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Heavenly Father we thank you for this morning thank you for the opportunity we have to come before you to come before your holy word Lord we ask you to guide us to speak to our hearts let your will be done in our lives in 2007 in Jesus name Amen you may be seated are you glad to be here very good please enjoy your last few days in colleague ah no we will not be coming here very soon are you aware of that the fed service people are in the Kadesh already so we'll be moving from here and we are all moving there will be no Church here don't come here and don't join any other Church come to Konishi to the Kadesh don't say I'm going to a convenient nearby church when you belong to a school you can't just say I'm going to the nearest school the nearest could mean be a bad school that's why people travel to Cape Coast to go to school because there are good schools there is that also so sometimes you travel far to go to school so get ready are you ready to move alright we are going to grow when we go there you are going to be involved in helping the church to grow we have more space there you are going to prosper and the Lord is going to enlarge us hallelujah are you excited about that alright today is covenant Sunday and can I have one of the covenant sleeve covenant Sunday is the first Sunday of the month of the year and on the first Sunday of the year we want to make a covenant with the Lord right about what we want to do and how we want to serve Him amen so I want to ask us to give out everybody take one of these it's a you want to just fill it in and make a covenant with the Lord the covenant is something that you say to God it's like a prayer a declaration and you are not going to give it back you keep it don't bother - don't worry we are not going to inspect it and then in August we'll come and say look at what you said in January and you are not doing it now it's between you and God but we want you to remember and see what you are covenant so don't fill it in right now and fill it when I finish preaching because my message may help you to make a good covenant with the Lord what do you think is it a good idea alright now if you turn with me the fest of solonian chapter 5 and we want to read verse 23 it says vs salonist up to 5 verse 23 all right I you dear this is a good year in Jesus name sometimes I wonder what that we passes are false prophets you know because false prophets really prophesied good things all the time sometimes on every posture comes on to say this is a year of this this is a year of that is a year of that every body is saying that it's a good thing it's a good year good things are going to happen you are going to breakthrough you are moving to the next level and sometimes I just hope that we are not false prophets Messi has it occurred to you before because in the old in the Old Testament all the prophets were the bad prophets were always professor has good things and the good progress were professor and bad things messy something when I look in the Bible I ask myself am i real prophet or a liar messy is good to ask yourself these questions you never know now verse 23 now may the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly or my version says entirely and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved what does your say blameless mind says complete without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ amen and that verse 24 says faithful is he who calls you and he also will bring it to pass Amen all right brethren pray for us greet all the Brethren with a holy kiss I enjoy you by the Lord to have this letter read to all the Brethren now notice verse 3 it says now may the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly or entirely God wants to sanctify us in the year 2007 wholly competing otherwise he was I what a sanctified mean even if you don't know what it means doesn't matter it's something that God wants to do you get it you don't have to even bother what it means but it means God wants to do something now anyway he doesn't want to do it partly he wants to do it entirely he wants to affect you on three levels the first is your spirit then your soul and then your body amen so God was to affect you in all these three areas in the year 2007 can I have an amen now I believe that Christianity is a religion that affects you completely and that is why Europe is the way it is today because Christianity affected even the culture and the way they did things you get it and certain values that they had and certain things they did came from Christianity are you listening to me because it affects you in every area if you are in church and you have serious Christian your Christianity is going to affect your marriage Paul is saying may it happen because of that it doesn't happen we are Christians but Christianity has not permeated into all areas of our lives prisoners are affected the fact that you speak in tongues so you speak in tongues all right but you are not affected in your physical life and your soul your mind has not changed you get it and God is saying may may the God of peace sanctify you or do something to your spirit to your soul and to your body entirely recently I travel and I was I was in Europe and the Lord should be something about why European countries one of the reasons why they are rich and he showed me that you know they have developed all aspects of things they they they've developed in the area of let's say their aeroplanes they have aeroplanes and airports you get it and not just one Airport but effort anywhere that needs to be an airport but we should have airports in so many places but we don't have an airplanes and they developed