9am | Truth! An Easter Message | Pastor Jim Cymbala | The Brooklyn Tabernacle
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Channel: The Brooklyn Tabernacle
Views: 8,014
Rating: 4.9179487 out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn Tabernacle, God, Brooklyn, New York, The Brooklyn Tabernacle, Jim Cymbala, Jesus, Holy Spirit, pandemic, Scripture, Covid 19, Pastor Jim, Pastor Jim Cymbala, New Testament, Old Testament, bible, Bible, Tabernacle, Jim, Cymbala, Brooklyn Tab, Social, Injustice, Quarantine, Pastor Cymbala, grace, good, evil, righteous, right, wrong, bad, choir, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Brooklyn Tab Choir, worship, music, gospel music, Gospel, life, prayer, easter, Resurrection, cross
Id: -M4FMtEewsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 28sec (4708 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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