TBFP Escape From Bug Island - The Definitive Compilation

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ah well after cthulhu you need to go with thousands of small insect cthulhus and it's do you know that a mosquito is basically an algae tour it's really true it's so true the option on is oh come on get some sometimes english yeah ooh japanese no i want bad english nuts so escape from playing we played it for like 30 minutes last year and it was just like what's the opposite of the other games that we're playing but still a horror game this one you know what [ __ ] this oh easy again to see if we can get through anything yeah it's true oh so i forget everything i forget oh so these two guys like want to railroad this one girl here yeah she's not having any of it because she's an independent woman she's like i don't care about no eiffel tower i don't even want to go wow so that boat just drops him off remember this guy he just waves a shotgun up everyone's [ __ ] huh this feels like disaster day of christmas so i'm just gonna shoot her what i don't know what you're talking about i don't know what you're talking about either so she's a bug like fan girl she goes nuts and she's look what she does she does this thing that you probably love if a girl did oh i remember this guys over here check this [ __ ] out that's the giantest scariest house centipede that's ever existed i got like michelle requires a lot of finesse yeah that means hand skills no she just likes bugs it's all you need if you're just into bugs i have a huge bug in my in my pants but it's not a bug then it's like a worm it's got tons of feelers [Music] and and i stalked this is super gross it's pretty bad i always get mad when like tails games certain tales games are really yeah no [ __ ] you're scared of giant bugs no it's great you missed the part where she said you gotta follow the necro notes also there's a weird filter on the screen now yeah it's gotta be no reason or books okay uh stop you right there he said he's not interested in michelle you can have her but then mike just [ __ ] caught no he's not interested but his penises his penis has a big bug face on the end of it [Music] also i love you i don't know maybe this is a cultural thing but the the part where you go up to somebody and say hey can you be my girlfriend you want to be my steady is that a thing still in japan maybe because you like every time i went out with a chick i knew we were dating because we would start making out and going on dates it was pretty obvious there was no like it was weird but yeah so the worst bug related thing ever happened to me i saw a spider on my ceiling right right up on the [ __ ] ceiling and i got out a big stick that i keep to kill bugs you can see it in the corner it's your old man bug stick um and i hit the spider and it fell down but i didn't kill it and it got away and it went into your mouth no are you sure maybe it did it's not it's not my fault i'm in love with her now she totally digs me because of my pecs and shopkins does not and my jean jacket with no sleeves like i can't afford sleeves yeah just dig that kind of stuff why is this what was me because you should have gone for it bro should have been like hey girl remember girls like confidence and no confidence at all they love it they love confidence followed by crippling self-doubt yep followed by bursts of weirdly inappropriate confidence you know what this flashlight's not even terrible oh there's a hatchet or something pick up hey what's this search it searching for bugs this resort was destroyed a tidal wave what's that [ __ ] place called in resident evil revelations oh [ __ ] you yeah you're super you wrote it you know yeah i wrote that book yeah the pickles the spinach the spinach girlfriend's allergic to mosquitoes why did you go to boiling island that's that's one of the stupidest yeah you hold a yeah to shoot or hit things that's right [ __ ] these two remember how they're working oh oh oh hey hey hey [ __ ] you come on i wanted to solve the problem yeah we could have solved the ball just leave these two to like [ __ ] and then get eaten by bugs yeah boy will your faces be red with bug bites and blood and blood all over you because you'll be murdered you're dumb make out faces thank you this uh wasn't that one of the ones that she just picked up yep they have huge teeth they have actual goddamn teeth oh i beat them you did that was the encounter really no oh okay no you're a sound effect oh [ __ ] this no shut up though oh god i completely forget this game in every part i forget what the hell this is you shut up though that's not a bug no it's a [ __ ] mutated piranha thing and they're all over the place because you know the the greatness it looks about to throw up no he just looks like i suppose ah waggle quick waggle trying to waggle he's he's not liking it wow you probably have to do something more than that because that's what really bad yeah rolly will do it it's the true way good job matt oh holy crap i beat it you didn't get your bonus conditions though oh no kill 50 centipedes [ __ ] you 50 50. that's more than that that's for people who are just running around going i'm killing the centipedes i'm doing the rotation fine rotate the set oh it's too late now yeah wow yep right off the bat so that's a female mantis you can tell yeah because it's being horrible yeah actually they're both female manesses because female mantises are way bigger than male mantises oh you learned the bugs in your presence [ __ ] now it is an act i was thinking about this coming all the way over here it is naturally interesting because yeah you're against bugs they're attracted to [ __ ] light they love it they love life oh god you're [ __ ] oh no good thing you're on easy good thing i'm just running away like that this guy would yeah run away well if i had a soul patch i'd run away from everything i run away from my responsibilities my family yeah you have a soul patch no the society expects nothing of you oh yeah i forgot it switches to tank controls when you go inside of course it does giant bugs just ate one of my friends after the sound of it they're still eating them then they're getting meat oh my gosh no don't do that i know i just wanted what incentive is there to ever turn the flashlight on ever well i think like certain things only get highlighted if you have it on um oh yeah the lamp or just can't offer these healing items can of lamp uh yes because literally all you have is uh is a health meter oh there's no stamina holy [ __ ] it's a it's a [ __ ] oh wow it's a generator that's some bad news hey you didn't have the flashlight on it's true you're not doing anything there now he's doing the b i i guess he's dead okay you're going to want to knock down that finish him that's awesome it didn't finish him holy [ __ ] okay now the music is gone oh no bug juice is that is that what you're supposed to do yeah it is you destroyed it the nest that makes no sense no that's fine what did i get oh no oh my god oh my god who would have thunk it that's brutal oh [ __ ] wait turn that [ __ ] off i did wow we've already passed to how far we got in the other video yeah we just stopped it and i can't believe we made so little progress in that other one oh cause we knew all right there you go yeah yeah yeah you lit it oh it's good now it's just like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] well that camera angle was not great because it gets to show like how the the the view distance just melts away holy [ __ ] yeah what is making that creepy noise probably grandma swamp what the hell there's scary noises coming from my toilet yes they usually are there's something big living here okay two stories tall listen to me when i tell her to pack sneakers the the the the serious the sincerity of how serious these people are taking the situation is low oh we got nerdo oh my god look at this girly glasses yeah what's up nerdo and hot chick yeah and you look terrified oh bugs i know right this is smack bugs can wear glasses now you just stand there like a deer in the end wow antagonism wow that's the most survival horror thing ever yeah say to another survivor no help swirly glasses you guys our big guy might be with yeah just like the the level of seriousness that they're giving to people getting eaten by giant bugs it's really low like they don't seem to care lucky i've got a damn pointy stick except i have a huge knife that knife is clearly you because we picked easy okay drop my bags probably got good stuff in it secret weapon it's probably like a calculator i don't have time for you or your secret weapons you'll never get out of your mind blood would be on your i'll wash my hands i think i figured out what what harry does part time aside from being an entomologist he's a drama queen right oh here's the key what they just kicked you out [ __ ] you guys later you'll figure out how to move that big rock with your metroid i'll get my bomb chews yeah bugs falling out of trees basically the worst huh what the hell oh no one got on your ass yeah no he's getting in there like grandma swam let's just scour this scary forest for a single person's bag oh oh oh wow look that's where i look at the big sparkling thing you think that you think wow i'm glad i yeah so it's it's yeah yeah it might be a secret weapon it's totally is insulin or bug spray or some [ __ ] insulin calculator calculate how much insulin you need all of it no that'll cause the reverse problem oh what the hell look at that big scary moth not a fan no it's a moth there it is turn your flashlight off how about yeah maybe it's safer now oh there's two glowing things oh i decided this game is too complicated unlock his bag this is the weirdest concept ever weapon holy shirt cool that kid it's a big muscle moon that's the coolest thing ever yeah insecticide yeah all right the idea that you're like oh that's whoa holy [ __ ] oh my god holy crap holy [ __ ] climb up i'm trying the prompt the prompt only appears when i have no one on me oh wow oh what chance do you have against that guy how do you bug how do you fight an enemy that thinks like that i don't know man that's impossible oh back to these idiots yeah what the hell why'd you leave the house that was great get ready for bug sex i guess holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this is called escape from bug island not skull island oh no oh what oh okay wow i thought there'd be a new cool guy and he'd be punched and cross counter the gorilla's punch so it said there was a giant creature and i should throw some [ __ ] at him yeah hit it in the face of the rock yeah that's it's brain is exposed wow ray you have huge balls bigger than ours i wonder how the [ __ ] what oh [ __ ] okay throw the rock quick i have the whole day then when i want to lock what i want to throw i have to press b and then throw yeah ask me his face i hit it oh what is that like pac-man music for yeah that was weird you got to get further away from him get some time yeah oh my god that's actually really scary where'd he go we go how the [ __ ] did we miss a thing this large there he is the tree was in the way oh no i'm too close oh geez oh geez man you can do it you can do it just throw it oh god throw the rock into his face quick quick oh god this is really awkward i bet it is whoa holy crap yeah yeah i see you doing it with the analog stick yeah yeah use that that's more more reliable that's what we've all learned thanks the wii remote that is pac-man's [ __ ] it is that is that i got power pellets that is absolutely