not only their air travel but they've developed train traveling by train you can go by train to anywhere you can go by plane but they didn't stop with the train they develop buses you can go by coach anywhere you can go by train or by plane and then they develop places to walk you can walk you can go by bike you get it and then they developed anything that they need to develop energy electricity nuclear power you get it if it's athletics soccer you would have thought that Africans we have been gifted more with physical things we are talented with music athletics and all physical things but many Africans who don't think about what is on the moon or what is behind the mountain they are happy to stay where they are they don't concern themselves with what is then to discover because we were here we could have also built a boat and gone to Europe to discover them and I said that we have found white people but they built a boat and came and said that they have discovered us so but we have that gift but you would have thought that our chakra would have been at a certain level and they have developed their soccer cricket this that medicine but there are some countries you know and they made cars every country has made a car will barrows even we are not making so you realize that you realize that there are developments on all fronts it's not just one area like I know a country which is good in one area like Cuba they are very good in medicine I think that the first who did have surgery right and there they have very good doctors human doctors are supposed to be very good doctors have a very advanced medical system but apart from that you get it have you seen the Akash before the 1960s whatever caste they don't have modern cars and the whole country I'm sure is very poor so you see you can just develop one area or what about the other area so if you want to be good you get it you got to develop this that education medicine law police what else science your language but in our country our language even is not developed we cannot write physics exams in pre we can't write physics exams in Priyanka bulimia see the you be writing the angle how do you say angles in pre or you know but if you go to Holland they studied medicine in Dutch you go to Germany studied medicine in German go to Italy they study imagine it in Italian they've developed the language but our languages are not developed merging so what I'm trying to say is that we need to have so many areas of our life developed and God is trying to work on these three which is everything spirit soul body okay so let christianity affect everything please if you are going to be a politician in the next two years let Christianity affect that yesterday I had I had and an unbeliever saying something or someone who doesn't behave like a Christian in the sense that he doesn't matter in church he said that many people are Christians in Ghana many people go to church but they are not straight people are crooked and it's sad but true many people go to church but people are not correct is it true or so true yeah if you go to Standard Chartered Bank and you start asking the different people what church you go to so tabernacle of truth international good what have you go to power Assemblies International what have you go to international praise chapel international what did you go to love international ministry what changes everybody has a church everybody has a church they have money devotions in the box but people are keeps I tell you people are liars I mean it's like the Christianity has not permeated the spirit the soul and the body it hasn't affected and I country like Nigeria excuse to all Nigerians Nigeria when you mention Nigeria in almost any country is associated with corruption credit card problem these are different things for one line and if they have the audacity to say those Philippians 4:19 that my God shall supply all Dainese according to his riches one one one one brother he read my book in prison he got he was a member of the church I remember which is how I got saved in the prison doing drugs you know how do you know it born-again Christian in nature do they do drugs so my books are in prisons not that we had a prison ministry we sent it to the prison but they had the prison residence and they took their books to the prison you can tell it has not affected the Christian behavior the person and that's why I posit I pray that God would sanctify you completely okay and so in the year 2007 I want to challenge you that Christianity should affect everything if you belong to a family you are you stay in somebody's house let the people see that Christianity has affected your behavior in how you help in the house okay you didn't say okay I said okay how you behave in the house how you help with the cooking how you help with the clearing and all the work that is in the house if there is faction of what are you help with the fetching of water huh let them see if you are married let us see that a Christianity has affected your behavior as a married person some years ago when I became a Christian my mother said something to someone she said if anyone is born again my son is born again I mean that she had seen a change in me when I was a secondary school student you get it some of you quarrel with your mother's you cry with your father's how do they stop Christian aspect it does affect your soul your soul is your mind you're thinking we wrote a book of marriage go and get a copy those of you who are married and then open it say look page 73 you are in it read it to your spouse is this what you are supposed to be doing now otherwise more of us will get divorced and there should be a difference let it affect your flesh