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let us pray you are worthy to be praised you are worthy to be praised my redeemer you are worthy to be praised you are worthy to be praised you are worthy to be praised my redeemer you are worthy to be praised you are worthy to be praised you are worthy to be praised my redeemer you are worthy to be praised you are worthy to be praised you are worthy to be praised my redeemer you are worthy to be praised for the almighty you are worthy to be praised king of kings lord of lost the ancient of days the unchangeable changer you are worthy to be praised we are very grateful to you for thus far you have helped us in this special convention we thank you for souls that have been saved we thank you for the people you have already healed we thank you for those who will receive their own healings tonight and we thank you for all the captives that were also set free please accept our thanks in jesus name lord god almighty as we continue with this your wonderful convention let there be more wonders let there be more miracles let there be more signs there there be more testimonies and we pray lord god almighty that the joy of every one of your children will become full in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen well let someone shout hallelujah god bless you you may please be seated we thank god for all he had already done for us during this convention and we will continue to thank him for what he will yet do tonight we want to discuss something [Music] very very important something very very crucial to [Music] our journey to heaven and we want to look at what we call the wonders of commitment the wonders of commitment our text is taken from matthew chapter 22 reading from verse 35 to 40 matthew 22 from verse 35 to 40 then one of them which was a lawyer asked him a question tempting him and saying master which is the greatest commandment in the law jesus said unto him thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind this is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two commandments and all the law [Music] and the prophets i want to read verse 37 again jesus said unto him thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy mind what do we mean by commitment commitment actually means total and absolute surrender wants and for all time a very good illustration will be the vow that you make at a wedding when you say to your spouse i'm taking this man or this woman and this man or this woman alone for the rest of my life in sickness or in health in wealth or in poverty everything i have from now on it's available to her or to him until death do us part that is the simplest way we can explain commitment and you've never heard anyone say i was halfway married to that woman you're not married is that that you are married or you are not now the god we serve never do things in half measures never no half measures with god no half blessings with god psalm 23 verse 5. psalm 23 verse 5 thou are not in my head with all my corpore it doesn't even stop when the cop is full luke chapter five from verse one to seven luke five one two seven no half-breakthrough with god if he gives you a breakthrough it will frighten you [Music] peter fisher died caught nothing the lord entered into his boat told him what to do because so much fish his boat was full and he needed a second boat to help him god i mean peter would have been happy if only his own boat alone was half full but that's not the way of god he doesn't do things in half measures there is no half-measured kind of healing with god in second king chapter 5 from verse 1 to 14 second kings 5 from verse 1 to 14 when he decided to cleanse the leprosy of naman the bible says when a man came out of the river the seventh time his cane was restored to him like that of a brand new baby newborn baby when god heals you it doesn't leave behind any anything at all the doctors will tell you if they are going to be honest with you that the best of medicines have what they called a an after effect something a little bit of thing left over i had an uncle who used to be an extremely successful medical doctor he told me even doctors don't like to take medicine because everyone you take will leave behind something something it will take care of the problem but there'll be a little thing left over there is no half-measure of promotion with god when he promotes he promotes generously for summer chapter 2 verse 8 4 summit chapter 2 verse 8 tells us when he picks up a beggar from the downhill he does not stop halfway until that beggar begins to sit with kings he promised you in deuteronomy 28 verse 13 deuteronomy 20 verse 13 says you shall be heard not detailed he didn't say halfway and he says you'll be above only if he promotes you he does a permanent job there's no halfway deliverance with god mark chapter 5 from verse 2 to 20 mark 5 2-20 when he healed that mad man he did such a nice job that that fellow became an evangelist that fellow never again returned to the tomb to leave what am i saying i'm saying that the blessing that god will give you during this convention will be absolute and complete [Music] your breakthrough will be totally your healings will be hundred percent complete your promotion very soon your colleagues will look at you at the top and they will know it is only god who could have taken you though swear deliverance when it takes care of all those demons bothering you you will never hear of them again when he delivered the children of israel by the red sea he said to them all the enemies you have seen tonight you will never see them again forever and they never did because every one of the enemies became food for fish when god gives victory it is absolute you know if you sit down and study for summer chapter 17 you can just pick it from verse 34 to 51 4 summer 17 from verse 34 to 51. you will notice some very interesting things david versus goliath not only had god provided the stone that we knocked the giant down he had prepared the sword that is big enough to cut off the extra big neck of goliath goliath's own sword