ridiculous wow here's a good spot cool yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you [ __ ] off he's [ __ ] off you defeated him i thought no i didn't now he's covered in bugs what why because he decided that he loves it i guess oh he doesn't like it now as we all know the bug scene in the king kong remake is the most horrifying thing ever committed i've watched it i've never seen the movie but it's almost like you gotta watch the scene and i watched it i was like oh my god not great that's horrific good and they filmed that in peter jackson's backyard i got eaten by giant leeches that's rough poor andy circus yeah you had to play those leeches he had to play the only just eating himself yeah no rotate i did no you did god damn it back up to the top [Music] i'm playing i can i get to play the normal way yeah but it's on my console you get to use my games it's my game i don't want to have to go back through this yeah yeah i i can't be imagine the world in which you'll be like oh [ __ ] gotta go back walk wow they just all crowded oh you have to kill them why do they make harpy eagle noises because why not oh oh god that's really horrifying those look like exactly like the cockroaches that were in uh your old house yes in my old house yeah you know in terms of uh how many bugs have attacked either of us they're all living here no don't say this i'm sorry don't say these things you've given me the evidence i will cry i'm sorry i will cry if you tell me bugs are in here i don't like they don't even have to be in here they have to know your address what they have to ring you on your buzzer oh shut up see look wow this giant log just go through it nothing bad is going to happen in here i can't tell if that role is just for movies oh [ __ ] that what is it holy [ __ ] no they're giant pill bugs oh god they do blanket rolling attacks they're they're wheel skeletons jeez i didn't think the game would be throwing this many new enemy types at us all the time whoa whoa horrible beetle all right what are those i don't know they look horrible oh [ __ ] it's soft [ __ ] all you guys kind of stupid trap bug you guys are stupid [ __ ] is that anything that's a rock dude no i think it could be something that is a rock oh god i told you that might be useful see i told you it was a rock yeah and i was right it was a rock item what tank controls oh [ __ ] the worst do it they're like no matt go i'm trying you're gonna get attacked by enemies there you did it sickle [ __ ] yeah hot [ __ ] it's like a sickle like sickles aren't in nearly enough games it's not very applicable shut up well like why would you have like a little hand sickle because it's not it's life i don't know let's get out of here it's [ __ ] fun it's [ __ ] for reals in here like honestly because of the way the bugs work like you should honestly be looking mostly at the mini map yeah and not look at that that's what i've been doing and i've had like a much easier time like figuring out where to go because the mini map in this is just so look there's a little land bridge to your right yeah there you go damn good job oh it's a tree oh oh and he's like don't drop don't fall down i think they put like this difficult thing in this or not because i remember something about yeah oh geez oh my god oh boy you will never lo you will lose your balance if it hits yellow and it just hit yellow for no reason it might be easier if you put the bottom of it like on your leg right so it's a little steadier use it use it oh my god yeah yeah this is the trick i used to beat the mario galaxy uh [ __ ] monkey ball levels the mini map is all you need to navigate why just start freaking out thanks we were great god damn it we're only 45 minutes in if we get stuck here this is going to be the worst [ __ ] ever no it's not it's all ruined [ __ ] storm is ruined game over go home people jesus what the hell i can't believe it [ __ ] you like that that really looked like just the wii remote going crazy as they want to do hey thanks motion controls for ruining 10 years of video games pulsing red mushrooms freaked me out so he was and i have never felt better i then plowed my girlfriend no he found her hair clip there's a thing hanging in the tree i don't know why do it save the game yeah yeah but yeah i think bad motion control is the worst i know you did just heading off just keep heading north no bugs you find the no that ape is really starting to freak me out the mark oh man the door was over i was wondering how long it was gonna take you to find the door because it was super well hidden that's the hidden door it's like exactly the same color oh my god look at this holy [ __ ] good it's a giant tree for the giant bugs great what do we got now what do we got now what do we got now please tell me it's like oh oh hey do you need the gun for that you probably need a gun for that i don't know how to throw the [ __ ] yeah see if you can throw something he's gonna be looking at willie's butthole isn't he it's true oh it is lily's butthole that's a cockroach nobody likes cockroaches giant heavy do you see a cockroach basically just burn everything oh [ __ ] it's even worse it's got spikes and stuff looks like a [ __ ] metroid man well that's all metroid enemies what what do you what just just run don't fight it it's a giant bug you'll never defeat it oh wow these guys hit like trucks bugs hit like trucks it's true yeah there there there that's the way this will be the way wow there are there's bugs everywhere on this island i can't believe how many bugs there are on this [ __ ] bug wow and they're burying them up like you just ran for like five types oh geez you bugs yeah you have to cut way faster i'm trying at least someone took some damage somebody took some big damage oh [ __ ] yeah cut cut cut oh wow it feels like yeah yeah more more more this is so awful cut the [ __ ] vines oh my god like if there was a meter god that said like oh oh [ __ ] you just unlocked all of them i lock all the vines i'm assuming this is the way to go you know well you're getting a cutscene you're getting a cutscene yeah get a bat oh well we didn't we didn't get the bat well i have a [ __ ] sickle like yeah that's probably super strong though [ __ ] oh the hell is that red marker i don't know it appears sometimes like it's like look behind you get this [ __ ] gorilla yeah no don't fight him all right don't fight him it takes too long take so long let's see if you can just outrun him man that's a good dodge roll well let's just head towards the bridge matt you should play dark souls load up yeah he can't he can't follow you that way but i'm afraid he might like destroy the bridge oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you crawford flies what did your flashlight turn on the [ __ ] is that it's a frog oh god it's horrible they'll bug you slightly less yeah don't bug me slightly less you get it no you get it because they're bugs i should probably ah my bottle that's not a bug yeah don't turn around yeah but the the yellow yeah but there's that's all i'm afraid i missed it though that's what i mean the mini map i know it's your just look at the mini man it's my only friend you guys [ __ ] doing over there they're eating chum oh [ __ ] yeah you're supposed yeah yeah you could find him or you could run away i assume he's nemesis yeah he's basically a nemesis this is a great camera view i feel like i'm playing a sonic game but this works this was not a good idea to put that camera view in where you can just clip through the guy oh yeah [ __ ] oh it moved it did shut up yeah hell yeah that was awesome i think how do i get on it have i got on into it yeah i'm already on it now you have done it jeez oh watch out there's no stupid oh your flashlight's still on those frogs are awesome though take all my friends because dad came over man i feel bad but we weren't that close there's this weird [ __ ] did we write this but then that that thing started chasing me so yeah you're going to be looking for a safe and a pile of maggots there you go you got it yeah no that's a new one just roll at it that'll teach you i really want to kill it i think i'm getting money i think you're getting some kind of weird bug money bug box yeah oh there they are oh yeah that's awesome that's not bad anyway i think it's because i was like in between the doorways run yeah that thing's tough i think i should probably kill it just in case they seem to run away when you do that when you do the oh my god the fish are jumping out too yeah just get on it all right nice the thing we're just so my god yeah yeah those fish are bastards oh i waited good job matt good job i saw his clever scheme you're clutch at bug island gambit it just never stopped rolling i know but the role isn't fun like it's so slow well it's not like links with this one you know what you're not wrong but yeah this is the pile of maggots he's talking about god there's so much [ __ ] oh my god it's probably just start swinging it random yeah there it is there it is it was in a box that's the pilot you lost it in a box in the safe key all right spiders spiders you know this may sound yeah wow look at him go i expected the spiders to be bigger don't say that i thought that's not a door that is a door oh my god you're so frightened freaking out oh [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa whoa there's nowhere near it you're nowhere near it i know i'm just trying to swipe at random something leaking from the trees it has a sweet taste it's flowing bugs love it and they like they go right for it oh a distraction item i'm just wondering if my girlfriend is alive and if so if it's worth it [Applause] i keep seeing gross stuff i'm not sure this is worth it yeah find that safe it's probably in here there it is sticky taste the [ __ ] was that did you hear that more of them attacked you quick light up this thing and save this horrible spider room that is a horrible spider room the top one the top one let's do it someone i can't believe after all this time you still don't know the magic of sabrina because i've never been in a situation where i needed it hey wow another person that's probably michelle i'm sure mike's shooting her to death that's probably what just happened wow oh my god yeah there's the big spider i thought it's not even a spider that's a spider dude yeah what i mean is that like it's a monster spider like it's not like oh [ __ ] like i'm gonna give [ __ ] save you i like how she's all like jacked up because like all the fighting they've clearly been doing yeah she's jacked up from it go go go ah [ __ ] you stupid gorillas i hate these gorillas their music's good but yeah that's um you guys know they disappear the monster so you don't turn and watch him trying to finish oh my god that was amazing oh [ __ ] locusts wow that they do so much damage wait who the hell is that uh mysterious character probably from the group from before also why didn't uh the spider attack her maybe uh that he turned into the man you see that [ __ ] cutscene and then cutscene these are the exploding bugs yep already out of date that is deadly premonition levels that's so good none of the other ones are quite as good as the honey yeah already out of date why just [ __ ] kill myself then buy out out of date honey that's probably really bad so just give it to warrior he'll eat it i will never let him forget the phrase i eat expired food all the time and i know now it's true like you're not you're not joking here it's trying to be a cool banjo it's true that like a lot of expiration dates on certain foods