UPPERROOM Sunday Morning

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so yes you um uh foreign um uh so and so i'm going to put one of my favorite scriptures up this is ephesians chapter 2. look at that cute graphic all right i'm going to read through 10 verses but i have a point he has a point i want you to know today that the playing field in this room is completely level that we all had to walk on our two feet and go through those doors and that we were all hopeless without what we're celebrating today and i want to just remind you okay and you were dead in the trespasses and sins keep going in which you once walked following the course of this world following the prince of the power of the air the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience among whom we all say we all once lived in the passions of our flesh carrying out the desires of the body and the mind and we're by nature children of wrath like the rest of mankind but god being rich in mercy because of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead say we were dead in our trespasses made us alive together with christ by grace you have been saved [Music] oh it's not over yet and raise us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in christ jesus so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace and kindness toward us in christ jesus for by grace you have been saved through faith and this this is what i wanted you to see this morning this is all for this moment and this is not your own doing it is the gift of god amen not a result of works so that no one say no one may boast for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them listen we none of us are going to boast in ourselves this morning but we are going to get crazy in boasting in christ all right so lift up your hands jesus we thank you for this grace we thank you that we were dead and you made us alive we bless your name we thank you and we worship you let's worship amen single praise the name and o praise the name of the lord our god who praises forevermore [Music] and o praise the name of the lord our god who prays his name forever more foreign [Music] to calvary where jesus bled and died for me i see his wounds his hands his feet and i cast my mind to calvary where jesus split and died for me i see his wounds [Music] a singer's his body bowed and drenched in tears they laid him down in joseph's tune the [Music] and all and don't praise the name of the lord our god who prays his name foreign more [Music] foreign [Music] the sun [Music] [Music] for is eyes [Music] [Music] is then on the third [Music] is [Music] the name of the lord our god will praise his name [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] name of the lord our god who prays his name forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] then on the third at break of dawn the son of heaven rose again o trampled death [Music] just listen to his heartbeat just listen to his heartbeat oh there it is on the third at break of dawn the sun rose again [Music] the key go praise the honor of the lord our god who praises his name forever more [Music] foreign [Music] we shall return in robes of white the blazing sun shall pierce the night and i will rise among the saints my gaze transfixed on jesus [Music] the blazing sun shall pierce the night and i will rise among the saints my gaze transfixed on jesus [Music] oh come on just look at it just look at him we have seen the lord we have seen the lord we have seen you gone oh in your death in your burial and in your resurrection we have seen the lord and oh praise the name of the lord our god who prays his name [Music] forever more foreign will sing your grace and o praise the name of the lord our god will praise his name [Music] forever more [Music] will foreign your praise [Music] oh [Music] come on let's join in with this if something's shaking something moving [Music] his name forever more foreign [Music] before [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey [Music] come on just let the ground begin to [Music] shake [Music] [Music] so [Music] and oh praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead oh praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead oh praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life from the dead oh praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead oh praise the one who paid my debt [Music] [Music] from [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] my is and raised us oh jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh praise the [Music] raise this life from the dead lord praise the lord oh [Music] jesus [Music] and jesus pay it all sing that again to him oh jesus paid sin had left a crimson stain but he was [Music] everybody just hold out your hands just like this just give him glory just begin with your own words forgive me with your own mouth just engage the lord who praise you jesus praise you jesus for how you took a wretched heart like mine and you totally made it new you totally made it new come on just with real words real language lord you took a wretched ugly heart and you made it brand new [Music] this is more than words this is more than song this is more than a special service [Music] [Music] so sing the voices just the voices think jesus played it all and jesus just one more time jesus paid had left a crimson stain but he washed [Music] so [Music] of this hope [Music] yet you hold my heart [Music] [Music] made his home [Music] we lift you higher we lift you higher to the one who holds the stars [Music] king of them yet you chose [Music] [Music] okay [Music] there is no [Music] there is is [Music] jesus christ we magnify your life [Music] foreign jesus christ for your majesty [Music] christ [Music] christ [Music] [Music] overcame [Music] there is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] we crown you jesus christ [Music] oh jesus christ are perfect [Music] oh jesus christ our perfect sacrifice you are beautiful [Music] so [Music] [Music] and we left you higher and higher we lift you higher and higher we lift you higher and higher we lift you higher and higher and we lift you higher and higher and we lift you higher and higher we lift you higher and higher and we lift you higher and higher and we lift you higher and higher and we lift you higher and higher and we lift you higher [Music] higher jesus christ [Music] foreign jesus christ [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can we crown you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] there is no other no [Music] there is no other there is no other [Music] first thing that i i was thinking this old song many of y'all know this it says this there is [Music] no one else can touch my heart like you do and i could search for all eternity and find [Music] to him this morning no one else can touch our hearts like you do and i could search [Music] you sing it