SBFP MvC Infinite - The Definitive Compilation

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guys guys we gotta we gotta record marvel are you ready to record marvel no what no what about the lasers oh i want to make a wager it's not even a wager what is it it's just a condition if we get when we get through the end of the story mode here yeah that's correct i want to go back and watch the full intro to three vanilla and tell me if that hits you more than the story i remember that intro it's [ __ ] hype as [ __ ] okay i want to go back to that in contrast with what we're about to do i want to make sure is wolverine going to help uh he's going to help him up so hard it's so like it is being here no you fool you're full we are born yeah you're smart do you guys feel weird that we just skipped the part where the thing happened i do feel like uh it's doing that uh that term that i forgot where media res thank you but do you think we'll ever get back there oh that was cool surely because this was written by a writer writer's too hey did you know it's only been two years since civil war civil war one or civil war two one okay it has been actually right it's only been two years but this doesn't take civil war into account really oh yeah no i just mentioned some dumb comic [ __ ] i saw that's fine but does anyone feel weird how there's never an explanation of how these two universes are even together they're just they just they're everyone's together i have to assume that the reality stone reached him yeah and then that's fine i'll accept that but no one in the game says it captain shall we with the robots yeah don't date robots captain danvers is the cannon in my heart isn't that lady just uh allison bree here i mean not yet not yet we haven't seen her yet now she's just still cool cab you can switch between characters holy that's a good tip well he's like you can tag so all we're going to talk is over when there's cutscenes oh yeah i suppose so there's nothing to say on shitty ai so uh to those of you at home uh if you like marvel comics you'll probably be mad at the things i get wrong because i'm stupid guess what they will also get mad at the things that me and wooly get wrong also if you are a dc comics fan you will probably get mad at me because your comics suck and you hate [ __ ] oh no that's just too easy is it it's no because i hate superman yeah you have to get more creative with this one super fantasy you got to diversify your portfolio you should have played in justice 2 story mode because it's all about how superman's a big dick oh man i absolutely love the injustice story mode hey look guys where all the budget went look the real version of that it was pretty impressive in person it was to be fair and the guy that i played that worked for capcom yeah was like that thing is so expensive i was like he was at the booth and i was hanging out playing and he's like yeah i know that thing was casual he didn't give out a number though that [ __ ] was cash money you didn't get he didn't give you another figure okay he did not but he's like all kidding aside look it's spencer no need to pander good guy they're just fresh off fresh off of cutting off super joe's head eventually man blowing off hitler's face spencer god no that's waves why doesn't spencer talk compensating for something cuz he chooses his words carefully you know the sound alike they got for faith no more guy i like better than faith no more guy okay oh god i forgot that he was voiced by faith no more the only reason why he has dreads is they made him to look exactly like the voice actor why thor's there's alternate costumes so much better than this one i hate this story what is it it's it's like his gladiatorial form in ragnarok oh that's great he has a beard and short hair and no shirt which i like yeah that's awful and like gladiator hulk it's just thor ragnarok [ __ ] in theaters november 3rd i'm excited i'm more excited for that [Music] point i'd rather one or two i'd rather give me four with two's jacket yeah yeah okay sorry i just sneezed everybody into the flame pit imagine that was just a death pit the curtain [ __ ] loved our chest oh crap doctor strange is like all right guys we gotta teleport everybody get on in oh great now we're in the fiscal's house oh you know what it would be it would strange does a hand thing and they all go to jump but he goes no wait and dormammu is the one who opened up the deathbed or you know like a black car you know what like a bad portal appears in rick and morty yeah and like you touch it and you just melt to bones and death like i could see liam going to the learning the eye of agamotto and all the magic just so that he can play more um yeah really hates re5 chris it's just the idea that like they had to just use the same animations that were already made to save as much money as possible i know so the models are not the marvel three models because those are better these are these are the yeah these are new worst models but the animations are identical because that's the same time that bank already existed yeah pretty rough pretty hard to explain oh oh no hawkeye one of your errors excuse me ultron sigma he tried he did try all this [ __ ] that doesn't work i actually really like this i like it when everybody gets their ass kicked yeah hell yeah yeah yeah yeah that's cool but no [ __ ] you didn't even animate him getting wrecked it's fine when they announced the voss being ultron sigma that was the coolest thing in the world and the fact that i don't still feel that i feel like it's robbed from me yeah i feel like like you know what i mean my joy is being taken why though because i'm looking at it and i'm like yeah that's what he would look like the fusion of ultron and sigma is such a good idea on paper on paper yeah everything on paper is amazing yeah no there's some things that are [ __ ] on paper too yeah don't you lose this oh yeah the demo you lost oh no you have to lose this but he's just doing his best see if we can get there this ultron is weird because it sounds like the high-pitched guy expected crazy voice one but it's also doing the calmness of the movie one right why ultron would even pause to not kill four cause a even if that was iron he wouldn't have felt it isn't that titanium adamantium or something uh ultron yeah ultron's ultron is made of either all vibranium we're all out of originals so [ __ ] strong depending on which version you want to go with oh my god there's dr huawei i mean dr what you sure you're all right he's just standing around like a dumb hunk i'm so sad that it is a whole lot of blue and red voice i was able to generate that's the color of heroes here comes communism we need him to talk iron man china representative you think the president i love china these infinity stones start his voice it's like right in the middle between not being racist by that logic well not yours i'm going on the same flag logic that means from barbados i can't let you do it we always have to disagree oh yes hey captain do you want to go out for burgers no hot dogs i can't let