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[Music] let us think Thank You Father in the name of Jesus for tonight I want you to lift your hands and eyes go to speak to you begin to pray in the spirit combo laburnum Ali Haider lemagas sabe a solid model a cab around Alaba Alaba rumbling the Venga resolution Dalida Kumari Maryam van Dahlen Bhavana Medicaid Ali ready thank you Lord for the blessing thank you Lord for your blessing thank you for your healing thank you for your grace your mercy Nandi Khandala Manali day delay saving Cibola Shiva Halle Berry l'amanda talent de la mano may delay keep on delivery Mallos Saba Manali the game of the ladies the ladies the ladies the ladies hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah are elevated Carolyn College London thunder later alligator collagen Tamara Salonika daily mala mala strana daily Maura Maura zhuben tal a decade thank you lord your great blessing tonight thank you tonight thank you tonight thank you tonight thank you tonight Campbell's in Gaelic Abilene Gaelic Gaelic Kabbalah collated shimada-san addiction ecology ready non-dual khazzani they liegelady khadija later parlay generally bajando greenberg elated Mandalay Bay Bella women totally are we not only get a solid Amish America Dalek glory be to God in the name of Jesus thank you for your great blessing your great anointing that you give to us today we praise you Lord we thank you we go on further we go on further begin to tell God you are going on Terra going on deeper clever higher thank you thank you Tom Agassi Shane Bananarama de la baie de Lima glory be to God glory be to God thank you lord thank you lord thank you Jesus for your blessing and knowing that is upon our life tonight in the name of Jesus father we lift our hands to you we expect a miracle tonight we expect your hands tonight expect your power today we are grateful Lord as we stand in your presence we shall not leave this place and our church will not be the same again thank you for your power thank you for leading us higher further deeper Jesus name Amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord hallelujah all right I want to thank pastor Sola and his wife for inviting me here a privilege to be invited here again and it's been a blessing to be with you all right and I'll be sharing with you about the mega church amen how many want us to have a mega church all right only 15 of you wants a mega church all right you are blessed tonight in Jesus name so tonight I'm going to continue and then I'm going to go on into sharing about some important things amen so you can remove your chewing gums of your mouth and then get ready to receive the Word of God amen tell somebody chewing gum finished now after church we continue right now I believe that a sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit is given to us very very clearly in Acts chapter 1 all right can we look at that please act up to 1 acts up to 1 verse 8 you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you how many want the Holy Spirit to come right and you shall start jumping up and down in the church is that what your Bible says you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come and you shall start sweating all right you shall receive power when the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall start shivering all right how many was the Holy Spirit good it says you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses now I I do believe that whether the Holy Spirit comes on a person there are tangible manifestation but I've actually written a book about that just a new book that I've just been meaning to call ministering with signs and wonders and I do believe in shaking shivering falling sweating crying any of those things I like them if I didn't write to have all those things how many like those things shaking falling it's not a trick I'm asking you a genuine question how do you like this it's nice when we have all these things it's a nice experience you get it now those things are not as clear as what we are reading what we are really is a clearest definition of what happens when the fully spirit is present with somebody and he says that you receive power after the Holy Spirit comes what sort of power what does power do and you shall be my witnesses now the church has never had fewer witnesses than it has today amen starting from our pastors we do not witness about Jesus first of all most of us if we go to a Christian butcher we will not buy a book which is the life of Christ it is a very lucky book how many agree that that the life and teachings of Christ when you see the topic you will not mind but when you see the topic of 25 principles for what success and what prosperity that will be buying that one is there not so now we wouldn't buy a book the life and teachings of Christ and if I the pastor will not keep up on the life of Christ in fact there is nothing to say because of the absence of the Holy Spirit and rather the presence of the spirit of the world in the church the spirit of the world has entered the church and pull that up right of the desk the secret desk you understand so the church is more like a university for teaching successful principles of success how to do well take this about life how do we also do well how to get a mortgage how to do well economically get a job marry you know living on earth when the Bible says we should tune our mind to heaven we are preaching to s we are different these are sort of don't lay up treasures we are sitting steps Solicitors to lay up more treasures you can't get it best in the church oh yeah if you want to be richly tuned to pastors preaching you learn how to be rich is a choice not you if it if you don't like what I'm saying I will still say but it's the Word of God I'm taking my time don't worry I'll take my time to decide to say to you we want to make the church a church amen and we want the Holy Spirit not a spirit with bright eyes looking at the delicious and luxurious things of this world we are we are lusting after our mouths are watering we are we want these things and that is all that we are in a church we come to the church is like a couple a dress that I'll go to bless me so one time I went to a place I went to you know some house crossing the border I was driving and a guy's a pastor pray for me pray for me to be blessed here for me to get money trip for me to succeed there for my enemies to die potato we just summarized the Hat of the church this was not true yeah so God is bringing back the wind that is coming and and I'm prophesying it not not only me many changes are going to come and the wind that is coming is the wind