to him this morning there [Music] there is [Music] my heart like you do [Music] are their king what other king is like you lord no one else can touch my heart like you do and i could search for all eternity and find there is all across the room just lift up your hands as we're seeking this i just cannot help but like think how he's grafted my story into his like through his resurrection he took my story and he crafted me into his story it's like i was divinely translated into his story so all across the room lord you see so many stories that are just here on this campus lord that are here on this room that are in overflow you see every story that's watching online you took every story and you grafted them into your heavenly divine story there truly is no one like you lord there truly is no one like you lord and there is none like you [Music] and no one else can touch my heart like you do and i get searched [Music] and there is [Music] there is there is no one else can touch my heart like you do i could search for all and find there is [Music] when i was 15 or 16 i let i let jesus become my savior he saved my soul but it wasn't until i was 24 that he became everything to me until i could sing these words and they really meant something to me that i could search everywhere and never find anyone who could touch me the way it could touch me the way he could fill me and so i my prayer is that there be people in here today that he becomes your savior but there'd also be people in here that today he becomes everything to you that you let him love every part of you it can happen all at once but for me it didn't but um so i just want to pray for that and then i'm gonna invite the our dance team has prepared something special for us this morning [Music] so lord god i pray for every every heart that can hear my voice god that they could sense hear see and know you god you talked about a love that we could experience that was beyond something that we could understand and so i'm asking you holy spirit that you would fill this room that you'd fill the airwaves that you'd fill the overflow room that you fill all of our children's classes with a love with an experience of love that surpasses what we can understand that our bodies and our hearts that our souls would receive a love that's beyond what i could explain beyond what we could read about but something that we can truly experience this is what i ask you today god [Music] fill this room with that love let it touch hearts even now in the name of jesus [Music] um lift your voice and shout the name jesus [Applause] that's ever been healed by that name ever been delivered by that name lift up your voice and shout jesus [Applause] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus he is with authorities jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] but they shall be taught us [Music] is [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the train [Music] [Music] them is is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] she's is is [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] is [Applause] somebody shout to jesus [Applause] jesus [Applause] oh hey can y'all give it up one more time for zion thank you guys [Applause] come on let's give it up to him one more time that was amazing thank you guys so much oh we love you good luck [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] i'm so moved this is so beautiful um thank you jesus we're going to take communion i don't know of anything else to do [Music] i don't know if you visiting us for the first time you haven't been to church in a long time a morning like this attracts a lot of people um and my prayer is that what these guys just did with a dance um it's it's prophetic of what he's done in so many of our lives he's liberated us and that he would he would obliterate our boxes i don't know what your view of jesus is in church but he's bigger than a service he's bigger than a building it's bigger than a sermon it's not about a theology it's not about a belief system it's about a relationship with god resurrection sunday easter sunday speaks to us as a people that god came in the flesh and he came to reveal himself to us and he did what only he could do he conquered what we could not in resurrection sunday jesus being raised from the dead it is what distinguishes the christian faith from any other faith there's one who died and he's no longer dead he's alive this morning he's alive this morning he's alive this morning he is not dead there is not a faith like the christian faith because of the resurrection everything can change for you this morning thank you guys again can we give it up for the dance team i just keep coming back to the dance team i've never cried watching people dance until this morning it's just so deeply moving we're going to take communion so communion is something we do as believers to remember the death burial and resurrection of jesus and honey i wanted to pick up on something that you said first corinthians chapter 10. sorry first corinthians chapter 11 verse 26 talks about this meal it says for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes and i want to just ask you a question you said something so powerful in the transition but what what changed in your relationship with jesus from him being savior to the lord because i think a lot of people in here uh needed to hear that yeah well when i was a teenager i was raised in church and uh i just i just didn't want to go to hell anybody i mean that was that was the for better for worse that's what i heard is you need this so that you don't go to hell which is valid uh but i just didn't know that i didn't know that heaven could touch my heart that it could invade my heart that i could be a new person um and it was when i met the holy spirit i didn't i you know i'm not gonna unpack a theology but i just didn't know that i could hear him every day every moment that he could be alive to me that he could yeah give me all the things that he gives me comfort peace council he's my best friend amen changed everything amen so we're going to proclaim the lord's death this morning we're going to look at the bread it's such an interesting verse if you could put it up behind me first corinthians 11 26. because this this has the resurrection in it for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup so the bread is his body the cup is his blood you proclaim that means preach you preach you declare the lord's death until he comes so you're proclaiming that he died but the one who died is going to return so you're proclaiming the lord's death you're proclaiming that he died but the one that died is coming back again so he's not only alive this morning but he's going to return he's coming back for his people and so we proclaim his death but as we look at his death we also look ahead to his return in his coming and as his people it's the great