you eat civil war is cap ever wrong man no [ __ ] xavier woods wait what because he hates cap who hates captain america non-americans we're a bunch of canadians like us america no because even though cap exactly even when his life and his body for an experimental treatment to serve his country when his country wouldn't even let him serve him david was like no he's on the juice [ __ ] him okay well he is on the chutes 100 but he's sacrificed his entire life for the juice cap is always right when he says hail hydra yeah let's not talk about that even when he says save us serve height and say whatever he'll hydro i believe him no he loves the juice captain apocalypse he took the juice once and he never has to take it again yeah that's the best juice i know so he's not on the juice you know what i would have loved yeah okay screw that hype storyline that's the worst i would love the storyline where captain's villainous nature was that cap loved being on the juice and it was him that destroyed the super soldier serum so that only he could have the special suits oh that would be good that would be good that's not bad hey thank you well thor hates it a good reason to beat up the cast [Laughter] arthur alive in there take him down easy why what yeah right right and ultron made it so that the sigma virus so so the sigma virus exists in a world of only reploids in the x-series of course yeah but i guess it affects humans and gods if you can if you can make it techno-organic and then only organic then yeah the sigma virus is basically the mysterious force it just affects everything shut your [ __ ] mouth all right so wooly brought something up like two years ago on the podcast that i remember vividly because it's my favorite description of this concept ever if there's no evil force then yeah the reason that the cast members are going to fight each other is because they're violent psychotic murderer so you end up in a situation where it's like hey i'm el fuerte and then someone looks out at el forte and goes i hate dudes with masks yeah i'm gonna kill you yeah yeah exactly and that's it so it's either absurd misunderstandings between psycho murderers yeah or a nebulous evil force yeah wow thor should tag out he's got a lot of red light well he's got armor and he's only he's alone so you know oh he's alone it's true poor thor oh man thor was the best to go purified wow so you can just take remote control it doesn't just turn them evil like it's just yeah yeah admittedly the sigma virus becoming a thing that can affect humans is like the scariest problem you could have okay by thor [Music] now thor is wiped from wooly's uh [Applause] character roster yeah yeah deleted you got to buy them back back you should know we have that make out who knows you brought him here rub the yellow part of your eyes on her blonde hair grab your teddy sigma chris rub your titties on the yellow part of gamora's eyes yeah look more like zoe saldana kiss me that's fine i like her look here is more powerful than [ __ ] chris yeah she's at least an interpol agent that's uh that's a international yeah yeah oh man i want a moment where chris has to negotiate with nemesis you know what i bet the bsaa has similar international powers maybe maybe you're right actually but ultra i mean thanos just wants to [ __ ] death you know my favorite part about the infinity stones is how real science invalidates two of them because space and time should be the same style there is much oh fun whatever oh yeah this is the best stage it is it's beyond time look at this jpeg that's a super 3d model in the stage but it's a jpeg here for some reason yeah for some reason the history of the monster underworld is kind of [ __ ] up [ __ ] ugly you know monster hunters are post-apocalypse destructive interesting the monsters were all bio weapons by some ancient race and they [ __ ] up the earth a little bit too good and now the earth is regretting like part of a reason come back to a agrarian society why is ryu hands behind his back like he's a nervous school girl willie what's your favorite haul what's your favorite version of hulk uh the the professor so the mind of bruce banner and the strength of the hulk yeah so you want literally the best version of them yeah i'm shocked i mean what's the question i don't i i just like savage regular old hulk no i think it's super cool when he's calm and beaten powerful when he's calmly beating your ass no super strong back it off a little bit my favorite hulk is hulk so pissed off that like he becomes a problem for everyone yeah that's world war i like savage i like savage hall yeah that's one world for like professor x or like mr fantastic and iron man and doctor strange were like folks a [ __ ] problem let's ship them off to some [ __ ] water planet i just love the idea of hulk taking people that are really durable and tough and wouldn't die from it but hitting them so hard they fly off the planet i love that hey look it's the other two characters there are not here man like i [ __ ] this like this is all new to me like what's happening right now so i like it's shocking that anyone would think these wouldn't be the three dlc characters no i would have thought that i would have unlocked them after beating after beating the monster hunter couldn't have less stakes she doesn't even have a name she's a player insert yeah do they talk with drones uh they talk okay so this is a somewhat confusing answer why is this confusing up until monster hunter world every game every monster hunter talks in what is essentially the monster hunter version of simlish okay like if you ask me if the chosen undead talks i'd say no okay well the monster hunter does not talk virus you got super tricked idiots immortality wow what a smart idea fill all your drones with poison wait what is that it's nothing yet wait oh [ __ ] i know exactly what it is is it a rallophost changed nope it's either jen or darren moran is it a bathtub no it's gonna be way bigger than you guys are expecting oh it's a grab boy it's jeff it's a dude oh [ __ ] i'm wrong wait jen has the two horns i'm an idiot oh was that crazy talk it's infected with the sigma virus i like that i like that i like ryu should be carried all the time yeah yeah i heard about their they have a little fastball special moment oh that's really oh they have dragon killers on the side of the thing sick are you kidding me they have a stage based around a monster hunter enemy but monster hunter wasn't in the default roster this stage is not in monster hunter should be fighting this no basically i don't know ultron bot fights feel like they couldn't not exist you're right and it would be fine this fight might actually literally be to show off their admiration yeah i i think you're right because he's doing highly specific attacks in the background that he does and there's nothing well i know there's another giant venom monster thing too as well sorry what don't worry about that oh you see they both have rage issues yeah oh there's the fastball special that's pretty cool yeah yeah so that's a thing yeah i love