your sexual life I'm talking about fornication okay okay don't go sorry yeah lady lady open your eyes open your eyes don't sleep in the church there open your eyes straight look don't come to this church and sleep it is an evil thing because you affect my pitch instead of giving a message that I should give when I see your face cliffy now say I'll begin to think that there's something wrong with what I'm saying then I will change a very important thing that I should say I know I don't permit it at all if you want to sleep you may either go upstairs or to the back or sleep at home or in your car or in the bus that the bus take you to Cass WA are you there now I'm preaching a good message or a very good message if you want to find a virgin don't bother to look in a charismatic church I'm talking about virgin is somebody who hasn't had sexual intercourse before and I'm talking about people who are not married you shouldn't be a virgin if you are married there's another level of problems because some people have become veggies in the house that's another chapter I don't want to go into that but if I ask you those of you who are not married how many of you are virgins not-not-not in the church because the christianity does not affect that aspect most of the people who come here in the white gowns they shouldn't wear white gowns they should wear leopard spotted gowns because the Christian look in our years ago and that's why I am saying what I'm saying Christianity should affect you it's supposed to have an effect it's supposed to have an effect on your body on your soul your mind you must change your mind you don't be pootie my mother said your mother says your mother God my mother said my father said my mother said what about the Bible says or what does the Bible say what does God say every day my auntie my grandmother my this you are always putting proverbs let Christianity this year effect when they were attacking us I had meetings with people with Christians one guy I met him in Iowa I was teaching in a in a leadership service in action and he was sitting there is a Christian and when we were being harassed on this thing I reach a point he told me he said bishop when this case reaches a certain level I have to choose between my job because he was an NDC activist and a church and surely he chose he chose NDC over the church so when the thing when they can we break down our I was with a Grisha Blanca weena I thought I wish I said can you tell that guy that I said thank you and all I have messages I want to say thank you too for what he has done to us and he pull out Bishop said I would not deliver that message when it comes to politics people put aside mr. oh if there were Christians in the politics lying Ricky fighting and all those people go to churches and belong to churches all but in the year 2007 may Christianity affect you and that's like how I did not allow that lady to sleep we are not going to allow you to practice certain things in the church but if we get you we know how we would do with you that is why people who belong to charismatic Terrace will be drinking beer and advertising that drinking of beer publicly and then they'll come to charismatic churches and be given Thanksgiving offering publicly that I belong to discuss marital and I'm advertising beer publicly on TV and we can smell each other's are happy to have such people in our churches when is this cleverly enough committed Christians shame on us and that's how the chat gets diluted until such people now become priests how can if somebody Acosta the car is not you are advertising being on TV promoting alcohol acts and you see the Christians some of us our favorite stations are Radley FM stations and you say you didn't put it on by Jesus own you don't listen to preaching they say when you go to Nigeria you see churches you seen Nigeria is a it's a country that is more advanced than Ghana in church things they have big churches and a lot of specialized ministries and it is a special is a place and we Polly who is a pastor wants to learn from the ministry should go there but sadly from that very place you have the most I don't know I don't know mr. Johnny do not allow any of these people to sing in the choir who are homosexuals is it clear no homosexuals in there in there in the choir okay if you want to be a homosexual right you can't be in the PAS God does not approve of it before you realize do you have a nutritionist and that all homosexual fellowship are meeting on Thursday evening at the back that will be the same bottle that is that is the sign you have out there the noticeboard that's how it's tell us how it comes Kesava he went to England and he told me the sign on the church homosexual gay fellowship meeting at this time oh it's that because we allow all these kind of things to seep into the church because of money and some Thai people of influence and we want our churches to be bigger and so we don't want to we don't want to say hey you cannot do this you'll feel much sexual you can come to church it says it's a sin like any other sin but we can promote you we can exalt you we can encourage you we can we can't encourage you in the sink I encourage you as a Christian you can encourage you in the sand we can exalt it you can think we cannot promote it a look anytime you see the direct princess Sammy said that anytime you see the rise of homosexuality it is a sign that there is going to be the bending and fire it's going to come back so don't and Gomorrah the increase of homosexuality led to God burning the wall of Sodom and Gomorrah and I suppose what will happen in Europe Europe is going to burn I predicted it is no Bible it will bandwidth they will not know what hit them