are like a little chocolate just to be safe yeah but like [ __ ] cheesecake that's three days old it's been sitting out in the the hot sun and then i would spit on every night before i went to bed yeah and your spit heats things up it's true wow wow i was kind of [ __ ] there a little bit let's just move on and not talk about it i think they would explode with like a fire like an explosion because they're firing ant fires oh [ __ ] run yes don't stop running they're actually oh here you go here you go i got to put the honey on this [ __ ] yeah i just oh oh my god let's let's oh [ __ ] let's do that now [ __ ] you maybe i should eat something yeah yeah you should eat something all these bugs floating have some spinach have some spinach it's good for you [Applause] you know back in the war back in the war they were like you know papa i love spinach pop i love spinach that's because there's a whole [ __ ] place that you buy your nutrients and protein powder called popeyes yeah so um popeye loves spinach because spinach has lots of iron in it right it's true and it makes you strong um so all of wow kill one giant gorilla oh my god 20 ant bombs that's not that can't be true no it's true i can't believe the gorillas are a constant threat like there's multiple there are many kids because of the war meat's kind of scarce so here's spinach because then that'll be your iron right it'll be like eating meat and they pushed it really really really really hard but that's because of a typo like whoa when the when the american food associate or whoever you know is in charge of like figuring out what's in food they actually just [ __ ] up and put the decimal point two spaces over from where it's supposed to be spinach has no more iron in it than anything else search it oh we haven't tried the insecticide yet it's noted for ants this is in the hand equip it all right let's try this bug spray i don't think it'll work i don't think it'll work either oh what's that yeah what's this little dingle bear here spread honey wow [ __ ] this you rubbed the honey on this tree quick get away from it away are they going right for you now yeah they're going for that no way maybe you can pick them up maybe i can throw rocks maybe you can pick them up maybe i can pick them up it doesn't look like that actually doesn't look like you can pick them up maybe i'll throw a rock at them maybe you can throw a rock at them well and the honey's gone now spread honey nice red honey try eating with a stick okay like poorly okay you all knew that was gonna happen the honey's gone again spread body insecticide yeah insecticide yeah ant bomb let's get some more shall we [ __ ] you it finished eating the honey quick pick that one up no it was spreading my money god damn it [Laughter] pick it up pick it up pick it up you have to equip it yes i have to equip this [ __ ] weird quick this is so exciting [Music] terrible quick throw throw it quick what awesome like we don't know no one's ever played this game this far no one even the testers what the hell that again and then it updates that i got two of the ant bombs that's weirdly good is it because i don't think that screen should ever play again no but the fact that you can if you miss getting the pipe and you can do the requirements again for whatever bonuses i'm not saying it's like that to me that makes it seem like they never intended anyone to ever ever go back ever no no no oh that was clutch oh no you're dead nope you're dead matt oh i dodged it yeah but he he blew up all the ants you had you had gotten oh i got two yeah yeah at the floor i know i know dude but remember just shoot it's hold a then hold b it's a little no it's great and let's see that one i'm gonna go back to the honey yeah let's let's go back to that honey seems like a safe ride seems like a safer option spread that pooper all over that i said that wrong yeah did you get it wrong did you though make sure that i don't wait too long because then it eats the honey oh we got new ones but from where behind you no it's an orange hey look it's an orange yeah it's an orange you should probably pick it up or is that literally it i see oh [ __ ] god damn it [ __ ] this place we're gonna go back get that orange i'm getting it matt i'm [ __ ] convinced that you need to kill that all right let's try it ant bombs heal up well [ __ ] cause you're getting all [ __ ] up i feel convinced that you can kill this thing [Music] yes wow and it took a shitload of damage that's fine all right what do we got what do we got what do we got the fish are gonna just jump out and just [ __ ] chomp on me this is the shittiest bridge ever what the [ __ ] oh wow there we go there she's still hanging there yeah fight fight no you're gonna have to fight that giant one you don't want these guys behind you yeah you did it fight fight fight fight he's using the dice roll a little too much yeah a little too much i think that's all he has you should have done the tutorial oh i've progressed this far oh oh what's gonna happen oh what you're gonna have to throw [ __ ] at it so kill all these guys oh my god you're almost dead hey you don't have any throwing items equipped oh except do it it's right in his face yeah oh [ __ ] you you're staying here like what oh oh wow you're right he is totally still there how did this oh [ __ ] mike [ __ ] eats it take that that's quite a death death howl yeah good i would call that found oh i think it's my girlfriend she recognized me right off the bat and was like oh [ __ ] this glad she's alive she probably won't let me use her phone what is going on outside i don't know but it's a [ __ ] party bug island is oh jesus oh course you're rough yeah what do we got bagpills so it's basically breasts basically uh ladies breasts holy wow wow listen i did not expect lizard people just [ __ ] [ __ ] this oh they're faster than you oh [ __ ] do you have like quick time events in this it's unclear you killed one wow bb i'm pressing it i think like i can't press it i think that's what that is oh my god oh you're dead when the mosquitoes holy [ __ ] insecticide oh wow wow right here you know what mine's back up a little bit it's a little bit oh wow that's spooky get ready get ready get ready damn oh that they turn into mosquitoes okay so when you kill one you have to get away from it okay i just was able to yeah just barely oh wow okay this note better be about lizard blue it better be about wizard woman enough is enough unfortunately it didn't go over so well when i tried to break it off so i was forced to hit her in the face with a bag of sand call me callous but i can't envision spending the rest of my life with a woman who eats bugs what is the bug crystals for don't don't worry about that when you find the amazon what are you buying lady yeah with the amazon shop she can only speak holy [ __ ] she can only speak like molina i love how the bugs scream for no reason go i hear spooky scary music oh my god wow you're not doing that you're not moving at all oh my god there i think you got it this game is a liar sorry the wii remote is a liar that's why i really love this so much that's why he loves it all right what do we got in here there's another character that was weird hey it's you again wow she's dead so yeah these these ladies get [ __ ] owned by guns hey it's this dude hey what's up this dude robert so were you not going to save that woman if you found out he was your girlfriend wait what where did that happen somewhere i guess it updated my map i guess it did something enormous it's under the same man i think i should just turn around and head back just get the spice oh no then i have to face my axe and i don't want to do that [ __ ] so i'll take my chances with the sand monster at times like this i wish i had used all of my grenades [ __ ] you get past that [ __ ] oh no oh my god this is [ __ ] crazy it's a little it's getting it's it escalated yeah it really got out of hand uh yeah if you go left you can get up see look you're on a path it's really oh jeez that's why i just use the mini just use the mini map never use anything other than this don't look at the screen don't look at the expiration date it feels like you going in with it oh god that that's lies you did it perfect i'm looking at you not moving at all ah yeah this [ __ ] is a liar what do you got what do you got that's a key bam drunky oh my god oh gee oh just go just going piece of [ __ ] this [ __ ] is a liar yeah now back to the bottom we open up that trunk what the [ __ ] was that don't worry about it i've always wanted one of these yeah holy [ __ ] and a part of the porn key all right yeah okay [ __ ] all your other melee weapons man machete is just it's so good it's so good because it's still like an exotic rare thing just in case let's just check out the sick combos i'll get yeah let's try it yeah exactly the same as all the other ones all right let's test this [ __ ] out yeah holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this thing kicks ass it's a machete all right let's save this game it's probably gonna let us save right up through and go through the door but why not yeah probably no no no yeah you're not did it are you doing that on purpose yeah god damn it barn key let's go to the milk barn stop why are you just antagonizing me all the time it's not hard oh [ __ ] oh yeah this is great wow get to that area oh [ __ ] why does it do that it's gonna be a boss fight it's gonna be a boss fight or is it gonna run over i'll run away from the raboids oh my god you're gonna be sorry if you don't give him a name and it's got the sound effect of the graboids okay get out yeah don't fight this thing by the way this was clearly what the noise was oh he's just got grenades and grenades do nothing well it makes it go away i remember that really annoying section remember that known section of darksiders won these [ __ ] sand monsters that insta kill you in a big sandy pit i don't remember almost anything from dark side well lynn's dead oh she got bodied oh i guess they're dead now keep going oh it's done the monster is sated i guess yeah you killed ah you got purple fragment what the [ __ ] 180 purple fragments yeah what no don't worry about that so i looked up we talked about it we talked about this so we i looked up on howtobeat.com how long to be how long does it take to beat the escape eye from the bug island and so we're entering uncharted territory oh [ __ ] motion controls i forgot we have no idea the puzzle of that that's dark as [ __ ] well cutscene oh my god this game what is this oh my god oh my god that is so much worse the most berserk [ __ ] i've ever seen you know what [ __ ] it [ __ ] it no no oh god oh he said he's not letting it happen no just run ah [ __ ] this [ __ ] berserk monster i can't believe this is horrible here's how you make a berserk monster you design a monster and put a human face on it you know what are you stupid where do you put that face not really important yeah it doesn't matter oh there's spiders in here berserk monster teaming up with us should i just try to kill this yeah he's gonna keep bothering you yeah oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] holy this isn't going well you need you need to have a united offense oh my god yeah trying to fight him now you know what maybe there's no spiders oh there's spiders immediately yeah okay oh god uh this way well is there any glowing bit on the on the entire map no because we're in a cave no one's this is cave is uncharted these are whoa oh my god they make a sad dog noise that's and they follow their