Guest Speaker: Beth Chapman

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aimes we get the power so I believe that God told us that's how important mothers are in our life she had an operation a year ago or so and the doctor said she may not make it after 11 hours I went to the doctor said well is she okay he goes I don't know she was in recovery this hospital room that was terrible and I went in there and I said we have faith I'm sure if she was gonna pass away God would have told me but he told me that she was gonna live and he's like well we're not sure so I went into the bed and I had a blank piece of paper and I laid it on her chest and I said honey sign that and she made this hand gesture toward me and the doctor said she's alive you guys don't have a dirty mind now so my comforter besides God Jesus and the Holy Ghost is my honey I'm an outlaw pure blood outlaw and she has kept me in the grace of God I've known her since she was 18 she's a hundred now I mean she's [Laughter] that's okay but she's getting older so I've had her I don't remember to any other many other people besides her but you know what the other day we had a hard one and she as I went through the door she said show a big Daddy who's the greatest bounty hunter in the world and when I caught the guy said when you walked to the door I saw wings on your back and he said I knew right then I was gonna get the car ride his back with you he said I said oh yeah she's out there with the Taser so I am so proud that she does this she usually gives me what to say she makes the rules and I back her up and I love her so much and she gets to do this and I want to do today so I would like to introduce Alice Elizabeth Chapman also known as Beth this is oh I'm sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the stress and the relief that came off of me just to see them become an adult I called the school on Friday or last Thursday you guys might have known there was a school shooting in Colorado our Sutton does to the Douglas County School District so when that news came out it was only that it was Douglas County they hadn't said the exact school so on the the following day we had called to speak to the principal about protocol and he said we're sorry her son is 18 we can't speak to you I was like what really is that why I don't know when he's 13 yeah so I'm really grateful I like 18 this is great so you know um the great thing about me growing up I was the baby of five my brother is number one I am Number five five is still alive by the grace of God [Applause] so far so good but I seriously contribute my life to my base and I think that it takes a village to raise children it really does in my home being the baby of five children my parents were divorced when I was eight my mother struggled putting food on the table for five kids those struggles were really not known to us she did not make those known we did not know what her financial position was we just knew we had a roof over our head we had clothes and we had a church on Sunday and that very strict Mennonite base how many of you know what a Mennonite is yeah google it and be prepared to be shocked but also you'll understand who I am so having that very strict base was really the only thing that kept me grounded once my father left see when you have a home where both the mother and the father are there you have two times the likelihood of raising a great kid because you have two of you who can kill them one told jiggers on the door and the other but it is sort of true you know you spare the spare the rod you do absolutely spoil the child we have no discipline in our country our children are running amok and it's really not their fault it's our fault because we got far too locks and we forgot about the base see that strict base that I had taught me right from wrong so even when I was out doing wrong I still knew where to run back to base to get straight to get loved to get fed to get Jesus because without Jesus I would run amuck out there and there would be no reeling me back in because drugs were cool alcohol was fun running amok was spun ER than being in church on Wednesday night but if I skipped church on Wednesday night church camp two weeks two weeks two weeks turned into three weeks turned into four weeks then it turned out to not be so bad it was actually strengthening the base now see my lessons always came later in life because I didn't ever understand my walk with the Lord as a young person in my early teens 1820s you know was sort of like you have to go to church of deserting the pulpit he said there you sing you see your friends go to McDonald's but when she had a little older with responsibilities and life starts happening all of these lessons start to mean something but you don't remember them until they happen for instance when I was 17 years old in the Mennonite Church I got pregnant no to any other Church that might be a little wins but in the Mennonite Church oh it was big and the elders were called in and then the altar showed up at my house you remember Randy yeah 17 years old rebellious pregnant you're gonna need to come on into the church and apologize to the congregation what yeah that's not gonna happen not gonna happen banished Alaska am I kidding not kidding of Laska in October there's so rude but it was there that I learned that lesson why am i air well because you didn't listen the lesson came later nine months later exactly actually that lesson right there popped the cork for a million lessons that I was about to learn how to be a mom how to fail at being a mom how to be a welfare mom how to lose your child in two short years lessons very very valuable lessons took me a long time to even trust the fact that I should even have a child I thought maybe I should raise Cobras instead of children [Music] you're pretty good Leland school I take a little credit for him anyway you know I learned as I grew as a young Christian that you know God doesn't do things for just no apparent reason there are reasons and it is really up to you to figure out what your lesson is by the circumstance that you're going through and I think that when you've seen a woman into thinking that she's inferior because she doesn't have a partner to give that child life it's a stigma it's a shame that a woman carries around and it takes a long time for her to sort of shake that off and they carry it because maybe they can't make it on one income they have to have the government to help them have to have welfare they have to have