🌏 CAKE STORYTIME TIKTOK 🌏 POV @Mark Adams || Tiktok Compilations Part 2

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mommy daddy no now we're gonna have to make another kid my sweet angel please don't go doctor is there any way you can bring my son back I'm sorry we've tried everything I have an idea you do let's look through his phone no can I have my phone back what would you do if I leave you I would go back with my ex huh it's over you trying to go on a date no go back with your ass I'm about to make her feel real dumb you're my ex dummy smells you you've been on the dumpster cause you stink I'm about to end this girl's whole career and you're like the outside of the bread because everyone touches you but no one wants you no Miss Rodriguez you were my favorite teacher man she had the biggest butt I mean biggest heart she was so nice doctors there anyway you could bring her back unfortunately no I have an idea what to go home the Bell doesn't dismiss hey class we're playing the game again where you remove the third letter from your name can I use the bathroom I need to go really bad no dad didn't give me any lunch money boy I'm gonna clap them cheats what's up I'm gonna marry someone one day that's great when that time comes it's gonna be amazing yeah it's gonna be with Grandma she always tells me she loves me she's the best at cooking and she gives me money all the time um yeah she's the most amazing person ever exactly but but what she's my mother you can't marry my mother I'm about to end my dad's whole career but you married mine okay class I'm giving you all your test scores I'm about to end this girl's whole career so did you cheat on that too I wish for unlimited wishes no are you dumb that's against the rules fine then I wish for an umbrella okay for my second wish I want you to put it up your butt why would you do that I'm about to end this Genie's whole career Now give me unlimited wishes before I ask you to open it oh my God no son please don't go or you gonna get this hand no my baby boy no brother I'm Gonna Miss You doctor is there any way you can bring them back I'm terribly sorry we did everything we could I have an idea for real really fat bro I'm stuck I can help you oh great Heavens you're such a loser leave me alone oh are you gonna cry I'm about to end this girl's whole career no but your mom did when she found out she was pregnant with you ah I love showers yo mom I got all A's on my report card really yeah remember you said if I got all A's you'll get me a PS5 oh yeah I did huh shoot I don't have 500 ding dong hold on so let me go get the door yes hey whoa I'll give you 500 if you drop your towel fine wow here you go hey sweetie let's go get it hey honey did our neighbor come by yet yes why he owed me 500 and we needed to pay the house today or we'll be kicked out emotional damage happy 50th birthday dad oh thanks son you're welcome hey Mom I'm gonna go to my girl's house okay but make sure you take a condom with you Mom I'm only 15 years old and I'm only 30 years old [Music] can I have some money for a Coke yeah sure here's 400. whoa yeah it's only two dollars what really yeah dang the price really went down Dad I'm talking about Coca-Cola [Music] listen you lost 400 of your mother's money she beats your ass then your dad beats your ass then you go to your room and on top of your bed you find a four hundred dollars do you give it back I need answers hey love where are you I'm at home chilling I don't believe you go turn on the blender okay there okay love you hey where are you at home are you sure yes I'm sure turn on the blender then oh okay love you bye hey I'm back home do you know where your dad is at I don't know but he took the blender with him [Music] five plus five minus three plus eight would be whoever smelt it yelled excuse me do you need to go use the bathroom it wasn't me I swear I'm about to ruin this girl's whole career that's what they all say yo sorry can I see your phone real quick um hold up let me turn it on hurry let me clear that let me clear that oh definitely clear that I'm gonna have to ask her to send me those again I basically cleared my whole history okay here you go thanks I just wanted to check the time are you serious hey class we're playing a game where you spell your name backwards and that's when you'll die yes I'm Invincible what no hey sweetie what are you doing I'm going to this job interview but I'm actually kind of nervous don't worry you're gonna do great just breathe relax and do everything the interviewer tells you okay Mom thank you I'm gonna go now goes to the job interview I'm here for the interview oh hi what's your name my name is hired you're hired let's go I want an iPhone in the race today for real nice how many people were there just mean to other people okay just three of y'all who were the other two um boy you better tell me right now you're gonna get this hand I'm about to ruin my dad's whole career the phone owner and the police foreign hey honey if I died would you remarry um it's a trap dad I wouldn't answer son I can say what I want okay and I probably would just so someone can help me raise our crazy kid okay would you be living in this house I would hope so I love this house would she sleep in our bed probably because it's brand new uh okay well would she be using my roller skates no because she's two sizes bigger than you thank you oh Dad can I have this cucumber where'd you find that I found it by your bed on Mama's side on Mama's side oh