hope that no matter what you're facing this morning because he died and conquer death you can live in hope that the same spirit that raised him from the dead lives inside of you and so baby would you pray over yeah so the bread hold up your bread jesus you put on skin god himself the uncreated god you came and you put on skin and you lived life so that you could know what it feels like to be us you know everything that we face you know it intimately you know what it's like to be hungry to be tired i don't know if you ever had a cold but i thank you that you're a man jesus i thank you that you became a man and i thank you for your body that was broken that you gave up for love jesus thank you thank you that you're still a man that you still have skin and so we do as we take this body we want to discern it rightly so for every sickness and the sound of my voice everything that doesn't line up with what you paid for we receive healing now as we take your broken body and we bless you for it we thank you that you paid for all you paid for all and we thank you for it in the name of jesus take your bread thank you for your body we just lift the cup up to you lord and uh you know and this is called the eucharist in some traditions and eucharist means to give thanks and so we say thank you jesus that from your pure skin came forth your blood and leviticus chapter believe it's 17 it says that the life of a being is found in the blood and that you came to give us life and there's life found in this cup and that there's no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood so we bless you jesus that this blood is sufficient to remove all sin and we receive this as that that this is the most powerful substance to ever touch the earth your blood jesus and it draws us near it reconciles us to the father we just declare lord that we have been made new because of your blood we give you thanks for the blood in jesus name amen amen amen do you want to give happy easter happy resurrection sunday come up here baby we need to share an announcement so next week we are doing an uh baptism service next sunday night here um april 18th nope two weeks sorry that's what i meant i'm really excited about it so i hurried it up in my mind it's in two weeks april 18th so what do they say where do they sign up for that online you can sign up and we'll give you everything you need to know um to be baptized if you are a believer in jesus and you have not been water baptized you need to be water baptized so if you're in our body and you've not been baptized you need to be baptized so go to our website and sign up yes amen if you have your bibles open to matthew 28 we are really excited that you're here as you're opening i have two more announcements one is we're doing a night of worship in frisco uh we are going to be at a bigger venue praise god we need a bigger venue so we have a bigger venue in frisco it'll be a friday night we're calling the one night frisco and it's may 14th you can go online to uproom.com and sign up for that but we're just going to have a blowout night of worship you're going to hear the gospel a lot of young people will be there it'll be similar to what we did on new year's eve so that's may 14th the night of worship we're excited about that and then next this is something really important if you have your phone would you pull your phone out we are going to implement a new way to communicate to you just information we're getting better avenues for that and uh this specific um tool will help you stay informed about the building the the the process that we're in to acquire this building we have 60 days to close and uh and so we i filmed a video this week of that building we're gonna give you a link via this application so you can text to this number behind me 469-253-7586 text building to this number you're going to get a link we get your information and then through week we're going to send you updates we're going to inform you about the process that we're in about funds that are being raised videos we've got some renderings that are coming soon um we're going to shoot those out this link so this will be a way for you to stay updated and informed we will uh i know people are like yes i can actually stay informed um this will be the way to stay in touch with the upper room there's gonna be some other initiatives we roll out on this texting platform but this is just a software application for you to stay up to speed with us again the number is 469-253-7586 text the word building for those that don't know we acquired about sixty thousand seventy 000 square feet just south of downtown um if you got here at 8 45 this morning for a seat to our 10 a.m service thank you for coming early if you're in the overflow room we love you but hopefully in this next space we're not going to need an overflow room because it is big big big amen amen so uh we are aware that we need more space and we are doing all that we can uh to get that but we are going to raise some funds and we will keep you informed on how we want to do that uh in the coming weeks so it's super exciting we are fired up about this building yes and amen come on someone say praise the lord hallelujah we have a new building um the last announcement that i want to share with you is starting april 14th we are going into a 40-day fast as a community i'm going to preach on that next weekend i know let's get excited you're like 40 days of fasting what does that mean i'll tell you next week uh it'll mean different things to different people but lou engel came in this week he spent time with our uh senior team as well as our community in denver and we're really s uh sensing the lord speaking to us about taking a season and consecrating our hearts as a family for what the lord has in store um 40 days of fasting god responds to his people we're doing it as individuals but we're also doing it as a family we really feel like there's a crossing over um the lord has been speaking to us through dreams he's been speaking to us through scriptures just about what's on the brink and we think it has to do with the building this transition that we're in and so we want to prepare for that and throw all that we have added april 14th we'll begin that fast we'll go till may 23rd lou is also how many of you know lou engel if you don't know lou all right just google lou engle um he is an amazing revivalist and just father to so many of us but he's coming in on april 18th he's going to stay seven days with us as a community he's going to be praying we're going to host nightly meetings starting on the 19th for seven days and so i'm expectant i hope you are god is on the move i think he's going to move through this season of fasting and prayer so everyone say yes and amen we love you jesus okay matthew 28 i want to i want to set something up typically on eastern christmas we do testimonies we're going to do that