it's in the Bible yes we must let Christianity affect the spirit the soul your thinking and your body can I have an amen now in conclusion tell the person next to you seems the man has preached a good message today I don't know whether you are a lot of prophet sign that you are going to be rich and I'm preaching a good message from the Bible now listen listen are you there I want to give you one key that is going to help you to let your body and your mind line up it is a key of prayer and of becoming spiritual do you remember listen that I don't know what you are right he just listen to what I'm saying when Jesus came to the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane he said pray in case you enter into temptation and he said that the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak you see our flesh is very weak flesh really misbehaves all the time in fact this flesh when you allow it to disgrace you try not to give your flesh the opportunity so he said the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak so prayer what does it mean it means prayer helps the flesh the weak flesh to be stronger that's why I said pray because the spirit because he gave the reason because the flesh is weak so pray the spirit for the spirit we know he won't how many are willing to serve God but he see the flesh how many realize eyes your flesh which are staking you on various occasions flesh accessions we we all desire God in that bottom the depth of her heart we all want to serve God with all our hats and all armor and I believe homosexuals and all sinners many of them desire God you know one day one homer session was talking to us and he was saying something I felt I was so I was so moved he said I feel a strong desire for another man my god what is this so it is the flesh I don't know and maybe you can relate with it but you must have compassion and I want to show you a secret it says that pray because this what your flesh wants to do but when you pray it helps it's like fasting if you like don't pray when you are fasting you see how hungry and how difficult it is but when you pray see that somehow you are strong I met a brother one day he said to me you know sometimes I forget that I'm fasting I said I'm fast enough he said I'm fasting for 21 days days 18 day he has neither eating nor drinking drunk anything only water he said today's the 18th day I'm going up to 20 he says sometimes I forget that I run when I'm cutting the bus in the winter I run to cut the bus eighteen days he said to me last time I did 21 days when I go to nineteen days I broke it and it paid me for the rest of my life so this one not have read the 18 I'm going up to 21 days when you pray supernatural ability comes to help you now what kind of Prayer at least one hour every day what did Jesus say could you not watch with me for one hour I am commanding you and telling you when you formulate instructing you everybody here before you go out of your house everybody should spend one hour praying to God we don't know what to pray for pray for me I don't know what to pray for it but I'm here I have a lot of issues and you can spend all your time praying for me if you don't know what to do think and when we stop we don't know what to pray we fall asleep prayers for me if this is your difficulty could you not watch with me for one I want to challenge you in the year 2007 this one our prayer for us a basic Christian duty take your Bible listen to a message you see like I preached for maybe 40 minutes so as you are pray you the tape is on or the CDs on these finish you know that you get into a bar now or you play a music CD one city one complete CD is about an hour when they are producing an album you see it's just an hour it's not easy to get the songs to cover one hour so play one CD 1 preaching tip 1 whatever use that for your prayer and spend an hour once you pray you can also read your Bible you'll be stronger this year I said you'll be stronger this year this year you will not tell lies you say there's a difference between me and a non-believer even though when I tell a lie I'm going to get so many thousands of dollars and millions of CDs I will not tell a lie because I'm a Christian Oh me you see everybody where's your handbag check check there are teams here we are all here lifting over when you turn on one of the other parabola is sticking your back mobile phones they still mobile phone they still your faster better still your handbag plus with somebody turn around and handbag with everything is gone we kid with passport green cup money everything is vanished you have it you are cast with a kiss coming to a chest if somebody has come to worship God you have come to steal his things we keep passing but you see all these are with us who look at the person as you and as yourself can this be the chemist be the thief in the church and say that the Christianity has not affected his soul it has not affected his mind it has not affected his body watch your back in the church it's a church but watch your back and check right now please to see it is there and your phone and try to sit at the same place all the time around the same people Alleluia this year I want you to pray with all your hands mandola mama mama pray for an hour can you do it can you do it the Spirit is willing aren't you willing aren't you willing to serve God but is it not that we don't really serve God the way we want to save him the flesh but Jesus gave us as he he told that is a wake up a break can't you see you want to be faithful to me but your flesh will not allow you to be fit you will all deny me if you have trade maybe you would have denied Wow may you not deny Jesus in the year 2007 this a year of pain