big tummies they're look adorables now these these are way more disturbing than i think this game would ever have god and this reminds me of the oh what's up lizard yeah no you're not you're no big deal with me yeah you're no big deal in my machete yeah instant busting kills all right yeah i'm gonna go down here let's go deeper just go deeper into this lizard lady holes what why didn't we [ __ ] look up what these crystal bug bucks do i don't know that's kind of weird there's no menu full well look over we'll look up like how long it takes to beat the game and get nothing but like what are the what are these stupid upgrade bugs for oh oh oh get away from those get away from them they're like the strongest most powerful thing in the entire game i'm gonna write mushrooms i better take it you're gonna die nice thank you e-remote thanks for letting me know [ __ ] game over i'll just i'll wait for you to come to me excuse me excuse me yeah give it to him so this is stupid that first swing has the longest reach yeah that's that's how you know it reminds me of that op knife that we got in what homecoming yeah [ __ ] never would have finished lp without it the knife is super good all right just have to go all the way back yeah we're gonna have to explore all of these paths until you find a way this is a [ __ ] mess oh god no no not this way at least you're facing him now yeah you know what i will get hit by that if i can bam nailed it oh this stupid fly [ __ ] we don't do any damage this is annoying might as well take the controller away from me for five seconds oh nuts is that i'll get rid of him god damn it okay i'm just gonna stand here you know what i make fun of you for being as scared as bugs as you are yeah but if i was on this island with you i wouldn't be any tougher no cause they're giant plus there's [ __ ] monster faced berserkman the rules are off yeah there's no rules here yeah this is another [ __ ] dead end oh wait that looks impo what would you get barbed wire wow we're gonna have a [ __ ] match with mick foley i'm just gonna [ __ ] roll that's a bonus oh [ __ ] you're gonna die he'll he'll heal mosquitoes oh wait wait wait wait what use the red pulsing mushroom you know what you were right look strange yeah invincible i think no you're not i didn't i think it increased your health yet increased your health see what it is i love how it's trying to it's a mystery what do you got amazing every time i'm like ah this game and then i go ah this game yeah this it's got it's got it's got some balls it's got new stuff around every corner it doesn't know what those balls are for oh yeah it doesn't know what the balls are for but it knows it has them okay now what you think you know what this way wow i've never seen a game do so well at telling me which way to go let's see how far he chases you for oh he's going to chase you the whole time oh no no this is good this is good i love it i love it i love the challenge you take damage no no it's fine that noise is the worst you want to do the side swipe gun i don't know how the [ __ ] you do the different ones i don't know i assume just swing into the up and down one is really bad oh my god this cave is nuts this game is pretty much actually this is lead to 2k oh yeah you did it yeah yeah cave to the peak k-9 men bug island filled with lizard women and canine men yeah so much like like did you think that we'd be visiting evil temples on escape from bug island yes i don't think you did i thought i don't think that was very honest i think i'm being extremely honest right now is that a door to your left that big huge thing was that i assume so but i just wanted to oh okay oh okay let's see if it's a door let's see if a prompt appears at the very least open okay exit now open oh man that was a bad idea okay this is too much this is too much let's backtrack go inside that room well first let's check out this giant satan thing giant satan thing look at this on the floor yeah look at it big satan thing satan's sports logo go beelzebubs yeah yeah i'd root for that team i don't care how bad people got [Laughter] looks like you can set something up thank you resident evil okay yeah let's explore that that room that room that i washed out of yeah that's correct you can kill all that stuff with your awesome machete i suppose [Music] oh there's clearly a key item right there yeah i'll just grab it jesus room is crazy i can't get it no you're gonna have to kill them i guess [Music] i can't believe they make eagle noises sometimes you have to i can't believe they made eagle noises that is the stupidest thing ever there you go yeah oh [ __ ] what a [ __ ] yeah oh my gosh blood you mean bug juice oh yeah you have to pick it up from the hilt yeah now our larping okay okay [Music] yeah yeah i i guess i want to swing this [ __ ] what a weird thing i want to see you swing this big bad ass thing that's not it oh yeah you want to keep this yeah i guess oh god this is all purple gas now it's purple gas i can't even say it's fart the fart variety i'd be [ __ ] worried if that was coming out of your butt oh wow that's really strong yes go sure sure sure i don't think no this isn't working you have to kill all them yeah yeah that was weird yeah the game's not very good man how the [ __ ] do you actually attack in this game i think it's up and down because left and right like oh you just not hold a button and then attack you know it is hold a button i'm holding b okay because if i i just swipe i just do the [ __ ] jesus christ that's not great you know why you see only motion controls i don't like motion controls when they're done poorly like this is yeah and it's very rare when a developer is like you know what let's how about we think about this more than not at all i think i think the the game that that turned me off on motion controls forever pretty much was okami yeah because they had the nunchuck have the dodge it should have been good and it makes it like impossible uh couple that with the idea of do that as well as learn japanese yeah ready at dawn we're pretty much [ __ ] on that no matter what absolutely but it's like by the people you know anytime like i should buy the psn version i never did it's godlike it's on psn yeah it runs at 1440p that's that's that's [ __ ] good it's downscaling it heck yeah it's just a sandbag [ __ ] all right now i've got the rocks good i will do it throw those rocks throw it at their nests until their nest dogs [ __ ] your home [ __ ] it really look like you're jerking off now right i'm giving you an extreme home makeover yeah good what mystic plate okay thank you because remember i i figured there might be something why was it flashing because you got the lighter from the last one remember no but why why it's a it's a lighting it's just a bad lighting right now okay fair enough no back back you passed it no no oh wow yeah it was that door that we went past old set plate yeah there you go set the mysterious plate in there in there looks like it unlocked all right what do we got what do we got what do we got what do we got to like a black thing what we got oh a cutscene yeah that's my reward yo it's my girl i forget her name michelle no jessica i thought i thought it was michelle you're probably let's find out yeah watch this do you really think it's jessica [ __ ] that's the worst that's hilarious i'm really glad why would you run outside why would you do that she didn't know where that door was gonna lead come on go into that mystical butthole door uh oh now if i know king kong he'll just grab you and want to like you know idolize you because you're like a lady type no he just wants to punch it oh he punched the way open to the oh man what a stupid monkey idiot yay idiot i like the the red vignetting on his eyes like the after images like live it's like one that you give to evil night vision people exactly or everyone in vampire reign that's right a lot of people ask that you should play vampire in the [ __ ] storm and i was like [ __ ] yeah we shouldn't no well that cutscene was weird this seems like an important room though that has nothing that's in the temple that's really weird that's not great check your map maybe something changed because if she wrote there's two more shinies now no those were always there man but what i got one of them they were always there it's true oh look that that was not there that's new there's something here light yeah it's a save point say point that's good enough no there's a note oh wow found a key calm down strange to have come this far for what i shouldn't dwell it's not as if i can change it besides in some ways i'm probably better better off there's weird noises outside does it be the person if so then perhaps i can make my escape from bug [Music] bet yeah there he is uh i bet you can ignore him oh that means michelle was in one of those rooms right there you go norm you're totally right yeah thanks michelle i'm really glad you don't say these lies yeah yeah what okay what i guess we're the hero of time now don't blow out the mic there jeez so on the back of the box yeah we didn't talk about this yeah so in the back of the box matt's reading it's like enjoying the escape from bug island with such cool things as giant evil bugs and time travel and i look at the bed of the box i'm like hey there's something in the back of the box that you won't believe you're like no saving shut up yeah yeah it's michelle nailed it the necro notes let's read it there's a bookmark i'm going to would pay the calendar time the island of bielsa the constant volcanic activity has created a complex chain of caves yeah i know the flow of molten and the strong conductivity creates weird magnet stuff right magnetics that's why the bugs are super huge but also it causes time warps scientists theorize that this is [ __ ] bro oh [ __ ] please please let me do this in a cutscene yeah oh dude oh what was that that was a rock what oh my god i thought it was controlling it for a second no you're gonna have to do it oh this camera angle yeah yeah there it is yeah it'd be useful [Music] wow okay that good times ahead the cave oh that is that was a dead end okay great so let's do it let's explore the cave of time oh god matt no right that you you just turned around yeah but left can't go left look at the map that didn't look like it was anything always look at the map damn it always damn it [ __ ] remember wooly wears those big bibs for everything oh yeah obviously oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you guys it's go time now ah i'm almost oh you finally did it you finally did it i'm the one that saved you i better carefully slash wow you're careful i think where do you go wow i don't know how they're getting hit yeah yeah it's a bonus objective appeared that's a bonus i think so that's weird are you [ __ ] amazing oh no she's bug juice i think how do you like bugs now did you scare me no i did not weird because it looked like you did i do not press anybody okay yeah i did come to save you i'm not sure what these few moves are god damn it god damn it get the [ __ ] out i'm sorry i plan to come back sooner no [ __ ] you saw that i'm sure he's fine what yeah you're right we have to go no we don't look for mike i'm done with that guy blocking my my god we're gonna go back in time to say [ __ ] mike yeah that sounds kind of dumb yeah it does sound kind of [ __ ] dumb you're gonna save everyone you could everyone that's died we can save them you could try being a little more open-minded i just said for joining your bugs so you could be a little nicer these guys are