again this morning we're going to testify to uh the risen lord through the lives in this room i'm going to give you a way to do that but that was the early church they were marked with this one reality that they were witnesses of the resurrection of jesus they were martus that's the greek word for witnesses they lived with a burning conviction and everything changed for them because they had a firsthand account that jesus christ rose from the dead that he was no longer dead he was ascend he ascended to the right hand of his father and that reality changed everything for them in fact the first sermon peter preached acts 2 32 he says this jesus whom you crucified is risen from the dead and we're witnesses of this fact and that is why we're experiencing what we're experiencing and you're going to hear that through the testimonies of those uh in the room this morning um i want to talk about the first word jesus said at least in the account of matthew the first word that he said to mary i don't know if you remember first words that you had with people but i remember the first conversation i ever had with my wife my wife and i have had lots of conversations we've been married uh going on 11 years we've had a number of conversations but i remember the first conversation that we had it was at a potbelly subway sandwich shop i remember i was a singles pastor and she was a single and she needed to be pastoring you know what i'm saying and so uh i i was prepping though i was prepping for this conversation like what am i gonna say i had seen her listening to me preach i could see conviction fall when i preach you know no i didn't know what she thought but we were hanging out and we had been in a small group we had been in several settings but we had never exchanged words and so at potbelly sandwiches i decided i was going to go up to her for the first time and introduce myself and strike up a conversation and so i came up to her she was by the drink fountain we'd all gotten sandwiches and i i had you know i had script in my head and i walked up and she looks at me and she smiles and she said this she goes do i have anything in my teeth [Laughter] i'm like no okay okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no sit down sit down you're not supposed to be a part of this no they gave me a mic listen we have just eaten the sandwiches hot peppers anyone at potbelly oh no they're so good that's worth going to today that's why this is my sermon get in your teeth and we've married almost 13 years sit down sit down sorry 13 13 years oh my gosh all right everyone extend your hand to the pastor and pray for him right now i never run my sermon material to lorisa i probably need to start but it's true that's the first thing you said to me do i have anything in my teeth i was a little caught off guard i thought who's she trying to impress obviously not me if she got her eye on because it ain't me she's prepared for someone but she said no i would i did not want to have a conversation with you thinking something was in my teeth but you didn't have anything in your teeth and it is still a common thing that she always asks me do i have anything in my teeth no you don't have anything in your teeth first words are important so what are the first words that jesus said well in the in the story of matthew i want to show you mary's account because there's there's two uh there's two phases to mary's engagement to the resurrection of jesus and uh and i think many of us have can relate to the first phase many of us can relate to what was first shared with jesus or with mary but i want to look at the the second phase and it starts in verse nine but i'm going to read the first phase one through eight so matthew 28 now after the sabbath has begun to to dawn the first day of the week mary magdalene and the other mary came to look at the grave and behold a severe earthquake had occurred for an angel of the lord descended from heaven came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it and his appearance was like lightening his clothing as white as snow the guards shook for fear of him and became like a dead man then the angel said to the women do not be afraid for i know that you are looking for jesus who has been crucified he is not here for he has risen just as he said come and see the place where he was laying verse 7. go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead and behold he's going ahead of you into galilee there you will see him behold i have told you this verse 8 they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy and they ran to report to the disciples what they had seen so up until this point mary knew the facts of the resurrection in fact she had seen with supernatural revelation there was an angel involved there was an earthquake a stone had been rolled away the angel actually invited mary to come and look at the place where they had laid jesus's body she goes into the tomb sees that he's no longer there and then she's commissioned and sent with these facts go and tell the disciples give them the report of what you've seen this was sufficient the facts of the gospel jesus was alive and in faith they believed it in faith they took what they had heard and seen the encounter from the supernatural phenomenon the angels the earthquake and she's running with the report and yet verse nine phase two and behold jesus met them so as they're leaving with the report jesus then encounters mary and it's these three words that give me when he met them jesus greeted them jesus greeted them now i have in my bible i have a footnote next to ann greeted them and this is what it says it says jesus met them and if you read the footnote instead of and greeted them it says jesus met them and said hello it's a profound moment the word hello just to remind you this is what it means it's used to begin a conversation so here's the resurrected one encountering mary who had the report that he was alive but the resurrected one comes to mary and says hello why because you wanted to begin a conversation with her this is the beauty of easter it's the beauty of the resurrection of jesus is that god initiated a conversation with mankind the resurrected one is still saying hello this morning and he's saying hello to those that may know the facts of easter but they actually haven't encountered the resurrected one and there's a difference there's a difference between just believing and encountering your beliefs because when mary would run with the report john 20 tells us what g what mary would say to the disciples so flip over to john 20. john 20 different accounts same story mary clings to the feet of jesus and in verse 17 2017 of the gospel of john jesus said to her stop clinging to me for i have not yet ascended to the father but go to my brethren and say to them i as i ascend to my father and your father my god and your god so mary leaves after encountering