tights yesterday I met I don't believe I said you don't support the church you don't send money you don't bring your money unbelievers are people who don't give money to the church they give their money to political parties and to places where you can get things but Christians they pay their tithes and their largest contribution is to help the work of the ministry to go forward and not on other things let it affect your finances can it be that your Christianity has not been able to make you just three tights and a lot of businessmen they can be put something in an envelope and say that is tithe meanwhile it's not a typo and so we can calculate the time but these same people are able to spend millions but you can't calculate that so why don't just calculate and spend on the Lord splash splash the Lord but when when it's time to spend on ourselves is a bad costing five million shoes 10 million thousands of dollars just to get a pink pair of shoes but you wouldn't pay tights we drink God you know that like I was feeling sorry for God do you know why because not a lot of people tell me oh oh you know you we can't give you money well we don't know how much you're sometimes do they want to give me my bad they don't know how much or maybe look I have only 50,000 Bashevis it's not any presentable amount oh and I was thinking about God we are taking offering people don't care they just throw five thousand two thousand don't care it's like what that amount is this or that god take it but giving me you you you think about it before you give certain things to me how much more God ask for God he doesn't come in that's why I was feeling sorry for God how many are not feeling sorry for God I saw God they take five thousand some of you that reason why you you can sow a seed is because you know that unlike God I got can see but he will say I thought he knows already but maybe I know what you can give but this what you are giving because how many times somebody does something you always think of what the person could have done oh it doesn't care to you one day I gave a gift to somebody I realized the person in a position I told is the price of what I give they sat up say yeah I know you do not appreciate it that's why I told you that price no man I don't tell you the price at this time I have to tell you the price shame on all of you who don't pay tithes all I can say is shame the other person shaped that person as a shame but you want me to stand here with prosperity in Jesus name you shall be you take it one with your core event is to come and do magic receive it we like it but in 2007 I want to see the difference tax payers so that I am a Christian therefore I pay high I wanted to be sad if somebody me so what did we showed you go to light I saw your light of the deep it hides you wasn't a question that somebody asked a pasta he came and asked where do you get your money from because he cannot believe that the money that is in the church is from tithes and offering because his himself is a pastor where do you get your money from it means that he knows that tithes and offerings are very small so how can you do what you have done may God touch our lives in our hearts so that in the year 2007 we'll really see okay turn to the person next we say bring out your tie today's the first and best Sunday can you bring out your tides I want to see it tell the person next to that I need please bring out your type because as I'm preaching you have all become quiet after what I'm saying it's not necessary it's like it's irrelevant there so as the person next to you can you please bring out your time today is the first Sunday of the whole year so that I can see is Bishop sake I remember when I became committed with my tights after today I am committed up till today if anybody gives me something once it is in the form of money whether it is whatever I pay tithes I cannot use it unless of pretense what about you may God touch you and touch your life in Jesus name stand to your feet right close your eyes I want to pray with you lift your hands up to the Lord and just speak to God for a moment candle amar Shah Baba Lorelai mandala baba oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes Lord this year Christianity is going to affect everything my spirit my soul and my body father we thank you for your blessing we thank you for your blessing you are 90 your power speak to God I'm not praying for you I'm praying with you just pray to the Lord mas and Allah Muhammad Ali ba Delhi Belly mashallah makka lo Ramananda Bella Bella Bella bendy hora Lyman para la banda saber Alaric Shaban Ananda this year I pray that God would sanctify and affect your spirit your soul and your body this year not only your mind but yours yes your your holds the whole of your soul your will your emotions affect your spirit affect your physical body your life oh God please let it not be said about other we go to church so many of us we are in the chair but we are so bad let it not be described about us that we are churchgoers Ghanians a check but we are so evil for the save us from this horrible that losses that has been made by the world about us and then look at us and they see that we are church-going Church attending Christian but it has not affected ass Oh God
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 874
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2007, Dag Heward-Mills, Qodesh, Lighthouse, Lighthouse Chapel International, LCI, Korle gonno, Bishop Dag, Dag, Dag Heward, Dag Heward Mills, Christian, Teaching, Anointing, Preaching, Work of Ministry, Sunday Service
Id: s33tdQxVCXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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