of the Holy Spirit and when that wind of the Holy Spirit blows we are going to see the clearest manifestation which has been written in this book and I can select a meteorologist on this path where the holy spirit comes you will be witnesses we will evangelize you know who underwent a huge stretch in Ghana one of the largest ministries it was a big end of year convention and I preached about I fished on my Suffolk was John 3:16 God loved the world that He gave His only Son to die on that cross so that if we do if we believe we should not perish but have everlasting life that was my topic I wish I could preach that to you but I preached that and then I did an altar call I finish you know after was the Bishop of the church was telling me man you are the only person or the last days that you are the only person who has done an author call in this convention salvation of the call he said to me he said our church has become given again another we haven't a big organization called ax Ghana Institute of Management and public administration and he said it is that the cat has become Gimple and Institute of Management public administration and you know teaching about administration and management how to be successful how to do things but I fish about John 3:16 it wasn't easy in the church at which our hair hell hell hell if you release me I can fish up as hell for some time so ladies and gentlemen when this Holy Spirit comes on the pastor this would come back witnessing first of all talking about Jesus Christ preaches about Jesus rigid combative miracle preaching about his life and I'm talking about the life of Jesus talking about Jesus as at the Son of God Jesus as the Messiah Jesus as a cocking gun Jesus as a as a king gee-gees Jesus the life of Christ that feels he did you know because that is what it means to be a witness it means to tell what you know when you go to pause you say what you do say what you've seen and we should be talking about Jesus Christ not about money not about how to get houses not about how to get cast I believe in having cast I mean how I'm not a poor person I'm not a corporation by a mr. nine including your standards I don't know what your star not about a but also the topic in the church you get it behind the church what we watch is go to are gonna Institutes of Management and public administration we will talk about those in there how many come to church you're talking about the cross the blood of Jesus how it were said about a son of God about the Holy Spirit yes and not change what must be done in the church so the Holy Spirit is coming back and this Holy Spirit is bringing up the pastors and the congregation back to the first thing to witness now is going to cause make us consent about not assertive biggest concern about Jerusalem but the Holy Spirit will make you content also about Judea you know I cannot mention his name but recently I had a opportunity of meeting one of the top ministers somewhere next minute in a city whose name begins with L so now I've not told you I have not told you that the city but I had some time with him and I asked what you think the Lord is doing you know and he said well a lot is a lot of springing a lot of prosperity wealth and so on to the church so I said to him pasta as we were working as we're going along with I spent up some time being I said I have a different opinion I don't think the Lord is doing that huh I say yeah I don't think that's what the Lord is doing I said that we are the richest church that has ever existed there is no check a street after having chase the richer's I can read 5,000 10,000 bounty right now some time ago it was not possible but now like that you just come but we have no power [Music] we can't save the world Muslims are taking over oh and the power in any religion rest in the sacrifice you would have thought that Islam would reduce in it in its popularity after things like the suicide bombers momentum Qaeda vomiting so it's really becoming more popular no people want to join it but it is very troubling and so is religion people sacrifice themselves so I thought this great famous person who is always on television I told him listen we have so much money but we cannot reach to anywhere and I told him I said you when you were coming up you were taught to sacrifice you were taught about the cross you were taught to give your life to God you are taught to give up everything he said it's true that's how I was brought up and I said that's how we're brother but that's not what we are teaching our people we are teaching our people to get money to get well and we are getting the money and we are getting the world but there is no power to reach anywhere which I don't go anywhere Judea when the Holy Spirit comes but the Salah be standing here talking about Judea and you'll be talking about Samaria some areas where they are different from how you are they look different they stop different you have caste they are mixed up so many things mixed up mixtures whatever Cave red island whatever Mali whatever Nigeria but allow our towns and the places we come from where our mothers and our fathers are who gave birth to us but what about those places and then there are the most parts of death I'm talking about the Holy Spirit or where the Holy Spirit comes this is not my own Bible I'm reading the Bible that you are using you shall be witnesses in Jerusalem Judea you be interested in Samaria if you come over the passes are not addressed in Samaria it's like look we didn't cause the problems in as a most part of it we didn't cause looks from it we I landed we didn't of all these problems and we can solve them if that was the mind that fight people at years ago when they had a bottle do things we'll be sitting tonight as listeners and singing Christian songs when I came to Africa to die too bad agree they came to London in Nigeria and in Ghana they came to the mountains and they stayed and they died every few weeks some of someone who died from malaria and you'll be sending more people do you think they are sad that in the ad Jerusalem not pausing to literally rise to the Judea and to the Samaria to the uttermost part of the world to BA degree and Nigeria and Ghana and not using will be sitting here singing songs making compositions huh we are the sickest Ross Church with a lot of manager with a lot of money but without the Holy Spirit with the spirit of the world the spirit the same spirit that is in a bank is in the pattern is in the check we Minister it all the time the people can sense that we are after money that we will more money we can feel it the plan of fools one more thing the father we are after a God's bring a wind