the angel after seeing the earthquake after after experiencing the earthquake seeing the empty tune and then mary comes announcing to the disciples this is the report that she has she says i have seen the lord i have seen him this is the first time the gospel was preached when it was preached by a woman amen but two it was these five words i have seen the lord now she would explain what she saw she would explain the account she would probably tell them about the angels and the earthquake and the phenomenons but these five words i have seen the lord marked her she had seen a man that was resurrected and something changed in her life i'm a witness to the one that is resurrected and i don't know about you but for me i had heard the facts of the gospel all of my life but it wasn't until i was a senior in college that the lord encountered my heart in such a profound way that i've been unpacking that moment since trying to understand what took place when i realized that jesus is alive he said my name i don't know if i heard it audibly but i sensed it in my heart and i knew that he was asking me to follow him my life has never been the same and i don't know about you but i want to ask you where have you seen the lord where have you personally seen the lord and i want you to get your phones out just for a second and i've got something behind me and we're going to give testimony as mary gave testimony to how we have seen the lord again this was the first sermon in acts chapter 2 verse 32. this is jesus whom you killed he is alive we're all witnesses to the fact this is the blind man in john 9 trying to explain his encounter to the lord he says i don't know all i know is that i was blind and now i see because i encountered this man the disciples in acts 4 13. they were known as uneducated untrained men but they recognized them as how as having been with jesus mary in john 20 18. all she needed to say is i have seen the risen lord i believe the lord through our testimonies today is going to reveal that he is alive so here's what i want to do i want to take this phrase i have seen the lord it is true that he is no longer in the grave but he has risen from the dead and then i want you to think about a moment in your life when he has said hello to you when he came to you in your uncertainty in your pain in your sin in your darkness and then what have you seen him do in the midst of that i'm going to ask oscar would you come up on the piano the bible says we overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of our what the word of our testimony we want to hear your testimonies this morning we want to preach jesus to the lives of people in this room and so here's what i want you to do take your phone out and write this these sentences out and fill in these blanks lord we want to give you honor this morning we give you honor for what you've accomplished through the cross conquering death you have the keys to death in hades this morning and father you have unlocked doors that have bound hearts in this room and we have been liberated we've been liberated by the power of your resurrection and so this morning i pray that we can testify to those ways so so so so i'm gonna go first i'm gonna read mine and uh we've got some people that are gonna stand on each side of these polls and then we're gonna ask you to come forward and just testify to how you've seen the risen lord i just did mine right now and here's here's how this will read i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my relationship with my wife through a cat through a cancelled engagement a delayed marriage i have seen the lord restore redeem heal all of my fears of commitment and my brokenness and now for 13 years not 11 13 years we are happier healthier for beautiful kids it's how i've seen the lord he said hello to me in that i'm so so very grateful thank you jesus so if you have a testimony that you'd like to share i'm going to open up the channels bethany's over here veronica's over here we're just going to testify to ways the lord has revealed himself to us this morning [Music] my i have seen the risen lord you guys and it is so true that he is no longer dead he is no longer in the grave but he has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my season of loneliness and heartbreak of walking through a divorce and i have seen him night and day run and chase after me in a personal passionate pursuit of a holy romance with him [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have seen the risen lord it's true that he's no longer in the grave but risen from the dead he said hello to me in my brokenness unforgiveness and insecurity i've seen him restore my heart heal my mind and deliver me from myself thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord and it's true he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my sorrow of losing my son to a drug overdose and i have seen him restore my joy thank you jesus [Music] i have seen the risen lord it's true that he's no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me when i felt so unworthy and i was preparing for what i thought was certain death but instead and i've seen him but instead he unexpectedly gave me life and he's given it to me in abundance and he has aligned me with what his blood is speaking even today thank you jesus amen [Applause] i have seen the risen lord it is true he is no longer in the grave but he has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my dead religion and i have seen him and he has restored life to me for the letter kills but the spirit gives life and life more abundantly and on and on and on more abundantly throughout my life praise you jesus i've seen the risen lord it's true that he's no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead and he said hello to me in my depression my insecurity my fear of man my sexual brokenness and i've seen him set me free fill me with his love and deliver me of the opinions of others and satisfy my desires thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in the battle of my mind and i have seen him and he's healed my mind by praying you have healed my mind by pouring your blood on my head and helping me remember that my mind is the most beautiful place it's the place that i remember you in every moment of every day thank you jesus sorry um i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said he said hello to me in my miscarriage and i have seen him heal open my womb breathe life and redeem my pregnancy with a healthy beautiful baby girl thank you jesus see i have seen the risen lord it is true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my orphan spirit when i was stuck in religion shy and insecure and i have seen him tell me he loved me call me his daughter and give me the confident voice in him [Music] i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me when i was far off literally