gonna have the most successful marriage i'm sorry because we went through the toughest times right at the start here take this make it back to camp you might need it michelle's bag key what mike yeah i know yeah i was there mike that [ __ ] prick no no he wasn't do you really think mike oh no oh [ __ ] just shut up i'm your crush now i have taken his place like you can't get too far ahead or else you'll go hey my baby my baby you gotta save my baby a baby oh my god this is the use the lance it's super wide [ __ ] i that i try to go for equipment what are you willing playing dark souls yeah and all right have you watched any of that that [ __ ] goes to the item tab every time i remember i i say to someone he goes every time every time i'm gonna kill him yeah just whacking him over the head with the lance hey bonus objectives oh my god it's the [ __ ] cave of the time yeah it's being on the event horizon yeah it's just like that get the hell out of here that's exactly what it is get the hell out of here fine let's just jump into this stupid cave let's just do it yeah you will be sucked what what do i do what like this is where i came from oh okay what was the objective i don't know like oh wait a cutscene is triggered oh okay that's what it is you'll get oh that's the loading screen symbol oh it's it's true it's damn true oh look you're getting in there yeah you're in there now what well he protected her what a cool guy i don't believe him so what's this now oh wow oh oh that's what that is what what's that now that's no good i don't know what that is oh wow it [ __ ] [ __ ] launched me that's gross can't you really see what this is that's that makes it so much worse yeah it's not oh my god strong too strong michelle's dead michelle michelle i can do it it looks like a giant queen that's like built into the ground oh my god i'm on the edge of time you're out of time there's no time left oh no who would have thought who to thunk it just wait end it all right let's roll off just rolling start off so is this the kind of time travel where you see yourself in the past because that's the coolest who knows ray's basically uh some type of time cop yeah come on come on come on jump in the right oh yeah well just let the the [ __ ] rock body you into time so where do you think you're going to end up start of the game you got all of them you did all of it you're super good at it you're super i don't know what i got yeah whoa you're just back here but you have the items and things that you and the knowledge and they're gonna be like where'd you get that machete bro yeah huh oh i can write the mistakes you can write the mistakes i can [ __ ] [ __ ] block his conquerors [ __ ] blocks my car with my [ __ ] yeah this is probably the most advantageous form of time where you just go back to where you were with the knowledge of the future and plus with the ability to maybe get some probably dreaming about bugs what a loser maybe zoom out a girl that's why he would be screaming shut up i don't want to talk about it why are you guys joking about this thing that you came to the island to see okay don't be silly mike there's no such thing except for the one i held all right don't look at me please no i'm gonna hide yeah what thing were you talking about i don't know oh stuff oh my god still with the shotgun many of your business stuff did you guys make out while you were blacked out back off back yeah what is that gunshot noise that he just shot the gun by accident and no one owned and the nightmare continues can we go for a walk why mike why okay wow yeah no even if you try and change things like events have this way of worming their way past this can't be happening again so let's go look through her stuff yeah just just rifle through things yeah our guy's a [ __ ] bag anyway he's wearing sandals yeah he's probably got socks on too can't see they're probably flesh-covered socks oh yeah oh oh all right they're not back yeah i know i can't believe it i only dreamed this why does one have to come true i guess i'll just let them be what no no i should go fight [ __ ] that there's my legs yeah what do we got this is the gun gun gun gun good good good good you've been locked a good that mike made michelle carrie handgun okay pocket light oh my god guns controls i bet it works exactly the same way as throwing rocks it's one of those can't be worn on chest yeah oh my god super good you're badass now [ __ ] that gun now you have that gun so now you're gonna be able to cross through areas that you weren't able to cross through before oh yeah now do the whole game over i'll do it better so and change history with your new badass skills yeah but then it's like no oh some weird coincidence will occur the course stay the course i think that's a movie so remember how i taught it that's a that's a plot line in in jojo at some point actually cool that's that's a guy's stan power remember i talked about it that i love how that's almost like a mini meme it's pac going there's a stand like that just as good [ __ ] you oh my god get out of here with that [ __ ] get out of here there's a stand like that yeah there's always a stand like where someone just shoots fish at you anybody who's not scared of a few spoilers you can follow the the tumblr called out of context jojo oh my god it just posts a single page or panel have you talked about this before maybe oh that's awesome never heard of that because there's one where it's just a guy and he pulls out a sheet of paper and he opens it up and a a picture of ramen falls out onto the floor yeah and then the ramen spills out of it wow and he goes delicious and or some [ __ ] like that and you're like oh and then you get to that part and it's just as weird english this time yeah nerd that's easier said okay yeah we've time traveled it's you oh my god the whole plot is going to be around like getting duplicate items and and combining them yeah for maximum efficiency yeah larger than people yeah i get we did this guys it is just like your dream you guys seen looper that being said this is a really um this is a very obvious way to pad out the length of the game a little obvious because that means we've actually seen the entire game right well there's some past we didn't go down but sure yeah but we see 99 of the game and it's just gonna make us do it again that's that that's like an old oh now we're getting new information her fiance is missing oh that guy yeah fed up and ran away he hates you switched your halberd man it's called a lance but [ __ ] that it's a halberd i know what a halberd looks like what's that girl in nose uh hildy hildy that's a spear man yeah well it's still the same no it's a completely different thing it's just different junk on the end of a stick yeah but that that's like a knife and a sword are the same things just the ones longer yeah you're right i'm sorry oh no you're gonna have to fight them wow you were just wow you were just tearing through these [ __ ] and it's five one two three four five oh it's four even now oh my god i did really well you are solving the problem here holy [ __ ] oh no it's you again oh [ __ ] this is different this is very different does that count i see blood shooting at his face you're right i see blood also but apparently not maybe yeah maybe he needs to be better wow he's really getting shook legit shook wow oh i needed to get him in front of him no or that was the last one really you think okay harry didn't die until earl way later oh he's good he's alive wait and you didn't kill this gorilla he ran away damn it what's going on the timeline is splitting i did it got away i was amazing yeah it was you [ __ ] you harry potter zoo harry how'd you pull that off shut up you don't need to know it fell down into a pile of booze get out of here that's so crazy get out of here shit's great that's how i got rid of it i have to go find my pals you made all these weird bikes right ray expo you just were in a cave that had time travel powers that was clearly manipulating the bugs don't worry it's freak evolution it's nothing special oh isn't that very special it's the most special thing that's ever happened time for that we got to save the earth yeah no the earth needs to be safe no we're not actually trying to escape from bug island we're just running around like [ __ ] we're gonna save her and then escape oh check your map right away yeah oh god see an area right there [ __ ] this thing wow get all the way up there and there that is for this land see if you can turn right now you weren't able to sing song no no right that's where i was headed yeah i thought you meant like turn right from where yeah right right right right right do you forget left and right no god damn it man what is wrong with you i say turn right you do a 180. i'm thinking left now there that wasn't really right that was straight forward okay no it wasn't no i thought you could you could go through it this time no you can't i'm glad i did that you were so bad with directions we gotta figure out a system well i don't mind if your direction's actually led to now it's right now it's right now you've just gone back to where are you talking about the when are you referring to the mini map or your character i'm referring to the mini map okay i'm referring to your character because you've been talking about the mini map the entire time yeah but when you turn around and stuff it's always in relation to the character because you said to stop looking at the screen damn it i didn't think you actually did it uh you're right turn that [ __ ] flashlight off [ __ ] sake no it doesn't help but i like like it looks nice no it doesn't yeah maybe you're right it doesn't look gross i'm like naomi doesn't look nice at all and enemies attack you way more often it's not worth it at all to ever keep it on if i do this it'll be like a good compromise no yeah that's what people love for [ __ ] sake man i feel like the the categorization people have given certain bugs is really weird like crickets horrifying spiders the worst thing ever scorpions get out of my face right it's true caterpillars and butterflies beautiful moths ew ew a moth is just an ugly butterfly it's just an ugly butterfly cereal color is used like don't look too closely at what's the not wing part of the butterfly wait don't look at it [ __ ] said i can't believe oh my god i'm swiping at bugs with a [ __ ] lance yeah well this is this is what we wanted it's what we asked for this is what you asked for the viewer did anyone actually ask for bug island yeah because when people saw the the the stupidity of the flashlight you gotta play more of this yeah we have to i'm getting to be about [ __ ] done with it though now that it's right it's like straight up like just do the whole game over let's do it like really what do we got yeah yeah that's awesome turn that tarp over why'd you be mike come on mike no way it can be mike turn over the tarp what is it it's a bat oh remember we never found the bat all right why i love that as bloodstained though you wrap the bat with barbed wire oh my god you made a barbed wire bat should i change to that yes you should holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this game is awesome [ __ ] is this big holy [ __ ] that means if you're using the bat and then you fall on that barbed wire you're like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh man it's amazing you use that bat use it oh [ __ ] you i got this barbed wire bat have you [ __ ] insects seen this [ __ ] before you guys have never seen this [ __ ] the barbed wire bad is