of change will stand yeah we will try about solving plant and you send people from here ok ok ok we'll send people from here don't say you don't know what is happening there you know what is happening there don't say you didn't cause the problem there you didn't cause the problem not boss if the Holy Spirit is on you remotest places will container and this such a big church in London you have the power to contain yourself with the remotest part of the and that is when you become richer that is when the power to be wealthy will be given to ask of irresponsible children oh don't preach about it I will be read fantastically rich first things first the main thing is till the main thing I said the main thing still the main thing hasn't become the minority the cross has stood across the way to be saved is still the blood of Jesus the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit you shall be my witnesses still you shall be my witnesses Judea Samaria Automotion still the same thing no change even for us so I've told this posture if I when I heard you was that I want to be to take part of let me meet you I'm Mexican I say we've got the money and easily no I think I agree with you I said yeah you've got thousands of people got millions of dollars and pounds but nope who power to do anything Nigeria is not Lagos if you don't know let me tell you no you don't know that Nigeria is not a god let me sign a until the Nigeria is not Lagos Nigeria is beyond Lagos my guess outside Vegas the majority of Nigeria's are not in Lagos and they are not boost if you don't know I came to tell you that they are not ghosts they are human beings who Jesus Christ died for and it expecting us to think about them and to have it on our hand and when we do you have children when your child starts to think in the right direction you want to give him all that you have he doesn't ask you you want to give it or have this have that as soon as your child is becoming wayward with a different vision you start to hold back so what we experience is actually a holding back with a dear release of God's abundance on your life amen so God wants us to be very very committed to the west of the megachurch which concerns itself with all these things and that's what I'm preaching about it this evening because that's what's important amen now in my book I now share with you about what I call commitments amen I believe that we need to be committed to a certain point if we are going to accomplish what God wants us to accomplish now there are four types of commitment number one hey where's our commitment everybody's a fair-weather right proverbs 19 verse 4 the Bible says wealth make as many friends but the poor is separated from his neighbor if we are going to do well in the ministry we need to have more than fair weather commitment when things are going well then we are going to belong to royal connections we are going to be part of reading no when when when when when you are blessed when your job is working when you are promoted that's fair weather when the church is near where you stay then you are committed you are not committed that is not a type of commitment I can get up anyway to serve God you need to be committed beyond fair weather when things are sailing well the Bible says a rich man has been offend me the people I trust are my oldest associates they have been with me from the very beginning of my life and my ministry does I trust them more than people who come to me today people who are interested in what I'm doing today the church is working we are blessed I mean what what what we we can we can have it we can do it those people a difference of those who were with you when you have nothing when nothing was working when there was nothing to look at there was nothing to clap look at I we have an accommodation so many wonderful passes I've gathered at that time we have a convention nobody who got nobody will come you just believe God and encourage yourself a nice working people are coming are coming to see what the Lord is doing is that also so but we need people whose commitment is even when there's a crisis in the church I said well there's a crisis in the church and it does a matter of time before the crisis after trouble and the devil he is not asleep you are you may be slipping back the devil doesn't click it is planning against us - Allah if you do not telling you we have two types of fat things that are being planned against us - Allah long-term strategies and shot them strategies now there are certain long-term plans in place against your life and against your ministry and you need to be aware of it and then a short time one shot that ones most of them filled yourself see that they are not working but there are long-term strategies against you because you are serving God there are plans to go a certain way and bring you along exactly my very clever very very clever you you and you will not know the difference between right and wrong when it gets there because the wrong will be right and the right to be wrong in both wrong should be right a both right to be wrong may God give you with the remedy open your eyes and see which way to go but it's just a matter of time and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about so you need that now the next one is what I call situational friendship commitments where situation that is you are committed right and you are committed like friends so as situation makes you friends situational friendship commitment all right now situational friendship is you know sometimes we have friends who are friends with us because we are in school with them now when the situation changes you are no more friends you get what I'm saying and so there are lot of people like that weren't rockin accidents in East London and we also stay in East London the situation is good we are the N our commitment is a big strongest friendship but it's not the situation changes we also change our commitment now God is looking for people in my connections whose mind is beyond the situation we're beyond how things are now is like the optimistic far higher than just based on the situation right I just happen to my flat sisters around I just walk and I come to church thank God I got happens I didn't have a nice guys or my office is just here so when I come to work after chest after such after work then I can you know now in a situation changes and you've been transferred 12 times to I have left royal connections that's why our churches don't grow because the people are not committed beyond the situation so God is now calling for people who are going to be committed beyond the situation now the next level to the only