that that's okay now they'll get all the parts from him yeah they even they even drove the spike into its weak spot on his back so what would have been great this scene happens and monster hunter just runs off oh [ __ ] those parts yeah it just runs off to grab the [ __ ] sky and earth thank you imagine if they hadn't fixed chun-li's face for this you know umbrella aimbrella that's awesome chris should not know who he is manny have tried this giant dick he's a teenager yeah you drank too much red bull what's happening what's happening is this lp still happening everyone laughs both of these guys should be like [ __ ] really weird super angry kicking frank in the balls for taking pictures of people that are dying without helping one of these yeah like there's tons of ultron sigma robots killing people and then frank's all like erotic perfect what's uh the biggest of my career what's wrong with frank's [ __ ] face what is wrong with your face maybe you'll listen i don't there you go actually no been busy not being playable who's in their nemesis that's where he is why hey [ __ ] [ __ ] this game just kidnapped the wrong mayor buddy here's a flimsy excuse to fight the flimsiest dude this is the worst who deserves it more than anybody and hagar is absolutely the kind of mayor that would go man [ __ ] this we're gonna throw it out yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure you're not gonna turn me into some kind of [ __ ] bio board you're not gonna turn me into an animorph yeah yeah yeah oh that's [ __ ] lame uh that's lame i thought he was gonna murder franklin oh you murder him now i was in my office at city hall doing paperwork looking for pictures of you i want spider-man literally the savior of the roster they might dlc him later maybe i hope not he although he's in the background of the stage so it was kind of so you say you're saying the models there i'm saying the model is there i would really like it if they put in a second monster hunter that used the model is totally there see a model it has a 50 50 and the animation's already done look the dlc character bow oh man honestly nemesis is pretty par for the course for a spider-man villain i guess but he yells stars even when no stars are around chris is standing right in front of him oh no it's fine very scary and worrying like one more hit there you go hey in marvel 3 were there not slashes in the background of like reality when people did moves like yeah berserker berserker barrage actually the page as if it were a comic book why is it release german whatever why is he so big i don't know shut it down now boy here we go watch this i can't something's forcing its way through yeah that's it that's how frank shuts things down yeah not robbie ray and guess who's hanging out with bob's writer johnny blaze was some guy perfect match who's the perfect man dude robbie ray's ghost writer is so [ __ ] cool the fact he's not and this is ridiculous look at that pleasure shouldn't she just burst into flames looking at ghost rider innocence at least if ghost rider has sex keep her alive so she's not guilty yeah i don't think morgan would feel guilty about nothing i sent such a desire in you a fire you're yeah but she's a [ __ ] succubus yeah oh she's how can ghost ryder resist these yabbos yeah here we go azure drop you know like isn't that weird is it ghost writer also better than this than he was in ultimate marvel 3 way better yeah do you like them can someone please like them i'm the most powerful succubus in the world and i'm surrounded by a bunch of dudes that don't want to slap nothing yeah we all come from other worlds dante would but he's not even [ __ ] taking the bait [Laughter] who is to like show off dlc [ __ ] the fact that your mama would even give firebrand the time of day he's like a goblin or like a flying monkey looking for a boss to hang out is like a video game version of the capcom versus snk manwa where everyone has stands yeah like cyborg older sean yeah yeah or like vega shooting out a giant uh snake at troy willie you're gonna have to step up your doctor strange firebrand villain crap on you i don't know what's happening yeah me either yeah well he's making a brave stand against the doorman move firebrand so much health is this even winnable i [Music] yeah give me a big bargain he's gonna do it he's gonna do it he's really upset now very mad i've been [ __ ] my pants as i was fighting girl mama amazing doctor strange pulling it out right at the end there clutch it's a good thing the lightning came in and vanquished his enemy just say whatever [ __ ] i've been waiting for this well that didn't work at all yeah but there's still also vincent you should break up with catherine a device must be constructed to harness all right build it build it who's smarter tony stark or a doctor can you pass me that well dr light's smart enough to make a robot that doesn't turn evil that's true dr light wasn't smart enough to not die how about that that's attached to it huh oh god it's stark we've got [Laughter] because it looks like [ __ ] they're like we can make you a smaller stronger better version of that no he's like i love my wife and profile not if it keeps turning backwards that was some crap i saw that this is the absolute peak of wooly's abilities right oh my god oh my god these guys are so strong are they yeah i mean woolly's almost dead and he's using his mane he saw his iron man oh he never even realized he had the iron man yeah he had a pocket iron man shielded wow that was slay yeah he tried something funny grimace tony stark he's purple so he called him grimace you get it what's up with this chin fighting oh yeah he has multiple chin butts he looks like a skull but he's not a skrull are your hands any cleaner than mine he's a descendant of the yes they are because i wipe out he's an alien pat he's an alien i do like him throwing a bunch of shade of dr light for causing like world wars and the destruction of all humanity yeah dr light is one of the worst war criminals of all time okay maybe you guys need thanos you know who should show up adam warlock adam warlock would solve a lot of problems wow they're hitting them really hard that's good i like to hit him oh man fry him wifey oh they actually beat him up a little bit easy zombies electricity but they're on their knees too yes tiger uppercuts tiger genocide gotta fill time while it loads gotta fill time you know who feels time good thanos he just sits on his chair all day yeah sitting around can't wait for can't wait for infinity war wow that completely screws that momentum he's pretty slow but he's got ridiculous damage he's faster than [ __ ] sigma he's not they're both as the same shut up they're the exact same speed yeah that's why i compare them so much because that's that's exactly it thanos and sigma are almost identical what what did he break it they was gonna think the break it would be thanos that's how robots act when they get hurt yeah we must retreat and repair thanks for telling me that i hurt you in time you will all come to us bye engage him only as a last