Nico Is Cash’s Cat In Minecraft!

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no Zoe axolotls are the best animals no no I'm not Zoe why not because cats make me sneeze and they don't like me they always run away from me so I like axolotls oh my gosh what about pandas pandas are kind of cute I'm not gonna lie I know they're too big then you guys these animals are cool at all I have a solution wait what uh what's the solution what's your solution kid Mia and Zoe are the best animals they are not animals for you oh my gosh no Zoe you must have a hole in your roof or something I don't know how he got in you know what that's probably really really is obviously dragon what no too big and evil what do you mean l plus ratio what yeah ratio axolotls are definitely the best no cats pandas but dragons are so cool they can fly look look at this guy it's not flying Nico you know dragons aren't real what do you mean yes they are bruh no they're not since when have you ever seen anyone with a pet dragon uh I don't know okay fine that's embarrassing I can't believe you actually thought of that Dragon there's so much cooler than cats yeah I agree but they're not real so L plus ratio oh gosh one of my friends like cats pianos at all those animals chats aren't as cool as dragons uh probably rather have a dragon than a cat well what could I do I guess all I could do is sleep my problems away [Music] oh my gosh that nap was so nice wait wait a second uh things feel a little bit weird what if the ground feels so low oh gosh I mean real quick ah wait what I'm still on the ground wait and where am I what is this place what's going on wait a second am I looking yeah oh my gosh how did this happen oh my gosh I can't believe it the one thing I didn't want to become a cat I could have been a dragon what the heck he stopped whining wait what I'm trying to get adopted here wait you're trying to get adopted yes yes what oh my gosh no my job is to be rich and famous well if you get in a rich and famous family then you're sad oh my gosh but I've got my character me too I'm a Siamese I don't know what I am called but you know what my name is Nico what's your name my name is Annabella Annabella well nice to meet you you know in a life once before I used to be a human you know I tell myself that all the time hey yeah it's real trust me uh yeah okay Nico tell me how do I become human again huh I don't know oh gosh oh no whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey come on back to the pin wait what wait is that shitty you're such a good little kitty oh you're so excited oh come give me a hug wait a second I can't even understand me buddy you gotta stay in your PIN oh my gosh are you serious excuse me excuse me wait what's going on over there hello lady what's your name know I'm trying to find myself a cat a cat oh well we've got plenty back there oh perfect hello little kitties me GA hello hmm which one do I want wait that other kitty wants to be adopted so badly ah this one's a little too loud for me I'll go for The Quiet One you know I'm excited oh and making cute noises hey what hey lady if you look closely it has two color eyes wait what oh that's very pretty you know what I'll take her all right I think it's a him but you can have him get me out of here kitty come here oh gosh oh my gosh I don't want to get adopted by that grandma what the heck the shitty still running after me oh and nope I guess he gave up well whatever now I'm roaming free but how did I become a I can't believe this happened to me what's going on oh my god well it's a beautiful day today though I'm not giving you a tip Andy gosh what is that cash oh my gosh I had to tell Cash Cash of cash I'm trapped in this cat's body help me you cash up hey I hear meowing who's meowing whoa oh my gosh there's a little kitty wait cash can you understand me oh my God it keeps meowing he's so cute kitty are you lost do you not have a home no I have a [Music] I forgot I'm allergic to cats cash allergic to cats oh geez well little kitty you look lost from home so um how about you come to my house wait wait wait wait wait you need a nice place to stay oh my gosh I can't believe that sir am I being adopted by cash as a cat man this cat keeps meowing all the time holy smokes I'm not meowing I'm speaking I wish I could understand cat language this is so weird okay come on Kitty ah gosh don't mean catch yourself so I guess I probably shouldn't call you kitty all the time I should probably give you a name or something hmm tell me Nico let's see I'm gonna think about the colors and okay I think I came up with a name what they want to watch Princess puffy Paws that's a perfect name princess puppy pies or I could just call you PPP for short what are you so okay princess puffy Paws you wait down here and I'll go set up a little bed for you oh my gosh my name is Princess puffy Paws trash sticks I'm a girl I'm really a boy oh my gosh hey there you are Kitty oh uh this is awkward Shady where'd you run off to Shady what do you hey cash yeah what's up Shady this cat down here isn't yours yes