four levels the next level is non situational friendship commitment in other words known situational friendship commitment and all of this is in my book that the megachurch you can get it after church now this type of commitment is a very good commitment but it's not the higher side because it does not depend on the situation even when the situation changes you are silk but your commitment is like friendship so you have good friend like I have I awesome I mean I just came from a from the states I stayed in the house of my my friend he's been my friend from school medical school and he was at a point within my roommate it's my friend when it comes to Ghana he stays with me when I go to the state I stay and it's out we are still good friends and our wives are good friends you get it the situation has changed we used to all say in colloquy in Ghana but now he is in New Jersey and I'm still in kalibo but I'm blessed oh you keep laughing but even though the situation has changed we are still the best of friends Amen so there are going to be people like that who are friends all right now Jonathan and David in the Bible by good example when the situation changed and David was persecuted and he was hunted that he had to run away you find out that he was still committed to Jonathan and Jonathan was still chamilitary so that's a good example of non situational friendship commitment now the highest type of commitment which is what I want to column us all to be involved with in resonation amen it's marital commitment marital and in Romans chapter 7 verse 4 all right the Bible says wherefore my brethren that you should be married to another even to him who raised who is raised from the dead that we should bring forth fruit unto God amen now the highest type of commitment you can have to somebody's marriage and a Bible is describing that we are married to Christ in Romans chapter 7 verse 4 now the members of this church must and every chance I teach my people develop marital commitment to the church matter commitment is for life when you join the church you are there for life you are married you see because when you are in what terms to because of the marital commitment is going to cause I stood with also royal collection moving to Kent that's not to take me out of rare collection moving to Birmingham the so Technion of rock in fact a palapa socializer but the soul of these are now in Birmingham right so what does it mean it means and I'm still part of unmarried - you are married to this poor thing it's one we are together that commitment is for life and it's forever ah the when that happens you can you see that's when the churches will now begin to start because you have maritally committed people a lot they are developers reunited dating job in Congo Brazzaville relationships in vogue available immediately but when you are not marital committed then you stop you said the situation has changed when I went to Congo Brazzaville I saw a setting judge the Angels against DuBose Church international and I've decided to join that jet engines against the moon because it is a very powerful church and the pastor is very tall so gradually after spread and you know this case began there are many people who are here if they had marital commitment by now that the word royal connection and you get it it will be spread out all over but because they didn't have the America it merits the very well-to-do there's something you did not easy to break those of you are planning to divorce change your mind because it's not easy to divorce yes it's like removing your leg so change your mind from to detail the person that the man has caught you change your mind don't divorce again [Music] Princeton neither commitment it goes when Princess Donna was fornicating with her Egyptian boyfriend in Paris he and then she died who went for her body yet is not easy using Marita Victor is extremely process four types of various he went for heck yes this is why that this addition is blowing this is why this is why yes are there fornicating in packages his wife in spite of everything that was happening went for the body I watch it on television when things can repair because marriage is not easy to break very difficult to break and one some people trying to divorce and there are two things that we describe her the highest restful events that can ever happen to a person the death of a spouse or the divorce of a couple get too high so even if your spouse is bad look at him or her tonight and that's it today when I went to that they told me they are not so bad yeah because trying to separate is going to induce a cat stress to your life that it may break you yeah are you then are you listen to me so marital commitment is what we need from our members we need I mean when you're when you are big when you belong to first a show like this ministry value some of you are you belong here but you have to belong forever me I work with people forever so I also expect you to be with me for and that is what brings fruits when we are together forever you know how it is to marry you go you put on the ring and so on go into the room you look at each other you sit down they say we are together forever and now that it is forever okay you can undress you can you can be yourself you can do whatever you want to do and that is what leads to fruit is it the relationships not listen and many want to reference a mystery too often so it's awful don't let your man go too far that's over here the ritual if you just like in the natural before you bear physical foods you have to marry you sort of have to be committed forever so ok now that we are committed forever we can do everything with each other that leads to food and it was a Tony I'm going to neither worry today expert tony is maritally committed to pasta salah you get it then choose that connection they can bear much fruit is he like my associate in I mean at least my mind is that I am become and we think till I die and his money dies with me till he dies in fact if you told me that you'll be with me for five years you know our aptitude to go now one day I was missing a part I have two facets my name is associate at how long I could be a soul the Lord of the Lord has Vito brought me here and I want to just be here for another five years and then you know after that you see what a lot as they were sitting like chose a senior pastor Jack if I was you I would I will ask him to go no oh yeah me and I have such a person who is assessing me for five years after five years what are you going to do after five days you'll be with us you are flowing with the people you know you you everybody knows you you are there then suddenly