resort our priorities got stoned but that's my first resort at all times he had to marvel could literally kill mayo [ __ ] ninjas what so sneaky that they just turned around when we teleported to fight some ultron bots again yeah they're good they're on the moon the no moon he is the lord of darkness capable of corrupting life itself reshaping it to his own twisted destruction he is copyright moto limited 1996. not capital grand master for a thousand years capcom made that deal back in the day baffling one of the mysteries of the world it's almost like giving fox your best comic property oh we're never gonna use them ever be careful yeah the people who can fly leave i would like to see captain marvel [ __ ] zero yeah that's what i want to see there's no event there plague i'm sure you're already i know that i know that you usually think there's a vent but i can promise you there's none wait who's getting [ __ ] by who is who's getting [ __ ] by what zero's like hips are just a big sphere you're right take a good look captain marvel would have to make some i'm sure he's got attachment there's nothing there's nothing to come out or go in okay so let's say an infinity stone will only be in the hero's possession if captain marvel [ __ ] zero why can't he use his hair his hair is very spiky and like solid okay what about there's part of him he could do something with either something he's got hands also zero is the straight up source of the sigma virus yeah basically they should probably kick him off the team if they just iced zero in his coffin when they found him nothing bad would have ever happened but why would they because they didn't they thought it was they thought it was they thought it was cool new tag i don't know maybe because it's a big [ __ ] coffin with a giant w on it no we're too far in the future we don't know what that so zero was in marvel three right yeah and that's fine but what if instead of zero in this game it was magma dragoon yeah would we would be before that or against them against that i'd be super into it i'd be super into it replace how do we make the story mode interesting i know have you fight multiple generic robots like a dramatic battle that never ends it's very dramatic that way you just don't see her wow that was amazing we should have always done an lp of the last strider game but we never did because we're cowards i'll be back in 20 minutes and i'll be back with you my thanks that's the whole thing is strider is immortal those words must feel strong but as long as mayo exists strider comes back to kill him yeah i'd have sex with all these characters even the rocks yeah especially oh you you'd lift that tail up shut up too late shut up too late the target you always have to go to space to beat him yeah yeah earth oh no god we're just chilling i wish spider-gwen was in this so bad long story i really thought she would be nah [ __ ] her no like when i said it was the most popular main character like when i said it i forgot it was like someone was like dude that's super old that was so 2016. get the [ __ ] out of here yeah hey is there a character model for that yeah i don't think so there is unfortunately i think this thing is created and defeated in cutscene never mind we see you yes shoot bullets chris it worked for him before could have taken the other hand you know who would be super helpful who all right phoenix right [Laughter] you're and now this is the time tony would say something sexist to captain marvel like who would you [ __ ] and show me your pothole virus i'm drunk i was trying to find a partner for him but i can't think of any capcom characters that are super drunk and wasted all the time maybe spencer finally because of his arm canonically wasted okay now i can't take oh i'll shoot it with a rocket says chris uh oh it looks like a spawn violator brother you splatted some of it off oh god that's just the stupidest why did it load this you guys helped the kid what kid what kid are you talking about spiderman where are they turning towards oh jenna's here fine sure ready and frank west versus spider-man and the vampire savior there it is in the background it's chris deals with the strongest symbiote to ever symbiotic i will now watch the battle in the background let me know what's happening uh the symbiote just left that's what happened very excited to see what chris what what did what did chris do [Music] oh smart that's actually a legitimately great idea frank was pretty smart there why does morgan even care yeah morgan should not care because she's the number one most popular dark stalkers character that's right also i feel like not enough people are like freaking out that jeddah literally killed a million people off screen he sure did just soulful until he's dead that's cool that's okay you're still not dead yeah yeah he's got much big help there you go just blowing [Applause] all right let's just go play catch outside let's cut to this see what it is why can't we fight this [ __ ] thing in game because fighting games we have company oh the fidget spinner damn it protect the time stone well you're throwing it around the laksa days ago before why don't you just use the time stone no harry's [ __ ] dead [ __ ] you jedi oh okay i guess it only happens sometimes it only happens when you're on like sub 10 life it's the best but you got it so if you're like really low health ryu does that and he does the darker dough but then he shakes it off okay so cap is dead now jenna's gonna start sucking his dick to get his soul yeah that's how that's get get america through that's how incubus works there you go is that super called sovereign decree sovereign decree that's great he's fantastic that's great i'm super do it sovereign decree we did it which is a big dumb elbow drop it's a huge swipe of his hand and it's amazing it's one of the best moves in the game [Music] yeah this is the plan we're just looking at everybody ready to fire what what oh they're gonna shoot the three infinity stones at whatever they're gonna shoot it with space mine and time i don't know time is green mind is yellow yeah yeah yeah here comes ego oh captain planet any minute now oh no we're gonna shoot into each other better aim that correctly yeah how would you name this this thing that we've never done oh you destroyed but you just zapped all yourselves into the sigma juice it'll never come out as dlc what did you think was going to happen it's in virus for everybody too late you shot it you know what's up what do you think what's gonna happen now it's the desolate realm though now we entered look at that there it is and turn around so we can see your sexy skull face yeah yeah it's definitely i don't like supposed to be a skeleton that doesn't say anything yeah master's death i am jetted out that's [ __ ] i hate i don't like this at all and what is it look how generic she looks i hate this death be a skeleton be silent yeah live now so that we know we don't know what you're thinking and then when we find out that you actually like deadpool it makes more sense that it's funny her wrappings