe to jump in do the hammer finish him with the hammer oh it's back to this moment and he's his eyes are getting a little glossy there huh no one in the fandom likes you better what the [ __ ] don't you want to live and live longer oh really maybe let's see no way poster dad loses [Music] [ __ ] kid wins who am i even supposed to root for these people are dirtbags yeah the one who has his own [Music] i hope we get to throw him into the volcano too i know he's [ __ ] dead he's super dead holy [ __ ] they literally for real just killed him for real but that's the end that was super short it took max like five hours to beat that boss reality i can't believe they killed him for real they might have patched it all back what was the whole point of all the story elements i did amazing jin's not even part of it like isn't kazuya like universally number three on the list the final popularity wise absolutely everyone likes grandpa and son better i love you daddy oh my god never saw that coming wait a second possibly baby akuma there's parts of the of the cg trailers that are uh even of the cg intro that are not in the story mode uh heihachi walking forward and having the single tier in the volcano area um uh lasering akuma's fireball akuma staring out at the city is that the interior and standing up for the ten symbol we saw him staring at the city but he didn't stand up and do the ten that's weird were those just for the trailers where does this go on the cinematic story modes like tier of fighting games yeah right at the bottom right at the bottom i'd say so capcom you're the worst truth oh here we go here we go here we go near automata [Music] one last part of story mode i guess it's a special chapter it's got a kumi in it special match match match so this is what it's like in arcade mode as well okay yeah you get these little screens akuma again failing to kill somebody he's supposed to kill yeah someone else had to do it still the record is at zero it's the anti-undertaker street it's pretty the streak is unbeatable the streak of non-killing that akuma has is the greatest i love this that the devil's parries he has parodies there's the devil version of kasia which is the strongest that ever was it's like just fighting regular ass well no it shouldn't come out well you know what i mean you don't expect to be like a devil or minotaur akuma do you i would love a minotaur no you can get them just like five or ten more times wowie wowie just five or ten more times it'll be fine yeah it's totally if i can get it 35 more times i don't think that's true yeah one thing about akuma is he never shuts up yeah that's what i think i think of akuma i think of a braggart yeah yeah yeah why do i give this a shot sure dudes for fuzzies oh that first shot was more honest yeah it was see yeah totally vulnerable after that and after the fierce as well yep now no it is perfect [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] he's holding all the cars was i supposed to hit r1 uh it didn't he didn't save you you're saving the game i was supposed to r1 you're supposed to r1 that was their problem no props so you just have to feel it [ __ ] the sidestep timing on that is so mean hey hey hey hey hey all right all right let's see [Music] smash that [ __ ] let's see what happens [Music] [ __ ] cool oh man so yeah that's what we saw before usually rage arts uh whoever does it first wins but the distance was right there yeah come at me bro [Music] you're the good guy this is like one of the manwas yes it is cyborg sean [Laughter] that's it that's it [ __ ] you i'm here now i'm doing the best i can
Channel: Super Best Friends Definitive Compilations
Views: 18,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DTMjgj7Iivk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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