we just you just go out then there'll be some shake-up in the system we don't need that we need we need to be together internally so that so that we can bear the kind of fruit that only comes through a certain level of commitment shekels with the nearest sister or brother you can find chicken know if you are bother with the sister it's a sister with a brother find a brother or a sister now are you finished chicken is she pregnant if you pregnant by your handshake she pregnant by a handshake no casual casual interaction does not lead to food casual commitment does not lead to food oh yes it must be deep it not be extensive it must be all-out this type of hugs if all the women I have handsome in my life turns be deference based on the heart then I'll have more than 5,000 children can you count the number of people you've had you can count is it those casual that face relationships is this was a Frank Frank casually associating with past Isola is not going to lead to the level of fruits that we are talking about we are talking about winds of change we are talking about that emotion we are talking of Samaria we are talking of going beyond we are talking of a lasting ministry we are talking of fruits to expect in level it's not something that we just come in you don't do brows you just browsing just casually hand shake shake something against somebody shiksa watches try to impregnate the person with the hand succeeds is it happening happening because going to that what is fine a deal that this thing is forever are you listening to me yeah so ladies and gentlemen we need that commitment and I want to call on everybody from the alesis all of you singers you see the nice little young faces in ten years I want you to be using the kind of commitment you know just a certain level of commitment that I am in the church I am maritally committed so that is it which nothing are you a student a student student as well st. George's is this Medical School aha now when you become doctors when you become doctors I need you to add you belong to this church or you are visiting I need you to be committed here and then the brothers committed here and you find one of them and stay here [Applause] [Music] all right everybody see I'm going to be committed now the next thing is that I want you to be devoted so after commitment I wanted to move to devotion amen all right now devotion there are three types of church members deers goats and sheep when you I initially converted you idea very fast moving around we cannot look at you and you are too fast how many have realized there was a time that you were too fast in and out in and out you were a deal by gradually you graduate to a book God's a little better than deers are you listening to me amen and somehow you look like a sieve I are not really fully a sheep but as you stay in the church and you go on further you become a sheep now a ship is someone who can be led when they say we all have not commented everybody can so we are going wrong everybody goes we are doing this we all come now when you I got you can't be led many gods are not here this evening and I just stood here there they are far away as a sheep the some of you have been you have suffered and you have been through certainties you have become some that's why you are here tonight but there's God's and again they are at lunch so there are good steps behind this block we are a house watching television in the channel as I'm preaching here and you belong here but gradually you graduate until you become sheep and when you become a sheep you must decide to become a devoted member so I'm telling you first after with commitment for fair weather situational non situational and then marathon marathon like Prince Charles and Princess Diana - whatever I said you are still committed America then devotion I want you to be devoted charity to Acts chapter two amen are you there Acts chapter 2 and we are going to read verse 41 it says so then those who have received his word can I have some one of your things a dream in the right vessel do you think I can drink this look at this is this stiff why is this in the right vessel some of you don't know you were not here in the morning so I don't know what you are talking about you don't understand what your face that's 41 so then those who have received his word were baptized and that day they were added about 3,000 Souls now how are these 3000 Souls behaving that's 42 and they continually what what does revision say they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship all right now my question that I want to really recommend this Bible to you the new American how can you got that it says they were continually devoting themselves to the Apostles teaching alright to the Apostles teaching and to fellowship and to the breaking of bread more facts translation says they devoted themselves to the instruction given by the Apostles to fellowship the NIV says they devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching and to the fellowship so these Christians who made the check and megachurch had one thing in common they devoted themselves they were devoted members and that's what we need we need people that are devoted not devoted towards reverter to the Apostles teachings of Oz of listen up this is our apostle of the house don't be jealous if you belong here you must devote yourself to the Apostles teachings that the pasta the father of the house if I had time I would have share with you about my father my father it'll be another time but I tell you you must be devoted be focused to your process it is when he is in the next room and your pastor is preaching here what he says more important our very he's in the next room you must be devoted to what he is saying that what about this they were devoted to the Apostles teaching and to fellowship to the Apostles fellowship that a person that God has given you and the person our God has given you must be devoted this might measure comes to this room and if the person says go then you go if it doesn't says go in as their goal you don't go because you are devoted not no three thousand souls were said and then they all became devoted how would we spread the gospel of the world if we are the booted the parenthesis when we preach the book is a good book you are devoted to it when he says this 20-footer to it that is how to build a mega church develop committed members and develop devoted members devoted to the Apostles fellowships teaching and to breaking of bread thank you sir and today you have people who are when you hear not a who Joyce may is coming somewhere you are going listen all are running around places just making you