the other surface saying don't play with the snake that has his head on so when god decides to take care of your enemy he will do a taller job there is no halfway support from god philippians chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6 is the one who had begun a good work in you we complete it god does not take you halfway through and then we draw no no no he will complete what he has started [Music] and you know what there is no halfway salvation with god it's either you are saved or you are not and hebrews chapter 7 from verse 24 to 25 hebrews 7 24 to 25 tells us clearly god is able to save to the uttermost to the outermost i mean he saved the soul of a chief herbalist and turn him to a pastor he goes all the way no have measures with god and because there is no half measures with him that is why he in return demands commitment matthew chapter 12 from verse 25 to matthew 12 from verse 25 to 30 he says if either you are for me or you are against me he said because a kingdom that is divided against itself cannot stand he said be committed be committed to me it's beside that you are for me or you are not for me there's no middle way so when you hear some people say well i i i love jesus too it's just that my own christianity is not like your own if the fellow is simply saying i don't belong to christ no there's no other way but he won't force you to be committed to him as a matter of fact he says clearly clearly in revelation chapter 3 verse 15 to 16 revelation 3 15 to 16 says i want you to make up your mind do you want to be hot or do you want to be cold just choose one if you are hot be hot if you are cold be cold he said what i don't want is lukewarmness you look warm he said i get rid of you like i used to tell those of you that god had given me the opportunity to visit and i pray i will be able to visit many of you more before the lord returns i always say don't give me a warm welcome either make the world come cold or so that i will know i am not wanted here or make it hot because my god does not like anything warm is either cold or hot so when you want to praise him when i ask you to shout hallelujah he is upset if you don't want to oppress him keep your mouth shut he doesn't mind if you want to press impress him in such a manner he himself will say all right that's that's good do i hear somebody shout hallelujah in deuteronomy chapter 30 from verse 19 from verse 19 to 20 deuteronomy 30 19 to 20. he gives you an advice he said i'm searching before you life or death blessing or causes because you have to choose out of the two he said but i advise you choose life that you and your seed may live choose he will force you but once you decide to choose and then let's let what you have chosen be clear be committed now let's now look at the wonders of commitment if you commit your body to him what's it like what's likely to happen romans chapter 12 verse 1 romans 12 verse 1 he said beloved present your body a living sacrifice in other words you say to god this body my body i committed to you it's yours from now nothing will be allowed in this body of mind that is going to bring you displeasure dynamite chapter one you can read it from verse one to twenty daniel one from verse one to twenty daniel and some of his friends were taken as slaves before inland when they got there the king said to the one in charge oh i i want to get some of this boys trained go through them find those who are good looking and give them my food let them drink my wine treat them very well and then teach them they came to danny then they said thank you i know i'm in a strange land that my body is committed to jehovah i can't eat anything offered to idols i'm sorry sir shadrach meshach and abednego say where we choose the bible says they refuse to defile their bodies with the king's meat and the king's wife don't listen to those who tell you that god is only interested in your spirit you can do what you like with your body that is not my god when he owns you he wants to own you hundred percent how many husband is going to shout for joy when he discovers that his wife has been messing around how many wives who jump for joy when he hears that the husband has been unfaithful my body belongs to my wife her body belongs to me i won't defile that body god wants you to present your body a living sacrifice there are food you will not eat because you know this food has been offered to others and what happened at the end of the day daniel and his friends were looking far far better than those who were eating the king's meat drinking the king's wine and they were wiser than they are but it doesn't end there by the time you now get to daniel chapter six and you can read the old chapter then a chapter six from verse one to the end when the lion saw daniel coming something told them this body is not your food this body had been committed to the almighty god don't touch him or as the one who made him will kill you so he spent all night playing with lions as if there were poppy dogs in daniel chapter three from verse one to the end daniel chapter three from verse one to the end do you know why the true shadrach meshach and abedne because the color of the fiery furnace is the same as the color of the wine [Music] this body had not been defiled by the wine of the king and the fire said we can burn these bodies what about your soul when you love him with all your soul when you commit your soul to him because that person said you have to love the lord with all your soul the soul is talking about the that part of you where you have wisdom understanding etc etc you will discover that your wisdom will become difficult to explain you know daniel said in daniel chapter 2 from verse 20 to 22 take time to read the role of daniel a king had a dream read the whole of daniel chapter two he king had a dream and he forgot the dream and then he called his interpreters his wife's men come and tell me my dream and the interpretation i said they say nobody ever asks this of any wise man tell us the dream and we'll give you the interpretation and the king said no if i tell you