it is uh she escaped from somewhere well yeah she escaped from the adoption center oh well can I adopt her oh yeah you can okay cool I already made a bed for her upstairs do you want to see it yeah let's check it out oh my gosh I can't believe I'm actually getting adopted by cash as a cat guess what I named her what'd you name it princess puffy Paws oh what a nice little name oh my gosh this is crazy yeah and it keeps meowing I have no idea what it's saying you know it's a boy cat though right wait what ah what uh I'm getting tired I think it's time to go to bed wake up wake up princess puffy Paws oh gosh where are we going come on we have to go on a play date oh my gosh so we opened up I got a present a present president oh my gosh this is Princess puffy Paws it's Zoe Academy wait I'm on Zoe's head what's so cute but wait why are you calling me the princess if it's a he well you can't just change the name out of the blue like that I guess you got a point well you're still a really cute Princess uh I want to be a prince not a princess do you have any idea what he's meowing about [Music] not loud it's kind of nice being held by Zoe so much oh my gosh I can get used to this life I'm not gonna lie no come on let's go see my cat it's the best day ever that gets all of Zoe's attention come on Oscar we brought you a friend ah what are they talking about this Oscar guy I wonder what they're talking about oh come on kitty where's Oscar he is whoa hello oh I think they like each other where did you come from oh they're definitely getting along you look weird bro hey why do you have such a deep voice I didn't know it's always cat sounded like this look at that look on your face hey how about I smack it off hey I'm not even mean bro sorry I think they're playing you're just weird hey wait is he attacking princess Buffy Paws no attacking no attacking hey not friendly no it's that guy it's that cat he's mean princess puffy Paws you cannot fight other cats look the other cats crying I'm so sorry Oscar Oscar is it okay he's a faker okay do you want all the raw salmon you can get I'm so sorry oh my gosh I yummy princess puffy Paws you've been a very bad cat today uh If Only They knew what what Oscar was like gosh I expected you to have fun and be respectful on this play date but I can't take you anywhere nice can I oh my gosh I'm trying we're going back home Zoey uh Zoe's upstairs Mia wait is that a cat yes and he's been very bad oh um can I see him uh yeah sure you can I do that's my cat that's my cat princess puffy paws give it back now no I have to experiment on him it's the perfect animal wait what no way I will not let you past me no one has ever gotten past cash I'm like literally the quickest guy ever and you can ate Mia Mia bro you left princess puffy paws come here no oh my gosh hello what's my name is Nico but I go by PPP I have no idea what you said but this won't hurt a bit oh my gosh wait is Mia really experimenting on me this is safe alrighty just gotta put you in here I don't know if this is safe all right and this should be good and I'm just gonna start it up now wait wait oh gosh did I just get shot strawberry lightning yay what just happened huh it seems like it's taking a little bit to take effect you're supposed to be super big wait super big like ginormous yeah I don't know I don't know about this thing I can send to this I have no idea what you're saying but hopefully it takes effect soon oh my gosh wait why don't it worked oh my gosh I can't believe that Mila is crazy crazy oh well I had dropped super high now why why all right it's time to decide if it worked wait what I like this song oh my gosh I'm back to normal I guess that was a moment of fun all right thank you for your time Kitty wait what that's it yep well have a great day I'll see you soon wait I'm finally down here Mia do not experiment on him it's too late oh my gosh princess puffy paws are you okay uh yeah if I did get my fur a little scuffed up but it's okay you're coming with me back home right now oh my oh gosh people keep running we're going Mia stay away from me or my son don't be ah this is crazy come on Kitty let's go uh life as a catcher is eventful but it is really chill I could just sit back and relax and do nothing okay since you've been a bad kitty we're going home and doing nothing now wait why did nothing that's so boring you know what I'm also just gonna do this real quick wait no no no no no no no no there we go now you can't get out I'm going to take a nap now oh my gosh am I really stuck in here oh this is crazy someone get me out of here uh look at you in that cage bro oh my gosh why are you here I'm just here to laugh at you and wait how'd you open that door as a cat because I'm a super cat I'm not dumb like you oh my bakery you want the human too wait what oh never mind anyway I'm just here to terrorize you wait what yeah hey stop it arrows until we get out of this thing wait I can just get it like that hey oh my gosh Come here hey I'm going I'm living bye oh my gosh there's no way you can catch up to me where are you going are