confused just making you confused you can't get every kind of food don't know what you are eating you just is everywhere you see visibility little goodies where it is even your stomach is mixing up now because you are just mixing up all kinds of things enjoy understand when they are talking some what they are saying it's not everything that we understand that that's why some iodine is right setting people to Terry because even though when I listen to them I am blessed my people not even hear what you have seen this is some you know jobs is there better than somebody are saying alright so I want to show you how to be a devoted member and how to develop devoted member both in one all right how many i enjoying becoming devoted members ah be devoted you got a good check you got a good posture love him love the teaching that are coming from here this is it this is this and some people everyday by watching something on television no yeah glory be to God but afforded a summer cities from America this man was bridging the other day Kenneth Joyner and he was speaking about some divine revelation of arrows beard and his garment and so of other the 14 CDs about arrows beard really ever get you are now studying Iran yet from the internet and from TV when you put a stick in used importance on the Bible hey [Applause] [Music] so I'm going to give you seven things you can do to be a devoted member or to develop your de minimis number one be a devoted pasta pastas not be devoted amen all right you need to send the people in to send the devotion email before they become devoted because it's give and take they sense the commitment you know some other some time passes we are not really committed we are not powerfully devoted so pastors we need to be devoted number to say positive things about the church we need to say positive things about our church you get and that's not your song that you are singing royal connections and so on is trying to say positive things about the church because I realized that you need to say them not think we need to say it's a good church when when traditional religious preaches or when you come on stage you say positive things about the care to help their members be devoted to something that is good and into our church member you must save good things about the church don't say oh well a lot of devil people in the church you have a dragon in the church you are the dragon in the church you have the dragon in the church what do you mean how do you call cause people Devils are you say bad things about us say good things about the church so there are those there is a lot of liars in the chest a lot of kids out of 4 1 9 you are a cheap someone mayor the chief liar say positive things about is a good church good people in a church is a place that is I'm not giving the chest as probable something going on in a Cell what a blessed that we have and the people become devoted to the church now says they were deported to the Apostles teaching and they were devoted to the fellowship before that when you see that was in our eyes one you have one partner one church we are here to die we are here when my contractor was building the church in Hollywood you know we have moved as well of us I was building there one day I came that he was working with the people and he said to me no I'm going wild on the people here I want the thing to be straight he said because I'm going to die in this church and when they are carrying my coffee and I don't want anybody to fall down so I am selling the place I said I'm talking about the work that Monday yes the water is climbing for history a young man he said that when they are carrying I don't want anybody to fall down so I wanted the place to be straight for life I said for life I said for life so say positive things about a church then I'm a three-set positive things about the package yes if the church are going to have devoted members right you need to say positive things about the process okay so who comes on stage after possession opulence is bridging who you again pastor Tony another one buzzer Michael and Frank when you come you must say positive things about mashaallah positive things you don't just say nothing when you finish appreciators all right let's go for the announcements now number one this is number two this it had nothing positive to say about about the present is that neither not that not I'm coming to a same positive okay let me give you the next one say positive is about the preaching but let's talk about the passing test set positive when you say positive people believe what they hear and we are status and are sisters who have not no comment to make another person I wasn't have anything to say change that assistance and bring somebody who has positive and open the book you may tell if you are supposed to say positive things about me when you stand on that exactly and from today because they posit things about me I will you I say positive my process are my brothers they are my friends I want to even after I've shown them where they should bury me when I die and I said when I banish you bury me with my past I want you should bring some of the pastors to bury us together well we are brothers so that when Jesus come then we all move together the same time people on a solid phase boundaries [Applause] [Laughter] allelujah say positive things about the pallet a good guy got great guys I'm a best guys powerfully said good things and people here butanol start to believe in a good person and they'll become more and more devoted when you are devoted you can grow when you are devoted we can be together when we are devoted will be very humble the new capital bill Molly will be in each other will be one family one day I was with that last time you were saying he said you know you are very lucky you have all these guys Eddie Eddie's one of my associate and eats and all these Richard and all these guys but I have all these devils forget this and I have all these devils and you have all these good guys and I was thinking about it I have all these you have all these Devils I don't call my past Devils I'm a comet but I cannot miss a third party and call my father the devil there are some Devils moving somewhere but I cannot stand somewhere at this this is the devil my father's a devil why do you mean I can say that about my castle but what is my best thing that happened to me I'll be nothing without my pastors yeah I can't I just you know still I don't do that they collect offerings they do everything correctly here devil how can you be a devil you see a temple so much like I cannot go to all these places there are great guys say it man Shan about the father