like that's a cool costume it ruins the whole joke what are these death titties stop it i don't like that skeleton okay the fact that thanos is actually into this girl that looks like a girl is like that makes it so much less cool it's disgusting it's so much less cool you should be into the skeleton yeah i love the skeletons awesome it's all your stupid fault this is the same type of story that any chinese manwa would have yeah you have no soul machine the true power of the stones will remain that's a good excuse actually i'll accept that that's a really good excuse and it's wonders inside out see that's the cool sigma a pity why don't we like have sex a lot impressive sounds good to me i like that that siphons power these three bad guys are very powerful okay oh he did that on purpose our name is ultron sigma so he's like you kill me but i'm gonna get you one i expect you to kill me and it worked i wanted you to kill me real bad now i basically oh disappointing in fact oh sigma should take over ultron at that point if that's not that good well ultron's really smart right yeah so he's got he kept a partition inside his brain he's made out of adamantium and he's as smart as reed richards that's a good villain why am i ultron you're all a tron oh wait what why are you all trying yeah you gotta defeat well these main and segments oh look you get your little shitty robots great are they also made out of animation yes boy there's a lot of that [ __ ] yeah i don't know why wakanda gave him so much of it why didn't tony make a suit out of adamantium he didn't have enough adamantium why'd he put it all in ultron i don't think the movie ultron was made out of anime oh it was made out of vibranium yeah which is adamantium for the marvel movies yeah it's dead now so when does he make the new body you have given us like two seconds right now it should be red and yellow for marvel oh he just did it nice yeah wait what what happened i saw you all breathing in the gas ten blocks at most it could have been much worse you were all split in blocks okay okay okay good in the system of every one of [Laughter] his mind has been corrupted by the stone but he's evil i'll get it all handled what's he always evil he's hurt god like how about are you hoping like one cutscene just cuts back to old face chubby for a second man that'd be so sweet okay i'm not a big marvel buff comic man [Music] dude hold on because your lore on this channel has been pegging you in forever i have a question about the reality stuff yes what about it if thanos punched the reality stone so hard that the reality stone physically cracked and was damaged shouldn't all of reality be falling apart no okay it doesn't work like that no okay controls it but it's not it it's not i always thought they were corporealizing yeah the concept but we have sex to women and don't call them later i have sex with a girl who looks like my mom says dante says tony stark filled her dark soul with lights this is it see you on the other side it's called theming i'm gonna be like zero where's axel no one gives a [ __ ] oh we're all going to share their faces how can they happen in like a second hey you're going to fight me now ultron sigma again oh boy can't wait to fight 30 of these where were we i don't [ __ ] know oh you fought not venom we looked at no they did and then they they bought them in a cutscene they got this no no they did the delta attack right what oh no now now's your your uh your big assault on the thing oh yeah right we landed back on x-guard on the bifrost please see last issue now or yes and now all heroes are attacking so many days now now we have the ability to do cool stuff i guess when glenn close and her and her officers all die their power go into this guy yeah he gets the richard ryder gets the power of the nova fat does that make it cooler like he gets the power of all anovas together so it's like if all those if all the different green lanterns died and all the rings became one bigger ring like if all the different batman's died and all their batman and flowed into one batman yeah that'd be a good glopping pile yeah yeah yeah i was watching djibouti dubs remember watching that yes i do remember spider-man for the intro yes of this very serious i watched his batman cartoon thing and scarecrow is running away from batman and he goes i'll hide in an alley batman never goes there and he goes into an alley in badminton oh oh good job with you then scarecrow turns around and goes parents and he goes it just runs off arkham asylum still has the biggest best most real jump scare in any video game of all time yeah and it has nothing to do with batman's parents no no no games need to do more jump scares like that yeah fighting games need to have more trump scares to be fair mortal kombat x and 9. you were talking about comic books and i thought yeah yeah that's fine also it's still october as of this recording that's true [Music] that's loot there you go well that was terrible that was awesome you beat him that's what matters does pat know about the the battle for the stones we should probably probably not dude this is the coolest thing about we discussed it on the podcast but there's basically the marvel official tournament that's going on right now uh tournament yeah well there's um you know the montreal montreal tournament no i want to say much battles oh god i can't talk and play anyway uh the the the official capcom tournament for marvel yeah right is uh multiple premier events right at each event you win a stone okay each stone has in tournament applications for different uh things you can do while in the match so matt if you pull out your phone and go to you can just you can read pat the list of all the different stone abilities it's a bit too much to ask for to play this and then read off the stones man read off the stones tell me about the rocks okay if you win space stone yeah which someone already has the space stone allows the stone bear to swap their position in the bracket and face a completely different opponent the position must be in an equal place in the tournament oh my gosh that's all stone soul stone allows the stone bear to erase one of their losses in a three out of five set yeah that's amazing we're not even there yet yeah time stone allows the stone bear to seize the flow of time enabling them to negate the use of any other opponent's stone power what do we do any time during the tournament so it's a counter breaker hold on we have to watch this important plot oh okay one way please don't just dump you to another job or fight when are we gonna get to the thing where it just shows everyone in their idle pose i feel it coming over the end yeah all right keep going man the power stone allows for the stone bearer to land the first hit in a match what giving them a guaranteed life advantage over the report and what that game would touch of death yes okay you wanna know what mine stone does yeah you're not allowed to know yet we'll find out at the canada cup this weekend about what it does okay that must be so we said we said mine stoned