like the ultimate proof that this game came from japan because no one yeah yeah i have no idea if this game is good like is it i don't think it is i don't think it is but there's evidence we seem to have had a lot of fun playing it and there seems to be cool stuff in it a lot more fun than we should have all right there it is you're too far away oh no you're not i just go back the [ __ ] down i guess i don't know where the [ __ ] that is sure well let's go explore i'm hoping yeah yeah it is yeah yeah you're so good what is it everyone's proud grenade what that'll remember that'll let you fight that monster but can't that guy just do the same thing again no he died doing that now you're not doing it goddamn yeah [ __ ] you no no time keep going yeah you're here i bet that bug's really embarrassed it's unclear we're gonna have to keep going all right oh wow all right that makes me a little nervous it's a bear grylls [ __ ] right there what the hell is that oh stick my head in there yeah there's something in the garbage just shove your hand in there yeah put your hand in the garbage do it put your hand in that garbage deep into the woolly hole prime do it that is the loudest that is the loudest squish noise i've ever heard i i hope it's a squish noise what did you get oh nothing it just hurt you what it just hurt you oh there's another item right there but there is an area there's another item you mean right there yeah right there oh there's another and there's also stuff flashing on the map yeah quick shove your hand in there there might be something strange because there was a yellow light that said there was something strange when i put my hands inside this woolly butthole nothing happens it's just a bug butthole with ooze and stuff don't worry about it what do you got [ __ ] nothing rusted key [ __ ] you that's not nothing take that lady kill this [ __ ] moth oh [ __ ] i'm more ladies made out of purple fragments thank you i can't believe they like there's still no explanation for these amazon women they're not amazon though they are called amazon i'm not saying that you're wrong in calling them amazon i'm saying that the game is wrong that's where you came from i know i just wanted to kill him okay i feel like this game really goes to [ __ ] in its second half didn't really start all that strong you know finger thing means the taxes i know this sounds weird sticking your hands in weird places i really like sticking my hand into weird places like holes and rocks or deads and garbage i decide things in spots like these maybe it's bad i don't know it's a bad idea to but for some reason i can't stop myself oh well [Music] oh god oh look rusted key well that worked out perfectly worked out super good what the [ __ ] it's a cot bam molotov cocktail oh i know what it is you go down [Music] so you see that path there that was filled in remember yeah i think that's where that horrible monster nest was that we couldn't get past before we went over the bridge molotov cocktail would do it that way it's like remember he said i can't just oh wait maybe you can push that oh it's a new note i just found some explosive don't know why anyone would leave explosives here but then again i'm not complaining oh look oh good job bug island you're doing it it's right there okay so you just throw it at it [ __ ] this metroid boss that is a metroid boss baby all right so you got plenty to just douse this [ __ ] wow yeah what i mean no it's gonna it'll be a cut scene here eat [ __ ] [ __ ] moth lords how do you like men encroaching on your environment wait this is where mike died right uh he died he fell off the cliff like at the bridge you're about to go to right i guess so but you're saying are you there before him now uh it's unclear oh there's a briefcase there oh remember we came here before but you couldn't open it but maybe you have a key now jesus christ right get out of my face right you still don't know the combination all right all right so now i have go time shoot him with the gun like what the molotovs just because right now i have the molotov just burn the whole [ __ ] bridge down right off yeah kill it shoot it shoot that [ __ ] no and it's ass no it was in his face before remember oh i just figured it'd be his ass yeah oh it doesn't seem to matter where just shoot him maybe the molotov seriously i have a feeling yeah just go hey i fee i'm feeling i would do tons oh you just go oh just go what happened to mike [ __ ] him sure um no but look i can't just leave what he's there somehow he's not there i got turned around okay you can't just leave he's right there i see his arm you do where are you blind no it's right there you can't see it in this camera angle but oh [ __ ] okay well throw a molotov at that [ __ ] let me kill this [ __ ] spider oh he is right there yeah yeah no you have to kill the the spider first for sure see no it does tons of damage over time stop shooting it stop shooting it let let the fire burn right and it's wow that's a tough ass point yeah it is oh wait wait wait what look at that big gross thing to the right throw all this all the time you're right wow [ __ ] your house spider [ __ ] yo house spider [ __ ] yo house seriously wow oh he's pretty fast wow i bet he's super pissed off now i'm glad what was that eagle noise okay now it's go time now you can kill him i'll just start my molotov that's a goddamn eagle sound effect it really is it's sounds just kill it quick now for guns oh [ __ ] i thought it was gonna go behind me why he's not phantom i you might be you don't know he looks a little bit like just shoot him i'm shooting you shoot him right in his stupid eyes yeah right there there you got a bonus kill the giant spider it's a goddamn eagle noise just like oh i see all that ash juice coming out i saw it no i saved you mike why are you saving the antagonist where's your shotgun it's the only reason i saved you yeah pretty much i think they are where oh my god oh get out of [ __ ] town mike get out of [ __ ] town get out of bung island yeah where is michelle she was right next to you do you oh yeah oh yeah i'm sure she'll be fine in this [ __ ] [ __ ] hell hole oh that's gross i can't even really see what this is that's that makes it so much worse yeah it's not oh my god strong too strong fine yeah take his gun take the shotty man you received it thanks maybe you're not such an [ __ ] after all with some language [Music] oh jeez i was doing that for a while like several months i was like oh snap ever since the second or last week in october yeah you've been holding that oh it's really good i saved you from a giant spider yeah right thanks for the shotgun but there wasn't even [ __ ] i'm still gonna [ __ ] your girlfriend no i'm just not gonna use the shotgun yeah not likely i'm the big dick around here i made up at rescuing you after all yeah yeah yeah remember when you you just put your hand whoever finds her first is the winner she's not [ __ ] like the price is right that's not how she's not a new car man i'll find her don't you worry and if she was a new car then bob barker would be hitting that [ __ ] like he does all the uh prices right girl you know bob barker's a [ __ ] pen mike's bag of mystery it may be useful it's your ass that's kind of creepy yeah yeah you're totally right i love my battling mouthpass it was really heavy because i was such a tough guy yeah i'll be helping michelle i don't think she wants your your kind of hell i forgot how much that i forgot how great this game is mike is the best the hero what a dude bro thank you by the way mike yeah you entered it's well it's mike's [ __ ] it's mike's [ __ ] [ __ ] gas mask why did he bring that so for those that don't remember we're continuing bug island we decided to continue it because i have more fun playing this than watching evil within it's true it's true it says better dialogue it does have better dialogue to be fair it's got better dialogue than ninety percent of most kids go around oh that's real bad uh i think i need bug spray remember there's bug spray i don't remember it was like the only way to get rid of those things wow that went off crackle lackling oh try and turn your light on no that's bad but maybe that scares the moths away no run run run okay they just moved over here right to right to right to right to right i'm going going no to right i'm going this way am i right oh no yeah michelle i killed these two lizard ladies i can get behind this who saved her i hope well it can only be me i'm the one no not necessarily because we're in a time warp it could be any of the people it could be me oh it's that dude the the guy who died fighting the worm the original survivor oh like that's weird yeah that's that that girl that ran off yeah the hot one what are you doing here that's a good question what are you doing weird ass tank controls yeah no tank controls in these sections that's what you want man i don't know that's what you [ __ ] want oh it's just walk forward one step yeah yeah you're probably right and then a boss fight will start yeah i remember the guy uh died there you go grenades yeah that was red oh what is this those are ant trees i think ant trees i think they're the explosive ant trees yeah oh yeah the grab boys yeah it's like you know it's like i am kevin bacon it's just a grab boy man i'm already dead a disgusting ass crabboid so you're going to want you're going to want the guy up here and then you're going to want to do a [ __ ] sick combo on ant colony yourself so wait for it yeah i did it no he's not on the land look you can see where the land will fall off you're standing on the edge right now bit see you have to lure him all the way over here but it's too late now you [ __ ] it up no you'll never be able to do it yeah he screwed up there you go hit it hit it hit it get him yeah he doesn't like that yeah maybe now it's time for extra combos extra i think you killed him you killed him no i'm still got to make sure the dick man's gone no it's a wow wow that didn't turn out too bad easy mode hey you guys are alive and you'll have hot sex later can i watch with bugs i'll watch i'll document it i'll spritz it i put the maggot up my penis damn that guy's handsome [Laughter] you told when you told me your boyfriend was missing i thought that was just a trick to get me hot oh she's with you nice everyone's skeeving on that girl everyone where's my girl oh the cave of time yeah and so he's they're all like what because they didn't time travel what you did i gotta get to michelle before i accidentally [ __ ] my own grandma don't want that to happen what are we bad end that's a bad end if i've heard of it yeah i read your book and i said it's kind of confusing yeah a little bit she was killed by a huge man i went back in time and uh [Music] i'm basically tom cruise right now yeah living every day out [Music] it was so awesome when he gets oh no magnetic field i love how we're just talking about a time portal like it's nothing i hope it's like star trek where once we go in there just everyone could get space crazy and everyone gets attacked by weird worms that are actually dudes trapped in the transporter buffer oh god i just watched that one yeah i hate that guy barclay come on barkley's great no he's not great around that time they caught him having all holiday sex with the entire senior staff he was late for every and they're all dressed up like troubadours and [ __ ] yeah any force picard to watch picard was like i love being forced to watch this oh yes i'm bold oh now we're just in the case yeah you're in the cave all right