say positive things about the guys YouTube when you stand back you can say that well because that is a positive so I'm also saying but you will see faith comes by hearing whatever you say people believe when you don't say they believe nothing they have rumors and things going in the system so open your mouth and stick it out and say positive things about the preaching yes when they finished preaching it you should come and stand at Tony and Frank and others sandy and you say man that was a powerful message I don't think other churches are hearing what we are hearing resistance how many are going to get the city today in service I am going to get the city myself and go to listen to it on the way home what a powerful message tell somebody we have never had anything like this before and then the ordinary neutral members who are not sure what I was a good message or a bad message the water is a good message [Applause] [Music] yeah just underwear when people appreciate not sure what is good or bad if you are waiting to hear what somebody would say as soon as oh my disguise I said man then you begin to wonder hey yeah didn't it but the state is good that maybe I was sleeping maybe there was something wrong maybe I am spiritually done and people will begin to appreciate Wow I'll pass up a one day yoga Cho they finished preaching they didn't know him he went and joined the queue that was trying to come into the church for the next service and he was standing there a lot of people and he came down and he asked the person standing by him why are you going to the church why are you going and what you come in with here outside but you see them queueing hundred thousand it is a passage look at him I bother didn't know it was him they speak on recognizing was it so many people so they looked at him and said are you knew the answer didn't you you are new here then is that you wins when we're going to see our pasta you preach peace powerfully this parameter for a very good message you weight value isn't it okay Wow the members are saying positive things about the pasta about the preaching it makes the church grew are you listening to me yeah the next one and and fastest you can say positive about yourself if nobody who says who are you you have to say I am I believe that I'm the best picture for my people because every woman's bread are filled for her child so if I have a spiritual child or spiritual children and the best picture for my people that's all I'm the best for you not Benny Hinn's then it's not as good as I am for you I'm better than Benny Hinn for you but it is very good for his children and I'm good for my children mama your breath are powerful and knowing that heavy with bread I'm going set for your children don't give veterans you telling your children well tribals presences I don't mind ourselves let's try some other brezza means feel free and you can do we tell your staff you please feel free why do you leave a few free couple get to the job this one is I don't get for you I will get it take it now take it one like a few very poor receive it ah [Applause] all right the next step is said good things about your church members yeah say good things about members of the church do not call them bad people okay don't call them Devils don't give them bad names insinuations don't make funny comments say my people are the best people I am blessed with good people they are very committed you are very loving they are very nice say it say it say it everybody wants to come where there is something good that is working so sick good things pastors tuning Michael Frank but first I shall see Kushi when we saw how the best test numbers oh my my chest you know this make a banner right or hundred percent I pick my set hundred percent they tight yeah just let all my people are very good and I mean I'm blessed my sweat people are honest now people are anointed oh they love worship oh it's a very good giving Church my nameís are very generous say it isn't it it's not for anything you shall have what you say it is no point if you use a hot body we service our sale to this mountain be [Music] thou removed and be thou cast into the - I'm not doubt in his heart but believe that those things which is here shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever you say he shall have whatsoever Isaac it's not for anything just say good things I love my people my people are great oh man they are so wonderful and I love my people I like my people I like them I love them they're great people there are some you know but but all when all is said and done you get it yeah and everyone to go there are beautiful people yeah and you have a nice change so say it don't think that everybody should know by now that is the nicest no they don't know there are some neutral people who are wondering any Shiseido since I became a Christian I've not made massive as well collection people oh yeah and you'll be surprised people say foreign connection we are going we are going we are going we are going the next one encourage employers to employ church members that will make them more devoted it is it and church members so encourage them let me help you is it LG some of us we have along tribal lines but not alone church line if you are my countrymen I help you whatever you are my church man encourage people to do that the encouraged church members to marry each other may I encourage that members to marry themselves when you are good man from another church is like you are married from another country call them and say brother have you seen that one she's not bad go and investigate sometime I'll be with babies two brothers and a sister three palaces if you have a blood node you have a rather girl and let the girl to that service I say Oh Jerry don't you want to marry a rose rose what don't you want to marry her try a see it may work sometimes I sit cannot see they are moving on as the country but you must open as a hey come join and before you realize more disdain the church marriage is one of the reasons is one of the doors that takes people out of our churches is taking our people are we so prays for a mega church so that all types will be in the church your type will be in the church if the wave of 56 we have your time you have your typing the change can I have an amen from somebody and the last one encourage your members to socialize socialize amongst yourselves amen and finally be a father let us realize Isis family become fathers and mothers realize fathers and mothers have been released by God in through the church church members God is giving you a father in this pastor and a mother in the pasta and in all the associate pastors fathers