but but yeah no no no no power yeah that might we theorize that mind stone allows you to play a tape of your opponent's uh parents or loved ones being taken to a hospital and it plays over the match anything to distract you i would i killed dante in one shot how does it feel half blood to know that you have failed i don't think like i don't know about you guys but i feel like this is actually one-sided in the other direction nice dante from the devil may cry series yes should have been the nephilim you're just doing that oh no have you not seen how dino is now the best looking model in the game it feels like a taunt and his dt looks great too you should acknowledge this his weapons change dude yeah no it looks great and it's like [ __ ] off yeah [ __ ] off being real keeping it 100. are you gonna like potentially lose this oh yeah he's he's lost is this like a story loss because it just seems like he got you i was just thinking about it okay yeah that's fine he wasn't trying sure the only reason he lost that's the only clearly yeah it's the only way but when i think of fighting games i think of slow bad remixes of really hyped songs like you look so weird why didn't you save money since you're a bunch of cheapskates on this project and just play the original version no why did you have a remix stuff god they should have to you know because it's yeah dante but like to make that staying a little less they should have played lock and load which would have been great don't you agree willy lock and load would have been a great [ __ ] track literally anything else besides the garbage that is this [ __ ] embarrassment of a remix i got really confused because you were like really selling how much you liked it at first yeah and i was like wait am i wrong it just sounds bad no it's not me it's the woolies that are wrong looks like that's it it should have been lucia yeah sure lucia would have been fantastic no lucy would have been great because you would have dante from one okay lucia from two okay you wow this is this is two rounds it's so weird nero would be so much fun in a marvel game he would be a pseudographer he's got snatch dude he's got the uh he's got the double arm like [ __ ] plus it'd be such a lost plus with no scale down it's like to see someone that's basically the guy from scale down you know what you would do if his combos were performed within a certain timing they would gain new properties because of the red queen yeah yeah yeah you get like max acts there's so much it's it's upsettingly amazing as a concept but he eats super sweet and he's got it he's got a soul uh yeah okay well whatever okay let's give that one more i should probably learn to dante calm hey you know what you don't need to do it it's been a couple years this was a character that was built to be popular in every possible way he even if he was not like if this was a generic fighting game that had no existing character this would be the guy he's the red guy with the big sword yeah cool lines like yahoo yeah what a stupid yeah he basically lost the match [ __ ] letting you get the first hit in a tournament that's so busted man i let you live sounds pretty noble to me why would dante let jeddah live it's literally i noticed moves just bouncing off of him yeah he's got okay he's got super armor yeah which means like stuff like um yeah yeah it's red ball uh wet ball oh yeah that's another uh thing that happens during the battle for the stones tournament if you get uh reality stone this you have you can tape someone up with a bunch of weapons yes physically what yeah that is another one of the ideas oh that's good i like that oh man thor got big ups on this one he gets to be the villain hero you did you do you even play a little bit of spider-man i did one of his combos once but that's great were you coming that is cool they i like that when you do the combo over and over he keeps saying it coming coming at you coming at you that's just like that mega man thing that you hate but it's cool because he says coming at you yeah and chedley's probably into some freaky [ __ ] cause no i can i can't drove out r3 to switch between stones hey look strider gets to be in marvel versus capcom and street fighter yeah yeah basically i feel honestly i feel like zaku was almost an idea to like get their own strider without having to deal with the licensing yeah but strider's still cool he is right on the wall of legal distinction yeah it is nuts how much they [ __ ] just went all in on it oh no wins anywhere i've seen supers so everyone's just gonna be knocked down am i gonna understand that even if he didn't have the stones and they didn't have the stones he'd probably still be winning space i mean hit him hit him now now punch him punch him into space like that of ragnarok where uh thor is like hey loki look who it is it's hulk you like hulk hey loki loki look it's hulk it's like a bunch of oni cartoon comics like ryu and frank just standing around i'd like to think ryu would just be staring at thanos like right up in his face just going what are you are you an owner what are we doing man this team sucks like this whole side oh yeah it's all the losers like zero like if zero wasn't here i'd be like there's no one to even care about you didn't see that huh must have been just me what what did the time star revealed the fact that he was in on the plan from the beginning death ultron your part in the convergence everything sam and i gotta use these guys what did you think i was gonna get to use thanos again yeah and kill frank west you think that's even possible yeah uh i've covered infinity wars yeah survived willamette twice once in a good way and once in a bad way he's gonna kill me well they say journalism i actually really like that tony tells frank to go get thanos and and frank is like what yeah that's really funny it's like i said before it's of some old spider-man comic where's bartman's talking about like how i beat up some thug in an alley that the thug like thought he was going to kill me he was like i'm going to kill you he's like i fought thanos for a little bit dude and the guy was like whoo no i threw zombie at you stupid hey titan please enjoy this zombie the shambling court these subtitles are weird yeah yeah just throw it out the window tony you'll never have it just shove it in your chest actually yeah that would actually might do something probably not kill him immediately [Music] oh you saw the part tony was talking about start ryu's here to save the day it's okay man she betrayed us too yeah with her non-skeletal form we were blown up for saying even existed i guess i saw a picture of death looking like a skeleton and i'm gonna hold to that until i die damn straight should do but it is very why my i was coming off of an old marvel card that i had from the [ __ ] masterpieces collection i the last thing i was coming off of was like deadpool talking to her yeah oh here we go finally she did talk in one of those panels no no but but like she shows up and like wearing lingerie yeah yeah yeah is great oh there it is there it is i mean