the government cheese that line is long it is because people have been shamed into their circumstance and so they settle there they get comfortable they're like okay this $400 a month house with my $400 a month life $1200 fits inside this 30-day box people said oh bear you don't have to settle there get up spring forward you got to go forward you have to get up I sat on that comfortable cushy welfare couch for just a couple of years and thought until one day the social worker scolded me for spending $72 on laundry I was like what I'm gonna have to clean sheets I'm gonna have nice clothes she's like you're not gonna spend $72 that day that moment I got up and sprung forward you are never gonna tell me how much I'm going to spend on laundry anything else maybe I'm not the laundry your bed is your happy place right sheets up the smell good Joe happy please so that lesson cost me another lesson right I went to jail lost my child again thought I knew everything lesson came later because drugs weren't so fun alcohol wasn't so fun and the guys that came along with those things or dangerous they were dangerous but because you've been shamed into thinking that you're less than a mom because you don't have a spouse you start to doubt yourself your self-esteem shrinks and you start to what settle you settle for whatever guy pays attention to you I want to move into your house don't be fooled by that they want to move into your house and stuff they don't got one they don't love you they love your address it's true but all of these lessons came from me not feeling like I was a regular mom like everybody else so then what happened I got my bonus children it's you I got my bonus children and of them I suddenly had a new appreciation for my own mother and I suddenly said to her how did you buy school clothes for five kids she was like very carefully at JC Penney's in July it was a very tough lesson but what I had learned my whole life was to run back to the base run back to the base as long as I had Jesus I could run back to my base I could find my way back no matter what I suddenly got 10 more children only about 4 of them lived with us Leland and Duane they came and went to visited their father but these three that I had just gotten baby Lisa Tucker and Barbara they knew all about Jesus they were good Jesus kids but they were not church goers because they had a single bounty-hunting dad but they knew the Bible they knew Jesus they knew God for sure send these schoolers they were nuts and they were hip Church count two weeks it was sort of like when the Adams family sent Pugsley and they were pissed they were upset but I thought if I could just train them to understand about the bass that no matter what they did wrong in their life they would always circle back they could always circle back because for me being able to circle back no matter what I had done was the most important thing no matter what I had done no matter what I'd said no matter whether I was 17 or pregnant and no matter what they could circle back they could tell us anything I might freak out for a second but as most people who know me and my kids know me that storm passes but the most important thing was to keep an open and transparent relationship with all of these children because having a now another woman in their life telling them what to do the common phrase around our house was you're not my mother you're not my mom I don't have to listen to this you're right you don't but they mostly did they mostly did and it wasn't in the easy transition and people who are here who have stepchildren and bonus children you know that I hate the word step I just hated when I see articles written Leland stepmother I want to call the reporter up but of course I can't because then they'll be like 15 more articles about how I threatened the reporter but it bugs me I don't like to be set separate from them and them separate from me because I am a bonus parent [Applause] and I say that proudly it doesn't it isn't just your mother who loves you the whole village has to love you Michelle where are you was your mom mom here my friend Michelle here her mom was the village so was amazing miss Carla she taught me a lot as a young girl because she handled motherhood with humor and laughter and she did not take really anything we did very seriously but yet we got away with nothing so she was great all the parties and everything were at their house because miss Carla could oversee what everybody was doing how many village moms are there in here yeah yeah or else we'd rather you come to our house so we know what you're all doing right those are hip parents from my generation who ran amok who already know your lies you come to our house right I think that using the entire community to help you raise kids is the only way to successfully raise children fifty set of eyes are better than do [Applause] we chose to live in a small town in Hawaii Leland they live Big Island but a small town Big Island everybody there knows everybody they know your business they know your car they know your mom they know your church everything everything everything they know you if you give that certain hand gesture on the highway you are likely to get pulled out of your car and beaten at the Safeway because everybody knows you and they will see you again so life is a little bit different and that's why we raised our kids on an island so that we could keep very close tabs on what they were doing and all of those things work out great until they go to high school in the grower brain and actually they just take on their princess brains right because whatever their friends are doing is cool for them and that's what they're gonna do thus comes the massive job of the parent because now we become wardens wardens of the prison right just to try to get them through and I say all these things because it's so serious in this day and age that we really pay attention to what's going on with our youth and what's going on with crime and what's going on with the drugs in our community because all things are irrelevant [Music] people don't just go out in their right mind and go hi stick them up I'm gonna rob the bank they're not there sketched out there hi they're drunk they're on opioids throughout whatever drove them to be that guy to be so desperate to walk into the bank and hand them a note it's a big note huh I want stocks and bonds right it takes a lot of courage that courage comes from alcohol comes from opioids comes from drugs the tighter you