worshiping worshiping other gods and my flesh and i have seen him restore and redeem my sexual identity restore my youth my health my sanity my mind emotions and relationships thank you jesus i have seen the lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my gang-leading drug addicted violent rage-filled life and i've seen him take me across the nation to preach deliverance to the captives [Applause] all right i've seen the risen lord it's true that he's no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said to lo he said hello to me in my drunkenness my sexual brokenness my coveting and my shame and i've seen him restore family relationships give me freedom from addiction give me a new and confident name that is unashamed thank you jesus [Applause] i have seen the risen lord it's true he's no longer in the grave but he's risen from the dead he said hello to me and my pain of rejection weariness fatherlessness when i felt like an orphan and i've seen him adopt me into his family and his bloodline removing pain and shame bitterness and fear fathering me as only he can do and calling me righteous filling me with the holy spirit taking me around the world putting an anointing on my life and calling me into himself giving me joy i have seen him heal my family my mind and my soul he has called me brave beautiful and ready thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it's true that he really is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me and my crippling anxiety and my fear of death and i have seen him give me peace that defy circumstance and hope that he has prepared a place for me in our father's house [Music] [Applause] i've seen the risen lord it's true that he's no longer in the grave but it's risen from the dead he said hello to me when i was in the belly of the whale when i was far far away and i have seen him what his resurrection has done for me to restore my very life to restore my marriage my children my joy he gave me a good job and he gave me a calling thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it is true he is no longer in the grave but he has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my deepest and loneliest hours when i wanted to walk away time after time i have seen him turn my broken and shattered heart around he's made it beautiful again and i see myself through his eyes thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me after the sudden and tragic death of my father last year and i have seen him carry me through all the pain and grief and constantly remind me of his perfect and never-ending love thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen me from the dead has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my self-hatred my loneliness my eating disorder my depression and i have seen him give me new life bring me into the father's love set me free from bondage he has brought me from a desire to die into a life lived in love and abundance hand in hand with him i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but he is risen from the dead i have seen the lord and he said hello to me in the journey of grief after the death of our son sam and four dear friends in the last three months he intimately comforted me he is a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief and he has sent me his spirit my comforter and has restored my joy and peace he has now allowed me to extend that comfort to others he has also met us as healer bringing rick back from the dead after his cardiac arrest and restored his health thank you jesus i have seen the lord it is true he is no longer in the grave but he has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my pain discouragement and physical infirmity when i had a poll up in my throat i struggled to speak for weeks the doctor said i would need surgery to remove it i have seen him he removed it miraculously in one day thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] i have seen the risen lord it is true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my doubt insecurities and lukewarmness and i have seen his plans for me he transformed my life by representing himself to me as a relationship and not a religion and now i'm able to do the same for my generation thank you jesus [Music] i have seen the risen lord it is true that he is no longer in the grave but he has risen from the dead he said hello to me and my wife and i i's miscarriage i've seen him walk right up to us and hold us free as our comforter he was right there beside us through the whole process he has redeemed that pain and restored her womb and we now have a beautiful baby boy and that experience has brought us closer together and to jesus than we've ever been thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my sickness of 10 years of a brain aneurysm and i have seen him bring fullness to the artery no more aneurysm thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it's true he is no longer in the grave but is risen from the dead he has said hello to me in my shame and lustful desire i have seen him wipe my slate clean and walk me out of a 10-year addiction that started when i was 12. he has restored my heart and my mind to purity and holiness and showed me what true love really looks like thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead my name was andy and now it's michael i said hello he said hello to me and my brokenness she just came to me may 3rd 2012 at 2 32 a.m he said hey do you pick up your cross and follow me or i'll wash my hands of you that has started the journey of purification for nine years he just showed me this last weeks how human i am and how much i need him a grace i do not deserve except with my entire body thank you jesus [Music] i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but he has been risen from the dead he said hello to me in my darkest hour when i thought all the world's treasures were what life was all about when i accomplished all my earthly dreams as a boy that i ever wanted when i thought i was above other people and i have seen him mark my life to where i have time for people find the true treasure of my heart and i have seen the lord fulfill now all my heavenly dreams in a true relationship with him thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me and my orphan spirit and my shame and my rejection and i've seen him with this resurrection power i've seen him heal my heart and walk with me to brokenness thank you jesus i've seen the risen lord it's true that he's no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me and my fear of rejection ten year addiction to pornography doubt and confusion and i've seen him restore the joy of being present in his presence and walking with him he's given me confidence in my decision-making thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my pain and guilt and shame because of a broken relationship