the dream you can tell me whatever you want and call it interpretation god has caught you now tell me the dream first when dinner had he said give us time there's a god in heaven who knows all things our souls are committed to him and he will be committed to our soul that night indeed the whole show was revealed to daniel daley wrote in daniel chapter 2 verse 22 22 he said it is god who gives wisdom to the wise and james chapter 1 verse 5 james 1 verse 5 says when is giving you wisdom he gives you liberally god is not stingy when another situation arose in daniel chapter five if you read it radio chapter two daniel chapter 5 and there was an unseen i mean a man who that they saw the hand of a man but he could not see the man who wrote something on on the wall for a king and nobody could even read it topless of interpreting the king said when they brought in their names i have heard i have heard of thee that light understanding excellent wisdom yes indeed you commit your soul to him and he will give you excellent wisdom what about your committing your spirit to him loving him with all your spirit well a good example will be found in numbers chapter 14 from verse 20 to 24 numbers 14 20-24 the almighty god said caleb followed me holy his spirit is different from the others he said if we get to the promised land you commit your spirit to him he will make sure that you reach your goal when you read daniel chapter six from verse one to three daniel six from verse one to three the the bible tells us of a king who had 120 provinces and so he chose 120 princes to look after the the provinces and then out of the 120 jews three presidents to supervise the kings the princes and then out of the three he said there's only one fellow who will be the leader of them all and that's their nail he said because an excellent spirit was found in him excellent spirit let me consider some specific examples just to let you know why you should make up your mind once and for all to be hundred percent committed to my god consider joshua joshua said something in joshua chapter 24 verse 15 joshua 24 15 he said as for me and my house we will serve the lord and the almighty god said that's fine son ask for anything then you'll get it so you find that in joshua chapter 10 from verse 12 to 14 joshua 10 12 to 14 joshua said to god i'm fighting your battles and the sun is about to set if the sun sets the enemy will escape so son i command you stay where you are moon stay where you are the bible calls it a unique answer to prayer was never a day like that before never a day like that after because they received god found somebody who said as for me and my house we are hundred percent for you lord let's take another example take elijah in first king chapter 18 and you can read the whole story first king chapter 18 from the beginning to the end elijah stood before against the whole nation the whole nation gathered together to be on the side of there elijah said i'm the only one here and i'm hundred percent for god he said to the nation say hey make up your mind if jehovah is god serve him if there is god serving why are you putting one leg in god and one leg in an idol you know the rest of the story we prayed and fire fell and how did god reward this man when you read first queen chapter 17 from verse 8 to 24 14 17 from verse 8 to 24 he became the first man ever to raise somebody from the dead absolute commitment that's what god is looking for what about elisha when you read 1sk chapter 19 from verse 19 to 21 first kings 19 from verse 19 to 21 the moment the mantra of elijah fell on him the boy said fine you're calling me to follow you to serve god great and for you unrepresent will never return to the farm how did god respond in second king chapter 13 from verse 14 to 21 second kings 13 14-21 elisha became the first fellow to raise the dead twice not only twice the second one was even raised after he died he was dead and yet he was performing miracles consider peter in luke chapter 5 from verse 1 to 11 luke 5 from verse 1 to 11. after god gave him that overwhelming breakthrough the bible said he surrendered all and followed jesus you know he didn't have a way to sell the fish but you know what by the time you get to acts chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16 acts of the apostles 5 from verse 12 to 16 you discover that even the shadow of peter was healing the sick oh it pays to be committed to god it pays look at paul as another friend of mine in philippians 3 from verse 5 to 11 philippians 3 5-11 the bible says this man said all that were given to me i let them go christ i committed everything that i had ever considered again to him that i might know him i want to be hundred percent committed to him unrepresent and the bible says in acts chapter 19 from verse 11 to 17 acts 19 from verse 11 to 17 that not only did god perform special miracles not ordinary miracles every miracle is a special divine intervention but in the case of paul special miracles if we are going to use it in a mathematical language we will call it miracles miracle squared he became well known he became a terror to the kingdom of darkness when some people tried to copy him the demon told those people i know jesus i know paul i want you to come out of this convention with the demons already testifying that they know jesus and they know you and you know what all finished well i want to spend just two more minutes to talk to those of you who are be having some struggles with forces of darkness some of you who know very well that you are in one form of bondage or the other do you know the result might be simply because you are not hundred percent committed to god i mean take the example of peter that i mentioned earlier you can read acts of the apostle chapter 5 and read the acts of the apostles chapter 12 both of them the being of acts of the apostles chapter 5 and acts of the apostles chapter 12. no prison could hold peter no prison they drew him to prison the first time a ninja came and brought him out the tree came to prison the second time and injected and brought him out no