let's continue and hit those caves oh my god look look look the whole map is still explored good so check out how to get to where you gotta go and i'll just remember the layout in my head because remember this case system to get here because i have a super smart brain yeah i know okay so hold on stop moving stop there move down a little bit move down a little bit a little bit so right left right ah [ __ ] it we'll keep checking right here here yeah i remember just i guess just go just get out we'll remember it perfectly with your super smart brain outfit it was more complicated than i expected yeah it's gonna be a real weird aside story but i was at tim hortons right and i just started drinking coffee those are all bird noises you're growing up uh and i was meeting a friend there i can't [ __ ] right and yes please i wanted the the special tim hortons mug that you buy that you just bring it to them and you're like fill up this with coffee right yeah yeah but well there they are but i didn't know how it worked i didn't know how to hold the how the whole system works oh here we go this will be fine you probably should fight him nah he's gonna chase you forever like look at him chasing you forever i'm really fast oh my ass and he does lots of damage uh so i'm looking at this this mug setup and all i can think of is like yeah oh this is really complicated i should probably just go home and my friend is like no it's not complicated at all just ask her i'm like no it's i have to talk to the clerk yeah you gotta talk to the guy and i don't know it's complicated and we got into a big fight a donny brook because he was like he's not [ __ ] complicated at all matt you're just being a [ __ ] weirdo like both the things that we're saying are true pat all you need to do is to do it once then you'll be able to do it perfectly forever pretty much that's exactly what happened right i did it once and now i go to the thing and now here's my favorite part now that i know how to do the coffee exchange with the mug thing perfectly the staff doesn't know how to oh when they get another new staff guy what i go down and i give them my my mug they look at me and go which which size coffee does this i don't understand and i'll ask for french vanilla and they'll give me like a hot chocolate and i'm like no no way you can have you you'll be angry that you got a hot chocolate usually i'll just take the hot chocolate yeah yeah but you know but um yeah because i don't want i used to work retail i don't want to be that guy you know that guy that guy how could you possibly pack my coffee next to the orange when you're in line and you see someone having like a huge [ __ ] fit over that have you been have you been like hanging out with me when we've been in a grocery store and somebody has been like a huge [ __ ] in a grocery store i have a meltdown like i start to freak out you told me about one like and it's usually involving old people it's like come on idiot double bag it and i'm like standing there and lying behind them like struggling like shaking kill them not to kill them because it's just you are scum you are sub human filth you are terrible people who work retail have a shitty job it sucks that being said if i get to the front of the cash and they [ __ ] up my order in any way i'm a huge dick about it and the reason why is because i did my time now i get to be the [ __ ] guys no you can take the either of those two passwords like i did my time and i'm like that too or like i did my time i still get to complain about it yeah or you go nah man i was totally there i i have i have it depends i have i alternate between compassion and being [ __ ] you oh i hate this basically usually the case is if it's a mistake i ever ever made free pass yeah right if it's not bad if it's some if it's a mistake i never made something that i like would be obvious not to do [Music] how did you get here so fast do you remember no like that's she's having a hard time what is written on the back of his coat it's all foray no mike gets nothing no mike i hope mike dies and he's the final boss also oh god i loved you for as long the [ __ ] up she's got huger balls than ippo oh right yeah you're right and she looks like you post girlfriend a little bit a little bit like kumichan wait what there are others yeah one of them wrote that book yeah it's the necro notes robert dallas oh i love him most of all time to bail on you chodes oh boys you can both have me only then only then and then lynn's in the corner going what see look do i look like she wants to impress robert yeah this is just like my stories you have to go find her something to wear shut up no she just i don't need to upgrade her links for this month oh wait just go into the area that you're directly in front of look at the look at it right here yeah just do it the room is this this is the room where you'll find her a fancy dress [ __ ] you notice yeah yeah because it knows it doesn't want to make you run around how's your leg oh my god oh you were just tired i want to give robert a hard time oh my god oh my god that's a girl oh god there's i've said this before and i'll say it again there's two things i know about women they're constantly hungry and cold there's gas in the box oh come on okay that's actually your recent reason also he's been studying here for three years anti-microbial wantings what a badass yeah that's true he's basically he's this guy he's like shut up with your science stuff you goober that's not one of the other guys oh no i'm being dead are you a cat those will you should watch a bug you taking the son of a [ __ ] oh no that's what the apes are that's the remember the acorn it's gotta be creepy oh oh no so the ape you fought in this area was him yeah and how do you get his clothes back i don't know we'll transform come on the son of a [ __ ] he's gonna he's gonna go past the letterboxing or whatever yeah pass the frame yeah and then it'll be the oh it's just gonna be a cutscene man this is gonna be a cut scene i wanna see what his transformation is well and then just wait ten seconds i uh oh get away from him you idiot i really i really like that the transformation is he dies and then transforms yeah that's always good no i meant he i knew him so well he was such a fool what a dumb scientist goober face oh no i'm gonna call my company's helicopter now how how oh my god with what with your silly i guess with her cell phone oh what yeah corporation i got some fresh wood oh shut up except for your dead boyfriend oh man this text is the best yeah this has been a bad day and i broke a nail what oh my god oh my god [Music] oh my god oh my god rumble grumble this is the best this is the best i hate you i'm so glad we came back to this come on oh no it's always something a shotgun in game always has to have its like range power thing exaggerated because a real shotgun six feet in a game like in the distances you play games in the shotgun would actually always be the best weapon good job ray you're actually kind of a huge badass all right guerrilla fighting time oh [ __ ] that was smart no way i think you only shoot him in the head that's right shoot his brain just give me a second i'll shoot his brain when i can oh that range but this is my distance too you've been watching a lot of epo again haven't you we're reading it or playing it wait oh yo yeah yeah whoa no yeah you missed him hey he missed you oh no what what oh i i guess i hit his head somehow i guess that's what happened oh come on i can't see that wait for it you can probably stun him like over and over if you just do it oh come on you're almost dead oh you're almost dead i'm almost dead i like how you said that like you was trying to be like stealthy but you said it loud it's an items oh [ __ ] you're right what are you wooly yeah you're right right not knowing what's equipment not knowing what's items uh but then again this didn't take 83 parts in like dark souls 81 he actually went to equipment first for the first time in the entire playthrough and i was so happy that's that's like finding out your son is grown up i have i what i have a grown-up son yeah wooly like 28. yep yeah there you have to go through that yeah did we fight him for no reason yes we did oh no no we didn't oh it just boots me out what okay go back in you gotta kill him wow about i just uh here yeah you gotta what that's that's there to stop that from happening they don't want you to do that come on get him get him with that molotov yeah you don't like it wow you really don't like it oh my god now he's breathing fire wow that was a high shot i don't understand the noises that these enemies none of the enemies make noises make any sense wow wow that oh yeah you did it he just [ __ ] off he ran away he ran away to die next door to knock this [ __ ] yeah oh yeah that's it yeah gorilla splat you [ __ ] dead we kill you now did all his textures just disappear that's what happens when you die did you know it's going to turn back into robert i bet oh no he's not dead scott he's just a victim of it's a big bug statue yeah it's a big bug stitch it's like a waspinator statue nato it's me andy back to with his home gorilla planet andy apple island that's his own planet yeah all right uh wow that was [ __ ] really weird i should have gotten some fiestas from killing him let's say it does fiestas whatever man it's all the [ __ ] saying it really is oh oh oh god if we got to be a gorilla that's great that's great you have the gas mask yeah now i'm doctrine dark i bet we're to have some frustration in the near future oh god i hold it straight up hold it oh you did it too late i it initiated way too quickly way too quickly i completely forgot about that mechanic or the lack of mechanical hold your dick in your hands and balance it mechanically i mean i'm pretty hold it straight up straight up you know i'm trained no i'm ready for the olympics coach put me in start swinging with reckless abandon right there's never a bad time to not swing with reckless abandon i love reckless abandon like the operative term for reckless abandon of course is just going nuts why has it got to be sad doggy noises i hate sad dog noise it's the worst noise like those types of noises usually put willie to sleep like they're his lullabies so we're bringing that back yeah okay it's been a while yeah i guess yeah yeah yeah i'm stuck on geometry yeah you guys don't know how geometry works oh oh yeah oh yeah you remember this get to the end for as fast as you [ __ ] can i'm really trying there's a lot of bugs or just starts swinging wildly with what reckless abandon that's right [ __ ] you oh god we don't you gotta make this so hard why'd you end up here again oh the gorilla chased her why you got to make it so hard i said she missed out but it's me ray she doesn't have the gas mask on why are you cosplaying as doctrine dark so is she gonna be the final boss uh oh i assume the final bosses through there oh right stupid why i forgot that she died here i thought we were going back to the past to fix the future oh [ __ ] whoa yo that's a metroid [ __ ] that's awesome oh god liam tentacles that's a huge ass bug ah it's gonna incorporate her like you know so many bosses do i'm gonna guess that that's called beelzebub because it's a fly also i'm going to guess that yeah lord of the flies above because uh the fact told me that yeah yeah that's also a common name for a demon that's made out of flies for swing your thing man i just want to get through and like [ __ ] hit the boss though yeah i know but it's like i should probably yeah