and mothers he says I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings may you be devoted may you be devoted may you be reported to the Apostles teaching may be stressed become a megachurch may you increase and increase and increase may then never be a decrease in the name of Jesus may you be located in Jerusalem and in Judea and in Samaria and in the remotest uttermost parts may the anointing and a gift in this church bread and may there always be a presence of the Holy Ghost in all that you are doing may not be the spirit of the world the Holy Spirit God I'm gonna make God annoyed all the pastors that are sitting here may God anoint your ministry may the Spirit of God Himself himself be with you may he speak to you himself he tied you himself he changed your thoughts and your ideas to the ideas of heaven the ideas that God Himself is bringing but you'll be delivered from delusion and deceptions and lies of the enemy and clever tricks of the enemies to divert us from the will of God may now God fill us with His anointed his spirit and we will may we go to the uttermost part of the earth in the name of Jesus Christ unto your feet everybody hallelujah thank you Jesus all gears and good today you are being converted to ship in Jesus name and Lord we stretch our hand and pray for the goods and the deer that are in the house stretch out your hand and pray for the spirit of devotion mando pellicle O'Meara decimal and a llamar a doll a pellet a bendable an hombre que Lindo progestin tol embrace Pulido's Schabel berry que estaba la michael enter a mantle a valid Elena de la moda Nicole a mandible Akitas marketable Andre Shelley Bayless a pro day Lebanon and oh say hello delicious holiday lazy Paulo delicious glory be to God glory be to God glory be to God hello Roberta God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus normal a dualist novel odorous normal a Duras normal address durable other espera de leur defaulted numbers marital commitment Jesus the Holy Spirit Marie Castelli Philly bonito say Monday lady Vicki Tolliver Virgil pedir a trolleybus Alvarez nan de kita kita Cavazos to check a dark alley Koudelka de Barras kabocha del Este Cordell picada lay hodella dedicated hey doctor dolly Shibata welcome ocular supracondylar glory be to God glory be to God father thank you thank you thank you for your blessing thank you for your strength lift your hands and go for the holidays the Holy Spirit that is relief that is product upon this charge upon this ministry to take us to the highest level to the next level to do the will of God thank God for desertion hepatech numbers people go to the church developed reporters devoted to the teaching people go to the fellowship thank God for commitment beyond situational and all kinds of tell whether behavior name of Jesus thank you Jesus and a new level of course you pick out to the highest place Nakula Tibet Aquila Shola but ideally Bennett Sycamore an ally glory be to God father thank you so much thank you lord I wanna be more like I wanna be more like I wanna be wanna I wanna be more like I want to be like Jesus sing with us I wanna I wanna be more 90 [Music] the before Oh [Music] Oh Oh the Johanna be Luigi but I pray for this whole checklist let us be vessels you went through annoying as long send us to the nation's father we thank you for the call from Macedonia the call from Samaria the call from Judea the car from the Arab estas reminding us that Jesus died for us to Jesus eyes the best pages thank you lord we are ready Lord we are ready to play we're ready to do your will we are ready to be penned we are ready to be eluted we are ready to be filled we are ready to be deported we are ready to be committed we are ready for the will we want to be special you want to we want to go long what it is said Lord what have you anointed lord thank you for your great anointing a great blessing we Thank You Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus thank you Lord for what you have done in Jesus day just for everything for a moment just every head not every actual did you are here tonight and you are not a born-again Christian you want to say pasta pray with me I want to give my life to Jesus maybe somebody invited you but deep down in your heart you know that you are far away from God what is it possible please help me please pray with me how will you give my life to God I want to give my life to Jesus I don't want to go to hell maybe you you know if you die today or tomorrow you don't know whether you go to heaven or hell but you want to say pasta help me I want to give my life to Jesus if you are here like that wherever you are standing upstairs downstairs at the back wherever you want to give your life to God today I want to give your life to Jesus today just lift up your right hand and I'm going to pray with you god bless you look at that time let's go right now I want to give my life is God bless you I see your hand I feel lifted high above your head god bless you God bless you God if you've lifted your hand I want you to come to the front right now if you have lifted your hand I want you to come to me from here right now god bless you God bless you God bless you all right let's pray quickly let's pray father thank you for what you are doing thank you for what you are doing in our lives thank you for a blessed change I pray for pastor Shola and his wife but I bless them blow not use them Lord thank you for the spirit the Holy Spirit that is poured upon them Lord to send them so far they never fall so then am i new they never imagined but you're doing it less than long please remember them from heaven and send help send Weka send oil people that they never knew we're in existence send them from the western north the South the East Lord bless them with people that will be marvelously helped like you see other King let them have that great and the special blessing the blessing of the megachurch is upon them in Jesus name god bless you give a lot of clap offering you may be speeded to the presence of the Lord ah I wanna be born I wanna be more like I wanna be I wanna be many want to be a vessel Jesus is going to do that look Christianity is one of the greatest exciting adventures it's not about getting money but will give you more money that you can use something higher and God is taking us to that level God is going to bless all in Jesus name
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 2,192
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: 4y561tfM94U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 5sec (4565 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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