to thanos it's just another god the satsui no hado [ __ ] that's cool to hear thanos even say those words so now it's hazardous i'm not worthy of this gift and now i must take my lead that's it's just a source of power like anything else [ __ ] like thanos doing raging demons some [ __ ] with technology what happens if someone does the penance there and someone does a raging demon against each other would it just cancel each other out probably they have a conversation about the nature of happiness yeah i will kill you you do to the punisher he just stands there and picks his teeth i don't feel bad at all dumbass i think that's what he said to ghost strikers i regret nothing because the penance they're supposed to be about your sins not your guilt right yeah but whatever frank gets there no salad shut up it's whoever is writing it gets to do what they want yeah peace oh they stole it from him he feels good but we can't have that no but were you without a struggle as a more even more boring character the only thing he's got is that stroke no he has the power of nothingness but he's done with that struggle and i know i know i know he's done but he's not gonna be because when street fighter six comes around you need something oh i'm struggling with the nothingness now i will use the power of something it turns out that nothing was super boring you should probably get a wife and kids then right here this is someone to fight for look at this team look at this team we're gonna do great put the soul stone in and it's gonna suck there it is it's gonna suck yeah it sucked look at that hey cat can your shield handle this uh i can hide behind it but uh there's a lot of yeah yeah what dante oh you know what you know about this i never saw the video oh yeah i'll try and signal you destroyed but like yeah that's it even if you got all of them in the infinity gauntlet you have no soul and only a living being can wield it you're you're fake all shadow mega mighty the stone yeah oh yeah he's weak enough that you could just yank it yay just gonna fix it no i got my soul back guess i got my soul back did ultron do zero research on the stones it appears to be [Music] there's a marvel card that tells you exactly about it yeah like the marvel cards like series 2 had a car that just because there's a small subsidiary for just weapons yeah no for just weapons so the cards would tell you like uh spidey's web shooters wolverines claws they would say the infinity gauntlet so yeah this is basically that thing from g gundam wow this looks like goddamn [ __ ] yeah wait no i think it looks cool the thing body sticking out of heads yeah i i actually think it i mean it's not amazing but yeah just wait till you get the side profile okay okay you know what i'll all reserve judges i meant to [ __ ] on it i mean it's a it's a very sigma thing to do okay all uh cigarette space looks cool but like yeah the way ultron's kind of just put it on i don't like giant faces it wouldn't have done anything anyway it's like it's a cutscene look how [ __ ] dante is getting all blown up but uh oh dante died that was oh it was impossible we had this cutscene we didn't pay five dollars to have this cutscene made for nothing you're gonna watch it look it's the whole gang from black panther and monster hunter because they don't care about the universe apparently oh okay is this something going hey we got to give mega man his moment so people don't think we hate mega man yes it is explicitly that everyone cover x who is jesus he's jesus doctor dr uh light made jesus well we're coming up on the end of this way faster than i expected i mean too big like i like robot jesus yeah you'd probably still go to church if jesus was a big rope i hope this game doesn't actually assume that you're going to beat him because this is a really long [ __ ] fight like i don't know i don't know what it expects you're doing many damages and oh you're gonna get flat yeah because like yeah we talked before how capcom looked at marvel's like cataloging heroes like no no no i bet you when they're like okay so we have this guy named onslaught and then cat guy just looks at this big [ __ ] mecca giant and they're like yeah you know yeah that's our hero right there drop that guy up for you looks like they actually do want you to do this that seems absurd that seems totally absurd because you're just by chip alone you're not gonna like how much meter do you need by the way to get that that white line yeah can you what else do you do to gain meter for that because it's not moving or died [Music] that's not going to happen oh okay well you got like 70 percent shut up jesus christ i think if if you don't do it this time i any like villain or even hero that has the ability to change reality even if it's like in a confined space like proteus or legion whoever is always like [ __ ] mysterio pooled wolverine into thinking certain things yeah that's because mysterio is awesome mysterio is my like number one comic book missed opportunity from the rainy verse where i was desperate to see bruce willis's mysterio uh bruce campbell but yeah but you were also desperate to see bruce wallace's mysterio yeah no bruce campbell you're right you're supposed to be i would have loved to see toby mcbride fight mysterio and mysterio put up a real like throwdown fight yeah i i there's there's a version of mystery i forget which one it was that i was like whoa that's actually a cool design that still is kind of silly but not really um because he has a fishbowl he didn't have a fishbowl but he was still kind of silly i like fishbowl mysterio they're all they're caught they're hit things so you can't do much with them and you can't do could you do your regular level threes that like no no because they're cinematic exactly that's okay don't do nothing no you can only do your basic one how exciting [Music] yeah i'm starting to get behind you on the big big head monster yeah yeah he's getting behind the big head yeah they're getting behind the dislike of them and yeah for gameplay yeah 30 rock from the sun had the only big man i can't wait to see woolly crush this on the lower difficulty yeah it's probably gonna be one of those things that just it's embarrassingly easy oh wow that's overhead wow really continue wow let's continue with that lower difficulty [Music] willie what's your confidence level on this um it's up there now that we've cut back it'd be awkward if you lost e1 oh see dante beat omega sig sigtron because he shot him with his guns yeah he shot him with a pistol yeah we passed the stones to x do it x is the right who wants to be ready to pay attention to the background yes i do okay let's all pay very much attention i've never seen this before so i'm excited [Music] viewer at home feel free to go back and watch the video again did they have this gun prepared yeah this is what they invented hey infinity gauntlet buster that's very cool very cool infinity buster's pretty cool yep that's red i love it x is the only one that has an arm that can turn that off yeah not iron looks stable as [ __ ] yeah looks