cause you're dead because i'm dead all of a sudden i think you're dead huh yeah you died interesting yeah it is interesting isn't it ranged weapons or guns it'll get tricky because the flies will fly in front of your bullets yeah get too far away and uses a range attack if you get too close he hits closer by the way it's a nuisance so just go with what you're given unfortunately this isn't hell i haven't developed solid fail proof strategy so just yes that's arranged so heal up use your melee run in and smash him right but don't heal up too much because i need to because there's another fight after this nice okay i'm gonna go for the box yeah and then hit his bug vagina yeah this big bug sack a lot of that going around a little bug sackie ah jesus freezes just some sometimes wow just get in there this is just not great i can't get in there because everything blocks my way it's true yeah that's what you want to hit smash it no yeah heal up wow this sucks wow this sucks complete [ __ ] and he looks all depressed in his picture how does the gas hurt you with a gas mask on no because it's filtering through my gas you're gonna be one of doing as much damage as possible right here you killed 20 flies you killed the lord with flies that's awesome more more damage just more dps more dots dps what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] yeah this is the way maybe i'm at a really good angle where i'm not taking a lot of damage all right it just took some don't worry about it don't worry about it just just smash you're shaking the whole couch with your waggle i know that's how powerful my wagon i'm i beat it i'm vibrating because of your waggle you're so strong ooh don't throw her wow that is kind of awesome actually as a design oh and it didn't incorporate her into its mass like this just god i look like a [ __ ] mortal giant why would like thing tentacles like going everywhere and you but you [ __ ] its eyes up somehow that's part of it well it's because my damage my waggle oh just yo that was [ __ ] clutch that is close touchdown red clutch as [ __ ] yo suck it beelzebub please do it oh a lot of [ __ ] falling on [ __ ] it's convenient it's very convenient good thing you got that naginata you mean a kamiyama whatever it's not kamiyami you [ __ ] [ __ ] what do you want oh no it's michelle dead again again put the mask on her now that it's too late the weird farting sound effect when he put wow that's here's the serum oh i gotta not show that yeah that's scratchy just shoot some adrenaline in her chest like pulp fiction yeah michelle michelle wake up we need to make out with this gas mask yes yes you did it you saved sherry i made out in the dark oh yeah a lot of charcoal on your dress a little bit so are you gonna like me now because i've saved your life like three times no step once you go there there's no returning what's the one next to you go up what's that one directly in front of you giant hole it's a big hole emitting mystic light wait maybe we should go there because that's the cave of time i don't know giant fly beast from behind a large rock okay that must be what we just beat yeah no it says still just leave okay so just leave i guess i'm gonna just [ __ ] leave just leave just turn around and leave yes wow clutch ass vision here campbell you let the colonel campbell i was able to see it because there was no letterboxing well done [Laughter] so they're attacking me now so it's really hard to see because of the [ __ ] letterboxing babe if you can't keep up with the future of fighting and survival horror rey and there's no point just stay behind and read your necro notes yeah on the last song think about your voice you want to laugh so hard if she had died and you [ __ ] game over i thought would've been great though that have been uh i don't know i've been pretty awesome yeah i can't believe it's still the elsa boat that's the name that we use to make fun of the devil he's a fly god he's a fly god because he's so cool you're losing it every time with these jokes it's just like a bunch of flies with like a big golden chain and a cool cape and it's got like an alarm clock at the end of the chain yeah what what yeah tell me you love me please i need someone to love me someone yeah these bugs even nodding for love yeah yeah i don't mike sees oh mike's in the corner jerking off yeah oh man this is gonna get so blown what happens to helicopters and survival horror they get blown up or like crash in some fashion oh i guess not what oh it's that nerd yeah i remember that nerd that lin was hanging out with yeah found these two on the way here oh he found mike in the hell in the helicopter that's stupid i only had two more someone's gonna have to wait [ __ ] you so it's gonna be you you know it's going to be you and you're going to have to sit here for two hours in bug island she's telling you're useless she's telling this [ __ ] kid to stay behind that's so brutal god i better [ __ ] get some at the end of this no never all this aggravation only for the bugs i love how everyone is just screaming and arguing over this someone a girl can sit in one of the guy's laps like [ __ ] you no it's probably like we can only fit we can only fit like 800 kilos on here yeah so then you have to stay behind so much dialogue right here oh my god if only there was some type of helicopter i'm gonna head for the boat whenever someone's so dumb you're pretty cute i saved everyone i can get behind this really i'll make this a happy way even if it kills me it would it would crack me up so bad for that helicopter to go down and explode and then refer to all them die happy bad end that make me laugh so hard no we don't get it all right what why are there oh that's just volcano noises check map all run through the entire game you just really say that no good all right just go straight down um yeah don't tell me nothing yeah um you're gonna want to run back to that boat okay sounds good so how was your day and then straight forward until morning that's correct backtracking all afternoon there you ran back to the to the thing what so it wasn't him no it wasn't it was just a different one uh oh here we go robert's mutated whoa he's he's alexa ashford whoa that's actually not bad that's very the fly yeah uh i'm turning into a fly it seems wow that's awesome like his maggots are guts maggots that's actually wow that's actually a really cool boss it's not bad actually i don't know why i'm fighting him i don't have no beef with robert well he's a monster i got all the girls i got a nerd i got everyone i can have them all no [ __ ] you guys oh my god you just you just went almost all the way to the beginning yeah i know i noticed that it kind of fast forward me a bit a little bit serpentine serpent wow there's a wow there's a lot of goddesses there's a lot there's a lot of i surprise the frame rates holding up as it is the few times there have been multiple people was just like oh everyone else has been a huge detriment to my quest to get laid by someone michelle her name is michelle i know i i know her name is michelle at this point i'll take anybody okay yeah i'll take the gorilla i'll take robert robert looks really good right now yeah i know he's got some interesting things down there now yeah i wonder what the maggot feels inside my penis said everyone you don't know why i keep saying that it's because it's the topic of an f-plus podcast where they discuss people having sex with maggots i see him enjoy that [ __ ] while i'm almost at the boat well never mind that [ __ ] right here comes robert i'm a little confused i thought the gas just made people bigger i didn't think it made people buff [ __ ] sick commando roll yeah so yeah he has less health than bielsa bob and also he doesn't ray doesn't know who this is he has less health than the elza bub but but he's faster and stronger and his insect brain attack oh insect grain attack is annoying and you have enough healing items to spruce forth this boss fight because it's on easy mode i know yeah you always use the lower health items as much as you can until you're desperate for the full heal until you're desperate oh my god [ __ ] throwing sonic booms that is sonic boom i think the faq writer actually calls it a sonic boom hold on let me check oh god look it literally says he also has a sonic boom-esque move it's clearly a sonic boom yeah i get you forcing it get you get him get him get him yeah get him get him get him just die yeah i hope that was not oh i really like that we get a cool close-up of this this design yeah that's super awesome she just squishes into bio meat yeah and just kind of [Music] deflates the awesome oh this just sounds like twin peaks music it really does [ __ ] this island it's a good thing that the island is just gonna explode for no reason [Laughter] so ray do you want to do a little bit of uh extracurricular over time then they're gonna see him in the boat and they're gonna wave and then they're gonna drop bombs on them i'm dropping truth bombs on you ray you're always as [ __ ] i'm your sister you made out with me a little bit you never knew it was written now how did he catch up to the to the house are faster than he had to run all the way down the mountain science no he had to run all the way down the mountain yeah i guess that was as good end as could it be we did it let's see what what unlocks for new game plus though yeah look had you may did it so that is not even the worst survival horror game absolutely not no we've played way worse i mean i know of way worse and i've played way worse countdown vampire's still my number one shut up really i hate that game you really think that i think i think that game is super shitty it's bad no i think it's way worse than this yeah yeah this has functional gameplay and like a crazy premise and good dialogue and like extra features and like new game plus mode there's a couple that i have stalked for [ __ ] storm 4 that you haven't played what there's no [ __ ] storm for shut the [ __ ] up that's not confirmed why would you say that i have a couple for some unreleased um event it's goddamn december kaidos what he didn't say idos anywhere on the [ __ ] thing i guess global helped out yeah uh there's a couple that i've played that yeah yeah ian livingston that that's him oh you know that guy that that's that that he has that weird british title of of owner for life like ceo for life it's a weird title um england's weird yeah so there's a couple that i play that was just like it's rough uh and like i'm throwing up right now and i think one of them can can be a uh [ __ ] pretender to the crown that countdown vampires coming out oh augusto do a puzzle i don't wanna i don't want to play this game yeah who did it will it we had qa on this oh i know the ian rosewell i used to work for him yeah yeah the idox totally did the [ __ ] qa for this game [Music] oh my god that's crazy i like there was actually a chance that we could have worked on this thanks thanks william liam yeah thanks you matt for helping make bug island well i did write the dialogue yeah i know and the and the and the the and the treatment [Music] what we got we got a stinger yeah i really want a stinger and it's just a bee's butt just waggling in front of your face perfect get out get out
Channel: Super Best Friends Definitive Compilations
Views: 40,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pjOYjB3Kzro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 0sec (7080 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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