my goodness sweetie give that back I was actually saving it for a snack later let me at least have a bite no son hey it smells like fish mom look what dad showed me what I gotta he wishes I call it Mr Little Mom read it again why I got a big what the I thought it said you thought but dang you did have to expose that like that expose what oh hey Mr little yes Mommy can you grab me my phone where is it on the coffee table in the living room okay your phone isn't there boy yes it is I can't see it oh I swear if I find it you're gonna get it go ahead it's not there I'll have to do everything see I told you nothing uh-huh what's that nothing I swear it wasn't there [Music] whoa what was that um my brown sponge oh okay oh no Mom can I use your brown sponge to clean this sorry honey I lost it okay later that night Mom I found your brown sponge wait what our neighbor Miss Rodriguez that was using it to wash his face oh God hey you still on that game I'm almost done guys oh you're gonna get it hey I know you're not gonna hit my sweet grandbabies not doing his chores didn't you say you were almost done yeah well there you have it let him finish his game you lucky okay let's go riddle free Ze hard long has two nuts and can make your girl fat oh great Evans oh man this test is easy why is he watching me guys please read the question hey can I say a prayer that you and Mommy were saying last night last night um I was at work I think that was your mom oh well it went like this is an important call you can say it tonight during dinner okay later that night yum it smells good thank you hey Uncle Fred is here what's up kiddo son can you say the prayer says I was busy earlier okay oh God oh God oh yes oh dear God that's enough son oh Fred harder man I'm hungry mommy said we have leftovers I don't really want to eat that again me either oh I got a good idea go ask your mom if we can go eat McDonald's okay go Little Rock Star oh shoot what am I gonna do with you let me play my video games in peace that's the last thing that you're doing wow your school called me and told me you got in trouble it's your fault that was it my phone I was in gym class and my teacher said that we're doing cardio today okay so I tried doing that thing you and mom do at night with a girl in class because you always called it cardio cardio with your mom ah I don't want to be here yo we're on computers but I have a question what's up what do you sleep with a man for a billion dollars boy hell no quit playing I was just asking a few moments later shoot what I meant to say is hey girl where my man at so I can have enough money to send my son far far away huh I have terrible news you only have until 2050 to live that's not too bad that's almost 30 years with my son and wife yeah you'll still be able to go to my graduation and everything and we'll still be able to have a lot of fun if you know what I mean thank you doctor how to call you failing math no I don't want to hear it you gotta double the chores this month I gotta call your family math I have a 98 in man oh you want to talk back to me what happened to the other two percent I gotta call your felling man yeah the teacher's being dumb I'm sorry to hear that son here go buy you some ice cream hey Dad what's up mom wants you what does she want yes sweetie hey can you fix a sink it's not working no do I look like a plumber uh fine the next day hey son where's your mom in the kitchen oh the sink's working yeah I got Bob our neighbor to do it how much did you pay him he just wanted some cake oh silly Bob what flavor did you bake him red velvet no not that kind of cake I'm not a baker are you ready to die oh my goodness somebody please help me No One's Gonna help you oh yeah watch this I'm stuck what that's it you're done [Music] hey baby how are you holding up I just can't believe he's gone my little brother's gone I'm so sorry I miss him so much did the police find you did it well yesterday they finally found something what was it a little silver hoop earring don't worry babe they're gonna find who did it [Music] I think yeah no you're at school in the morning no we have school in the morning yeah that sounds good no dinner's almost ready uh what did your mom say she told me to ask you oh yes can I stay up late tonight yeah I don't see why not no yes you have school in the morning no we have to go in the morning can I have a snack yeah that sounds good no dinner's almost ready no dinner's almost ready hey can I play my switch for a little bit uh what did your mom say she told me to ask you oh yes this is gonna be fun hey class as you can tell we're gonna be watching a movie today I'm about to ruin my students whole career but before we start I'm going to hand out the worksheet for it when did you miss school I'm about to end my dad's whole career the boy that sits next to me was absent room foreign
Channel: Tasteful
Views: 2,917,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, cake, cake storytime, cake storytime tiktok, tasteful storytime, tasteful cake storytime, story time cake, cake tiktok, tiktok cake storytime, tiktok storytimes, Asmr cake Storytime, storytime pov, cake storytime pov, POV, Mark Adams, mark adams 89, mark adams shorts, Mark Adams POV Tik Tok, Mark Adams TikTok, tasteful, mikaela happas, mark adams, jj, valerie lepelch, Tiktok Compilations, slime, slime storytime, peachy storytime, peachy
Id: rCLvJ5qBkoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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