with my son and i have seen him through reconciling us restoring us to each other and breathing new life in love and knitting our hearts back together thank you jesus [Applause] i've seen the lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me and my sexuality and identity and i've seen him meet me in tenderness and closeness and he has given me wholeness and fullness of life in him and he's proven over and over again that he's truly worth it all thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] i have seen the risen lord it is true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my self-hatred my same-sex attraction and my gender confusion and i have seen him eye to eye he has transformed me and he has called me my chosen my delight is in you and you are my bride thank you jesus [Applause] i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me and my lost identity identity with sexual slavery and pornography i have seen him by renewing my heart to his truth and what he speaks over me his his resurrection spoke truth over my identity and gave me hope to believe that the lord's truth is what it is he transformed my life and has given me a beautiful wife now wow i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said to hel he said hello to me and demonic oppression depression suicidal thoughts fear and so on i have seen his wonder working power 100 deliver me from it all and now has called me to a ministry of deliverance i am a bloodline breaker thank you jesus for the power of your blood over every demonic force i have seen the risen lord it's true that he's no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my darkness of pain religion brokenness and addiction i've seen him save me baptize me in the holy spirit break off all my addictions and deliver me from demonic spirits and has shown me how to turn around and help thousands of others get set free and fall in love with jesus thank you jesus [Applause] i've seen the lord the risen lord it's true that he's no longer in the grave but he's risen from the dead he said hello to me geez am i completely under brokenness when i seemingly lost everything including my two daughters and i felt like i was disqualified for ministry and i've seen him resurrect my life he's healed me inside and out not only restored my family but he gave me a new wife and two more beautiful kids and i found that no person can disqualify you when god's qualified you thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but he has risen from the dead he said hello to me and my hope deferred when my mom passed away and i became an orphan and i have seen him father me mother me resurrect my heart and rename me marissa the hopeful thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but he has risen from the dead he said hello to me and those many days that i wasn't sleeping because of stress confusion and fear and still driving to seek him and to experience his presence and those nights that i thought i was losing my mind and crying for him he made me in the midst of it all he gave me peace of mind a joy that i thought i would or couldn't ever experience he's failed me and touched me with the love that even now i get to experience with a simple smile a simple good morning how are you today the grand adventure is my daddy god for me it has just begun thank you jesus i've seen the risen lord it's true he's no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me when i was looking away when i fell asleep and when i disengaged i've seen him i saw elroy he has restored my first love and he has taken away self-hatred depression anxiety the fear of man he has danced with me oh how he has danced with me he has been a safe place i've seen him as my best friend thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] i'm seeing the risen lord it's true he's no longer in the grave he's risen from the dead and he said hello to me in my life full of abuse my hatred for men my homosexuality my substance addiction my anger my rebellion my codependency and my desires to die i've seen him restore my desire for men my desire for life my desire for joy he restored my self-control he gave me myself gave me myself thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord hallelujah i have seen the risen lord it's true that he's no longer in the grave but he has risen from the dead he said hello to me and found me in darkness fear and doubt he's there when i'm close and when i stray in my joy and my sorrow and every season he draws close and breaks chains that i didn't even know were there because he lives he empowers me to love others love myself and leave each day with eyes of wonder gratefulness and a new joy thank you jesus [Music] i have seen the risen lord it is true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my abandonment i became pregnant and alone in the middle of my college career i dropped out of college i left my dream to become an opera singer and lost everything my relationship with my family was broken and i had nowhere to go but my lord has restored me and healed me later he gave me a full ride to college and allowed me to finish my degree my son is four years old now and that little boy loves me so much his i love yous and you are so beautiful mama has healed me from my fear and resentment towards men i am a single mom now but have everything i have ever needed i no longer desire to sing to the world but i have consecrated my voice to sing to him forever thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my physical pain when i suddenly couldn't bend or straighten my leg five days ago and was scared i would never dance again and need meniscus repair surgery i have seen him heal my right knee so that today unlike last night i do not need crutches or need to walk with a limp i can straighten and bend my knee i can run and jump i can once again kneel before my king without pain and this morning i could dance without fear thank you jesus [Applause] i have seen the risen lord it is true he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my outright disobedience poverty mindset and a life of not having an earthly father to show me love and i have seen him redeem generations of divorce and brokenness in my family with my beautiful marriage and kids he's transformed my mind to an abundance kingdom mindset so that i can step into my true calling and purpose for my life in all areas um and he has he fathers me daily in a way that i never knew existed he allowed me to bury my earthly father last year with peace forgiveness and gratitude towards him he has truly healed my heart thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my fears failures anxieties and uncertainty of the future and i've seen him heal my deep wounds that felt unreachable restore my mind and redeem my soul and i will never be the same because he has paid my day thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it