prison who hold him and i'm believing god for those of you who might be in any form of bondage tonight will be your night of total deliverance [Music] ah because god said something in proverbs chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17 he said i love those who love me god cannot love you and the enemy will hold you down it won't happen god said in his word in the same proverbs chapter 8 verse 36 proverbs 8 verse 36 he said it is those who hate me who love death you know what's what's he saying he said why choose which one do you want you want to love me so i can love you in return oh you want to hate me so we will know that you are the one who who prefer death let me tell you wanting straight any part of your life that is not committed to god that's where you have problems with satan any part of your body any part of your soul any part of your spirit your business your marriage whatever that is not hundred percent committed to god that's where the problem will be i mean you take a very simple example you are sitting in a room that is full of light at night the window is open and you choose to hang your hand outside the window into the dark and the snake is crawling by and the only thing he sees hanging outside in the dark is your finger yeah if he bites the finger this fact that the rest of your body is in the light it's not going to save you from the poison total commitment everything that is yours must be committed to god and then god will take care of his own and before you pray because i'm sure some of you will say bet i'm i'm already 100 commissioner to god i'm surrendered all to him i will remember i will remind you of this of the story of that young man who had me speak like this and came to me and said daddy i have surrendered all to god now i said really he said yes and at that time it was probably the only other fellow in the church that had a car i said really he said yes i said praise god so we will be able to borrow your car then because we want to go somewhere tomorrow uh for an assignment and we've been wondering about transportation he said ah tomorrow monday i said yes sir he said that i must go to work i say i know we just want to borrow your car for one day he said ah i smiled i said my son we're not going anywhere we don't need your car i just want to know you have not surrendered anything look up your mind my brother my sister check your commitment to god and take a decision tonight you will find that there are tremendous wonders in being committed to god let's bow our heads and of course if you have not even yet given your life to jesus christ what are we talking about but you can give your life to him now i have just explained to you if you want to give your life to him do it and do it hundred percent you can do it half-heartedly so if you want to surrender to him hundred percent tonight then cry unto him and say lord save my soul and now we serve you hundred percent my body my soul my spirit will be yours and yours forever and the rest of us who claim that we're already children of the living god think deeply before you pray tonight because if you cry unto him tonight he's going to answer you by fire in the meantime please intercede for those who are surrendering their life to you the almighty god pray that god will have mercy on them who give them salvation the way he alone can do it complete and absolute that their life will become completely new so that all things will pass away and all things will become new for them oh thank you father in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen my father my god i want to thank you thank you for your word and thank you for those who have made up their mind now that they will surrender to you unrepresent for the salvation of their souls please lord let your blood cleanse them from all their sins let everything become brand new for them save their souls lord write their names in the book of life and please lord don't let them ever go back into sin in jesus name anytime they cry unto you now my father my god answer them completely and please my father my god your children who will now be really really committing to you i pray that every blessing of commitment will be made available to them absolute healing absolute deliverance complete breakthrough joy overflowing that kind of blessing that only you can give father give unto them in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen praise the lord [Music] now you've heard the word it's up to you now to decide how you are going to relate to god from now on if you are going to be hundred percent committed to him then you can go ahead and call on him and really really call on him and tell him lord i've heard when you heal you heal completely i'm asking because i'm committing my life to you completely give me total and comprehensive healing i've heard that if i'm committed to you my breakthrough will be absolute i'm claiming that lord because i'm going to the under percent committed to you i have been told that if you if i am committed to you my deliverance will be absolute after all it is written whosoever the sun shall set free shall be free indeed every yoke in my life everyone destroyed tonight spend quality time talking to him claiming all the wonders of commitment and i can assure you he will prove himself to be more than sufficient in jesus mighty name amen amen
Channel: RCCG
Views: 61,993
Rating: 4.8803558 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg video, rccg 2020 holy ghost service, rccg sermons, pastor e a adeboye sermon, pastor e.a adeboye, rccg august 2020 holy ghost service, rccg august 2020 convention, pastor adeboye sermon 5th august, rccg 2020 virtual convention, rccg convention 2020 sermon, rccg wonderful convention, wonderful, rccg convention day 3, rccg 2020 wonderful convention, rccg annual convention 2020, rccg convention 2020, rccg convention 2020 live, rccg convention welcome service
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 40sec (2800 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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