keep your kids now the less bail you will pay it's true but we have to keep our kids safe and we are having our time in this day and age where we have removed the Lord from our schools and that's why the base has to start at home with the mom with the dad with the village mothers with the village families we have to police our own children and pay attention to what's going on we have to being a mom is such a serious role that I didn't really realize how theory it was until I got sick when if that happens you start to become painfully aware of how they gonna make it are they gonna make it are they strong enough to make it what can they leave them with what can I do right now to make sure that they make it and I'm not gonna say that I'm ever satisfied Ralph because that's a trap that's a trap Beecher taught me on Friday not to be satisfied too quickly because that's a child so not really satisfied but I will say that I have had an extremely wonderful life I went to jail I lost my kid all those things led me down this wonderful path of Duane dog Chapman [Applause] and being mrs. dog has been my greatest role as I grew up in that Mennonite Church I thought how I want to be that preacher I want to be the one that leads the church camp [Music] could you imagine that's church camp boot camp slash yeah but I never felt like I could measure up to be any type of preacher because I am such a sinner was and you feel convicted right and you're like oh I can't preach to people and he and I when we started the show he more so than I felt like showing the backseat ride was not gonna be cool all right and the network let us do it over the years what we found was that the backseat ride meant more to people than the capture of the guy that was our ministry see the lesson came later no you can't be a minister in a church but you can have a ministry in your back seat of your car thus vaccine ministries was born right I want to let you guys hear my scripture for today they can put it up on the screen that'd be great second Corinthians 12 9 and 10 for those of you of your Bibles this may not match your Bibles version okay because this is also as you know they got it for the screen so I'll just read it but he answered me my grace is always more than enough for you and my power finds its full expression through your weakness so I will celebrate my weakness for when I am weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me so I am NOT defeated by my weakness and endure mistreatment when I am surrounded with troubles on every side and when I face persecution because of my love for Christ I am made yet stronger now for my weakness becomes the portal for God's power so when my mass became a message to so many people around this country I became a threat to the devil's Kingdom [Music] [Applause] and when you do God's work you become the target and he throws everything he's got at you everything I've battled my way all the way to this pulpit this week you'll tune into the show someday and you'll see what we went through to get here and as Joann and Ralph these two stayed with a happy smile and a wonderful spirit and said keep going just persevere push through push through I got no voice she said you will have in Jesus name [Applause] I told him get ready cuz you're gonna give the Mother's Day speech he said no I'm not and thankfully he's not because we'll be running overtime if he is the greatest greatest gift that I was ever given his children with my bonus children and was all the children that he and I have basically adopted as our fans and our friends it's a wonderful gift no matter what kind of a mom you are never feel like you failed because it's relevant it out this is the comforter you're the comforter it doesn't matter if you're a good mom a bad mom welfare mom a grandma trying to be a mom dad trying to be both mom right it matters that you are the comforter and a lot of people get let down on Mother's Day don't get let down you're a mother celebrate the fact you still are one and your kids are all alive and they're healthy and whatever their problem is can be overcome by the Lord of possibilities [Applause] all right we're on thank you we're gonna do a couple things here first but first we're gonna just take an opportunity Beth talked about having a base and maybe you're sitting here and thinking man I was never raised I never had a base I never had a place that I could come to that was a safe zone for me to get my life right with god I want to give you that opportunity here this morning so whether you're here whether you're online wherever you're at God knows exactly where you're at and and I want to invite you to pray a prayer with me here in a moment and the Bible says when you pray this prayer you develop your own home base basically you're asking Jesus to come into your life and be the lord of your life someone invites you right now if you could to bow your heads and close your eyes because I know God's speaking to some of you and you're thinking man I'm so falling short of my life has been such a catastrophe if you only knew God doesn't even love me how could he love somebody like me but yet God's arms are wide open and he says I just want to help you whatever you're going through so if that's you and you're saying I just need my relationship with God or maybe at one point time even had one but you straight off and you need to have your life right I want to encourage you to raise your hand wherever you are all over the place people's eyes are closing their heads are bowed that's you to say pastor just make sure you include me in this prayer as you pray thank you for these hands up all over the place I'm going to pray a prayer right now and I'm gonna ask you to repeat it after me so whether you're here or you're watching online say this out loud the Bible says when you speak it with your mouth and believe it in your heart Jesus will come your life and the prayer goes like this father in Jesus name father and she said I ask that you forgive me I ask you come into my life be my lord be my lord be my Savior he and I say help me to live for you help me to live every day of my life every day of my life in Jesus name I pray [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Source Church
Views: 714,970
Rating: 4.8772988 out of 5
Keywords: Church, The Source, Bradenton, Sarasota, Florida, Sermon, Teaching, Beth, Chapman, Dog, Bounty, Hunter
Id: y2lL3omtZuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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