is true he's no longer in the grave but it's risen from the dead he said hello to me when i was lost in pursuit of worldly success sick with cancer full of condemnation and unable to have kids i have seen him snatch me from the darkness you know my body renew my mind redeem the time that i thought was lost a life and family [Music] that i never thought was possible [Music] i've seen the we'll close the lines off now i know it's getting late so if you guys would go over here and we'll finish these out but aren't these amazing just so powerful i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my self-hatred and desire to end it all and i have seen him shatter the lies and end the war of self self-hatred that had raged for as long as i can remember thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me and my loneliness unworthiness and doubtfulness i have seen him when he warned me that i was about to go through something he didn't say what but he reminded me that i am his child that he knows me inside and out and that he was always be with me three days later i broke my arm in three places and even though it's been really hard he literally reminds me every day that he is with me and i know that this will be used to bring glory to his name thank you jesus i have seen the prison lord it is true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my insecurity in my identity my broken relationships and my fear of losing my dad this past month i have seen him come for me and cover me in my darkest moments of loneliness heartbreak and doubt restore things i thought had passed away and give me a boldness and freedom security and love for myself and in the way he created me and restore full healing to my father thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but is risen from the dead he said hello to me in my addiction depression and anger towards god and i have seen him deliver me and send me to help bring a legacy of freedom and revival to my generation thank you jesus i have seen the risen lord it is true that he is no longer in the grave but he has risen from the dead he said hello to me in a federal prison cell scared lonely and i've seen him stand by me forgive me make me the man that he always wanted me to be he's given me a best friend that i don't deserve he's brought my relationship back with my girls which i didn't deserve and he recently just gave me a beautiful wife that i did not deserve and i thank you lord i thank you for it all [Applause] wow i have seen the reason lord is true that he is no longer in the crave but has risen from the death he said hello to me in that darkness night in a jail cell changed me from the death to life he frees me from addiction being abused relationships depression and unbelief god fulfill his promise and he gave me that amazing husband who loved me for who i am and he showed me pure love wow amen [Applause] i have seen the risen lord it's true that he's no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my moments of fear doubt search of identity and i've seen him this past year reminding me of his promises gifts and creative purposes for for me and for generations to come healing me from emotional brokenness and as a restored and begun to reveal more of my heritage and my holy lineage thank you jesus [Applause] i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me and my crippling fear of being outside of god's will in my deep shame and anger of not feeling good enough and in my striving for perfection and i have seen him bear hug me tell me i'm beautiful the way that i am destroy the stronghold of legalism and extend unconditional love and grace that i once thought was not for me transforming my heart my mind and my marriage and relationships thank you jesus [Music] i have seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave but he has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my time of rejection depression anxiety and abandonment when i watched my father figure walk out of my life and i have seen him become my father who has never left or abandoned me but only fulfilled my heart with a fatherly love i didn't believe i could receive he has picked me up and reminded me of my worth and transformed my life completely thank you lord i have seen the recent lord it is true that he is no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my dark pursuit of blessed lovers that brought so much pain hopelessness self-hatred hatred addiction and sexual brokenness and i have seen him conquer my heart so faithfully and tenderly he showed me he's the one that my heart was really long for all that time thank you jesus you truly are my everything i love you i've seen the risen lord it's true that he is no longer in the grave and he has risen from the dead he said hello to me at the moment when i was going to take my life from cocaine addiction in the midst of my sexual brokenness and surrounded me with people who loved me when i was without family i'm seeing him his resurrection life give me the peace of mind to know that i'm worthy and allowed to show who i am in front of others because he says that i'm valuable even if others don't or judge me and he's slowly opening my heart to be able to trust others and be vulnerable [Applause] i have seen the reason lord it's true that he's no longer in the grave but has risen from the dead he said hello to me in my strife to protect myself and fight for myself when i was sure that no one else would and i have seen him choose me fight for me proving over and over that i'm not alone and that he has my back he always have and he always will thank you jesus uh i i want to invite we have a we have a ministry team i want to invite them down and um i also as they're coming down i want to thank everyone that shared uh their story it's a precious precious precious pearls what the lord's done in your lives and uh and i i just sense in my heart he's he's knocking on the door some of you saying hello it was in weakness that these people found grace they found strength and um if you need that this morning the one that helped them can help you the one that said hello to them is saying hello to you and you can come forward receive from these guys prayer and uh and we want to connect you we want to connect you to family we want to go on a journey with you you can't do it alone amen and so you have family in this place i would just stand up we're going to we're going to end with a song and in the midst of this song if you do need prayer please come forward but god bless you we're so honored that you came to the upper room this morning foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] um
Views: 18,040
Rating: 4.9689922 out of 5
Id: 8cY-YCuNBps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 47sec (8387 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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