you scared oh my gosh will you tell me what if I'd be here where are you oh gosh he's right there oh gosh he's got his mean I did not know they were cats this mean I'll get you next time wait he's right there he doesn't see me maybe he's not as smart as I think wait is he gone wait he'll be home free let's go oh my gosh this is so nice being out of my cage finally and I could just get to relax by myself there you are get over here princess puffy Paws oh my gosh what how did you even get out of your cage gosh is he better be back now I'm gonna need to reinforce this thing a little bit wait no no no please please ah wait iron bars are you serious I need to make sure princess puffy Paws does not get out no matter what the stick is cruel are you supposed to be doing this to your cat ah I have no idea what he's meowing about much better this cash not real they can just jump up over that anyways time to fall asleep again oh my gosh I'm just gonna jump up right here wait I forgot something hey oh gosh how did you get out again listen since you have so much energy get over here oh my gosh I'm never gonna go with that cage I need to find a way to make him tired up so he goes to sleep ah where is he taking me now this is crazy easy no more meowing from you oh gosh I think if they just gotta follow Cash's rules I guess he is my owner come on PPP let's go PPP gosh I'm starting to get used to that nickname ah here you can have fun here wait isn't this a dog park though oh my gosh wait this is kind of fun and I'll just sit right here and wait oh is he just gonna wait over there that's kind of weird I guess I could just go through these areas right here and go through these tubes yeah yeah what's going on in this park oh gosh who is that who is that oh is that a little kitty over there that's the blocky what's good I'm a big fan of a big fan whoa whoa hey relax Kitty come on now wait what is this guy saying I'm back in L.A like I'm a Dodger wait what swing bang boom oh oh whoa what was that shot what was that those balls look really fun to chase yeah swing oh wow what's going on [Laughter] oh good job Kitty you got the ball now come on come on let's go out here again swing and a bang Go Get It Go Get It Get It Go oh my gosh oh my gosh hey is my cat chasing a ball come on kitty go get that I want that boy I want that boy wait where'd the ball go oh there it is the blocky that's my cat get it get it all right ready swing and oh hey don't block yourself Kitty you're coming with me hey I was having fun with that cat bro what the heck this is my cat wow baseballs are very dangerous that ball just hit me no you should not play with those baseballs oh gosh and my owner is losing Hearts as well this is cheese stay right here I'm gonna come bought me a cat yeah no I guess I should have played with strangers for a reason oh come on kitty go fast go fetch oh wow oh gosh that ball is very far you know what I'm saying BBB no no give me that has to be somewhere over here please please start over here come on come on no watch away you got it oh is this yours yes that was mine oh man oh whatever oh you're not gonna do anything about it yes I will give me back what you gonna do bro huh you want a duel or something wait duel like a kitty cat Duo yeah you don't want the smoke this town ain't big enough for the both of us anyway wait what do you mean this town is pretty big I'm not gonna lie man be quiet ah well let's go all right uh how are we doing this are we gonna shoot bows at each other or attack uh probably shoot both at each other do you have a bow yeah I guess I could give you one of mine thank you man no well okay guys please oh thank you of course slow bro okay are you ready let's do it okay three two one oh gosh oh sure oh gosh these arrows are working uh what are you shooting at gotcha oh gosh oh wait I'm out of arrows oh well I'm not camera oh you're not gonna give me though all right you know what I'm just gonna attack you bro wait wait where are you taking I know where I could take you oh my gosh how is this possible I can't carrying a cat give me half of half of the hour nah you're not going nowhere oh my gosh yeah you're gonna be dropped off this Edge wait no please please there can only be one cat you know that right uh what any last words uh I don't know hey don't don't do truth princess come here let's get in the water [Music] oh my God it might Nico again oh my gosh how I miss this body this muscular body was it's so nice I could do push-ups whenever I want but huh wow wait was that really just a dream oh my gosh I'm glad and wait is that cash over there he's so cute oh he's good little baby look at him oh my gosh is that Zoe's cat ah I need to get the piece of him now that I'm human wait does she remember wait is she just a normal cat now hey Nico can you not understand me then please 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Channel: Nico
Views: 723,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: 6Nsl3yVbQn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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