like it won't blow up in his face killing mega man forever do your idol stand that really gave it the one that the one that gets me is hulk because hulk isn't moving he's just bro honestly that didn't look as bad as right now i hate that i was thinking of clip art i know it's like a samurai but i don't like it i also i'm out i'm with you the white is so much nicer yeah i agree better that's wrong hey look it's over yeah he almost became capable i think you're right that's a little reference for a little chris there because he always says that it's always wrong whenever he says it's over yeah all resemble characters at the end of their game goes oh it's finally over and they're always wrong only by their power could we undo all that's been done and the reality stone is cracked okay then i guess we're stuck with each other we're gonna have to stay converged oh is that why it's called infinite because it's like nope the story in this is now it's just it's canonically rocky you can go buy your capcom uh cameo marvel comics now take them for sure is this saying like no the marvel deal we signed for this is we've bought them that would be a hell of a way to end the game yeah like this marvel purchased captain this will never get delicious but you didn't do anything cap we honor the death neither did you chris how spyro's body is horrific it's not good meanwhile t'challa's hanging out peaceful in his well-protected kingdom monster hunter hey you know what it's easy to protect my kingdom when it's made out of vibranium condom tech plus monster hunter like like materials is the most so when you fight someone when you fight certain characters wow yeah yeah that was so that whole thing where fighting games are like yo we need to be cinematic and add story modes mk9 yeah you did it everyone nine still has the best one and everyone i heard injustice twos is actually good everyone trying to do it can't seem to really do it not even netherrealm no with i mean 10 was second best i'd say yeah i don't know like i started in justice two-story mode and like the improvements on facial animation made me feel like i was watching like oh yeah yeah yeah like harley quinn i saw the harley quinn like talking part and i was like wow that looks good but like i would like to do that in the future just to see it but but just in general we've done a couple of these now and they can't do it slash the japanese ones can't do it it's they refuse to put the the money into it that's all it is but but also the writing is always bad well the writing was terrible and nine too i know but it's like it's just a lot of it that's fine but like like i feel like these games like because you know like the japanese action games also have terrible writing i do know that okay i feel like like the few examples are come from like rpgs and you need to get some rpg writers on these stories perhaps i'm just spitballing [ __ ] right now yeah because we're looking at credits but there's a lot of really shitty japanese action stories and action games and a lot of shitty stories and fighting games and and a lot of not shitty rpg it was drugs to keep the team alive use that i guess i don't know you know if we keep drugging the team they won't go home and that way you know we can we can squeeze some more effort if we put pillows and sheets under the desk they will naturally crawl in i have a feeling that like there's what do you mean karoshi where people die in their office chairs is a serious problem there's a goddamn like desk out there that's being marketed like buy this for your office it has a bed underneath like a real bed like george maid and it's like [ __ ] wait what square enix they helped they've used their motion capture studio oh yeah yeah i'm waiting for i'm waiting i didn't see any facial capture did you guys i did i'm waiting for the story who what monster would have a space like spencer or dante get the [ __ ] out of here i'm waiting for her to uh to hear a case about like someone discovered a body in an office but just kind of left it there for a bit because they thought he was just taking it no he just works really hard he wouldn't take his break like i want to hear about a guy who dies at his keyboard and everyone thinks he's just working really hard that's what i mean yeah yeah yeah that no he's he's doing the good business that's a good business right there yes you couldn't come out drinking with us for once let let your employees go home and sleep it's a good one it's a good one for people i don't know if we need it yeah budget but like but like it's a recap so yeah injustice and um [Music] street fighter second story that's the problem is that's it there and now we have marvel here okay so um the artist's stuff is fine yeah but that is different it's visual novel anime it's easier it's exactly what it's supposed to so you think these should be visual novels no no actually maybe i think is this was this uh better or worse than street fighter 5 this was worse i think it's always worth streaming this was definitely worse there were some legitly legitimately cool moments there and there was a legitimately cool moment here there were a lot of new characters that we encountered in the street fighter 5 mainly dolls but still they were all new but even if this game didn't look as weird as it did that story would still be terrible that story was still not great so yeah no i don't think capcom and and um namco know what they're doing with this stuff for [ __ ] sake the the big third act twist was hey thanos is evil [Music] what am i talking about this was written by a uh uh an american uh dude yeah and he they did interviews with him talking about how to do uh dick justice for all these characters and echo gets his little no never mind i'm talking out of my ass this was totally a western writer yeah well either way let's dumb [ __ ] capcom find better writers story and script by paul gardner there it is yep i want to look who that guy is hey ono produced this good job idiot i think he he did something good he did something good hey guys like imagine willie said warren have you come seeking forgiveness my love retribution thanos there is no power that can harm me in your universe perhaps the satsui no hado has conquered gods and demons and death hmm [Music] okay that's cool so i saw that stinger before we ever thought that we were going to do this i think that that stinger looked really cool and then when he took it from ryu in the story i was so disappointed because that stinger is so much cooler without like foreshadowing but you have to assume that's where he got he just said hey you got some stages you got the droid stage the lp was worth it thank you thank you for letting me unlock my stages um go home everyone we're done here yeah [Music] dead parents you let him get away oh my god are you crying no it's just raining
Channel: Super Best Friends Definitive Compilations
Views: 10,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 55sec (4615 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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